The poem about the school is short in Ukrainian. Poems about school for primary school children

What is a school

School is a bright house
We will study in it.
There we learn to write
Add and multiply.

We learn a lot at school.
About your favorite land
About mountains and oceans
About continents and countries;

And where the rivers flow
And what were the Greeks
And what are the seas
And how the earth spins.

The school has workshops...
Interesting things to count!
And the call is fun.
That's what "school" means!

It used to be in our class
Lots of messes
There were joys, sorrows,
We mooed under the desks,
But they helped each other out.
And now they are different:
We don’t rush anywhere in a flock ...
A half-asleep guy walks -
Busy with himself.
Without discussion and controversy -
Almost everyone is an academic.
And the girls are good
neck ornaments,
They have pins in their hair,
And the words are quite prickly!
"What to do - a difficult age!"
We often hear this exclamation.
But we'll help each other out
If we have a hard time.


I am Volodya's marks
I know without a diary.
If a brother comes
With a trio
There are three calls.

If suddenly we have
In the apartment
The ringing starts
So five
or four
He received today.

If he comes
With a deuce
I hear from afar
Two short ones are distributed,

Well, what if
He quietly
There is a knock on the door.


Author: B.Zakhoder
"Change, change!" -
The call is pouring.
Vova will certainly be the first
Flies over the threshold.
Flies over the threshold -
Seven are knocked down.
Is it Vova
Dozing the whole lesson?
Is this Vova
Five minutes ago not a word
Couldn't tell at the blackboard?
If he is, then surely
It's a big change with him!
Do not keep up with Vova!
He looks so bad!
He made it in five minutes
Do a bunch of stuff:
He set up three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),
rolled somersault,
I sat on the railing,
Famously plopped down from the railing,
The slap received
On the move gave someone change,
Asked to write off tasks, -
In a word,
Did everything I could!
Well, here comes the call again...
Vova trudges into class again.
Poor! There is no face on it!
- Nothing, - Vova sighs,
Let's take a break in class!

On the way to class

Nikita hurried to the lesson,
Walked without slowing down,
Suddenly a puppy growls at him,
Curly mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He is not a coward!
But Tanyusha walked by,
She said: - Oh, I'm afraid!
And immediately tears hail.

But then Nikita saved her,
He showed courage
He said: - Go quietly to class!
And drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way
Thanks for the courage.
Save her one more time
Nikita wanted.

You will get lost in the forest
And I will come - I will save you!
He offered Tanya.

Well, no! - She replied. -
I won't go for a walk alone
My friends will be with me.

You can drown in the river!
Here drown sometime! -
Nikita offered her. -
I won't let you go down!

I won't drown myself!
She responds angrily.

She didn't understand him...
But that's not the point!
He's all the way to the corner
Saved Tanya boldly.
Saved her from the wolf in her dreams...
But then the guys came to the class.

New school

Author: N.Naydenova
Dad, mom, grandmother
All I said:
As we walked to the music
From the great hall
How then are we in class
Well sat
Like Anna Pavlovna
The girls looked
As we Anna Pavlovna
They answered in chorus
How we are our desks
Confused at first
How the sticks were written
painted a vase
And poems about a bird
Learned right away.
Happy mom and grandma
My dad is happy
And I myself like
At our new school.

To school
Agniya Barto

Why is Petya today
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.
He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a rookie.
He's wearing a new jacket
Turndown collar.
He woke up in the dark night
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.
He got dressed in two minutes
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Papa ran after
I caught up with him at the door.
Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,
The electricity was lit
Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,
And then they lay down again.
He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
What is her lesson.
Even grandpa dreamed
What is he standing at the blackboard
And he can not on the map
Find the Moscow River.
Why is Petya today
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

First grader

So you became a first grader!
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone
This first day of school.
Autumn smiled cheerfully:
Good luck, students!
In the yard she hung
Leaves bright checkboxes.
You take a briefcase with notebooks
And you will enter a spacious classroom.
You are with school orders
Get acquainted now.
Will you be friends with the task book,
You read a lot of books.
Before you were just a boy
And now you are a student!
And be proud of this title
You can with good reason!

Soon to school

Soon to school. I wasn't in it
ninety nine days.
And to tell you frankly,
I missed her.
I wanted to take out the books
Take notebooks, take a pencil case.
Because I guys
I'm tired of resting.

Agniya Barto

chalkboard today
Said to the chalk down:
- Look, you can't take your eyes off me.
The whole class!
And you are a prankster!
Thank you wet rag
What erased the dirt behind you:
Your scribbles, hooks, scratches!
- Oh, you braggart! -
The rag objected. -
Do you have strength?
Whenever Mel writes words and numbers, -
Nobody would look at you!

Day after day flew by, flashed like dreams,
And no more than a week Remains in the spring.
Means, the road Under the name "first class" is passed.
Here is the summer at the threshold - Waiting for him, urging us.
Summer is calling us somewhere - Away from business and worries ...
So, guys, our first school year is over.
He is both joyful and difficult Was for each of us.
We will never forget you, our first class.
We are parting today - But in the autumn sometimes
Again, again, we will return to the class - But now to the second.
We'll come running, we'll come, we'll come to our school
- in the meantime, let's celebrate our holiday together - the Day of the last call.

Mom, and dad, and I are worried,
Our family is worried all evening.
Everything is ready for a long time - both the form and the bow.
And miracle flowers adorn the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything all right?” -
And again on the form ironed the folds.
And dad forgot completely from excitement -
To the cat, instead of porridge, he thumped jam.
I also worry, and even tremble,
I go for mom and dad all evening:
“Set an alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours or better for five.
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I think how to sleep tonight!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything is changing tomorrow in our lives.”

V. Kodryan

First lesson

I am in class for the first time.
Now I am a student.
The teacher entered the classroom
- Get up or sit down?
How to open a desk
I didn't know at first
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk does not knock.
They tell me - go to the blackboard, -
I raise my hand.
And how to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.
How many students we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.
I'm in class for the first time
Now I am a student.
I'm sitting right on the desk
Although I can't sit.

Agniya Barto

sad arithmetic

Here is a pedestrian
Barely wanders
To point "B"
From point A...

Forty-eight kilometers!
Against the storms and against the winds!

his legs
are braided
And from the way he is all the time
going down
And it's hard for the poor
I have to
And with an answer
He doesn't fit at all!

And in the cold
And into the darkness
To him
coming out
A pedestrian.

He also goes, goes ...
And it goes for an hour, and two,
And it hurts

And no one is visible ahead ...
And he must have lost his way!

May happen:
At such an hour
The wolves will eat him
In the dense forest!..

And the road
does not end
But the task is not
it turns out!..

Moshkovskaya Emma

Verbal counting

Come on, pencils aside!
No bones. No pens. No chalk.
Verbal counting! We're doing this thing
Only by the power of the mind and soul.
The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness,
And the eyes start to glow
And around only smart faces.
Because we count in the mind!


I am a little pencil.
I wrote a hundred papers.
And when I started
That with difficulty climbed into the pencil case.
The student is writing. And it's growing!
Well, I'm the opposite!

I'm in the fourth grade,
I love my school.
When I come, everyone at once: "hello",
I will shout to the whole class.
I always learn lessons
And I still go to clubs.
Your school is very cute
I guys find it.
And I love to study here
And get fives.
And after the holidays
Walk back to school again.

I write poetry for you today
And my heart bursts out of my chest.
You, the school, have become dear to us,
We studied within your walls.
You gave us love and affection
You have become a mother to us!
With you we lived like in a fairy tale
Yes, school, you loved us!
But the farewell bell will ring
Like birds, we will fly away.
And you give your love
The ones who replaced us.

native school

The wind of the curtains fluttered quietly in the morning,
Again early, as always, I will go to school.
From all sides, like ants in their anthill,
Children rush to the lesson, as if to their home.
The building of the native school pleases the heart,
Teachers replace mother and father.
We will find a storehouse of knowledge and skills here,
There are answers to any question.
And for the holiday, they will give us a disco here.
The school simply offers: "I will give my all!"
The years will fly by in a flock, we will never forget
That care, affection, happiness that you knew how to give.

Without knowledge in life you will not achieve
Everything you want to have.
And at school you will stock up on experience,
To be able to look into the future with confidence.

In September the bell rang
It's time for the kids to go back to school.
A bright class opens doors for them.
And the kids rush to the desks.

We became a year older
And they have grown significantly.
open class soon
We are here for knowledge.

Here in the hands of first-graders
Bright bouquets;
And above us - confetti,
Leaves are like coins.
On the palms they fly to us -
Fortunately, this means...
Autumn whispers:
“Have a good time! Good luck to everyone!”

– Look! Look!
- people wonder
-On the path By myself,
The bouquet is coming by itself!
Amazing bouquet
Dressed in a school uniform
New backpack on the back
White headband...
– Who is it?
- This is our
Six year old Natasha!
Are people smiling?
- The girl is going to school!

Numbers and articles are studied by the class.
We have our first vacation in November.
Learned how to get up in the morning
diaries are filled, all marks are "five".
They will bring a flock of preschoolers to meet us,
and feel sad in the evening - how is the kindergarten?

first graders

Dressy! Front doors!
So unobtrusive!
Combed, with bows
The girls are coming!
And the boys are great!
So pretty
so meticulous,
They carry flowers in their hands!
All former pranksters
Today is first graders.
Everyone is good today
They are waiting for this at school!

Ringing laughter will fill the schools,
After all, September is in the yard.
bored corridors
For fun kids.
And the teachers are ready
Teach all sciences.
Everyone to have the opportunity
Get a high score.

back to school

Again a new academic year
He knocked on the school window.
The parties have already been waiting for us,
Both textbooks and maps.
The bell rang again
The lesson starts.
Chalk will take the teacher in his hand,
And dispel boredom immediately.
Let's get knowledge
To become literate.

Soon to school

Soon to school.
I haven't been in it for ninety-nine days.
And, to tell you frankly, I missed her.
I wanted to take out the books
Take notebooks, take a pencil case.
Because I, guys, are already tired of resting.


Washed windows
The school smiles
sun bunnies
On the faces of the guys.
After a long summer
Friends are here
Gathering in flocks
They make happy noises.
To moms, dads huddle -
These are first graders.
They wait anxiously
Your first call.
Here he called
Gathering into classes
And the school went quiet
The lesson has begun.


Summer is ending
Summer is ending
And the sun don't shine
And hiding somewhere.
And the rain is a first grader,
A little shy
In oblique line
Lining the window.


Did you hear the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six
And he has notebooks
And there is a satchel, and there is a form,
And counting sticks do not count,
And he tries to read
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

The red summer has gone
Cheerful and free.
It's time for great
Yard and school.
A little rainy
Cold and chilly
But still happy
And very, very friendly.


Warmed by the warm sun,
The forests are still covered with leaves.
First graders have bouquets.
The day is sad, but happy.
You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!
And rejoice: - Hello, school!


All the slackers
do not tolerate Mondays:
The week starts with work and worries.
The desire of all idlers -
live without Mondays,
with some sundays
a whole week.


How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom
No need to shake grandma:
“Read, please! Read!"
You don't have to beg your sister.
“Well, read another page!”
You don't have to call
No need to wait
Can you take
And read!


The teacher finished the lesson
Sitting peacefully on the porch.
The shepherd cries loudly
Jumping lambs, sheep.
The sun has gone over the hill
It shines with oblique rays.
The air is damp, warm,
White fog behind the ponds.
The old teacher is sitting -
That's right, I'm tired of work:
Tomorrow he will
Lots of work and care...

Tomorrow for the first time
I'm going to the first class!
Ale, I don't care
Not picking up a briefcase before school.

Why put a bag with you? ..
I'll put a pencil case and a gum,
Vedmezhatko and a shovel,
Squirrel ore, tail,

M "ball, plump pillow,
On obid - savory pampushka,
Tractor, car, nice!
Oh, how fast it sounded ...

I go to first class
Tomorrow is the first time.
Who would now tell me
Chi I put everything in a briefcase?
(O. Rogovenko)

Through the field along the stubble
Near the city and village
Ide in a straw shaver
Spring of fun.
In a new suit at the hands
І new portfolio,
Blooming on the cheek
Sleepy blizzard.
Carry a voice ring,
"Dzin-dzilin" - moonlight,
Vіn to school for the lesson
Schoolchildren are calling.
(N. Trishch)

Such joy
It didn’t happen at all -
Tse Olenka Nina
Go ahead to school.

The line is being paid
I kiptar vdyagaє
On a new portfolio
The sun is warmer.

Nenets smiled
І get out of the hati:
Oh, go to school
Zvidusil little ones!
(S. Zhupanin)

Primers and chitanki,
Parties in two rows.
Our first reader
In the heart forever.

The sun is shining bunnies
Siple at the bug.
Screaming kreid fingers,
Write sticks.

Skilki guessed for me
With her riddles!
Skilki read by me
Virshiv and fairy tale!

Good for us to read -
The teacher laughs.
And how htos do not know -
Frowning out.
(T. Kolomiets)

Pratsyuvala Gannochka
day by day,
I watered the quotes
From the winds and gloom
Doshchik big.
Win a little girl
Helping your girl
Dosh more than once -
Get out with tickets
In first class.
(L. Savchuk)

Soon I will go to school
From take the harvest from the field,
Take to workdays.
So it's time for me to go to school.
And sisters it's not yet an hour,
Bo won't be small in us.
Do not write down in the first class.
From i scold sister,

What is still small.
I say:
- Don't scold
Himself a small bov prick!
(M. Stelmakh)

Mayu zoshit, Mayu book,
He lie stink on the bed.
Mayu reading book and primer,
So, I'm a good schoolboy.

I want to run, like a wind,
I already know a sprat of letters.
I learned how to tattoo,
Reshtu at school I will learn.

Stay at home, baby!
I want you and feel sorry for me
You haven’t grown up yet -
І for school is small.
(G. Cherin)

First, first, first time
Go Yarinka to the first class.
The first time for the school desk strength,
Write sticks timidly.

Oh, nevmili pens,
Unheard pen.
The girl is small
Crooked sticks.

Silence, silence, silence...
Already Yarinka write, write...
little girl,
Letters equal

I words are miracles.
Axis to you word for word:
(L. Savchuk)

Sleep at tata and mami,
What are their professions.
There were few professions,
Spovna їх to hang on vsіх!

That is one of the many professions,
Like to start with life.
Vaughn for the skin niper,
Yakoї vchitimeshsya th ty!

Teacher, doctor and geologist,
Writer, slyusar chi kreslyar -
All call the head
One profession - a schoolboy!

For everyone knows that without a school,
Without knowing what musish is there to fill up,
You will not become near life
Tim, kim in childhood, please be!
(A. Kostetsky)


We are called to the beginning.
Let's hurry to the lesson
I am going again into the world of knowledge.

Here are our beloved readers
We formulate life,
I teach disciplines
That faceless butt suggestion.

sit at my desks
The best friends in the whole world,
We are all still school days,
With the new merry sleep.

To ring, to ring a school call -
I will inform you about the break.
And after her to the lesson
Learn all the sim "I take.

I call the ringer call us -
Hurry, friends, until the beginning,
Bo promaine so fast
And it's time to break up.
(L. Zorina)

Zhovtіє leaves on poplars.
Fly at the blue haze.
Open the door at school -
Go to school pershachki.
Z hіlok poplar zlіtaє leaves,
Circling and falling to nothing.
Upershe children urochisto
Cross the threshold.
(N. Zabila)

Already a lot of growth.
Won tsієї autumn
The first class has gone.
As a gift to the first grader
Happy day has come
І antonivka apple,
І midny color of birches.
Around the gardens were written
In green, in beauty.
Schoolchildren bestowed
Own hotels for everyone.
Vaughn was merry
On the dewy earth.
I greeted her
They laughed at her
Mature schoolchildren.
Vaughn read about them
In his primer.
I’m talking about my friendship,
About school, dear dim
Schoolgirl write
Do your best.
(M. Singaivsky)

I'm the first time today
first time
I go to school in the first class,
In first class!

Holy radio, more fun -
І with us, and with you.
I cut myself before school
First class, first time!

Tsutsenya mine, gamble
I do not bark, love, quote,
When the ringing for lessons
Call out, call out!
(S. Gordienko)

First time Maliy Mykola
Becoming zbiratsya to school.
Olіvtsya put a bag at her,
Books, pen, zoshit, gumka,
M "ball, feather, rake, pillow,
On obid m "yak donuts,
Two Vedmedics, a shovel,
Tailed squirrel ore,
Bow, and arrows, and towel,
Another puffy little puff,
More style, table and desk
I geographic map,
Tractor, car, cute -
Already outside the yard was ringing.
Siv Mikolka, thought of a thought:
"Chi mustache having put a bag?"
(N. Kir "yan)

Summer has gone like stubble,
Enter autumn at the village.
I love the room "Janu Osin.
I clean the gardens above,

Hammers spiv near the field,
The first ringer in our school,
What is our cry, mov dawn,
To books, to primers.

I'll pick up the best tickets, -
Kupchakiv, Zhorgin, Lelitok, -
I will bring with dew to the class,
De strіchaє teacher us.

I will see a bouquet of barvistias,
De dew shine with namist,
And one merchant
I fit to the ring.

Oh little twins,
Good read me.
(M. Stelmakh)

I'm going to school, first class,
Love cars, not up to you!
Shred the order of the little ones,
Carry books in briefcases

And so hurry up -
More to mite - and pozlіtayut!
The girls have toys in their hands,
And the lads have empty thoughts.

Dzvinok, like surma gray,
Call up to the class.
Zіthayu quietly, more singsongly,
And old age come here before me.

Ale better, in my opinion,
All the time the girls endure order!
(S. Gordienko)

The early sun dawned
To schoolchildren in the end,
The twins kalatalo,
Promints fluttered:

Move on, don't fight
Do not be empty, garno to read!
The children are confirmed,
You already know all the letters

I write out the words,
I rahuє two by two!
- So sit down to us at the desk,
Be smart buti varto!
(S. Gordienko)

First spring is getting closer,
With skin rock, we go more.
Hot and important, that darma,
For without practice, there is no knowledge.

The cat is happy to pose
That requested check.
Navit goose - worm
All your children!
(S. Gordienko)

Our school, school,
Take care of us, honey
Burn us,
Yak blue pіd krill.

You will teach us all
Like the world of life,
Yak evil ominati,
How to do good.

Bdzhіlonki - on the court,
Children - before school,
There they take wisdom,
Like honey in the field bjoli.
(M. Pidgiryanka)

Nache vulik, our school.
All out there, yak rіy.
I guess what a dovkola
Razvіtayut kvіti mrіy.

Children run, laugh,
That - just ring the bell -
Be quiet, stay quiet
We wished to bjoli vmit.
(D. Pavlichko)

What a marvelous ship
Are we being taken around the world?
Plivemo seas know
Among the hvil of the important ones - food.

For the school rocks of the storm
Let us know - be singing!
Obіgnemo Earth with an hour
With our friendly first class.

The robot does not care for us.
You need to read it - you know the skin!
So check the favor
Under the sail in the sea know!
S. Gordienko

The rest of the day of vacation
Move the candle, burn out.
Get ready for work
Little schoolchildren.

Go to school
Have fun, don't worry
Joke happiness, share
In science, in knowledge.

Science will give you strength
Get to the point
And dear Ukraine
Help in need.
(R. Rollanik)

Portfolio - my friend and helper,
I'm up to the portfolio duzhe sound.
І vіn without me - nі on the crochet:
With me go to the lesson.
Briefcase for me lover
І carry a pen, і books.
I'll tell you a secret:
Yogo I already save
Good luck snowy season
On the new s "їhati z burn!
(V. Boychenko)

Otaky, like a primer,
From a bouquet in my hands,
Chom backing you, schoolboy,
Heart in the chest, why the birds?

Yak folding ti in a knapsack zoshiti!
Like a check of happy days!
Shchob to tears of anxiety,
The first ringer is ringing.

Beyond the threshold - a wind of wind,
Shelestinnya top.
In our class First teacher
Smile to stand.
(T. Kolomiets)

Hey, there is no one like that,
Like a small schoolboy:
Vin do not scold at all,
Taking books - i to school!

And in that little book there are little ones,
And in that little book of sleep,
I science, i fun,
Bo that little book is dear,

To simmer її to the heart,
The sides are looking at everything,
Vіrshi gladly read...
(M. Pidgiryanka)

The sun has already fallen early,
Already walking in heavenly blackness.
Even earlier, a donechka was thrown,
The best ninth of the world.

Everything is in place - and zoshit, and a book,
Everything is picked up at once, as if by no means.
That one boasts a little three,
Aje go ahead to school.

Happiness, joy, I wish the world
I have good luck in life and rich.
Hai sorrows її pass away.
3 First spring, donechko, s holy!

With a calm little sun,
Foxes stand in stitches.
The pervakivs have bouquets of flowers.
This day is sumny and cheerful.
Sumuesh ti: "To the line, leto!"
Ale y radієsh: "Hello, school!"

Spring is generous with the sun.
Children go to school everywhere.
Kviti barvista in their hands,
Vogniks are happy to be clear in the eyes.
There is a smile in the skin radius.
With the first ringing їх the school is vitaє.
(I. Blazhkevich)

The price of nothing is dovkol
The winter roamed.
At the schoolgirl before school
A footstep is trampled.

Chi granny go old man,
Chi susid strіchaєtsya -
first grader thannenko
We must roam.

Hello! - hooted
Uncle leafy. -
And she felt:
- From the yak is good!

Good morning to you
Titonko Marino! -
Say about Oksanka:
- Great child!

I bloom girlish at once,
Mine on a personal note.
First class with us
May I ring the bell.
(F. Petrov)

I'm going to school today
Already new days have come,
Help, happy share,
Be good to me.

I will come to school in an hour,
I'll take it to science there,
I will learn to write red
I read on-at-chus.

I am a schoolboy. I go to school
Waiting for science stіlki lit!
I know everything from books,
Ukraine and whole world.

I'm going to school today
In comradeship of schoolchildren!..
The sun is clear over the field,
The sun is clear in the primer!
(N. May)

Well, roll over, children:
Ranok - it's time for the book!
Sunshine flooded
All in the middle of the yard!
Shvidshe get in before school!
Shorter days will pass, -
Pizno turn, n_koli
Їх do not wrap up, ні!
Slowly roam in the light,
Expand your mind
Bo come to the world
Appoint all kinds of thoughts.
Required to unroll:
What is it all going to,
Take the path without mercy -
The one who knows the truth
Shchob did not grow up on rubbish
(Fight better than that)
But they were not shamed
Rіdnogo edge svogo!
(P. Grabovsky)

I go to school
I already know a lot.
Read mother, please,
So I'm smart to read.
The letter B - grandma vchila,
The letter T is our tattoo,
The letter M - mother dear,
The letter D is for Panas.
I know the letter O-la myself -
That sister im "I.
Letter B - Ukraine, will,
C - then the whole sim "I.
I try to joke myself
Hot bi letter a day one.
I’m going to fold up to the cup:
Ma-ma, bab-tsya and di-dus.
To learn something in life,
Don't mess around, -
I feel like counting
Rahuvati, oh, I love!
Two peas and three peas,
So the sum will have n "yat,
So good day, treshki,
I've learned to rahuvat.
And now without a grandmother
I without mothers and children
I'll flit in the hut taps,
Mustache hryvnia in tattoo.
I go to school
So I check that day!
Read me, if you want,
Our zgіdna is all sіm "I.
(B. Girsky)

Veresen. Stitch to school.
Ring a cheerful call.
I through the meadow, through the field
Sleep the sun for the lesson.

Promin lie on the grass,
Bows of warmth.
Autumn golden stitches
Braided in the mowing of trees.

Smell of a pleasant color -
From Guy, from the city, from the yard.
We said goodbye to summer,
Axis i It's time to go to school.

Smіh around rozsipaє
Friendly student sim "I.
We were beaten by schools
My teacher is dear.

Nache cheerful motherland,
Let's go back to class.
We know what the Batkivshchyna is
She opened the school for us.
(M. Singaivsky)

Walk gloomily in the blue sky,
Month Veresen came,
Spovnivshis heather birds
A quiet lull of dibrov.
Having greeted the enemy,
Life is young
Gaining strength in wings
І vіdlyotu in viriy waiting.
More birds with a twinkling voice
Know - there is no more lita.
Hot and warm, that autumn
Already come stealthily.
I having gained strength for summer,
Galaslivi, like a bird,
It's good to go to school children
I sit down for books.
(N. Zabila)

Andriyko is already our schoolboy:
Ide with a portfolio in hand,
And in the new zoshiti th primer,
A pencil case, and a pen, and olives.
(N. Zabila)

* * *
Come autumn. Zakurliche
Cranes at an early hour,
I call me call
First time in first class.
(V. Skomarovsky)

* * *
- Oh Stepane, oh Mikolo,
Where are you sleeping so soon?
- There is no time for rozmovu,
I'll hurry to my native school.
(N. Zabila)

* * *
I'll get up early, like never before,
Sleepy bunnies are playing at the windows.
So I'm having fun, I'm going to school
I sing radio songs!

first call,
The first ringer prolunaє -
Pour, pour gold!
I am today
I'm starting today
First stitch in life!

Paths crept in with grasses, dews,
I’ll leave Lyalka and the Vedmedic at home,
Become a listener to write books,
I'll write the word "mom" first!

I'll take the reader lagidly by the hand,
Mom boasts, I'll laugh at him!
Let's go together at the world of science,
At the same time I am not afraid of anything!
(N. May)

The school occupies a special place in the life of every person. Indeed, it is during the school years that the period of growing up of the child, the formation of his personal qualities, falls. Here we learn friendship and the first feeling of love, joy and pride from overcoming difficulties in learning and disappointment from failures. Crossing the threshold of the school, we discover an amazing endless world of knowledge - with the help of wise teachers and mentors. For students of the 1st grade, they have to get used to the new daily schedule and environment, and by the end of primary school, the “former” kids are already fully accustomed to the status of schoolchildren. A lot of wonderful poems have been written on the school theme - from well-known works of classics to modern rhymed lines. We tried to collect the most beautiful poems about school for children - short, touching, "serious" and funny. By choosing a few children's poems about the school, lessons, teachers, and even the principal, you can learn them for the upcoming Last Bell holiday or Teacher's Day.

Short and beautiful poems about school - for children 5 - 6 years old

The start of the school for children 5-6 years old is already "just around the corner", so for the graduation party in kindergarten, you can prepare beautiful short poems - about teachers, the importance of knowledge, bright classes and brand new textbooks with notebooks. By tradition, by September 1, first-graders prepare performances with poems about the school, in which they express joy and delight from many interesting changes in their lives. In such short verses, children's emotions are extremely vividly conveyed, overwhelming little students of the 1st grade. We bring to your attention a few beautiful short poems about the school and teachers who have become real “second” parents and unquestioned authority for children.

A selection of beautiful short children's poems about school:

Thank you teachers

As mothers, thank you for everything!

It's brighter next to you to live.

And we know - sooner or later

Otherwise, you can forget

But we can't forget about you!

To moms, dads huddle -

These are first graders.

They wait anxiously

Your first call.

Here he called

Gathering into classes

And the school went quiet

The lesson has begun.

Yesterday they only told you - baby,

Sometimes called a prankster.

Today you are already sitting at the desk,

Everyone calls you - first grader!

Serious. Diligent.

Come on, student! Primer.

Behind the page is a page.

And how many around

Wonderful books...

Great job to learn!

Funny short poems about school - for grades 2, 3, 4

School life is an inexhaustible source of humor and fun. Indeed, many jokes have been created on the topic of the school, the “heroes” of which are ordinary schoolchildren. And how many funny situations happen every day in the school walls! Comic poems about school in bright colors paint the most popular school "pearls" - the teacher discovered a "cheat sheet", "unexpected" loss of the diary, "another" lateness to the lesson. When writing a script for Teacher's Day or another school event, you can include a couple of such short funny poems about the school for grades 2, 3, 4, which will cheer up the audience and create a unique atmosphere of sincerity. Such comic short poems will remind many listeners of their school years and funny cases from their own "practice".

Examples of funny short poems about school:

I always forget my diary

I don't know what to do.

Every day I say: "I forgot"

Lost and didn't buy

"The cat ate, the dog tore"

"Neighbor Denis stole it."

Every day I always say:

"I'll bring you tomorrow!"

Only I'm all in vain,

Now I have a deuce in my journal!

You can sleep on math

In botany and Russian.

In gym class -

Out of habit, however, narrowly,

Firm and high

Still presses the horizontal bar -

I put cotton

And almost got used to it.

Birds sleep on branches, chickens,

Flies sleep on the ceiling...

In gym class

Andrey is sleeping on the horizontal bar.

Made the bed on Tuesday

I couldn't wake up in time.

The day before yesterday I forgot my briefcase -

It had a banana in it - had to return.

Figured out my mistakes

Today I wanted to come on time

But overclocked too much

And flew past the school.

Short poems about school Grade 1 - for boys and girls

On the eve of Knowledge Day, many schoolchildren prepare beautiful poems and lines in prose for the solemn line - about school, favorite teachers, a strict director and classmates. The upcoming event is especially exciting for first-graders, because the school bell will soon sound for them, calling for the first lesson in their life. In honor of September 1, we made a selection of the most beautiful poems about school for first graders - boys and girls in a brand new school uniform and with joyful excitement in their hearts. Of course, it is better for 1st grade students to choose short verses with a simple and clear meaning, which are easy to learn by heart. It is important to rehearse the texts of poems for first graders properly in order to avoid annoying mistakes and inaccuracies in the speech at the most crucial moment.

Texts of short poems about the school for first graders:

Warmed by the warm sun,

The forests are still covered with leaves.

First graders have bouquets.

The day, though sad and cheerful,

You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!

And rejoice: - Hello, school!

I woke up early in the morning

He glanced at his briefcase.

It contains notebooks and books,

And a notebook with a square.

I went to sleep as a simple boy,

I woke up as a schoolboy.

Dressy! Front doors!

So unobtrusive!

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming!

And the boys are great!

So pretty

so meticulous,

They carry flowers in their hands!

All former pranksters -

Today is first graders.

Everyone is good today

They are waiting for this at school!

Children's poems about school, teachers and director - beautiful rhyming lines for school holidays

Crossing the school threshold for the first time, first-graders find themselves in a completely new world for themselves - an unusual environment, classmates and responsibilities. The first teacher helps children get used to school, supports them, gives wise advice and often becomes a kind and caring second "mother". On the eve of Teacher's Day or the First of September, students learn children's poems about school and teachers, in which they convey their warmest feelings to their beloved mentors and teachers. With the help of such beautiful rhyming lines, you can congratulate the teacher or director on the holiday - for reciting poetry, it is better to choose students with good diction and prepare a performance script in advance. On our pages you will find the best children's poems about school and teachers, and you just have to choose the right options and pleasantly surprise your favorite mentors with your touching rhyming gift.

Variants of children's poems about the school, teachers and director:

Congratulations, school teacher!

How much knowledge have you given us?!

In life, a great inspiration -

With us in your dreams you flew!

Be always happy!

And never get sick

Always fair in life

Loves you kid!

And again the school bell

Autumn is on the doorstep again

First class lesson

And final scores.

Next to a friend and teacher,

Guide to the world of knowledge

Third parent in life

Our school commander

Always be patient

Always be full of strength

And of course happy

Better than starlight!

You are the most wonderful director

They gave so much to their school!

Everyone respects you very much for this,

From first graders to teachers.

We wish the guys year after year

Hurry to you with the advent of September.

To call your school the best,

Thanks director for everything!

Poems about elementary school - short poems for graduation grade 4

Four classes of elementary school pass unnoticed - it would seem that just yesterday the kids sat down at their desks for the first time, and now it's time to say goodbye to their beloved first teacher. During this time, the children have matured, learned a lot and made true friends among classmates. Today, in many schools it is customary to arrange graduations after the end of the 4th grade - with solemn speeches, congratulations to teachers and parents, poems and songs. Of course, most often on the eve of the holiday, teachers distribute poems to schoolchildren along with the task of learning the lines by heart. However, if you wish, you can independently choose a beautiful poem and prepare a speech for graduation in grade 4. For convenience, we have made a selection of the most beautiful short poems about school, among which everyone will find their "cherished" work to please their beloved teacher. Such short poems are dedicated to elementary school, the first teacher, funny events from the "class life".

Examples of children's poems about elementary school - for graduation in grade 4:

Behind you is an elementary school,

Great first teacher!

Ahead - more years of study,

A lot of knowledge and a lot of discoveries!

May success please you more often

And there will be more pleasant moments!

Friendship gives support and happiness,

The holiday of childhood will last longer!

Behind 4th grade.

This holiday is in honor of this!

That's the end of leprosy.

High school graduation? Tag him!

Congratulations and wish

Adventure ahead.

May such a fate await you -

Everyone is jealous, just wait.

May success come in everything

The important thing is not to back down.

And let there be more goodness!

Everything is ahead again.

Let's say thank you together

To all our teachers

Knowledge is very necessary

We say thank you!

optimism and luck

We wish at this hour

And we'll whisper in addition,

That we love you very much!

Poems about school, touching to tears - beautiful lines of famous poets

Over the long years of study, everything in the school becomes close and dear - and your class, and a desk with a blackboard, and even the director's office. However, very soon graduates will have to leave the school walls, giving way to their younger "successors". In connection with the upcoming holiday of the Last Bell and the graduation evening, the students prepare beautiful poems for their beloved teachers - lines about the school that are touching to tears. With such beautiful spiritual poems about school, it is best to convey the most sincere feelings of gratitude to those who have been with the children for many years, helping and instructing them on the difficult path of growing up. Listening to poems touching to tears, each of the adults present will involuntarily remember their school years - the brightest and most carefree time. We offer several beautiful poems by famous poets, in which love for the school and appreciation for teachers are warmly and touchingly expressed.

Variants of poems touching to tears about school:

Teacher, school teacher!

You worry about us

Rush invisibly into space,

Go to the taiga to search

Into the desert along unsteady dunes,

In the sea foam road ...

We are your eternal youth

Hope, joy, anxiety.

You still have no peace

Devoted all his life to children.

In a great life you opened the doors for us,

You taught us not only the alphabet.

Teacher! We love you, we believe in you!

We have received lessons of kindness!

Our journey through life has just begun

Thank you - it started the way it should.

We wish you health and good luck,

Students - good and obedient!

The teacher came to class

She's a little older than us.

And I took a lesson

That we forgot about the call.

We wanted to know more

And become adults faster

And choose the right path in life

And look into the future.

Perhaps one of us

Will enter the same way in the school class

And teach such a lesson

That everyone will forget about the call.

Poems about a school for children always carry warmth and light that remain in the heart for many years. Here you will find the most beautiful poems about the school, teachers and director - comic funny and touching to tears lyrical lines of famous poets. For grade 1 and elementary school students, you can pick up a few short nursery rhymes and prepare them for the upcoming September First or Teacher's Day. Graduates can please their favorite teachers with beautiful heartfelt poems for the Last Bell and graduation in honor of graduation.


Happy child 03.02.2018

Dear readers, you must admit that school years are a special time. No one remembers them indifferently, everyone has both good and bright memories, and the memory of unpleasant moments associated with them. Similarly, for our children, the school is dear and loved in its own way and, of course, teaches them a lot. The first teacher, friends, classmates, joint trips and trips, long-awaited holidays, school love, successfully overcome difficulties - the school gives us such a great experience, so many impressions that it is not surprising that so many poems are composed about school and school years.

This collection is dedicated to poems about school. These are poems about different classes, about the first of September, about graduation, about meeting and saying goodbye to school, and, of course, there are funny poems among them, because at school, despite all the serious and responsible attitude towards it, there will always be a reason to laugh and fun.

Poems about school for elementary school children

For children, the transition from kindergarten to school is a very crucial moment. Everything is unusual and interesting, the guys feel grown up, and a new stage in life awakens joy and excitement. In this section you will find poems about the first teachers, true friends, vacations and lessons.

Maximum and minimum

Counselor Lena at recess
She gave advice to the quiet Gene:
- To become an excellent student, Ivanov,
The maximum is necessary
night sleep,
notebook writing ...
- Is it possible to have a minimum? he mumbled to Lena.
– Minimum? Can. Least laziness!
Igor Shevchuk

New school

Dad, mom, grandmother
All I said:
As we walked to the music
From the great hall
How then are we in class
Well sat
Like Anna Pavlovna
The girls looked
As we Anna Pavlovna
They answered in chorus
How we are our desks
Confused at first
How the sticks were written
painted a vase
And poems about a bird
Learned right away.
Happy mom and grandma
My dad is happy
And I myself like
At our new school.
N. Naydenova

Just went to school

Just went to school
Yes, I sat at the desk,
Yes, I signed in a notebook,
Yes, I looked at the board
Made a noise during the break,
I listened to all my friends -
All of a sudden
For some reason
They hit me!
Ludmila Fadeeva

Kolya goes to first grade
Music school.
Covered double bass
Three times more Kolya.
Jump straight through the puddles
He rushes to school.
- Well, a little and a strong man! -
After the people laugh.
How so? The answer is simple:
The double bass inside is empty.
Oleg Grigoriev

I'm in the fourth grade,
I love my school.
As soon as I arrive, all at once "hello"
I will shout to the whole class.
I always learn lessons
And I still go to clubs.
Your school is very cute
I guys find it.
And I love to study here
And get fives
And after the holidays
Walk back to school again.
N. Safo

Beautiful and touching poems about school

School is true friends, kind teachers, favorite subjects, the first of September. There are many pleasant and good memories associated with the school. And even if there was something bad, it has long lost its sharpness, has been erased, forgotten ...


As if out of habit
like always,
jump off the train
and I will come here.
irrigation puddles,
glare mess.
I'll be surrounded again
old houses.
Poplar in the summer heat.
Fluff flies in the face.
painted fence,
school porch.
Our class is empty
the parties are out of work.
Under the foot with a crunch
chalk crumbled.
just now (you see
marks on the board?
just now (can you hear
screams in the distance?)
just from here
we left with you
crowded at noon
hot blue.
Signs on the doors
so familiar all of a sudden!
... But from the train
get out of trouble.
P. Serebryakov


The notebooks in the briefcase rustled,
What is more important in life, decide.
Lined notebook mutters:
- Grammar!
And in a cage, a notebook grumbles:
- Mathematics!
What reconciled notebook with notebook,
It is still a mystery to us.


In high school, every student
Studying the triangle.
Some three corners
And the work is for the ages.


Runs outside in winter
And in the summer it lies in the room.
But only autumn comes,
He takes me by the hand.
And again in the rain and in the blizzard
My briefcase is walking with me


I am an eraser. I am rubber
Dirty back.
But my conscience is clear:
I erased the blot from the sheet!


I am a smart bookmark.
I'm here for order.
Don't flip through the pages.
Where is the bookmark, read there!


Over paper over sheet
Waving brush tail.
And not just waving,
And smears paper
Paint in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

Beautiful poems about school from famous poets

The school leads children from the first lessons along the paths of knowledge and skills. It is not surprising that many poets have dedicated their poems to the school more than once. The school leaves indelible memories in our memory.


Volodya marks
I know without a diary.
If a brother comes with a triple -
There are three calls.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar
Handed out two short
Indecisive call.

Well, what if the unit
He knocks softly on the door.
Agniya Barto

September holiday

Every year the call is cheerful
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello our favorite class.

Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, road to knowledge!
Hello September holiday!
Vladimir Stepanov

In class

The cold hands crumpled the apron,
All turned pale, the darling trembles.
Grandma will be sad: granddaughter
Suddenly - a unit!

The teacher looks, as if not believing
These tears in the lowered gaze.
Ah, one is a big loss!
First grief!

Tear after tear fell, sparkling,
A page floats in white circles...
Does the teacher know what
Is pain a unit?
Marina Tsvetaeva

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!
Veronika Tushnova

Funny poems with humorous scenes make us remember that school is not only study and knowledge, lessons and homework, but also funny cases, interesting stories, incidental situations!


“Did you really decide everything yourself, Nina?”
- Itself ... Only, however, half.
- And who - on the other?
Mom made the decision.
True, her grandmother helped a little.
Only they did not agree on the answer -
Probably something messed up neighbor.
And the brother intervened - a wise man was found ...
Thanks, dad is back from work!
Igor Shevchuk


I told my dad and mom:
– You can
Check for yourself.
Lay upside down
My school notebook
Put a mirror nearby.
homework assignment,
And under it is a mark.
Make sure
It's five".
Roman Sef


Similar textbooks to bricks
Size, shape and weight.
To those who decide to get a certificate,
It is desirable to be Hercules.
I can pull myself up many times
I've been charging since morning.
But the school bag bends in an arc,
It's like I'm going on a hike.
I won't leave my bag, mind you!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.
A. Starikov

Half marks

I was walking from school
Slowly slowly,
Everyone came up with excuses.
Carried a four
By nature,
And in Russian -
R. Aldonina

Loser Kukushkin

There are classics in the world
Lermontov and Pushkin.
Is in the fourth grade "A"
Double Kukushkin.
Everyone knows Lermontov,
Everyone knows Pushkin.
And who knows
Double Kukushkin?
A known doppelgänger
School number seven
And the doppelgänger is known
Oddly enough, those
What the double doesn't know
Nikolay Kukushkin,
What is Lermontov known for?
What is Pushkin known for?
M. Bertenev

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.

I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing I don't understand
What in a dream, what in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Distributed in the distance:
- Shura Volkova,
to the blackboard!

And here a miracle happened:
I am sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies
A lesson I without hesitation
I answer for real.

Got a triple plus
But I took a nap with taste.

Graduation school poems for grades 9-11

The school years go by in a blink of an eye. And now yesterday's first-graders are taking final exams, saying goodbye to teachers and good friends. They are waiting for the last call, the graduation party and such an alluring, but difficult adult life.

The sun is pouring down on the school yard.
Fragrant lilacs in bouquets.
And a booming echo is heard everywhere
The call of the last shrill trill!
He will be remembered forever
And the school yard, and the sunny stream!
We congratulate you, friends, from the bottom of our hearts!
The bell will ring for the last time!

It's a happy holiday
And he is a little sad.
Together with the balloon in the sky
We let go of childhood.
Alumni Ribbons
We put on ourselves
But where is this sadness
Our bright day?
School lets us go
And calls us back
We think about the future
Easy and pleasant
But it's time to understand
We won't go back to school
Just in the end
Let's turn around.
You taught everything
Don't be afraid of problems
Responsible for yourself
And hold on to each other.
School, dear school,
But the time will come
Maybe one of us
Suddenly he becomes a teacher.
For the last call
We hurry smiling.
How many roads in life
So go without fear
Dear Graduate,
We all continue on our way
New life dawn
We meet today!

Here Bach's fugues reverberate,
Here the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that the school has a teacher,
Whom I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and kindness
For a bright moment of luck
And the cry of false notes,
Behind the contests is an exciting tale.
May the music lesson last forever!

The tablet of knowledge is a blackboard.
And for ten whole years on that tablet
Pictures, numbers and words fled,
And someone's hand erased them.
To the left, the windows are almost the entire wall,
To the right is a door, as if the entrance to the stage.
And behind? But you look ahead.
Don't you dare look back - it will!

The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet.
How long does it last, the last call?
The universe does not fit in the windows,
The school looks, but itself decreases.
Views fly over the distant steering wheel,
With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,
And over the country, as over the assembly hall,
The day is filled with blue and scarlet,
School farewell crystal bell...

Today is a holiday at school.
Merry, sad holiday,
A deep blue peeked through the windows.
So much noise everywhere
And so many different interpretations
It even made my head spin a little.
fancy girls,
dressy boys,
They will laugh loudly
Then they suddenly fall silent again.
And somehow unusual
Both happy and sad
In this elegant hall
We sit and stand.

Native school! Bright time!
A noisy crowd hurried here.
To plunge into joy here in the morning
And take this joy with you.
Sweet oasis!.. A spring of creativity...
We were all romantics, poets,
Everyone who has come to him at least once
Then over a clean Whatman sheet.
Living in my own special world
Then at Peter they bowed over the pen,
They were going to Yuri's apartment.
And let those school years go by
We can't get away from the past.
There is no memory stronger than the memory of the heart,
What stays with us forever.
Oasis is cute! Bright time...

We went to first class, we sat down at our desks,
And many do not remember their first lesson.
And every spring every time came closer
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

The school called us, we were attracted by science,
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Minute lessons have become habitual,
How many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We leave the school for new children,
Farewell and see you soon, my school.

Congratulations on graduation from school in verse

For each graduate of the school, doors open to another world, completely different from the one that was before. Children have matured, and everyone will go their own way and choose their own path.

Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school, forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!
Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!

Happy and easy assignments to you,
Wonderful finds and new victories!
Congratulations on your graduation from school
Great accomplishments and life without troubles!

Let the end of school
It will be just the first step!
May all roads lead
To a clearly defined goal!
Let success await
Immediately in all areas of life!
Let it beat in unison with yours
The heart of the mighty Fatherland!

The globe model is
Not just a globe, but a planet.
Now, after graduating from school, you know:
Life is a ray of sunshine.
May much be possible
Amazing is waiting nearby!
Let happiness become an ocean
Success - a stormy waterfall!

You were older but still children
The whole world revolved around the school floors.
But as you grow up you need to move on
To the next floor of your destiny...

And the world is waiting for you - open and big,
He will be changeable and jealous,
But don't let the cool temper scare you:
Don't miss us, graduates!

Your last call is ringing
Eleventh grade,
But he does not call for a lesson -
He accompanies you.
He will be happy and victorious
Let it be a harbinger.
What awaits you ahead is a secret;
But what is more beautiful than secrets? ..
Let this mystery bloom
Will be fate
What will lead you to success
Rather follow yourself!

With victory, friends! The long-awaited moment of fate!
Blooming, elegant June sometimes
He came, pleasant, cheerful, desired,
Your joyful holiday, your day is graduation!
Bolder on the road! To your rainbow distances
Fly on the wings of a beautiful destiny
Let you be bypassed by sadness
And a lot of good things are ahead!
I wish you happiness, success, health,
Smiles of welcoming relatives and friends,
May it be a wonderful, bright road
To the world of bright discoveries and bold ideas!

Poems to the director of the school and the head teacher from graduates


Teachers! Like a light on the way!
What kind of fiery heart do you need?
To bring light to people
So that his trace could never be erased!

Teachers! Your kindness is boundless...
All thoughts and deeds are full of spirituality.
We bow before you always
And we promise not to turn off the path of knowledge!

Thank you for your noble work
Teachers, seekers, poets at heart!
Neither years nor barriers will erase
Mentors words and wise advice.

May respect, pride and honor
Your path is not easy inspire,
And let the years be lost count
Russia, Motherland knows its heroes!

The last call, and summer has come,
It rang loudly throughout the neighborhood,
The news will rush through the wide world,
And everyone will say what they wanted.
It's so nice to congratulate the director
And I personally wish you success,
We wish you interesting students
More often in school practice to meet.
And we'll be back soon, time will pass
And we will bring our tribe to the threshold of the school.

Our head teacher at school is an irreplaceable person,
You are fair and strict at times,
But still, you are loved by the students,
In his work, just with his head!

The last bell sounds - very sad,
And we say goodbye to school forever,
Without us, our school will not be empty,
New kids are coming!

Let it be pleasant for you to work
Always control the learning process,
Let there be less stress and worries,
And be happy to come here!

Do not forget the way to your native school, remember the best moments of school life, leaf through the school album more often. Read poems to your children about school, about classmates, about strict but kind teachers. Touching poems about school will help your children love it even more, and you will remember again the wonderful days of school years.