How long will it take for the sun to explode? What is the Sun? Can the Sun go out or explode? Cold and hellish heat

The human mind is curious, inquisitive, and prone to collecting typical information. When was he born, married, died? When did this or that historical event occur and what caused it? The key questions that invariably torment the mind of Western man are when and how exactly? One of those eternal questions is when will the world end and how exactly will it happen?

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, a new direction appeared in world literature - post-apocalyptic. Its representatives described the events taking place after the end of the world. This direction probably owes its popularity and diversity to the fears of people - by the way, quite justified. In addition to the general sad mood that then gripped the population of Europe and was called fin-de-siecle, there were obvious threats from space: the Great September Comet of 1882, the Great Daylight Comet of 1910, the supernova explosion of 1885. The beginning of the twentieth century led to a long series of more and more bloody wars and revolutions, and the accelerated scientific and technological progress gave people a real opportunity to destroy the Earth on their own, without waiting for cosmic cataclysms. Despite the many books, films and even computer games created on this exciting topic, there are not so many scenarios for universal death, and even if it comes from outer space or another unstoppable natural force brings it, humanity dies through its own fault and oversight.

The main themes exploited by writers and screenwriters are known to almost everyone: this is the third world war with the use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons; alien invasion; the uprising of machines driven by artificial intelligence; pandemic; meteor falling ; resurgence of dinosaurs... But even apart from the spleen and decadent thoughts that humanity will soon exterminate itself, the forecasts are alarming.

The birth of the sun

It is currently believed that the most dangerous for the Earth are collisions with asteroids or solar cataclysms.

So, a group of astronomers led by Sam Ragland (Sam Ragland), using an infrared-optical complex of three combined telescopes Arizona's Infrared-Optical Telescope Array, explored stars with masses from 0.75 to 3 solar masses, approaching the end of their evolution. Approaching the end is quite easily identified by the low intensity of the hydrogen lines in their spectra, and, conversely, by the high intensity of the helium and carbon lines.

The balance of gravitational and electrostatic forces in such stars is unstable, and hydrogen and helium inside them alternate as a type of nuclear fuel, which causes changes in the brightness of the star with a period of about 100 thousand years. Many such stars spend the final 200,000 years of their lives as Mira variables. (Peace-variables are stars whose luminosity regularly changes with a period of 80 to 1 thousand days. They are named after the “ancestors” of the class, the stars of the World in the constellation Cetus).

It was in this class that a rather unexpected discovery occurred: an exoplanet was discovered near the star V 391 in the constellation Pegasus, previously immersed in the swollen shell of the star. More precisely, the star V 391 is pulsating, causing its radius to increase and decrease. The planet, the discovery of which a group of astronomers from different countries reported in the September issue of the magazine Nature, has a mass more than three times the mass of Jupiter, and the radius of its orbit is one and a half times the distance separating the Earth from the Sun.

When the star V 391 passed the red giant stage, its radius reached at least three-quarters of the radius of the orbit. However, by the beginning of the expansion of the star, the radius of the orbit in which the planet was located was smaller. The results of this discovery leave the Earth a chance to survive after the explosion of the Sun, although the parameters of the orbit, and the radius of the planet itself, are likely to change.

The analogy is somewhat spoiled by the fact that this planet, as well as its parent star, are not very similar to the Earth and the Sun. And most importantly, V 391, when turning into a red giant, “dropped” a significant part of its mass, which “saved” the planet; but this happens to only two percent of giants. Although the "reset" of the outer shells with the transformation of a red giant into a gradually cooling white dwarf, surrounded by an expanding gas nebula, is not such a rarity.

Alien sky

Too close meeting with your star is the most obvious, but not the only trouble that awaits the Earth from other large cosmic bodies. It is likely that the Sun will turn into a red giant, having already left our galaxy. The fact is that our Milky Way galaxy and the neighboring giant galaxy Andromeda Nebula have been in gravitational interaction for millions of years, which will eventually lead to Andromeda “pulling” the Milky Way towards itself, and it will become part of this large galaxy. Under the new conditions, the Earth will become a completely different planet, moreover, as a result of gravitational interaction, the Solar System, like hundreds of other systems, can literally be torn apart.

Since the gravitational pull of the Andromeda Nebula is much stronger than the gravity of the Milky Way, the latter is approaching it at a speed of about 120 km / s.

Using computer models accurate to 2.6 million objects, astronomers have determined that in about 2 billion years, galaxies will move closer together, and the force of gravity will begin to deform their structures, forming long gravitational tails of dust and gas, stars and planets. In another 3 billion years, the galaxies will come into direct contact, as a result of which the new united galaxy will take an elliptical shape (both galaxies are considered spiral today).

The Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Professor Avi Loeb and his student T.J. , then instead of our usual Milky Way - a pale strip of dim twinkling points - we would see billions of new bright stars. In this case, our solar system would be “in the backyard” of the new galaxy - about a hundred thousand light-years from its center instead of the real 25 thousand light-years. However, there are other calculations: after the complete merger of galaxies, the solar system can move closer to the center of the galaxy (67,000 light years), and it may also happen that it falls into the "tail" - the link between the galaxies. And in the latter case, due to the gravitational influence, the planets located there will be destroyed.

At the same time, scientists will be able to refine their forecast already in 2011, when the Gaia apparatus belonging to the European Space Agency will be launched into the Earth's orbit. Gaia will be engaged in determining the speeds of galaxies and determining the change in the positions of stars.

Considering the future of the Earth, the Sun, the solar system as a whole and the Milky Way is as exciting as it is conventionally scientific. The vast time spans of forecasts, the lack of facts and the relative weakness of technology, and in no small part the modern man's habit of thinking in terms of cinema and thrillers, make speculation about the future more like science fiction, only with a special emphasis on the first word.

At I have two news for you - good and bad ...
The bad news is that the sun will explode... Scientists have repeatedly stated that the thermonuclear reaction that occurs inside the only star in our system will surely destroy not only the yellow dwarf, but all nearby planets. This will happen due to the "premature aging" of the Sun - processes that accelerate the "wear and tear" of the star and shorten the life cycle. You need to understand that our Sun has already lived for almost half of its life. The good news is that there should still be enough sun for our lifetime ...

The Sun not only warms the Earth, but also keeps it in a comfortable (in all respects) orbit.

The maximum lifespan of a star is 10 billion years. The Sun has already lived 4.6 billion years of this period, so a miserable 5.5 billion years remained before the death of a single star.

When a huge star is torn apart into atoms, it turns into a supernova. Trillions of tons of dust and gas are thrown out. From this building material, new worlds are born, but the transition of a star into a supernova most often becomes the last event for already formed planets. The explosion of the Sun will definitely kill all the planets of the terrestrial group, but there are pluses.

A new explosion will create even more worlds, which in a couple of billion years will again be inhabited by living and intelligent organisms. As they say, music will play but we won't hear it... we'll be dead before the explosion. First we freeze, then we burn...

When the Sun begins to die, it is predicted by scientists to increase in size and, most likely, become significantly colder. Over time, it mutates from a yellow dwarf to a red giant. It will become so large that it will completely "eat" Mercury, Venus and even the Earth. Will get to other planets a little later...

If the Sun explodes the way filmmakers and science fiction writers imagine it, then people will first go blind from the flash, and then (two days later) burn out. The planet will not turn into steam. And although scientists abandoned the original scenario, which involved "burning" the Earth's surface and soil down to the core in eight minutes, other options are not much better.

With some variants of the Sun's explosion, the day side of the planet will simply be "sterilized" at high speed - animals and other living organisms will be burned at a temperature of several million degrees.

First, the atmosphere will be "evaporated", then the temperature on the surface will be such that several layers will simply melt

With such a development of events, even bacteria and other simple organisms can disappear. Water and all volatile gases will evaporate irrevocably. Further, the globe will gradually crack from the cold, and the planet will be outside the habitable zone. All this magnificence earthlings will be able to observe with melted and burnt own eyes.

Experts and cosmologists note that by the time the Sun reaches the state of the explosion, people will have learned to colonize other worlds. There are a lot of places to move. Life conditions that are similar to those on Earth have already been discovered on the planet Proxima b. On Proxima b, earthlings will be able to save themselves from the consequences of the destruction of the Sun. The exoplanet is 4.2 light years away and orbits the red dwarf Proxima Centauri.

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Info and photo (C) internet

Why should it explode

Scientists have repeatedly stated that a thermonuclear reaction that occurs inside a single star in our system can destroy not only a yellow dwarf, but all nearby planets. This can happen due to the "premature aging" of the Sun - processes that accelerate the "wear and tear" of the star and shorten the life cycle. You need to understand that our Sun has already lived for almost half of its life.


The maximum life span of a star is 10 billion years">

The maximum life span of a star is 10 billion years

The Sun has already lived 4.6 billion years of this period, so a miserable 5.5 billion years are left before the death of a single star.

4.6 billion years of this period, the Sun has already lived, so before the death of a single star, a miserable 5.5 billion years remain.


Second copy of the Earth

When a huge star is torn apart into atoms, it turns into a supernova. Trillions of tons of dust and gas are thrown out. From this building material, new worlds are born, but the transition of a star into a supernova most often becomes the last event for already formed planets.


The explosion of the Sun will definitely kill all the planets of the terrestrial group, but there are pluses">

The explosion of the Sun will definitely kill all the planets of the terrestrial group, but there are pluses

A new explosion will create even more worlds, which in a couple of billion years will again be inhabited by living and intelligent organisms">

A new explosion will create even more worlds, which in a couple of billion years will again be inhabited by living and intelligent organisms.


We'll be dead before the explosion

None of the scenarios for the destruction of the terrestrial planets, oddly enough, does not include a direct explosion. When the Sun begins to die, it is predicted by scientists to increase in size and, most likely, become significantly colder.

Over time, it mutates from a yellow dwarf to a red giant.">

Over time, it mutates from a yellow dwarf to a red giant.

It will become so large that the full ">">

It will become so large that it will completely "eat" Mercury, Venus and even the Earth. Will get to other planets a little later


Cold and hellish heat

The exact scenario of a solar explosion still does not exist, and everything related to discussions about the death of an entire planetary system is exclusively in a theoretical plane. For example, the scenario of "burning out all life" is far from the only one. There is another direction - cooling after the explosion.

Photo: © KInopoisk/ ">">

Such an explosion will not break the integrity of the Sun, but will stop the thermonuclear reaction">

Such an explosion will not violate the integrity of the Sun, but will stop the thermonuclear reaction.

The yellow dwarf will cease to emit heat and light. Planets such as Earth and Mercury, according to scientists, will freeze in just a month.

The yellow dwarf will cease to emit heat and light. Planets such as Earth and Mercury, according to scientists, will freeze in just a month.


soccer ball

The Sun not only warms the Earth, but also keeps it in a comfortable (in all respects) orbit. If the central star explodes, then one fine morning, earthlings will find that they are far from their usual habitat.


The destruction of the Sun will "erase" the habitual orbit of the Earth">

The destruction of the Sun will "erase" the habitual orbit of the Earth

If the Earth does not burn down, then it can leave the solar system, or rather, what remains of it, and turn into a rogue planet"\u003e

If the Earth does not burn, it can leave the solar system, or rather what remains of it, and turn into a rogue planet


End of the world live

If the Sun explodes the way filmmakers and science fiction writers imagine it, then the planet will not turn into steam. And although scientists abandoned the original scenario, which involved "burning" the Earth's surface and soil down to the core in eight minutes, other options are not much better.

Space expert Mikhail Lapikov noted that with some variants of the Sun's explosion, the day side of the planet would simply be "sterilized" at high speed - animals and other living organisms would be burned at a temperature of several million degrees.

First, the atmosphere will be "evaporated", then the temperature on the surface will be such that several layers will simply melt

Mikhail Lapikov

With such a development of events, even bacteria and other simple organisms can disappear. Water and all volatile gases will evaporate irrevocably. Further, the globe will gradually crack from the cold, and the planet will be outside the habitable zone. All this magnificence earthlings will be able to observe with melted and burnt own eyes.


Calculated and the average time of destruction "\u003e

Calculated and the average time of destruction

The fireball will reach the Earth in a day or two. Accompanied by such an event will be a bright flash, from which many people will go blind"\u003e

The fireball will reach the Earth in a day or two. Accompanied by such an event will be a bright flash, from which many people will go blind.

I heard that time erases everything...

BG "Adelaide"

In fact - in my opinion, the main question of philosophy, for thinking people, should be this: "What will happen if the Sun explodes?" or more precisely, even “When the Sun explodes”? But not at all in well-known questions: “What is the meaning of life” or, for example, “What is primary - matter or consciousness.” This question is of course deeper and more serious from a philosophical point of view, although the answer to it is short and obvious - “Our whole world will evaporate without a trace, and everything”, without any trace at all, nothing will remain at all, everything here will simply evaporate in the vent of plasma thermonuclear reactions, and again everything will become the simplest atoms - the structure will crumble into separate smallest elements, and all information will simply disappear - forever and irrevocably. This is certainly an impressive sight when everything disappears, absolutely everything - without any hope of restoration. The whole and the world - everything that can be touched and remembered - everything will disappear - as And absolute silence and calmness will come again, on all waves. Like - there was a drawing, they brushed it off and there is nothing - and it is impossible to collect the main thing back. And we will not notice this suddenness - when the drawing is suddenly swept away.

But on the other hand, suddenly and during our lifetime, this event will certainly not happen, well, unless some unexpected catastrophic solar reaction happens, something goes wrong on the Sun - just like the sea and the river, too, because they are also stable substances, or mountains , but sometimes it will spill or some kind of tsunami will arise, or an earthquake or some kind of collapse where no one expected - and everything is calm for a hundred thousand years. And it will destroy half of the coast, or, for example, country houses that were at the mouth of the river.

But there is also a feeling - if the Sun suddenly explodes - we will not even notice this at all - we will evaporate in a split second and that's it. (Of course, it’s understandable that a heat wave will go for about eight eight minutes - no faster than the speed of light. But if such a volumetric explosion in different directions with an instantaneous expansion, we won’t notice it anyway. There were right away - no, here you sit writing, for example, on a computer, coffee you drink, and someone reads.Since there is nothing at all - this is the depth of meaning.)

Reminds me of an old joke about this:

The lecture is on astronomy on the topic “Life Cycles of the Sun”, which means the professor explains: “And after about five billion years, thermonuclear reactions will gradually stop and the Sun will go out.” And from the back rows the question: “In how much, in how much?” The professor repeats: "In five billion years." And there: “Well, huh, otherwise I heard that in three billion” ...

Approximately these are the arguments about what will happen when the Sun goes out - very exciting in terms of their scale, but still purely empirical events for us. And in any case, too

But the Sun is not the biggest star of course - so among the many and many stars of ours, not only the Universe, but the Galaxy, which is also just one of - as scientists suspect from 200 billion other galaxies.

And judging by how these stars are born, develop and then die, astronomers can judge the periods of life and our Sun.

And in fact, everything will develop as follows: after about 1.1 billion years, the Sun will already be brighter by about 11% (according to Wikipedia) - and at this time, the disappearance of life on planet Earth is approximately and possibly. In another 3.5 billion years, the brightness of the Sun will increase by another 40% and all life will disappear on Earth. (You can get acquainted with the entire life cycle of the Sun, respectively -.)

And the Sun is actually not a yellowish color as we used to imagine - but it looks like this.

And of course, everything in this world will end and disappear for each individual person -. And it’s not that the Sun will disappear for everyone, but the entire personal Universe will suddenly cease to exist, and everyone will eventually gain absolute Freedom — in general, from everything material. Forever and ever.

And finally, a wonderful informative video about the sizes of various objects in the Universe.

How the luminary will destroy our planet

A series of powerful solar flares attracted the attention of scientists and alarmed many of our fellow citizens. What is it, what is fraught with? And do not such active processes taking place on the star closest to us mean the beginning of any serious changes that may already threaten earthly life in the foreseeable future? We tried to find answers to such questions with the help of research physicist Ivan Nazarenko.

September 2017 claims a place in the list of natural records, thanks to a powerful "cannonade" arranged by the Sun. One powerful outbreak, another... Powerful flows of electromagnetic energy that hit the Earth... Scientists warn of possible negative consequences in the form of communication failures, accidents in transport systems, deterioration in the well-being of meteorologically dependent people. But can something more global follow?

Irreversible changes occur on the Sun during its entire "life" - millions of years. These are the laws of physics, - emphasizes Ivan Nazarenko. - In the end, quantitative changes will turn into qualitative ones, and our luminary, having developed, so to speak, an energy resource, will die. The vast majority of experts believe that this can happen very soon - in 5-8 billion years.

However, some of their colleagues are much more pessimistic and predict the likely onset of an imminent "solar demise." They point to the possible development of processes on the Sun, which will lead to a supernova explosion. As a result, the outer solar shell will explode and for some time will spew energy in huge quantities - in a second as much as the Sun emitted in normal mode over the previous 10 thousand years.

Some of the supporters of this version believe that one of the signs of the beginning of the transformation into a supernova are, among other things, powerful flares on the Sun.

– Can such a process be delayed? In other words, will there be enough solar life for our lifetime?

There is no consensus among scientists here. For example, the Dutchman Piers van der Meyer once stated that the Sun will turn into a supernova as early as 2010. One of the arguments in favor of just such a development of events, he called the observed noticeable increase in the temperature of the solar substance. However, as we have seen, the Dutch researcher, fortunately, was mistaken. Although the processes of activation in our luminary have recently been noticeable. Among them, of course, are the current very powerful outbreaks. However, to be honest, we still cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question – will the Sun die in the foreseeable future? We still know too little about the star closest to us, about what is happening to it.

- Is it possible to imagine what the picture of the death of the Sun will look like if, nevertheless, the most gloomy forecasts come true?

This is easier to do than to predict its "longevity". Given the distance to us from the luminary, earthlings will see its explosion about eight minutes later. The entire sky will be engulfed in radiance from the bright white flame emitted by the exploding star. The power of this glow will be such that the night on the planet will disappear. Most likely, all living things - including people - will die already at this first stage of the cataclysm.

After that, streams of radioactive radiation will fall on the Earth - so powerful that the earth's magnetic field cannot protect them from them. Radiation will complete the destruction of flora and fauna. And all traces of their existence on the planet will be subsequently incinerated: under the influence of anomalous solar radiation, the temperature on the Earth's surface will quickly rise to 3-5 thousand degrees. At the same time, all water will evaporate and form a thick cloud cover at an altitude of tens of kilometers from the "ball". But this is still only a "preliminary apocalypse".

Due to the explosion, the Sun will “swell up” many times, and the plasma streams emitted by it will fall on the Earth. This dynamic impact will cause our devastated, burned and melted planet to be knocked out of its orbit, and it will go on an unpredictable flight outside the solar system.

However, other scientists argue that the Earth and at least some of its inhabitants still have a chance to survive the solar cataclysm. According to these predictors, the most probable process is that the Sun will first turn into a red giant, and then, throwing some of its matter into the surrounding space, will become a white dwarf. With such a metamorphosis, our planet can be “pushed” by solar radiation to a far distance from the star, and it will begin to rotate around it in an orbit with a large radius, which will eventually save the Earth from excessive overheating. There is a chance that these new conditions for the existence of the Earth in near-solar space will be suitable for the preservation of biological life on the surface of the planet. Although we must not forget that with such an "emergency evacuation" our "ball" may collide, for example, with Mars. Here the chances of survival and preservation of the planet are zero.

As Nazarenko said, according to some scientists, periods of particularly high solar activity can influence events taking place on Earth, exacerbating the “negative”. Here are just a few examples from the researcher's collection.

The maximum solar activity was noted in 1937-1938. In this period:

On May 6, 1937, the world's largest German airship, the Hindenburg, crashed near New York;

On June 11, the trial in the "case of Marshal Tukhachevsky" ended in Moscow, from which large-scale repressions began in the army;

in July, Japanese troops invaded China; during the war, Mikado soldiers brutally killed many civilians;

On July 29, 1938, in the Far East, battles began between the Red Army units and Japanese troops in the area of ​​Lake Khasan;

From November 9 to 10, Kristallnacht happened, when mass Jewish pogroms took place in Germany.

The sunny "peak" of 1969 "backfired" with a whole series of successful and failed coups d'état and assassination attempts on state leaders:

On January 22, during the solemn meeting of the crews of the Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft, an attempt was made on the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, L. I. Brezhnev;

January 25 in North Yemen, the military tried to overthrow the government, in the end they failed, all the conspirators were killed;

On March 25, under pressure from the high army command, the President of Pakistan, Field Marshal Ayub Khan, resigned;

On October 15, in the city of Las Anod, an unknown person in a police uniform shot the President of Somalia, Abdirashid Ali Shermark, and after that a military coup took place in this country;

in early December, one after another, failed coup attempts took place in Libya and Sudan.

"Peak" solar activity in 1979:

On January 16, an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale struck the Iranian province of Khorasan;

in February-March, a short but very fierce Sino-Vietnamese war broke out;

On August 11, two Tu-134 passenger planes collided over Dneprodzerzhinsk, 172 people died, including the football players of the Pakhtakor team;

On November 9, for ten minutes, the world was on the verge of starting a nuclear war due to a computer failure in the US NORAD system;

at the end of December, Soviet troops were brought into Afghanistan, during the storming of the palace, Afghan President Hafizullah Amin was killed.

"Peak" 1989:

On April 9, troops dispersed a rally in Tbilisi, which was attended by more than 60 thousand people, 16 people died, hundreds were injured;

On June 4, two passenger trains burned down near Ufa as a result of a gas pipeline explosion, 575 people died, more than 670 were injured.

Another solar maximum occurred in 2000-2001:

On November 11, a fire on a finicular train in the Austrian ski resort of Kaprun killed 155 people;

September 11, 2001 - the largest terrorist attack in the United States, hijacked airliners rammed the towers of the World Trade Center, killing about 3,000 people;

On October 4, a missile launched from a Crimean training ground during an air defense exercise of Ukraine accidentally shot down a Tu-154 passenger plane of a Russian airline, killing 78 people;