84.237 21.198 sd from all the Ministry of Internal Affairs. East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (VSI MIA of Russia)

52.256667 , 104.2625 East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation- federal state state educational institution of higher professional education, which provides training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the state fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Irkutsk. Since 2010, the branch in Ulan-Ude has been closed, and this year there is no admission to the faculty of fire safety due to lack of funding from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


  • Faculty of Law Enforcement
  • Faculty of Legal Support of National Security
  • Faculty for the training of forensic experts
  • Faculty of distance learning
  • Special faculty
  • Faculty of Additional Professional Education
  • Faculty of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel


  • Department of National History and Economics
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of tactical-special and physical training
  • Department of Mathematics and Informatics
  • Department of preventive disciplines
  • Department of Civil Law Disciplines
  • Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
  • Department of operational-search activity
  • Department of Philosophy and Psychology
  • Department of natural sciences
  • Department of Criminal Procedure
  • Department of State and Legal Disciplines
  • Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities
  • Department of Criminalistics


The history of the institute begins with the creation, on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation No. 791-r dated May 8, 1993 and the Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 309 dated June 30, 1993, the Irkutsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of four educational institutions:

  1. Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which opened in 1978;
  2. Irkutsk fire-technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, opened in 1968;
  3. Correspondence departments of the Khabarovsk Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, established in 1983;
  4. Irkutsk branch of the Krasnoyarsk secondary special police school of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, opened in 1989.

The teaching staff of the Institute includes 20 Doctors of Science, 19 Professors, 95 Candidates of Science, 51 Associate Professors and 2 Senior Researchers.

The departments of the institute have created the necessary conditions for the research work of cadets and students. There are about 40 scientific circles and problem groups, the results of which are used in the educational process. Annually intrauniversity Olympiads and student conferences are held. The Institute is the base for holding the regional Olympiad in legal disciplines. Students of the Institute have repeatedly become winners of the All-Russian Student Legal Olympiads. According to the results of the All-Russian competition of student works in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, the institute took second place among the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (medal and 7 diplomas).

Research work

A feature of scientific research conducted by the teachers of the institute is their close connection with practical bodies. Employees of the institute are part of the scientific and practical section of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Irkutsk Region. In order to improve the organization of work on identifying, summarizing and implementing advanced domestic and foreign experience, identifying urgent problems of operational and service activities that require scientific study, the formation of applications for scientific research, the introduction of scientific products into practice, an expert commission, which includes teachers of the institute.

The institute conducts fundamental scientific research, research of an applied nature, aimed at improving the activities of the internal affairs bodies and the state fire service. The results of scientific research carried out at the Institute are used in the educational process and in the practical activities of the Department of Internal Affairs and the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The teaching staff of the institute prepared monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, which received a departmental stamp, collections of scientific papers and scientific publications. Every year, dozens of scientific and educational publications are issued on the Institute's printing base, and the next issue of the scientific and practical journal Vestnik VSI MIA of Russia is published every quarter.

The international cooperation

The Institute is dynamically working to establish international cooperation. In recent years alone, more than 40 scientific conferences and theoretical seminars at the international, republican and regional levels have been organized and held. The Institute conducts joint research with the International Center for the Study of Organized Crime of the Foundation for Legal Initiatives of ISU and the Police Academy of Mongolia.

The Institute is a collective member of the international non-governmental organization of police officers "Strength in Friendship", participates in the international program "Project Harmony". Work is being carried out on the exchange of specialists from the law enforcement agencies of Russia and the United States. Thus, the Institute has already been visited by two delegations from the United States, which held two seminars on domestic violence. The Institute's delegation traveled to the United States to get acquainted with the experience of the American police.

Sports life of the Institute

Much attention is paid to the combat, physical and special training of cadets. For sports, the institute has created a sports base, which includes two sports halls, a wrestling hall, two athletic halls, a stadium, two towers for practicing fire-applied sports, a special obstacle course for policemen, and four shooting ranges.

The combined teams of the institute participate in competitions of various levels. The most popular are the championships of Russia among educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the sports contest among the universities of Irkutsk, the sports contest of the Dynamo teams, traditional competitions in various sports. Athletes of the VSI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation regularly become leaders, take prizes in team and individual championships.

The institute has sports sections in fire-applied sports, wrestling, sambo, judo, hand-to-hand combat, boxing, kickboxing, athletics, volleyball, football and basketball.

Institute boxers achieved impressive success. Master of sports of international class, major of internal service A. A. Akhmatgatin became the champion of the World Police Games in Australia and the owner of the Belgian Cup. Internal service lieutenant platoon commander A. M. Mishin took second place in the European Championship, participated in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. Athletes of the Institute Aleksey Gordeev and Andrey Derevtsov regularly won prizes in the boxing, kickboxing and hand-to-hand combat championships of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The boxing team of the Institute systematically wins first place in competitions for the prize of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Traditional mass sports events are held: sports and athletics of the institute, athletics run Irkutsk - Baklashi, dedicated to Victory Day, athletics run in Irkutsk, night ski crossing Bolshoy Lug - Irkutsk, dedicated to significant dates.


Legal illiteracy of applicants and students is simply amazing. It seems that they lack a basic instinct for self-preservation.

Students of non-state universities, despite the revocation of their accreditations, in some cases, their licenses for educational activities, such universities include: the East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law, the Baikal Humanitarian Institute, the Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management, persistently continue their studies in these educational institutions.

Why don't students ask an elementary question: what document of education will they receive after graduating from these universities? It is known that an unaccredited educational institution does not have a legal right to issue state diplomas. The only thing that such universities can issue is their own education documents, which are not recognized by employers.

At the same time, the applicant goes to study at an unaccredited university, in the hope that he will have time to "slip" 4 years, until the university's license is taken away. Although practice shows something completely different. Let's assume that he has successfully completed training and received a diploma from a partner university, usually located in another city, mainly cities of the Uryupinsk level, and the partner university itself is the same sharashka office, from which accreditation will be taken away tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and license.

Student! Think about one simple question: “Which university diploma do you want to get after graduation?”.

Where SAPEU used to be, now there is a bank, where VSIEP is now, most likely there will be a hostel. When you are asked about which university you graduated from, you will always have to answer a clarifying question: “Yes, absolutely right, this is where the hotel is now.”

Students of a non-state and non-accredited university, the state gives you the opportunity to receive a state diploma. sample of a university with state accreditation, which is enshrined in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2017 No. 301 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs”. In accordance with clause 43 of Order No. 301, “... persons who have studied under an educational program that does not have state accreditation can be enrolled as external students for passing intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities in accordance with an educational program that has state accreditation, and then transfer to student status within 2 months.

Take advantage of this rule of law while it lasts!

East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation- federal state state educational institution of higher professional education, which provides training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for law enforcement agencies MIA RF and state fire service Russian Emergency Situations Ministry in Irkutsk. Since 2010, the branch in Ulan-Ude has been closed, and this year there is no admission to the faculty of fire safety due to lack of funding from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

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    The history of the institute begins with the creation on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation No. 791-r dated May 8 1993 and Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 309 dated 30 June 1993 Irkutsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of four educational institutions:

    1. Irkutsk Faculty of the Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, which opened in 1978 ;
    2. Irkutsk fire-technical school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, opened in 1968 ;
    3. Department of correspondence education of the Khabarovsk Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, created in 1983 ;
    4. Irkutsk branch, opened in 1989.

    The teaching staff of the Institute includes 20 Doctors of Science, 19 Professors, 95 Candidates of Science, 51 Associate Professors and 2 Senior Researchers.

    The departments of the institute have created the necessary conditions for the research work of cadets and students. There are about 40 scientific circles and problem groups, the results of which are used in the educational process. Annually intrauniversity Olympiads and student conferences are held. The Institute is the base for holding the regional Olympiad in legal disciplines. Students of the Institute have repeatedly become winners of the All-Russian Student Legal Olympiads. According to the results of the All-Russian competition of student works in natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, the institute took second place among universities MIA(medal and 7 diplomas).

    Research work

    A feature of scientific research conducted by the teachers of the institute is their close connection with practical bodies. Employees of the institute are part of the scientific and practical section GUVD Irkutsk region. In order to improve the organization of work on identifying, summarizing and implementing advanced domestic and foreign experience, identifying urgent problems of operational activities that require scientific study, the formation of applications for scientific research, the introduction of scientific products into practical activities on the basis of ATC Irkutsk city an expert commission was created, which includes teachers of the institute.

    The institute conducts fundamental scientific research, research of an applied nature, aimed at improving the activities of the internal affairs bodies and the state fire service. The results of scientific research carried out at the Institute are used in the educational process and in the practical activities of the Department of Internal Affairs and the State Fire Service Russian Emergency Situations Ministry.

    The teaching staff of the institute prepared monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, which received a departmental stamp, collections of scientific papers and scientific publications. Every year, dozens of scientific and educational publications are issued on the Institute's printing base, and the next issue of the scientific and practical journal Vestnik VSI MIA of Russia is published every quarter.

    The international cooperation

    The Institute is dynamically working to establish international cooperation. In recent years alone, more than 40 scientific conferences and theoretical seminars at the international, republican and regional levels have been organized and held. The Institute conducts joint research with the International Center for the Study of Organized Crime of the Foundation for Legal Initiatives of ISU and the Police Academy Mongolia.

    The Institute is a collective member of the international non-governmental organization of police officers "Strength in Friendship", participates in the international program "Project Harmony". Work is underway to exchange law enforcement specialists Russia and USA. Thus, the institute has already been visited by two delegations from USA who held two seminars on domestic violence. The delegation of the institute traveled to USA to get acquainted with the experience of the American police.

    Sports life of the Institute

    Much attention is paid to the combat, physical and special training of cadets. A sports base has been created at the institute for sports, which includes two sports halls, a wrestling hall, two athletic halls, a stadium, two towers for practicing fire-applied sports, a special obstacle course for police officers, and four shooting ranges.

    The combined teams of the institute participate in competitions of various levels. Championships are the most popular. Russia among educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Spartakiad among universities