12 steps to the butenko raw food diet. Ode to a green cocktail. A chapter from Victoria Butenko's book "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet"

12 steps to a raw food diet Victoria Butenko

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Title: 12 steps to a raw food diet

About the book "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" Victoria Butenko

"12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" is a kind of instruction on the rejection of cooked food. The author Victoria Butenko talks about the theory of the raw food diet and reveals its basic principles. A raw food diet consists in the complete exclusion from the diet of foods that have undergone heat treatment. This teaching has become world famous. According to the author, this is not just a new diet option, but a real lifestyle.

Victoria Butenko was born in Russia but now lives in the USA. She was a simple housewife, happy wife and mother. In 1994, the writer saved all her loved ones from various diseases. The panacea turned out to be a raw food diet - the rejection of boiled, stewed and fried foods. Today Victoria Butenko works at the University of Southern Oregon. She travels around the world, sharing her theory about a new food option.

In 12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet, Victoria Butenko offers an easy way to transition to raw food. We are all used to fried chicken, cereals and soups. Many will not understand: how to give up all this and move on to raw cabbage? It is for such confused beginners that the writer created the book.

At first it will seem to the reader that the author invites us to the club of anonymous alcoholics. Butenko talks about boiled food as a kind of drug. She writes that at any moment she can break loose and taste processed food. But she is helped by confidence in the unlimited benefits of a raw food diet.

The first steps in the book "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" are the most difficult for a person. You must recognize your addiction to cooked food. It is always difficult to give up the habitual way of life, but it is necessary to develop willpower in oneself. Therefore, a raw food diet is not only a method of nutrition, but also a way of spiritual development.

On the fourth-seventh step, you have to change your diet and daily routine. You will learn to maintain relationships with people who do not share your views. The writer will tell you how to deal with temptations and give up your favorite foods.

The last chapters of the book "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" are devoted to finding harmony. You will find the roots of addiction to cooked food, learn to use intuition. The book will help you change not just your diet, but your whole life. A raw food diet allows you to deeper know the inner "I" and find true happiness. At the end, the author tells how to help relatives and friends in achieving the same harmony.

On our site about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" by Victoria Butenko in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.


The Twelve Steps to the Raw Food Diet opened up new possibilities for the entire raw food movement. The novelty lies in the fact that Victoria Butenko for the first time touched on the topic of how many people literally depend on boiled food. Because of this dependence, it is very difficult for them to smoothly transition to a completely raw food diet. This book is the answer to their problems.

Victoria writes very thoughtfully about how the 12 Steps can help you transition to a raw food diet. Victoria took the traditional 12-step alcohol program as a foundation and applied it to our cooked food addiction, formulating a very simple system to help people successfully transition to a raw food diet.

As a naturopath, psychiatrist, family therapist, and 100% raw yes since 1983, helping thousands of people transition to a raw food diet, this book has been a revelation. My own transition to a raw food diet was motivated by my spiritual development, and happened without anyone's help and deep understanding of the process. Personally, my transition to a raw food diet was easy, so I lacked sufficient understanding to properly appreciate the difficulties that many of my clients experienced.

I am the director of the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Patagonia, Arizona, USA, and we use many of the steps Victoria described in our raw food transition program; but before the publication of her book, we did not have a very clear understanding of all the steps.

Yes, we are explaining step #2 that the raw food diet is the future of humanity; yes, we teach level 3 - the basic skills of a raw food diet, recipes, and how and in what to cook them; we teach steps number 4 - to treat with understanding, sympathy for those who depend on boiled food; steps number 5 - how to avoid temptation; step 6 - on the creation of groups to support raw foodists; steps number 7 - that food is not the center of life; we explain step 8 - how to rebuild yourself, and step 9 - the psychology of food addiction; step number 10 - we teach clients to trust their intuition in choosing food; step number 11 the joy of spiritual awakening; and step #12 support for the raw food movement.

But we skipped the most important step - step #1 - helping those who find it difficult to realize that they are powerless over their uncontrollable addiction to cooked food and need a program that consists of all 12 steps. Step #1 is the cornerstone of all the other steps.

The 12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet is invaluable in terms of information and is written in very accessible language. Before I spoke with Victoria and then read the book, I didn't have much understanding of the difficulties involved in switching to a raw food diet. I bow to Victoria and her book for clearly articulating this problem. I am very glad that this book is out on the market. I will recommend it to all my clients. And although not everyone faces the problems described in the book, those who have them will draw a lot of knowledge and skills from this book. In her book, Victoria shares with the reader stories about her personal transition to a raw food diet and the difficulties she and her family experienced in doing so. Her stories are quite concrete and humane, bringing this book closer to the reader. The description of the Butenko family's transition to a raw food diet, the challenges they faced and the growth they experienced in the process, is an inspiration to all. When you read this book, it seems to you that it describes your difficulties and gives you a solution to your problems, or at least shows you the way.

In addition to emphasizing that cooked food makes us addicted to it, Victoria pays a lot of attention to the importance of raw food in maintaining our health and well-being. Victoria also shares her experience of cooking raw food, making it clear that it's not about recipes, it's about understanding how we can create our own tasty, nutritious and simple dishes. After reading Victoria's book, I appreciated her deep understanding of the problem of switching to a raw food diet. For example, she emphasizes how important it is that raw foods taste good, especially in the beginning, as people are still psychologically dependent on the taste of cooked food. At the same time, she points out that after you sit on raw food for a while, you will no longer need all these gourmet dishes. Victoria shares with you invaluable knowledge that will help you successfully become a raw foodist.

Perhaps one of the most important elements in her book is that she shares with you her own experiences and those of her family. It helps you understand your dependence on social pressure, on information that has been planted in you since childhood, on cooked food, and shows you the way how all this can be overcome.

Another positive aspect of this book is that it helps you become your own expert. In the field of nutrition, there are many conflicting opinions, whether it is a raw food diet or not. Victoria encourages you, after you've detoxed, to trust your body's desires, because those desires tell you what your body needs to be healthy at that moment. By the way, the chapter on detoxification does a great job of describing cleansing as an integral part of the transition to health. Victoria masterfully describes all the symptoms associated with a cleansing and makes detoxification a celebratory event. What's more, it turns the whole process of transitioning to a raw food diet, which is not easy for many, into a celebration - a celebration of life and self-love.

This book will become a classic of the raw food diet. I am grateful for the opportunity to write the foreword, and I recommend it to anyone who helps others become raw foodists, to all raw food teachers, and to all those raw ladies who need support. For the first time in years, I have read a book that carries such support for the entire raw food movement. Victoria Butenko undoubtedly made a great contribution to the raw food diet with this book. I am eternally grateful to her for this contribution!

Gabriel Kazents, Dr. Med. Science

Director of the rehabilitation center "Tree of Life"

Dear Reader,

I am convinced that you will not remember my thoughts or my words. You can only remember your own thoughts as you read or listen. Then you discover the truth for yourself and apply it in your life. So when I teach classes, I always connect with the audience. I ask key questions and ask the audience to answer them honestly.

Butenko Victoria - 12 steps to a raw food diet - read a book online for free


Victoria writes very thoughtfully about how, with the help of "12 steps" you can switch to a raw food diet. Victoria took the traditional program of helping alcoholics as a basis "12 steps" and applied it to our cooked food addiction, formulating a very simple system to help people successfully transition to a raw food diet.


The Twelve Steps to the Raw Food Diet opened up new possibilities for the entire raw food movement. The novelty lies in the fact that Victoria Butenko for the first time touched on the topic of how many people literally depend on boiled food. Because of this dependence, it is very difficult for them to smoothly transition to a completely raw food diet. This book is the answer to their problems.

Victoria writes very thoughtfully about how the 12 Steps can help you transition to a raw food diet. Victoria took the traditional 12-step alcohol program as a foundation and applied it to our cooked food addiction, formulating a very simple system to help people successfully transition to a raw food diet.

As a naturopath, psychiatrist, family therapist, and 100% raw yes since 1983, helping thousands of people transition to a raw food diet, this book has been a revelation. My own transition to a raw food diet was motivated by my spiritual development, and happened without anyone's help and deep understanding of the process. Personally, my transition to a raw food diet was easy, so I lacked sufficient understanding to properly appreciate the difficulties that many of my clients experienced.

I am the director of the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Patagonia, Arizona, USA, and we use many of the steps Victoria described in our raw food transition program; but before the publication of her book, we did not have a very clear understanding of all the steps.

Yes, we are explaining step #2 that the raw food diet is the future of humanity; yes, we teach level 3 - the basic skills of a raw food diet, recipes, and how and in what to cook them; we teach steps number 4 - to treat with understanding, sympathy for those who depend on boiled food; steps number 5 - how to avoid temptation; step 6 - on the creation of groups to support raw foodists; steps number 7 - that food is not the center of life; we explain step 8 - how to rebuild yourself, and step 9 - the psychology of food addiction; step number 10 - we teach clients to trust their intuition in choosing food; step number 11 the joy of spiritual awakening; and step #12 support for the raw food movement.


The Twelve Steps to the Raw Food Diet opened up new possibilities for the entire raw food movement. The novelty lies in the fact that Victoria Butenko for the first time touched on the topic of how many people literally depend on boiled food. Because of this dependence, it is very difficult for them to smoothly transition to a completely raw food diet. This book is the answer to their problems.

Victoria writes very thoughtfully about how the 12 Steps can help you transition to a raw food diet. Victoria took the traditional 12-step alcohol program as a foundation and applied it to our cooked food addiction, formulating a very simple system to help people successfully transition to a raw food diet.

As a naturopath, psychiatrist, family therapist, and 100% raw yes since 1983, helping thousands of people transition to a raw food diet, this book has been a revelation. My own transition to a raw food diet was motivated by my spiritual development, and happened without anyone's help and deep understanding of the process. Personally, my transition to a raw food diet was easy, so I lacked sufficient understanding to properly appreciate the difficulties that many of my clients experienced.

I am the director of the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Patagonia, Arizona, USA, and we use many of the steps Victoria described in our raw food transition program; but before the publication of her book, we did not have a very clear understanding of all the steps.

Yes, we are explaining step #2 that the raw food diet is the future of humanity; yes, we teach level 3 - the basic skills of a raw food diet, recipes, and how and in what to cook them; we teach steps number 4 - to treat with understanding, sympathy for those who depend on boiled food; steps number 5 - how to avoid temptation; step 6 - on the creation of groups to support raw foodists; steps number 7 - that food is not the center of life; we explain step 8 - how to rebuild yourself, and step 9 - the psychology of food addiction; step number 10 - we teach clients to trust their intuition in choosing food; step number 11 the joy of spiritual awakening; and step #12 support for the raw food movement.

But we skipped the most important step - step #1 - helping those who find it difficult to realize that they are powerless over their uncontrollable addiction to cooked food and need a program that consists of all 12 steps. Step #1 is the cornerstone of all the other steps.

The 12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet is invaluable in terms of information and is written in very accessible language. Before I spoke with Victoria and then read the book, I didn't have much understanding of the difficulties involved in switching to a raw food diet. I bow to Victoria and her book for clearly articulating this problem. I am very glad that this book is out on the market. I will recommend it to all my clients. And although not everyone faces the problems described in the book, those who have them will draw a lot of knowledge and skills from this book. In her book, Victoria shares with the reader stories about her personal transition to a raw food diet and the difficulties she and her family experienced in doing so. Her stories are quite concrete and humane, bringing this book closer to the reader. The description of the Butenko family's transition to a raw food diet, the challenges they faced and the growth they experienced in the process, is an inspiration to all. When you read this book, it seems to you that it describes your difficulties and gives you a solution to your problems, or at least shows you the way.

In addition to emphasizing that cooked food makes us addicted to it, Victoria pays a lot of attention to the importance of raw food in maintaining our health and well-being. Victoria also shares her experience of cooking raw food, making it clear that it's not about recipes, it's about understanding how we can create our own tasty, nutritious and simple dishes. After reading Victoria's book, I appreciated her deep understanding of the problem of switching to a raw food diet. For example, she emphasizes how important it is that raw foods taste good, especially in the beginning, as people are still psychologically dependent on the taste of cooked food. At the same time, she points out that after you sit on raw food for a while, you will no longer need all these gourmet dishes. Victoria shares with you invaluable knowledge that will help you successfully become a raw foodist.

Perhaps one of the most important elements in her book is that she shares with you her own experiences and those of her family. It helps you understand your dependence on social pressure, on information that has been planted in you since childhood, on cooked food, and shows you the way how all this can be overcome.

Another positive aspect of this book is that it helps you become your own expert. In the field of nutrition, there are many conflicting opinions, whether it is a raw food diet or not. Victoria encourages you, after you've detoxed, to trust your body's desires, because those desires tell you what your body needs to be healthy at that moment. By the way, the chapter on detoxification does a great job of describing cleansing as an integral part of the transition to health. Victoria masterfully describes all the symptoms associated with a cleansing and makes detoxification a celebratory event. What's more, it turns the whole process of transitioning to a raw food diet, which is not easy for many, into a celebration - a celebration of life and self-love.

This book will become a classic of the raw food diet. I am grateful for the opportunity to write the foreword, and I recommend it to anyone who helps others become raw foodists, to all raw food teachers, and to all those raw ladies who need support. For the first time in years, I have read a book that carries such support for the entire raw food movement. Victoria Butenko undoubtedly made a great contribution to the raw food diet with this book. I am eternally grateful to her for this contribution!

Gabriel Kazents, Dr. Med. Science

Director of the rehabilitation center "Tree of Life"

Dear Reader,

I am convinced that you will not remember my thoughts or my words. You can only remember your own thoughts as you read or listen. Then you discover the truth for yourself and apply it in your life. So when I teach classes, I always connect with the audience. I ask key questions and ask the audience to answer them honestly.

And also throughout this book, I will be asking very important questions to you, my reader, as if you were in my class. I want to tell you that it is very important for you to be honest. Not for me, since most of you I will never see. Please be honest with yourself. And I promise to be honest with you. Thus, we will build a dialogue. Frank dialogue is the best way to follow the truth. When I talk in my class about addiction to cooked food, people laugh. When I say that we need to create a society "Anonymous, dependent on boiled food" - everyone laughs even harder. But it's actually not funny at all. Most people switch to a raw food diet for very good reasons - just like me, my husband and my children did. I had a choice: become a raw foodist and live or die. I switched to a raw food diet, and I live - healthy and happy. I am grateful to my family for their support. When I watched others try to become raw foodists, I realized how difficult it is to follow a raw food diet without support. When we switch to a raw food diet, we oppose everything that is considered normal and generally accepted.

With great empathy for all those who find it difficult to adhere to a raw food diet, I, with the support of my family, created this 12-step program. And before translating it into a book, she taught it in many of my classes for a year. I explained the "12 steps" to a raw food diet, which is based on the theory that we are addicted to cooked food. And everyone who has gone through my classes eats 100% raw food and has no temptation to eat cooked food. None at all! These "12 Steps" help you stay raw no matter what. This program works! Currently different people are using this program to create weekly support groups. "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" is being studied in many cities in the US and Europe. And every day there are more and more of these groups. We wanted to test this program for as long as possible, but we received such a huge number of requests for the book from all over the world that we decided to print it now. We continue to work on the 12 Step Program and plan to publish an updated version of this book in the future. In the first part of this publication, we will discuss why a raw food diet is the healthiest and most nutritious. In the second part, we will explain how to stick to a raw food diet using the 12 step program.

Victoria writes very thoughtfully about how, with the help of "12 steps" you can switch to a raw food diet. Victoria took the traditional program of helping alcoholics as a basis "12 steps" and applied it to our cooked food addiction, formulating a very simple system to help people successfully transition to a raw food diet.

    Chapter Eight - Step #1 I Admit That I Have Become Addicted to Cooked Foods and My Diet Has Become Out of Control 10

    Chapter Nine - Step #2 I believe raw vegetarian food is the most natural diet for a human being 12

    Chapter Ten - Step #3 I will acquire the necessary skills, learn basic raw food recipes, and purchase the equipment needed to - cook live food 12


The Twelve Steps to the Raw Food Diet opened up new possibilities for the entire raw food movement. The novelty lies in the fact that Victoria Butenko for the first time touched on the topic of how many people literally depend on boiled food. Because of this dependence, it is very difficult for them to smoothly transition to a completely raw food diet. This book is the answer to their problems.

Victoria writes very thoughtfully about how the 12 Steps can help you transition to a raw food diet. Victoria took the traditional 12-step alcohol program as a foundation and applied it to our cooked food addiction, formulating a very simple system to help people successfully transition to a raw food diet.

As a naturopath, psychiatrist, family therapist, and 100% raw yes since 1983, helping thousands of people transition to a raw food diet, this book has been a revelation. My own transition to a raw food diet was motivated by my spiritual development, and happened without anyone's help and deep understanding of the process. Personally, my transition to a raw food diet was easy, so I lacked sufficient understanding to properly appreciate the difficulties that many of my clients experienced.

I am the director of the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Patagonia, Arizona, USA, and we use many of the steps Victoria described in our raw food transition program; but before the publication of her book, we did not have a very clear understanding of all the steps.

Yes, we are explaining step #2 that the raw food diet is the future of humanity; yes, we teach level 3 - the basic skills of a raw food diet, recipes, and how and in what to cook them; we teach steps number 4 - to treat with understanding, sympathy for those who depend on boiled food; steps number 5 - how to avoid temptation; step 6 - on the creation of groups to support raw foodists; steps number 7 - that food is not the center of life; we explain step 8 - how to rebuild yourself, and step 9 - the psychology of food addiction; step number 10 - we teach clients to trust their intuition in choosing food; step number 11 the joy of spiritual awakening; and step #12 support for the raw food movement.

But we skipped the most important step - step #1 - helping those who find it difficult to realize that they are powerless over their uncontrollable addiction to cooked food and need a program that consists of all 12 steps. Step #1 is the cornerstone of all the other steps.

The book "12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet" is invaluable in terms of information, and is written in a very accessible language. Before I spoke with Victoria and then read the book, I didn't have much understanding of the difficulties involved in switching to a raw food diet. I bow to Victoria and her book for clearly articulating this problem. I am very glad that this book is out on the market. I will recommend it to all my clients. And although not everyone faces the problems described in the book, those who have them will draw a lot of knowledge and skills from this book. In her book, Victoria shares with the reader stories about her personal transition to a raw food diet and the difficulties she and her family experienced in doing so. Her stories are quite concrete and humane, bringing this book closer to the reader. The description of the Butenko family's transition to a raw food diet, the challenges they faced and the growth they experienced in the process, is an inspiration to all. When you read this book, it seems to you that it describes your difficulties and gives you a solution to your problems, or at least shows you the way.

In addition to emphasizing that cooked food makes us addicted to it, Victoria pays a lot of attention to the importance of raw food in maintaining our health and well-being. Victoria also shares her experience of cooking raw food, making it clear that it's not about recipes, it's about understanding how we can create our own tasty, nutritious and simple dishes. After reading Victoria's book, I appreciated her deep understanding of the problem of switching to a raw food diet. For example, she emphasizes how important it is that raw foods taste good, especially in the beginning, as people are still psychologically dependent on the taste of cooked food. At the same time, she points out that after you sit on raw food for a while, you will no longer need all these gourmet dishes. Victoria shares with you invaluable knowledge that will help you successfully become a raw foodist.

Perhaps one of the most important elements in her book is that she shares with you her own experiences and those of her family. It helps you understand your dependence on social pressure, on information that has been planted in you since childhood, on cooked food, and shows you the way how all this can be overcome.

Another positive aspect of this book is that it helps you become your own expert. In the field of nutrition, there are many conflicting opinions, whether it is a raw food diet or not. Victoria encourages you, after you've detoxed, to trust your body's desires, because those desires tell you what your body needs to be healthy at that moment. By the way, the chapter on detoxification does a great job of describing cleansing as an integral part of the transition to health. Victoria masterfully describes all the symptoms associated with a cleansing and makes detoxification a celebratory event. What's more, it turns the whole process of transitioning to a raw food diet, which is not easy for many, into a celebration - a celebration of life and self-love.

This book will become a classic of the raw food diet. I am grateful for the opportunity to write the foreword, and I recommend it to anyone who helps others become raw foodists, to all raw food teachers, and to all those raw ladies who need support. For the first time in years, I have read a book that carries such support for the entire raw food movement. Victoria Butenko undoubtedly made a great contribution to the raw food diet with this book. I am eternally grateful to her for this contribution!

Gabriel Kazents, Dr. Med. Science

Director of the rehabilitation center "Tree of Life"