What is the main view. Location of the main views in the drawing

2.1. General provisions.

2.3. Sections.

2.4. Cuts.

2.5. Construction of the third projection of the part according to two data.

2.6. Test questions.

General provisions

When performing technical drawings, various projection images are used, mainly rectangular (orthogonal) projections of the object. Any technical detail or structure is a complex of geometric bodies. When drawing up a drawing and reading it, you must be able to find these components of a geometric shape, as well as build sections, cuts, intersection lines, etc.

The drawing must give a complete picture of the shape of the depicted object, its device, the material from which it is made, and contain information about the methods of its manufacture. At the same time, the drawing of the object must be concise, it must contain the minimum number of images sufficient to read the drawing, manufacture the object according to it and control it.

For better understanding and reading, drawings should be drawn up according to general rules. All requirements for the design of drawings must be uniform. Therefore, when drawing up drawings, it is necessary to be guided by the basic rules and provisions of GOST, given in sec. one.

Images in the drawings, depending on their content, are divided into views, sections, sections. The rules for the images of objects are established by GOST 2.305-68.

The location of images on the drawings in different countries is carried out according to one of two systems - European (system symbol E) or American (system symbol A). In our country and in most European countries, the European image arrangement system has been adopted.

Images of objects should be made using the rectangular projection method. In this case, the object is placed between the observer and the corresponding projection planes (Fig. 11). For the main projection planes, six faces of the cube, inside which the object is located, are taken. Faces 1, 2 and 3 correspond to the frontal, horizontal and profile projection planes. Such projections are called orthogonal projections.

The faces of the cube with the images obtained on them are aligned with the plane of the drawing (Fig. 12). In this case, face 6 can be placed next to face 4. The image on the frontal projection plane is considered to be the main one.

The object is positioned relative to the frontal plane of projections so that the image on it gives a complete picture of the shape and size of the object, carries the most information about it.

The number of images - views, sections, sections - should be minimal, but sufficient to fully show the subject when using the symbols, signs and inscriptions established in the relevant standards.


A view is an image facing the observer with the visible part of the surface of an object. To reduce the number of images, it is allowed to show the necessary invisible parts of the object in views using dashed lines.

GOST 2.305-68 establishes the following names of the main types obtained on the main projection planes, see fig. 11 and 12):

1 – front view or main view(on the frontal projection plane);

2 – view from above(on the horizontal projection plane);

3 – left view(on the profile projection plane);

4 – right side view(on the plane opposite to the profile projection plane);

5 – bottom view(on the plane opposite the horizontal projection plane);

6 – back view(on the plane opposite the frontal projection plane).

With this arrangement of views, the projections of each point of the depicted object are placed on different views not arbitrarily, but in accordance with the rules of descriptive geometry and lie on common straight lines; moreover, the projections of any point located on the main view, right, left and rear views are located on a common horizontal line, while the projections located on the main view, top and bottom views are located on a common vertical line. Thus, the main views are in projection relationship with each other. In this case, the name of the views on the drawing does not need to be signed.

In order to make more rational use of the drawing field, GOST allows placing views anywhere in the drawing, outside the projection connection. So, for example, in Fig. 13, the bottom view is shown out of projection relationship with the main view. In this case, the direction of view is indicated by an arrow near the corresponding image, and the same capital letter of the Russian alphabet is applied near the arrow and above the view.

If any part of the object cannot be shown on the main views without distorting its shape and size, then additional views are used that are obtained on planes that are not parallel to the main projection planes (Fig. 14). An additional view is marked on the drawing with a capital letter, and an arrow is placed on the object associated with the additional view, indicating the direction of view with the corresponding letter designation.

If an additional view is located in direct projection connection with the corresponding image, the arrow and the view designation are not applied.

The additional view can be rotated, but, as a rule, with the preservation of the position adopted for the given object on the main image. In this case, the species designation must be supplemented with a graphic image (Fig. 15).

There are cases when it is necessary to clarify only part of the shape of the object; in these cases, a local view is used, which is an image of a separate, limited place on the surface of an object
(Fig. 16).

The detail view is limited to the break line or is not limited, if this does not violate the clarity of the drawing.

If the detail view is performed in a projection relationship with the main view, the direction of view is not indicated, and its designation is not applied. If the projection connection is broken, the local view is noted like an additional view.


cross section called the image of a figure obtained by mentally dissecting an object with one or more planes. The section shows only what is obtained directly in the cutting plane. Oblique sections should be avoided by choosing such directions of cutting planes that give normal cross sections.

Depending on the location in the drawing, sections that are not part of the section are divided into superimposed ( rice. 17a) and rendered(Fig. 17b).

Preference is given to outlier sections; superimposed sections are allowed, but not recommended.

The contour of the removed section is depicted by solid main lines (see Fig. 55b), and the contour of the superimposed section is depicted by solid thin lines (see Fig. 55a), and the image contour at the location of the superimposed section is not interrupted. In addition, sections can be placed in a gap between parts of the same type (Fig. 18).

The axis of symmetry of the extended or superimposed section is indicated by a dash-dotted thin line. The superimposed section is not indicated by letters.

The removed symmetrical section, the axis of symmetry of which is located on the continuation of the projection of the secant plane (Fig. 19), and the symmetrical section placed in the gap between parts of the same type (see Fig. 18), do not designate and do not inscribe.

For asymmetric sections located in a gap between parts of the same type (Fig. 20a) or superimposed (Fig. 20b), the section line is supplemented with arrows, but not marked with letters.

In all other cases, an open line is used for the section line with arrows indicating the direction of view and denoted by the same capital letters of the Russian alphabet, and the section itself is accompanied by an inscription of the type A-A (Fig. 21), i.e. like a cut.

The section by construction and location must correspond to the direction indicated by the arrows.

It is allowed to place the section at any place of the drawing field (see Fig. 21), as well as with a rotation (Fig. 23), adding the corresponding sign of the graphic image.

If the cutting plane passes through the axis of the surface of revolution that bounds the hole or recess, then the contour of the hole or recess in the section is shown in full (Fig. 22).

In the case when the cutting plane passes through a non-circular hole and the section is obtained consisting of separate independent parts, a cut should be used (Fig. 23).

All sections, including those included in the cuts, are hatched in the drawing of the part, moreover, at the same angle, in one direction and with the same distance between the strokes.

Hatching lines make a 45° angle with centerlines or main outline lines of the drawing

The thickness of the hatching lines should be 3 times thinner than the lines of the visible contour. The hatched section should not be conspicuous due to the excessive thickness of the hatching lines or their density.


cut the image of an object mentally dissected by one or several planes is called, while the mental dissection of the object refers only to this section and does not entail changes in other images of the same object. The section (Fig. 24) shows what is obtained in the cutting plane and what is located behind it.

The position of the cutting plane is indicated on the drawing by a section line. According to GOST 2.303-68, the section line is depicted as an open line, the thickness of which is one and a half times the line of the visible contour. The length of its strokes is chosen from 8 to 20 mm, depending on the size of the image. The strokes of this line must not cross the outline of the image. Arrows indicating the direction of view are applied from the end of the stroke at a distance of 1/3 of the stroke length (Fig. 25). At the beginning and end of the section line, they put the same capital letter of the Russian alphabet.

The incision should be marked with the inscription "A-A", i.e. two letters through a dash.

The size of the letters at the section line and in the inscription marking the cut is larger than the size of the digits of the dimensional numbers in the same drawing, and corresponds to the size of the capital letter of the standard font, the closest larger one to the font in which the dimensional numbers are written (see Fig. 24).

Each section contains a section that is shaded.

Depending on the position of the cutting plane relative to the horizontal projection plane, all sections are divided into:

horizontal- the cutting plane is parallel to the horizontal projection plane (Fig. 26). Horizontal sections are usually located in place of the top view or bottom view.

vertical– the cutting plane is perpendicular to the horizontal projection plane. A vertical section is called frontal if the cutting plane is parallel to the frontal plane (for example, at the site of the main view, Fig. 27), and profile if the cutting plane is parallel to the profile projection plane (for example, a section at the site of the view on the left).

Inclined- the cutting plane makes an angle with the horizontal projection plane that is different from the right one (Fig. 28).

The cut is called longitudinal, if the cutting plane is directed along the length or height of the object (see Fig. 26, 27).

The cut is called transverse, if the cutting plane is perpendicular to the length or height of the object (Fig. 29).

For horizontal, frontal and profile sections, the position of the cutting plane is not indicated, the cut itself is not marked with an inscription in the case when the cutting plane coincides with the plane of symmetry of the object as a whole and the corresponding images are located in a projection relationship (for example, a section in the place of the main view, see Fig. .27).

All of the above cuts are simple- they are performed in the presence of one secant plane; if there are several cutting planes, the cuts are referred to difficult(Fig. 30).

The cuts made when depicting a given object do not depend on each other.

In a complex section, the strokes of the section line are also drawn at the inflections of this line. If necessary, at the kinks of the section line, put the same capital letter as at the beginning and end of this line. On the section (image) itself, the lines of delimitation of the secant planes are not shown, i.e. as if the cut was made in one plane.

Complex cuts are called broken if the secant planes intersect (for example, section A-A in Fig. 31).

Complex cuts are called stepped if the cutting planes are parallel (for example, a stepped frontal section A-A, Fig. 32).

With broken cuts, the secant planes are conditionally rotated until they are aligned in one plane. If the combined planes turn out to be parallel to one of the main projection planes, then a broken section can be placed in the place of the corresponding view.

So, for example, the inclined plane passing through the boss of the part (see Fig. 31) is rotated to a vertical position; now both secant planes of the broken section are parallel to the profile plane of the projections, and the section A-A is placed in place of the view on the left.

With broken cuts, the direction of rotation of the planes may not coincide with the direction of view. So, for example, the plane passing through the mounting holes in the base of the part (Fig. 33) rotates clockwise to the front position, and the direction of view indicated by the arrow is opposite to the direction of rotation.

Rice. 31 Fig. 32

A section that serves to clarify the structure of an object only in a separate, limited place is called local. The local section is highlighted in the view by a solid wavy line (Fig. 34, 35). This line must not overlap with any other lines in the image. In accordance with GOST 2.303-68, the thickness of a solid wavy line is taken in the range from half to one third of the thickness of the solid main line of the drawing.

The local section is not inscribed or marked.

On one image, it is allowed to connect part of the view and part of the section. Hidden contour lines on the connected parts of the view and section are usually not shown.

In the case of connecting the symmetrical parts of the view and section, the dividing line is the axis of symmetry - a dash-dotted thin line (see GOST 2.303-68), while half of the section is recommended to be placed to the right of the vertical axis of symmetry (Fig. 36b, 37) and below the horizontal axis of symmetry ( Fig. 36a). if a contour line coincides with the axis of symmetry (for example, an edge in Fig. 37), then this contour line is shown in the image, and a solid wavy line serves as a dividing line.

Detail elements such as stiffeners and thin walls such as stiffeners are shown unshaded in the section if the cutting plane is directed along the long side of the corresponding element (Fig. 38).

Rice. 38 Fig. 39

If group holes in a round flange, butt, etc. do not fall into the cut plane, then one of these holes is conditionally turned to the cut plane and shown as cut, but this is not indicated or inscribed (Fig. 77).

Useless incisions (Fig. 40) should not be made if they do not reveal any internal features of the shape.

Rice. 40
In the drawing, the number of images - views, sections, cuts - should be minimal, but sufficient to fully show the external and internal surfaces and to apply all the necessary sizes, signs and inscriptions. To obtain a more visual and expressive drawing, it is necessary to choose the right scale and rationally arrange all the received images. Views and sections should evenly fill the drawing field. The gaps between them should be sufficient for dimensioning and specifying cutting planes. The views themselves must be at least 15 ... 20 mm from the edge of the frame.

Inscriptions and letter designations related to views, sections and sections are placed parallel to the main inscription of the drawing.

A view is an image of the visible surface of an object facing the observer.

Main types. The standard establishes six main types, which are obtained by projecting an object placed inside a cube, the six faces of which are taken as projection planes (Fig. 82). Having projected the object onto these faces, they are unfolded until they coincide with the frontal projection plane (Fig. 83). On production drawings, a product of any complex shape can be shown in six main views.

Rice. 82. Getting the main views

The front view (main view) is placed at the location of the front projection. The top view is placed at the location of the plan view (below the main view). The left view is located in the place of the profile projection (to the right of the main view). The right view is placed to the left of the main view. The bottom view is above the main view. The back view is placed to the right of the left view.

The main views, as well as projections, are located in a projection relationship. The number of views in the drawing is chosen to be minimal, but sufficient to accurately represent the shape of the depicted object. In views, if necessary, it is allowed to show invisible parts of the surface of an object using dashed lines (Fig. 84).

The main view should contain the most information about the subject. Therefore, the part must be positioned relative to the frontal projection plane so that its visible surface can be projected with the largest number of form elements. In addition, the main view should give a clear idea of ​​the features of the form, showing its silhouette, surface curves, ledges, recesses, holes, which ensures a quick recognition of the shape of the depicted product.

Rice. 83. Main types

Rice. 84. Using a dashed line in a drawing to depict invisible parts of a part

Rice. 85. Local Views

The distance between the views in the drawing is chosen in such a way that there is room for dimensioning.

Local view. In addition to the main views, the drawings use a local view - an image of a separate, limited place on the visible surface of the part.

The local view is limited to the cliff line (Fig. 85). If a local view is located in a projection relationship with one of the main views (Fig. 85, a), then it is not indicated. If the local view is not located in a projection relationship with one of the main views, then it is indicated by an arrow and a letter of the Russian alphabet (Fig. 85, b).

Detail views can be dimensioned.

You know that frontal, horizontal and profile projections are images of a projection drawing. In engineering drawings, projection images of the external visible surface of an object are called views.

View - this is an image of the visible surface of the object facing the observer.

Main types. The standard establishes six main types, which are obtained by projecting an object placed inside a cube, the six faces of which are taken as projection planes (Fig. 82). Having projected the object onto these faces, they are unfolded until they coincide with the frontal projection plane (Fig. 83). On production drawings, a product of any complex shape can be shown in six main views.

Rice. 82. Getting the main views

Front view (main view) is placed at the location of the frontal projection. The top view is placed at the location of the plan view (below the main view). The left view is located in the place of the profile projection (to the right of the main view). The right view is placed to the left of the main view. The bottom view is above the main view. The back view is placed to the right of the left view.

The main views, as well as projections, are located in a projection relationship. The number of views in the drawing is chosen to be minimal, but sufficient to accurately represent the shape of the depicted object. In views, if necessary, it is allowed to show invisible parts of the surface of an object using dashed lines (Fig. 84).

main view should contain as much information as possible about the subject. Therefore, the part must be positioned relative to the frontal projection plane so that its visible surface can be projected with the largest number of form elements. In addition, the main view should give a clear idea of ​​the features of the form, showing its silhouette, surface curves, ledges, recesses, holes, which ensures a quick recognition of the shape of the depicted product.

Rice. 83. Main types

Rice. 84. Using a dashed line in a drawing to depict invisible parts of a part

Rice. 85. Local Views

The distance between the views in the drawing is chosen in such a way that there is room for dimensioning.

Local view. In addition to the main views, the drawings use a local view - an image of a separate, limited place on the visible surface of the part.

The local view is limited to the cliff line (Fig. 85). If a local view is located in a projection relationship with one of the main views (Fig. 85, a), then it is not indicated. If the local view is not located in a projection relationship with one of the main views, then it is indicated by an arrow and a letter of the Russian alphabet (Fig. 85, b).

Detail views can be dimensioned.

View - the image of the visible part of the surface of the object facing the observer. To reduce the number of images, it is allowed to show in the views the necessary invisible parts of the surface of the object with dashed lines (Fig. 5.4).

The views obtained on the main projection planes are the main ones and have the following names: 1 - front view (or main view); 2 - top view; 3 - left side view; 4 - right side view; 5 - bottom view; 6 is a rear view (see Fig. 5.1).

If any view is located outside the projection connection with the main image (view or section) or is separated from it by other images, indicate the projection direction with an arrow, indicated by a capital Cyrillic letter, the constructed view is indicated by the same letter (Fig. 5.4). If any part of the object cannot be shown on any of the main views without distorting the shape and size, then additional views obtained on planes that are not parallel to the main projection planes are used. An additional view is also marked with an arrow and an inscription (Fig. 5.5, a, b). It is allowed to rotate an additional view, while the “rotated” sign is added to the inscription (Fig. 5.5, c). If necessary, indicate the angle of rotation after the "turned" sign. If the additional view is located as shown in Fig. 5.6, the inscription is not done.

The image of a limited place on the surface of an object is called: a local (partial) view. It can be limited by a cliff line (View L, Fig. 5.7) or not limited. The local view is marked on the drawing like an additional view.

On fig. 5.8, a shows the dimensions of the arrow indicating the direction of projection (three options), and signs that replace the words "rotated" (Fig. 5.8.6) and "deployed" (Fig. 5.8, c). For examples of the use of these signs, see fig. 4.26, 5.13, 5.19, 5.39, etc.

Introduction date 01.01.71

This standard establishes the rules for the representation of objects (products, structures and their constituent elements) in the drawings of all industries and construction. The standard fully complies with ST SEV 363-88. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


1.1. Images of objects should be made using the rectangular projection method. In this case, the object is assumed to be located between the observer and the corresponding projection plane (Fig. 1).

1.2. Six faces of a cube are taken as the main projection planes; the edges are aligned with the plane, as shown in Fig. 2. Face 6 may be placed next to face 4. 1.3 The image on the front projection plane is taken as the main one in the drawing. The object is positioned relative to the frontal plane of projections so that the image on it gives the most complete idea of ​​the shape and size of the object. 1.4. Images in the drawing, depending on their content, are divided into views, sections, sections.

Heck. 2 Damn. 3

1.5. View - the image of the visible part of the surface of the object facing the observer. To reduce the number of images, it is allowed to show in the views the necessary invisible parts of the surface of the object using dashed lines (Fig. 3).

1.6 Section - an image of an object mentally dissected by one or more planes, while the mental dissection of the object refers only to this section and does not entail changes in other images of the same object. The section shows what is obtained in the cutting plane and what is located behind it (Fig. 4). It is allowed to depict not everything that is located behind the cutting plane, if this is not required to understand the design of the object (Fig. 5).

1.7. Section - an image of a figure obtained by mentally dissecting an object with one or more planes (Fig. 6). The section shows only what is obtained directly in the cutting plane. It is allowed to use a cylindrical surface as a secant, which is then developed into a plane (Fig. 7).

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 1.8. The number of images (views, sections, sections) should be the smallest, but providing a complete picture of the subject when using the symbols, signs and inscriptions established in the relevant standards.


2.1. The following names of views obtained on the main projection planes are established (main views, Fig. 2): 1 - front view (main view); 2 - top view; 3 - left side view; 4 - right side view; 5 - bottom view; 6 - rear view. In construction drawings, if necessary, other names can be assigned to the corresponding views, for example, "facade". The names of the views in the drawings should not be inscribed, with the exception of the case provided for in clause 2.2. In construction drawings, it is allowed to inscribe the name of the type with the assignment of an alphabetic, numeric or other designation to it. 2.2. If the top, left, right, bottom, rear views are not in direct projection connection with the main image (view or section shown on the frontal projection plane), then the projection direction should be indicated by an arrow next to the corresponding image. The same capital letter should be applied above the arrow and above the resulting image (view) (Fig. 8).

The drawings are drawn up in the same way if the listed views are separated from the main image by other images or are not located on the same sheet with it. When there is no image on which the direction of view can be shown, the name of the species is inscribed. In construction drawings, it is allowed to indicate the direction of view with two arrows (similar to indicating the position of cutting planes in sections). In construction drawings, regardless of the relative position of the views, it is allowed to inscribe the name and designation of the view without indicating the direction of view with an arrow, if the direction of view is determined by the name or designation of the view. 2.3. If any part of the object cannot be shown on the views listed in clause 2.1 without distorting the shape and size, then additional views are used that are obtained on planes that are not parallel to the main projection planes (Fig. 9-11). 2.4. The additional view should be marked on the drawing with a capital letter (Fig. 9, 10), and the object associated with the additional view of the image should have an arrow indicating the direction of view, with the corresponding letter designation (arrow B, Fig. 9, 10).

When an additional view is located in direct projection connection with the corresponding image, the arrow and view designation are not applied (Fig. 11).

2.2-2.4. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 2.5. Additional views are arranged as shown in Fig. 9- 11. Location of additional views according to hell. 9 and 11 are preferred. An additional view is allowed to be rotated, but with the preservation, as a rule, of the position adopted for this object on the main image, while the view designation must be supplemented with a conventional graphic designation. If necessary, indicate the angle of rotation (Fig. 12). Several identical additional views related to one subject are designated by one letter and one view is drawn. If at the same time the parts of the object associated with the additional view are located at different angles, then a conditional graphic symbol is not added to the view designation. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 1, 2). 2.6. The image of a separate, limited place on the surface of an object is called a local view (view D, Fig. 8; view D, Fig. 13). The local view can be limited by the cliff line, if possible in the smallest size (view D, drawing 13), or not limited (view D, drawing 13). The detail view should be marked on the drawing like an additional view. 2.7. The ratio of the sizes of the arrows indicating the direction of view should correspond to those shown in Fig. 14.2.6, 2.7. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


3.1. The sections are divided, depending on the position of the cutting plane relative to the horizontal projection plane, into: horizontal - the cutting plane is parallel to the horizontal projection plane (for example, section A-A, Fig. 13; section B-B, Fig. 15). In construction drawings, horizontal sections may be given other names, for example, "plan"; vertical - the cutting plane is perpendicular to the horizontal plane of the projections (for example, a section at the site of the main view, Fig. 13; sections A-A, B-B, G-D, Fig. 15); inclined - the cutting plane makes an angle with the horizontal projection plane that is different from the right one (for example, section B-B, Fig. 8). Depending on the number of secant planes, the cuts are divided into: simple - with one secant plane (for example, Fig. 4, 5); complex - with several cutting planes (for example, section A-A, Fig. 8; section B-B, Fig. 15). 3.2. A vertical section is called frontal if the cutting plane is parallel to the frontal plane of projections (for example, section, Fig. 5; section A-A, Fig. 16), and profile if the cutting plane is parallel to the profile plane of projections (for example, section B-B, Fig. . thirteen).

3.3. Complex cuts are stepped if the cutting planes are parallel (for example, a stepped horizontal cut B-B, Fig. 15; a stepped frontal cut A-A, Fig. 16), and broken if the cutting planes intersect (for example, cuts A-A, lines 8 and 15). 3.4. The cuts are called longitudinal if the cutting planes are directed along the length or height of the object (Fig. 17), and transverse if the cutting planes are directed perpendicular to the length or height of the object (for example, sections A-A and B-B, Fig. 18). 3.5. The position of the cutting plane is indicated on the drawing by a section line. An open line must be used for the section line. With a complex cut, strokes are also carried out at the intersections of the secant planes with each other. On the initial and final strokes, arrows should be placed indicating the direction of the gaze (Fig. 8-10, 13, 15); arrows should be applied at a distance of 2-3 mm from the end of the stroke. The start and end strokes must not cross the outline of the respective image. In cases like the one indicated in hell. 18, arrows indicating the direction of view are drawn on the same line. 3.1-3.5. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 3.6. At the beginning and end of the section line, and, if necessary, at the intersection of the secant planes, they put the same capital letter of the Russian alphabet. The letters are applied near the arrows indicating the direction of view, and at the intersections from the outside corner. The cut must be marked with an inscription of the type "A-A" (always two letters separated by a dash). In construction drawings, instead of letters, it is allowed to use numbers instead of letters at the section line, as well as to inscribe the name of the section (plan) with the alphanumeric or other designation assigned to it. 3.7. When the cutting plane coincides with the plane of symmetry of the object as a whole, and the corresponding images are located on the same sheet in direct projection connection and are not separated by any other images, the position of the cutting plane is not marked for horizontal, frontal and profile cuts, and the cut is labeled do not accompany (for example, a section in place of the main view, Fig. 13). 3.8. The frontal and profile sections, as a rule, are given a position corresponding to that adopted for a given object in the main image of the drawing (Fig. 12). 3.9. Horizontal, frontal and profile sections can be located in the place of the corresponding main views (Fig. 13). 3.10. A vertical section, when the cutting plane is not parallel to the frontal or profile projection planes, as well as an oblique section, should be built and located in accordance with the direction indicated by the arrows on the section line. It is allowed to place such sections anywhere in the drawing (section B-B, Fig. 8), as well as with a rotation to the position corresponding to that adopted for this object on the main image. In the latter case, a conventional graphic designation must be added to the inscription (section Г-Г, Fig. 15). 3.11. With broken cuts, the secant planes are conditionally rotated until aligned in one plane, while the direction of rotation may not coincide with the direction of view (Fig. 19). If the combined planes turn out to be parallel to one of the main projection planes, then a broken section can be placed in place of the corresponding type (sections A-A, Fig. 8, 15). When the cutting plane is rotated, the elements of the object located on it are drawn as they are projected onto the corresponding plane with which they are aligned (Fig. 20).

Heck. 19 Damn. 20

3.12. A section that serves to clarify the device of an object only in a separate, limited place is called local. The local section is highlighted in the view by a solid wavy line (Fig. 21) or a solid thin line with a break (Fig. 22). These lines must not overlap with any other lines in the image.

3.13. Part of the view and part of the corresponding section may be connected, separating them with a solid wavy line or a solid thin line with a break (Fig. 23, 24, 25). If at the same time half of the view and half of the section are connected, each of which is a symmetrical figure, then the dividing line is the axis of symmetry (Fig. 26). It is also allowed to separate the section and the view with a dash-dotted thin line (Fig. 27), coinciding with the trace of the plane of symmetry not of the entire object, but only of its part, if it represents a body of revolution.

3.10-3.13. (Revised edition, Rev. № 2). 3.14. It is allowed to connect a quarter of a view and a quarter of three sections: a quarter of a view, a quarter of one section and a half of another, etc., provided that each of these images individually is symmetrical.


4.1. Sections that are not part of the section are divided into: remote (Fig. 6, 28); superimposed (Fig. 29).

Remote sections are preferred and they can be placed in a section between parts of the same type (Fig. 30).

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 4.2. The contour of the removed section, as well as the section that is part of the section, is depicted by solid main lines, and the contour of the superimposed section is depicted by solid thin lines, and the image contour at the location of the superimposed section is not interrupted (Fig. 13, 28, 29). 4.3. The axis of symmetry of the extended or superimposed section (Fig. 6, 29) is indicated by a dash-dotted thin line without letters and arrows, and the section line is not drawn. In cases like the one indicated in hell. 30, with a symmetrical section figure, the section line is not drawn. In all other cases, an open line is used for the section line with arrows indicating the direction of view and denote it with the same capital letters of the Russian alphabet (in construction drawings - in capital or lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet or numbers). The section is accompanied by an inscription of the type "A-A" (Fig. 28). In construction drawings, it is allowed to inscribe the name of the section. For asymmetric sections located in a gap (Fig. 31) or superimposed (Fig. 32), the section line is drawn with arrows, but is not marked with letters.

Heck. 31 Damn. 32

In construction drawings, with symmetrical sections, an open line is used with its designation, but without arrows indicating the direction of view. 4.4. The section by construction and location must correspond to the direction indicated by the arrows (Fig. 28). It is allowed to place the section at any place of the drawing field, as well as with a rotation with the addition of a conventional graphic symbol 4.5. For several identical sections related to one object, the section line is indicated by one letter and one section is drawn (Fig. 33, 34). If at the same time the cutting planes are directed at different angles (Fig. 35), then the conventional graphic designation is not applied. When the location of identical sections is precisely determined by the image or dimensions, it is allowed to draw one section line, and indicate the number of sections above the section image.

Heck. 33 Damn. 34

Heck. 35 Damn. 36

4.6 Cutting planes are chosen so as to obtain normal cross sections (Fig. 36). 4.7. If the cutting plane passes through the axis of the surface of revolution that bounds the hole or recess, then the contour of the hole or recess in the section is shown in full (Fig. 37). 4.8. If the section is obtained consisting of separate independent parts, then cuts should be used (Fig. 38).

Heck. 37 Damn. 38

4.4-4.8. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


5.1. Remote element - an additional separate image (usually enlarged) of any part of an object that requires graphic and other explanations regarding the shape, size and other data. The view may contain details not shown in the corresponding image, and may differ from it in content (for example, the image may be a view, and the view may be a section). 5.2. When using a remote element, the corresponding place is marked on the view, section or section with a closed solid thin line - a circle, an oval, etc. with the designation of the external element in a capital letter or a combination of a capital letter with an Arabic numeral on the leader line shelf. Above the image of the remote element indicate the designation and scale in which it is made (Fig. 39).

In construction drawings, a remote element in the image can also be marked with a curly or square bracket or not marked graphically. The image, from where the element is taken out, and the external element, it is also allowed to apply the letter or numeric (in Arabic numerals) designation and name assigned to the external element. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 5.3. The remote element is placed as close as possible to the corresponding place on the object image.


6.1. If the view, section or section represents a symmetrical figure, it is allowed to draw half of the image (view B, Fig. 13) or a little more than half of the image with a break line drawn in the latter case (Fig. 25). 6.2. If an object has several identical, evenly spaced elements, then one or two such elements are fully shown on the image of this object (for example, one or two holes, Fig. 15), and the remaining elements are shown in a simplified or conditional way (Fig. 40). It is allowed to depict a part of an object (Fig. 41, 42) with proper indications of the number of elements, their location, etc.

Heck. 40 Damn. 41 Damn. 42

6.3. On views and sections, it is allowed to depict projections of lines of intersection of surfaces in a simplified way, if their exact construction is not required. For example, instead of curved curves, arcs of a circle and straight lines are drawn (Fig. 43, 44).

6.4. A smooth transition from one surface to another is shown conditionally (Fig. 45-47) or not shown at all (Fig. 48-50).

Simplifications similar to those shown in Fig. are allowed. 51, 52.

6.5. Details such as screws, rivets, keys, non-hollow shafts and spindles, connecting rods, handles, etc., are shown undissected when viewed longitudinally. Balls are always shown uncut. As a rule, nuts and washers are shown uncut on assembly drawings. Elements such as the spokes of flywheels, pulleys, gears, thin walls such as stiffeners, etc. are shown unshaded if the cutting plane is directed along the axis or long side of such an element. If in such elements of the part there is a local drilling, recess, etc., then a local cut is made, as shown in Fig. 21, 22, 53. (Changed edition, Rev. No. 2).

Heck. 53 Damn. 54 Damn. 55

6.6. Plates, as well as elements of parts (holes, chamfers, grooves, recesses, etc.) with a size (or difference in size) in the drawing of 2 mm or less, are depicted with a deviation from the scale adopted for the entire image, towards the increase. 6.7. A slight taper or slope is allowed to be depicted with magnification. On those images in which the slope or taper is not clearly identified, for example, the main view of the devil. 54a or a top view of hell. 54b, only one line is drawn, corresponding to the smaller size of the element with a slope or the smaller base of the cone. 6.8. If it is necessary to highlight the flat surfaces of the object in the drawing, diagonals are drawn on them with solid thin lines (Fig. 55). 6.9. Objects or elements that have a constant or regularly changing cross section (shafts, chains, bars, shaped steel, connecting rods, etc.) are allowed to be depicted with breaks. Partial images and images with breaks are limited in one of the following ways: a) by a continuous thin line with a break, which can extend beyond the image contour by a length of 2 to 4 mm. This line may be inclined relative to the contour line (Fig. 56a);

B) a solid wavy line connecting the corresponding contour lines (Fig. 56b);

C) hatching lines (Fig. 5bc).

(Revised edition, Rev. № 2). 6.10. On the drawings of objects with a continuous mesh, braid, ornament, relief, knurling, etc., it is allowed to depict these elements in part, with possible simplification (Fig. 57).

6.11. To simplify the drawings or reduce the number of images, it is allowed: a) to depict the part of the object located between the observer and the cutting plane with a dash-dot thickened line directly on the section (superimposed projection, Fig. 58); b) apply complex cuts (Fig. 59);

C) to show holes in the hubs of gears, pulleys, etc., as well as for keyways, instead of a complete image of the part, give only the outline of the hole (Fig. 60) or groove (Fig. 52); d) depict in section the holes located on the round flange when they do not fall into the cutting plane (Fig. 15). 6.12. If the top view is not necessary and the drawing is made up of images on the frontal and profile projection planes, then with a stepped cut, the section line and inscriptions related to the section are applied as shown in Fig. 61.

6.11, 6.12. (Revised edition, Rev. No. 2). 6.13. The conventions and simplifications allowed in permanent connections, in the drawings of electrical and radio engineering devices, gears, etc., are established by the relevant standards. 6.14. The conditional graphic designation "rotated" must correspond to the devil. 62 and "deployed" - hell. 63.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2). APPENDIX according to GOST 2.317-69.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR DEVELOPERS V.R. Verchenko, Yu.I. Stepanov, Ya.G. Old-timer, B.Ya. Kabakov, V.K. Anopova 2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY the Decree of the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in December 1967. 3. The standard fully complies with ST SEV 363-88 4. INSTEAD OF GOST 3453-59 regarding sect. I - V, VII and appendices 5. EDITION (April 2000) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in September 1987, August 1989 (IUS 12-87, 12-89)

1. Basic provisions and definitions. 1 2. Views.. 3 3. Sections.. 6 4. Sections. 9 5. External elements. 11 6. Conventions and simplifications. 12