How is goal different from goal setting. Purpose depends on access to resources

The purpose of management is the leading element in the activities of the leader (manager). Purposefulness implies a conscious movement towards a clear and clear goal, despite all the obstacles and even in spite of them.

Under purpose in social practice, including management, they usually understand some ideal, predetermined result that should be achieved. The goal is a subjective construction, a speculative construction, depending on the general level of knowledge and subjective qualities of the “designer”. In production activities, this ideal design is usually characterized quite unambiguously (for example, by the level of development or the volume of production of technical products). However, most often in the management of socio-economic processes and systems, the goal does not have a clear formal expression, does not lend itself to an exhaustive description in the form of numbers, terms, schemes, dependencies, relationships, etc.

Every goal has a dual content. On the one hand, the goal follows from the operation of the laws and regularities of the objective world, that is, it is objective. On the other hand, the goal of a person is his ideal, mental construction, subjective construction, that is, it has a subjective character. It is in this regard that they speak of the duality of content, the duality of the nature of the goal of management.

If the mission sets general guidelines, directions for the functioning of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence, then the specific final states that the organization strives for are fixed in the form of its goals, i.e. , in other words, goals- this is the specific state of individual characteristics of the organization, the achievement of which is desirable for it and the achievement of which its activities are aimed at.

The importance of goals to an organization cannot be overemphasized. They are the starting point of planning, goals underlie the construction of organizational relationships; the motivation system used in the organization is based on the goals; finally, the goals are the starting point in the process of monitoring and evaluating the results of the work of individual employees, departments and the organization as a whole.

Depending on the specifics of the industry, the characteristics of the state of the environment, the nature and content of the mission, each organization sets its own goals, which are special both in terms of a set of organization parameters (the desired state of which acts as the organization’s general goals) and in terms of a quantitative assessment of these parameters. However, despite the situational nature in the choice of goals, there are four areas in relation to which organizations set goals based on their interests. These areas are:

Income of the organization;

Work with clients;

The needs and well-being of employees;

Social responsibility.

As can be seen, these four areas also concern the interests of all entities influencing the activities of the organization, which were mentioned earlier when discussing the issues of the mission of the organization.

In the organization management system, the goals perform a number of important functions, which now need to be considered:

First, goals reflect philosophy of the organization, the concept of its activities and development. And since the types of activities underlie the general and managerial structure, it is the goals that ultimately determine its nature and features.

Secondly, goals reduce the uncertainty of current activities both organizations and individuals, becoming guidelines for them in the world around them, help them adapt to it, concentrate on achieving the desired results, somehow limit themselves, resist momentary impulses and desires, regulate their own actions and behavior in general. This helps to act faster, with greater effect, achieving what was conceived at minimal cost, and with the same - to receive additional gain.

Thirdly, the goals are basis of criteria for highlighting problems, making decisions, monitoring and evaluating the results of activities aimed at their implementation, as well as material and moral incentives for employees of the organization, who, at the same time, have distinguished themselves to the greatest extent.

Fourthly, goals, especially great ones, regardless of whether they are real or imaginary, are illusory, rally around themselves enthusiasts, encourage them to voluntarily take on difficult duties and make every possible effort to fulfill them. There are enough examples of this, including in national history. The new buildings of the first five-year plans, the development of virgin lands, the construction of the BAM were the result of the work of not only prisoners, but also Komsomol members of those years, inspired by dreams of a brighter future, and not at all guilty of the fact that these dreams turned out to be a hoax. Yes, and the same prisoners who had the goal of early release showed increased activity in work, repeatedly blocking production standards.

Finally, fifthly, officially proclaimed goals serve justification in the eyes of the public of the necessity and legitimacy of the existence of this organization, especially if its activities cause adverse consequences, such as environmental pollution.

Goal-setting the process of substantiation and formation of development goals of a managed object based on an analysis of social needs for its products and services and based on the real possibilities of their most complete satisfaction.

|From the point of view of the logic of the implementation of actions performed when setting goals, we can assume that the process goal setting organization consists of three successive stages. At the first stage, the results of the analysis of the environment are comprehended, at the second, the development of the corresponding mission, and, finally, at the third stage, the goals of the organization are directly developed.

A well-organized process of developing goals involves the passage of four phases:

    identification and analysis of those trends that are observed in the environment;

    setting goals for the organization as a whole;

    building a hierarchy of goals;

    setting individual goals.

First phase. The influence of the environment affects not only the establishment of the mission of the organization. Goals are also highly dependent on the state of the environment. Earlier, when discussing the requirements for goals, it was said that they should be flexible so that they can be changed in accordance with changes in the environment. However, one should not in any way conclude from this that goals should be tied to the state of the environment only by constant adjustment and adaptation to the changes that occur in the environment. With the right approach to setting goals, management should strive to anticipate what state the environment will be in and set goals in accordance with this foresight. To do this, it is very important to identify trends characteristic of the processes of development of the economy, social and political spheres, science and technology. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything correctly. Moreover, sometimes there may be changes in the environment that do not follow from the detected trends. Therefore, managers must be ready to respond to the unexpected challenge that the environment may throw at them. Nevertheless, without absolutizing the situation, they must formulate goals so that the situational components are reflected in them.

Second phase. When setting goals for the organization as a whole, it is important to determine which of the wide range of possible characteristics of the organization's activities should be taken as a basis. Next, a certain toolkit for quantitatively calculating the value of goals is selected. Of particular importance is the system of criteria used in determining the goals of the organization. Usually these criteria are derived from the mission of the organization, as well as from the results of the analysis of the macro-environment, industry, competitors and the position of the organization in the environment. When determining the goals of the organization, it takes into account what goals it had at the previous stage and how the achievement of these goals contributed to the fulfillment of the mission of the organization. Finally, the decision on goals always depends on the resources that the organization has.

Third phase. The establishment of a hierarchy of goals involves the definition of such goals for all levels of the organization, the achievement of which by individual units will lead to the achievement of corporate goals. At the same time, the hierarchy should be built on both long-term and short-term goals.

Fourth phase. In order for the hierarchy of goals within the organization to acquire its logical completeness and become a real instrument for achieving the goals of the organization, it must be communicated to each individual employee. In this case, one of the most important conditions for the successful operation of the organization is realized: each employee, as it were, is included through his personal goals in the process of joint achievement of the ultimate goals of the organization. Employees of the organization in such a situation are left not only about what they have to achieve, but also about how the results of their work will affect the final results of the functioning of the organization, how and to what extent their work will contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization. The goals set must have the status of law for the organization for all its divisions and for all members.

As you know, any human action is directly related to the fact that he spends a certain amount of time to complete it. And if the information from the first lesson will teach you to determine and fix your time costs and understand the structure of the distribution of a temporary resource, then the knowledge that you will receive from here will help you learn to separate what you need to spend your time on from what you do not need. .

Here we will talk about the goal-setting process: you will learn to determine your true goals and secondary tasks, which means you will be able to do what will allow you to eliminate wasting time, and even your minimal efforts will bring you maximum results.

The concept of goal setting

After analyzing your own time spending, the fundamental question becomes the question “How to change the current situation?” It is difficult to do this without thinking, because if we spent our time on something, it means that at that moment we presented this matter as important, necessary - and what to do with such an idea is not always clear.

To learn to make decisions about the necessity of any business means to correlate its possible result with what you really want to achieve, i.e. with your purpose. Wikipedia defines purpose as follows:

Target- an ideal or real object of a conscious or unconscious aspiration of the subject; the end result to which the process is intentionally directed.

Another definition says: a goal is a mental model of the desired result, an ideal image of the future. If we know what we want to achieve as a result, it is much easier to weed out unnecessary things from daily activities - you just need to ask the question “will this help me achieve my goal?”. A well-defined goal motivates, organizes thoughts, simplifies decisions and, ultimately, leads to a significant increase in efficiency.

How to make sure that the goal is well set? It must be remembered that it never appears on its own, but is the result of a goal-setting process - conscious or not. Goal setting can be defined as follows: it is the process of choosing one or more goals with the establishment of certain requirements for them (for example, deviation parameters).

The psychological structure of any activity can be represented as the following diagram:

As we can see from the presented scheme, the process of setting goals and performing any task can be conscious or unconscious. Let's try to figure out exactly how this affects your productivity.

Any human activity is based on a certain need, problem or opportunity, which rests on the foundation of certain life values ​​(meta-goals) of the individual. Needs and problems may not be recognized, while opportunities must first be noticed. All of them lead to the emergence of a certain motive - contrary to the common definition (“a motive is a conscious need”), it is not necessarily realized by a person. The dictionary of a practical psychologist gives the following description: “The motive is revealed to the subject in the form of specific experiences, characterized either by positive emotions from the expectation of achieving this subject, or by negative ones associated with the incompleteness of the present position. But to understand the motive, that is, to include these experiences in a culturally determined categorical system, special work is required. Separately, we can talk about the existence of motivations - conscious arguments in favor of a particular motive.

One can talk about goal-setting as such if a person specifically tries to realize his goal by analyzing his needs, problems or opportunities, and then presenting an ideal image of the desired future. In this case, the process of planning the achievement of the goal, as well as specific actions, is then launched.

The figure above clearly shows that the absence of a conscious goal leads to the absence of a planning stage, respectively, the search for resources to achieve an implicit goal and the corresponding actions are performed chaotically. Of course, this process does not allow you to control the final result in any way, and the efforts spent in this way will be in vain.

Our task is to make this process manageable, which means to explore possible ways of goal-setting.

Exercise 2.1

From the proposed list, please select from 5 to 7 key values ​​in your life. If the proposed list is not enough, then come up with your own.

Exercise 2.2

Make a hierarchy of your values. Think about which of them may conflict with each other and how you will resolve it.

Goal setting methods

There are the following main methods of goal setting:

Intuitive search for a goal is the most common. The algorithm of actions in this case is extremely clear: you need to be attentive to your own ideas and guesses, waiting for insight. It can be assumed that this is the only way of goal setting that is “automatically” built into each person. This happens because intuitive goals are formed on the basis of existing experience, knowledge and skills of a person, and their “manifestation” means the transition of an unconscious need (problem) into a conscious motive for actions, which starts the process of goal setting.

The "invention" of goals is an "experimental" process based on the trial achievement of a possible goal in the near future and / or on a reduced scale. For example, this happens when you make an important decision (“find a hobby for yourself”), but do not know how to specifically implement it. In this case, you can try scrapbooking, philately, embroidery, or more exotic options until you find yours. At the same time, your goal may be to engage in this type of hobby for some time (a month, for example), and then you sum up and choose what is closer to you.

The method of "calculating" the goal works according to the following algorithm. Immediately after realizing the key motive (“I want to have a car”), you need to write out all the goals leading to this as columns in the table. You need to understand that the goals can be different - “make money to buy a personal car”, “beg for a car from her husband”, “win a car in the lottery” and even “steal from a neighbor in the yard” (just kidding). Further, as lines, it is necessary to write out qualitative and quantitative criteria that significantly affect the result of achieving the goal. Then it is enough to evaluate the goals you have invented, choosing the best option in each line, and summing up the final indicators (see the example below).

So, the result of our calculation is the goal of "begging a car from her husband." Accordingly, it becomes clear how to achieve this goal. Nevertheless, one cannot fail to note the bulkiness of this method, the complexity of selecting and evaluating criteria, etc. In addition, as S.I. Kalinin notes, "attempts" to choose a groom according to Gogol, putting Ivan Ivanovich's nose to the face of Pyotr Petrovich, are most likely doomed to failure. However, maybe you'll get lucky?

Finally, the "choice and prescription" method. This method implies that we already have a certain number of goals set by someone, and we just need to choose one of them as our own and “prescribe” its implementation for ourselves. In essence, this is a way to imitate someone and an attempt to act according to an already known algorithm. An example of such a situation can be the goal setting of a young man who is finishing his studies at school: the mother wants her son to become a writer, the father wants to see him as a lawyer, and grandparents see a promising metallurgist in their grandson. Not wanting to choose or not having such an opportunity, a young person can always choose one of the goals "prepared" for him by his relatives, and strive to achieve it - as if this goal was chosen by him. It is worth noting that this is a fairly good way, although it is far from suitable for everyone (you can recall the film “Route 60”, where the father reads the career of a lawyer to the main character, but, in the end, the hero refuses the goal imposed on him by his father).

On a note. In some cases, the initially set goal may turn out to be superficial. Psychologists often single out the multi-layered goal, and also note numerous inaccuracies in the wording that diverge from what is really desired. To get a really well-formulated goal, you need to specify its content. So, in the example above (“I want to have a car”), there may be something more than just a desire to buy a vehicle - for example, a desire to improve one’s status, demonstrate to others one’s own independence, a way to join the interests of a certain group of people, and others. Awareness of the underlying motive can help achieve the true goal by increasing the level of self-understanding and providing a better satisfaction of the original need.

Goal setting methods

3.1. SMART

But do not forget that the goal should be as accurate as possible, not only in terms of your inner perception of what you want. You absolutely must imagine the ways to achieve the goal, use very specific tools for this in planning and look for specific resources, and, most importantly, have time to do it on time (we are still talking about time management, right?). That is why the SMART goal setting system was developed. It owes its name to a mnemonic rule that combines the first letters of the English name of the goal quality criteria. Among them are the following:

  • Specific (specific) - the goal must be specific, i.e. should indicate what exactly needs to be achieved;
  • Measurable - contains an indication of how the result is measured. If the goal is quantitative, then it is necessary to indicate the target figure (“sales are 5% more”, “buy an iPhone 5S for less than 15,000 rubles”, etc.), if it is a qualitative one, set a standard (“a car no worse than an S-class”, “the same watch as Stas Mikhailov”);
  • Achievable (achievable) - the goal must be realistic; in addition, the mechanism for achieving it must be clear and it must also be real;
  • Relevant (relevant, actual) - it is necessary to understand that the fulfillment of the goal is relevant and really necessary to achieve the desired;
  • Time-bound (limited in time) - the goal must have clearly defined time limits for its achievement.

You can read more about SMART goal setting in.

The algorithm for setting SMART goals looks like this:

  1. maximum refinement of results (S);
  2. substantiation of the goal as necessary, relevant (R);
  3. forecasting and assessing the degree of attainability of the goal (A);
  4. selection of criteria for evaluating the goal and target indicators (M);
  5. for the most refined goal, the deadline (T) is selected.

Exercise 2.3 by Brian Tracy

Take a sheet of paper and write down ten goals for the next year as if they have already been realized (for example, “I bought myself a new Ferrari 458 Italia in a boutique on Tretyakovskiy Proyezd”), and then choose the one that would change your life the most life. Circle it, and then write it out on a separate sheet and work according to the SMART criteria.

Exercise 2.4

In your opinion, what method of goal-setting (see paragraph 2 of the lesson) does the example from the previous exercise refer to? Why?

3.2. Project method of goal setting by G. Arkhangelsky

Despite the obvious advantages of SMART technology, it is effective only if the initial conditions for setting a goal are known and the subject of goal setting has a conscious understanding of the desired image of the future. On the contrary, in life there is often a situation when a suitable goal has not yet been found, and the initial conditions are rapidly changing. Then we can distinguish the following stages of the technology of the project method of setting goals:

  • determination of the abstract level (“framework”) of the future goal by:
    - clarifying the value system by highlighting specific values ​​(meta-goals);
    - identifying key areas of life to which their influence extends;
    - clarification of the rules that determine the nature of this influence.
  • a specific goal is specified so as not to contradict the values ​​and principles existing in this sphere of life; ensuring conformity with values;
  • planning for a specific level of achieving goals: current affairs are checked for compliance with meta-goals (unlike the SMART approach, when the original goal is decomposed into separate tasks);
  • determination of the time scale in which it is planned to achieve the goal - “in a week”, “this year”, etc. (as opposed to exact SMART timelines);
  • division of cases into “hard” (tied to certain dates and times) and “soft” (planned on a time scale and taking into account the system of contexts);
  • all cases are distributed according to the areas of attention - strategic, operational and tactical (they correspond to time scales of one year, one week and one day).

On a note. You can read more about G. Arkhangelsky's system in his book.

3.3. Method "goals - values"

Knowing about your meta-goals (see exercise 2.1), form a table of correlation of goals and values:

If, based on the results of filling out the table, you build goals in descending order of the final score, then you can determine which one makes the greatest contribution to the fulfillment of your meta goals.

Exercise 2.5

What method of setting goals is the goal-values ​​method?

Goal-setting is the most important, but not the only stage of time management, preceding the actual execution of cases, their implementation. The next important step is planning, which we will study in the third lesson.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

There is nothing more contrary to reason and nature than chance.
Mark Tullius Cicero
And God stepped into the void. And He looked around and said - I'm lonely. I will create a world for myself.
Johnson JW

As we have already found out, any movement of any living, and even more so of a rational being, is behavior that has a goal. There is no aimless behavior. A person does not make a single movement without pursuing this or that goal.
The reason for this is obvious, since The source of any goal is a need. Every person has needs, and the goal is an image of their satisfaction.
Thus, the goal is the beginning, content and completion of any movement. A simple and understandable idea follows from this: from a practical point of view, for any person, there is nothing more important than the Goal.
Actually, this fact is directly reflected in the work of our brain. The latter is always occupied with the same process - the ideal creation of the future, i.e. goal setting. There is no need for us to force our brain to set goals and objectives, it is already busy with just that.
Everything is simple and obvious. We always move according to certain goals. We simply don't get anything else. We can be aware of this fact or not - the essence of things will not change from this.
You can even talk about the existence of an immutable law of cause and effect, which says that every effect in our life has a cause. Goals are causes; health, happiness, freedom and prosperity are the consequences. We sow goals and reap results. Goals begin as thoughts or causes and manifest themselves as conditions or effects.
It automatically follows that we are where we are and are who we are, precisely because we wanted to be. It turns out that only our thoughts, plans, goals, deeds and behavior have brought us to the current state. It couldn't be otherwise. Such is the structure of the World and ourselves.
This raises a simple but legitimate question. If we are always moving in no other way than according to the goal set by our own brain, then why are so many of us not satisfied with where we are and who we are?
Why is it customary to believe that someone "reaches the goal (success)", and someone does not? Where do "losers" come from? Where do non-health, non-happiness, non-freedom and vegetative life come from? Disappointment in yourself, people, life? Resentment, guilt, shame? Fear, anger, anger, hatred? Where, in the end, did this obscenely worn out phrase “we wanted the best, but it turned out - as always” come from?
Apparently, we are never truly happy unless we are moving towards achieving something very important to us.
There are nuances here.
“After twenty-five years of research and experience, I have come to the conclusion that success equals the goal, everything else is speculation. Learning to set a goal and make a plan to achieve it will serve to ensure your success more than any other activity. (Arthur B. Van Gundy)
Maximum focus on the goal, the same author continues, is the most important quality of people who achieve outstanding results in any business, in any field. Even a small fraction of our potential cannot be realized without learning to set a goal and achieve it as simply and naturally as brushing your teeth and combing your hair in the morning.
So, the first important nuance is concentration. Our brain contains a mechanism for finding a goal, constantly feedbacks to the goal and automatically corrects the course. Thanks to this mechanism, located in our brain, we achieve any goal set for ourselves, if only it is clear, and we are persistent enough. The process of achieving the goal is almost automatic. But it is the definition of goals that is the main problem for most people.
The second fundamental nuance is the definition of the goal.
The curious fact is that very few people have their own, conscious, real goal. It is believed that less than three percent of people write down their goals on paper. And less than one percent of them reread and rethink those goals with due regularity. It simply doesn't occur to many how important the physical existence of one's own goal is.
Meanwhile, people without a goal are doomed to work forever for those who have these goals. We work to achieve either our own or someone else's goals. We live either our own life, or "someone else's" life, life in the name of fulfilling other people's goals and interests. The best work is to achieve your own goals and to help others achieve their goals. This is not a "work" at all, but a real pleasure.
Why don't people set their own goals?
The first reason people don't set goals is because they just don't know. Unaware of the basic causality of our world. In our opinion, “vulgar materialism”, the dominant mass worldview of the last 150 years, which causes changes by chance, genetics, hereditary predisposition, “natural selection”, “struggle for existence”, etc., plays a significant role in this. circumstances.
Here is a classic statement of materialistic science: “The goal is secondary, and the material conditions for its formation and implementation are primary, because they not only precede the process of goal formation, not only generate it in a certain sense, but also determine it.”
As a result, people prefer words to deeds, they want to achieve success, improve their lives, but at the same time they do not quite understand how to do it specifically and where to put efforts.
As already noted in the "Needs" section, the absence of a question about the meaning of life practically leads to the rejection of one's own goal-setting in general.
The second reason people don't set goals is because they don't take responsibility for their own lives. Until the moment a person takes full responsibility for everything that happens to him, it cannot be said that he has even taken a step towards setting a goal. A person without responsibility is one who is constantly waiting for "real life to begin." In this expectation, all the energy and time is spent on coming up with explanations and excuses for the lack of the desired happyness.
The only way to determine what a person really believes is to judge by their deeds, not by their words. What we do matters, not what we say. Our true values ​​and beliefs are always expressed by our behavior, and only by it. One person getting down to business is worth ten brilliant speakers doing nothing. A serious person is a doing person.
A third reason why people don't set goals is deep-seated guilt and low self-esteem. Modern mass education is arranged in such a way that a child, a teenager, and then an adult, as it were, constantly owes something to someone - parents, school, elders, the state, etc. All sorts of "standards" in the form of so-called stars, idols and other "celebrities" are constantly being imposed on people. In an involuntary but inevitable comparison, an ordinary person feels his own "smallness", earthiness. People who are artificially pressed to such a low evaluative-emotional level that they have to “look up to see the bottom” cannot, of course, confidently and optimistically set goals for months and years ahead. A person who has grown up in a negative environment that has instilled in him a feeling that he does not deserve anything or a “what good is it!” and “I’m not good enough” approach is unlikely to set serious goals.
The fourth reason why people don't set goals is that they don't realize the importance of goal setting. It's just not taught. If we grew up in a family where both parents don't set goals, and setting and achieving goals isn't a recurring topic in family conversations, then we can grow up without learning that goals aren't just about sports. If we belong to a social circle where people do not have clearly defined goals that their activities are aimed at, we are unlikely to think about the phenomenon of goal setting at all. Eighty percent of the people around us go nowhere, and if we mix with the crowd, we will go there too.
The fifth reason people don't set goals is because they don't know how to do it. In our society it is possible to get a university degree - the result of fifteen or sixteen years of education - and not even get an hour-long lesson in goal setting. Meanwhile, the study of the principles and methods of goal-setting is almost more important than any other subject that we have ever studied.
The sixth reason people don't set goals is fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being criticized. Since childhood, our dreams and hopes have been hit by the criticism and laughter of others. It is possible that our parents did not want us to have high dreams and then be disappointed, so they were quick to point out to us the reasons why we would not be able to achieve our goals. Our enemies and friends laughed and made fun of us when we imagined ourselves as someone or did something that exceeded their ideas of ourselves. Their influence can leave an imprint on your attitude towards yourself and setting goals for many years.
Children are not stupid at all. They very soon learn that "if you want to get along with everyone, do like everyone else." Over time, a child who is not approved and constantly criticized stops developing new ideas, cherishing new dreams, setting new goals. He starts out on a lifelong journey, playing safe, selling himself cheaply, accepting his own low achievements as a life inevitability that cannot be changed.
The fear of failure is the greatest obstacle to success in adult life. It is what keeps people in their comfort zones. It is she who makes them keep their heads down and stay safe as the years pass by.
The fear of failure is expressed in the suggestion "I can't, I can't, I can't." Fear is acquired in early childhood as a result of destructive criticism and punishment for those actions that did not meet with the approval of our parents. Once rooted in the subconscious, this fear spreads further, paralyzing dreams and killing ambitions, doing more harm than any other negative emotion that visits the human soul.
The seventh reason is a misunderstanding and rejection of the meaning and role of "failure" in achieving success. The rule is this: you can't succeed without being defeated. Failure is a precondition for success.
Greatest successes are almost always preceded by many failures. It is the lessons learned from failure that make success possible.
Look at each temporary defeat as a road sign saying: "Stop, go this way instead." One of the qualities of a leader is to refuse to think in terms of "failure" or "defeat." They are replaced by the concepts of "valuable lesson" or "temporary failure."
One can learn to overcome the fear of failure by being clear about one's goals and accepting temporary difficulties and obstacles as the inevitable price to be paid for achieving any significant success in life.

Goal setting and the law of control

For a ship that does not know where to sail, not a single wind will be fair.


Goal setting is setting a goal and achieving it. Achieving a goal is a difficult task, and this explains why so many people live without a clear goal. However, the goal in human life fills it with great awareness and meaning.

Why do people have difficulty setting and achieving goals?

The problem may be, for example, that a person has the opposite criteria. The criterion of choice value is that on the basis of which a person makes his choice. Criteria, unlike goals, do not lie on the surface and may not be immediately obvious to a person. You can determine the criteria of value by answering the question - what is important for me in life?

An example of opposite criteria: the desire to be successful and the desire to never take risks. After all, it is known that it is impossible to become a successful person without risking anything. Thus, it is necessary to take an inventory of your goals, to see if there are conflicting and mutually exclusive criteria in your desires?

Also, in setting and achieving goals, many people are hindered by such a thing as time. People are concerned about the timing of achievement, believing that it could take months and years. Such thoughts can completely discourage the desire to do anything, but this is a wrong understanding of time.

Time is a resource that we cannot waste. Time is spent on its own, regardless of whether we are doing important things or doing nonsense.

There are also the concepts of past, present and future, to which we habitually appeal, but it is worth accepting the fact that we always exist in the present. The past is no more, and the future is not yet. The present moment is all that a person has. Therefore, it makes no sense to constantly think and worry about long-term goals.

A person should set a goal, not in order to build his future, because it always exists only in the imagination. The meaning of goal setting is that it improves the quality of life in the current moment. Having a goal helps you focus better on the task at hand. When setting a goal, you need to ask yourself, how exactly does this goal improve the current situation? If the goal does not positively affect the present moment in any way, then this goal can be discarded. However, if the goal gives more understanding and clarity, brings motivation - this is a goal worth achieving.

Do not think that achieving goals will require a lot of sacrifice and suffering. This attitude can lead to failure. It is necessary to focus on the positive impact that the goal has on the quality of life now, even if it will take a long time before full implementation. How does setting a goal improve life today?

It is not worth thinking too much about the enormous difficulties that await in the future. They may not happen at all, or they may turn out to be not at all as terrible as it seems today. You need to focus on how great everything will be when the goal is achieved. If such thoughts inspire and give hope, then it is worth scrolling through them more often, as well as reflecting on how to improve the situation today.

Larisa Malanina
"Goal setting". Lesson plan in class X

Type of lesson: lesson mastering new knowledge by students with elements of training.

Target: to form in students an idea of ​​​​the goal, to practice setting the most important and achievable goals.


1. Acquaintance of students with the concept "goal", « goal setting» .

2. Formation of the skill of building life goals and ways to achieve them.

3. To develop the children's ability to make the right choice between important and urgent goals and always bring their plans to the end.

4. Foster an atmosphere of openness and trust in the student team.

Means of education: 10 small sheets for each student to carry out the elements of the training.

Form of work on lesson: group

The first stage is the theoretical part (initial acquaintance with the material)

The second stage is the practical part (generalization and systematization of knowledge, an exercise in ranking life goals, train students from a variety of goals choose the most important and see ways to achieve them).

Lecture plan:

1. Definition "goals" and related concepts

2. Views goals

3. Staging process goals - goal setting

4. Learning a skill goal setting for students

During the classes:

Theoretical part:

1. Organizational stage (mark absentees in the journal, find out the reason for their absence). Draw students' attention to the upcoming topic. State the topic and purpose of the lesson. - 5 minutes

2. Introductory word - 5 minutes.

How many people have a purpose in life? - No, units. Why? Because, unlike dreams, the goal in life involves a lot of work, daily work to move towards your goal. If every day you think about what is important to you, and do something for this, you have a goal in life. If you don’t know what is really important to you, or on different days you think about it differently, or think a lot, but do little, you don’t have a goal in life yet. So what is a goal?

Goal - desired outcome (object of aspiration). What the person intends to accomplish. A goal is what a person strives for when starting something. For a developed person, the goal is a clear final landmark, to achieve which a series of actions is carried out. Having a goal helps a person stay on track.

3. Main part - 30 minutes

Purpose can be associated with such concepts how:

Motives - an internal motivation to act based on personal interest. The motive is always internal. External stimuli of behavior are called incentives or motivators.

Interests are the selective attitude of a person to an object, due to its vital importance and emotional attractiveness. Interests arise on the basis of needs, but are not reduced to them.

Dream - A mental image of something strongly desired, alluring, an object of desire, aspiration. (Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.) Popular cliches in the US "American dream". Sometimes a color is attributed to a dream - "blue dream", "pink dream".

Desire - An internal desire for the implementation of something, for the possession of something.

Striving - persistent desire to achieve something, to accomplish something; determined striving for something. Desire reinforced by will.

Intention - motivational - the basis of activity - associated with the conscious choice of a specific goal. The formation of intention occurs on the basis of the use of the already acquired experience of direct satisfaction of needs - and in the presence of sufficient personal control.

What are the goals. Several kinds goals:

1. Long-term goals;

2. Short-term goals;

3. Complicated goals;

4. Lightweight targets;

5. Knowingly impossible goals;

6. Goals that do not depend on us.

Long term goals

Goals that take a long time to complete. As a rule, goals are considered long-term if the deadline for their implementation exceeds 6 months. ( example: become a graduate, learn English, get married, etc.)

Short-term goals are goals that take less than 6 months to complete. They are usually used to break large plan into smaller components. ( example: to become a certified specialist, but first - go to college, successfully study, write a diploma, defend a diploma - the goal is achieved.)

Complicated Goals

This type goals most often put by people who like to overcome any obstacles or want to achieve significant results in a short time. The maximum of his spiritual and physical resources is required from the performer. ( example: to enter the institute, complicating the goal by choosing a more prestigious one, where it is more difficult to enter than the rest.)

Light goals are used either by sloths or by people who don't have time to deal with this goal. Light goals are not important. As a rule, these are tasks that can improve something secondary. ( example: read the book to the end "War and Peace"- this is included in the compulsory program in literature, such a goal is for each student 10 - 11 class.)

Known to be impossible goals

"I'll get a star from the sky". This is purely physically impossible, since the star is located many millions of light years away, weighs an incredible amount and has its own orbit.

Goals beyond our control


So, Goals are connected with desires, aspirations.

Goals are related to intention.

Goals are associated with images and ideas, "constructions" future.

Goals are associated with will and consciousness.

Staging process goals - goal setting.

Goal setting is a creative process, and the more creative the higher the level goals. goal setting- the process of selecting one or more goals with the establishment of tolerance parameters to control the process of implementing the idea. It is often understood as a practical understanding of one’s activities by a person in terms of the formation (productions) goals and their implementation(achievements) the most economical (profitable) means, as an effective management of a temporary resource due to human activity. (wikipedia)

GOAL SETTING is the definition, building a goal, thinking about the image of the desired future. Personal goals are not always clear to a person.

The more we realize and understand ourselves, the better we understand our goals. At the same time, good self-knowledge is associated with effective goal setting and reduces the likelihood of setting the so-called "bad goal".

Bad goals are those that, taking a lot of time and effort, remain unachieved (in the depths of the soul, a person feels discomfort and rejection of these goals).

The goals may also be the preservation or acquisition of a certain state or quality. (the goal is to become free, to be confident, calm).

4. Final part - 15 minutes

Necessary qualities and abilities for "good" goal setting is: good knowledge of oneself, one's leading motives and values, will, creativity and imagination.

Meaning goal setting:

1. goal setting removes the degree of uncertainty and reduces anxiety;

2. Goal setting itself changes the likelihood of achievement and changes the scenario of other events.

Staging methods goals and principles of goal setting:

1. goal setting should begin with the study and study of oneself, one's values ​​of interconnection and mutual influences of existing goals(via free group discussions);

2. key areas of life human: Family, Study, Myself, Friends, etc. ;

Such analysis provides opportunities for correction and change.

At the stage of analyzing values ​​and basic areas of life, you can use the creation of textual descriptions, which will help you more clearly fix and realize your values ​​and the main directions of life.

Practical part. -30 minutes

Application of the methodology and exercises with elements of training for setting vital goals.

Value ranking methodology developed by M. Rokeach.

Purpose of the study: get system information human life goals.

Exercise with a training element "Building life goals»

Focused on skill development goal setting.

Equipment: Pencil or pen, 10 slips of paper per student.

Discussion: What goals do people usually set for themselves? Associated with money, success, fame, family ... For staging goals the following exercise helps a lot.

Instruction: Take 10 strips of paper and on each write down the goals you would like to achieve in the next five years. Then shuffle the papers and lay them face up on the table. Take the first one in your hands and tell us how you managed to achieve this goal. Go to the second sheet - and explain the implementation of the next goal, moreover, connect it with the previous story, and so on.

The results of the exercise:

During the exercise, the girls showed themselves more actively, willingly talked about their goals and freely found ways to achieve them. 2 participants had goals aimed not only at academic and career success, but also at family well-being. Self-awareness is also inherent in students, which involves knowledge of their desires and capabilities, the ability to correlate and coordinate them with each other to build plans adequate to the set goals, that is, the rationality of these plans and their feasibility. As for the male half, they have a large closeness, sometimes with the use of protective mechanisms. Targets are mainly related to the nearest future: month year. Boys also have a well-developed definition of the resources that are available to achieve the goal and that need to be acquired. As a result, we can assume that this exercise helps to analyze possible ways to achieve your goals. goals, but it is better to spend it with unfamiliar people (students from different schools, in order to avoid embarrassment of children in front of classmates.

1. Rule one: the goal should be formulated positively. Write about what you want, what should be present in your life, and not vice versa;

2. Rule two A: The goal must be specific. Imagine that you have already achieved what you want, feel your emotions imagine yourself at a time when you have already achieved your goal. Here, determine for yourself the criteria by which you can understand that the goal has been achieved;

3. Rule three: The target must be about you, not someone else. You cannot control other people by wanting them to change or take action. The object of your attention is yourself, so all goals should concern you and your actions;

4. Rule Four: the goal should be eco-friendly. If you want to buy a car and drive, but are afraid of difficult situations on the road, then it is likely that you will buy a car for a very long time;

5. Rule five: You must believe in the achievability of your goal. Little is required of you - confidence in success. Just believe! And do not forget to take advantage of the opportunities that will soon open before you, thereby showing that the goal is important to you, and you are ready to take steps towards its implementation.