April 1, draft into the army. Spring draft into the army and dates

The upcoming spring conscription of 2019 in the army again stirred up the public. The most popular, as always, is the question of the procedure for conducting and organizing a draft campaign, and it must be admitted that there is cause for concern. The fact is that the conscription of young men for military service is described in detail in the law on military duty, which was adopted back in 1998. However, over 20 years it has undergone several changes and it is possible that on the threshold of a new draft it will appear in a modified edition.

The statements of some parliamentarians from the Ministry of Defense made a special sensation among the public masses. These statements concern, first of all, the increase in the draft age, as well as the increase in the length of service in the army.

Amid these potential changes, the question of when the 2019 Spring Enlistment begins has faded into the background. However, after the official statement by S. Shoigu, who assured that no changes were expected, the topic of the start and end dates of the spring conscription again became dominant.

It should be noted that the provisions on conscription in 2019 became resonant due to the interest of both the conscript himself and his next of kin. If a young man is morally ready to join the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, then he will want to join the army as soon as possible, but a fairly impressive part of the conscripts builds their plans differently. Many people want to get an education, and for this it is necessary to have time to enter a university.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotypes about the general conscription, the policy of the state is aimed at ensuring that qualified specialists replenish the army ranks, which means that applicants should be given the opportunity to enroll and unlearn. In addition, certain concessions are made to teachers, agricultural workers, and residents of the Far North. For them, the terms of conscription are established by a separate exception.

How does the recruiting campaign start?

We will call the draft campaign a set of activities that are carried out by executive authorities and are aimed at selecting, as well as forwarding citizens of military age to the place of service. The start of the draft campaign is associated with the creation of military commissions, which include employees of the military registration and enlistment office, employees of medical institutions, representatives of the education department, as well as public figures.

Find out: Who is considered an army evader, what threatens such people

The work of maintaining military records is quite complicated, so a continuous call is technically impossible. During the year, two periods are allocated for the draft campaign: spring (summer) and autumn (winter).

Federal Law No. 53 sets the time frame for when each conscription begins and ends, but the official start of the conscription campaign takes place after the Decree of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, in which the President of Russia sets the deadlines, as changes are possible. This Decree implies the transfer to the reserve of those military personnel whose service life has ended or is ending.

If there are no trends to change, then the first campaign starts on April 1st. That is why it is called the spring call. The second drip will start on October 1st.

The Decree of the President is signed about a month before the start of the call. The spring draft of 2019, the terms of which remain unchanged, will be marked by the signing of the Decree in March. Its content is a target setting for the Ministry of Defense and departments to ensure recruitment activities, as well as to organize the dismissal of previously called-up military personnel who have served 12 months to the reserve. Through the line of the ministry, internal orders for military commissariats are formed.

Time frame

The time has already come not to refer to analysts' forecasts, but to give a high degree of accuracy the dates of the start and end of draft campaigns, as well as to establish the duration of each of them.

The spring of 2019 for recruits will be marked by the fact that the draft will begin on April 1, however, as in previous years. Considering that the spring campaign lasts 106 days, it will end on July 15th.

Those summer months, which covers the first call, and give it the name "summer". In order to estimate the remaining time, we recall that the autumn call begins on October 1 and lasts 92 days, until the end of the year. In the remaining period of time, military commissariats and military registration desks are engaged in processing data and preparing the necessary documents. Therefore, outside the specified time frame, they cannot be drafted into the army.

Exceptions for recruitment periods

It is gratifying that the adjustment of the terms of conscription for certain citizens remained relevant in 2019. This once again proves that the state agrees to take into account the needs of civilian infrastructure. Citizens living in the northern regions will be called up not from April 1, but from May 1, while the end of the call for all is common - July 15, that is, for this category, the draft period is not only shifted, but also reduced by one month.

Find out: Sample summons to the military registration and enlistment office, standard form

Citizens involved in agricultural work are not subject to conscription in the spring campaign. Agricultural work is considered one of the most labor-intensive, and it would be the height of frivolity to deprive the economy of personnel during the sowing and harvesting season. The autumn call for them will be held on a common basis.

There are also exceptions for teachers. If the academic year has begun, the state will take all necessary measures not to interfere in the personnel policy of the educational institution. This means that during the autumn draft, the teacher will not be called up for military service.

Will the service life be changed

The proposals made at the meeting of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, which were still formulated in 2017, impressed the public so much that the topic of changing the terms of service is still being touched upon. Recall that at the initiative of some parliamentarians, it was supposed to increase the service life to 1 year and 8 months. In addition, the proposed innovations should have affected the draft age. The proposal was to increase the maximum draft age from 27 to 30.

After these proposals, S.K. Shoigu officially assured that such changes do not fit into the framework of the military reform that was adopted before 2023. His words can be regarded as a refusal to accept the proposed changes. But, despite this, questions continue to be received from conscripts and their relatives every year. Well, we will answer them annually, no changes are planned in 2019.

How to calculate your call time

It is unlikely that anyone will agree to just sit and wait for a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. Each conscript, especially one who is aware of the inevitability of military service, wants to find out in which conscription he will get into the service. The calculation here is not so complicated.

If a young man is 18 years old before the start of the draft campaign, then in the absence of medical contraindications, he will join the ranks of the armed forces already in the spring draft. But we also have to take into account the human factor, because accounting work involves collecting information about recruits only on paper. So, there were often cases when the military registration and enlistment office simply “forgot” about the conscript.

Find out: When does spring conscription start and end?

The desire of the young man to leave early for the army is quite understandable.

  • First, it leads to an earlier demobilization.
  • Secondly, draft-age guys are starting to make plans for further development. They are interested in starting the implementation of their plans as soon as possible.

Therefore, many conscripts who do not receive a summons for a long time come to the military registration and enlistment office to "ask" for the army.

Traditionally in Russia, the conscription of young men for urgent military service is carried out in two stages, which are called: spring and autumn conscription. Such names were derived from the seasons in which these events are held. If in the coming 2019 a young man has already received the status of a person of military age, he will be able to go to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation only at a strictly defined time, in accordance with established legislation.

Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is an honorable duty of every young man of military age

Start of the spring call

Like last year, the 2019 spring draft will begin on April 1st. The start date of the spring conscription simultaneously launches the first medical examinations of conscripts.

When does the spring call end?

The spring draft in 2019 will last 106 days, as in previous years, and will end on July 15, 2019. The spring conscription makes up a larger number of days - it exceeds the autumn one by 15 days in duration. For those who graduate from universities in 2019 and successfully defend their theses during the call-up period, there is a delay until August 31, inclusive. Therefore, do not be surprised if a newly minted master or bachelor receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office - they are sent to all young men of military age.

How many recruits will there be in 2019

Gradually, the percentage of conscripts will be reduced to 50%, i.e. at least half of the army will consist of contract soldiers. It is planned to reach such indicators by 2020. Therefore, the number of recruits is decreasing every year. In the spring of this year, at least 120,000 young men should go to serve in the army (last year the figure was about 130,000 people). They will serve, as before, for 12 months; in 2019, an increase in the service life in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces is not planned.

Exceptions for recruitment periods

There are a number of exceptions to the terms of conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the federal law "On military duty and military service" affect only certain categories of conscripts.

Thus, persons permanently residing in the regions of the Far North are called up for service in a shorter period of time. Here, unlike in all other regions, the call starts a month later, that is, on May 1. The list of regions belonging to the Far North can be found in the relevant regulatory legal acts on the website of the Ministry of Defense. The spring conscription ends for this category of citizens, as well as for everyone else, on July 15.

Exceptions to the terms of conscription into the army also apply to educational workers, in particular teachers. For teachers working in educational institutions, the call begins on May 1 and ends on July 15. In the autumn period, this category of citizens is not subject to conscription at all.

The Russian army is called upon to ensure the security of the country, and this is its main purpose.

Residents of villages and villages engaged in agriculture also have the right to special conditions in terms of conscription into the army. In the spring, they are not called up, since the state considers that the sowing season is a priority, and rural youths will bring more benefits on agricultural land (unless, of course, they are officially employed). Unlike other citizens, agricultural workers are called up for service later and in the fall. If everyone receives summons from the military registration and enlistment office from October 1, then this category of young men from October 15.

Spring 2019 Conscription Changes

There are indeed innovations, and all of them are aimed at increasing the comfort of conscripts.

  1. Individual travel bag with personal hygiene items. Everyone should understand that he is given attention at least at the minimum household level, besides, it is much more convenient to store personal items in such a container.
  2. Recruitment is being carried out in scientific companies. There are few vacancies in such companies, but there are many who want to get there. Therefore, admission is based on competitive selection.
  3. Mandatory nap. One of the most pleasant innovations, now every soldier is given time for daytime sleep. This was done to eliminate the massive lack of sleep of soldiers, which negatively affects the service. In addition, it increases the efficiency and endurance of soldiers.

The army of the Russian Federation makes a real man out of a boy, ready to stand up for the Fatherland in case of danger

Who is exempt from the spring call

Young people who have a degree in any scientific activity are exempted from military service. Sons, as well as brothers of military personnel who died in the line of military duties, are not called up for military service. Young men working in agriculture are not subject to conscription in the spring, but only on condition that they are directly involved in sowing work.

In addition, the following categories of citizens are exempted from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

  • conscripts who are in the period of conscription for military service in compulsory corrective labor;
  • persons with an outstanding criminal record;
  • citizens under investigation, or in their respect, measures are being taken for inquiry;
  • young men who, after passing a medical examination, were recognized as unfit for health reasons (the list of diseases and pathologies is large, it can be blindness, deafness, congenital pathologies, oncological diseases, mental and physical disabilities, etc.);
  • citizens who did military service in a foreign state (in this case, exemption from military duties is provided for by the relevant international agreements of the Russian Federation).

Deferment or complete exemption from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is also received by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service and other departments. Fathers raising children alone, citizens caring for elderly parents and young people raising two or more young children have the right not to serve.

The image of the army plays an important role in shaping public opinion about military service.

Exemption from military service can be obtained in a completely legal way. For example, if a young man works at an enterprise that has a special military status. To be eligible for an exemption from conscription, a young person must have at least 21 months of experience in such an enterprise. Representatives of small ethnic groups are also exempt from conscription. Well, one cannot help but recall one of the most famous ways of exemption from service - the military department in some universities, but it should be borne in mind that training in such a department should be at least 450 hours.

The call for military service is held twice a year. It is needed in order to provide the Russian army with recruits who could replenish the mobilization reserve in case Russia enters a large-scale war.

When does conscription start and end?

The deadlines for conscription in the army in 2020 will remain unchanged. Spring conscription begins on April 1 and ends on July 15. The autumn call begins on October 1st and ends on December 31st. It will take one year to serve young people, and there are no plans to increase the time frame.

In some cases, the dates of conscription into the army may differ. For example, pedagogical workers go to work only in the spring - in the fall they are not sent summons. Moreover, the recruiting campaign for teachers is a month shorter and starts on May 1.

Young people who live in rural areas and are engaged in sowing and harvesting work are called up for military service only in autumn. For young people living in certain regions of the Far North or areas equivalent to regions of the Far North, the draft campaign begins a month later. The spring call for them will last from May 1 to July 15, and the autumn one - from November 1 to December 31.

What is the conscription plan

Conscription plans are determined by the Department of Defense. For example, last spring the military registration and enlistment offices sent 135,000 people to serve, and in the fall - 132,000.

Plans for this spring will become known only at the end of March. In our experience, the number of recruits has varied slightly in recent years. Therefore, the number of men sent to the army, most likely, will not exceed 130-135,000 people.

Is there a summer and winter conscription

Officially, there is no winter or summer conscription. Although young people can be called up to the military registration and enlistment office on June 1 - July 15, but in this case, the recruiting activities will be related to the spring draft campaign. Similarly, with the winter conscription: the December conscription events are part of the autumn conscription campaign.

Who is called up for military service

Men from 18 to 27 years old who have not previously completed military service and do not have deferments from service are sent to the army. Only those young people who have Russian citizenship and permanently reside in Russia are subject to conscription for military service. If a young man lives abroad and returns to the Russian Federation only for the duration of his vacation, then he will not be taken into the army.

Men are not taken into military service who:

  1. Received at the military registration and enlistment office from the draft (, family circumstances, health status).
  2. Recognized as partially fit for service for health reasons () or unfit for service for health reasons (category D).
  3. Graduated from graduate school and received a degree.
  4. Are under interrogation or have an outstanding criminal record.
  5. The father and / or brother of whom died during the service or military training.
  6. They went beyond the draft age (turned 27 years old or more).
  7. Were trained at the military department and received a military ID of a reserve officer.

At what age do they join the army

People start to be sent to the army at the age of 18. If by this age a young man applies for a deferment, then he will be called up for recruiting events later: when the deferment ends.

Expert opinion

There are many legal ways to be released from the draft, from applying for a study deferment to obtaining a military health card. do you have grounds for exemption from military service.

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

How old do you have to be in the army

The draft age ends at the age of 27. As soon as a man turns 27, he must come to the military enlistment office and receive a military registration document: a military ID or.

Before receiving a military ID, a man undergoes a medical examination. Someone is afraid of a doctor's examination: young people are afraid of being sent to the army after a medical examination. Such fears are groundless: a medical examination is needed only to determine the category of fitness for military service.

Despite the fact that after the age of 27, young people go beyond the military age, their relationship with the military registration and enlistment office does not end there. Any man, if he has not been approved for the “D” fitness category, can be called up for military training or drafted into the army during the war. The fitness category obtained at the medical examination will show in which troops a man can serve.

How is the draft in the army

The process and rules of conscription into the army are regulated by the law "On military duty and military service". With the beginning of military conscription, the military registration and enlistment offices begin to send summonses to conscripts to undergo a medical examination. Each of them must contain the name and surname of the recruit, address and reason for the call. For example, the agenda may indicate: the passage of events related to the call, or the passage of a medical examination.

After receiving the summons, the young man must arrive at the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a medical examination - a medical board. During the medical examination, he will have to be examined by seven doctors: a general practitioner, a surgeon, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a psychiatrist and a neurologist. If any of them, after examining or examining medical documents, finds that the conscript has health problems, then the young man will be sent for additional examination to the polyclinic at the place of residence, hospital or dispensary.

The rules for conscription into the army are regulated by the Federal Law "On military duty and military service", the Regulations on the military medical examination and other documents. You can view the main legislative acts in the section "".

According to the results of the medical examination and additional examination, the category of fitness for military service is determined. Next, the recruit receives a summons to the draft board. Here, the members of the commission approve the final category and make the final decision: to recognize the young man as fit or unfit for military service, to grant him a deferment, or to enroll in the reserve.

The recruiting process does not end there. When the draft board makes a decision, the recruit's personal file can be sent for approval or cancellation of the issued category of fitness. Usually KMO is carried out without the personal presence of the conscript. They can be called to the military registration and enlistment office for two reasons: if the commission has questions about medical documents or if the young man himself demanded to call him for examination.

Approval of the category of validity can be delayed for several weeks. Due to this delay, the conscript may face a situation where the time for conscription into the army has ended, and the CMO has not yet approved the decision of the district conscription commission. Usually, in such cases, the decision of the district military registration and enlistment office is canceled, and the conscript in the next call goes through the draft events again.

All recruiting events can be held only during the period of the call. If the conscript passed the doctors before or after the end of the conscription campaign, then the results of such a commission are illegal .

How many are in the army now

Conscript soldiers serve in the Russian army for one year. The beginning of the service is considered the day when the conscript arrived at the assembly point and received the military rank of "private". The end date of military service is the day the soldier is excluded from the lists of the unit.

When will the conscription be canceled

Periodically, news about the abolition of conscription appears in the media, but so far these reports remain only dreams. It takes years to transfer the army to a fully contractual basis. Vladimir Shamanov, head of the State Duma Defense Committee, spoke about this in an interview. The MP suggested that the conscription could be canceled only after 10-15 years.

Yours sincerely, Ekaterina Mikheeva, Head of the Legal Department of the Conscript Assistance Service in St. Petersburg.

If a man is a citizen of the Russian Federation and is in the age range from 18 to 27 years, then he needs to know well both the drafting procedure and the time when the draft will take place in the army in 2020. Perhaps the agenda will come during this period, and you need to be ready.

Call to the army

Military service is an honorable duty of every adult male citizen. It is important to know that in the absence of good reasons for the postponement, if the young man has not been called up for military service before, and he is under 27, then he is subject to conscription.

The procedure does not take one day. First of all, citizens who have reached the age of 16-17 are registered. To do this, they are invited to the military registration and enlistment office and handed over, after passing the medical commission, a registration certificate. It is at the age of 18, when the conscript becomes an adult, is exchanged for a military ID.

After reaching the age of 18, starting from the next day, young people are subject to conscription. First, they are invited to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical commission, which determines their category of fitness and the type of troops in which the conscript can serve.

After the medical commission, a draft commission meets at the military registration and enlistment office. It requires the presence of a conscript. There, all circumstances are discussed and considered, and a final verdict is issued on the suitability of the young man or on the appointment of a delay for a certain period.

Then the young man has time to appeal the commission's decision. The court considers the application within 5 days. If the young man agrees with the verdict and is ready for service, then, during the draft board, he is handed a summons, when and where to come with things to leave for the place of service.

Military service in 2020

There are a lot of rumors, both about an increase in service life up to 20 months, and about a reduction by 45 days. Both that and that option are just rumors. None of the laws that change the term of military service has been passed, and therefore in 2020, conscripts are still going to the army for 12 months.

Spring Call 2020

The recruitment dates for the spring 2020 have not changed compared to other years. Recruits are recruited from April 1 until July 15. During this time, more than 100 thousand young people are planned to be called up for military service throughout the country.

As for the timing, there are exceptions in certain regions and in some cases. For example, in the regions of the Far North, the dates of spring conscription are shifted by a month, and this process begins only on May 1. But the spring conscription in the North also ends on July 15. Exactly the same date shift is guaranteed for recruits who work as teachers.

Autumn call 2020

The fall 2020 call has the following dates:

  • For ordinary citizens and most recruits - from October 1 to December 31;
  • In the Far North - from November 1;

For those who work in rural areas and are busy with autumn harvesting, the call begins on October 15th.

Military fees in 2020

In addition to military service, citizens liable for military service may be called up for military training, which is expected to take place in the summer and fall of 2020. Citizens of military age who have served on conscription, as well as persons older than military age who have had deferrals, can be called to military training.

Failure to appear on the agenda at the collection point will be considered evasion, and without a good reason is punished with an administrative fine of 500 rubles. Citizens who have more than 3 children, FSB employees, firefighters, police officers, drug control and tax authorities, as well as customs officers are not subject to conscription for military training. In addition, all deputies of any branches of government and employees of administrations of any level have been released. Those released include teachers, railway workers, people who have completed civilian alternative service.

Appearance at the military registration and enlistment office during the period of conscription

It often happens that employees of the military commissariat simply lose sight of a particular conscript. Therefore, some citizens do not receive summons. This is not a reason to rejoice and pass by the draft board with a smile.

If you do not have good reasons for deferring from military service and there are no health problems, then during the periods of spring and autumn conscription into the army in 2020, you should yourself appear at the military enlistment office and identify yourself. Employees will refer you to a commission.

First of all, it is convenient to perform such necessary procedures during the official conscription campaign, and secondly, the absence of a military ID at the draft age can create problems with employment, traveling abroad, as well as obtaining a license to carry weapons.

Deferrals and exemptions from conscription

At the time of the call to the military registration and enlistment office, the conscript must be 18 years old and must not “knock” 27.

The young man passes a medical commission, which assigns him one of the categories of fitness for health. In total, there are several doctors in the commission: a surgeon, an ENT specialist, an oculist, a neuropathologist, a psychiatrist, a narcologist, and a therapist. Each of them makes his own "sentence" on health, and the final verdict is put on the draft board. In this case, they are equal to the smallest category. There are 5 health groups in total:

  • "BUT". The conscript is fit for service in any type of troops; from such young people they recruit marines, paratroopers and special forces;
  • "B". Good with minor restrictions. In this case, only certain types of troops can be chosen, where there is no need for great physical exertion and increased endurance;
  • "AT". Limited fit. The conscript is automatically enrolled in the reserve and is called only in case of hostilities;
  • "G". Temporarily unusable. A young man, for health reasons, is given a delay of 6-12 months. During this time, the recruit is treated or undergoes rehabilitation, then the draft board meets again and issues another verdict;
  • "D". Unfit. People with such a health group are not accepted into the army.

In addition to health, the postponement is for those who have serious family circumstances for this:

  1. The conscript is a single father;
  2. In the care of a young person, sick and underage relatives who have no other support;
  3. There is a disabled child under the age of 3;
  4. The young man is the father of more than two children;
  5. There is one child and a spouse in the last stages of pregnancy - more than 26 weeks;
  6. Also deputies and administrations of all levels of power, and candidates for the period of elections have a deferment from the army.

The most popular way to get a deferral is to study full-time at a higher education institution. The same applies to those who are studying in graduate school or defending a candidate or doctoral dissertation.

But if a student is expelled for poor progress, then in the next spring or autumn draft he should expect a summons to the draft board.

There are groups of conscripts who are completely exempt from conscription for military service. These are seriously ill people convicted of serious crimes, those who have already served in the army or were in the service of the troops of other states.

Responsibility for failure to appear on the agenda

When the young men learn that conscription for the 2020 army is open, and Russia is waiting for recruits, the question of the responsibility of draft dodgers immediately arises. Many are sure that if you run away from the military commissar until the age of 27, then nothing will happen, and you can safely not repay your debt to the Fatherland. This is an erroneous opinion.

Of course, no one will go to jail right away. After the first non-appearance at the draft board, they will be limited to a warning. In case of repeated violation, an administrative fine of 500 rubles can be issued. And for malicious evaders, there are more severe punishments. They are provided for in Art. 338 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and threaten with a fine of up to 200 thousand, payment of the income of a recruit for a period of up to 1.5 years, as well as arrest for up to 6 months and imprisonment for up to 2 years.

The rights and obligations of the conscript

It is not enough for a young man of the right age to know what date the draft into the army begins in 2020. You must be fully informed about your rights and obligations. For this, a hotline organized by the Ministry of Defense operates during the periods of autumn and spring conscription.

First of all, you should not become a deviationist and ignore the summons to the draft board. It is the duty of any male citizen to serve in the army. If a young man is sure that he is unfit for health or he has good reasons for the delay, then it is necessary to defend his rights.

First of all, at the draft board, at the request of the conscript, they are obliged to give the minutes of the meeting. With this document, the young man has the right to go to a military lawyer, and then to appeal the decision in court.

Specialists in military law advise to be very careful with all the documents that you submit to the military registration and enlistment office. So that they are not lost, the conscript has the right to leave only copies. Otherwise, even an absolutely unsuitable recruit, at the end of the draft campaign, to fulfill the plan, can be enlisted in the army.

If there are doubts about the validity of the diagnoses or important diagnostic documents are lost, the young person has the right to undergo an independent examination and submit data to the court. Upon appeal, before the court session, the commission's verdict on fitness and assignment to the Armed Forces is considered to be suspended.


In 2020, the terms of the draft company, compared with previous years, have not changed. Therefore, from April 1 in spring and October 1 in autumn, most young people are waiting for a summons to the draft board. They receive this document personally, against receipt, and if there are reasons not to join the army, then it is necessary to collect all supporting documents, including medical ones, by this period.

If there are controversial issues, just contact a military lawyer, but you should not run. If you do not want to join the army, try to enter a university - this is a good reason not to serve.

Every year, with the approaching time of the army draft, there are many rumors about possible changes in the rules for military service. Young men who have crossed the threshold of maturity, hearing such unverified information, are lost in conjecture, not knowing what awaits them ahead. The excitement is fueled by the ongoing rumors that the term will be extended. Both the conscripts themselves and their parents are worried. Many are already contemplating plans to evade military duty.

Basic concepts

The order of conscription into the army in 2018-2019 in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”, as well as by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 “On approval of the Regulations on conscription for military service of citizens of the Russian Federation. Conscription to the army is a set of measures that includes appearing for a medical examination and a meeting of the draft board, as well as appearing at the time and place specified in the agenda of the military commissariat for sending to the place of military service and being in the military commissariat before the start of military service.

Military service in 2019

Rumors are constantly circulating among conscripts that the term of service in the army will be increased to two years. Such a change radically changes everything, because a very small part of the employees are willing to spend an extra year on their military duty. Such news is still at the level of rumors and in fact does not have any real facts. The fact is that earlier they served in the Russian army for two years. Of these, half a year was spent on mastering theoretical knowledge. The remaining 18 months the employee was obliged to spend in a military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. Later, the government came to the conclusion that the period needed to be shortened. Among the young men at that time, a fairly large percentage tried in various ways to "slope" from the draft, and many succeeded. Those who were forced to go served very reluctantly. Thus, the effectiveness of the army was low. But as time went on, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to the military registration and enlistment offices for military service.

2019 recruiting campaign

According to the Law of the Russian Federation, draft campaigns next year will not change the terms of their work. That is, the terms of conscription in the army in 2019 are similar to those that are in force now: the spring campaign will start on April 1 and last until July 15; autumn - in the interval from 1.10 to 31.12 annually.

In addition to the service in 2018-19, alternatives to its passage will also be available:

  1. Education in a higher educational institution in the conditions of a military department. In this case, theoretical and practical training of children at the training ground is provided. Classes are structured in such a way that you can get a higher education, upon completion of which you will have the rank of an officer.
  2. Placement in the public service. Recall that, according to the law, work in such an institution is equated with military service. This option is available to those young people who cannot complete traditional service. For example, because of religious beliefs. But there is a condition: it is unacceptable to quit before the deadline, which is 21 months. In case of violation of this condition, criminal prosecution and subsequent punishment is possible.

Who is to be called

In accordance with the law, military service in the army is carried out:

  • citizens - by conscription and on a voluntary basis (under a contract);
  • foreign citizens - under a contract in military positions to be replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military formations.

Citizens (foreign citizens) performing military service are military personnel.

Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years who are registered with the military or not, but are obliged to be registered with the military and are not in the reserve, are subject to conscription for military service, unless they are granted a deferment from conscription. Citizens who are exempted from the performance of military duty, conscription for military service, and citizens who are not subject to conscription for military service are also not called up for military service. The decision to call up citizens for military service can be taken only after they reach the age of 18 full years. Persons over 27 years of age are not subject to conscription. If, upon reaching the age of 27, a citizen had the right to a deferment and did not serve, then he is issued a military ID.

Spring conscription 2019

You can only be drafted into the army during the terms of conscription. The call is carried out twice a year (spring and autumn calls) on the basis of the relevant decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which indicate the dates (dates) of the beginning of the call and when the call ends. Spring draft into the army - begins on April 01 and lasts until July 15. In 2017, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the spring conscription was held from April 01 to July 15.

Fall call 2019

Autumn conscription - takes place from October 01 to December 31. Autumn conscription is also established by Decrees by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Possible exceptions

There are exceptions to the general recruitment periods:

  • citizens living in certain regions of the Far North or certain areas equated to regions of the Far North are called up for military service during the spring draft from May 1 to July 15 or during the autumn draft from November 1 to December 31;
  • citizens living in rural areas and directly engaged in sowing and harvesting work may be called up for military service from October 15 to December 31;
  • citizens who are teaching staff of educational organizations are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15.