reaction rate in humans. Emotional reactions: definition, types, essence, functions performed and their impact on a person


Let's try to figure out how to increase the reaction speed using practical exercises as an example. But first, let's talk a little about the theoretical side of the issue.

There is a myth that everyone has the same reaction speed, but this is not true. You can easily verify this. It is enough to take a test to determine the speed of reaction with friends or family. You will notice that it is different. Even one person during the day shows a different reaction rate.

Another myth says that reaction speed cannot be improved. This is not true either. Numerous studies confirm that the response is markedly increased by exercise.

What is a reaction

So let's first understand what a reaction is. It acts as a serious element of self-defense. The higher the action of the reaction, the sooner you cope with surprises and the more difficult it is to catch a person by surprise. A reaction is a set of actions in response to external influences - stimuli. A simple reaction, or rather a reflex, goes like this:

the stimulus affects the organ receptors;
from there the signal goes to the brain;
the brain gives orders to the body;
it causes the muscles to move, and they contract and perform the task.

The reaction of the body to stimuli is a reflex laid down by nature. It is important to be able to develop it to increase the speed of action.

This is how blinking functions in response to certain sudden eye stimuli (for example, if a mote gets in), a knee jerk, and also pulling fingers away from hot, etc.

In reality, most often, this path is more difficult. Often, not only the spinal cord is involved, but also the brain. The reaction rate slows down if a person intervenes in the chain himself. For this reason, it is important to develop it and increase it in order to avoid interference from oneself.

How to improve reaction speed

Are you interested in the answer to the question of how to improve the reaction speed? It is quite simple: constant practice. If 3-4 times a week, then to train the reaction you will need to make efforts every day.

The key secret to heightened response is the ability at the right moment. But, unfortunately, our body is not capable of being in a state of high concentration for a long time. Therefore, the first task is to develop the ability to change periods of concentration and rest.

As a true athlete, you need to be able to move into a state of highest concentration in a split second. And after that, you need to relax to the maximum, so that the body rests.

Reaction speed is important in many life situations, and developing it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Special online tests teach exactly this: maximum concentration and maximum relaxation at the right time. To improve the reaction speed, you will need to focus only on a specific object. It is required to forget about the other that surrounds. It's hard, but it's really easy to learn.

If a question arises regarding the increase in the speed of a reaction, then another question must immediately be answered: what exactly are you going to develop a reaction to? People react to:

visible irritants.

Thus, if you want to engage in the development of a reaction, then you will have to do this on one of these stimuli. In the future, they can be mixed, but first act gradually, train them in turn.


Regardless of what type of reaction develops: visual, auditory or tactile, it is required to understand exactly what acts as a response reflex during classes, that is, what kind of established action. It is more correct to train a certain sensitive receptor for various kinds of activity. It is possible to develop the action of reaction even to the most ridiculous signals, but it is important during the training to achieve a variety of activities, you must use the maximum muscles.

Such actions are required simple, and it is important to perform them with one touch or movement. These actions are different, they require a wide variety of efforts: from the execution of the “down” command to push-ups or pull-ups. It is important that these movements are simple.

It is important for you to determine what kind of reaction you are developing: auditory, visual or tactile. You can't train everything at once.

In addition, the meaning of the exercise also plays a role; it should not be deprived of this, i.e. it needs to carry a specific meaning. In other words, the exercise should come in handy in everyday life. The key emphasis when choosing here is to be done on safety and obtaining various skills: sports, special ones. In this case, it is important to adequately choose the stimulus. For example, a jump to the side, a fall is trained by imitation of a shot, but not nonsense.

You need to train little by little, starting with simple exercises. This includes "get the yawara" or the movement of objects. Another distinguishing feature of the process is the indispensable presence of a completely sudden and in no way controlled source of irritation. Training with orders to yourself is meaningless and useless, and quickly boring. Truly sudden sources of quests are required.

The ideal choice would be another person, that is, a partner or coach. Participation in the exercises of two people immediately introduces a competitive element into them. Everyone is trying to win over the second, making efforts to complicate the task of the enemy. Take a friend, relative, etc. as a coach. Few people refuse to develop the action of the reaction.

Of course, if you are capable of this, then organize similar conditions yourself, where there are many surprises. But now let's look at some exercises that are designed to increase reaction speed. Of course, they are not considered the ultimate truth, but an ordinary sample, on the basis of which you will create various, more relevant, tasks.

Hearing response enhancement

In order to develop a reaction to hearing, sound is used as an impact. It needs a clear start. An example is the sound of music, ringing, clicking, knocking, etc. Even the doorbell. When developing a response to sounds, it is required to break the visible connection between the one who is exercising and the cause of the sound. In other words, the trainee should not predict the moment when the sound will appear according to the activity of the coach-partner. You can create sound behind your back or use a special PC program.

If there is a development of an auditory reaction for safety, then the tasks are directed to the established actions (lying emphasis, jump, bending down, etc.). Here are some examples of useful tasks:

the coach needs to go out the door. After the signal, the participant is required to transfer a specific item (this must be clearly indicated). Or take an object (from a shelf, from a pocket, from a drawer, etc.);
the coach stands behind his back and sharply hits the surface of something with a ruler. The trainee is required to make the same blow;
in the course of security tasks, it is required to train the process of taking away a weapon or what is used instead of it, at a sound signal (stomp, screams, knocks, etc.);

The exercises are simple but effective. You can change or complicate them to your liking.

partners sit one against the other, and an object is located in front of them. The trainer moves around them and suddenly there is a sound (clap, whistle). Partners need to take a lying object by sound - who is faster. To complicate the task, the coach can not only clap, but also say something like “bang”, “boom”, etc. Do not forget that partners cannot hit foreheads.

Increased response to touch

Now the reaction to touch is being developed, i.e. touch that is not controlled by the eye, for example, from behind. This is a key security element. During training, it is required to blindfold if the tactility of the hands is being worked out. And if safety tasks are performed, then the coach is located at the back. Here are some examples for training:

the person is blindfolded in a chair, his hands need to be placed shoulder-width apart on the table. The trainer suddenly and with an indefinite period of time touches the participant's hands. The latter, when touched, should make a clap with his palms. It is important that a minimum of time elapses from the moment of touch to the execution of the action;
the coach stands behind at arm's length. It touches the shoulder of the trainee. The latter needs to suddenly sit down, jump to one of the sides, turn around and stand in a fighting position.

Increased visual response

The reaction to vision is very important, because this is the main feeling. Almost all of these people receive thanks to the eyes, so the development of reactions from a “visible” stimulus needs to be given maximum time.

By the way, it is easy to develop it. In the course of performing tasks, it is important to pay attention not only to the response to an established event, but also to the choice of a particular event by a person. No need to turn on one lamp, turn on one of two or three. In such a situation, the brain needs to assess the situation and discard unnecessary stimuli. Here are some useful tasks to increase the reaction to vision:

a ruler is pressed against the wall. The participant is required to put his thumb 1 cm from the ruler at a mark of 10-15 cm from its edge. At the moment of lowering the ruler, it falls. The goal is to catch it with your finger and press it against the wall. The shorter the time the ruler “flies”, the higher the reaction;
the coach randomly turns on one of the 2 lamps (the switch is not visible to the participant). When you turn on a particular lamp, you need to move an object or perform a specified action;
things are shown from behind a screen. Respond to a specific subject.

An effective workout is the game "on the fingers": rock-paper-scissors and even-odd:

in fun even-odd on the fingers, the leading number 1-5 is shown. The second participant needs to show their own number, but with a different value. If the first participant shows an odd number, then it is important for the second to show an even number;

Many children's games develop visual reaction. It is enough to remember your favorite childhood fun and start training.

rock-paper-scissors game is familiar to us since childhood. The stone is a fist that breaks scissors (two fingers). The latter defeat paper (palm), and it is able to cover the stone. In a simple type of game, participants "create" an item at one moment. In this situation, the coach gives the trainee time to understand and choose the object that wins;
patties. In this game, the participants sit at the table one against the other. Hands are also on the table. One is trying to cover the palm of the other with his palm, and it is important for him to remove it before that.

There are other trainings for developing a reaction to visible stimuli:

a game for children during which people stand in a circle. They jump in a clockwise direction, trying to jump on their neighbor's foot. The latter moves his leg with a jump. If the participant jumped while attacking, then it is important for him to freeze in place. If the participant jumps, jumping away, then he must step on the neighbor's foot. The one who has been stepped on leaves the circle;
easy fun called "word of paper." One participant holds paper in his hands, and the second puts his palm on his brush holding this paper. The first throws, and the second must catch the paper with his hand that was on the brush of the first. If the game is for money (caught a piece of money - got it), then the process of developing the reaction takes place as quickly as possible;
juggling. Start learning to juggle. In this situation, the goal is not only to develop a reaction, but one cannot do without it.

To develop the reaction speed of the body, a game is used where you need to catch a tennis ball with your hand. Everyone has seen tennis players practice. They stand against the wall and work out the blows. The ball bounces off the wall and comes back again.

Take also a tennis ball, stand against the wall and start throwing it, applying force. Actions similar to training tennis players: hand-ground-wall-hand. First, one hand is trained, then the second, then all at once. Alternatively, you can throw with your left hand and catch only with your right. This will complicate the task. It is even better to do the exercise with a partner, so you will catch the ball in turn.

January 24, 2014, 03:28 pm


Smirnova Anastasia

class 10 "M", MAOU OTs Gornostai, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

Voronina Elena Nikolaevna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. biol. Sciences, junior researcher LF ICBFM SORAN, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

Ilyina Maria Vladimirovna

scientific adviser, teacher of biology, MAOU OC Gornostai, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk

The article is devoted to the study of the reaction rate of a person and the genes that affect it. A study was made of the presence of the MSTN and ACTN3 genes, and their influence on the rate of human reaction when using visual stimuli was studied. Based on the study undertaken, it was concluded that the reaction rate does not depend on the genotypes of the MSTN and ACTN3 genes.

1. Introduction

The reaction rate is one of the main qualities of any living organism. At the same time, it is very important that the response to external irritating factors be instantaneous, since among them there can be not only dangerous, but even deadly. In humans, the average reaction time to a visual signal is 0.1-0.3 seconds.

The reaction rate of a person is determined by the work of the nervous system. When a person reacts to a very strong irritation that is life-threatening, for example, when he pulls his hand away from a hot stove, a simple reflex occurs, in which the brain is not involved. From the receptor, the signal goes along the nerve fiber to the spinal cord and then immediately to the muscle, passing through only three nerve cells - a sensory neuron, an intercalary neuron in the spinal cord, and a motor neuron. The speed of a nerve impulse along the processes of nerve cells here is several tens of meters / sec. The determining factor is the time of synaptic transmission - about 0.1 sec. It should be noted that we first withdraw the hand, and then we feel pain. This is due to the fact that the signal from pain receptors to the brain travels along nerve fibers of a different type (there are three types of nerve fibers that differ in the mechanism of impulse transmission) at a lower speed of 0.5-2 meters / sec.

If we are talking about a person’s reaction to a brick flying at him, then this is also a reflex reaction: the eye transmits a signal of rapid movement not only to the parts of the brain where they are processed (and we understand: “a brick is flying”), but also through special nerve pathways - to the muscles, which provides a quick avoidance reaction, for example, jumping away.

Speed ​​reaction.

Thus, the implementation of the visual signal for muscle movement occurs through the following steps:

1. the occurrence of excitation in the receptor (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) involved in the perception of the signal;

2. transmission of excitation to the central nervous system;

3. the transition of signal information along the nerve pathways, its analysis and the formation of a response signal;

4. conducting a response signal from the central nervous system to the muscle;

5. excitation of the muscle.

What affects the rate of a reaction?

The speed and speed of movement depends on:

1. the state of the central nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus of a person;

2. features of muscle tissue (from the ratio of fast and slow fibers);

3. muscle strength;

4. the ability of muscles to quickly move from a tense state to a relaxed one;

5. energy reserves in the muscle (adenosine triphosphoric acid - ATP and creatine phosphate - KTF);

6. degree of mobility in the joints;

7. coordination of movements during high-speed work;

8. age and sex;

9. the speed of receiving a signal from the receptor by the brain and its transmission to the muscles

Genetic studies (twin method, comparison of the speed capabilities of parents and children, long-term observations of changes in speed indicators in the same children) indicate that motor abilities significantly depend on genotype factors. According to scientific research, the speed of a simple reaction is approximately 60-88% determined by heredity.


Search for genetic markers of the implementation of the speed of human reaction to visual stimuli


Mastering testing methods and methods of genetic research

Reaction rate testing.

Collection of samples for DNA extraction.

DNA isolation

Determination of polymorphic variants of genes.

2. Working process

2.1 Testing the reaction rate.

56 people were tested at to determine the speed of their reaction to visual stimuli. The essence of the program is that a person must press the mouse button at the moment the screen color changes. For each test person, 5 measurements were taken and the average reaction time was recorded. All measurements were taken in the morning (all were under equal conditions). As a result, 16 people from the 8th grade, 17 people from the 9th grade, 23 people from the 10th grade were examined.

The greatest number of people had a reaction speed in the region of 265 ms (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Reaction speed of surveyed participants. The blue dots indicate the values ​​expected under a normal distribution (p<0,001)

In grade 8, the average reaction speed is 338 ms, in grade 9 - 276 ms, in grade 10 - 232 ms.

Figure 2. Dependence of the reaction rate on the training class

From Figure 2, we see that with an increase in the class, the reaction rate increases (less time is spent on the response, the person reacts faster). During statistical processing of the results, it was found that the probability that the results are random is less than 0.1% (p<0,001). Следовательно, выявленная нами зависимость увеличения скорости реакции тестируемых людей с возрастанием класса не случайно, а закономерно.

Figure 3. Statistical assessment of the dependence of the reaction rate on the training class

2.2 Collection of samples for DNA extraction.

Buccal epithelium was collected from all students who completed the reaction rate test using cotton swabs. Then they were placed in 1.5 ml tubes with 250 µl of lysing solution a1 and vortexed. The tubes were heated for 5 min at a temperature of 65 ˚С and again mixed on a vortex until the material was completely dissolved. Then the sticks were removed, 20 µl of the sorbent resuspended on the vortex was added. The contents of the tube were mixed on a vortex and left in a rack for 2 min to precipitate the sorbent. The suspension was mixed again and settled for 7-9 minutes. Next, the sorbent was precipitated on a microcentrifuge for 30 s, the supernatant was taken, 400 μl of the washing solution a2 was added to each test tube, and mixed on a vortex until the sorbent was completely resuspended. Then they precipitated on the "Microspin" for 30 seconds and took the supernatant. The washing procedure with solution a2 was repeated once more, the supernatant was carefully selected. Similarly, the precipitate was washed with 70% ethanol 1 time, the supernatant was carefully collected, and the sorbent precipitate was dried with open tube lids in a thermostat at 56°C. Next, 100 μl of elution buffer a3 was added, the sorbent was carefully resuspended, and placed in a thermostat at 56°C for 10 min. The suspension was precipitated on a microcentrifuge at 13,000 rpm for 2 minutes. The supernatant contains purified DNA, the sample is ready for PCR.

2.3 Determination of polymorphic variants of genes.

DNA samples of 5 µl were placed in 0.2 ml tubes. A mixture of primers was added to DNA to determine nucleotide substitutions in the ACTN and MSTN genes. Next, Taq-DNA polymerase, nucleotides, and polymerase buffer were added to the tubes, and the mixture was placed in an amplifier for PCR. The principle of determining a nucleotide substitution consists in repeated copying of a DNA region containing a nucleotide substitution and the interaction of this region with labeled probes. One of the probes is complementary to the nucleotide sequence with the "normal" letter, and the other is complementary to the "mutant" letter. As a result, on the graph, we see the glow of one of the probes if a person has only one letter (homozygous) or both probes in the case of a heterozygote (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Graph of fluorescence accumulation by genotype G / A gene MSTN

Thus, we have typed all collected DNA samples (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. Graphs of fluorescence accumulation for all studied samples (a. ACTN , b. MSTN )

Unfortunately, not all samples were able to be typed. The results of genotyping are shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Research results for collected samples

The MSTN gene codes for the protein myostatin (also known as growth and differentiation factor 8), a protein that inhibits the growth and differentiation of muscle tissue. Animal studies show that blocking the action of myostatin leads to a significant increase in lean muscle mass with an almost complete absence of adipose tissue. The studied G->A nucleotide substitution leads to the premature appearance of a stop codon at position 313 of the protein and thus reduces the amount of myostatin, which leads to an increase in muscle mass and improves speed performance.

The ACTN3 gene is characteristic of type 2 (fast twitch) muscle fibers of skeletal muscle. The ACTN3 gene contains a polymorphism, R577X, which results in the replacement of arginine (C allele) at position 577 with a stop codon (T allele). The presence of this mutation causes muscles to lack the a-actinin-3 protein. However, muscle pathology is not observed in such people, since a-actinin-2 compensates for its absence in the Z-disks of muscle fibers. At the same time, the presence of the 577R allele, which indicates the presence of the α-actinin-3 protein in skeletal muscles, gives individuals an advantage in the manifestation of speed-strength physical qualities.

In our study, no statistically significant dependence of the reaction rate on genotypes was found (Fig. 6) - for the ACTN gene, the level of agreement between the results in different groups was 97%, for MSTN - 80%.

Figure 6. Dependence of the reaction rate value on genotypes (a. ACTN , b. MSTN )

Perhaps this is due to the fact that some of the samples remained untyped for the genotype. It is also possible that the implementation of the rate of human reaction to visual stimuli depends on other genes.

3. Results

· DNA samples were collected.

· Determining the reaction speed of the tested.

We have shown that the reaction rate increases (less time is spent on the response) with increasing class.

· Determination of the genotypes of the ACTN and MSTN genes was carried out for some of the tested.

· No statistically significant dependence of reaction rate on genotypes was found.

4. Conclusion

We have studied the genetic markers of the implementation of the speed of human reaction to visual stimuli. It was found that the reaction rate increases (reaction time decreases) with increasing class and does not depend on the genotypes of the ACTN and MSTN genes.

Future plans

Complete genotyping for all accessions for the ACTN and MSTN genes. Conduct a study of other genetic markers (affecting the speed of transmission of the nerve signal).


1.Sapin M.R., Nikityuk D.B. Human anatomy. In 3 volumes. M. 1998. T. 3.

2. Human Physiology / Ed. R. Schmidt and G. Thevs. M.: Mir, 1996, v. 1.

Friends, there are 2 news - bad and good:

Bad: the speed of your reaction cannot be physiologically changed, it is innate.

Good: but the psychological conditions for the appearance of the reaction can be varied - and I will tell you how.

We will not write about the importance of the reaction rate for the tracer - it is obvious.

The reaction rate is the time from the beginning of the signal to the response of the body.

In Wundt's laboratory, the Russian psychologist Lange discovered the existence of two different types of response, which he called motor and sensory.

Sensory reaction - the time from the beginning of the signal to its perception (comprehension), i.e. the subject's attention is directed to waiting for the signal.

Motor - the time from the beginning of the signal to the completion of the response movement, i.e. focus on the next step.

Surprisingly, the motor reaction is almost 2 times faster than the sensory one.

This is explained by the fact that the motor reaction is not a fully mental reaction, but only a brain reflex, since the action is already embedded in the “program” and, unlike the sensory one, there is no process of perception and volitional decision in it, only a reflex. This is also because the spinal and medulla oblongata are responsible for the motor response - "a simpler but faster computer" compared to other parts of the brain.

The reaction time of a person depends on the modality of the stimulus - on the type of stimulus signal, the intensity of the stimulus, fitness, attunement to the perception of the signal, age and gender, the complexity of the reaction.

For example, visual information is perceived the fastest. A normal person visually perceives 3-5 thousand characters per minute. With training, the speed of perception of information increases. The Guinness Book of Records recorded reading text at a speed of 150 thousand characters per minute. Auditory information is perceived more slowly. The maximum speed of perception ranges from 300 to 1000 characters per minute. Odors are the slowest to perceive. A person perceives one smell from a few seconds to ten minutes.

So it's good that when we fall, we will focus on indications of tactile, visual and vestibular sensitivity, and not on the (possible) appearance of a specific smell of hydrogen sulfideJ.

For further consideration, we will describe 3 different situations:

1) When a person pulls his hand away from a hot object, a simple reflex comes into play, in which the brain does not take part. From the receptor, the signal travels along the nerve fiber to the spinal cord and then immediately to the muscle, passing through only three nerve cells (yes, only 3): a sensory neuron, an intercalary neuron in the spinal cord, and a motor neuron. The speed of a nerve impulse along the processes of nerve cells here is several tens of meters / sec. The determining factor is the time of synaptic transmission - about 0.1 sec. First, the person withdraws his hand, and then feels pain.

2) If we are talking about a person’s reaction to a stone flying at him, then this is also a reflex reaction: the eye transmits a signal of rapid movement not only to the parts of the brain where they are processed (and we understand: “a stone is flying”), but also through special nerve pathways - to the muscles, which provides a quick avoidance reaction - moving to the side, jumping, etc.

3) If we are talking about the reaction when playing tennis, then the gradual improvement of the reaction is associated with the formation of stereotypical reflexes that allow you to react without the participation of the cerebral cortex (without thinking). And when we are just learning to make a new movement, there is a complex interaction: the muscle is given a signal about the action, the signal about the result of the action comes back from it, and an adjustment takes place. All these processes involve different areas of the cerebellum and some other structures of the brain.

Sometimes life depends on the speed of reaction, but even without extreme conditions, the ability to quickly respond to external events will be useful. Activate your reactions and your movements will become coordinated and precise.

Reaction is the ability of the brain to quickly respond to external stimuli. The reaction rate is the time that elapses from the moment of action of an external stimulus to the body's reaction to it.

First, our sense organs perceive some stimulus and react to it: nerve impulses are transmitted from receptors (nerve endings) to the cerebral cortex. This is where signals are recognized, processed, classified and evaluated. Then the zone that controls the movements of the body is connected, and the muscles are included in the work. Each of these stages takes time.

Everyone has a different reaction rate. There are also extremes, when the behavior of some resembles slow motion, while the reaction of others is lightning fast. For example, the Japanese secretary Miit puts 100 seals in one minute. The fastest shooter in the world, J. Miculek, makes 5 shots from a revolver in half a second. Japanese Makisumi solves a Rubik's cube in 12.5 seconds.

It is curious that the fastest muscle reaction is in cold-blooded animals. For example, a palm salamander that has noticed a prey throws out its tongue at a speed of 15 m per second. Mongooses have a quick reaction - thanks to it they have earned the fame of the best snake hunters. Lightning reaction and our beloved cats.

For a person, a quick reaction, it would seem, has lost its former vital importance: he no longer needs to quickly dodge the paws of wild animals so as not to be eaten, or, conversely, hunt for them so as not to be left without dinner.

However, it would be a mistake to think that we do not need a quick reaction. It is necessary for athletes - football players, hockey players, tennis players, boxers, judokas, etc. And not only to set records, but also to avoid injuries. Quick response is required by many professions - pilots, drivers, captains, machinists, surgeons, etc. People with a quick response are also preferred by many employers, for example, in areas where you need to quickly respond to market changes.

In fact, everyone needs a quick reaction in order to protect themselves as much as possible on the street and at home: to behave correctly in a critical situation that poses a threat to health or life.

The reaction rate is measured in ms - milliseconds. 1 second is 1000 ms. The smaller this value, the faster the reaction rate. For most people, it is 230–270 ms. Readings of 270ms or more indicate a slow response. Fighter pilots, sports stars show results of 150 - 170 ms.

The fastest reaction in people aged approximately 18 to 40 years. Its speed increases in the middle of the day - during the peak performance period. In a tired person, it decreases. This may not be noticeable if the work does not require a quick reaction, but when performing complex actions, the possibility of making a mistake increases.

The reaction is also slowed down under the influence of alcohol and drugs. In addition, the mental state of a person matters: negative emotions depress nervous activity, which adversely affects his reactions, while positive ones significantly accelerate them.

The type of stimulus also affects the reaction rate: people react most quickly to tactile and auditory stimuli, somewhat more slowly to visual ones.

How to get faster

There are several ways to learn to react faster:

1. Load the brain with work

In older people, the process of processing information entering the brain from the senses slows down. This happens for various reasons, including because most of them stop learning, do not strive to learn new things and do not want to leave their comfort zone. Idleness, watching meaningless programs that do not force the brain to strain, start the process of personality degradation, which also affects the reaction rate.

In order for the brain not to atrophy over time, it must be constantly loaded with work, set new tasks for it, and then you will not have to complain about a slow reaction.

2. Eliminate bad habits

A person, as they say, who has “overdone”, creates a false impression that under the influence of a drink he becomes more relaxed, free and able to concentrate and control his behavior. But practice shows the opposite: due to the lack of a quick reaction, drunks very often become victims of crimes and participants in accidents.

3. Get enough sleep

It is impossible to constantly be in a state of maximum concentration and concentration. There will certainly be a failure when we fail to respond in time to the danger. Therefore, periods of concentration should alternate with periods of relaxation. And a full sleep is a great opportunity to give the nervous system a “reboot”, replenish its energy reserves. In addition, with a lack of sleep, visual acuity decreases, which also negatively affects the speed of reactions.

4. Control emotions

First of all, you need to learn not to give in to fear. On the one hand, fear signals danger. On the other hand, it does not mobilize a person, but slows down the process of information processing in the brain. Many people know the feeling when, in moments of danger, a person feels as if paralyzed and unable to move. His reactions are slow and he is unable to give an adequate response. It is possible to respond correctly and quickly to a stimulus only in a state of absence of fear.

Thanks to special trainings that carry a semantic load, that is, imitate danger in real life, you can get rid of some fears and acquire quick response skills that will be useful in a difficult situation.

For example, the sound of a click made by a partner can imitate a shot and serve as a signal that you need to quickly jump to the side, duck down or fall to the ground. The effect should be sudden - we should not control the stimulus, that is, the actions of the partner.

To get rid of fear, in particular falling on ice, a pre-developed “plan” will help. For example, when falling on our back, we must quickly press our chin to our chest so as not to injure our head. In this case, we can play our actions mentally. This will speed up our reaction, so that if we do fall, we will avoid injury.

5. We play

Football, volleyball, table tennis and tennis games are great for developing fast reactions, so it's worth choosing the one that you like and start playing. You can do juggling.

It is curious that computer games also develop the reaction speed - this was proved by scientists from one of the American universities. During the experiment, the players showed high results in quick decision-making not only in the game itself, but also in tests to determine the speed of reaction.

6. We train

Exercise will only be beneficial if you do it daily and not from time to time.

Our subconscious, intuitive reactions (the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for them) are faster than the conscious, analytical ones that the left hemisphere is in charge of. The huge role of the latter is undoubted, but at critical moments the subconscious is the first to react. And since it is it that primarily responds to the stimulus, you can train the reaction speed by repeating the same movements many times - up to 200 at a time.

When starting training, it is worth deciding on what exactly we will increase the reaction rate: to hearing, touch or visual stimulus. At first, it is better to separate them, and only then train them all together.

We train the speed of the auditory reaction. For example, two people are sitting at a table where some object lies. The third walks around them and suddenly claps his hands. At this signal, everyone should strive to be the first to grab this object.

We train the speed of reaction to touch. The one who trains should not see his coach (you can blindfold him). One person is sitting at the table, the second, whom he does not see, should unexpectedly touch his shoulder. In response, he should clap his hands, jump to the side, etc.

We train the speed of visual reaction. This is very important because most of the information comes to the brain through vision.

The game of crackers. Two stand opposite each other, both arms are bent at the elbows and raised, palms are turned towards the partner. One beats his palm on the palm of the other. His task is to guess and timely remove the hand that the partner wants to hit.

As an option: both hands are on the table in front of them. Each in turn tries to cover the hand of the other with one hand, and he must have time to pull it back.

By the way, these games are familiar to many from childhood.

But, of course, the most effective way to increase the speed of reaction is to play team sports, tennis or martial arts.

Determination of the speed of reaction

Is there a person who has not heard the phrase "reaction speed"? How many times have we "saved" mugs and plates at the last moment? How many times did she determine the result of competitions, relay races and competitions? With any person, both at home and on the street, surprises can happen at any moment, and then
his health will directly depend on the speed of reaction. But it is required not only for ordinary life. This is a professionally important quality for astronauts, pilots, sailors, military, athletes, drivers, operators. Hundreds of professions, thousands of situations, daily.

Probably, many have a desire to know the speed of their reaction or to get an answer to the question: "Can I catch up with Schumacher." Will I be able to become a pilot or just increase my reaction speed a little?
What needs to be done for this?

First you need to measure it. It is easy to guess that the speed or speed of a reaction is measured by time, more precisely, by the time of a simple conditioned reflex reaction. .

They measure it, and with complex instruments - chronoreflexometers,

and very simple and affordable means, for example, a school ruler. By the way, no less accurate.
Remember... everything ingenious is simple.

Measurement of a simple conditioned reflex response

A simple conditioned reflex reaction is carried out as a simple movement in response to a simple signal. The ratio signal - movement is set by the instruction pronounced by the laboratory assistant.

“You are offered a reaction time measurement test using a school ruler. Gotta catch her
in free fall.

The measurement is taken while standing. Leading hand (for right-handers - right) to keep at chest level. Large
and the index finger must be brought as close as possible, but not touching the surface of the ruler. The zero mark should be located at the level of the upper edge of the index finger. As soon as you see the ruler fall you should grab it. No additional command will be given.
The measurement is carried out 3 times. Ready? Be careful."

The measurement is carried out in pairs. Readings are taken at the top of the index finger.

Interpretation of measurement results
After the measurement, the arithmetic mean of the three measurements is calculated and compared with the norms.


Video file "Reaction time measurement"

And now information for those who still want to get answers to questions.

How to convert centimeters to milliseconds?

What limits the speed of a person's reaction

The reaction rate of a person is determined by the work of the nervous system. When a person reacts to a very strong irritation that is life-threatening, for example, when he pulls his hand away from a hot object -
a simple reflex comes into play, in which the brain does not participate. signal from the receptor
along the nerve fiber it goes to the spinal cord and then immediately to the muscle, passing through only three nerve cells - a sensory neuron, an intercalary neuron in the spinal cord and a motor neuron. The speed of a nerve impulse along the processes of nerve cells here is several tens of meters / sec. The determining factor is the time of synaptic transmission - about 0.1 sec.

First, the person withdraws his hand, and then feels pain. This is due to the fact that from pain receptors in
the brain signal travels along nerve fibers of a different type at a slower speed.

If we are talking about a person’s reaction to a stone flying at him, then this is also a reflex reaction: the eye transmits a signal of rapid movement not only to the parts of the brain where they are processed (and we understand: “a stone is flying”), but also through special nerve pathways - to the muscles, which provides a quick avoidance reaction - moving to the side, jumping, etc.

If we are talking about the reaction when playing tennis, then the gradual improvement of the reaction is associated with the formation of stereotypical reflexes that allow you to react without the participation of the cerebral cortex (without thinking), and, most importantly, such reactions are carried out without feedback, that is, there is no constant adjustment of movement . And when we just learn to make a new movement, there is a complex interaction: the muscle is given a signal about the action, the signal comes back from it about the result of the action,
and there is an adjustment, i.e. the muscle moves under constant control, which takes a long time.
All these processes involve different areas of the cerebellum and some other structures of the brain.

How to increase the reaction rate

The speed of a person's reaction can be increased. You can learn to respond to stimuli that precede action. For example, not to hit a boxer, but to prepare for it - after all, before
to hit the enemy will definitely look at the target, change his position, tense his muscles, inhale ... More than enough time. It is only necessary to develop a conditioned reflex, to lay a new stimulus in the subconscious
and response to it.

This exercise can help you:

Cracker game.
The first partner stands and positions his open hand so that it is convenient for the second to hit it. For example, it becomes sideways to the second, holding an open palm in front of it. The second partner hits
palms of the first at arbitrary times. The task of the first is to remove the palm, the task of the second is to hit. You can keep an account. Then the partners change. The principle laid down in this game can be transferred to other technical actions, for example, sweeps and avoidance of kicks on the lower level.

It is known that the subconscious reaction associated with the right hemisphere of the brain is much faster than the conscious one associated with the left hemisphere. It is logical to assume that it is in the subconscious that
be laid response to a specific stimulus. And this is achieved by repeated repetition of movements in training. In total, you need to dial about 5-10 thousand repetitions, and it makes no sense to do more than 300 repetitions at a time. 300 figure is quite large, basically it turns out
no more than 200 movements per workout, then it turns out that for the subconscious assimilation of the motor pattern, ideally, about two months are required. Motor reactions must be carried out at the level of conditioned reflexes, and for this, as you can see, serious training is needed.