How to describe professional achievements? Portfolio of professional achievements Exaggeration and outright lies.

UDC 378+37.0

Kravchenko Elena Vladimirovna

Head of educational and industrial practice of the Kuibyshev branch of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, [email protected], Kuibyshev.


Annotation. The article discusses portfolio technology, which is being actively introduced into the practice of educational institutions. The author proposes a student portfolio model at a university as one of the alternative methods of assessment technologies based on the use of a competency-based approach.

Key words: specialized training; student portfolio; teaching practice; professional competence; competency assessment.

Kravchenko Elena Vladimirovna

Chief internship supervisor of Kuibyshev branch of the Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, [email protected], Kuibyshev.


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of portfolio technology that has been actively put into practice of educational establishments. The author presents the model of student’s portfolio at the university as one of the alternative methods of rating technologies based on the usage of competence approach.

Keywords: profile education; student's portfolio; school internship; professional competence;

competence rate.

In the context of the transition to specialized education, new requirements are placed on the teacher of a specialized school, and, accordingly, on the preparation of students at pedagogical universities, filling the content of training with additional characteristics. L.V. Koroleva, M.Yu. Korolev, N.I. Odintsova, N.S. Puryshev and I.M.

Smirnov distinguishes two conventional blocks in the preparation of students: pre-profile and specialized [see, for example, 2] In accordance with the fact that the first stage of specialized training at the senior level of general education is preceded by pre-profile preparation.

The first, pre-profile, block contains the following areas of student training:

1) conducting elective courses: a) subject-specific (aimed at expanding students’ knowledge in a particular subject);

b) orientational (should contribute

self-determination of students in relation to the profile of education in high school);

2) building collections of individual achievements of students (“portfolio”):

a) “portfolio of documents” (olympiads, various competitions, testing, etc.);

b) “portfolio of work” (creative, design, research work of students);

c) “portfolio of reviews” (various characteristics of students’ attitudes towards relevant types of activities).

In the second, specialized block, the direction of student preparation is determined by the differentiation of the content of academic subjects: 1) basic (of a general educational nature, reflecting a mandatory, invariant part of education for all schoolchildren); 2) specialized (provide in-depth study of a particular subject, focused on preparing school graduates for subsequent professional

* The work was carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Strategic Development Program of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NGPU" for 2012-2016, project 2.3.1.

vocational training in the chosen direction, variation part of training);

3) elective (optional courses). Unlike elective courses, elective courses are required for all high school students. They must ensure that individual requests, inclinations, and interests of students are met.

The preparation of a future teacher of a specialized school consists not only in the formation of new professional skills, but also in the constant accumulation of experience in creatively solving pedagogical problems, in the constant increase in the level of cognitive and organizational independence in educational activities, as well as in the process of self-education. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of specialized training, independent work ensures the reflective nature of educational activity, the controlled nature of cognitive activity and the creative nature of pedagogical activity.

In our opinion, the second step in preparing students should be considered work on their own portfolio, where such components of educational activity as processing and structuring of information become more pronounced, skills of selection, content, self-assessment and self-presentation become more pronounced.

A portfolio is a collection of work over a period of time (semester or academic year) that is assessed either in terms of student progress or relevance to the curriculum. “The use of portfolios in the educational process contributes to the development of students’ skills in methodological work with various types of educational and professional information, systematization of professional knowledge, and the formation of professional reflection.” The meaning of reflection as a special cognitive action is a person’s clarification of his knowledge, the ability to adequately assess his own achievements and capabilities, and draw the necessary conclusions regarding his own self-improvement.

The main purpose of creating a portfolio is to analyze and present significant results of the processes of professional and personal development of the future

specialist, monitoring

cultural and educational growth of the student. A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a student in a variety of activities: educational, educational, creative, self-educational.

K. E. Bezukladnikov and M. M. Shalashova propose to introduce student work on a personal portfolio from the very beginning of training at a pedagogical university. This makes it possible to get a foreseeable program for one’s professional development, to see the stages of formation of the competencies necessary for a future teacher and to set one up for serious work to achieve success in educational activities and the desire for constant self-improvement. According to K. E. Bezukladnikov, the use of a portfolio promotes dynamism (readiness to engage in active forms of work, adapt on the fly and act independently), self-development, integrity (the result of educational activities at a university is the formation of professional competencies of a foreign language teacher) and criteria for evaluating results. M. M. Shalashova considers analysis of a student’s portfolio an effective means of assessing competence, the structure of which includes: the results of defending coursework and final qualifying work, indicating the topic and a brief description of the research; results of defense of scientific research works; results of other activities: participation in exhibitions, competitions, technical creativity, etc.; results and duration of training in elective courses; results of teaching practice; information about participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, training seminars and the results achieved; sports and other achievements.

The portfolio is maintained by the student himself in printed (a storage folder with files) or electronic form. Each individual material included in the portfolio during study at an educational institution is dated. Recording of educational results is carried out systematically. At the end of the academic semester (academic year), content changes are made electronically

Siberian Pedagogical Journal ♦ No. 7 / 2012

in the form of a duplicate copy of the portfolio at the teaching department.

The student's portfolio subsequently serves as the basis for compiling a graduate's resume when looking for a job, continuing education, etc. The portfolio is formed by the student on a voluntary basis. However, the advisory nature of compiling a portfolio does not exclude the significance of this procedure. A portfolio allows a student to take a professional approach to assessing their own achievements, building a personal and creative trajectory of success, which is an important component of the rating of a future specialist in the labor market.

In modern conditions, the need for professional initiative is increasing; the creative, rather than reproductive, nature of the attitude of the future teacher to his professional activity is valued. According to G.V. Sorokov, I.V. Shumova, “the main problem of teaching practice is both students’ insufficiently clear awareness of their goals and objectives, and the inability to adequately reflect on their activities.” Pedagogical practice in universities serves as a link between the theoretical training of students and their future independent work at school, and is also intended to prepare students for teaching activities, equip them with a set of skills, and creatively carry out all types of educational work.

The systematic use of a portfolio as an analytical and evaluation technology ensures the high-quality accumulation of information necessary for the timely recording of real changes and growth in the professional skills of the future teacher. Maintaining a portfolio is a creative work that allows a student to realistically imagine his educational level, see his reserves, and determine areas for professional self-improvement. In addition, this technology can be used as a tool for stimulating students (the ability to choose a base institution for teaching practice, participation in student scientific and practical conferences, publication of scientific results).

research, employment, etc.). Consequently, an organized systemic diagnosis of the professional and personal development of a future specialist makes it possible to implement in practice an individual-oriented approach to the qualitative assessment of the results of educational and educational activities of an educational institution.

Thus, the formation of a portfolio is a creative work that allows, on the basis of a comprehensive systematic understanding, to analyze and summarize the results of one’s professional activities, which, undoubtedly, is a way to determine directions and an incentive for further professional development.


1. Bezukladnikov K. E. Professional portfolio as a means of developing the professional competence of a future foreign language teacher // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2008. - No. 8. - P.66-70.

2. Koroleva L.V. On preparing a teacher for teaching in the context of specialized education // Science and school. - 2006. - No. 6. - P.32-35.

3. Lizunova L. R. Educational and methodological materials. Student portfolio (approximate position). [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 04/04/2012).

4. Modern educational technologies: textbook for students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, schools. teachers and university professors: recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation / under the general direction. ed. N.V. Bordovskaya. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2011. - 432 p.

5. Sorokovyh G.V. Methodological portfolio of a student trainee as a way of developing the professional competence of a future foreign language teacher // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.54-58.

6. Shalashova M. M. Comprehensive assessment of the competence of future teachers // Pedagogy. -2008. - No. 7. - P.54-59.

Siberian Pedagogical Journal ♦ No. 7 / 2012

professional achievements of a teacher

Period: 7 years (from 2009 to 2015), 2 issues (the first from 2009 to 2012, the second from 2011 to 2015)

Criterion I “Stable results of students mastering educational programs”
As a teacher, I consider my main task to be creating an environment for the maximum development of each child. I view learning as a process of active interaction between the teacher and the learner. I build the training and education of students on an activity-based, developmental approach. I consider important not only the knowledge acquired at school, but also the ways of learning, thinking and academic work, the development of cognitive powers and creative potential of students.
Using modern educational technologies, I have positive results from my classes, which ensures the effectiveness of learning. My students have a stable quality of knowledge, academic performance is 100%, and in the future they can easily adapt to middle management.
Monitoring the quality and progress of students

Academic year
2009-2010 academic year year

2nd grade
2010-2011 academic year year

3rd grade
2011-2012 academic year year

4th grade
2012-2013 academic year year

2nd grade
uch. year

3rd grade
uch. year

4th grade

70 %

Academic performance

The average quality score for subjects in the 4th grade is 4, the average score for fourth-graders is 72%.
Subject and meta-subject results of students (over the last 3 years)

Indicator values

2 classes
3 classes
4 classes

Number of students
Number of students
Number of students

Meta-subject results




Subject results
(dynamics of quality of education in basic general education subjects)

Russian language

literary reading


the world

In order to determine the motivation and interest of students in studying subjects such as the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, and the world around us, I conduct a survey of children, their parents, and also study the products of students’ activities (home, individual, search and research and creative tasks). Indicators of increasing interest in studying subjects are the positive dynamics in the number of students participating in subject Olympiads and creative competitions at various levels, and the number of schoolchildren participating in research activities.
Maintaining a portfolio allows you to create a more complete picture of children’s achievements, which records information about the participation of a particular student in various subject competitions and olympiads. This important modern form of assessment helps to increase the activity and independence of students and the constant growth of educational motivation. In addition, the guys and I maintain a “Class Portfolio”, which records the achievements of the class team.
Criterion II “Positive results of students’ extracurricular activities in academic subjects”

The goal of organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren is to broaden students’ horizons in school subjects, increase educational motivation and self-expression of children. The basis for organizing extracurricular activities within the social direction is socially useful activity. Forms of organization: work within the framework of the project “Improvement of the school territory”; work on landscaping a classroom, school; organization of duty in the classroom; career guidance conversations, meetings with representatives of different professions; craft exhibitions. I implement the sports and health direction through such forms as physical education holidays and competitions, the “Outdoor Games” group (outdoor, folk, health games). The general intellectual direction is implemented through such forms as educational conversations, the “I want to know!” circle, Olympiads, and children's research projects.
In my work I pay great attention to gifted children and children who show increased interest in the subjects they study. I work with them individually. As a result, students have high results in participation in city competitions. Over the past two years: 3rd place in a children's drawing competition on fire-fighting topics, 3rd place in a city competition of children's creative projects, 2nd place in a city exhibition of creative works. In addition, students actively take part in school and city reading competitions and take prizes.
The health of students is of no small importance. Students perform successfully in sports competitions. Two of my fourth-graders (in 2012) and two fourth-graders (in 2015) received the “Diploma of having passed the test and fulfilled the physical fitness standards of the Sports and Technical Complex “Ready for Work and Defense of the Fatherland” with an “excellent” rating.
Particular attention is paid to the research skills of younger schoolchildren. I also involve students in the creation of multimedia products, projects, and presentations. Every year my students are actively engaged in research and have good results. Over the past 7 years, having successfully presented at a school-wide scientific and practical conference, my students have received high appreciation for their work outside the school walls. So, in 2009, my student took 3rd place in the city student conference “First steps into research”, and became a participant in the Regional round of the Russian competition of research works and creative projects for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren “I am a researcher”. In 2010, my students took 1st place in the city competition of research works and creative projects “I am a researcher”, in 2011 - 2nd place in the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”. In 2011, my third-graders presented a research paper at a city seminar for teachers “Use of ICT in the research activities of junior schoolchildren.”
Results of extracurricular activities and student achievements


Participation level
Type of participation (conference, competition, competition, etc.)
2 m

(research work “Why isn’t wheat grown at home?”)

Regional Anzhero-Sudzhensk

School-wide scientific and practical conference “Umnik – 2009”

City student conference “First steps into research”

Regional round of the Russian competition of research works and creative projects for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren “I am a researcher”

XXX, XXX (research work “Connection of names and times”)





Competition of research papers and creative projects “I am a researcher”

Regional round of the Russian competition of research works and creative projects “I am a researcher”

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”

XXX, XXX (research work “And from our window the school flowerbed is visible”)


School-wide scientific and practical conference "Umnik-2010"

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”

Seminar “Use of ICT in the educational process”

Exhibition of children's applied arts “Work with hands brings joy to the heart!” (in the “Paper” category)

Exhibition of children's applied arts “Work with hands brings joy to the heart!” (in the “Layout” category)

Exhibition of children's applied arts “Work with hands brings joy to the heart!” (in the “Clay” category)

An exhibition of creative works dedicated to the anniversary of the city of Taiga and Cosmonautics Day.

Exhibition of children's applied arts “Work with hands brings joy to the heart!” (in the nomination “Waste material”)

Creative work competition “My Favorite Teacher”

XXX (research work “To salt or not to salt?”)
School-wide scientific and practical conference “Umnik – 2011”

XXX (research work “What is the secret of successful study?”
XXX (research work “Euphorbia: benefit or harm?”
XXX (research work “The benefits and harms of milk”

School-wide scientific and practical conference “Umnik – 2012”

Reading competition

XXX (research work “Father Frost and Santa Claus: the same wizard?”)
Scientific and practical conference of research works of schoolchildren of educational institutions of the Kemerovo region “Dialogue - 2012”

XXX (research work “An apple for dinner - and you don’t need a doctor!”
School-wide scientific and practical conference “Umnik – 2014”

All-Russian distance art project “Puppet World”

VII All-Russian Olympiad in mathematics for grades 3-4 “Here’s the problem”
IV All-Russian Olympiad in Literary Reading for grades 3-4 “Here’s the problem”
VI All-Russian Olympiad on the surrounding world for grades 3-4 “Here’s the problem”

All-Russian Olympiad in Literature (FGOStest)

XXX, XXX (research work “Defenders of the Russian Land”
School-wide scientific and practical conference “Umnik – 2015”

All-Russian children's creativity competition “The New Year is sweeping the country!”

All-Russian Olympiad in the subject “The World around us (animals)” (FGOStest)

One of the most effective forms of work that helps increase schoolchildren’s interest in knowledge and develop their abilities are Olympiads. Students in my class are active participants in school subject Olympiads among students in grades 3-4. The number of class students taking part in the school round of subject Olympiads (75%) and the effectiveness of their participation indicate a high level of knowledge of junior schoolchildren.
The effectiveness of students’ participation in subject olympiads at school and municipal levels

F.I. student
Participation level

2 m


Russian language








the world






literary reading


literary reading


Russian language




Russian language


the world




literary reading


English language


the world around us, literary reading, Russian language

In addition, 80% of fourth-graders (2012) became participants in the Olympus Olympiads, which were organized by the Institute for the Development of School Education (IDS): 14 people in Russian and 12 people in mathematics. One student eventually became a laureate in the Russian language.
Criterion III “Effectiveness of the teacher’s educational work”

Working as a primary school teacher, I am a class teacher every year. Through the creation of a favorable psychological climate, a sense of mutual assistance, tolerance, I strive to raise a creatively developed, socially oriented personality, capable of self-development and self-realization. The establishment of the best pedagogical communication is facilitated by the use of communication techniques: presentation and communication techniques; creating favorable conditions for students with pronounced communicative inhibition; motivation to reward students for their initiative.
The goal of my educational work is to create conditions conducive to the development of creative personal qualities of students. To achieve this goal, work is being done to form and unite the children's team. The work is being carried out according to the program I developed, which was submitted to the city competition “The Coolest Cool”. The results of questionnaires and surveys of children and parents show that by the 4th grade it was possible to form a friendly class team, relationships in which are based in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, empathy and goodwill. The growth in the level of education of students in my class is direct proof of this.

Monitoring the level of education of students (latest issue)

Academic year, class

1 class

2 classes

3 classes

4 classes

13 EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 \s 1415

Parents of students in the class where I am the class teacher are actively involved in the life of the class and school. My task is to help parents, while preserving the best traditions of family education, raise their children based on the achievements of domestic pedagogy. I work with parents in two areas:
increasing psychological and pedagogical knowledge;
involvement of parents in the educational process.
Attendance at parent meetings is 88%. In addition to parent meetings, I regularly conduct consultations and conversations for parents on issues of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, annually give open lessons for parents of students, and work with the class parent committee. One form of interaction with parents is an electronic diary. Along with the traditional methods of working with parents (visiting students’ families, inviting parents to school, correspondence with parents), I hold non-traditional parent meetings: “How to teach a child to live in the world of people,” “It’s good that there is a family that protects me from troubles.” Constant interaction with students' parents gives positive results - there are no parents in the class who are dissatisfied with studying in this class and this school, parents help in organizing events, and conduct excursions to enterprises. There is keen interest in events in which parents themselves take part: the competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”, the exhibition “Work with hands - joy for heart!”, festival “Minute of Glory”. Every year the school administration awards the most active parents of the class the titles “Class Dad” and “Class Mom.”
I carry out the education process in a team and through a team, based on the needs of the child. When carrying out education, I show students the prospects for their growth, and provide all possible assistance in achieving the joys of success. As a result of this, the work of classroom self-government is well established. There are also traditional events in the classroom, including “A Minute of Communication” (children talk about what they have learned and show what they have done outside of school over the past day).
For the children’s successful social adaptation, I involve them in solving the problems of local society. The children of the class are regular participants in traditional school and city events (“Give a toy to the children of the orphanage”; “Charity event for the Day of the Elderly”; “Let’s decorate the school for the New Year”; “Week of Kindness”, etc.).
The guys in the class are participants in the volunteer movement. They provide all possible assistance to the labor veteran, congratulate him on holidays, and perform charity concerts at schools and at city enterprises, in preschool educational institutions.
In order to ensure continuity and increase the effectiveness of the educational potential of the educational environment of the school and the educational space of the city, aimed at developing civic culture, tolerance, and development of cognitive abilities among students, I maintain close contact with educational institutions of the city: music school, “House of Youth Creativity”, sports schools, children's library, city museum. As a result of this interaction, my students actively attend additional educational institutions in the city. Involvement of class children in clubs, sections, art and music schools is 100% of class students. 13 EMBED Excel.Chart.8\s 1415
Criterion IV “Ensuring the quality of the organization of the educational process based on the use of active teaching methods, modern educational technologies of the activity type, including information ones”
In my work I actively use modern educational technologies, which helps organize the educational process in accordance with modern requirements. I use project technology as a mechanism for developing key cross-subject competencies in children. The result of work on one of the projects - “This wonderful water!” posted on the KuzWiki website ( /index.php/This_wonderful_water!). In the process of project activities, not only the child’s communication skills develop, but also the value foundations of the individual and civic competence are formed, which in modern conditions is becoming increasingly relevant. Health-saving technologies “work” in every lesson and are aimed at strengthening the physical and mental health of students.
Having an individual program of professional self-development, she worked for several years on the topic “Organization of research activities for junior schoolchildren.” Experience in research work with students was summarized by the school’s methodological council in 2012 and was presented at the city seminar “Use of ICT in the educational process.”
The use of information and communication technologies made it possible to become a participant in the regional competition “IT – teacher of Kuzbass of the 21st century” in 2010, and to conduct a master class on the topic “Educational project using ICT” at KRIPK and PRO. Professionalism helped to act as an expert at the Third (2011), Fourth (2012), Fifth (2013) open professional competitions for teachers “Multimedia lesson in a modern school”, held by the Institute at the Faculty of Education Reform of the educational portal “My University” in the expert commission in the field of “Primary school”. She has proven herself to be a specialist in the field of examination of multimedia materials, for which she was sent Gratitude to the educational institution three times (in 2011, 2012, 2013). In 2014 and 2015, she worked as an expert of the commission in the direction of “Elementary school subjects” of the Open professional competition for teachers “ITK in the service of the Federal State Educational Standard”. I post my work experience on using the latest technologies in the educational process on regional and federal educational websites.

Topic, place
Date, document

“Multimedia in presenting research results for junior schoolchildren (multimedia presentations)” (educational portal “My University”)

2011, certificate

“Stages of creating a MM product” (educational portal “My University”)
Article in the collection “Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education”
2011, certificate

“Program of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction “I want to know!” (Distance educational portal “Prodlenka”)
Methodological material
2012, certificate

“MM in the educational process: when? Why? For what?" (educational portal “My University”)
Article in the Second collection of articles “Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education”
2012, certificate

“Teacher’s information competence in designing multimedia lessons” (educational portal “My University”)
Article in the Third Collection of Articles “The Use and Development of Multimedia Technologies in Modern Education”
2013, certificate

“Our native land” (Distance educational portal “Prodlenka”)
2013, certificate

“This wonderful water!” (portal “DEPARTMENT INFO”)
2013, diploma

“Program of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction “I want to know!” (electronic periodical "Naukograd")
Methodological material

“Increasing the ICT competence of a teacher as a step towards successful certification” (educational portal “My University”)
Article in the Fourth collection of articles “Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education”

Checking and assessing the results of mastering universal learning activities by schoolchildren in primary school using ICT tools
Article in the Fifth collection of articles “Use and development of multimedia technologies in modern education”

Criterion V “Teacher’s personal contribution to improving the quality of education based on improving teaching and educational methods”

The active use of information and communication technologies, the use of an interactive whiteboard, the Internet allows us to improve our professional skills, and annually draws up work programs in various primary school subjects. For three years, she was a participant in the municipal experimental site for the course “Information Culture of Personality.” The result of the project “This Wonderful Water!” (2010) became a school tradition for a competition to decorate trees for the New Year holidays on the school grounds with ice toys.
In order to disseminate experience, I conduct lessons and extracurricular activities for colleagues, city seminars: “Use of ICT in the research activities of junior schoolchildren” (2011), “Extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO” (December 2011), “Assessment of the achievements of planned results "(February 2012), "Resources of spiritual and moral education in the implementation of the comprehensive training course program "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (December 2014), "Implementation of the program of environmental education and a healthy and safe lifestyle" (April 2015 G.)

Creating a database of the best lesson scenarios, interesting techniques and findings in the classroom, and one’s own presentations help in the work on drawing up curricula, programs, methodological recommendations, questionnaires, various regulations (on shows, competitions, exhibitions, etc.), and methods for diagnosing students.
Availability of scientific and methodological materials developed by the teacher


Primary school educational program

Extracurricular activity program “I want to know!”

Work program in mathematics for students in grades 1-4 (“School 2100”)

Work program on computer science and ICT for students in grades 1-4 (“School 2100”)

Program of the summer school health camp with daytime stay for children “Solnyshko”

Summer school health camp program with children's day stay

Program for spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren “I am a Russian!”

The creation of the extracurricular activity program “I Want to Know!”, its submission to the regional competition of extracurricular activity programs for elementary schools (2011), as well as to the website “Network of Creative Teachers” received a positive assessment from the community of teachers.
Criterion VI “Ensuring the continuity of one’s own professional development”

To improve my teaching skills, I am constantly and actively engaged in improving my qualifications, participating in seminars held by the information and methodological center of the education department of the city of Taiga, as well as by the Kemerovo KRIPK and PRO.

Information about advanced training and professional retraining

Topic / number of hours

Information technologies in the professional activity of a teacher of the 21st century"
From 01.11.09 to

Certificate of Microsoft courses “Partnership in Education” based on the training center “Teachers Academy”
From 01.11.09 to

Intel Training for the Future Certificate
From 01.11.09 to

Organization of summer holidays for children and adolescents in the system of general and additional education
ANO DPO (PC) “Adult Education Center”

Certificate for participation in training experts and mastering professional criteria for expert assessment of multimedia lessons
International Development Institute "EcoPro"

Certificate of short-term professional development under the program “Psychological and pedagogical support and legal protection of students and pupils”

Certificate of short-term professional development on the topic “Organization of summer recreation for children and adolescents in the system of general and additional education”

Certificate of advanced training on the topic “Substantive and methodological aspects of teaching a comprehensive educational course of ORKSE taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”
Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region

Certificate of advanced training for the additional professional program “Teacher professionalism in the context of modernization of education module “Pedagogical skills in preparing and presenting an open competitive lesson”

Certified Achievements
Name of the award
Who awarded, level

Certificate for qualified work as an expert in the field of “Primary School Subjects” of the Third Open Festival “Multimedia in Education”
International International Institute for Development "EcoPro"dny,

Certificate for training participants in the All-Russian correspondence intellectual competition “Russian Erudite-2013”
All-Russian, ANO Center for Distance Development of Children's Creativity and Sports "Banyan"

Certificate of the organizer of the All-Russian distance competition for primary school students “Kitenok-2013”

Certificate of event curator VI All-Russian distance Olympiad in mathematics for students in grades 3-4 I Round


Certificate of event curator V All-Russian distance Olympiad in the Russian language for students in grades 3-4 I Round
All-Russian, Center for the Development of Thinking and Intelligence, Samara

Certificate of event curator III All-Russian distance Olympiad in literary reading for students in grades 3-4 I Round
All-Russian, Center for the Development of Thinking and Intelligence, Samara

Certificate of curator for the successful holding of the event of the IV All-Russian Olympiad in Literary Reading for grades 3-4 “Here is a problem”


Certificate of curator for the successful holding of the event of the VI All-Russian Olympiad in Russian for grades 5-6 “Here’s the problem”
All-Russian, “Center for the Development of Thinking and Intelligence”, chairman of the organizing committee Maksimov V. A.

Certificate of curator for the successful holding of the event of the VII All-Russian Olympiad in Mathematics for grades 3-4 “Here is a problem”
All-Russian, “Center for the Development of Thinking and Intelligence”, chairman of the organizing committee Maksimov V. A.

Certificate of curator for the successful holding of the event of the VI All-Russian Olympiad on the surrounding world for grades 3-4 “Here’s the problem”
All-Russian, “Center for the Development of Thinking and Intelligence”, chairman of the organizing committee Maksimov V. A.

Certificate for preparation for participation in the International distance competition in the Russian language of the “New Lesson” project for students who became winners


Participation in competitions at various levels is an opportunity to receive evaluation of one’s teaching activities and an incentive for further growth and self-improvement professionally.

Participation in professional competitions

Name of the competition

Competition for monetary incentives for the best teachers

Taiga's teaching talents

“IT – Kuzbass teacher of the 21st century”
full-time tour participant certificate

Competition of projects for teachers using new information technologies in educational work – 2011

Regional competition of extracurricular activities programs

First teacher

"My project activity"



Creative distance presentation competition “Our Cool Movement -2014”

For the moral deed of a teacher

Taiga's teaching talents

Criterion VII “Teacher’s social activities”

I am the head of the school methodological association of primary school teachers from 2003 to the present. I systematically give open lessons and conduct seminars for colleagues in the city. In 2011, she held an open meeting for teachers in the city on the topic “The use of ICT in the work of primary school teachers.” Based on the results of their work, the school's methodological council annually evaluates the work of primary school teachers. (g.) Competence in the field of child development and knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of primary schoolchildren allows him to manage the work of the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council for 7 years.
Since 2010, I have been a member of the jury of the professional competition for teachers “Multimedia Lesson in a Modern School”, conducted by the International Development Institute “EcoPro” (educational portal My University, Faculty of Multimedia Technologies). The competition is aimed at supporting the innovative activities of teachers in the use of multimedia technologies in the educational process and replenishing the bank of high-quality developments of media and multimedia lessons. Since 2012, I have been a member of the Permanent Corps of Experts of the Faculty of Multimedia Technologies of the educational portal “My University” ([Download the file to see the link] Faculty of Educational Reform

Criterion VIII “Public recognition of the results of a teacher’s professional activity (teacher encouragement)”

The creative spirit and desire to achieve perfection, the realization of the ability to professionally reflect on the effectiveness of one’s own participation in the development of education at the level of territory, region, and federation are reflected in incentives of various types.

Availability of various types of teacher encouragement at different levels (above school)

Name of the award
Who awarded, level

Certificate for preparing the laureate of the second Regional round of the Russian competition of research works and creative projects for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Regional Representative Office,
Director of Lyceum No. 22, Belovo
P. P. Shchekotko

Letter of gratitude from the Education Department of the Taiga City Administration for preparing the winner of the city recitation competition (2009)
Education Administration Department

Certificate of honor for the winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation
Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A. Fursenko
4g. Moscow

Certificate for the effective organization of children's recreation in the school health camp "Solnechny"
Administration of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 160

Gratitude for special contribution to promoting road safety and preventing child road traffic injuries

Certificate for participation in the Federal competition of projects for teachers using new information technologies in educational work - 2011

Letter of gratitude for the preparation of the participant of the 15th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”

Gratitude for qualified work as an expert at the Third Open Professional Competition for Teachers “Multimedia Lesson in a Modern School”

Diploma for qualified work as an expert of the Third Open Professional Competition for Teachers “Multimedia Lesson in a Modern School” in the expert commission in the field of “Primary School Subjects”
International, International Development Institute "EcoPro"


International, International Development Institute "EcoPro"

Medal "For Faith and Goodness"

Gratitude for qualified work as an expert at the Fourth Open Professional Competition for Teachers “Multimedia Lesson in a Modern School”
International, International Development Institute "EcoPro"

Diploma for highly qualified work as an expert at the Fourth Open Professional Competition for Teachers “Multimedia Lesson in a Modern School” in the expert commission in the field of “Elementary School Subjects”
International, International Development Institute "EcoPro"

Letter of gratitude for preparing the winner of the city reading competition dedicated to the celebration of the year of Russian history

Letter of gratitude for preparing the winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for junior schoolchildren in mathematics and literary reading and the winner of the municipal stage of the Olympiad for junior schoolchildren in literary reading

Diploma for organizing the super-program all-Russian subject Olympiad “Olympus. Winter session"

Gratitude for qualified work as an expert in the competition in the field of “Primary School Subjects” and making a significant contribution to the development of Russian education
International, International Development Institute "EcoPro"

Diploma of laureate of the regional competition “First Teacher”
Regional, Governor of the Kemerovo region A. Tuleyev

Diploma "Teacher of the Digital Age"

Letter of gratitude for preparing a participant in the XVII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”


Diploma for highly qualified work as an expert of the Fifth Open Professional Competition for Teachers “Multimedia Lesson in a Modern School” in the expert commission in the field of “Primary School Subjects”
International, International Development Institute "EcoPro"

Diploma of the laureate of the competition “My project activity” Nomination “Elementary school”
All-Russian, editor-in-chief of the portal "ZAVPUCH.INFO" Baranovsky E. M.

Letter of gratitude for the great personal contribution to the upbringing and education of students, teaching skills, dedication to the profession and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the founding of the educational institution
Municipal, Head of TGO Gulyaeva E.P.

Certificate of honor for conscientious work, high professionalism, creating conditions for training and education of the younger generation and in connection with Teacher's Day
Regional, head of department Chepkasov A.V.

Diploma for preparing the winner of the All-Russian Olympiad “Expert in Professions” for participants in grades 1-2
All-Russian, Educational Technologies LLC, general. Director Mogilevtseva A. N.

Letter of gratitude for the preparation of the participant of the XIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”
All-Russian Director of the Kemerovo State University branch in Anzhero-Sudzhensk E. V. Vecher

Gratitude for assistance in organizing and conducting the “New Lesson” project competition
All-Russian, New Lesson LLC, Minsk

Gratitude for active participation in the international project for teachers
International, COMPEDU LLC, director Tarasov D. A.




International, ANO DPO “Innovative educational center for advanced training and retraining “My University”

Letter of gratitude for the high level of preparation of students to pass the Main State Exam
Head of the Taiga urban district

Gratitude for the active participation and preparation of the winners and participants of the All-Russian children's creativity competition “The New Year is marching across the country!”
All-Russian Center for Civil and Youth Initiatives "Idea"

Letter of gratitude for the preparation of the participant of the 19th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Creativity of Youth”
All-Russian Director of the Kemerovo State University branch in Anzhero-Sudzhensk E. V. Vecher

Diploma for highly qualified work as a commission expert in the field of “Primary School Subjects” of the Open Professional Competition for Teachers “ITK in the Service of the Federal State Educational Standard”
International, ANO DPO “Innovative educational center for advanced training and retraining “My University”

Letter of gratitude for qualified work as an expert of the competition in the field of “Primary School Subjects” and making a significant contribution to the development of Russian education
International, ANO DPO “Innovative educational center for advanced training and retraining “My University”

My work was evaluated and noted by placing information about my professional activities in the encyclopedia “Gifted Children - the Future of Russia” (SPEC-ADRES Publishing House, 2009)

People realize themselves in different areas of life: family, friends, education, and work. Professional field of activity is no less important than others. By realizing himself as a specialist in his field, receiving recognition of his skills, experience, knowledge, a person grows and improves himself. Another indisputable advantage of having professional achievements is increased wages, regulated work schedules, and improved quality of life. This article discusses how to set and achieve goals in professional fields, why this is necessary, and how to describe your results in a resume. The issue of professional achievements of a teacher will also be separately considered, their types and descriptions will be presented.

Definition of the concept

What does “professional achievement” mean? Every job has moments that can be called achievements. This list is individual for each specialist; each employer pays attention to the points that are important specifically in his company. A professional achievement is a successfully resolved situation, the completion of certain tasks, and useful experience in resolving complex conflicts and circumstances. In some areas, this means obtaining a certain title, degree, level of education, or specialist category. In others - the unification of people, leadership among certain groups of people, the exhaustion of social conflicts. Thirdly, high levels of sales, completed transactions, won tenders. Professional achievement is a very broad concept that depends on the field of activity, the specifics of the work, the attitude of employers and the relevance of the skill in the modern work process.

The meaning of work for a person

Work must generate income. This is its main meaning, with which many workers are satisfied. But in addition to the monetary result, work should bring pleasure, moral satisfaction, and the realization of human qualities. So professional achievements are also one of the meanings of work. They allow a person not only to arrange his life and career more successfully, but also to realize himself psychologically and emotionally, evoke a number of positive emotions, stabilize nervous tension, and increase self-confidence.

Setting a goal and achieving it

High professional achievements and results are rarely the product of luck and coincidence. Such situations do exist, but in practice, an employee receives these points of characteristics if he puts in some effort. In order to achieve something, you need to act. At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine what achievement is really important in a particular field and profession, how it can improve the employee’s position in society and in career growth. At the second stage, you need to set yourself a goal, break it down into steps and systematically move in a given direction. It is important to determine time intervals, available resources and ways to accelerate goal achievement. A properly developed plan will help you achieve your goals much faster and with greater likelihood.

Do I need to indicate all my merits?

Professional achievements in a resume are one of the key characteristics of a candidate. If a person strives to take a better vacancy with decent wages and good conditions, it is simply necessary to indicate his achievements. Achievements that correspond to the company’s profile will allow you to weed out most of the competitors for the workplace, agree on the desired salary level and gain the respect of colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, not all vacancies require certain corporate successes from candidates. Thus, it is difficult to present a resume for a loader, cleaner, plumber and other working specialties with a list of professional achievements. This item in the resume is necessary for workers in the social or intellectual spheres.

How is the candidate selection process carried out?

Before selecting an employee for a particular vacancy, organizations consider several options. Depending on the characteristics of the vacancy and the employer itself, the number of applicants who responded can range from a few people to hundreds. In large companies, reviewing resumes is the responsibility of an entire department of professionals whose job is to identify the best talent among a huge stream of incoming candidates. These people are very well versed in professions, requirements for applicants, they can perfectly distinguish lies from the truth, identify a psychological portrait, conduct various types of testing and, based on the results obtained, create a holistic image of the applicant. It is difficult to hide from an experienced HR manager negative stories from the professional past, absolute ignorance of the subject of the vacancy and other criteria for incompatibility with the position. In addition, the HR department has various services at its disposal, in which previous employers leave comments and reviews about their employees. Often, if the professional achievements of a person in a resume are of interest to a personnel worker, then by the time of the live meeting at the interview he has already collected a lot of information about him.

How to describe yourself correctly

Based on the information in the previous block of the article, we can conclude that you should adhere to certain rules for writing a resume, describing examples of professional achievements, and listing your qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities. Following these instructions significantly increases your chances of being liked by the employer and getting the job you want.

So, a resume should have a structure. This is necessary for ease of reading, highlighting the most important aspects for the employer, and increasing the likelihood that the hiring manager will notice something significant in your response. With a huge amount of incoming correspondence, it is very difficult to focus on the monolithic text, read it and look for certain information in an array of completely useless text.

The resume should answer specific questions. The employer must see from it that this particular person has a sufficient understanding of the professional field for which he is applying.

Some companies require a separate resume. Thus, for many large holdings it is important for a person to study the history of development, the specifics of work, and the peculiarities of the corporate ethics of their organization. Your resume must show your knowledge of the company. An integral part of a well-written resume is a cover letter. Some employers do not even consider candidates who have not written at least a couple of words in addition to their resume.

Exaggeration and outright lies

You should not attribute to yourself the highest professional achievements if in fact you have nothing to do with them. Firstly, not all people can lie professionally and embellish reality so that it is not noticeable to others. An experienced HR employee will definitely feel that there is something wrong with the information you present. Secondly, if there were really negative moments in your professional history, most likely the HR specialist is already aware of them from the blacklists of employers. Thirdly, deception regarding skills and professional achievements will be revealed in the first week of work. Starting a “new page in life,” and this is what a new job often is, is not worth doing with actions that discredit your reputation.

Downplaying your achievements

Many people have complexes, lack self-confidence and their strengths, and have no idea of ​​their capabilities and talents. Yes, even ordinary embarrassment is inherent in every second person. And if a person is haunted by a series of failures, a long and painful search for work, he may completely despair and lose faith in his abilities. In reality, this position does not bring anything good. Even in the most difficult situations, be confident in yourself, talk in detail about significant achievements in your professional activities, and do not hide your merits. If you don't talk about them, your position will be given to someone else who can overcome fear and embarrassment. After all, how will the employer know about your advantages as a candidate if you yourself chose to hide them from the public?

Vagueness and specificity

A resume is a document. Even if it does not have an established form, it is not presented to government authorities and is not checked for falsification. A resume is a document that is a pass to a new job. This means that it must be filled out efficiently, accurately and according to the rules, albeit unspoken ones. Many professionals who have not yet acquired a rich portfolio and experience try to squeeze as many words into their resume as possible, using vague wording, complex sentences and long lists of meaningless enumerations and explanations. Both in the thesis and in the resume: the less “water”, the better. Write specific phrases, formulate sentences that combine brevity and information content.

Achievements in pedagogy

Teacher, teacher, educator, professor, lecturer - all these professions are united by the common concept of “teacher”. This in itself is a very important job, requiring full dedication, many years of training, a certain set of personal qualities and even leading a special lifestyle. Moreover, the higher the status of the educational institution in which the vacancy is announced, the higher the requirements for candidates. Teachers' professional achievements can play a key role in selection. In addition, the low salaries of teachers in the field of public education can increase significantly upon receipt of certain degrees, ranks, titles, victories in competitions and certification.

Examples of teachers' achievements

What to write in a resume, what professional achievements can a teacher have? Taking into account all the above description rules, the following examples can be given:

  • Receiving the title “Teacher of the Year”, winning competitions related to professionalism, obtaining certification, advanced training.
  • A successfully written and defended doctoral dissertation or any other scientific work in the field of teaching.
  • Organizing events for students with a high turnout rate.
  • Involving third parties in the learning process who have had an important influence on the mentees (scientists, celebrities, well-known people).
  • Successfully attracting and motivating students to volunteer, help those in need, and improve public life and the environment.
  • Fruitful participation in the lives of children with poor living and social conditions, assistance in adaptation.
  • Creation and maintenance of clubs, sections, interest groups.

A teacher is a person who participates in shaping not only the level of education of his students and knowledge about a specific subject, but also in drawing a picture of the world, establishing mental health and balance. All these points can increase the value of the personnel for the educational institution.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Igonina, Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna. Portfolio in the system of means of assessing educational and professional achievements of students of professional pedagogical specialties: dissertation... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.08 / Igonina Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna; [Place of protection: Ros. state prof.-ped. University].- Ekaterinburg, 2013.- 183 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 13-13/349


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of using portfolios in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students 15

1.1. Experience in using portfolios in the practice of domestic and foreign educational institutions 15

1.3. Portfolio as a means of assessing students’ educational and professional achievements 54

Conclusions on the first chapter 75

Chapter 2. The use of portfolios in assessing the educational and professional achievements of future vocational education teachers 78

2.1. Methodology for identifying and assessing educational and professional achievements of students using RUMM 2030 78

2.2. Possibilities of a portfolio in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students 95

2.3. Using portfolios to form an integrative assessment of students’ educational and professional achievements 118

Conclusions on the second chapter 140

Conclusion 143

References 146

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic. The changes taking place at the present stage of development of Russian society put forward new demands on the system of professional education. The importance of the activities of teachers and industrial training specialists, ready to solve modern problems of training economically active workers and specialists, is increasing. The goal of vocational pedagogical education is the formation of the personality of a graduate capable of taking on the role of a methodologist-organizer, director of training or technologist of the educational process. In accordance with the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 “Strategy 2020”, the training of a vocational school teacher with developed abilities for creative transformation of reality and a high level of professional competencies is of great importance. Achieving this goal can be achieved not through increasing the volume of academic training, but through the introduction of pedagogical technologies into the educational process that solve the problem of forming and assessing students’ project abilities for future professional activities. In connection with what has been said, at the socio-pedagogical level, the relevance of the study is determined by the growing need of society for professional teaching staff ready to implement a project approach when solving theoretical and practical problems in their professional field.

One of the means that contributes to the formation and assessment of students’ design abilities is a portfolio. It is widely studied and applied in foreign pedagogy. Work on the creation and testing of its models is carried out in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries. In Russia, these developments are carried out both at the state level, as exemplified by the “portfolio of achievements” of secondary school graduates, and at the level of individual pedagogical communities.

According to the most common point of view, a portfolio is a body of evidence created to demonstrate the results of a student’s educational and extracurricular activities. However, the relevance of introducing portfolios in domestic education is associated by experts with the justification of a different “understanding of it, which will allow for the transformation of the educational process that is necessary today” (V.K. Zagvozdkin). The use of a portfolio is complicated by the fact that the theoretical and methodological foundations for its construction and presentation are not sufficiently developed and do not fully correspond to the changes taking place in professional education. For this reason, at the scientific and theoretical level, the relevance of the study is determined by the need for a scientific and theoretical justification for the use of portfolios of students of professional and pedagogical specialties in the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards developed on a competency basis.

In the practice of vocational education, types of cumulative portfolios are predominantly used, the pedagogical capabilities of which are limited. To a large extent, this concerns the diagnosis of educational and professional achievements of students. The various variations of the “portfolio of achievements” used for this purpose make it possible to obtain information about individual “visible” results of professional training through recording external manifestations of student activity. At the same time, educational and professional achievements as a personal educational result, representing the potential of a student at various stages of his educational and professional activities, have a latent integrative nature. Thus, the need for the practice of vocational pedagogical education in a scientifically based portfolio model used to assess the educational and professional achievements of students determines the relevance of the study at the scientific and methodological level.

Key concepts of the study.

Educational and professional achievement is an educational result subject to evaluation in the form of an integrative set of latent qualities of the student’s personality as a subject of educational and professional activity.

Latent quality is the quality of a student’s personality, inaccessible for direct assessment and determined operationally, that is, through a set of indicator variables (indicators).

An indicator variable (indicator) is a procedural or effective characteristic of a student’s educational and professional activity, indicating the presence of signs of the assessed latent quality.

Assessing educational and professional achievements - comparing the procedural and effective characteristics of a student’s educational and professional activities with a selected set of indicator variables.

A student's portfolio as a means of assessing educational and professional achievements is an integral set of educational materials developed by the student through reflexive identification and design of the procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities.

The degree of development of the problem. Portfolio research is currently being conducted in the following areas:

a generalization of foreign and domestic experience in using portfolios in educational practice is contained in the studies of V.K. Zagvozdkina, I.M. Kurdyumova, T.G. Novikova, M.A. Pinskoy, A.S. Prutchenkova, E.E. Fedotova;

consideration of a portfolio as one of the modern means of assessing educational results is reflected in the scientific works of N.F. Efremova, V.I. Zvonnikova, A.P. Chernyavskaya and others;

research into the capabilities of a student’s portfolio in the field of developing and diagnosing competencies is carried out by O.V. Nikiforov, N.M. Savina, T.M. Ryumina, M.M. Shalashova and others;

The use of portfolios to solve the problems of teacher training is the subject of research by N.V. Zelenko, L.S. Kolodkina, A.G. Mogilevskaya, A.A. Semenov, E.Kh. Tazutdinova and others;

the use of portfolios to support the professional growth of teachers is the subject of consideration in the works of G.N. Levashova, L.P. Makarova, M.A. Pinskoy, T.V. Plakhova, M.M. Potashnik, L. Pronina, L.A. Romanenko, O.I. Friesen.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as the experience of professional pedagogical educational institutions, makes it possible to identify a number of contradictions:

between the growing need of society for professional pedagogical personnel ready to implement a project approach in solving professional problems, and the use in the training of future vocational teachers of methods focused on the student’s mastering of known techniques and methods of pedagogical activity;

between the recognition of the potential of a portfolio, which ensures the formation of a teacher’s personality in accordance with modern requirements of professional pedagogical activity, and the insufficient development of scientific and theoretical foundations for the use of portfolios in the preparation of students of professional pedagogical specialties;

between the demand for a portfolio as a means of assessing a latent integrative educational result - a student’s educational and professional achievements - and the types of portfolios used in practice, focused on the summative presentation of the “visible” results of educational and professional activities.

The indicated contradictions define the scientific field and allow us to formulate a research problem, which consists in identifying the scientific, theoretical and methodological grounds for using portfolios in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students.

The relevance and insufficient development of the formulated problem determine the choice of the research topic: “Portfolio in the system of means of assessing the educational and professional achievements of students of professional and pedagogical specialties.”

The purpose of the study is to identify, define and justify the scientific, theoretical and methodological grounds for using portfolios in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students.

The object of the study is the assessment of students' educational and professional achievements.

The subject of the study is a portfolio as a means of assessing the educational and professional achievements of students of professional and pedagogical specialties.

Based on the goal and problem, a research hypothesis was put forward, which was the assumption that the portfolio will be a means of assessing the educational and professional achievements of a student when a set of the following conditions are met:

the evaluation of educational portfolio materials will be based on a set of indicator variables reflecting the content and structure of the student’s educational and professional achievements;

the structure of presentation and content of educational materials contributed by the student to the portfolio will reproduce the procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities;

the identification of procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities in the portfolio materials will be carried out by the student through reflection.

In accordance with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following research objectives were identified:

    1. Conduct an analysis of the theoretical principles and experience of using portfolios in the practice of domestic and foreign educational institutions.

      Determine, reveal and justify the features of the content and methodology for implementing the assessment procedure using a professional school student’s portfolio.

      To develop and justify the content of the components of a portfolio model focused on assessing the student’s educational and professional achievements.

      To identify the advantages of developing indicator variables that reflect the content and structure of a student’s educational and professional achievements, based on the provisions of the theory of latent variable measurement (G. Rasch metric system).

      To develop and justify indicator variables used in assessing portfolio materials of a future vocational teacher, using a latent variable measurement program.

    Theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The study was built taking into account works reflecting the methodology and methodology of scientific research in the field of pedagogy (Yu.K. Babansky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, M.N. Skatkin, etc.).

    The systematic approach (B.S. Gershunsky, V.S. Lednev, etc.) allows us to present the use of a student’s portfolio in assessing educational and professional achievements in the interrelation of its goals, functions, structural and content characteristics and pedagogical conditions for their implementation. The activity approach (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontyev, etc.) determines the features of the presentation of the process of creating a portfolio by a student taking on the role of a subject of educational and professional activities. The competency-based approach (V.I. Bidenko, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, Yu.G. Tatur, etc.) sets guidelines for the development of indicator variables used in portfolio assessment, characterizing the educational and professional achievements of a student, in the conditions of implementation federal state educational standards.

    The substantiation of the possibilities of a portfolio in improving the assessment of the results of training professional pedagogical personnel is carried out based on the following provisions: theories of professional pedagogical education (P.F. Kubrushko, G.M. Romantsev, E.V. Tkachenko, V.A. Fedorov, etc. ), the theory of pedagogical diagnostics (V.S. Avanesov, A.S. Belkin, etc.), the theory of norms in vocational education (E.A. Korchagin), the concept of continuous professional education (S.Ya. Batyshev, A.M. Novikov and others), research in the field of vocational training technologies (A.A. Verbitsky, D.V. Chernilevsky, N.E. Erganova), psychological and pedagogical approaches to revealing the essence of reflection (N.G. Alekseev, V.A. Metaeva, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, etc.) and a procedural-resultative approach to presenting the process of formation and diagnostics of competencies (I.A. Zimnyaya, M.D. Ilyazova, S.V. Kiktev, V.A. Shiryaeva).

    The theoretical foundations for the development and presentation of a portfolio are presented by the works of domestic authors who study its capabilities in general education (S.I. Nikitina, M.G. Ostrenko, M.A. Pinskaya, I.N. Titova, Yu.V. Kharitonova, etc. ), professional (N.M. Vishtak, V.V. Korshunova, etc.), including vocational pedagogical school (Yu.O. Loboda, O.V. Nikiforov, E.H. Tazutdinova, etc.), and identifying the level of qualifications of teaching staff (M.E. Inkov, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), as well as foreign specialists (D. Baum, W. Weber, J. Muller, J. Strevens, etc.). The experimental study of the portfolio is carried out taking into account the provisions of the theory of latent variable measurement (V.S. Avanesov, A.A. Maslak).

    To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following research methods were used: a) theoretical - study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem, normative and educational program documentation; theoretical portfolio modeling; methods of social and pedagogical design (method of analogy and method of creating scenarios), general scientific methods of theoretical research (analysis and synthesis, classification, comparison, abstraction and concretization, idealization, etc.); b) empirical - studying the experience of using portfolios in the educational process; psychological and pedagogical methods of collecting information (pedagogical observation, questioning, testing and psychodiagnostic methods, the method of expert assessments and the method of self-assessment); c) mathematical and statistical - processing the results of experimental work using a program for measuring latent variables.

    The research base was provided by the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. 388 students took part in the experimental search work.

    Stages of research. The study was carried out in three stages.

    At the second stage - design (2009 - 2011) - theoretical and practical material on the research problem was systematized and generalized; the possibility of application was substantiated and a portfolio model used in assessing educational and professional achievements was designed; a methodology for conducting experimental work was developed. The main methods at this stage were general scientific methods of theoretical research; studying the experience of assessing the educational and professional achievements of students in vocational pedagogical educational institutions; theoretical modeling; pedagogical observation and questioning.

    At the third stage - experimental (2011 - 2012) - the methodology for conducting experimental work was clarified; in the experimental testing of the portfolio, the methodology for implementing the assessment procedure using it, the structural and content characteristics of the portfolio were adjusted; analysis, generalization and systematization of the results obtained during the study, adjustment of conclusions and practical recommendations were carried out; the results of the dissertation research were compiled. The main methods at this stage were pedagogical observation, testing and psychodiagnostic methods, the method of expert assessments and the method of self-assessment, questioning; methods for processing the results of experimental work using the RUMM 2030 dialog system.

    The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:

        1. Three aspects of the definition of the concept of “student’s portfolio” have been identified and scientifically substantiated, according to which it is: a) a form of presenting the results of the student’s activities (“cumulative portfolio”); b) a way for the student to reflectively highlight and design the process and results of educational and professional activities (“a reflective portfolio”); c) a way of organizing interaction between subjects of the educational process (“portfolio process”).

          The methodology for carrying out the procedure for assessing the educational and professional achievements of students is substantiated by identifying, revealing the essence and forming rules for the implementation of accounting and information, control and diagnostic and control and corrective functions of the portfolio.

          A portfolio model was theoretically substantiated and developed, which included functional-target, structural, content and result components. A portfolio, constructed and presented according to this model, allows us to solve the problem of purposeful organization and consistent assessment of a student’s educational and professional achievements as the results of his mastery of generalized methods of educational and professional activity.

        4. A set of indicator variables has been identified that reflect the content and structure of a student’s educational and professional achievements in the design of educational technologies: a system of test tasks, indicators for assessing the process and results of design activities, indicators of methods for diagnosing reflexive abilities and indicators for assessing the quality of a student’s portfolio. This complex is justified based on the results of assessing the portfolios of students of professional and pedagogical specialties using a program for measuring latent variables.

        The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

              1. The definition of a portfolio proposed for assessing the educational and professional achievements of students is formulated as an integral set of educational materials developed by the student through the reflexive selection and design of the procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities.

                A descriptive and prescriptive description of the accounting-informational, control-diagnostic and control-corrective functions of the portfolio is presented, which, when assessing the educational and professional achievements of a student, are proposed to be implemented taking into account the set of rules for collecting, accumulating, selecting, processing, analyzing and presenting the educational materials included in it.

                The content of the concepts used when working on a portfolio has been clarified: “general portfolio” and “current portfolio”, “educational material”, “main material” and “accompanying material”, “document” and “work”, “feedback” and “reflection result” ", "portfolio section" and "portfolio rubric", "invariant component of the portfolio" and "variable component of the portfolio" - in relation to the assessment of the educational and professional achievements of vocational school students.

              The practical significance of the study is determined by the use of the results obtained in order to improve the process of training professional teaching staff:

              the methodology for developing indicator variables characterizing the educational and professional achievements of future vocational training teachers is described and justified, using the example of assessing the process and results of their activities in the design of educational technologies. This methodology is applicable to substantiate indicators reflecting the structure of professional competencies in any area of ​​bachelor’s training;

              educational materials that were used in assessing educational and professional achievements and were included in the content of the portfolio of a future vocational training teacher were introduced into the educational process of the discipline “Pedagogical Technologies” of specialty 050501.65 Vocational training (by industry) (030500);

              didactic and methodological support for students’ activities in developing a portfolio is used to prepare bachelors of vocational training for “organizing the activities of students to collect a portfolio of evidence of educational and professional achievements” (PK-30 according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training 051000 Professional training (by industry) (qualification (degree ) "bachelor");

              The following provisions are submitted for defense:

                1. The portfolio used in assessing the personal educational result - the educational and professional achievements of the student - is a reflective portfolio. It represents an integral set of educational materials developed by the student through reflexive identification and design of the procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities.

                  A student’s educational and professional achievements have a latent integrative nature, therefore they can be identified operationally, through a set of procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities. For this reason, the assessment procedure using a portfolio is proposed to be carried out on the basis of indicator variables that operationally reflect the content and structure of the assessed educational and professional achievements.

                  The formation, experimental testing and justification of a set of indicator variables used in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students presented in the portfolio is proposed to be carried out in accordance with the theory of measurement of latent variables (G. Rasch metric system). This methodology for developing and adjusting a set of indicator variables meets the requirements for creating a holistic and objective assessment tool.

                The reliability and validity of the research results is ensured by the analysis of modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, taking into account the experience of foreign and domestic educational institutions in solving the research problem; focus on modern approaches to assessing educational and professional achievements; choosing methods and creating conditions for their application that are adequate to the object and subject, purpose and objectives of the study; duration and effectiveness of experimental work; using means of mathematical and statistical processing of the results of assessing educational and professional achievements.

                Testing and implementation of the research results were carried out as follows:

                    1. Organization and conduct of experimental work among second, third and fourth year students of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University".

                      Participation in research competitions on the theory and methodology of vocational education (Krasnoyarsk, 2010; Yekaterinburg, 2011; Kyiv / London, 2011).

                      Performance at the Olympiad in Pedagogy for postgraduate students from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Chelyabinsk, 2010) and the Interregional Olympiad for Postgraduate Students in Pedagogy (Chelyabinsk, 2011).

                      Preparation and publication of 15 scientific papers on the research problem, including three articles in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk, 2010; Yekaterinburg, 2011; Riga / Moscow, 2012).

                      Participation in research project No. 16-321-12 “Design of professional training for masters of vocational training for innovative educational institutions” within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

                      Participation in scientific and practical conferences on the problems of vocational education, including international (Novosibirsk, 2011; Moscow, 2011 and 2012) and all-Russian (Nizhny Tagil, 2010; Kumertau, 2010; Neryungri, 2010; Yekaterinburg, 2011; Kazan, 2012) levels.

                    Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references, including 255 sources, including 24 foreign ones. The text of the dissertation is presented on 183 pages, includes 16 tables, 23 figures and 3 appendices.

                    Contents and methodology for implementing the assessment procedure using the student’s portfolio

                    The substantiation of the possibilities of a portfolio in improving the assessment of the results of training professional pedagogical personnel is carried out based on the following provisions: theories of vocational pedagogical education (P.F. Kubrushko, G.M. Romantsev, E.V. Tkachenko, V.A. Fedorov, etc. ), the theory of norms in vocational education (E.A. Korchagin), the theory of pedagogical diagnostics (B.S. Avanesov, A.S. Belkin, etc.), the concept of continuous professional education (S.Ya. Batyshev and A.M. Novikov), research in the field of vocational training technologies (A.A. Verbitsky, D.V. Chernilevsky, N.E. Erganova), psychological and pedagogical approaches to revealing the essence of reflection (N.G. Alekseev, V.A. Metaeva, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, etc.) and a procedural-effective approach to presenting the process of developing and diagnosing competencies (I.A. Zimnyaya, M.D. Ilyazova, S.V. Kiktev, V.A. Shiryaeva).

                    The theoretical foundations for the development and presentation of a portfolio are presented by the works of domestic authors who study its capabilities in general education (S.I. Nikitina, M.G. Ostrenko, M.A. Pinskaya, I.N. Titova, Yu.V. Kharitonova, etc.), professional (N.M. Vishtak, V.V. Korshunova, etc.), including vocational pedagogical school (Yu.O. Loboda, O.V. Nikiforov, E.H. Tazutdinova, etc.), and identification level of qualifications of teaching staff (M.E. Inkov, V.D. Shadrikov), as well as foreign specialists (D. Baume, J. Mueller, J. Strivens, V. Veber, etc.). The experimental study of the portfolio is carried out taking into account the provisions of the theory of measurement of latent variables (G. Rasch metric system) (B.S. Avanesov, A.A. Maslak, etc.).

                    To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following research methods were used: a) theoretical - study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem, normative and educational program documentation; theoretical portfolio modeling; methods of social and pedagogical design (method of analogy and method of creating scenarios), general scientific methods of theoretical research (analysis and synthesis, classification, comparison, abstraction and concretization, idealization, etc.); b) empirical - studying the experience of using portfolios in the educational process; psychological and pedagogical methods of collecting information (pedagogical observation, questioning, testing and psychodiagnostic methods, the method of expert assessments and the method of self-assessment); c) mathematical and statistical - processing the results of experimental work using a program for measuring latent variables.

                    The research base was provided by the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. 388 students took part in the experimental search work. Stages of research. The study was carried out in three stages.

                    At the first stage - search and research (2008 - 2009) - the research topic was determined and comprehended; its methodological and theoretical aspects were clarified; an analysis of scientific and theoretical sources, regulatory and educational program documentation was carried out; the main directions of research were highlighted; contradictions were formulated, the problem, purpose and objectives, object and subject of research were defined. The main methods at this stage were general scientific methods of theoretical research; study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem, normative and educational program documentation; analysis and generalization of experience in using portfolios in education.

                    At the second stage - design (2009 - 2011) - theoretical and practical material on the research problem was systematized and generalized; the possibility of application was substantiated and a model of a portfolio used in assessing educational and professional achievements was designed; a methodology for conducting experimental work was developed. The main methods at this stage were general scientific methods of theoretical research; studying the experience of assessing the educational and professional achievements of students in vocational pedagogical educational institutions; theoretical modeling; pedagogical observation and questioning.

                    At the third stage - experimental (2011 2012) - the methodology for conducting experimental work was clarified; in the experimental testing of the portfolio, the methodology for implementing the assessment procedure using it, the structural and content characteristics of the portfolio were adjusted; analysis, generalization and systematization of the results obtained during the study, adjustment of conclusions and practical recommendations were carried out; the results of the dissertation research were compiled. The main methods at this stage were pedagogical observation, testing and psychodiagnostic methods, the method of expert assessments and the method of self-assessment, questioning; methods for processing the results of experimental work using the RUMM 2030 dialog system.

                    Portfolio as a means of assessing students’ educational and professional achievements

                    One of the leading activities of a professional school teacher at the present time, related to the development of innovative processes in education, N.E. Erganova calls diagnostic activity. Diagnostics (from the Greek “diagnostikos” - capable of recognizing) means the process of determining the characteristics of an object, which involves knowledge of their signs, and making a decision on its condition on this basis, that is, establishing a diagnosis (from the Greek “dia” - transparent and “ gnosis" - knowledge). In dictionaries of psychological and pedagogical terms and concepts, as well as scientific and educational works that touch on certain aspects of pedagogical diagnostics, it is defined as a research procedure (I.N. Kuznetsov), the process of studying an observed pedagogical phenomenon (V.I. Zagvyazinsky ), a system of specific activities of teachers and teaching teams (B.S. Avanesov), a set of monitoring and evaluation techniques aimed at solving problems of optimizing the educational process (B.M. Bim-Bad), activities to establish and study signs characterizing the state and results of the learning process (G.M. Romantsev and others), etc.

                    To reveal the content of the concept of “pedagogical diagnostics”, the authors use the words “study”, “identification”, “clarification”, “establishment”, “research”, “recognition”, etc. as denoting those procedures that make it possible to obtain all the necessary information about the object under study. At the same time, not every study of a pedagogical phenomenon, accompanied by obtaining information about it, can be considered diagnostic. Analyzing the distinctive features of the diagnostic process, A.S. Belkin proposes to use the term “diagnostic study”, meaning by it such a study of an object that would involve a comparison of its two pictures: normative, previously studied and described in detail, and actual, that is, really existing. Therefore, diagnostic information includes not only information about the condition of the object, but also about the degree of its compliance with established standards, the reasons for the identified deviations, the main trends in its development, the need and possibility of adjusting this process.

                    Based on the diagnostic methodology described above, researchers identify key components that are subject to mandatory development when it is carried out in an educational institution. These include specific means, such as those materials and methods, such as those methods that can be used to recognize the deviation of the actual state of a diagnostic object from its reference value. In the context of modernization of the vocational education system in line with the competency-based approach, which actualizes the study of the problem of diagnosing students’ competencies, the question of the composition of its tools and methods remains open. Although in separate works (B.S. Avanesov, D.P. Zavodchikov, V.K. Zagvozdkin, I.A. Zimnyaya, M.E. Inkov, N.V. Kozlova and O.G. Berestneva, O.V. Nikiforov, V.D. Shadrikov and I.V. Kuznetsov and other researchers) attempts are being made to give a systematic description of them.

                    Diagnostics in modern educational conditions appears as a long and multi-component process, the main components of which experts consider at least two: measuring the student’s readiness to perform the tasks of the future professional field and evaluating the educational activities carried out by him according to clearly defined and normatively approved criteria. The first of these components relates to the identification of professionally significant knowledge, skills and qualities of the student and involves the use of specially developed and tested tools, among which a special place is given to psychodiagnostic methods and certified tests. The second is aimed at establishing the student’s ability to apply a set of identified knowledge, skills and personal qualities to solve problems in educational or quasi-professional activities using expert, peer and self-assessment methods. Thus, measurement and evaluation “are included in diagnosis as necessary components.”

                    The use of a portfolio, apparently, should be classified as the second of the above components. Proof of this can be the use by foreign experts of the concept of “portfolio” in the context of research into methods of “alternative”, “authentic”, “inclusive”, etc. assessment, one of which is the portfolio method or “portfolio assessment” (from the English “to assess" - to evaluate, appreciate). In a number of domestic works devoted to modern means of assessing educational results (N.F. Efremova, V.I. Zvonnikov, A.P. Chernyavskaya and B.S. Grechin, etc.), the portfolio is mentioned among a number of tools that correspond to what is happening in the control - changes in the assessment system of domestic educational institutions. The lack of methods for diagnosing student competencies also increases interest in the portfolio: it is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers as a tool for assessing the results of professional education (X. Keurulainen, M.S. Mukhina, O.V. Nikiforov, G.M. Romantsev, T.V. Ryumina and others).

                    Assessing educational results in the works of individual authors appears as a process: determining achievements in relation to given criteria, requirements or normative indicators; establishing the degree of compliance of educational results with the system of state and public requirements; comparison of educational and professional achievements with what is “selected as the base system when assigning grades” (results of other students, requirements of the program or educational standard, a priori assessments of educational and professional achievements, effort expended), etc. Thus, assessment seems to be the majority researchers as a process of comparison, according to a certain methodology, of the obtained assessment data with a pre-developed standard that has a social or educational value character. At the same time, the purpose of this comparison in modern conditions is proposed to be considered 38 not so much the identification of the results of professional training (“final” or “assessment for control”), but also their multilateral analysis with the identification, based on the findings, of directions for improving the quality of education (“formative” or "assessment for development").

                    Disclosure of the content of the procedure for assessing educational and professional achievements using a portfolio is carried out by specialists according to the logic presented above: as a “comparison of established requirements with a set of documented testimony contained” in it. At the same time, considering the portfolio as “a complement to the existing system of monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes,” SI. Nikitina points out its capabilities in deepening the implementation of the basic functions of pedagogical diagnostics. To these, in particular, she includes “accounting and information”, “control and diagnostic” and “control and corrective” functions. According to the point of view we are developing, it would be more correct to present them not as independent functions of the portfolio, but as its “diagnostic function”, implemented in a special way at individual stages of the full cycle of the assessment procedure. This opinion is explained by the fact that the sequence of actions recorded in them, lying at the basis of the individual cumulative assessment system, contributes to a more complete disclosure of the assessment procedure in the process of working on a portfolio: from collecting various certificates to applying the results of their assessment in order to adjust the student’s educational and professional activities.

                    The even-information function of the portfolio is essentially similar to its function, which is designated by a number of researchers (G.B. Golub, A.V. Mosina, O.V. Churakova) as “cumulative” (collection of educational materials of different quality and other types). certificates accompanying the process of professional training) or “substantive” (ensuring the storage of selected training materials and other accompanying documents). Due to the fact that the problem of long-term collection and accumulation of evidence of a student’s educational and professional activities is not so typical for other assessment tools, researchers recognize some specificity of its implementation in relation to a portfolio.

                    We especially note the still unresolved issue of determining what is necessary and sufficient in each specific case for developing a portfolio of the set of evidence included in it. Currently, there is no clear list of names or items that need to be included in it, or the listing is too extensive. Evidence of this may include comments from researchers such as: “A portfolio can include a wide variety of materials,” “A portfolio can contain everything from... to...”, “Apparently, there is a significant number and variety of student works that can be selected as samples included in the portfolio”, etc. The solution to the problem of collecting and accumulating materials in such conditions is made completely dependent on the expert opinion of the teacher, teaching staff or methodological commission of the educational institution implementing it. For this reason, what is more problematic is not the lack of uniform recommendations for filling a portfolio, but rather the lack of development of clear criteria that should be used as the basis for the process of such filling.

                    Some guidelines for resolving this issue are set by researchers (J. Mueller, L. Vanyushkina, E.Yu. Kudryavtseva, T.G. Novikova, etc.) when justifying the position that portfolio development should begin with the goal-setting procedure, since it will make it possible to fix the goal of the educational process, on the one hand, and the tasks of introducing a portfolio into this process, on the other. A certain clarity can be brought by the subsequent correlation of the goals set with the capabilities of portfolio forms already widely used in domestic and foreign practice (Table 2). Despite the fact that the diagnostic function is implemented by any portfolio, the requirement for assessing educational and professional achievements, from among its varieties, is met predominantly by its evaluative version.

                    Possibilities of a portfolio in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students

                    The content of the main stage of the experimental work was the organization of students’ work to reflectively highlight and design the procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities in the materials of the developed portfolio. Students of specialty 050501.65 Vocational training (by industry) (030500) took part in the experimental work at this stage: design; Informatics, computer engineering and computer technology; economics and Management; electrical power engineering, electrical engineering and electrical technology - a total of 192 people. In the portfolio, they were asked to display the process and results of activities carried out during lectures and seminars in the discipline “Pedagogical Technologies” (invariant component), and other materials corresponding to the characteristics of the portfolio and materials developed as part of independent work (variable component) (Appendix 1) .

                    Interaction with students took place in the mode of consulting support for their individual and group work on the consistent creation of a portfolio (Table 6). It should be noted that the name of the stages indicated in the table and the features of their content were determined taking into account the results of research into the portfolio of university student E.V. Grigorenko with amendments in accordance with the procedural structure of educational and professional activities described in the previous paragraph.

                    The development of indicator variables reflecting the structure and content of the educational and professional achievements of a future vocational school teacher in the field of designing educational technologies, as a normative educational result, was carried out in accordance with the requirements of educational program documents. Taking this into account, a set of tasks of theoretical, design and reflective content was formed, the progress and results of which were displayed by the student in the portfolio as an invariant component. The subject of assessment, based on the requirements for the process and results of educational and professional activities within the discipline “Pedagogical Technologies”, was professionally significant knowledge, design skills and reflexive abilities of the student. For the purpose of their formative assessment (the third and fourth stages according to Table 6), the following were developed and used: professionally significant knowledge - a system of 35 closed-type test tasks with one or several correct answer options, including situational ones, aimed at identifying the results of mastering enlarged educational elements of the discipline “Pedagogical Technologies”; design skills - a set of ten aggregated indicators of expert and self-assessment of the progress and results of the design of three learning technologies: concentrated learning technology (CTT), modular learning technology (TMT) and gaming technology (IT);

                    The content of the student’s and teacher’s work at various stages of their joint work on the portfolio is the name of the stage of work on the portfolio. The content of the student’s work stage is the portfolio. The results of the student’s work on the portfolio. The content of the teacher’s activity. The stage of preparation for the development and presentation of the portfolio. Acquaintance with the possibilities of the portfolio through participation in the installation lectures and independent work for the discipline with a list of recommended literature and a glossary of key concepts Synopsis of the orientation lecture Cluster of key concepts used in developing a portfolio Preparation and delivery of the orientation lecture for the discipline Development and issuance of assignments for students’ independent work

                    Stage of motivation and goal fulfillment. developing a structure and plan Formulating the goals and objectives of studying the discipline Selecting the characteristics of the portfolio (based on the graphic diagram “Varieties of a student’s portfolio”) Justification of the restrictions introduced in the portfolio Drawing up a work plan on the portfolio for the semester Planning the content of the portfolio Well-developed work program and educational literature on the discipline Studied schedule - diagram Designed title page Completed introduction of the portfolio 1 Planned content of the portfolio Development and delivery of a set of assignments for the semester with a discussion of their content and order of submission Familiarization with the contents of the title page and introduction, consulting on their completion

                    The ethan of collecting and designing magerials lori folio Purposeful and systematic development of educational materials in accordance with the procedural structure of educational and professional activities and the logic of the discipline. With their processing and presentation in the current portfolio Selection of materials from the current one into the general portfolio Set of educational materials of the current portfolio Formalized content of the general portfolio and its main sections filled with educational materials Current diagnostics of knowledge (testing and lecture classes) and design skills (evaluation developed by the student projects of three technologies)

                    1 Stage of tests and presentation of the portfolio Identification, discussion and elimination of difficulties in the development of the portfolio through participation in thematic seminar session Development and refinement of teaching materials for the portfolio Final adjustment of the content and design of the portfolio and its preparation for public presentation Portfolio assessment indicators Corrected and completed general portfolio, ready for presentation at the final lesson Developed plan for presenting a portfolio at the final lesson Preparation and conduct of a thematic lesson (viewing current portfolios with their discussion; diagnostics of reflexive abilities, development of indicators for assessing student portfolios)

                    5 Stage of presentation of the portfolio according to its purpose Presentation of the idiomatic general portfolio at the final lesson of the discipline with its expert, mutual and self-evaluation Participation in the discussion and evaluation of one’s own and the portfolio of other students Results of self-evaluation of one’s own general portfolio Result of evaluation of the portfolio of other students Preparation and organization of the presentation of the portfolio by students ( development of evaluation sheets; development of presentation regulations; its holding with discussion of the results)

                    6 Stage of evaluation of performance results Finalization of accompanying materials Summing up the development and presentation of the portfolio Final design of the general portfolio Submission of the portfolio for the exam Set of developed accompanying materials Conclusions on the results of development and presentation of the portfolio Processing of assessment sheets Analysis of data in RUMM 2030 Counseling of students Acceptance of general portfolios

                    It should be noted that, depending on the content of the educational and professional achievements being assessed, the structural component of the portfolio presented in the first chapter of this work can be filled with various materials. However, they must meet the requirements of compliance with its purpose and variety, the features of the process and results of the stages of educational and professional activity displayed in them, as well as the main indicators of the quality of the assessment tool. For this reason, the diagnostic characteristics of each of the tools we developed were analyzed.

                    Diagnosis of professionally relevant knowledge. As a method for diagnosing students' knowledge, as one of the most objective, the testing method was chosen. The generated set of indicators consisted of 35 closed-type test items with one or several correct answer options, including situational ones, aimed at identifying the quality of students’ mastery of the educational elements of the “Pedagogical Technologies” course (Appendix 2). The system of tasks was analyzed in order to determine the possibility of its use for the current diagnosis of students' knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the design and application of modern pedagogical learning technologies. The results obtained from testing served as the basis for correcting the set of test tasks with determining their composition, which would be possible to use as an invariant educational material for the portfolio developed by students.

                    Students from five groups of specialty 050501.65 Professional training (design), with a total of 95 people (third stage according to Table 6), took part in the testing. Everyone was offered a set of test tasks, the completion of which was recorded using a dichotomous scale: 0 points - “the task was not completed or performed incorrectly” and 1 point - “the task was completed correctly.” The influence of test items was found to be directly proportional to the assessed latent variable “knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the design and application of educational technologies.” The results obtained were processed using the RUMM 2030 program, using its ability to characterize the behavior not only of individual test tasks, but also of distractors developed within each distractor.

                    100 The analysis showed that the generated set of test tasks can be used to diagnose students’ knowledge of the theoretical foundations of designing pedagogical technologies. This is confirmed by the value of the separability index equal to 0.6332 and indicating the possibility, using a set of studied indicator variables, to differentiate those diagnosed according to the level of their educational and professional level.

                    national knowledge. The empirical significance level of the x statistics is 0.068119, which makes it possible to assert that the developed set of test tasks is compatible.

                    The characteristics of test tasks made it possible to identify their main types: 1) “ideal” tasks, which are most suitable for diagnosing professionally significant knowledge, since the value of the x2 statistics for them exceeds 0.9 (i29, ij, fe u)i 2) inadequate tasks that have the lowest value of this statistic, not exceeding its minimum established level (//0, і4у і3, ііб); 3) tasks with a high level of difficulty (i3h ij2i b 9 h$)i 4) tasks with a low level of difficulty (і2о, і/з, h, h) - Taking into account the data obtained, an analysis was carried out that was incompatible with the general set of test tasks (//о, і ij, he) From the characteristic curve іу it is clear that the reason for the low quality of this task is that poorly prepared students answer it better than average and well prepared students, and also significantly better than expected: the first experimental point is in the correct ( the third) answer option lies above the characteristic curve and the other two experimental points lying below it (Figure 11). In other words, the test task has a “disordered” answer, which may be caused by a defect in its composition, due to which only poorly prepared students understand it correctly.

                    Using portfolios to form an integrative assessment of students’ educational and professional achievements

                    Analysis and adjustment of the developed set of indicator variables was carried out using the RUMM 2030 program with a focus on a set of quality indicators of the results of our assessment procedures. Among the main indicators: the degree of compliance of indicator variables with the model for measuring educational and professional achievements and the compatibility of their set (jf statistics); differentiating ability of indicators (separability index and range of variation in assessments of educational and professional achievements); reliability of assessment results (Cronbach's alpha, Pearson and Spearman-Brown reliability measures, Guttman coefficient); the values ​​of the difficulty assessments of the indicator variables and the level of development of the assessed qualities; indicators of the joint distribution of assessment data on a linear interval scale (graphs of the joint distribution of assessments); characteristics of the behavior of options (characteristic curves of indicator variables) and response categories for each indicator, etc.

                    The survey conducted at the final stage of the experimental work made it possible to say that the development and presentation of a portfolio is considered by the majority of students as an interesting and significant type of educational and professional activity for their personal and professional development. At the same time, the current conditions of their professional and pedagogical training are not assessed by them as fully conducive to the realization of the developmental potential contained in the portfolio. The “weaknesses” of assessing educational and professional achievements using a portfolio, identified in this way and described in the dissertation work, should be considered as the main directions for further research of this assessment tool.

                    The relevance of the study of the scientific, theoretical and methodological basis for the use of portfolios in assessing the educational and professional achievements of students of vocational pedagogical specialties is determined by the need to improve the training of future vocational teachers, taking into account the basic requirements for the development of the vocational pedagogical education system in modern conditions. These requirements, reflecting the need to change the content and mode of interaction between teacher and student, cannot but affect the features of the organization and implementation of assessment activities. The latter is increasingly being considered by researchers in the context of building subject-subject interaction between a teacher and students, who consciously and independently solve the problems of initiating, designing, constructing, implementing and evaluating the process and results of educational and professional activities.

                    Being the main object of pedagogical assessment, the educational and professional activities of the future vocational education teacher cannot be recorded through the varieties of the “portfolio of achievements” widely described in the scientific literature, methodological recommendations and regulatory documents. Being aimed at obtaining information about individual “visible” results of a student’s professional and pedagogical training, they cannot give a single and complete idea of ​​his readiness to implement individual stages of the integral cycle of activities. A portfolio, considered as a set of educational materials developed by a student through reflexive identification and design of procedural and effective characteristics of educational and professional activities, makes it possible to overcome this limitation.

                    At certain stages of collaboration between a student and a teacher on a portfolio, accounting and information, control and diagnostic, and control and corrective functions can be implemented with its help. The implementation of these functions, taking into account the set of rules formed in the dissertation research, ensures the solution of problems of consistent and purposeful collection, accumulation and selection, processing, analysis and presentation of information necessary to make a reasonable conclusion about the state of the student as a subject of educational and professional activity. The educational and value result of the assessment procedure using a portfolio is the identified educational and professional achievements, reflecting the student’s ability and readiness to apply existing professionally significant knowledge, abilities and skills, various kinds of abilities, etc. to effectively solve the problems of the activity being mastered.

                    The portfolio model proposed for assessing a student’s educational and professional achievements includes functional-target, structural, content and resulting components. A portfolio, formed and used taking into account the proposed model, provides the opportunity for long-term and multilateral monitoring of the above-mentioned qualities of a student’s personality as a subject of educational and professional activity. These qualities must be considered as personal educational results of the student’s mastery of generalized methods of activity, carried out in the course of reflexive processing of its main structural components: goals and objectives, methods, means, etc.

                    A student’s educational and professional achievements have a latent integrative nature, for which reason they can only be identified operationally - on the basis of an integral set of indicator variables that reflect their structure and content and serve as a “standard” when assessing the student’s portfolio materials. The need to comply with the basic attributes of pedagogical diagnostics, as well as to ensure high quality of the results obtained with its help in terms of their validity, reliability, objectivity and efficiency, determines the choice of approach to obtaining, processing and presenting the results of the assessment procedure carried out using port 145 folio. It is based on the provisions of the theory of measurement of latent variables (G. Rasch metric system).

                    The advantages of the theory of measurement of latent variables (the probabilistic and single-parameter nature of the G. Rasch model, the elimination of the factor of subjectivity, the use of a linear interval scale of a single unit of measurement “logit”, etc.), as well as the statistical and mathematical capabilities of programs for measuring latent variables, allow for a multidimensional analysis of the developed population indicator variables from the point of view of the main indicators of the quality of the results obtained with its help. Among them are the degree of fit of the indicator variables to the measurement model and the compatibility of their set; differentiating ability of indicators; reliability of diagnostic results; the values ​​of assessments of the difficulty of indicator variables and the level of development of the quality being diagnosed; indicators of the joint distribution of assessment data, including its density, normality and uniformity, on a linear interval scale; characteristics of the behavior of response options and categories for each indicator, etc.

                    The experimental work carried out makes it possible to conclude that the set of indicator variables presented based on its results characterize the educational and professional achievements of future vocational training teachers in the field of “design and application of individualized, activity- and personality-oriented technologies and teaching methods” (PC-17 ) and used in assessing their portfolio, can be considered as a holistic assessment tool. However, the dissertation research does not exhaust the entire content of the problem raised in it, allowing one to identify possible directions for its further study. They may be associated with the identification, definition and justification of the scientific, theoretical and methodological basis for the use of portfolios in the final and ongoing assessment of students’ general competencies, in competitive selection procedures and state certification of applicants and graduates of vocational educational institutions.

                    Similar dissertations to Portfolio in the system of means for assessing the educational and professional achievements of students of professional and pedagogical specialties


The article deals with the organization and conduct of internships for bachelors studying in the field of preparation "Pedagogical Education", based on the project "Practice in the system of professional education and personal growth of a future specialist." The scientific and methodological content of bachelor's practice in the context of the modernization of teacher education is considered, allowing the student to implement a practice program, the results of which are reflected in the technological map of his personal growth. The purpose and objectives of the “Portfolio of Professional Achievements” are described, which allows you to accumulate and preserve documentary evidence of the student’s individual educational and professional achievements in the process of mastering the internship program for the entire period of study. The competition “Our New School” was presented, which helps to develop in students a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, the use of their creative and intellectual potential to solve current pedagogical problems.

bachelor's practice

competency-based approach

scientific and methodological convention

portfolio of professional achievements


individual educational route

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6. Practice in the system of professional education and personal growth of a bachelor student. Issue 4: educational manual / E.V. Levkina, E.S. Ivantsova, I.V. Kuzina, V.F. Mironycheva, N.V. Fedoseeva; Arzamas branch of UNN. – Arzamas: AF UNN, 2015. – 106 p.

7. Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. – URL: (access date: 07/11/2016).

Issues of improving the professional level of teaching staff in educational organizations are currently the subject of heated debate. This is primarily due to the discussion of the Concept for Supporting the Development of Teacher Education. Leading universities of the Russian Federation are discussing their own ways to solve one of the most important problems, understanding that the modernization of teacher education consists, first of all, in ensuring the training of teaching staff in accordance with the Professional Standard of a Teacher and the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education.

Purpose of the study. In the Arzamas branch of UNN, on the basis of adopted federal program and target documents (State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” for 2013-2020, State Program of the Russian Federation “Economic Development and Innovative Economy”, “Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020” , “Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025”, etc.) one of the priority areas for preparing a future teacher is the creation of conditions for improving the professional competencies necessary to carry out activities as a teacher. We are talking about organizing and conducting practical training for bachelors studying in the field of preparation “Pedagogical Education”.

Material and research methods. We have developed the project “Practice in the system of vocational education and personal growth of a future specialist,” the goal of which is to create conditions for the effective training of teaching staff that meet the needs of the regional labor market. It should be noted that graduates of the branch work in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region and satisfy the needs of its economic sphere for qualified personnel. Constant monitoring of employers allows us to assert that they are generally satisfied with the quality of training of young specialists (the presence of problems discussed in society related to the need for qualitative changes in the teacher training system itself is not denied). Currently, the branch has concluded more than 1,000 agreements for student internships, a system of targeted agreements is in place, and based on a competency-based approach, individual educational routes for student interns are being developed, supported by legal and regulatory support for internships. Monitoring the state of teacher education in the Nizhny Novgorod region made it possible to construct a vector for the development of a system of practical training of teaching staff based on traditional and innovative forms of interaction between all participants in the educational process. Experienced teachers from practice bases and university professors are involved in guiding students’ practices.

We have created scientific and methodological practice content that allows the student to implement a practice program, the results of which are reflected in the technological map of the bachelor’s personal growth. The work programs of internships spell out the requirements for the input knowledge, skills and readiness of bachelors acquired as a result of mastering the previous parts of the BOP. Attention is focused on the knowledge, skills and abilities that are specified in the “Professional Standard of a Teacher”. During the internship, program authors choose modern educational technologies that allow them to develop competencies. The results of training in practice have been thought out, characterizing specific stages of the formation of competencies in interaction with teachers and heads of practice bases. The choice of forms and methods of implementing educational technologies when mastering content blocks is important. For each topic, planned learning outcomes for practice are proposed. Considering that independent work is the most important component of a student’s activity during the internship period, teachers determine the vector of independent practical work in an educational organization, which can be carried out in the following forms: maintaining a “Portfolio of professional achievements of a student intern”, studying regulatory documents, scientific -methodological literature, online resources of teachers, websites of teachers and leading teachers, development of technological maps of lessons and educational activities, preparation of presentations, analysis of the work of a teacher-mentor, self-analysis of the formation of a student’s professional position, introduction of new technologies and forms of teaching into one’s own educational process. Considering that the educational organization implements the Federal State Educational Standard, bachelors create an algorithm for the formation in their own lessons and in extracurricular activities of universal educational activities and subject, meta-subject and personal results of students. Funds of assessment tools include a list of practice competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the process of mastering the educational program with an indication of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, possessions) characterizing the stages of their formation, a description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation. Modern products of professional pedagogical activity (mind map, book trailer, infogram, etc.) act as forms of assessment tools. After completing the internship, the student must submit a “Portfolio of Bachelor’s Professional Achievements” to the department.

A portfolio of professional achievements is a systematization of experience and knowledge accumulated by a trainee by processing professional information and methodological materials reflecting his pedagogical activities as a teacher, class teacher, allowing him to structure the directions of personal development and professional growth and think through interaction with qualified specialists and the administration of an educational organization, give objective assessment of the development of competencies. The main goal of creating a “Portfolio of Professional Achievements” is to accumulate and preserve documentary evidence of the student’s individual educational and professional achievements in the process of mastering the internship program for the entire period of study. Objectives of the student’s portfolio: development of motivation for educational and professional achievements; development of skills to objectively assess the level of development of competencies; development of the competitiveness of the future specialist in the labor market. The student’s “portfolio of professional achievements” serves as an informative addition to the exam and interview with the employer, illustrating his educational activity and personal potential.

The content of the “Portfolio of student interns” (educational teaching practice, 3rd year, 6th semester, 3 credits, 108 hours) includes: an order for practice (kept in the personal file), a title page, information about the class (lesson schedule , a class list indicating public assignments), a practice diary, a technological map of an educational event, a presentation of an educational event, a booklet for parents on current issues in the education and training of schoolchildren, a pedagogical essay, a technological map of the bachelor’s personal growth, thanks received during the internship, photos - and video materials. To monitor the development of competence, a differentiated test with an assessment is used, which is carried out based on the results of the “Bachelor's Portfolio” check based on the technological map of the bachelor's personal growth. The assessment is carried out on the basis of a technological map of the bachelor’s personal growth, which presents the level of competence development. This is a tool for independent professional certification of student trainee activities by specialists from practice bases and university methodologists, including mandatory self-assessment. The criteria and procedures for assessing the results of practice, which characterize the stages of developing competencies, help the student adjust the results of teaching activities and improve their grade. Typical control tasks or other materials necessary for assessing the results of practice, characterizing the stages of developing competencies and for monitoring the development of competence, represent methodological recommendations for working with a specific product of pedagogical activity. The proposed resource support for practice guides the student in the choice of scientific and methodological material necessary for modeling teaching activities.

Let us analyze the specifics of developing the competencies of bachelors in educational teaching practice (3rd year, 6th semester), the purpose of which is the formation of practical skills necessary for carrying out activities as a class teacher in the context of implementing a competency-based approach. A trainee mastering a bachelor's degree program in educational pedagogical practice must have the ability to solve the problems of education and spiritual and moral development of students in educational and extracurricular activities (PC-3), readiness to interact with participants in the educational process (PC-6), and the ability to organize cooperation among students , maintain activity and initiative, independence of students, develop their creative abilities (PC-7). During educational pedagogical practice, the following types of professional pedagogical activities are implemented: studying the possibilities, needs, achievements of students in the field of education; training and education in the field of education in accordance with the requirements of educational standards; the use of technologies that correspond to the age characteristics of students and reflect the specifics of subject areas; organizing interaction with public and educational organizations, children's groups and parents (legal representatives), participation in self-government and management of school staff to solve problems of professional activity; formation of an educational environment to ensure the quality of education, including the use of information technology; ensuring the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Since the trainee performs the functions of a class teacher, the types of professional activities are focused on the educational aspect.

When determining the performance indicators of a student intern, we adhere to the concept that defines the qualitative characteristics of a particular area of ​​activity. An indicator is something that allows you to display the progress of a process, its results, and the state of the object of observation in a simple and accessible form to humans. For us, when determining the indicators that characterize the performance of a student trainee, it is important that this is a characteristic that is accessible not only to observation, but also to measurement. By indicator we mean a criterion or sign on the basis of which a particular process is measured and assessed. By indicator we will understand a characteristic that is measured and which quantitatively characterizes any qualitative state expressed through an indicator. By descriptor we mean a description of the results of student trainees’ activities at a certain level, expressed in specific actions (Table 1).

Table 1

Technological map for assessing the development of students' competencies during educational practice


(generalized learning results)


(dynamics of learning outcomes expressed in specific actions)

Formed competencies

Practice diary

Requirements for the preparation of business documents.

Reflection of all types of activities as a class teacher.

Recording all types of activities as a class teacher.

Cluster “Pedagogical interaction”

Reliance on basic cultural values, modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation in considering the issue of pedagogical interaction.

Information content, argumentation, the presence of cause-and-effect relationships between the components of the cluster.

Cluster development.


educational event

The relevance of the topic of the educational event, its focus on solving key problems in the field of education outlined in government documents.

Correspondence of the VM topic to the age and individual characteristics of students.

Compliance of the goals and objectives of the VM with the selected methods.


Compliance of the conversation plan with its purpose (the focus of the conversation is on developing in students a tolerant attitude towards social and cultural differences, a respectful and caring attitude towards the historical heritage and cultural traditions).

The relevance of the dispute problem, its correspondence to the age characteristics of students.

Completeness and correctness of the list of references (availability of printed and electronic resources).

Development and implementation of educational activities.

Presentation of an educational event

Requirements for the design and content of the presentation.

Development of a presentation for conducting VM.

Booklet for parents

Requirements for booklet design.

Relevance and information content of the booklet.

Development of a booklet for parents on current issues in raising and educating children.

Pedagogical essay

Requirements for writing a pedagogical essay.

Compiling a written speech statement in the genre of a pedagogical essay.

Assessment of the development of competencies is carried out on the basis of a technological map (Table 2).

table 2

Technological map of personal growth of a bachelor

Student's name

Type of practice

Educational (pedagogical)

Faculty, course

Practice dates


training profile

Practice base

Formed competencies

Classroom teacher


Practice diary

Cluster “Pedagogical interaction”

VM technological map

VM presentation

Booklet for parents

Pedagogical essay

Total points

Each competency is scored from 3 to 5.

A “satisfactory” grade is given to a bachelor if the number of points is 189 or less.

A “good” grade is given to a bachelor if the number of points is from 180 to 204.

An “excellent” grade is given to a bachelor if the number of points is from 205 to 225.

Thus, the individual educational route of student trainees demonstrates the degree of readiness to work as a class teacher.

Research results and discussion. Future teachers are supported in the process of entering the profession in different ways. For example, the Regional Competition of Research Projects “Our New School” for young scientists, organized as part of the activities of the Scientific and Methodological Center named after V.P., is popular among students. Vakhterov, functioning at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Teacher Education.

The organization of the “Our New School” competition, first of all, allows us to involve students in scientific, practical and research activities, prepare qualified teaching staff, and identify the most gifted and talented students. At the same time, participation in the competition not only develops students’ interest in professional creativity, creative thinking and independence in solving scientific and pedagogical problems, but also contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, the use of their creative and intellectual potential to solve current pedagogical problems.

The research pedagogical project of the contestants, as a rule, is based on their own knowledge, is an independently conducted study, tested in practice in a real pedagogical environment and has confirmation in publications and speeches at conferences and seminars at various levels. The jury consists of leading teachers of educational organizations of the city, scientists and teachers of the branch, employers. When evaluating a project, special attention is paid to the practical significance of the work. Every year the competition is held in several areas related to current pedagogical problems. For example: “Educational technologies in the teaching and educational process of a modern school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”; “Civic-patriotic education of youth”; “Technological techniques of media education as a means of developing media literacy among students”; "Inclusive Education"; “System for supporting gifted children”; “Preserving and strengthening the health of students”; “Reading Pedagogy”, etc. Students offer innovative pedagogical ideas, develop original models and scientific and methodological support for teaching and upbringing schoolchildren, describe effective teaching and upbringing practices, test new programs, innovative methodological approaches and educational technologies. It is important to note that most of the projects submitted to the competition are of interest in the professional community and are in demand by student trainees and young teachers.

Participation in the “Our New School” competition allows us to resolve the issue of preparing a new generation of teaching staff who are capable of skillfully and competently solving professional problems, ready for innovation, to cooperate with all participants in the educational process, and to implement the social order of society.

Conclusions. Thus, new approaches to the organization and preparation of student internships provide future teachers with the opportunity to freely enter an individual educational route, where the connections between all components of the training content (subject-related, psychological-pedagogical, information-technical) with the practical professional tasks of a teacher are strengthened with the support of specialists from practice bases .

Bibliographic link

Levkina E.V., Mironycheva V.F., Kuzina I.V. SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL CONTENT OF BACHELOR'S PRACTICE IN CONDITIONS OF MODERNIZATION OF TEACHER EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2016. – No. 4.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"