Happy birthday to the writer. Happy birthday greetings to a man of famous poets Congratulations to the poet on his anniversary

Have you ever thought about the origin of the slang word "class", which is now so popular among young people? Cool - first-class - classic - exemplary. The poems of the classics of all times and peoples are the very pattern of thoughts, feelings, themes that reflect the entire human world with its contradictions, pain, and happiness. Anyone who not only knows the real classical poets by hearsay is a truly cultured person.

Poets of antiquity

Many culturologists rightly equate the concept of the classical with the ancient Greek. Indeed, the culture of Antiquity has become a model that world poetry was guided by for many subsequent centuries.

  • Lucius Annaeus Seneca was an ancient Roman poet who lived around the 4th century BC. e. ("About the ruins of Greece")
  • Horace is an ancient Roman poet who lived around the 8th century BC. e. ("Odes")

The high, solemn style of the verses of these classics became an example for imitation for many later poets.

Renaissance lyrics

The immortal classical poetry of Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio brings the personality with its inner experiences to the fore. Culture finally broke away from heavy topics and turned its gaze to the restless soul of a simple person in search of love and truth. The poems of the classics of this era are sensuality and lightness: Dante's "Poems about the Stone Lady", Petrarch's magical sonnets, "Oh woman, delight of delights..." Boccaccio.

European classic

The names of European classical poets are known all over the world: Shakespeare (famous plays), Byron ("Carnelian"), Goethe ("Faust"), Shelley ("Devil's Walks"), Heine ("Stray Rats"). Continuing the poetic tradition of the Renaissance, these poets continued to worship the cult of personality, but this worship is sharpened by philosophical searches. Their romance turns into tragedy as a result of this search for the meaning of life and the destiny of man.

Poems of the East

Hokku and tanka have become truly classic - genres of Japanese poetry, in which many poets try themselves. The verses of the classics of the East are very life-affirming and philosophical. They make you think about the deepest problems of human existence.

  • Babarakhim Mashrab - an Uzbek poet who lived at the end of the 17th century, wrote poems in the genre of the so-called ghazals - graceful and light, like these wild animals
  • Takuboku is a Japanese classic of the late 19th century, whose poems are known by heart by any Japanese schoolchild

Russian classics

Russian classical poetry originates from the poems of the great Pushkin, which were written in an easy and understandable language. The verses of the classics of the "golden age" of Russian literature were distinguished by their originality, as they could absorb everything: romance, realism, tragedy, and humor.

  • Pushkin's epigrams are caustic and mocking: "On Arakcheev"
  • Lermontov's poetry is deep and tragic: "Duma"
  • Fet's lyrics - an encyclopedia of the philosophy of being: a cycle of poems "Snow"
  • In Tyutchev's poems there are two polar worlds - night and day: "What are you howling about, night wind? .."

A century later, the difficult historical situation in Russia provoked a new surge in poetry.

What could be better than birthday greetings in verse from relatives and friends. And it is doubly pleasant if the poems are written independently, beautifully and from the heart. There is nothing more precious than any gifts and valuables than important words that warm the soul so much. Try to write at least a couple of quatrains from yourself and your birthday greetings will be one hundred percent original and sincere.

Poets and join us, we gather poets for communication and publication of author's work.

Happy birthday, happy birthday!
Happy and bright day
Happiness, joy, fun,
Let the whole world know about it!
And luck, and success, luck
Never let them pass by
Let's repeat "Happy Birthday!"
May love always be with you.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you!
And I want to wish you now:
May all wishes come true
A genie that lives on Earth!
Let him hear every word
Everything you can wish for!
And let him be again and again
Make all your dreams come true.

What would you wish for your birthday?
Health, prosperity and luck in life,
So that the sun wakes up in the window in the morning -
After all, women need a little to be happy!
Just so that the family is great,
So that my daughter (son) had lessons ready,
To feel the hands of a loved one near -
This is the best reward ever!
Everything is in order in the family - and this is good luck!
How much does this mean to a woman...
So let happiness never end for you,
And the house will be bypassed by bad weather!

May life be full of fun, laughter,
May youth live forever in the heart.
We wish you health and success
Many, many years ahead!
And no matter how old you are
Trust me, don't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in fate,
Your years are your wealth!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days
Let this congratulations
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only sunshine!
May love come to you big
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And may your life be, dear,
Light as spring water!

May the house be full of happiness
in which you live
May the path be pure and clear
Which one are you going.
Good luck, your companion
Let it be forever
And life will light the way
Happy Star!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
From the heart, and from the heart of everything!
Let all sadness and doubt disappear
You will be fine!
Smile and enjoy life only!
And appreciate every day, every hour!
After all, when we appreciate all the gifts of fate!
Life always makes us happy!

On this day, all the colors of the sky are for you,
Long life wishes for you.
The sun sends its warm ray - for you,
Everything will be the best for you.

On this day, your birthday,
Your dreams will come true.
And in love my confessions
dedicated only to you.

All of you know the legend of Icarus. Long ago, Icarus lived in the world. And he dreamed of flying like a bird. Icarus made himself wings from feathers and broke away from the sinful earth. He decided to rise above the trees - and rose. I wanted to fly higher than the mountains - and took off.

Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the sun, he rose high, high, almost to the sun itself, but the wax with which the feathers were fastened melted, Icarus fell to the ground and crashed.

I want to wish our birthday man that he conquers any heights and that, no matter how high he rises, he would never fall to the ground.

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar.
Zebra striped, rainbow too.
Let life be a striped zebra
But not two-color, but multi-colored.

Let there be a lot of green
Green - hope and warm summer.
Let the bright sun shine yellow
Red - life illuminates with love,

Blue will rise above the vanity,
it will be a true and good dream.
I wish you such a colorful
happiness, health, love and longevity!

Each age has its own “flowers”,
Day after day, then autumn, then winter ...
Every year the night gets shorter
Either insomnia, or grief from the mind ...
But great things don't happen all at once.
Both talent and experience are all in years.
You are celebrating today, and the phrase
"Happy birthday!" on the lips of loved ones.
Don't hold on to what's already been.
Don't chase after what's to come.
No matter how biting life beats,
Everything comes exactly in its turn.
Everything comes, you just need patience.
You can't get a fish easily.
Let it shine not only on your birthday
Your lucky star.

So important in any situation
Remain confident in victory
Whatever happens, be yourself
And even if it's hard, don't give up!
Let the support of relatives and friends
Support and help in every business,
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

Probably, every person on his birthday remembers and analyzes the past year. Actions taken, mistakes, successes, defeats. But don’t think about it, because on this day you need to take a break from all serious thoughts, thank the Lord for another gifted year, and be glad for yourself.

In life, I wish, although not much, but that there are people who have been tested by time and deeds, on whom you can always rely. May all congratulations addressed to you be realized in your life from the next day. I wish you to have a dream, one special, most intimate dream that will stimulate your success and push you to serious actions that will fill your life with meaning.

I wish if I have problems, then only those that will later turn into invaluable experience. And may everything you need for happiness come into your life very soon. Let the whole world be surprised by your success. Happy birthday.

One hunter dreamed of catching a black and brown fox all his life. All his life he hunted for her, went all the mountains up and down. In his old age, it became difficult for him to make long transitions, and he began to hunt in the nearby gorge, almost near the house itself. And then he came across a black-brown beauty.

The hunter asked the fox:
Where have you been hiding so far? I've been looking for you all my life.
“And I’ve been living in this gorge all my life,” the fox answered, “but don’t you know that even if you spend your whole life searching, it still takes one day and even one moment to find it?

So let's drink to the women who are next to us, and to the moment when we found each other!

In youth it seems that happiness is ahead, in old age it seems that happiness is behind. How not to miss it?
Probably the best thing to do is enjoy the present.
For now, friends!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their lives.
Happy birthday!

Once Fortune decided to put all her blessings on the table - crowns, big money, marshal's batons, glory - and, calling the wise man, she said:
- Choose your good.
He, without fussing, trying and weighing every good, chose the golden mean.
We wish our hero of the day that in his life he always chooses the golden mean!

One wise Georgian said:
If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk.
If you want to be happy for one week, get sick.
If you want to be happy for one month, get married.
If you want to be happy for one year, get a mistress.
And if you want to be happy all your life - be healthy, dear!
So let's drink to the happiness of all those present - to health!

The philosopher Plato was asked:
You have traveled a lot by sea. What was the most amazing thing that happened to you during these voyages?
“The most surprising thing was every time,” answered Plato, “that in the end I landed safely on the shore.
Let's wish the hero of the day to swim for a long time on the stormy sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, successfully overcome all storms and waves!

Folk wisdom says that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife. A good wife is half the happiness. There is no better friend than a true friend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for her husband.

Do you know who is truly rich? The one who does not want more, but is satisfied with what he has. Let's be able to enjoy life and what it gives us. For our wealth, friends!

What gives us strength to act and gives us hope? Without what it is not interesting to live neither the baby nor the old man? Of course, these are dreams! They always inspire, they direct our mind forward, beyond the border of the reality where our body is located. They direct us to the future. Let's raise our glasses to the dreams that adorn our lives!

We do not know what it is, and we do not stop looking for it throughout our years. For some, it lies in material wealth, and for someone - in love. Let's drink to the meaning of life, which is different for everyone!

We will not argue about anything on a holiday. Including what is the true meaning of life. You know, let's live simply according to our conscience, and who knows, maybe life will make sense. Let's raise a glass to the search and just to life itself!

Do you know that life is like a boomerang? Everything we send is returned to us. Do you want kindness, love and understanding? Let's give them to others, and enough will come back to us. Let's raise our glasses to all the beauty in life, the ability to create it!

Let's raise our glasses to the future of us! So that in eleven years we will meet, and be just as active, perky and cheerful. For us, young, beautiful, successful in all years!

You know that everyone wants to live behind a stone wall, but no one likes to run into such a wall. Let's raise our glasses to make the walls of protection reliable and the walls of obstacles illusory!

To see all the beauty of the world, you need to look at it with happy eyes. I propose to drink so that we always see the world as beautiful!

Today is an occasion to rejoice at the achievements, to evaluate your experience. And also - an occasion to think about new goals and opportunities. Let's raise our glasses to the desire for interesting and eternal youth of the soul!

Some appreciate women who are attractive in appearance, give other men with intellect, others need housewives with worldly wisdom. I think it's worth drinking for the beautiful, wise, with intelligence!

Eastern wisdom says:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses to fill up,
And he will not drink for a year,
that flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future.
And the fuller and more often you drink,
The more years you can live!

Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out,
as all the others fade away. If one thing does not work out for a person, everything falls out of hand. So let's drink to the fact that the garland of bright events in our lives shimmers
all colors and never burned out!
For not burning out next year!

What is love?
This is such a sweet, bitter, exciting, eternal, bastard, light, high, exhausting, funny, stupid, tragic and beautiful thing, for which one day is not enough, even if it's Valentine's Day. If you're lucky, it takes your whole life. So let us be lucky!

Unfortunately, I do not know how to speak in poetic words and always look with great admiration at people who are given the opportunity to create beautiful works that give people joy, improve their mood and make the world kinder!
Let me congratulate you today with all my heart!
I wish that the gift that nature has endowed you with will bring you and those around you more and more new, wonderful poems! May there always be a muse next to you, which will make your poems more beautiful!
I wish you never to know disappointments and sorrows, well, if only a little - to create poetry!
Be always healthy, happy and loved!

Congratulations on the birthday of the poet

Forgive in advance about the feeling of indulgence,
When you read the gift verse.
And yet, congratulations:
Happy birthday to you, dear poet.
I wish you, of course, inspiration,
Catch the moment of insight
Write to the rhythm of the heartbeat
All admiring for many more years.

Congratulations to the poet in verse

For a poet, congratulations are not easy to come up with,
Think big and deep!
Pick a rhyme
It didn't sound like words were wasted!
Let there be only summer in my heart,
Respected that the friends of the poet!
And it's easy for you to create a lot,
So that the verses are read well!
Maybe you'll write a poem
Let's read it right away!
Or compose an ode to happiness,
Then you will enchant us in an instant!
We wish earthly joys,
And only big victories in everything!

modern woman,
Modern woman -
Wrapped up in vanity,
But as before, divine!
Let a little tired
But, as before, beautiful!
Not fully understood
No one's control!
modern woman,
Modern woman -
It's sad and thoughtful
It is bright and solemn.
Prove her weaknesses
Defeat her in audacity
In vain men try
Really hoping!
Do not brag about strength
But on it - nevertheless -
And office worries
And family concerns!
Knowing everything in the world,
All hardships past -
Remains a mystery
Modern woman!

Robert Rozhdestvensky

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Two clouds don't make the weather
And two tears don't make it rain.
An arrogant look is not yet a sign of the breed,
And a hat is often a hat on a nail.
Aspiration does not mean goal,
And two rubles is not yet capital.
Two shots don't make a duel
Two prowess - still not ideal.
Two glasses are not fatal for a reveler,
Two clowns - not yet a farce,
Two lunges don't mean a fight
Two kisses - not even a romance.
How often do we worry in vain
And we see a storm where the sky is clear.

Anna Akhmatova

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Love is a lighthouse raised above the storm (W. Shakespeare)
Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Shining in darkness and mist,
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.
Love is not a pitiful doll in your hands,
By the time that erases the roses
On fiery lips and cheeks,
And she is not afraid of time threats.
And if I'm wrong, and my verse lies -
There is no love and there are no my poems!

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I learned to live simply, wisely,
Look up to the sky and pray to God
And wander long before evening,
To relieve unnecessary anxiety.
When burdocks rustle in the ravine
And a bunch of yellow-red rowan droops,
I compose funny poems
About life perishable, perishable and beautiful.
I'm coming back. Licks my hand
Fluffy cat, purring sweeter,
And a bright fire lights up
On the tower of the lake sawmill.
Only occasionally cuts through the silence
The cry of a stork flying to the roof.
And if you knock on my door,
I don't think I can even hear.

Anna Akhmatova

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Artist-barbarian with a sleepy brush
Blackens the picture of a genius
And your drawing is lawless
It is meaningless drawing over it.
But the colors are alien, with the years,
Fall off with decrepit scales;
The creation of genius before us
Comes out with the same beauty.
This is how delusions disappear.
From my tortured soul
And visions arise in her
The original, pure days.

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While we are alive, we can fix everything ...
Realize everything, repent ... Forgive.
Do not take revenge on enemies, do not dissemble loved ones,
Friends that pushed away, return ...
While we are alive, you can look back ...
See the path you came from.
Waking up from terrible dreams, push off
From the abyss to which they approached.
While we are alive ... How many have managed
Stop loved ones that are gone?
We did not have time to forgive them in life,
And to ask for forgiveness, - Could not.
When they leave in silence
There, from where there is definitely no return,
Sometimes it takes a few minutes
Understand - oh my God, how guilty we are ...
And the photo is a black and white movie.
Tired eyes - a familiar look.
They already forgave us a long time ago
For the fact that they were too rarely around,
For no calls, no meetings, no warmth.
Not faces in front of us, just shadows...
And how much was not said
And not about that, and not with those phrases.
Tight pain - guilt final touch -
Scraping, cold skin.
For everything we didn't do for them
They forgive. We cannot ourselves...

Eduard Asadov

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I drink you, captivating life,
Eyes, heart, breaths and skin.
It would seem that everything is one and the same,
Like a perfectly precise mechanism.
But how wrong we are - oh my God!
In fact, everything is different.
And every day is filled with newness.
Diamonds burn differently in the night
Bottomless stars - in winter and spring.
How do we experience summer?
And insatiable autumn infusion.
We know all the questions and answers
And yet we shout to the time: "Wait!"

Marina Tsvetaeva

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We lose half of our lives because of haste.
Hurrying, sometimes we do not notice
Not a puddle on a russula hat,
No pain in the depths of your beloved eyes ...
And only, as they say, at sunset,
Amid the hustle and bustle, in captivity of success, suddenly,
You will be mercilessly grabbed by the throat
Cold hands fright:
Lived on the run, chasing a ghost
In networks of worries and urgent matters ...
Or maybe the main thing - and missed ...
Or maybe the main thing - and overlooked ...

Julia Drunina

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They must be subtracted from the calendar,
and life gets shorter.

I was busy with stupid vanity,
the day slipped - I did not see a friend
and did not shake his hand alive ...
Well! This day I must throw off the circle.

And if I didn’t remember my mother in a day,
I didn’t call my sister or brother at least once,
then there is nothing to say in justification:
that day is gone! Priceless waste!

I'm lazy or tired -
did not see a funny performance,
did not read magic verses
and somehow cheated himself, right?

And if I didn't help someone,
did not compose a frame or a line,
then robbed today's result
and made life a day shorter.

Fold - so scary how much I squandered
at gatherings where it's neither warm nor hot...
But he didn’t say the main words to his beloved
and didn't buy flowers or a gift.

How many days that are wasted
days that died somehow by the way.
They must be taken off the calendar.
and measure your life even shorter.

Eldar Ryazanov (author's spelling and punctuation preserved)

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Winter morning
Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up;
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards the northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!
Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.
The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly?
Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse
And visit the empty fields
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.

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Desert fathers and blameless wives,
To fly with your heart in the region of correspondence,
To strengthen it in the midst of valley storms and battles,
Laid down many divine prayers;
But none of them make me happy
Like the one that the priest repeats
In the sad days of Great Lent;
More and more often she comes to my lips
And strengthens the fallen with an unknown force:
Lord of my days!
The spirit of idleness is dull,
Love of command, this hidden serpent,
And do not give idle talk to my soul.
But let me see my, O God, sins.
Yes, my brother will not accept condemnation from me,
And the spirit of humility, patience, love
And revive chastity in my heart.

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Song about Prophetic Oleg
How the prophetic Oleg is now going
Take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars:
Their villages and fields for a violent raid
He doomed swords and fires;
With his retinue, in Constantinople armor,
The prince rides across the field on a faithful horse.
From the dark forest towards him
There is an inspired magician,
Submissive to Perun, the old man alone,
The promises of the future messenger,
In prayers and divination spent the whole century.
And Oleg drove up to the wise old man.
"Tell me, sorcerer, favorite of the gods,
What will happen in my life?
And soon, to the delight of neighbors-enemies,
Will I cover myself with grave earth?
Tell me the whole truth, don't be afraid of me:
You will take a horse as a reward for anyone.
"Magi are not afraid of mighty lords,
And they do not need a princely gift;
Truthful and free is their prophetic language
And friendly with the will of heaven.
The coming years lurk in the mist;
But I see your lot on a bright forehead.
Now remember my word:
Glory to the Warrior is a joy;
Your name is glorified by victory:
Your shield on the gates of Tsaregrad:
And the waves and the land are submissive to you;
The enemy is jealous of such a wondrous fate.
And the blue sea is a deceptive shaft
In the hours of fatal bad weather,
And a sling, and an arrow, and a crafty dagger
Spare the winner years ...
Under formidable armor you know no wounds;
An invisible guardian is given to the mighty.
Your horse is not afraid of dangerous labors;
He, sensing the master's will,
That meek stands under the arrows of enemies,
It rushes across the battlefield,
And the cold and cutting him nothing.
But you will accept death from your horse.
Oleg chuckled - but the forehead
And the eyes were clouded with thought.
In silence, hand leaning on the saddle,
He gets down from his horse sullen;
And a true friend with a farewell hand
And strokes and pats on the neck steep.
"Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,
It's time for us to part:
Now rest! no more footsteps
In your gilded stirrup.
Farewell, be comforted - but remember me.
You lads-friends, take a horse!
Cover with a blanket, shaggy carpet;
Take me to my meadow by the bridle;
Bathe, feed with selected grain;
Drink spring water."
And the youths immediately departed with the horse,
And the prince brought another horse.
The prophetic Oleg feasts with the retinue
At the ringing of a cheerful glass.
And their curls are white as morning snow
Above the glorious head of the barrow...
They remember days gone by
And the battles where they fought together...
“Where is my comrade?” Oleg said,
Tell me, where is my zealous horse?
Are you healthy? is it still lego? to his run?
Is he still the same stormy, playful?
And listens to the answer: on a steep hill
He had long since passed into a sleepless sleep.
Mighty Oleg bowed his head
And he thinks: “What is fortune-telling?
Magician, you deceitful, mad old man!
I would despise your prediction!
My horse would carry me to this day."
And he wants to see the bones of the horse.
Here comes the mighty Oleg from the yard,
Igor and old guests are with him,
And they see: on a hill, near the banks of the Dnieper,
Noble bones lie;
The rains wash them, their dust falls asleep,
And the wind excites the feather grass above them.
The prince quietly stepped on the horse's skull
And he said: “Sleep, lonely friend!
Your old master has outlived you:
At the funeral feast, already close,
It's not you who will stain the feather grass under the ax
And drink my ashes with hot blood!
So that's where my death lurked!
The bone threatened me with death!”
From the dead head the coffin serpent
Meanwhile, hersing crawled out;
Like a black ribbon wrapped around the legs:
And suddenly the stung prince cried out.
Ladles are circular, foaming, hissing
At the feast of the deplorable Oleg:
Prince Igor and Olga are sitting on a hill;
The squad is feasting at the shore;
Fighters commemorate past days
And the battles where they fought together.