How are the sounds different? How are sounds different from letters? Sounds and letters

Creating a collaborative environment

(TO) Check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order?

Book, pen and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down!

Work diligently!

Updating life experience. Goal setting.

(The teacher takes a rubber balloon with a tube inserted into it. The balloon inflates, and then allows the air to freely exit the balloon. There are no sounds.

Covering the tube with a little finger, releases air, noise is created when exiting.)

(K) Together with the children, find out what they hear.

He is not visible

Do not take in hand

But you can hear (sound)

    What sounds are there? (verbal and non-verbal)

    Give examples of speech sounds.

Hey hooks and dots

dashes, circles,

Get together

Get in line.

And walk in harmony

According to a sheet of paper, (letters) E. Izmailova

I bring to the fact that today in the lesson they will study sounds and letters.

Work on the generalization of knowledge on the topic.

Textbook work.

(K) Quest1. Think about how sounds differ from letters.

(TO) Watching a video (educational cartoon "Sounds and Letters"),

What do we say when we speak? (sounds) When do we write? (letters)

(TO) Guess what sounds the children make.

What are these sounds called? (vowels) Why?

How can we write them down?

(K) Quest#2 Listen to or read a poem about the alphabet. Name the letters you know.

(K) Quest No. 3. Blind any of them and tell a friend what kind of letter it is.

Can we see, blind the sound?

Work in writing.

(I) Quest1. Remember what you said about your school, and list, How is the modern school different from the ancient? Coloring school.

Prescribing the elements of the "big oval" (on the lines of the previous lesson).

Dynamic pause.

(D, TO) I call the sound, and you show it with your hands: A - hands to the sides, O - hands above your head in a ring, U - hands in a tube, I - hands up, index fingers sticking out, E - hands in front of you, S - hands folded in front of you

Textbook work.

(D) Task number 4. The game "Guess the word according to the scheme."

A wild animal with valuable fur is a fox.

Domestic animal - dog, cow.

Confectionery - cake.

Vegetable - cucumber.

An item from school supplies - a pencil case.

Students divide words into syllables and put stress on each word.

(G) Tell me about each sound of the guess word.

(K) Task number 5. R Look at the pictures in the textbook and use your hands to show how you will do these steps.

Dad picks up a book from the table.

Grandma picks up the ball.

Mom rearranges the vase.

Questions for children: Can you catch the sound? Can you do it?

I lead the children to the idea that sounds are invisible and imperceptible, and letters can be seen, molded, made from various materials and written.

(D) Task number 6 I suggest that the children create a “talking wall” in the classroom, draw a picture for each letter and sign their name.

When learning a language, several tasks are solved at the same time: it is necessary to master the correct pronunciation of words, acquire speech skills, thanks to which you can freely express your thoughts, and learn how to write.
To avoid the difficulties associated with spelling, one should distinguish between oral and written speech. And for this you need to understand how sounds differ from letters.
Sounds represent a wave oscillation, in a certain range perceived by human hearing. Of the huge variety of sounds, there is only a small part that we can reproduce in the form of speech.
It is this part that makes up the phonetic structure of the language. It consists of sounds that are divided into vowels and consonants, distinguished by the method of formation, sonority and deafness, hardness and softness. To record sounds in the form of words, a special sign system is needed. The graphic representation of sounds are letters. They are perceived visually and cannot sound.
The alphabetic composition of a language is called the alphabet. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. Ten of them denote vowel sounds, 21 letters are used for graphic representation of consonants, the letters b b do not have an independent sound expression. determined that the difference between letters and sounds is as follows:

The wave nature of sounds makes it possible to hear and reproduce the minimal indivisible sound units that make up the speech stream. Unlike sounds, it is impossible to pronounce or hear a letter.
Letters are a graphic representation of sounds. Fixed in the sign system, the sounds take the form of written speech.
The phonetic appearance of a word can fully correspond to its graphic image, for example: table - [table]. However, in Russian, such a correspondence is quite rare due to the fact that its sound system consists of 44 units, and the alphabet consists of 33 letters.

When learning a language, several tasks are solved at the same time: it is necessary to master the correct pronunciation of words, acquire speech skills, thanks to which you can freely express your thoughts, and learn how to write.
To avoid the difficulties associated with spelling, one should distinguish between oral and written speech. And for this you need to understand how sounds differ from letters.
Sounds represent a wave oscillation, in a certain range perceived by human hearing. Of the huge variety of sounds, there is only a small part that we can reproduce in the form of speech.
It is this part that makes up the phonetic structure of the language. It consists of sounds that are divided into vowels and consonants, distinguished by the method of formation, sonority and deafness, hardness and softness. To record sounds in the form of words, a special sign system is needed. The graphic representation of sounds are letters. They are perceived visually and cannot sound.
The alphabetic composition of a language is called the alphabet. The Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. Ten of them denote vowel sounds, 21 letters are used for graphic representation of consonants, the letters b b do not have an independent sound expression.

ImGist determined that the difference between letters and sounds is as follows:

The wave nature of sounds makes it possible to hear and reproduce the minimal indivisible sound units that make up the speech stream. Unlike sounds, it is impossible to pronounce or hear a letter.
Letters are a graphic representation of sounds. Fixed in the sign system, the sounds take the form of written speech.
The phonetic appearance of a word can fully correspond to its graphic image, for example: table - [table]. However, in Russian, such a correspondence is quite rare due to the fact that its sound system consists of 44 units, and the alphabet consists of 33 letters.

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Sounds belong to the section of phonetics. The study of sounds is included in any school curriculum in the Russian language. Acquaintance with sounds and their main characteristics occurs in the lower grades. A more detailed study of sounds with complex examples and nuances takes place in middle and high school. This page gives only basic knowledge by the sounds of the Russian language in a compressed form. If you need to study the device of the speech apparatus, the tonality of sounds, articulation, acoustic components and other aspects that are beyond the scope of the modern school curriculum, refer to specialized textbooks and textbooks on phonetics.

What is sound?

Sound, like words and sentences, is the basic unit of language. However, the sound does not express any meaning, but reflects the sound of the word. Thanks to this, we distinguish words from each other. Words differ in the number of sounds (port - sport, crow - funnel), a set of sounds (lemon - firth, cat - mouse), a sequence of sounds (nose - dream, bush - knock) up to a complete mismatch of sounds (boat - boat, forest - park).

What sounds are there?

In Russian, sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. There are 33 letters and 42 sounds in Russian: 6 vowels, 36 consonants, 2 letters (ь, ъ) do not indicate a sound. The discrepancy in the number of letters and sounds (not counting b and b) is due to the fact that there are 6 sounds for 10 vowels, 36 sounds for 21 consonants (if we take into account all combinations of consonant sounds deaf / voiced, soft / hard). On the letter, the sound is indicated in square brackets.
There are no sounds: [e], [e], [u], [i], [b], [b], [g '], [w '], [ts '], [th], [h] , [sch].

Scheme 1. Letters and sounds of the Russian language.

How are sounds pronounced?

We pronounce sounds when exhaling (only in the case of the interjection “a-a-a”, expressing fear, the sound is pronounced when inhaling.). The division of sounds into vowels and consonants is related to how a person pronounces them. Vowel sounds are pronounced by the voice due to the exhaled air passing through the tense vocal cords and freely exiting through the mouth. Consonant sounds consist of noise or a combination of voice and noise due to the fact that the exhaled air meets an obstacle in its path in the form of a bow or teeth. Vowel sounds are pronounced loudly, consonant sounds are muffled. A person is able to sing vowel sounds with his voice (exhaled air), raising or lowering the timbre. Consonant sounds cannot be sung, they are pronounced equally muffled. Hard and soft signs do not represent sounds. They cannot be pronounced as an independent sound. When pronouncing a word, they affect the consonant in front of them, make it soft or hard.

Word transcription

Transcription of a word is a record of sounds in a word, that is, in fact, a record of how the word is pronounced correctly. Sounds are enclosed in square brackets. Compare: a - letter, [a] - sound. The softness of consonants is indicated by an apostrophe: p - letter, [p] - hard sound, [n '] - soft sound. Voiced and voiceless consonants are not marked in writing. The transcription of the word is written in square brackets. Examples: door → [dv'er '], thorn → [kal'uch'ka]. Sometimes stress is indicated in transcription - an apostrophe before a vowel stressed sound.

There is no clear juxtaposition of letters and sounds. In the Russian language, there are many cases of substitution of vowel sounds depending on the place of stress of a word, substitution of consonants or dropping out of consonant sounds in certain combinations. When compiling a transcription of a word, the rules of phonetics are taken into account.

Color scheme

In phonetic analysis, words are sometimes drawn with color schemes: letters are painted with different colors depending on what sound they mean. Colors reflect the phonetic characteristics of sounds and help you visualize how a word is pronounced and what sounds it consists of.

All vowels (stressed and unstressed) are marked with a red background. Iotated vowels are marked green-red: green means a soft consonant sound [y ‘], red means the vowel following it. Consonants with solid sounds are colored blue. Consonants with soft sounds are colored green. Soft and hard signs are painted in gray or not painted at all.

- vowel, - iotated, - hard consonant, - soft consonant, - soft or hard consonant.

Note. The blue-green color is not used in the schemes for phonetic analysis, since a consonant cannot be both soft and hard at the same time. The blue-green color in the table above is only used to show that the sound can be either soft or hard.

In this task, you need to determine how the first sounds differ in the following words: grandfather, firewood.

Complete the task in the following order

  • Determine what sounds are.
  • Parse the given words.
  • Answer the question asked.

Determine how the sounds at the beginning of the given words differ

In Russian there is a concept of letters and sounds. Letters are what we use to write words. The sounds we use when talking, that is, what we say.

43 basic sounds can be distinguished, of which 6 are vowels and 37 are consonants. While there are 33 letters in the alphabet. Letters do not denote a soft sign and a hard sign of sounds. The soft sign, in turn, gives softness to the consonants.

For example.

Shadow, salt, stump, day.

Sounds can be divided into vowels and consonants.

The main sounds include the following: a, o, u, e, s. The consonants include the following: k, n, g, l, m, u, w, f, t, g, etc.

Let's take the word grandfather.

[d "] - consonant, soft, sonorous.

[e] - vowel, soft.

[y] - vowel, hard.

[w] - consonant, deaf, hard.

[k] - consonant, solid, deaf.

[d] - consonant, solid, voiced.

[r] - consonant, solid, voiced.

[o] - vowel, hard.

[f] - consonant, solid, deaf.

Therefore, the first sound in these words is the sound d. This sound is similar in that it is a consonant and it is voiced. But it differs in that in the word grandfather the sound d is soft. And in the word firewood, the sound d is solid.

Let's consider the same example. Let's analyze the words seeds and sun.

[s"] - consonant, deaf, soft.

[e] - vowel, hard.

[m "] - consonant, soft, sonorous.

[e] - vowel, hard.

[h "] - consonant, soft, deaf.

[k"] - consonant, soft, deaf.

[and] - vowel, soft.

Sun phrases.

[s] - consonant, hard, deaf.

[o] - vowel, hard.

[n] - consonant, solid, voiced.

[c] - consonant, deaf, hard.

[e] - vowel, hard.

Consequently, the first sound differs in that in the word seeds the sound with is soft, in the word sun the sound with is solid.