What is dialogue and monologue in Russian. The main differences and similarities between monologue and dialogic speech

Monologue, monologue speech(from mono and Greek lygos - word, speech). A type of speech that is completely or partially unrelated (unlike dialogic speech) to the speech of the interlocutor in a meaningful and structural context.

Dialogic speech- a genre consisting of a regular exchange of utterances-replicas, the linguistic composition of which is influenced by the direct perception of the speech activity of the speaker by the interlocutor.

Dialog Monologue
Consists of replicas or a chain of speech reactions This is a logically consistent statement that flows relatively long in time and is not designed for an immediate reaction of the listeners.
It is carried out either in the form of successive questions and answers, or in the form of a conversation between two or more participants. The thought of one person is expressed, which is unknown to the listeners
The interlocutors always know what is at stake, and do not need to deploy thoughts and statements The statement contains a more complete formulation of information, it is more detailed
Speech may be incomplete, abbreviated, fragmented; Characterized by colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, simple and complex non-union sentences, the typical use of patterns, clichés, speech stereotypes; momentary deliberation Literary vocabulary, detailed expression, completeness, logical completeness, syntactic formality are characteristic. Inner preparation needed, longer pre-thinking
Connectivity is provided by two interlocutors Connectivity provided by one speaker
It is stimulated not only by internal, but also by external motives (situations, a replica of the interlocutor). Stimulated by internal motives; the content and language means of speech are chosen by the speaker himself.

The structure of the communication process.

The structure of communication can be characterized by highlighting three interrelated aspects in it: communicative, interactive and perceptual.

Communicative side communication consists in the exchange of information between communicating individuals. It involves the use of means of communication, divided into verbal and non-verbal. In addition, it is also characterized by a certain structure.

During the act of communication, not just the movement of information takes place, but the mutual transmission of encoded information between two individuals - the subjects of communication. Therefore, communication can be schematically depicted as follows: S S. Therefore, there is an exchange of information. But at the same time, people do not just exchange meanings, they strive to develop a common meaning at the same time. And this is possible only if the information is not only accepted, but also comprehended.

Communicative interaction is possible only when the person sending information (communicator) and the person receiving it (recipient) have a similar system of codification and decodification of information. Those. "everyone must speak the same language."

In the conditions of human communication, communication barriers can arise. They are social or psychological in nature.

By itself, the information coming from the communicator can be motivating (order, advice, request - designed to stimulate some action) and ascertaining (message - takes place in various educational systems).

3-b) Means of communication.

For transmission, any information must be appropriately encoded, i.e. it is possible only through the use of sign systems. The simplest division of communication is into verbal and non-verbal, using different sign systems.

Perceptual side communication means the process of perception, knowledge of each other by partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

Interactive side communication consists in the exchange of not only knowledge, ideas, but also actions. This is such an interaction of people that involves a certain form of organization of joint activities (consent, adaptation or competition, conflict). This is a characteristic of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. There are two types of interactions - cooperation and competition. Cooperative interaction means the Coordination of the forces of the participants. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity, generated by its very nature. Competition - one of its most striking forms is conflict.

Lesson 3

Goals: familiarize yourself with the termsdialog andmonologue", develop the ability to form a dialogue.

Planned results: students will learn to distinguish between dialogue and monologue; collaborate with classmates in completing a learning task; argue your position; evaluate actions in terms of generally accepted rules of “kind”, “safe”, “beautiful”, “correct” behavior.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Actualization of knowledge Spelling minute

(Write on the board.) Wolves roam, looking for food.

- Read. Tell me, is this a sentence or a group of words?(A sentence, because it makes sense. We understand that it is talking about wolves. The sentence is capitalized, with a full stop at the end.)

- Write down an offer. Underline the spellings in the sentence.

- What is the rule to remember in order to correctly write words with spelling?(SCU "write with the letter U.)

- What similar rule do you know? (CHU write with the letter U.)

- Name more words that have this spelling. Write down three words. Underline the spelling.

III . Self-determination to activity

- Compare two types of speech.

1) Why are you so gloomy?

The caftan burned through.

- Is the hole big?

- One gate remains.

2) I burned the caftan so that one collar remained.

- How are they similar? What is the difference?(They are similar in that they are talking about the same thing. They differ in that in the first version one person asks and the other answers. In the second version, one person tells.)

IV. Work on the topic of lesson 1. Work on the textbook

- Open your textbook on p. 10 and read the name of a conversation between two people and the name of a speech of one person.

- What question should we answer at the end of the lesson?(How

distinguish between dialogue and monologue? Ex. 6 (with. 10-11).

- Read the assignment.

- What is the name of the fairy tale?("Terem-Teremok" ^)

- Prove that this is a dialogue.(Two characters speak.)

Who is asking?(A jumping flea.)

Who is responsible?(Fly-fly.) (Reading in pairs.)

- Who guessed what the "-" sign is used for?(Separates the words of each speaker.)

- Read on for what to look out for.

- Write down the dialogue. Find words with the spelling "Combinations ZhI and SHI". Define the spelling.

- Which words are spelled underlined?(Lives, live.) Ex. 7 (p. 11).

(Work in pairs: optionI- Kolobok, variantII- A fox. Then the staging of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".)

- Read the information on the Curiosity Page for yourself.

- From what language did the words "dialogue" and "monologue" come to us?

- What parts do they consist of and what do they mean?Ex. 8 (p. 12).

- Read an excerpt from a fairy tale.

- Is this a dialogue or a monologue?(Monologue, as one person speaks.)

- To whom is the monologue addressed?(Quick.)

- Write the first sentence with pronunciation.

2. Vocabulary Job

- What is the "polite" word Thumbelina says?(Goodbye.)

- Why is the letter O highlighted?(We hear the sound [A], we write buk-woo.)

- What word is close in meaning when we say goodbye?("Goodbye".)

- Write down this word.

- Write down words related to the wordgoodbye. Underline the O.(Farewell, said goodbye, farewell.)

V . Physical education minute

The wind blows in our faces

(Wave hands at self.)

The tree swayed.

(Swing right and left.)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

(Sit down.)

The tree is getting higher and higher.

(Stand on tiptoes, stretch up.)

VI . Consolidation of the studied material

Ex. 9 (p. 12).

- Read the task and say what needs to be done in the exercise.

- Read the text.

(The text is read by a student with a good reading skill.)

- What is it - a dialogue or a monologue?(This is a dialogue, three characters speak.)

- How do you understand the last line?(You can’t reproach, don’t be greedy and offend a person.)

- Write her down. ---- .

VII . Reflection Ex. 10 (p. 13).

- Which drawing can be used to compose a monologue?(According to the second picture: one hare boasts, others listen.)

- Which picture can be used to make up a dialogue?(According to the first drawing, since two are talking: Gingerbread Man and Wolf.)

(The first row makes up a dialogue for the first picture, the second row makes up a monologue for the second picture, the third row prepares an answer to the question: in what cases do we use a dialogue in speech, and in which - a monologue? Children read 2-3 answers from each row. The teacher evaluates the answers.)

VIII . Summing up the lesson

- How to distinguish a dialogue from a monologue?(In oral speech: if two or more characters speak, this is a dialogue. In written speech, dialogue can be distinguished by a dash that separates the words of each speaker.)


Run ex. 11 (p. 14).

Dialog it is a conversation of two or more persons, a form of speech consisting of an exchange of remarks. The basic unit of dialogue is dialogical unity - a semantic (thematic) combination of several replicas, which is an exchange of opinions, statements, each subsequent of which depends on the previous one.

Pay attention to the serial connection of the remarks that form a dialogical unity in the following example, where the question-answer form assumes a logical following from one topic touched upon in the dialogue to another. (Excerpt from the book "Home Lab"):

Rod tried to express the idea of ​​equipping a home chemical laboratory in the most decisive way.

- Only this was not enough for us in the apartment, - my mother said sternly. After a short pause, she explained: - Chemistry is smelly gases, explosions, fires and pesticides.

Ruth, the younger sister, realizing that "chemistry" is an interesting thing, clapped her hands happily.

Dad, as always, took a neutral position and buried himself in the newspaper. True, a minute later he looked out from behind the sheet and spoke;

- Your proposal, Rod, needs to be carefully considered and discussed.

Rod was supported by Pal, a student of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of the Pedagogical University:

- It is quite difficult to equip a real chemical laboratory at home. This requires a separate room, sophisticated equipment, dishes, chemicals and much more. However, it is not difficult to arrange a small corner for a young chemist.

- If mom allows, - continued Pal, - we will make a workplace on the balcony. We will hang an old kitchen cabinet for reagents and utensils on the wall. Instead of a chemical table, you can put a bedside table.

In this example, we can single out several dialogic units united by a common theme. Dialogic unity is provided by the connection of various kinds of replicas (formulas of speech etiquette, question - answer, addition, narration, distribution, agreement - disagreement).

There are three main types of interaction between the participants in the dialogue: dependence, cooperation and equality. Let's show this with examples.

The first example is a dialogue between a teacher and a student during a homework check:

The teacher calls the student (as it turns out later, who did not learn the lesson) to the board:

- Kolya, go to the blackboard, write down the reaction equations that characterize the properties of sulfuric acid.

- I didn't learn my lessons today.

- When will you, Sidorov, take up your mind? Sit down two!

The second example is a conversation between two teachers - an example of a dialogue by type cooperation(both teachers are concerned about the poor results in the studies of student Sidorov and strive to solve the problem through joint efforts):

- Sidorov again refused to answer at the blackboard today. How to make him learn normally?

- You can talk to his parents.

- And, it seems to me, it is necessary to interest him in a small creative project. Then, after the completion of the project, praise in front of everyone and set them up for further studies in the right direction.

The third dialogue example is dialogue-equality, when the participants in the dialogue are having a conversation that is not aimed at achieving any specific result (as, for example, in the previous dialogue):

- What are the best experiments to use in studying the rate of a chemical reaction?

- Here you can show what factors affect the speed.

- Yes, but I do not have all the reagents that are recommended in the methodological literature.

Dialogue is considered as a primary, natural form of speech communication, therefore, as a form of speech, it has received its greatest distribution in the field of colloquial speech, however, dialogue is also presented in school, scientific, journalistic, artistic and official business speech.

In dialogical speech, the so-called the universal principle of economy of means of verbal expression. This means that the participants in the dialogue in a particular situation use a minimum of verbal, or verbal, means, replenishing information that is not expressed verbally through non-verbal means of communication - intonation, facial expressions, body movements, gestures. However, for the development of students' speech at school, the teacher should still use full sentences, and demand from students, if possible, complete answers to the questions posed.

The main forms of dialogue at school are various types of conversations.

Monologue can be defined as a detailed statement of one person.

The monologue is characterized by relative length (it may contain parts of the text of different volume, consisting of structurally and meaningfully related statements) and a variety of vocabulary. The topics of the monologue are diverse and can be freely changed during its deployment.

There are two main types of monologue. Firstly, monologue speech is a process of purposeful communication, a conscious appeal to the listener and is typical, first of all, for the oral form of book speech: oral scientific speech (for example, an educational lecture or report), judicial speech and oral public speech. The most complete development of the monologue was in artistic speech.

Secondly, a monologue is a speech alone with oneself, that is, a monologue may not be directed to a direct listener (this is the so-called "internal monologue") and, accordingly, is not designed for the interlocutor's response.

A monologue can be either unprepared, spontaneous, which is typical, first of all, for the sphere of colloquial speech, or prepared, thought out in advance.

According to the purpose of the statement, monologue speech is divided into three main types: informational, persuasive and inciting.

informational speech serves to transfer knowledge. In this case, the speaker must, first of all, take into account both the intellectual abilities of the listeners to perceive information and cognitive abilities.

The varieties of informational speech include the explanation of the teacher, lectures, messages, reports.

Let's give an example of a teacher's informational speech when studying the topic "Ammonia". Teacher : Both an aqueous solution of ammonia and ammonium salts contain a complex ion - the ammonium cationNH 4 + , which plays the role of a metal cation. It is obtained due to the fact that the nitrogen atom, having a free (lone) electron pair, can form another additional covalent bond with the hydrogen cation, which passes to ammonia from acid or water molecules. Such a bond is called a donor-acceptor bond.

Write down the scheme formation of a donor-acceptor bond on the example of an ammonium ion (slide):

persuasive speech addressed primarily to the emotions of the listener. In this case, the speaker must take into account his receptivity. As an example, I will give the teacher's introductory remarks when studying the topic "Ammonia".

Teacher: Guys, you probably know that the state's strategic food reserves in case of emergencies are stored in huge cold storage warehouses. Ammonia is used as a refrigerant. Ammonia is the most important nitrogen compound, which has a wide practical application in other industries, in medicine and even in everyday life. Therefore, every literate person should know the properties of this substance, be able to apply it in practice. Write down the topic of the lesson:"Ammonia. Ammonium salts".

motivational speech aims to encourage listeners to take various actions. At school, this type of speech is of particular importance, since teachers at almost all stages of the educational process encourage students for certain activities.

As an example, I cite the teacher's phrases when summing up the explanation and consolidation of knowledge in the lesson.

Teacher: -Write down the formulas of the following substances: ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, ammonium hydrogen phosphate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate.

- Write down the reaction equations for the following transformations: Nitrogenammonia → nitrogen monoxidenitrogen dioxideNitric acidammonium nitrate.

A teacher's monologue in a lesson is a form of speech that always strives for dialogue, in connection with this, any monologue can have means of its dialogization, for example, appeals, rhetorical questions, a question-answer form of speech, i.e. everything that can increase communicative activity students, evoke their response, activate thinking and attention.

Let us consider the features of the construction of a monologue speech of a chemistry teacher when explaining new material using a specific example (the expected answers of students are given in brackets, underlined).

Teacher: First of all, let's study the structure of the ammonia molecule NH 3 , which is made up of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms.

Once again, consider the diagrams of the structure of the atom and the nitrogen molecule (they sketched in the notebook in the last lesson).

How many electrons are in the outer energy level of the nitrogen atom? (Five ).

- Name the number of valence electrons involved in the formation of a chemical bond in a nitrogen molecule. (three electrons ).

Consider the electronic structure of the ammonia molecule(slide ).

Write the diagram in your notebook:

What is the type of chemical bond in the ammonia molecule? (covalent polar bond ).

- To which atom in the ammonia molecule will the electron density be shifted and why? (Three common electron pairs are shifted towards the more electronegative nitrogen atom, as a result of the shift of electron pairs, a polar covalent bond occurs ).

Thus, monologue and dialogue are considered as two main varieties of speech, differing in the number of participants in the act of communication. Dialogue as a way of exchanging thoughts between communicants in the form of remarks is a primary, natural form of speech, in contrast to a monologue, which is a detailed statement of one person. Dialogical and monologue speech can exist both in written and oral form, however, written speech is always based on monologue, and oral speech is always based on dialogic.

The most important function of language is to serve as a means of communication. People exchange greetings, argue and agree, make phone calls, make speeches in front of the public, not suspecting that they are entering into dialogues or using the principle of monologue construction of speech. Monologue and dialogue are ways of verbal information exchange that differ in structure and content.


Monologue- a way of constructing a speech in which the speaker in the form of reflection, appeal or evaluation of someone's actions conveys his state of mind. A monologue is a structural element of many literary works, especially dramatic ones.

Dialog- verbal communication of two or more persons, the structure of which consists of a sequential alternation of replicas, perceived by ear or recorded in the form of direct speech. This method of speech organization serves to exchange opinions or useful information.


A monologue is a speech spoken aloud and addressed to a real or imaginary interlocutor, in which the innermost thoughts are conveyed and the emotions of the speaker are expressed. The speech situation using a monologue is built on the principle speaker - listener.

The monologue is pronounced by one person and directly in the process of speech does not imply a response from other participants in speech communication.

Two people participate in the dialogue: this is a conversation, a dispute, a discussion in which different opinions are expressed regarding the topic of communication or contains additions and confirmations of the thoughts expressed. The dialogue consists of separate phrases - remarks, each of which is a structurally complete semantic whole.

Dialogue is the main speech component of interpersonal communication. It is clearly structured, logical and consistent. A monologue is always self-expression, in which semantic and syntactic order is not necessarily present.

Findings site

  1. Monologue is the speech of the speaker, in which no response is expected from the interlocutor. Two people are involved in the dialogue.
  2. The monologue is addressed to the listeners or the intended interlocutor. Participants in the dialogue address phrases to each other.
  3. A monologue is a way of verbal self-expression. Dialogue is an important communicative element of speech.
  4. The dialogue is structurally divided into replicas. A monologue is a single speech fragment in the semantic and structural terms.

This article answers the question: "What is a dialogue and a monologue?". It presents the characteristics of these two forms of speech, definitions, varieties of each of them, punctuation and other features. We hope that our article will help you to understand the differences between them in as much detail as possible, to learn something new for yourself.

Dialogue: definition

Dialogue is a form of speech, which is a conversation between two or more persons, which consists of an exchange of remarks between them. The main unit of dialogue is called dialogical unity - this is a thematic (semantic) combination of several separate remarks into one, which is an exchange of statements, opinions, each of which is connected with the previous one and depends on it.

The existence of dialogic unity is explained by the connection of heterogeneous replicas (addition, distribution, narration, agreement-disagreement, question-answer, speech etiquette formulas).

Sometimes it can also exist thanks to statements that are a reaction not to the previous remark of the interlocutor, but in general to the situation of speech, in which the participant in the conversation asks a counter question:

What is dialogue and monologue in your opinion?

What do you think?

The nature of statements may depend on a variety of factors: first of all, on the personalities of the participants in the dialogue with their speech tactics and strategy, on their speech culture, the factor of the presence of a "potential listener" (who does not take part in the conversation, although he is present at it), the degree of officiality of that environment in which communication takes place.

Interaction types

The code of relations between the participants in the conversation also influences the characteristics of the replicas, i.e. their type of interaction. There are three main types: cooperation, dependence and equality. The degree of formality of the environment depends on the control of the speakers over their speech and compliance with language requirements and norms.

Dialogue Structure

Dialogue in Russian always has a certain structure, which in most types remains the same: first comes the beginning, then the main part, and finally the ending. The beginning can be one of the many formulas of speech etiquette (Hello, Vasily Vladimirovich!) Or the first interrogative remark (What time is it?), As well as a judgment remark (Wonderful weather today!).

It should be noted that the length of the dialogue can theoretically be infinite, because its lower border can remain open. Almost every dialogue in the Russian language can be continued by increasing the dialogic units of which it consists. However, in practice, dialogic speech has an ending (a phrase of speech etiquette (Goodbye!), A replica-consent (Undoubtedly!) Or a replica-answer).

Dialogue Features

Dialogue is a natural form of communication that is primary. Therefore, in colloquial speech, this form is most widely used. But the dialogue (whose definition was given above) is also present in journalistic, scientific and official business speech.

Conditions for the dialogue

For the emergence of a dialogue, on the one hand, an initial common base of information is needed, which the participants will share, and on the other hand, it is necessary that there is a minimum difference in the knowledge of the participants in this speech interaction. Otherwise, they will not be able to convey information to each other about the corresponding subject of speech, which means that the dialogue will be unproductive. That is, lack of information negatively affects the productivity of this form of speech. Such a factor can appear not only with low speech competence of the participants in the conversation, but also if they have no desire to start a dialogue or develop it.

A dialogue in which there is only one of the forms of speech etiquette, called etiquette forms, has a formal meaning, in other words, it is not informative. At the same time, the participants have no need or desire to receive information, however, the dialogue itself is formally generally accepted in some situations (for example, when meeting in public places):


How are you?

Well thank you. And you have?

Everything is fine, I work slowly.

So far, happy!

An indispensable condition for the emergence of a dialogue aimed at obtaining new information is the need for communication. This factor arises as a result of a potential gap in the possession of information and knowledge between its participants.

Dialog types

According to the tasks and goals, the roles of interlocutors and the situation of communication, the following types of dialogues are distinguished: business conversation, everyday dialogue and interview.

Distinctive features of everyday dialogue are a possible deviation from the topic, unplannedness, lack of goals and the need for any decision, a variety of topics of discussion, personal expression, the widespread use of non-verbal (non-verbal) means and methods of communication, conversational style.

A business conversation is a communication mainly between two participants in a conversation, which is therefore largely interpersonal in nature. At the same time, various techniques and methods of verbal and non-verbal influence of participants on each other are used. A business conversation, although it always has a specific subject, is more personally oriented (unlike, for example, business negotiations) and takes place mainly between representatives of the same company.

An interview is a communication between a member of the press and someone whose identity is of public interest. Its distinguishing feature is two-address, that is, the interviewer (the one who conducts the interview), when directly addressing the addressee, builds a special dramaturgy of the conversation, relying primarily on the peculiarities of its perception by future readers.

Dialogue punctuation marks

Spelling dialogues in Russian is a very simple topic. If the speakers' remarks begin with a new paragraph, a dash is written before each of them, for example:

What is dialogue and monologue?

These are two forms of speech.

And how do they differ from each other?

The number of participants.

If the replicas are selected without indicating belonging to one or another person, each of them is framed in quotation marks and separated from the next with a dash. For example: "What is dialogue and monologue?" - Forms of Speech. - "Thanks for the tip!".

In the event that the words of the author follow after the statement, the dash is omitted before the next of them: "How do you live?" asked Maria Petrovna. "Nothing, slowly," replied Igor Olegovich.

Knowing these simple rules and applying them in practice, you can always correctly compose a dialogue.

Monologue: Definition

The monologue has a relative length in time (it consists of parts of different volumes, which are statements related in meaning and structure), and is also distinguished by the diversity and richness of the vocabulary. The topics of the monologue are very different, which can spontaneously change during its development.

Types of monologue

It is customary to distinguish two main types of monologue.

1. Monologue speech, which is a process of purposeful, conscious communication and appeal to the listener, is mainly used in the oral form of book speech: scientific oral (for example, a report or an educational lecture), oral public and judicial speech. The greatest development was the monologue in artistic speech.

2. A monologue as a speech alone with oneself, that is, directed not to the direct listener, but to oneself. This kind of speech is called "inner monologue". It is not designed to elicit a response from one person or another.

A monologue, examples of which are numerous, can be both spontaneous, unprepared (most often it is used in colloquial speech), and pre-planned, prepared.

Types of monologue by goals

According to the purpose pursued by the statement, there are three main types: informational speech, persuasive and inciting.

The main goal of information is the transfer of knowledge. The speaker in this case takes into account, first of all, the intellectual and cognitive abilities of the perception of the text by the listeners.

A variety of informational monologue are various speeches, reports, lectures, reports, messages.

A persuasive monologue is directed primarily to the emotions and feelings of the listener. The speaker first of all takes into account the susceptibility of the latter. To this type of speech belong: solemn, congratulatory, parting words.

A motivational monologue (examples of which are political speeches that are very popular in our time) is primarily aimed at inducing listeners to various actions. It includes: speech-protest, political speech, speech-call for action.

The compositional form of the monologue

A monologue of a person in its structure represents a compositional form, depending either on the functional semantic or on the genre and stylistic affiliation. The following types of genre-stylistic monologue are distinguished: oratorical speech, official business and artistic monologue on the Russian language, as well as other types. Functional-semantic include narrative, description, reasoning.

Monologues vary in degree of formality and preparedness. So, for example, an oratorical speech is always a pre-planned and prepared monologue, which is certainly pronounced in an official setting. But to some extent it is an artificial form of speech, always striving to become a dialogue. Therefore, any monologue has various means of dialogization. These include, for example, rhetorical questions, appeals, a question-answer form of speech, etc. In other words, this is everything that speaks of the desire of the speaker to increase the speech activity of his addressee-interlocutor, to cause his reaction.

The monologue distinguishes between the introduction (in which the subject of the speech is determined by the speaker), the main part and the conclusion (in which the speaker sums up his speech).


Thus, it can be noted that monologue and dialogue are the two main forms of speech, which differ from each other in the number of subjects participating in communication. Dialogue is a primary and natural form, as a way of exchanging opinions and thoughts between its participants, and a monologue is a detailed statement in which only one person is the narrator. Both monologue and dialogic speech exist both in oral and written form, although the latter is always based on monologue speech, and dialogic on the basis of the oral form.