What is internal unconscious conflict. Manifestations of intrapersonal conflict

An internal conflict arises at the moment when a person cannot find agreement between feelings and arguments of the mind. This is a condition that has symptoms and consequences. Internal conflicts have a devastating effect on the psyche. We will analyze the issue in detail and learn how to recognize and eliminate internal ones.

Internal conflict in psychology is a complex multifaceted phenomenon. Psychologists call it cognitive dissonance. This is an oppressed state of the individual, caused by a clash of opposing beliefs, thoughts, desires. This happens when an honest citizen decides to steal. People call it pangs of conscience. In fact, this is an internal conflict. This is what happens when a priest who has taken a vow of celibacy falls in love.

When a person who holds certain beliefs violates his own rules, he has a feeling of internal contradiction. Psychological discomfort can cause deep suffering. It is not always possible to get rid of them on your own.

How does personality conflict manifest itself?

When internal contradictions escalate, decreases.

Symptoms of intrapersonal conflict:

  • apathy;
  • isolation;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • loss of interest in life;

Depending on the severity and type of problem, symptoms may vary. In some cases, the patient tries to distract himself with business: he cleans the house, puts it in alphabetical order, and actively works at work. In others, there is a breakdown, apathy. This is the most common response to cognitive dissonance. When an individual cannot make a choice, understand, forgive himself, he is persecuted. Anxiety appears. People in this state become distracted, concentrate poorly. Their thoughts are busy: the mind is constantly looking for a way out, stumbles upon irreconcilable differences between the senses and the mind, goes in circles.

Why does intrapersonal conflict occur?

The causes of this and other psychological problems are always rooted in.

Parents instill in us attitudes that turn out to be unsuitable for life in adulthood. But the program is installed in us, to go against it means to stumble upon contradictions within ourselves.

Religious beliefs are often the cause of conflicts. An example is the sinning and repentant believer. Religion is very strict: fasting, refraining from sinful deeds and thoughts. The believer understands that he should not sin, but the temptation takes over. We are all human, we all have our weaknesses.

Own beliefs, attitudes, frameworks also create an internal conflict of the personality. It can drag on for years, causing constant discomfort up to nervous exhaustion. For example, a woman who gained weight after giving birth. She wants to return to her former forms, to be beautiful. But she cannot overcome herself and believes that her husband is obliged to love her like that. The constant makes you break off diets, and this causes depression.

Or another example: a son who lives with his parents. He becomes an adult and begins to live his own life. Strict upbringing in the family taught him to obey his parents. And so, a thirty-year-old man comes home strictly at nine in the evening, cannot afford to buy a leather jacket instead of a down jacket, and does not even think about bringing girls home, because mom does not like them all.

What creates internal conflict?

If you understand the deep processes, an intrapersonal conflict arises on the basis of the impossibility of realizing the desired. But the obstacles on the way are not external circumstances, but internal ones.

The psyche sees two ways out of the situation and none of them is suitable. We cannot simply over-will, because such contradictions arise only on the basis of necessary and passionately desired actions. You can't just fall out of love with a guy, even if you know he's not right for you. It is also impossible to overcome the barrier in the form of one's own taboo. If you could overpower yourself, it would not be called an internal conflict. It occurs when the opposing forces inside are equal. While this battle lasts, it is impossible to feel comfortable.

What is the danger of intrapersonal conflict

A prolonged internal conflict of personality is dangerous, it has a destructive effect. If the problem is not resolved, the consequences will be dire:

  • severe depression with suicidal tendencies;
  • neurosis;
  • aggressiveness;
  • personality degradation;
  • disorganization, lack of communication between the mental and physical aspects;
  • lack of interest in favorite activities;
  • development of an inferiority complex, complete or partial loss of positive self-esteem.

People who cannot resolve internal conflicts for years become aggressive or vice versa, malleable and weak-willed, refusing to make decisions and make choices. Such individuals tend to look for the guilty in everything, even in small things. They love to blame others. Prolonged intrapersonal experiences lead to frustration. This is a psychological state that is provoked by insurmountable contradictions.

If you find yourself having a problem, don't panic. The first and most important step is the recognition of its presence. It remains only to study ways to deal with the disease.

Many internal conflicts take place in a hidden form and people live with them for years without realizing it. Unfortunately, in our country, psychological problems are considered more of a simulation than a disease. And it is not customary to go to psychologists until it comes to serious consequences, where a psychiatrist will have to figure it out. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, try to resolve the conflict yourself. If it does not work out, call the helpline or make an appointment with a psychotherapist.

Psychologists note that in addition to negative aspects, internal conflict can have positive ones. These include the mobilization of forces, experience in resolving their own crises, overcoming and accepting the situation. When a person deals with his "demons" on his own, he gains experience, knows himself. But the positive aspects can be seen if the situation was resolved quickly and without consequences for the psyche and nervous system.

Properties of intrapersonal conflict

When contradictions constantly operate inside, the individual cannot find balance, harmony. The mind constantly argues in favor of one or the other, but it does not work out to the end to overcome the contradictions. He experiences discomfort, which he may not notice. The main sign of internal conflict is a violation of internal harmony. The consequences are like a crumbling house of cards. Following constant discomfort and the inability to resolve contradictions, comes aggressiveness or apathy (depending on the innate, fight or flight reaction). She starts to eat away from the inside. A person may be aware of the existence of a problem as such. But what processes she launches in the psyche is difficult to understand on her own.

The general nature of the problem is devastating. First for the psyche, and then for the body. Against the background of nervous diseases, real serious physiological abnormalities appear. For example, nervousness and aggressiveness, first of all, hit the stomach. There is gastritis or an ulcer. Some women are prone to endometriosis and other similar ailments. All diseases are really from the nerves. In addition to those that are viral in nature or are inherited.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

Consider different types of internal conflicts. They differ in the nature of the contradictions that have arisen. But the common features are the same in all cases. And the complexity depends only on the depth of a person's beliefs.

moral conflict

Common view: the contradiction is caused by the moral convictions of the individual and the desire to act contrary to them. There are many examples: a man understands that it is necessary to give way to the elder on the bus, but he is so tired after the shift that he does not dare to get up. All the way he is tormented by an internal conflict: morality says that he is doing wrong, selfishly, and fatigue in the body simply does not make it possible to do otherwise.

sexual conflict

It occurs in people who are shy and shy. A man would like to add variety to his sexual life, but he does not dare to say this, because he is afraid of being branded a pervert. Craving for BDSM, domination and other sexual variations makes itself felt in men and women. But people are embarrassed to tell their soul mate about this. On this basis, a conflict arises. I want emotions, other sensations, but the fear of being condemned or losing a loved one prevails.

The consequences of such complexes: the search for what is desired on the side and the subsequent break in relations. After all, the secret always becomes clear.

religious conflict

People brought up according to the Bible or the Koran have certain attitudes. But not everyone manages to follow them in life. Faith is a powerful tool. She helps to live, explains how to act. But in life it is impossible to follow all the covenants. People who have developed deep religious convictions experience deep inner conflict when faced with temptation.

For example, a believing teenager falls in love. Hormones released into the blood when falling in love push him to romantic deeds, caresses. At the same time, he understands that his actions are sinful and contrary to everything he was taught.

political conflict

Political conflicts arise in people who have to defend their interests, fight for territory. They can be international, affect domestic or foreign policy. People sometimes have to risk their lives to defend their interests.

love conflict

The struggle of reason and feelings is characteristic of people in love or involved in relationships. Being together doesn't let you break off the relationship. The abandoned side may realize that they lead nowhere and their ending was the right decision. But feelings will push a person to various stupidities: get drunk, scream under the window about his love, pursue the new passion of his ex, call at night.

The gap itself is often accompanied by internal conflict. Deciding to leave is not easy. After all, in addition to the arguments of the mind, there are still feelings and habit.

Self-Esteem Conflict

People with different types of body build may experience dissatisfaction with their own appearance. A person tries to change himself, but it is not easy and not everyone succeeds. A person cannot come to terms with the fact that he does not look perfect, and this gives rise to conflict. This happens after injuries and accidents that affect the appearance, after weight gain or an unsuccessful haircut.

interpersonal conflict

Occurs with a specific person or group of people. Often this is faced by teenagers who are disliked in the class - informal people, losers. Those who are different from others are white crows. They have to deal with social stigma. And this affects not only external relations, but also the inner world. The individual begins to doubt himself, to feel like an outcast, a loner. After all, people are always guided by each other. And society, and especially teenagers, can be cruel.

existential conflict

The most complex and difficult for a person. Often occurs with maximalists. This category includes the inability to understand one's purpose. When a person lives, works, communicates, but constantly questions the relevance of his existence - this is called an existential personality conflict. This also includes the loss of the meaning of life or the impossibility of self-expression.

Often people experience this in adolescence. Existential conflict is also clearly manifested during the crisis of 30 years, the midlife crisis. People are reevaluating their lives. Often this is accompanied by depression, apathy, or, on the contrary, a sharp change in work, image, divorce or romance on the side.

Ways to resolve intrapersonal conflict

Psychological work to eliminate intrapersonal contradictions is a painstaking process that requires thoughtfulness and diligence. It takes place in 5 stages:

  1. The first is understanding the problem.
  2. The second is to identify the causes, in-depth analysis. Problems are broken down into individual parts. The process is similar to unraveling a knot. It must be weakened in order to understand where all these threads come from.
  3. Then work on each aspect in turn. A person must understand which part of the internal conflict still has to win. This is not easy to do on your own. If it does not work out, call the helpline or make an appointment with a psychotherapist. The problem is that the opinion of others can completely confuse everything. Each person has their own beliefs. And not the fact that they are correct
  4. When it comes to anxiety, analyze its causes. Pull the string and understand what you are afraid of. Does everyone in your situation feel the same way? Is there really a risk? Do fears help you? They must be eliminated completely. Because the eyes of fear are really big.
  5. Work on beliefs. Example: remorse is a useless oppressive feeling. It is necessary to get rid of it. Remember, all people make mistakes.

So, one by one, the individual must put each of his beliefs on the scales and understand that the world is not divided into black and white. Situations are different, but all these are just situations, they will disappear in a year. And your nervous system will remain with you. Take care of her.


It is difficult to get rid of internal contradictions, but it is necessary. Remember: a child is born free. He must take charge of his own life. Parents can show how they live, but they do not have the right to impose their point of view. We don't have to be religious if our parents go to church every Sunday. We should not be ashamed of ourselves if we are different from others. We should not live in someone else's framework: everyone has their own.


Snezhana Ivanova

Intrapersonal conflict is manifested in the fact that a person cannot find a balance within himself, the right ways to solve disturbing problems.

Intrapersonal conflict is a contradictory state of a person, which is characterized by general fatigue, depression, psychological discomfort and impotence. Intrapersonal conflict is manifested in the fact that a person cannot find a balance within himself, the right ways to solve disturbing problems. It seems that the spirit of contradiction is tearing him apart from the inside: he is constantly rushing about in search of a suitable option, but he cannot find a way out. What are the reasons for this conflict? What is it characterized by, what are the ways to resolve it?

Causes of intrapersonal conflicts

The conflict caused by the internal contradictions of the individual has its own reasons. It can never appear out of nowhere. There are plenty of reasons for the development of intrapersonal conflict.

Dissatisfaction with life

The first reason for developing conflict with oneself is the feeling of inner emptiness. A person has a feeling of some spiritual hopelessness, which is based, most often, on insignificant facts. As a rule, some external circumstances contribute to the development of disbelief in oneself and one's own capabilities, and hinder effective progress. Dissatisfaction with life is the reason why often a person does not try to change anything in his existence. He has a number of limiting beliefs, such as: “No one loves me”, “No one is interested in me”, “I have no talent, special gifts”

Hence the unwillingness to act at all. An intrapersonal conflict caused by dissatisfaction with life cannot be quickly resolved. It will take a lot of time and patience for a person to realize his own disorder, the lack of free positive energy.

Impossibility of self-realization

Another common reason for the development of intrapersonal conflict is the inability to live by one's own rules. Not everyone initially has equal opportunities in order to fully realize their potential. One person is hindered by external circumstances. The other person is unable to get around significant obstacles on the way to the goal and therefore gradually loses his bearings. Intrapersonal conflict is a reflection of discord with one's own essence. When a person cannot understand what is most important for him in life, experiences significant difficulties in setting priorities, he is unable to make the right decision.

The impossibility of self-realization is a serious reason that impedes personal growth in general and the understanding of one's strengths in particular. If a person is in deep conflict with himself, then it is quite difficult for him to determine his true values. In this case, all prospects are lost, many opportunities are missed that could lead to the most desired result.

Low self-esteem

Often the development of intrapersonal conflict contributes to inadequately low self-esteem. For some reason, a person ceases to believe in his own prospects and opportunities, does not notice his strengths. Usually, low self-esteem is the result of improper upbringing, when the influence of parents becomes a kind of directive and does not imply any alternatives. The conflict develops when a person ceases to be aware of what is happening to him, crushes his natural aspirations and desires. Intrapersonal conflict, as a rule, proceeds for several months or even years. During this period, a person must realize what is happening to him, find ways out of the crisis, outline several ways for himself to advance in the future. If the resolution of the conflict related to one's own "I" and self-realization does not occur in time, a person runs the risk of losing the best part of himself, becoming indifferent to everything.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

The presence of any conflict must be approached as a problem that needs to be solved. Types of intrapersonal conflict show what initially caused the emergence and subsequent formation of a significant contradiction in a person. In relations with oneself, various conditions are important, with the help of which a person achieves a state of integrity. Unfortunately, even a minor obstacle on the path of life can break harmony.

Equivalent type

The conflict is expressed in the desire to preserve for oneself significant conditions of peace of mind and at the same time not to lose an important reference point. Most often, such a collision occurs as a result of the urgent need to make a conscious choice between the past and the present. The conflict forces a person to reconsider his own attitude to certain conditions of existence. It is exacerbated by the fact that there is a need to choose between two equivalent values. A person can sometimes be in thought for a long time, painfully trying to take the right step. As a rule, such a conflict implies that, giving preference to one event, we finally reject another, which is of no less importance.

vital type

The conflict manifests itself through unpleasant obligations that a person takes on his shoulders at a certain point in his life. The vital type is characterized by a loss of interest in one's own personality and in those activities that previously constituted a significant basis for existence. It is not solved by the usual methods of influencing the problem. A person is forced to spend a long time in an exhausting search before he dares to take a concrete step. As a rule, he is conscious and balanced. The conflict arises because a person has to make a choice between two equally unsatisfactory objects. In most cases, people tend to minimize their losses, so they prefer to focus on the lesser evil.

Ambivalent type

This person with himself implies that the choice is especially difficult to make. A person understands how serious the consequences of a wrong step can be and therefore is very afraid of the possibility of making a mistake. The ambivalent situation assumes that the result of actions somehow attracts and, at the same time, repels. In any case, the individual will have to overcome the conflict. A contradictory state does not at all contribute to the development of harmony within a person. If the conflict is not resolved in time, then additional suffering will appear due to some kind of hidden internal unfulfillment.

frustrating type

The conflict appears as a result of disapproval by society of specific actions of the individual, aimed at obtaining a particular result. The conflict manifests itself through the impossibility for the individual to do what is of significant interest to her. There is practically no freedom of choice here. A person who is in a state of pronounced frustration is necessarily in a struggle with himself. The inability to solve the problem alone eventually leads to conflict with the outside world.

Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

Intrapersonal conflict is a very dangerous thing. In many ways, it often prevents the formation of individuality, the disclosure of talents and abilities. A person in this state often does not notice what is happening to him. Suffering gradually becomes an integral part of his habitual existence. The resolution of an intrapersonal conflict leads to the disclosure of the true capabilities of a person, contributes to the establishment of relationships with loved ones. Suddenly, significant prospects appear that for some reason were not noticed before. What are the ways to resolve the internal conflict?


Achieving a compromise with oneself implies that a person will constantly work on shortcomings, try in every possible way to eradicate them. Many conflicts were resolved through compromise. Find in yourself those traits that you yourself find useful. These qualities of character will need to be cultivated in oneself to a confident state. The conflict is minimized and will gradually disappear altogether.

Recognizing your strengths

Of course, each of us has them. In most cases, a person tends to ignore his own victories and achievements. This approach to life allows him to constantly complain about the lack of opportunities. Meanwhile, opportunities are hidden everywhere, you just need to be able to see them in time. Intrapersonal conflict always reflects the unfair attitude of a person towards his own person. Check yourself, are you diminishing your achievements? Recognizing one's strengths will help not only to resolve a pressing conflict, but also to qualitatively improve life, to bring a lot of bright colors into it. Try to take the position “I am a value”, then you will not have to constantly prove to others your importance. Relatives, colleagues, friends from afar will recognize your personality and will not allow themselves more offensive statements addressed to you. Believe me, a strong person is one who was able to realize his true nature, to gain respect for himself. That is why we are respected by others.

Understanding your purpose

Conflict with oneself is always incredibly exhausting. It's like a battle that has no winners. People are sometimes ready to adapt to the demands of society and shift responsibility for their own destiny onto someone else's shoulders. Only the understanding of one's true destiny turns a person to a greater extent towards himself. It becomes difficult to confuse such a person, to impose some kind of opinion on her. If you want to be happy, find your favorite thing that will inspire you to new achievements and give you a lot of positive emotions. The resulting impressions will help to cope with any difficulties, resolve intrapersonal conflict.

Thus, in conflict there is always an opportunity for personal growth. The more efforts we make to overcome the contradiction, the more noticeable the final result will be. It is extremely important for a person to be able to deal with his internal conflicts in time in order to fully move forward and go through life with his head held high.

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Some people are faced with a serious psychological problem, because of which there is a big dispute within the personality. In other words, intrapersonal conflict is the contradictions that cover the individual. He is in great doubt, cannot make a single decision, since two opposing points of view have the same "weight". It is worth noting that this psychological problem can lead both to serious personal growth, if a person connects all his resources and mobilizes, and to big problems.

How does it happen in life? For example, a person finds himself in a difficult situation, and cannot make the final choice between real feelings and a marriage of convenience. Cannot make the final choice between work and family. There are a lot of such situations, but if you “plunge into them with your head” and attach great importance to them, there is a risk of coming to an internal conflict. Due to the lack of harmony between the outside world and one's own Self, there is also a risk of developing more serious psychological abnormalities. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze approaches to understanding intrapersonal conflict.

The basis and features of intrapersonal conflict

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As mentioned above, the basis of such a conflict is, first of all, the disagreements experienced within the individual. This conflict flares up inside a person, and he, as a rule, does not take it out into the outside world. The individual finds himself in a situation where he needs to rethink his values ​​and, if this can be done, acquires new useful qualities and a vision of the world. However, in reality, it is not always possible to cope with the situation, which leads to even greater isolation and asociality. The features of such conflicts are such that they cause stress, frustration and anxiety.

Anxiety manifests itself even before a certain situation unfolds. It, in turn, is divided into situational and personal. Situational anxiety develops due to external circumstances, but if a person does not have time to cope with it, it immediately turns into a personal one. Remember how in childhood we were scolded for deuces and threatened with punishment. When the baby receives a negative assessment, situational anxiety occurs (external circumstances have formed in a bad way), after which he remembers his parents and the intended consequences. Thus, internal anxiety begins to manifest itself. At these moments, internal dialogues begin that can develop into something more, for example, into intrapersonal conflicts or frustration.

Frustration is a state in which a person experiences great frustration. It occurs in cases where there is no way to solve a complex problem for subjective or objective reasons. The same child cannot avoid scandal at home, this leads him to oppression and frustration. In adults, this condition occurs most often when setting a goal and the impossibility of achieving it. When an individual throws all his strength and resources into solving a problem, but it turns out to be unsolvable at a given time. As a result, a person experiences great disappointment, impotence, and his desires do not coincide with his capabilities.

Further, if a person fails to cope with the developing internal negativity, stress may set in, which covers even more topics related to life in general and one's position in it. Let's get back to goal setting. Suppose an individual has set a goal to earn much more money, and, as usual, overestimated his capabilities. However, he wants to have an expensive car, new housing and beautiful things. As a result, there is a mobilization of all forces and after some time he realizes that nothing can be achieved, he abandons his idea. A small conflict flares up within the personality, a person begins to blame himself, and then the whole world around him for injustice. You can often find statements that life is unpleasant, only bad people are lucky, there is deceit and corruption all around. Although most often these problems do not directly affect the individual and have only a minor impact on his life.

What is intrapersonal conflict?

To finally understand the concept of intrapersonal conflict, imagine a state of complete doubt. It is so strong, and two opposing opinions are so reasonable, that you find yourself in a kind of stupor. And if we add to this the insolubility of the problem on our own and the impossibility of help from the outside world, a person is even more immersed in a conflict within himself. Interestingly, the confrontation develops according to several scenarios.

  • Latency. In such a state, a person does not even notice that he is in a confrontational state. As a rule, he has a lot to do, he is in a fuss, because of which there is no opportunity to be alone with himself. Under the guise of vigorous activity or euphoria, the plight of the individual is hidden;
  • Unusual structure. In this state, the conflict is not based on other subjects;
  • Specificity. A person, among other things, experiences stress, fear, depression.

A well-known psychologist in the Western world, Sigmund Freud, believed that the essence of human nature lies in a constant mental contradiction. This tension is often associated with the foundations of social culture and the desire of the individual. A small example is the rules of conduct. For example, we are told: “You need to be quiet in the library.” But maybe we want to discuss an interesting topic with someone in a loud voice or even stand in the middle of the room on our heads. There are a huge number of such situations and most of them are small, which we can handle.

The German psychologist Levin believed that a strong VC develops when two opposing opinions of the same magnitude collide inside a person. And the greater their significance and vital importance, the greater the risk of developing a confrontation within oneself. Rogers also made an interesting point. How often do we set ourselves ideals that are impossible to achieve. Moreover, sometimes our judgments are so subjective that we ourselves deny the possibility of achievement. As a result, the understanding of the ideal Self that we strive for, and the real discrepancy leads to big problems and impotence.

Varieties and types

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If we talk about the main types of intrapersonal conflicts, then it is worth understanding that we are dealing with a subjective opinion. As a result, there are no exact concepts, as the authors look at the problem differently. However, the foundation is there. As a rule, VC flare up in the social-consumer and value-motivational sphere.

Value-motivational sphere:

  • Moral. When a person does not find a balance between his preferences and morality. Between personal installation and duty to society;
  • Motivation. It often develops in situations where, in order to achieve a goal, you need to sacrifice your safety and comfort. As a result, the question arises between calmness and the desire to possess something.
  • Adaptation. Conflict arises when it is difficult for a person to adapt to a new reality. For example, a change of circle of friends or a new place of work;
  • Unfulfillment. The desired does not coincide with the actual;
  • Inadequate self-esteem. Sometimes a person underestimates his abilities too much or, on the contrary, overestimates them, as a result of which internal conflicts with reality arise.

Classification of intrapersonal conflicts in the social consumer sphere:

  • Conflict of social norms. Often a person denies social foundations, since they do not coincide with the inner vision;
  • Conflict of needs. Often, due to a limited budget, we cannot choose the right product and whims win. As a result, there are many loans, the meaning of life is lost, there is no joy from owning;
  • Conflict between social norm and need.

There are also types of intrapersonal conflicts. Levin (a German psychologist) proposed 4 main types: frustrating, vital, equivalent and ambivalent.

  • The ambivalent type of confrontation develops in those cases when the result or some actions are equally repulsive and seductive. There is a contradiction;
  • Equivalent. When an individual is given the goal of completing several tasks of equal importance. To get out of the conflict, you need to find a compromise;
  • The frustrating type develops when a person forbids himself to perform some actions, as they diverge from generally accepted moral principles and society;
  • Vital. When a person has to make decisions that he does not like, but they are necessary.

We can distinguish the main forms of manifestation of intrapersonal conflicts:

  • Euphoria - unjustified joy, tears are often interspersed with laughter;
  • Neurasthenia - migraine, insomnia, high depression, low performance;
  • Projection - criticism, negativity in relationships with people;
  • Regression - primitivism in behavior, denial of responsibility.
  • Nomadism - a constant desire for change;
  • Rationalism is self-justification.


As a rule, the causes of VC, its appearance and development, are due to three main factors:

  • External, due to the behavior of the individual within a particular group;
  • Internal, hidden in the contradictions of the personality itself;
  • External, due to the status as a whole within society.

When a person is faced with external factors due to confrontation with society as a whole, they are usually based on personal status. That is, a person does not like his position in society or how he is treated.

VC within a particular group may be different, however, there is a common basis - the inability to satisfy their needs. For example:

  • The absence of the desired object. I want a cup of coffee, but they don't sell that kind in this city, and so on;
  • physical barriers. A person is in a closed room, cannot get out on his own;
  • social circumstances;
  • biological barriers.

However, one cannot be said to be separate from the other. In fact, everything is very interconnected and one reason smoothly flows into another. For example, the development of an internal conflict is most often due to confrontation with a particular group or society as a whole. Just like that, contradictions (from the void) cannot appear. It should not be forgotten that the basis of the confrontation is based on two opposing opinions, which should be of great importance. Otherwise, this will not be a problem for the individual, and he will miss them by introspection.

It is important that the opinions are of equal strength, otherwise the individual will simply choose the strongest one. When they are of the same size, confrontation arises, stormy dialogues develop inside. What are the contradictions based on?

  • Confrontation of social roles. The modern world requires a person to perform many tasks, and time, as a rule, is not enough. For example, an adult is tasked with picking up a child from kindergarten and completing an urgent work order;
  • Confrontation between ordinary need and social norm. As you know, the human stomach works and sometimes it needs to remove gases. But what to do when there is a meeting or you are in a decent society;
  • The contradiction of religion and social values. A striking example is military action. A true Christian observes the commandment “Thou shalt not kill”, but when something threatens his family or homeland, a big dilemma also arises;
  • Mismatch between interests, needs and motives. In other words, a person himself does not understand what he needs from life in general.

Often, VC develops due to working relationships within the enterprise, since most of the time a person has to work and is in conditions that are created by the external environment. If a person could choose where and how to work, many problems simply would not arise. The main reasons for the development of conflict within a particular group:

  • The struggle of values ​​between their views on life, foundations and professional tasks. For example, if a person is pure in heart, used to speaking honestly, it will be difficult or even impossible for him to engage in advertising and sales;
  • Great responsibility and excessive tasks that are not commensurate with the possibility of a person.
  • Striving for creativity and routine work at the enterprise;
  • Two incompatible tasks;
  • Severe work requirements and poor working conditions;
  • Poor mechanism for achieving the goal, vagueness, ambiguity and at the same time a specific task.
  • Morality and profit.

Forms and methods of solving the problem

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To analyze the forms of manifestation and ways to resolve internal conflicts is an important task for every person. We have already talked about forms, now we can move on to the topic of resolving the situation. The bottom line is that if a person does not find a positive solution for himself, this will lead to a protracted confrontation and, as a result, to a suicidal situation, a nervous breakdown or the development of psychological abnormalities. That is why it is important to know how to act in the current conditions. Moreover, if you calmly figure it out, it is not so difficult.

In order for the resolution of intrapersonal conflict to occur as quickly as possible, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • Care. Try to let go of a difficult situation and switch to another topic. Sometimes the problem can not be solved with the existing skills and capabilities. Therefore, it is worth reconciling;
  • Compromise. If there is a choice, try to come to a compromise and immediately take action;
  • Sublimation. In cases where you can not solve the problem, switch to another type of activity that brings pleasure. For example, a hobby, sports or creativity, where you can achieve results. Later you will return to the unresolved problem with renewed vigor;
  • Reorientation. Change your attitude towards a person or object;
  • Idealization. If the reality is very bad, turn on the music and try to dream. Break away from reality. Watch a comedy or movie that you enjoy the most;
  • Correction. Try to be objective about your Self;
  • Crowding out. If desires are unrealistic, try to suppress them or push them away for a long time, switching to more achievable ones.

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Interestingly, the consequences of intrapersonal conflict are of the same "nature" as the confrontation itself. That is, it can have both a positive effect on a person and a negative one. In any case, the result will depend only on the individual.

Negative Consequences

  • A dead end in personal development, degradation is possible;
  • A constant state of stress, anxiety, suspiciousness, dependence on the opinions of other people and circumstances;
  • Disorganization in physiological and psychological terms;
  • Decreased activity;
  • The manifestation of polar qualities is humility or aggressiveness. Inferiority, uncertainty in their actions often develop, the meaning of life is lost.

In society, behavior manifests itself as follows:

  • Inappropriate reaction to other people;
  • Isolation from other members of the group;
  • Blaming others for your failures.

If a person does not solve the causes of VC in time, there is a risk of developing psychological deviations of a neurotic nature. That is why it is important to contact psychologists at any age if you are unable to solve the situation.

Positive Consequences

  • Will and character are tempered in struggle. People who often overcome themselves become strong, able to manage an internal resource;
  • Self-improvement, self-development and self-affirmation;
  • Develops intrapersonal intelligence;
  • The human psyche is more resistant to the influence of external stimuli. After several victories, a person is no longer afraid to accept the challenge and boldly goes into the fight, improving his Self.

As you can see, problems like these challenge us, but they have hidden growth potential. If you gather your courage or turn to the help of specialists, they will help you eliminate the causes of intrapersonal conflict and make you stronger.

Internal conflict is the personal problems of one person.

A person is an integral part of conflicts at all levels - from a quarrel of friends to a world war, but does not act as a standard unit in them. People are different and behave in a conflict very individually, due to the uniqueness of their internal mental organization. In addition, people not only take their internal conflicts outside, but also bring external ones into themselves. Therefore, we consider this seemingly purely psychological problem in the course of conflictology.

In the Middle Ages, man was seen as an object of struggle, his soul was a battlefield between good and evil. This idea still has its echoes. E. Shostrom: “Each of us has such a two-party system in which one part is in power, the other is in the loyal opposition,” and this is normal for a healthy person. The philosophy of modern times began to evaluate the complexity of the spiritual world as an obligatory structural characteristic of the personality. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. the most influential was the dynamic theory of personality by Z. Freud, who presented the human psyche as initially conflicting.

Internal conflicts are a necessary condition for the development of personality. If external conflicts, with a favorable outcome, develop our relationships with other people and make interaction in various social groups more effective, then internal conflicts make a deeper awareness of ourselves and our place in life. However, such conflicts, as a rule, go against the backdrop of painful experiences.

In general, the main types of difficult situations that a person encounters throughout life are:

– activity situation;

- the situation of social interaction;

- an intrapersonal situation.

Depending on how the threat is perceived, difficult situations can have three levels:

1) difficulties as a potential threat (problem situations of activity, problem situations of interaction and internal difficulties);

2) difficulty as an immediate threat (critical, emergency situations of activity, pre-conflict situations of interaction, intrapersonal conflicts);

3) difficulties as a realizing threat (extreme, including
and combat, situations, conflict situations and intrapersonal crises).

In a difficult situation of activity, a person is opposed by the environment.
In a difficult situation of interaction, a person is opposed by another person or group. In a difficult situation of an intrapersonal plan, a person counteracts himself.

In this topic, we will be most interested in the last type. Let us examine in more detail the types of difficult intrapersonal situations.

Intrapersonal difficulties are relatively simple problems of a person's inner life. They represent mental states of doubt, indecision, not found a way out, lack of a solution to the problem. They are called "frustration". Sometimes the actions of a person seeking to satisfy his needs are faced with obstacles. The external aspect of frustration is an obstacle. This may be a physical barrier, the absence of an object to satisfy a need, biological restrictions, social conditions. The internal aspect is imbalance, tension, difficult experiences, the desire to restore balance with the help of a new action. Tension can be relieved through adaptive behavior, which removes the source of frustration, or through maladaptive behavior, which is a simple discharge in the form of an aggressive reaction directed at oneself or at foreign objects. A non-aggressive reaction is also possible: flight and justification, suppression, regression. Here are a few ways that are commonly used to get out of a state of frustration:

blaming circumstances and disclaiming responsibility. The situation continues, can lead to stress and depression;

avoidance of the situation: everything will be resolved by itself. Sometimes it works, but more often it doesn't;

Finding options for solving the problem: overcome the obstacle, bypass it, take a compensatory action or abandon the goal.

Intrapersonal conflicts are the most extensive type of intrapersonal difficult situations. The severity of the course of an intrapersonal conflict depends on the individual's perception of the significance of a difficult situation, its psychological stability is called "stress". Stress is a necessary condition for life, its influence allows you to keep the psyche and body in good shape, contributing to better adaptation. This is a state of non-specific tension arising under the influence of subjectively significant influences. A stressor is a factor that causes such a state.

Three stages of stress:

1. Anxiety as a reaction to a stressor that has arisen.

2. Stabilization or adaptation to new conditions.

3. Stage of exhaustion, if the new stressful conditions are too long or difficult.

In the initial stages, stress activates, mobilizes the internal reserves of a person, improves the course of mental processes, it is short-term. In cases of prolonged exposure to a stressor, we are dealing with distress - a destructive process that disorganizes human behavior and worsens the state of the body.

Help to cope with stress:

the ability to plan;

the ability to recognize and accept limitations;

avoiding unnecessary competition;

Regular physical exercise

Possession of drug-free methods of relaxation;

Intrapersonal (life) crises act as special relatively positive periods of a person's life, characterized by noticeable psychological changes. Allocate age, neurotic and traumatic crises. In addition, intrapersonal crises are subdivided according to the activity criterion (crisis of the operational side of life: “I don’t know how to live on”; crisis of the motivational-target side of life: “I don’t know why to live on”; crisis of the semantic side: “I don’t know why live on at all." As a rule, intrapersonal crises are a kind of turning points in the life path of the individual, accompanied by a restructuring of the semantic structures of the individual's consciousness, a possible reorientation to new values ​​and goals. A "crisis" occurs when the problem escalates to an extreme point. As in the course of a physical illness, after a point of crisis, a person either dies - the destruction of the personality, or recovers - the resolution of the problem due to the need to solve it or perish.

The difficulty of the situation is largely determined by the subjective component:

There may not be an objective threat, but a person, making a mistake, perceives the situation as difficult. The reason may be his unpreparedness, distorted perception;

There may be real objective factors (the threat of death, the danger of an accident), but the person does not know about their existence and is not aware of the situation as difficult;

a person may be aware of the difficulty of the situation, but it is unreasonable to consider it not too difficult for himself;

The situation can be very significant for a person, but, not finding a solution to it, a person can resort to psychological protection and get away from its real weight;

The situation may be objectively difficult, but the availability of knowledge
and experience will allow you to overcome it without much difficulty.

A specific reaction of an individual to a difficult situation can be considered mental tension, which is characterized by active restructuring and integration of mental processes in the direction of the dominance of motivational and emotional components.

Depending on the influence of tension on mental functions, the following forms are distinguished:

Perceptual (occurring with difficulty in perception);

intellectual (a person finds it difficult to solve a problem);

Emotional (emotions arise that disorganize behavior and activity);

volitional (a person cannot control himself);

Motivational (associated with the struggle of motives).

Psychological stability is a characteristic of a person, which consists in maintaining the optimal functioning of the psyche under the frustrating and stressful effects of difficult situations. It is not an innate property of the personality, but is formed simultaneously with its development and depends on:

on the type of human nervous system;

· from experience of the person, vocational training;

· from skills and abilities of behavior and activity;

· from the level of development of the basic cognitive structures of the personality.

Among the components of psychological stability, there are: emotional, volitional, intellectual (cognitive), motivational and psychomotor. Psychological stability is not just their sum, but an integrative education.

Summarizing, intrapersonal conflict can be defined as an acute negative experience caused by the protracted struggle of the structures of the inner world of the individual, reflecting conflicting connections with the social environment and delaying decision making.

3.2. Causes of intrapersonal conflicts:
approaches and interpretations

There are several approaches to understanding intrapersonal conflict: psychoanalytic (Fadist, post-Freudian), role conflict, age conflict, motivational, cognitive, etc. Let's consider the main ones.

Freudian approach suggests that these sources of conflict are in the very structure of the personality.

Z. FREUD. Freud argued that the personality is multi-layered (Super-I - I - It), and recognized internal conflict as a natural consequence of a dynamic mental life. Such conflict contributes to the development of personality.

"It" was created by primitive biological desires and strives for their immediate satisfaction, unable to foresee the consequences.

"I" appears as a result of contact of the individual with the outside world. It already separates the desired from the real and can plan to meet the needs.

"Super-I" appears in the process of socialization. It contains norms, rules, moral values.

The conflict most often arises when “I want” (It), “I can” (I) and “must” (Super-I) collide. Such a conflict gives rise to internal tension, which can be removed with the help of protective mechanisms: repression, fantasies, substitution, rationalization, sublimation.

Based on Freud's theory, intrapersonal conflicts can be analyzed as conflicts between motives, values, and self-esteem.

Motives - “I want” (needs, interests, desires),

values ​​- "should"

self-esteem - "I can."