Legal Clinic of Moscow State University. Free student legal advice

The Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association is the largest in the Association. We unite more than one and a half thousand accomplished and young lawyers living and working in Moscow, and our number is constantly growing.

The department was established in 2007. The management bodies include well-known Moscow lawyers representing government structures, the legal community, legal science, etc.

The concept of the Department's work assumes the full consolidation of efforts. The Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association is you, its members. Almost all the activities of the Department are built on a voluntary basis and are implemented by the efforts of its members, who propose and implement the projects of the Department.

The principal feature of the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association is the maximum involvement of young lawyers in its activities. We do not separate the youth from the older generations, and we consider this the basis for the transfer of experience and knowledge and the renewal of law.

Every year the Moscow branch of the Russian Bar Association improves its work. We believe that the Branch deserves to be the flagship of the regional development of the Russian Bar Association, to be highly recognizable both in Russia and in the world. Therefore, your opinion about the work of the Department, your feedback is important to us.

We are always glad to each new member of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Bar Association, we appreciate any suggestions and wishes of our colleagues, and we sincerely hope for your ambitions, your active life position and your participation in the work of the Branch.

We hope you enjoy our website.

Dean - Professor Golichenkov Alexander Konstantinovich

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is a recognized center for the training of highly qualified lawyers. This is the oldest faculty at Moscow University, dating back to the founding of the university in 1755.

The Faculty of Law of Moscow State University is a leading educational and scientific legal institution. The efforts of the best scientific and pedagogical team, including both recognized heads of leading scientific law schools, members of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, similar councils at other government bodies of Russia and its subjects, and young teachers - graduates of postgraduate studies are aimed at strengthening the leadership of the faculty faculty.

Faculty scientists carry out a broad program of research work in various areas of legal science, actively participate in the improvement of Russian legislation, scientific advice to government agencies and international organizations.

The Faculty of Law has Certificate No. 1 on passing public accreditation in the Association of Lawyers of Russia.

The Faculty of Law invariably occupies the top lines in the most prestigious national rankings that evaluate the quality of educational services, the volume of scientific work, and the impact on government decisions.

The faculty leads the National University Rankings in the Law category. It also ranks first in terms of the number of law firm partners who graduated from the faculty, as well as in the ranking of universities in terms of the number of graduates hired by law firms.

The Faculty of Law is the leader in terms of salaries for graduates who completed their studies in 2010-2015: graduates can expect an average of 95,000 rubles per month in Moscow.

In the new educational building, where the faculty is located, there are modern classrooms, computer classes, language laboratories, a courtroom, a library and information center, a museum, a chess club, and a criminalistics center. The classrooms of the faculty are equipped with multimedia equipment, including computers with Internet access, reference legal resources, and unique methodological materials of faculty teachers.

The faculty has 16 departments:

  • administrative law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Professor A.P. Alekhin),
  • civil law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor E.A. Sukhanov),
  • civil procedure (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor M.K. Treushnikov),
  • foreign languages ​​(head of the department - associate professor T.I. Tarasova),
  • history of state and law (head of the department - Professor V.A. Tomsinov),
  • commercial law and fundamentals of jurisprudence (head of the department - professor E.A. Abrosimova),
  • constitutional and municipal law (head of the department - Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation Professor S.A. Avakyan),
  • criminology (head of the department - professor I.V. Aleksandrov),
  • International Law (Head of the Department - Associate Professor A.S. Ispolinov),
  • business law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Professor E.P. Gubin),
  • theory of state and law and political science (head of the department - professor M.N. Marchenko),
  • labor law (head of the department - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Professor A.M. Kurennoy),
  • criminal law and criminology (acting head of the department - associate professor V.G. Stepanov-Egiyants),
  • criminal process, justice and prosecutorial supervision (head of the department - Professor L.V. Golovko),
  • Financial Law (Head of the Department - Associate Professor M.F. Ivlieva),
  • environmental and land law (head of the department - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Professor A.K. Golichenkov).

The faculty also includes a laboratory for political science, a laboratory for socio-legal research and comparative law, a laboratory for legal informatics and cybernetics.

Types of training and forms of education


The main type of training at the Faculty of Law is training under the undergraduate program in the direction of "jurisprudence" as the first stage of training in accordance with the unique educational standard of the "integrated master" of Moscow State University. Full-time form of education. Reception plan: 304 budget and 130 contract places. The exams are taken in the Russian language, social science and history, as well as an additional entrance test in social science.

In the process of training, students consistently study the full range of basic legal disciplines: constitutional law, administrative law, municipal law, financial law, tax law, civil law, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure, criminalistics, environmental law, land law, labor law, social security law, international law, international private law, prosecutorial supervision, business law, commercial law, family law and other legal disciplines, as well as foreign language, logic, social and humanitarian disciplines.

During the training, students practice in court, other public authorities, in the legal departments of firms and enterprises.

Undergraduate training is conducted in one of the profiles: state law, civil law, criminal law.

Department "Second higher education"

The special department "Second higher education" is intended for persons who have higher education and wish to receive a second higher education in the field of jurisprudence.

Preparation is carried out according to the bachelor's program in full-time (evening) form on a contractual basis. Reception plan - 170 seats. Social studies (in writing) are given within the school curriculum.

Education at the department provides for the study of legal disciplines in full. Undergraduate training is conducted in one of the profiles: state law, civil law, criminal law.

The standard period of study is 4 years. Upon successful mastering of the curriculum, the period of study can be reduced to 3 years (6 semesters).

Graduates of the department have the opportunity to continue their education in the magistracy.

Master's degree

The Faculty of Law has master's programs, both independent and the second stage of education according to the educational standard of the "integrated master" of Moscow State University.

Admission plan for full-time education: 228 state-funded places, 50 paid tuition places; in part-time (evening) form - 50 places with tuition fees. Upon admission, a written exam in jurisprudence is taken. The normative term of study is 2 years.

The Faculty of Law offers master's programs in the most popular scientific and practical specializations at present:

  • Actual problems of administrative law and process
  • WTO and regional integration associations (EU and Eurasian Economic Union)
  • Civil and administrative litigation
  • Information legal relations in the innovative economy
  • History of State and Law and Comparative Law
  • Commercial and contract law
  • Competition law
  • Constitutional and legal problems of the organization of state and municipal authorities in the Russian Federation
  • Corporate law
  • Criminalistics in law enforcement
  • Forensic support and business protection
  • Master of International Private Law
  • Master of Private Law
  • International economic (commercial) law
  • Tax administration, tax consulting and protection of taxpayer rights
  • Law and State: Theory and Practice
  • The legal system of Russia in the context of international law (for foreign citizens)
  • Legal support of entrepreneurial activity (Law and business)
  • Legal regulation of land use and creation of real estate objects
  • Legal regulation of insolvency (bankruptcy)
  • Labor, state, business: legal aspects of interaction
  • Criminal law and criminology; penal law
  • Criminal procedure, judiciary, prosecutor's office and advocacy
  • Lawyer in public authorities

There is an opportunity to continue education in graduate school.

Training of foreign citizens

Along with Russian students, citizens from near and far abroad study at the faculty on a full-time basis on a contractual basis.

For foreign citizens, all types of training are available: bachelor's and master's degrees.

Training courses

They work at the Faculty of Law. The courses are taught by Moscow State University teachers in the following subjects: Russian language and literature, social studies, law, Russian history, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French).

The training course is designed for 8 months for students in the final grades, for 6 months - for students in grades 10, for 4 months - for students in grades 9. Classes are held in the classrooms of the faculty three to four times a week.

Training in preparatory courses is carried out on a contractual basis.

School of Law

Training of students is carried out in the evening on a contractual basis under the guidance of leading teachers of the faculty, as well as practitioners. Upon completion of training, a certificate of professional development is issued.

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Free student legal advice

The bottom line is that all consultations are free. We have lawyers in all areas of law. What's the catch? He is not. The project is aimed at socially unprotected segments of the population. Write your questions directly on the Vkontakte wall, or on the site in the reviews. You will be answered absolutely free of charge.

Legal advice for students

In total 47 Students about the survivor's pension 23-08-2019, 13:17 0 0 On the eve of the new academic year, students receiving a survivor's pension should inform the FIU departments at their place of residence about their enrollment in an educational institution. It is also necessary to do this for pensioners who have dependent children over 18 who study in order to receive an increased fixed payment to the insurance pension.

Moscow legal clinics “treat” students

- I will say right away: criminal law is outside the competence of students. We summed up the results and found out that the majority of applications (approximately 28%) are conflict situations from the field of family law. Quite often, visitors apply with a request to draw up a statement of claim, if it is necessary to request the payment of alimony. Next, according to the number of applications, everything related to the procedure for calculating and paying for housing and communal services follows. Realizing that this topic is relevant for Muscovites, we not only provide legal advice, but also organize legal lectures. On them, students explain some of the nuances that not everyone, unfortunately, knows.

Where can I get free legal advice?

If you want to receive instant legal assistance without leaving your computer, you can take advantage of this opportunity right now using our website. Here you only need to leave a request for a consultation by filling out a special form, and then wait a maximum of a few minutes until the specialist answers your call.

Legal clinic

— Collective work in the clinic is useful because here you can see the essence of the work of a lawyer. We have learned to communicate with clients, to analyze the pressing problems of people. Many questions are related to housing and communal services, real estate and pension reform. All these real life stories help us in practice to use the received theoretical knowledge.

Free legal advice

Along with this, the cases of providing free legal advice are not limited to cases of the possible need for the Principal to conduct his case by a lawyer. The ability to provide free legal advice from a lawyer is independent of the need for the Principal to take any further action on its legal case. On the contrary, free legal advice has as one of its goals getting an answer to the question whether the Principal should or should not take any actions in his case, and, if necessary, what actions.

Free legal assistance of lawyers

The services of a professional lawyer are always quite expensive, but in some situations it is impossible to do without the help of such a specialist. Otherwise, a person risks losing money or property, may be unfairly prosecuted, or deprived of benefits / benefits that federal law entitles him to.

The law will come to the rescue

“It’s time for us to put on white coats,” the consultants joke, hinting at the unusual name of legal aid. For university students, the provision of free legal assistance to citizens is one of the forms of internship, an opportunity to analyze a real case, and not read about it in reviews of judicial practice.

5 myths about free legal advice

Yes, professional legal assistance, even free of charge, in some cases is the duty of a lawyer. Let's be honest. In relation to whom, lawyers, such a duty is imputed? People who are unable to pay for legal services: the poor, the socially unprotected, etc. Most of the forums are full of such "poor" people who do not know how to register a land plot, inherit an estate, or collect their debts for 100,000 rubles. Elementary, they are provided with computer equipment, the Internet, to ask you this question, what to say that they have 50-150 UAH (200-600 rubles) to thank a person for his time and work.

Free legal assistance in Russia

Yes, definitely. And not only among the “older” generation. My experience of communicating with students shows that the idea of ​​the "information advancement" of the younger generation, which is well-established in modern society, is not always confirmed by real facts.

Students conduct free legal consultations in St. Petersburg

Undoubtedly, an excellent practice for all law school students is to communicate with their future clients, that is, with citizens who need legal assistance. For this purpose, the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office has set up student legal consultations. They are given by fourth-year students of the law institute, who will not only help people protect their rights, but also explain to them all the incomprehensible points of the current legislation.

Legal services

We have a lot of positive>reviews about lawyers from the people we help. We will also be glad to hear your feedback on the services of a lawyer: whether it is a free consultation or support of a case. Send your feedback about our legal services by e-mail or give feedback by phone +7 821 313-28-87. Your review will serve well to those who will seek the help of a good lawyer in the future. Your recommendation is important!

Legal advice on education

Regardless of the form of the question - paid or free, you are guaranteed to receive a qualified answer from a specialist. You can be sure that by asking a question to a specialist at the I Have the Right platform, you will receive all the necessary information for making further decisions. To do this, we strongly recommend a detailed consultation with a description of all the nuances of your case. After all, it's usually the little things that matter. And remember - you have the right to receive a quality education and you can defend it in court!

Education, legal advice online

Does the educational institution have the right to give me the documents that I submitted upon admission, without a statement on my part about expulsion. They claim that they have, they don’t have my application for deductions (possibly lost), only the bypass sheet is filled out (including in the accounting department that at the time of signing there were no financial claims against me). As a result, they expel me with their order [...]