What is a mausoleum? Famous mausoleums of the world. The right corner of the mausoleum In society, the question of the burial of Lenin's remains is often raised

In recent years, more and more researchers of the unknown come up with a rather bold assumption that the mausoleum of Vladimir Lenin is not at all a simple historical monument-tomb, but an occult structure that has been affecting Russians for decades.
A lot has already been said about the fact that the very form of the mausoleum is an exact copy of the ancient ziggurats - special ritual buildings of Ancient Babylon. In ancient times, such buildings in the form of a pyramid with a mummy located at their base helped the priests to communicate with parallel worlds and control the consciousness of their subjects. This occult idol, called a teraphim, was designed to attract wealth and power, as well as to accumulate the magical energy of living people worshiping him. To put it simply, with the help of such a construction, knowledgeable people were able to accumulate psychic energy, and then direct it in the right direction, using the ziggurat as a satellite dish. Interestingly, the Egyptians were believers, and Lenin's mummy was created by militant atheists. But back to the ancient teraphim.
Each teraphim had an owner. With it, he could command the thoughts of his subjects. The technology looked simple. Ancient occult mummies were placed under the tongue with a golden plate with magical symbols inscribed on it. In order for the teraph to influence ordinary people, tablets with the same symbols were hung around the neck of citizens. So, for example, did the king of Babylon.
Through these tablets, the will of the owner of the teraphim flowed into the person who was in contact with him. It is known from history that most often such magic signs were circles, stars and triangles, similar to those that recently hung on the chest of every Soviet person in the form of October and pioneer badges, orders and medals ...
Coincidence or not, but the initials of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - VIL - is the name of one of the Babylonian Gods.
Modern scientists have drawn attention to the strange position of the hands of the mummified leader of the revolution, resting on Red Square. So, his right hand is clenched into a fist, and the left is relaxed, as if open. Historians have wondered: is this an accident or does it carry some kind of secret meaning? It is known that the last years of his life, Lenin was partially paralyzed, his right side of the body did not move. Perhaps this was the reason that his right fist remained clenched. However, there is another version: the position of the hands of Vladimir Ilyich, if you put them together, is nothing more than an ancient gesture of power - the “Shield of Shambhala” mudra. It was used many centuries ago to control subtle energies. This gesture gave a person health and strength, and also protected from the negative impact of other people's thoughts. The fist seems to close the energy passing through the hands and directs it to the head.

Mudra "Shield of Shambhala"

Moreover, independent researchers of the mysteries of the mausoleum saw a special meaning in the fact that it has seven steps - and this is a magic number that symbolizes the mystery of the structure of the world and the power of life. In addition, the main temple of Babylon was also seven-stepped. The priests claimed that people after death, having passed through the seven gates, fall into the underworld, surrounded by seven walls.
But be that as it may, the main mystery of the mausoleum is why it was built and why it is carefully guarded until now. How did the members of the Politburo in the shortest possible time be able to find architects and develop this particular building project, as well as find the people who invented the recipe for the balm for the body of the leader. After all, there are exact copies of the mausoleum in many countries of the world, from Mexico to China. The recipe for embalming in just three days was invented by a certain professor Zbarsky, and the professor who helped him during the procedure

Sunday, January 20, 2013 9:33 pm + to quote pad

A mausoleum is a monumental burial structure, including a chamber where the remains of the deceased were placed, and a memorial hall.

The name "mausoleum" came from the tomb of the Carian king Mausolus in the city of Halicarnassus (now in Turkey; mid-4th century BC).

Mausoleum of Huangdi in Shaanxi Province, China

Huang Di, or the Yellow Emperor, is the legendary ruler of China and a mythical character who is also considered the founder of Taoism and the ancestor of all Chinese. Traditionally, the time of his life in China is called the period ca. 2600 BC e. Huangdi, after a difficult struggle, managed to subjugate the leaders of individual tribes and created the first Chinese state in the Kunlun mountains,
introduced the first laws in the country.

Huang Di Mausoleum is located 140 km along the highway south of the center of Yan'an, Shaanxi Province in China.

The mausoleum consists of two parts - Huang Di Temple and the Mausoleum Hall. According to legend, Emperor Huangdi ascended to heaven, so the mausoleum contains only his clothes and hat. Numerous emperors and politicians from ancient times came here to honor Huangdi, in particular Wudi, Fan Zhongyan, Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Zedong.

Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang Di near Xi'an, China

Qin Shi Huang-di (259 -210 BC) - the ruler of the Qin kingdom, who put an end to the centuries-old era of the Warring States. By 221 BC. e. he established sole rule over the entire territory of Inner China and went down in history as the ruler of the first centralized Chinese state.

The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang is located 35 km from the city of Xi'an, the ancient capital of China. The burial complex was built during the life of the emperor. The perimeter of the outer wall of the burial was 6 km. To accompany the emperor in the other world, an innumerable terracotta army was sculpted. The faces of the warriors are individualized, their bodies were previously brightly colored. Each statue is unique.

Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang Di

This is how the hill looks like - the tomb of Qin Shi Huang now.

Official excavations began in 1994. About eight thousand figures of foot soldiers, archers and cavalrymen have been found, and they continue to be dug up. Not far from the clay army pits is the emperor's tomb itself. It is hidden by a 47 m high hill. According to legend, there is a "model of the Universe" underground around the tomb of Qin Shi Huang (at that time the Universe for the Chinese consisted mainly of China), in which the stars are made of precious stones, and the rivers are made of mercury flows. pumped by special pumps. In any case, in soil samples taken nearby, the mercury content is increased. Archaeologists have not yet opened the burial mound, as the budget allocated for excavations will not "pull" the conservation of the finds that are expected there.

Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, Egypt

Djoser (Holy) Necherikhet (ruled c. 2635-2611 BC) - the second pharaoh of the III dynasty and the era of the Old Kingdom in Egypt, the builder of the first pyramid.

Djoser ("Holy") Necherikhet (ruled c. 2635-2611 BC) - the second pharaoh of the III dynasty of Ancient Egypt, the builder of the first pyramid. He completed the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

Step Pyramid - the oldest pyramid of Ancient Egypt is located in the village of Saqqara, about 30 km south of Cairo. Built by Imhotep in Saqqara for the burial of the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser c. 2650 BC e.

The size of the base was originally 25 m × 115 m, today it is 121 m × 109 m, the height was originally 62.5 m, today it is 62 m.

In the pyramid of Djoser, 11 burial chambers were prepared for family members in the tunnels of the pyramid. All his wives and children were buried there, including the mummy of a child about eight years old. The body of Djoser himself was not found (probably only a mummified heel survived).

Pyramid of Cheops in Giza, Egypt

Cheops (2551-2528 BC or 2589-2566 BC) - the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, the builder of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Cheops - the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty of Ancient Egypt (2551-2528 BC or 2589 - 2566 BC)

The height of the pyramid was originally 146.6m, today it is 137.5m. At the base is a square with a side of 232.7 m.

The pyramid is made up of 2.3 million limestone blocks that have been fitted together with unrivaled precision.

Construction, lasted twenty years

Mausoleum of Theodoric on the outskirts of Ravenna, Italy

Theodoric the Great (451-526) - king of the Ostrogoths from the Amal clan. In 489 he invaded Italy and by 493 had conquered the entire Apennine Peninsula and Sicily. In fact, he united all of Italy into the state of the Ostrogoths with the capital in Ravenna

Mausoleum of Theodoric the Great - a mausoleum on the outskirts of Ravenna, which the Ostrogoth king Theodoric built in 520 for his future grave. The only surviving monument of Gothic architecture and the only surviving tomb of a barbarian monarch.

Built of Istrian limestone on two ten-sided tiers, which are crowned with a ten-meter dome, carved from a single 300-ton stone

With the transition of Ravenna under the rule of Justinian, Theodoric's body was taken out of the mausoleum, and he himself was turned into a chapel. The porphyry sarcophagus of the Gothic ruler is now empty.

The mausoleum has two levels (tiers): Theodoric's sarcophagus is located on the upper one, and the lower one was probably intended for the burial of his family members or was a chapel for funeral services.

Mausoleum of Cyrus in Pasargadae, Persia (modern Iran)

Cyrus II the Great (559 - 530 BC) - Persian king

Cyrus II the Great - Persian king, ruled from 559 - 530 BC. e., from the Achaemenid dynasty. In a short time, the leader of a small, little-known tribe founded the powerful Persian Empire, which stretched from the Indus and Jaxartes to the Aegean Sea and the borders of Egypt.

Near this tomb, a short and modest cuneiform Pesidic-Elamo-Babylonian text is carved - "I am Kurush, king, Achaemenid." Six wide steps lead to the burial chamber, the dimensions of the chamber are 3.17 x 2.11 x 2.11 m. In 330 BC. e. the tomb was visited by Alexander the Great. During the stay of the king in the Indian campaign, the tomb was plundered; upon his return, Alexander ordered the execution of the robbers.

The Cyrus Mausoleum served as an architectural prototype of the Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square.

Mausoleum of the Carian ruler Mausolus in Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey)

Mavsol or Mausol II - the ruler (satrap and king) of Caria, actually independent of the Achaemenids, in 377 - 353. BC e.

The ruins of the mausoleum in Budrun, Turkey

Miniature copy of the Mausoleum in the Istanbul park

The construction of the mausoleum began even before the death of Mausolus in 353 BC. and, according to the reports of ancient authors, was ruled by his wife (she is also a sister) Artemisia III in Halicarnassus (modern Bodrum, Turkey)

The mausoleum stood for almost two thousand years, was slightly damaged by an earthquake in the 13th century, and was finally destroyed in 1522 by the soldiers of the Catholic Order of St. John. The knights dismantled the Mausoleum and fortified the local castle with the extracted stones. It was they who reached the tomb of Mausolus and Artemisia, which at that time had not yet been plundered. According to some sources, the knights, having found the tomb, postponed further work for the next day, but during the night, unknown persons stole everything that could be taken out.

The Turkish authorities are developing a project to restore this wonder of the world. The height of the mausoleum was 46 meters.

Mausoleum of Augustus on the Champ de Mars in Rome, Italy

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, at birth - Gaius Octavius ​​Furin (63 BC - 14 years) - Roman politician, Great Pontiff, Father of the Fatherland. Great-nephew of Caesar, adopted by him by will

Full title at the time of death - Emperor, son of the Divine Caesar, Augustus, Great Pontiff, Consul 13 times, Emperor 21 times, endowed with the power of the people's tribune 37 times, Father of the Fatherland

Entrance to the mausoleum

View of the mausoleum from above

In 28 BC. e. Augustus began to build a tomb for himself and his loved ones in the center of the Champ de Mars. The structure of travertine repeated the shape of the Etruscan burial grounds - tumuluses: at the base there was a cylindrical structure (87 m in diameter), drums of a smaller diameter towered above it (the total height was 44 m), the last drum was crowned with a statue of the emperor, around the mausoleum there was a terrace with columns. The terrace overlooked the roof of a larger drum, and evergreen trees grew on the roof.

Urns with the ashes of members of the imperial family were kept inside: the emperor himself, his wife Livia, sister Octavia, nephew Marselius, as well as the emperors Tiberius, Claudius and Nerva, other representatives of the Julius clan - Claudius and famous Roman personalities were buried here.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the mausoleum fell into decay, and in the VIII century AD. e. was looted. In the Middle Ages, the building was turned into a fortress, which was later destroyed. In 1926, archaeological excavations were carried out, and the remains of the building were restored.

Castel Sant'Angelo/Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome, Italy

Publius Aelius Trajan Hadrian, better known as Hadrian (76-138), was a Roman emperor. Full title at the time of death: Emperor Caesar Trajan Adrian Augustus, Great Pontiff, endowed with the power of tribune of the people 22 times, Emperor 2 times, Consul 3 times, Father of the Fatherland

Castel Sant'Angelo (Italian: Castel Sant "Angelo - Castel Sant'Angelo) is an architectural monument located in Rome. It was first a tomb, then a castle, the residence of popes and a repository of their valuables and at the same time a prison, and, finally, today it is an architectural monument - a museum.

Emperor Hadrian began building it in 135 as a mausoleum for himself and his family members. Completed construction in 139, after the death of Hadrian, his successor Antoninus Pius. The mausoleum was similar to an Etruscan tumulus: on a square base (side length - 84 m) there was a cylinder (diameter - 64 m, height about 20 m), crowned with an artificial hill, and on its top a sculptural group - the emperor in the form of Helios, who controls the quadriga. The burial urns of emperors from Hadrian to Septimius Severus were installed in the mausoleum. Then this gigantic structure was included in the walls built under Aurelian surrounding the city, and began to be used for military and strategic purposes.

According to legend, in 590, during a pestilence epidemic, Pope Gregory the Great saw the Archangel Michael on top of the fortress, who sheathed his sword, which meant the end of the disaster - hence the name Castel Sant'Angelo. In the Middle Ages, the castle was connected to the Vatican by a passetto, a fortified corridor. The popes turned it into a real fortress: Clement VII took refuge in the castle in 1527 when the troops of Emperor Charles V invaded Rome. In the besieged castle was at that time and took an active part in repelling the attacks of Benvenuto Cellini, sculptor, jeweler, author of well-known memoirs. A few years later, he was imprisoned in the castle as a prisoner and managed to do the impossible - he escaped from prison. In the entire history of the castle, this is the only person who has succeeded.

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, Italy

Galla Placidia (c. 388 - 450) - daughter of the Roman emperor Theodosius the Great. For two years she was the queen of the Visigoths, subsequently ruling the Western Roman Empire in the infancy of her son, Emperor Valentinian III.

The mausoleum dates from about the second quarter of the 5th century and is decorated with the earliest surviving Ravenna mosaics. Although the construction is attributed to Galla Placidia, daughter of Emperor Theodosius the Great, the mausoleum did not become her burial place.

The proportions of the building were somewhat distorted due to the fact that over the past centuries the cultural layer has risen by 1.5 meters. The mausoleum in plan is a Latin cross (long axis - 12.75 m, transverse - 10.25 m). The crossroads is crowned with a cubic tower, into which a dome is inscribed from the inside, invisible from the outside of the building.

In the interior there are three Greek marble sarcophagi attributed to Galla Placidia herself (the possibility of burial of Galla Placidia in it is rejected by modern historians.), Her son Valentinian and second husband Constance III. (In 1738, this sarcophagus was also opened, bone remains of a man and a woman

Gur-Emir - mausoleum of Amir Timur (Tamerlane) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Tamerlane (1336 - 1405) - a Central Asian conqueror who played a significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, the Volga region and Russia. An outstanding commander, emir, founder of the empire and the Timurid dynasty, with his capital in Samarkand.

The construction of the mausoleum, begun in 1403, was associated with the sudden death of Muhammad Sultan, the direct heir of Emir Timur (Tamerlane) and his beloved grandson. The construction was completed by Ulugbek, another grandson of Tamerlane.

In translation, Gur-Emir means "the tomb of the king." During the reign of Timur, the mausoleum became the Timurid family vault. This architectural complex contains the graves of Timur himself, his sons Shahrukh and Miran Shah, as well as his grandsons - Ulugbek and Muhammad Sultan. In addition, Mir Said Baraka, Timur's teacher, is buried in the mausoleum.

Humayun's Tomb is the mausoleum of the Timurid, Mughal emperor Humayun in Delhi, India.

Humayun, full name Nasir-ud-din Muhammad Humayun (1508 -1556) - the second of the Great Mughals, the son of Babur and the father of Akbar, who devoted his life to the struggle against Sher Shah for the possession of northern India.

Humayun's Tomb is the mausoleum of the Timurid, Mughal Emperor Humayun in Delhi, commissioned by his widow Hamida Banu Begum. In architectural terms, it is a link between Gur Emir, where Humayun's ancestor Tamerlane was buried, and the Taj Mahal mausoleum, which was built by order of his great-grandson Shah Jahan.

The construction of the mausoleum began in 1562 and ended 8 years later. The tomb is a fine example of ancient Mughal architecture. The light pink two-story mausoleum stands on a massive platform up to 7 m high. It is crowned with a seemingly weightless white marble dome. The strongest “weightlessness effect” of the dome can be felt when viewing the mausoleum from the height of the Old Fortress. The height of Humayun's tomb is 43 m.

After 100 years, Humayun's grandson Shah Jahan built the incomparable Taj Mahal in the image and likeness of Humayun's Mausoleum.

Mausoleum of Itimad-Ud-Daula in Agra, India

Locals call this historical complex - "Little Taj"

The mausoleum was designed and built by Nur Jahan (Nūr Jahān), one of the wives of Emperor Jahangir, in honor of her father Itimad-Ud-Daula. The first name of Itimad-Ud-Daula was Mirza Guyaz Beg, he was the grandfather of Mumtaz Mahal, in whose honor, her husband Emperor Shah Jahan, the world famous Taj Mahal was built.

The construction of the mausoleum complex was carried out in the period from 1622 to 1628. In the design of the building, both inside and outside, precious stones and gold were used. A distinctive feature of this architectural complex was the use of white marble in the construction of the main structure of the mausoleum, along with the traditional use of red sandstone for related buildings. The architectural complex consists of four buildings made of red sandstone, located on the cardinal points, which are connected by fortress walls, the central structure of the mausoleum with 4 minarets made of white marble and a park area. The complex is located on the banks of the Yamuna River.

Taj Mahal - mausoleum-mosque in Agra, India

Shah Jahan (1592 - 1666) - ruler of the Mughal Empire

Mumtaz Mahal (1593-1631) - nee Arjumanad Banu Begam, beloved wife of Shah Jahan.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Red Square
Start of construction: 1929
Completion of construction: 1930
Architect: A.V. Shchusev
Coordinates: 55°45"13.2"N 37°37"11.7"E
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation


The place where, since 1924, the embalmed body of V.I. Lenin, has long ceased to be just a ritual tomb. It is considered a monument to the bygone socialist era and has the status of a museum. This is one of the main attractions of Red Square, which has already been visited by more than 120 million people. Many tourists, regardless of political beliefs, specially come to the center of the Russian capital to pass by the sarcophagus with the body of the communist leader.

View of the Mausoleum, Red Square, Spasskaya and Senate towers of the Kremlin

How did the idea of ​​building a mausoleum come about?

The leader of the Soviet communists died on January 21, 1924. According to the official version, the idea to keep his body belonged to the workers and peasants, who sent many telegrams to the government. In them, ordinary people asked not to carry out an ordinary burial.

Lev Davidovich Trotsky opposed the preservation of the body, but he was in the Caucasus and did not have time to return to Moscow for the funeral, which was scheduled for January 27. Researchers consider the version of the "people's will" unlikely, since the idea of ​​embalming the leader's body was not discussed in any way in the press, and none of the "numerous" letters was published anywhere.

According to another assumption, the idea of ​​preserving the body appeared because not everyone who wished had time to say goodbye to the deceased. Delegations from different parts of Russia and from abroad came to the capital one after another, so Lenin's widow N.K. Krupskaya agreed to place the body in the crypt until the end of the farewell ceremony. However, she repeatedly spoke out against embalming.

Whatever the true reason, the country's leadership wanted to turn Lenin's body into a "red shrine" so that it would become an object of worship and a source of communist faith. Already two days after his death, the leaders of the state firmly decided to keep the body of Ilyich for as long as possible. Almost immediately, the famous architect Alexei Viktorovich Shchusev received an order for the design of the mausoleum. And the work of embalming the deceased was entrusted to Academicians Vladimir Petrovich Vorobyov and Boris Ilyich Zbarsky.

View of the Mausoleum from GUM

The history of the Kremlin tomb

The tomb was planned to be placed on Red Square. By that time, its section near the Kremlin wall was already a necropolis. The dead participants of the October armed uprising of 1917 lay here, and some party leaders were buried. During the Civil War, the Red Army took an oath in front of the graves, and in peacetime, parades and demonstrations were held on the square.

The first mausoleum was built by the day of the official funeral - January 27th. There were severe frosts, so the frozen ground had to be blown up with dynamite. The building was erected in great haste, and there is evidence that the last nails were driven in just before the start of the ceremony of demolishing the body in the Funeral Hall. The tomb was never completed, and it stood half-finished until the spring of 1924.

The second mausoleum was also made on a wooden frame and sheathed in lacquered oak. It was ready by August 1924 and served for six years. And then it was replaced by a stone mausoleum, which has survived to this day.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the building of the tomb was disguised as a residential building. These precautions were necessary to preserve the monument during Nazi air raids. In the summer of 1941, when German troops were advancing on all fronts, the body of the communist leader was evacuated to Tyumen. It was kept in the building of the Agricultural Academy, and in April 1945 was returned to the capital.

From 1953 to 1961, the embalmed body of Stalin lay next to the body of Lenin. And in the 1980s, behind the building of the mausoleum, an extension was made with an escalator, with the help of which the elderly leaders of the country went up to the podium.

View of the Mausoleum from Red Square

architectural features

The mausoleum fits perfectly into the architectural ensemble of Red Square and harmoniously looks against the background of the battlements of the Kremlin wall. The building has a width of 24 m and a height of 12 m. It looks like an Egyptian pyramid and is made up of five steps, built of strong and durable reinforced concrete structures and bricks. Granite, porphyry (crimson quartzite), marble and black labradorite were used in the decoration of the tomb. And above the entrance, the name of the communist leader is written in red letters.

Heavy equipment often passes through Red Square during parades. So that the architectural structure does not experience serious problems from shaking, the foundation pit, where the reinforced concrete foundation slab is located, is covered with clean sand. The last reconstruction of the building was carried out in 2013 - the builders strengthened its foundation.

For many years, Soviet leaders and leaders of the Communist Party spoke to the people from the podium of the mausoleum. However, this practice has been discontinued since 1996. Today, when mass holidays are held on Red Square, the mausoleum is fenced with shields.

The Kremlin tomb is considered an integral part of the main square of the Russian capital. It is under the protection of UNESCO and is included in the World Heritage List.

Entrance to the Mausoleum

What can be seen inside

The tomb is always quiet. Visitors pass one after another along the same route and stay in the mausoleum for about a minute. There is darkness inside the building.

The funeral hall, where the sarcophagus is installed, is a square room 10 m by 10 m. It is decorated in black and red and has a stepped granite ceiling. Opposite the entrance to it there is a coat of arms of the USSR, model 1930, carved from stone. However, due to the dim lighting, it is almost impossible to see small details.

Lenin's body rests on a raised platform in a bulletproof glass sarcophagus flanked by granite railings. Such precautions were taken in 1973. Lenin is wearing a black suit, and on the left you can see the badge of a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. The figure of the communist leader is specially illuminated so that those passing by can see the facial features. It contrasts sharply with the dark surroundings and therefore appears to be hologram-like.

In addition to the Funeral Hall, there is a black columbarium room in the mausoleum, in the niches of which it was planned to store the ashes of other deceased. But this room has not been used, and visitors are not allowed there.

Information for tourists

The mausoleum is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 13.00. During the restoration work, the schedule usually changes, but this is communicated in advance. You can get into the mausoleum for free through the checkpoint in the Nikolskaya Towerlocated from the side of the Alexander Garden. Standing in line usually takes about 30-40 minutes.

View of the Mausoleum from the Spasskaya Tower

Bulky bags, backpacks, containers with liquids and large metal objects cannot be brought into the mausoleum. If tourists have such luggage, they hand it over to a paid storage room, which is located in the Alexander Garden, near the Kutafya Tower. Everyone who wants to get into the mausoleum without fail passes through a metal detector.

Inside the tomb, you can not take photos and shoot videos. Mobile phones and gadgets are also required at the entrance. If they have stayed for the duration of the visit, security officers have the right to view the latest footage, and generally ask visitors to delete these files. Near the sarcophagus, men must remove their hats.

It should be borne in mind that the entire area around the Moscow Kremlin and especially Red Square are under round-the-clock surveillance by video cameras. Tourists who come here are advised to have a passport or other identification document with them.

How to get there

It is most convenient to walk to the mausoleum on foot from the Moscow metro stations Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Teatralnaya, Kitai-Gorod, Lubyanka, Borovitskaya, Aleksandrovsky Sad or Library named after M. Lenin.

How they attempted on Lenin after his death.
You are all probably aware of the assassination attempt on the living Ilyich.

The first assassination attempt on Lenin took place shortly after the Bolsheviks took power. On January 1, 1918, at half past seven in the evening, shots were fired at the car in which the leader, Maria Ulyanova and the Swiss Social Democrat Fritz Platten were driving. Platten, who was sitting next to Lenin, managed to bend his head down with his hand, but he himself was wounded.

The second attempt on Lenin's life is almost not reflected in the historical literature. In mid-January 1918, a certain soldier, who introduced himself as the Knight of St. George Spiridonov, came to an appointment with the head of the Council of People's Commissars, Bonch-Bruevich, and stated that he was instructed to track down and then either capture or kill the head of the Soviet government, for which he was promised 20 thousand rubles in gold . Voroshilov, a member of the Extraordinary Commission, who interrogated the soldier, learned that the attempt was being prepared by the Union of Knights of St. George of Petrograd. On the night of January 22, 1918, the Chekists raided the apartment at 14 Zakharyevskaya Street. The participants in the planned terrorist attack were caught red-handed: rifles, revolvers, and hand bombs were found in the apartment.

The third attempt on Lenin's life happened like this: on August 30, 1918, having finished his speech at the Moscow Michelson plant, Lenin was about to get into the car when three shots were fired. Wounded by two bullets, Lenin fell. The driver managed to notice a woman's hand with a Browning. But no one saw the shooter's face. An eyewitness to the incident, Stepan Baturin, shouted: “Catch, hold!” At that moment, he saw a woman who "behaved strangely." When she was detained, shouts began to be heard from the surrounding crowd that it was she who shot.
The 28-year-old socialist-revolutionary Fanny Kaplan was detained, who believed that "the continued existence of Lenin undermined faith in socialism." Three days later, the Cheka sentenced her to death. It is interesting that in our days a criminal case was initiated by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation on this fact of the attempt on Lenin's life in connection with newly discovered circumstances. It turns out that the investigation in 1918 was carried out superficially: forensic and ballistic examinations were not appointed, witnesses were not interrogated, and other investigative actions necessary for an objective investigation were also not performed. Researchers question the version that Kaplan shot. But Lenin was not left alone even after his death.

March 19, 1934 - shot from a pistol.
The body of Lenin, never interred, at all times attracted many visitors - first those who mourn the loss, then fans of communism who want to touch history, and, finally, just tourists. During the 90 years that the late leader of the proletariat lay on Red Square, more than 100 million people visited the Mausoleum.
In March 1934, Mitrofan Nikitin, an employee of the Progress state farm, entered the burial vault in the queue. He did not attract attention to himself and did not arouse suspicion, but approaching close enough to the sarcophagus, he grabbed a pistol and managed to fire two shots in the direction of the leader's coffin before the guards reacted to his actions. Not a single bullet hit the target, and the peasant, who did not want to be caught, shot himself in the heart and immediately died. The people who were in the mourning room were taken out into the street, having previously forbidden to speak to anyone about what they saw. During a search of the body, the OGPU officers found letters of "counter-revolutionary content" and Nikitin's suicide note.
“People went crazy, everyone lost their heads from such a fabulously difficult, meaningless life. Everyone lives only one day, what will happen tomorrow? .. This spring of 1934, again, a lot of people will die because of hunger, dirt, from epidemic diseases, - the unsuccessful shooter complained. “Can’t our rulers, who have settled in the Kremlin, see that the people don’t want such a life, that it’s impossible to live like this anymore, there is not enough strength and will…”

The peasant understood that after what he had done, he would not be alive: “I, Nikitin Mitrofan Mikhailovich, gladly die for the people, I would be ready for the well-being of the workers, peasants, employees to go to any torture, for the sake of a better life for the people. Dying, I protest on behalf of millions of working people, enough of slavery, terror, hunger, enough of everything painful and difficult ... ”The head of Joseph Stalin’s security, Karl Pauker, sent a memorandum to the head of the Special Sector of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Alexander Poskrebyshev in the evening of the same day. After 60 years, this note, along with Nikitin's letters, was found in Stalin's personal archive.

March 20, 1959 - with a hammer on glass.
If a lot is known about the first attempt on the body of Lenin, and the life of Nikitin himself was restored from the letters found with him, the available information about further attacks on the leader and about the fate of the attackers themselves is rather scarce. 25 years after the first assassination attempt, when two leaders were already lying in the Mausoleum - for some time the late Stalin was the company of an older comrade - a man with bad intentions again turned out to be among the visitors to the mourning room. He threw a hammer at the glass of the sarcophagus where Lenin's coffin lay and smashed it. The mummies of the Soviet leaders were not harmed, but the disrespectful citizen was detained and declared mentally ill.

July 14, 1960 - foot on glass.
Despite the fact that attempts to encroach on the leader of the world revolution ended in failure for their performers, and Lenin's mummy continued to look healthy and ruddy, attempts to cripple her continued. In mid-July 1960, an unemployed resident of the city of Frunze (now Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan), a Tatar named Minibaev, made some progress in ideological vandalism. Unlike his predecessor, he did not take any tools with him: Minibaev smashed the sarcophagus with a kick, having previously jumped onto the barrier. Shards of glass that littered Lenin's face and hands slightly damaged his skin. Minibaev was immediately seized. The investigation established that he had been nurturing the idea of ​​destroying the sarcophagus since 1949, and on July 13 he flew to Moscow specifically to implement it. Nothing is known about the further life of the attacker and its duration. During the restoration of the symbol of the triumph of communism, the Mausoleum had to be closed. In addition to restoring the skin of the mummy, specialists had to carry out additional embalming. The mausoleum opened its doors to visitors only on August 15.

1960s - rocks and spit, rocket and sledgehammer.
Trained to recognize and escort aggressive visitors, the Mausoleum's guards failed to protect the mummy from all ill-wishers. On September 9, 1961, a certain Smirnova L.A. was detained, who spat on the sarcophagus and with the words “On you, foul!” threw a stone wrapped in a handkerchief at him, again breaking the long-suffering glass. This time Lenin was not hurt. During interrogation on the merits of the charges against her, Smirnova pleaded guilty, explaining that she had aroused the desire to “commit blasphemous acts” the day before.
Since November 1961, Lenin again became the only mummified inhabitant of the Mausoleum, since Stalin, who was recognized as the oppressor of the Soviet people, was buried near the Kremlin wall. On April 24, 1962, Smirnova's act was repeated by the 37-year-old accountant from Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow, Lyutikov A.A., a disability pensioner. The man, however, limited himself to one stone. The investigation found that in 1961-1962 Lyutikov "sent anti-Soviet letters to the editorial offices of newspapers, foreign embassies and Soviet institutions, scolded Khrushchev and the Soviet system in them."
A month before Lyutikov, on March 25, 1962, the Mausoleum was visited by a resident of Stavropol, Trekhalina L.V. She approached the expression of her position with great originality: under her coat, a woman managed to carry a loaded rocket launcher with a cocked trigger into the mourning hall. Trehalina was arrested when she tried to shoot a rocket at the sarcophagus.
Not too inventive was a certain Vatintsev G.V. from the Krasnodar Territory. On March 29, 1966, a "Russian, illiterate" man threw a sledgehammer into Lenin's tomb.

September 1, 1973 - explosives.
In 1968, the Central Committee of the CPSU received a letter from a resident of the Kalinin region. Offended by the Soviet authorities, the author, who had been convicted more than once before, threatened the country's leadership to blow himself up "near the ashes of Lenin in the Mausoleum, so that vile communists would remember what their meanness leads to." A year earlier, a suicide bomber had already blown up in the immediate vicinity of the leader, but he did it on the street, as a result of which there were casualties, and the Mausoleum was not damaged.
In 1973, the embalmed leader was transferred to a new bulletproof glass sarcophagus. When on September 1 an explosion thundered in the mourning room, he saved the corpse of the leader of the revolution from damage. Living visitors did not have such protection, therefore, in addition to the suicide bomber, a married couple from Astrakhan died, and security officers and a group of schoolchildren were seriously injured. The commandant of the Kremlin, General Sergei Shornikov, reported to the then chairman of the KGB, Yuri Andropov, that the guards of the Mausoleum mistook the terrorist for a class teacher who had brought his students to celebrate the first day of the school year with a pilgrimage to Lenin. The identity of the killer has never been established. After the explosion, part of his head and a hand remained from him, and an examination of fragments of documents established that they belonged to a person who died a natural death. Accordingly, the unknown terrorist lived on someone else's passport.

There are many publicly available facts that are very closely intertwined. Knowing them, it becomes clear why every year for the May 9 parade the mausoleum is closed so that it is not even visible.

Do you know how the Bolsheviks managed to win the Civil War and keep power after it ended?
At that time, only the lazy did not fight against them.
The destruction of all the old institutions of power, the devastation that reigned in the country, famine, the Red Terror, dispossession, requisitioning and other extremely unpopular methods of the Bolsheviks could not contribute to their popularity.

Contrary to the name, the number of Bolsheviks themselves was very small. It is very characteristic of them to turn everything upside down. Over time, an archetype is created: "Bolsheviks" - that means they were in the majority.

In fact, immediately after the February Revolution, the Bolsheviks were a minority in the Soviets, numbering only about 24 thousand members (in Petrograd - only 2 thousand), and at the First Congress of Soviets (June 1917) the Bolsheviks receive only 12% of the mandates.

In fact, the Bolsheviks came to Russia from the very beginning as occupiers. They did not have the task of making the life of the citizens of the USSR better. For example, cases of cannibalism were widespread not only during the Holodomor in Ukraine, but also in the Volga region, and during the blockade of Leningrad.

At the same time, when the brutal zombies devoured each other, the communist nomenclature did not deny itself anything and was perfectly provided with high-quality products, including caviar. The Bolsheviks considered Russia exclusively as a springboard for the World Revolution.

How did a handful of even very well organized and united Bolsheviks manage to seize and hold power in a vast country? The Bolsheviks also had no support from abroad. How did you manage to create horrific atrocities on an unprecedented scale for decades? How did it happen that a huge and far from the most obedient people was turned into a herd of zombies, obediently eating their children next to the mountains of grain they collected?

And yet, we know the result: it worked.

Therefore, it can be assumed that in the hands of the Bolsheviks there were some forces that helped them to stay in power. They had something that made tens of millions of people suddenly feel that they were ready to do anything for the sake of the comrades sitting in the Kremlin and the world revolution, to abandon their national roots, and not only meekly follow inhuman orders, but also do it with joy and delight .

It can be seen that the turning point came after the death of Lenin, in 1924. Prior to this, pockets of resistance existed everywhere, and the power of the Bolsheviks was a big question. And suddenly, as if by magic, everything settled down: the people poured into military parades and demonstrations, the Soviet intelligentsia joined the general holiday and rushed to sing the victory of socialism.

Attempts to explain this phenomenon by repression and propaganda do not stand up to scrutiny. Firstly, at that time there was no television as a tool of mass influence on people. And through newspapers, information reached much worse, especially considering that not everyone was literate. At the same time, rumors about the atrocities of the Chekists in the process of requisitioning diverged instantly.

Secondly, the Anglo-Saxons conquered Ireland almost 800 years ago, assimilating the Irish according to all the rules: encouraging interethnic marriages, sending children from an early age to schools where they were molded into “Englishmen”, and so on. As a result, the Irish even forgot their language. But did Ireland become England? No, it didn't. Propaganda could not do anything with either Ireland or Scotland, in which to this day they talk about autonomy.

Thirdly, the action of an unknown force even extended to white émigrés, turning former military commanders into a herd of pacifists who quickly forgot all plans to return to Russia. The fact is amazing: how did the Russian elite, which had both money and influence, so simply refuse revenge?

It is no secret that, unlike almost all nations, Russians abroad do not unite and do not help each other. We see how the vast majority of the Russian people suddenly began to consider themselves Soviet. The atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks against their fellow tribesmen ceased to excite people. Memoirs and memoirs are full of real testimonies when people put in camps kept their selfless faith and love for Joseph Stalin there.

Even after going through all the circles of the camp hell and being released, many remained sincere communists and even Stalinists. The Russian people, who were exploited in the USSR to a greater extent than all other peoples, even today demonstrate an amazing, completely inexplicable commitment to communism, “Leninism” and Soviet ideology.

This phenomenon cannot be explained by propaganda alone. Therefore, it would be natural to assume that we are dealing with some kind of mass processing of the consciousness of the Russian people, as a result of which the feeling of tribal solidarity was somehow blocked, and along with this, a feeling of passivity, detachment, indifference appeared.
Only a fantastic technique could give such a result. Maybe something other than propaganda was involved here? Maybe some kind of magic? Or secret knowledge that gives power over people?

Is it possible to massively influence the psyche of people?

We know that there have been precedents for such an impact on people, and more than once.

A group of followers of Reverend Jim Jones founded a "model" commune in the jungles of Guyana. Be that as it may, on November 17, 1978, 909 members of Jones' People's Temple sect, including 270 children, committed mass suicide.

They brought out a vat of fruit punch with cyanide and sleeping pills. Jones ordered his men to drink, informing them that the CIA would soon attack them and that it would be better to die the death of revolutionaries. The adult members of the group made the children drink first, and then they drank the mixture themselves.

In October 1994, fifty-three members of the apocalyptic "Order of the Solar Temple" died in a series of explosions and fires in Canada and Switzerland. Their leader, Luc Jouret, a Belgian homeopath, believed that life on this planet was an illusion and would continue on other planets. In December 1995, sixteen more Solar Temple members were found dead in France.

On March 19, 1995, five members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult placed bags dispersing poisonous sarin gas on the world's largest subway system, resulting in the death of 12 and the poisoning of more than 5,500 people.

Members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect paid seven thousand dollars a month to wear PSI, i.e. Perfect Salvation Initiation (“Introduction to Ideal Salvation”). What is PSI? It is a cap covered with wires and electrodes that sends out 6-volt shocks (3 volts for children) of current to synchronize the wearer's brain waves with those of Master Shoko Asahara. Some of the members of the Gates of Heaven sect castrated themselves, wanting to enter the Kingdom of God.

What could the Bolsheviks use to achieve their goals? It is believed that Lenin's Mausoleum was used as a psychotropic weapon.

Lenin's Mausoleum - a ziggurat of the "Throne of Satan"?

One of the main sacred symbols of communism is the Lenin Mausoleum. Outwardly, the Mausoleum was built on the principle of the ancient Babylonian temples, of which the most famous is the Tower of Babel, mentioned in the Bible. In the book of the prophet Daniel, written in the 7th century BC, it says: "The Babylonians had an idol named Bel." Isn't it a strange coincidence with the initials of V.I. Lenin?

The mausoleum is an exact copy of the temple of Huitzilopochtli, the main god of the Aztecs, located on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan. Huitzilopochtli, according to legend, once promised the Aztecs that he would lead them to a "blessed" place where they would become his chosen people. This happened under the leader Tenoch: the Aztecs came to Teotiukan, slaughtered the Toltecs who lived there, and on top of one of the pyramids erected by the Toltecs they built the temple of Huitzilopochtli, where they thanked their tribal god with human sacrifices.

Where did the Mausoleum project come from?

The first Mausoleum, knocked together in a week according to the project of the architect A. V. Shchusev, who had never built anything like this, was a truncated stepped pyramid, to which L-shaped extensions with stairs adjoined on both sides. Visitors descended the right staircase, went around the sarcophagus on three sides and exited along the left staircase. Two months later, the temporary mausoleum was closed, and the construction of a new wooden mausoleum began, which lasted from March to August 1924.

Of the many proposed projects for the new Mausoleum, not one passed. The preference was again given to Shchusev's ziggurat. The second Mausoleum was a larger (height 9, length 18 meters) truncated stepped pyramid, the stairs were now included in the total volume of the building. The project of the sarcophagus for the body was developed by the architect K. S. Melnikov.

The third Mausoleum, which was opened in October 1930 and still stands today, was designed by the same architect Shchusev. As the architect himself said, he was instructed to accurately reproduce the shape of the wooden Mausoleum in stone. But how did Shchusev know how to build a ziggurat? Maybe someone helped him? It is known that Shchusev was consulted by a specialist in the cultures of Mesopotamia F. Poulsen.

It is believed that the architect Shchusev took the Pergamon Altar, or, as it is also called, the "Throne of Satan", as the basis for the design of this tombstone. Mention of him is already found in the Gospel, where Christ, referring to a man from Pergamum, said the following: "... you live where the throne of Satan" (Rev. 2:13).

Plan of the throne of Satan, top view: the cut corner is clearly visible.

Plan of the Mausoleum: let's pay attention to the cut corner.
For a long time, the "Pergamon Altar" was known mainly from legends - there was no image. When images of the so-called "Pergamum Altar" were found, it turned out that this was an exact copy of the temple for Huitzilopochtli.

The consultant, who “helped” Shchusev build the ziggurat, knew well what the building needed by the customer should look like without any excavation of clay tablets. Where does such knowledge come from?
The Bolshevik Party at the construction of the Mausoleum was represented by Minister of Defense Voroshilov. Why not the Minister of Finance or Agriculture? It is clear that such a boss only covered the real leaders. The decision to embalm the leader was made by Felix Dzerzhinsky, the all-powerful leader of the political police. In general, it was the department of political control and investigation, and not the architectural department, that led the construction process.

Lenin's mummy - a magical teraphim?

From the point of view of Mesopotamian mysticism, Lenin's body looks like a teraph - a cult object, specially conserved and used for occult purposes. And the tomb itself for the body is clearly not a place that provides peace.

The Babylonian Chaldeans practiced the so-called "creation of a teraph" - a magical artifact designed to give its owner power over his subjects. The technology of creating teraphs, of course, is shrouded in mystery. But it is known that the teraphim of Vila (the main god of the Babylonians, for communication with whom the tower was built) was a specially processed head of a red-haired man, sealed in a crystal dome. From time to time other heads were added to it.

By analogy with the manufacture of teraphim in other cults (Vudu and some religions of the Middle East), inside the embalmed head (in the mouth or instead of the removed brain), a gold plate was most likely placed, most likely in the shape of a rhombus, with magical ritual signs.

It contains all the power of the teraphim, allowing its owner to interact with any metal on which certain signs or the image of the entire teraphim were drawn in one way or another. The will of the owner of the teraphim flowed through the metal into the person who was in contact with him: under pain of death, forcing his subjects to wear “diamonds” around their necks, the king of Babylon to one degree or another could control their owners.

The following facts speak in favor of this theory:

  • there is at least a cavity in the mummy's head - for some reason the brain is still kept at the Brain Institute;
  • the head is covered with a special glass surface;
  • the head lies in the lowest tier of the ziggurat, although it would be more logical to put it somewhere upstairs. The basement in all places of worship is always used for contact with the beings of the Hell worlds;
  • the mummy's hands are folded in a certain way: the left is stretched forward, as if receiving energy, the right is clenched into a fist;
  • images of the head (busts) were replicated throughout the USSR, including pioneer badges, where the head was placed in a fire, that is, captured during the classical magical procedure of communicating with the demons of Hell;
  • instead of shoulder straps, for some reason, “diamonds” were introduced in the USSR, which were later changed to “asterisks” - the same ones that burn on the Kremlin towers and which were used by the Babylonians in cult ceremonies of communication with Wil. Similar to rhombuses and stars, "decorations" imitating a gold plate inside the head under the tower were also worn in Babylon - they are found in abundance during excavations;

In addition, in the magical practices of Voodoo and some religions of the Middle East, the process of "creating a teraphim" is accompanied by a ritual murder - the life force of the victim had to flow into the teraphim. In some rituals, body parts of the victim are also used, for example, the head of the victim is immured under a glass sarcophagus with a teraphim.

We cannot say that something is also immured under the head of the mummy in the ziggurat on Red Square, however, there is evidence that this fact takes place: the heads of the ritually murdered king and queen lie in the ziggurat, as well as the heads of two more unknown people killed in the summer of 1991 - the time of the "transfer" of power from the communists to the "democrats" (thus, the teraphim were "updated", strengthened, as it were).

The Kremlin Wall itself has also been turned into a grandiose tomb. An ancient ritual related to the Magic of Mortal Power is that people, often alive, were immured into the wall to strengthen the castle or fortress. Such a fortress was not destroyed and the enemy could not take it, because the souls of the dead guarded the fortress.

If you look at the scheme of the Kremlin, you can clearly see that the building of the Council of Ministers of the USSR is surrounded on almost all sides by graveyards: the cemetery near the Kremlin wall and the Mausoleum, the burial of the kings in the Archangel Cathedral, the tomb of the Patriarchs in the Assumption Cathedral and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

1 - Mausoleum, 22 - Assumption Cathedral, 25 - Archangel Cathedral, 36 - Council of Ministers, 40 - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

There are 71 urns with ashes on the left side, and 44 urns with ashes on the right side. The strongest souls of Russia, not only politicians and military men, but also scientists and writers: Maxim Gorky, Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky and others. Buried at the Kremlin Wall:

The Kremlin Wall - a tomb?

There are also several mass graves of the fighters of the revolution. The total number of buried according to various sources is from 400 to 1000 people.

How is the Mausoleum arranged and how does it work?

Thousands of works have been written, leaving no doubt about the special impact of this structure. It is clear and where the technique was borrowed from - from Ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia. The mausoleum is an exact copy of the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, with a room at the top, framed by columns, in which, according to the concepts of the priests of Babylon, their demonic patrons rested. Moreover, the marble for the Mausoleum was brought from Mesopotamia (modern Iraq).

It is likely that the Mausoleum is nothing more than a psychotropic weapon, a system of mass suppression of consciousness. But how does a ziggurat "work"? What are the consequences of its influence? Let's try to guess what principles are laid down in his work.

Structurally, the building is made on the basis of a reinforced concrete frame with brick filling of the walls, which are lined with polished stone. The length of the mausoleum along the facade is 24 meters, the height is 12 meters. The upper portico is shifted to the Kremlin wall. The pyramid of the mausoleum consists of five ledges of different heights.

The underground part of the temple descends into Red Square to the depth of a 6-storey building. Under the podium of the temple, a conference and recreation hall for the Bolshevik rulers was arranged. There is a buffet with dishes and good wines, a billiard room and a security room.

For the functioning of laboratories and manipulations with the corpse, a freight elevator is provided, on which the mummy is lowered to the desired floor for routine, preventive and cosmetic work, then it is delivered to the working mark.

  • the total height is 36 meters, of which 12 m is the height of the Mausoleum and 24 m is the height of the laboratory complex
  • edge angle 45 degrees
  • rib angle 35 degrees
  • sole - rectangle with dimensions 72 x 72 m
  • estimated base diagonal 102 m

If the Mausoleum is taken out of the ground and placed on its surface, its height will be with a 10-storey building

The visitor enters the Mausoleum through the main entrance and descends the left three-meter-wide staircase to the funeral hall. The hall is made in the form of a cube (side length 10 meters) with a stepped ceiling. Visitors go around the sarcophagus from three sides along a low podium, leave the mourning hall, climb the right staircase and exit the mausoleum through a door in the right wall.

Let's pay attention: the ceiling of the Mausoleum is also stepped, like the outer pyramid. This is a circuit within a circuit, operating like a power-up transformer. Modern devices have shown that internal corners draw in informational energy from outer space, while outer corners radiate it. That is, the ceiling of the tomb absorbs energy, and the uppermost superstructure radiates (there are several tens of short outer corners-ribs).

This device needs energy to operate. It is taken either from the ground at the point of intersection of the lines of the Hartman grid, or from an external source - people. The location of the Mausoleum on Red Square, literally saturated with ancient forces, and the passage of a huge mass of people as visitors to the Mausoleum, as well as at demonstrations, provides an enormous flow of energy. In 1924-1989, the mausoleum was visited by over 100 million people (not counting participants in parades and demonstrations) from all over the USSR. This energy is modulated by the mummy in the Mausoleum, and radiates from the cracks above.

Naturally, a ziggurat does not transmit radio waves like an antenna. But physicists have proven that radio waves, sound waves and waves in a liquid have much in common. They have one basis - a wave. Therefore, the principles of operation of all wave devices are the same, whether they are waves of sound, light, or waves of some incomprehensible radiation, which today, for convenience, is called energy-informational.

Looking at the map in satellite mode, you can see the contours of the electrical contacts of the resonators. On both sides of the Mausoleum there are 2 vibrator lines of a simple dipole.

It can also be assumed that these vibrators irradiate a triangular building, whose top is directed strictly to the east. It is easy to see that on the right side of the Mausoleum is GUM with a large number of people.

With a close look at the GUM, it is easy to see that it resembles a 3-element wave channel, where the row farthest from the Mausoleum is a reflector, the middle vibrator and the closest row is a director, directing energy to the Mausoleum. The farthest row has nothing to do with the first two.

GUM is a source of energy. The mausoleum is a modulator, the triangular building is a radiating antenna, with a radiation pattern for the whole country.

But the weirdness doesn't end there. In the Mausoleum there is also "another corner". In fact, this is not even a corner, but three corners: two internal, drawing in energy like a bowl, and the third - external. It divides the notch in half, heading outward like a thorn. Such an angle is clearly visible on the plan of the Throne of Satan.

This is more than an original architectural detail, and the detail is absolutely asymmetrical - it is one, such a triple angle. And it is aimed at the crowds marching towards the Mausoleum. Such strange triple angles are called psychotropic devices today.

The principle is simple: an inner corner (for example, the corner of a room) draws in some hypothetical informational energy, while an outer corner (for example, the corner of a table) radiates. What kind of energy we are talking about - we can not say. No one can, physical devices do not register it yet.

But organic tissue is more than sensitive to such energy, and not only organic tissue. Everyone knows the ancient as the world reception to put in a corner a child who is too active. Why? Because the corner takes away excess energy if you stay there for a short time.

The effects of the pyramid are also known - non-rotting, mummifying meat, self-sharpening blades ... And the pyramids are the same angles. The same angles are used in psychotropic devices, only there is also an operator there - a person who controls the process and increases the power of the device many times over.

We do not know exactly how this mechanism works. Perhaps the Chaldean Bolsheviks did not know this either. But they were practitioners, and they could just use secret knowledge, how to use radio and television, without understanding the physics of the process.

By the way, the question is: where did Comrade Stalin stand at military parades? That's right - he stood just above that very corner with a spike, welcoming crowds of citizens approaching the ziggurat. He was the operator. The process, apparently, was so important that at the top there was an idea to demolish not only St. Basil's Cathedral, but also all the buildings within a radius of a kilometer, so that the square could accommodate a million people marching in formation. For what?

In the period 1941-1946 the Mausoleum was empty. The body was taken from the capital to Tyumen already at the beginning of the war, and the troops marching in front of the Mausoleum on November 7, 1941, before the battles for Moscow, passed by an empty ziggurat.

Lenin was not there! And he was not in the Mausoleum until 1948, which is more than strange: the Germans were thrown back already in 1942, and the body was returned only after the war.

Perhaps Stalin or other Chaldeans, figuratively speaking, took out the "rod from the reactor." That is, by removing the teraphim, they suspended the work of the Machine. During these years, they really needed Russian will and solidarity. As soon as the war ended, the “reactor” was restarted, returning the teraph, and the victorious people withered and went out. This change then very surprised many contemporaries, which is captured in many memoirs and works of art.
People who know what magic is can clearly see the occult, mystical meaning of the building on Red Square. The townsfolk, of course, do not believe in such mysticism on a national scale. But not so long ago, electricity and television could also seem like magic, but now it is a reality. Many moments related to the ziggurat on Red Square have also become a reality: recent events clearly show how this works in practice.

Why does the Mausoleum wear out?

Now consider the next interesting point - the wear of the Mausoleum. What is wear and tear, the analogy with the engine shows: if the engine is running, it wears out, it needs new spare parts, but if the engine is standing, it can stand forever and nothing will happen to it.

There are no moving parts in the Mausoleum, of course, but there are also non-moving devices that wear out - batteries, accumulators, gun barrels, carpets and pavement, some internal organs (let's say the heart moves, but the liver does not, but it still wears out). That is, everything that works, sooner or later develops its resource and requires repair.

And now we read Mr. Shchusev, the architect of the Mausoleum, in Stroitelnaya Gazeta No. 11 of January 21, 1940:

“It was decided to build this third version of the Mausoleum from red, gray and black Labradorite, with a top slab of Karelian red porphyry mounted on columns of various granite rocks. The frame of the Mausoleum was built of reinforced concrete with brick filling and lined with natural granite. To avoid shaking the mausoleum when heavy tanks pass during parades on Red Square, the foundation pit, in which the reinforced concrete foundation slab is installed, and the reinforced concrete frame of the mausoleum are covered with clean sand.

Thus, the building of the mausoleum is protected from the transmission of ground shaking ... The mausoleum is designed for many centuries "...

Nevertheless, although it was built to last for centuries, already in 1944 the Mausoleum had to be thoroughly repaired. Another 30 years passed, and it suddenly became clear to someone that it needed to be repaired again - in 1974 it was decided to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the tomb. It is even incomprehensible somehow: what does “it became clear” mean? The mausoleum is made of reinforced concrete. That is, iron, sheltered from the atmosphere by concrete - stone. What to repair, how could it wear out? But no, someone knew that it was not intact, that repairs were needed.

Let us turn to the memoirs of one of the leaders of the reconstruction, Joseph Rhodes: “The project for the reconstruction of the Mausoleum provided for the complete dismantling of the cladding, the replacement of about 30% of the granite blocks, the strengthening of the structure of the publication, the complete replacement of insulation and insulation with modern materials, as well as the installation of a continuous shell of special lead.

We were given 165 days to complete the entire work, which cost more than 10 million rubles… Having dismantled the granite lining of the Mausoleum, we were amazed by what we saw: the metal of the frame rusted, brick and concrete walls were destroyed in places, and the insulation turned into a soaked slurry that had to be scooped out. The cleaned structures were reinforced, covered with the latest insulating and warming materials. A reinforced concrete vault-shell was made over the entire structure, which was covered with a solid zinc shell ... In addition, in reality, 12,000 facing blocks had to be replaced.”

It rotted that which could not rot in principle - glass wool and metal. And most importantly, someone knew about the processes taking place inside the ziggurat, and in time gave the command to repair it. Someone knew that the ziggurat was not a miracle of Soviet architecture, but a device, and a very complex device. And he's probably not the only one...

Strange knowledge, strange customers, a strange place for construction, strange and terrible events in the country after the completion of construction - famine, and not alone, war, and not alone, the Gulag - a whole network of places where millions of people were tortured, as if draining their vital energy . And the ziggurat on Red Square, apparently, became the accumulator of this energy.

What is this energy and why is it needed? Most likely for power over the whole world and turning it into one colossal concentration camp, generating flows of dark energy. According to Marx, communism looks like a continuous concentration camp: no property, everything in common, people can not only act freely, but also think.

Mystic? Maybe. But the fact remains that in the center of the capital of Russia there is a ziggurat, an exact copy of two ancient temples where bloody rites were performed, and inside this building in a glass coffin lies a mummy made by atheists, personifying the mystical cult of communism.
It is strange that the citizens of Orthodox Russia still cherish the symbols of Satanism. Why are the people silent? Is it because the power of the necromancer sect has not gone away, but simply hid for a while to try to take revenge again?

Who started the ziggurat again?

Thus, one can come to the conclusion that the secret mechanisms of governing Russia, used by its current rulers, are based on real necromancy itself. They are entirely based on occult magical knowledge and secret rituals, older than the current chronology.

To this day, there is not a Mausoleum on Red Square, but a specially tuned mechanism that affects the consciousness, will and life of the Russian people. And inside still lies a mummy. It is still a secure facility funded by the state. Nothing changed.

If the ancients successfully used this psychotropic technique, and then the Bolsheviks, then why can't it be used now? Who launched the ziggurat again and began to zombify an entire nation?

It can be assumed that the knowledge lost in some period was rediscovered by one of the communist Chaldeans, and a new attempt at revenge was made. This version may look incredible, but there is no other explanation for the mass irrational behavior of people yet.

Leninopad and "hot spots" of Ukraine

It is likely that the countless monuments to Lenin, installed in every city and public places, serve as some kind of repeaters of the radiation of the main ziggurat.

The bas-relief of Lenin at the Teatralnaya station of the Kyiv metro, which adorned the end of the central hall of the station for 27 years, was covered with plywood (since the bust is built into the wall, it’s not easy to remove it), and 24 bronze high reliefs in the form of banners with quotes from the works of the leader of the proletariat in Russian and Ukrainian, placed in the niches of marble pylons, have already been dismantled.

Barelyov Lenin covered with plywood, shielding the radiation of dark energy

Then it can be assumed that by destroying the repeaters it is possible to significantly weaken the flow of dark energy. Interestingly, this assumption is confirmed by the “Leninfall” map: wherever the monuments to Lenin were demolished, there are no terrorists, while all the “hot spots” coincide with those areas where the monuments to Lenin were not removed.

Cities where monuments to Lenin were dismantled

In which cities were demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine

And here is an approximate map of "hot spots" and newly proclaimed republics or annexed territories. All mass confrontations, casualties, seizures of buildings, not to mention the events in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Lugansk, Donetsk and Odessa, took place in those cities where Lenin remained in place.

Problem areas of Ukraine

And here are the statistics on the number of crimes. Alexander Paly, an expert on international issues, believes that in those regions where Viktor Yanukovych had the greatest support of voters, over the past 2 years there has been a strong demoralization of the population.

Ukraine crime statistics

According to him, in 2011 crime in these regions increased by 4-4.5 times compared to those areas in which V. Yanukovych received the least support.

Another coincidence? Are there too many coincidences?

In fact, there are many more similarities. And this is not just a coincidence, but a pattern. Continuation of the theme of occult buildings in the article "Satanic Architecture".

Important addition

For those who have read this interesting article to the end, I will add that the topic of Lenin's mausoleum is raised in the media before significant dates for all Russian people. May 9th and November 4th. When a person focuses on something, he sends his energy there.

By focusing on the ziggurat through the media and media personalities, this building is pumped with the energy necessary for carrying out rituals, for example, to suppress Russian will and solidarity. As a rule, these days the mausoleum is closed under various pretexts.

No one is going to demolish the ziggurat, as well as transfer the burial of unknown soldiers under the walls of the Kremlin. All this is necessary to maintain the current regime and suppress the will of the Russian people.