What does the modular competence approach mean? Features of the modular-competency model in the educational process

Implementation is modular −competency-based approach using information technology in the training of specialists of secondary vocational education in GBOU SPO STT.

The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action.
Herbert Spencer

The module in translation is “measure”, a functional unit. In education, a module is a relatively integral structural unit of information, activity, process or organizational and methodological structure.

The concept of "competence" is defined in existing draft standards as the ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful performance in a particular area. It is the level of compliance of individual indicators (learning outcomes) that is the main indicator of competence for the employer and society.

The essence of the competence-based approach is that in the process of education a person should form a holistic social and professional quality that allows him to successfully solve production problems and interact with other people. Thus, the language of competencies is the most adequate for describing the results of education, which are based on the needs of the labor market.

The concept of modernization of Russian education made it possible to identify a number of significant problems in the development of Russian education and to start moving towards the preparation of deeper reforms. Accelerating the pace of technology renewal leads to the need to change approaches to the development of educational content and learning technologies. In the context of the rapid development and expansion of the availability of open information networks, the transfer of "ready-made" knowledge ceases to be the main task of the educational process, the functional significance and attractiveness of the traditional organization of education decreases. The labor market imposes requirements not only on the level of theoretical knowledge of a potential employee, but also on the degree of responsibility and professional competence that he can demonstrate.

Modular-competence-based approach in vocational education- a model of the organization of the educational process, in which the set of professional competencies of the student acts as the goal of training, as a means of achieving it - the modular construction of the structure and content of vocational training.

Educational program based on the modular competence-based approach (modular educational program)- a document (set of documents) reflecting the content of vocational education and consisting of a set of modules aimed at mastering certain professional competencies necessary for the qualification.

At present, the success of the process of forming the information competence of any specialist in general and a teacher, in particular, depends on general educational computer training and guarantees of high professional mobility in a highly competitive labor market. The student should strive to use the computer in his professional field and have a high level of psychological and functional readiness for the successful application of new information technologies. We will talk about information competence as a necessary and sufficient significant part of the professional training of a teacher of special disciplines and professional modules.

Formation of informationteacher competence involves the following stages of problem solving:

  1. Determining the goals of the activity, i.e. formulation of the problem.
  2. Purposeful application of knowledge, skills and abilities in their
    in strict accordance with the problem posed in this problem.
    3. Interpretation of intermediate and final results.

Considering the educational process of a secondary specialized educational institution and the process of mastering new computer information technologies at the social level, it should be noted that the requirements of the modern information society for its members are, first of all, knowledge of information technologies and the ability to apply them. Information technology is a set of means and methods for collecting, storing, processing, searching, etc. information. The computer acts as a technical means of these processes.

A condition for effective training in the field of information

technologies is a qualitative approximation of the main tools and

software products used in the learning process to

information environment of the future young specialist. Development problem

information competence lies both in the field of technical

abilities of the educational institution, and in the absence of the necessary

methodological support.

The components of information competence can be identified

based on tasks; types of professional activity and qualification

requirements for specialists, taking into account the needs of employers and

focused on international standards, since the graduate must

perform not only all the types specified in the educational standard

professional activities, but also to be ready to realize their

personal potential in the conditions of floating professional boundaries.

To teach many practical skills the most effective

way in the system of open source software is a modular-competence approach,

which draws attention to the effectiveness of education, the main thing here is not the amount of information learned, but the student's ability to act in

various situations. Today, one of the most accepted technologies

implementation of the competency-based approach in education are considered

modular training, which allows you to get better

professional education. The module is relatively independent

unit of the educational program aimed at the formation

certain professional competencies.

The value of this approach is that it fosters the ability to independently learn, develop

students' abilities.

The conceptual basis of modular learning technology are theories

personality and motivation; activity and its subject; activity, cognitive activity and creativity; gradual formation of mental actions; cognitive ergonomics.

The purpose of the modular competence-based learning technology is to create conditions for the formation of competencies and the success of learning, for the development of creative cognitive activity and

student independence. The main idea behind this technology is

creating conditions for achieving high and lasting learning outcomes

students, as well as to develop their creative potential. Such conditions are the modular organization of the educational process, the constant monitoring of the level of achievements and the multi-point assessment of the success of student learning.

We believe that modular competence-based learning, provided it

correct application can be a means of forming 2231

professional competencies of future specialists precisely because of their

essential features: modularity, competence and rating. These features create opportunities for the formation of professional

competencies, since the center of gravity is transferred to the formation of the student's abilities for self-education, for independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and development of skills - categories included in the concept of "competence".

Individualization of training solves an urgent problem - training

specialists who are able to quickly adapt to changes in production, make the right and quick decisions and solve the tasks.

Given the focus of secondary vocational education on

training of mid-level specialists in production, it is necessary to know

employers' requirements for the quality of graduate training.

Cooperation of educational institutions with employers in assessing the level of formed professional competencies of the future

specialist and determining the requirements for a specific production

is the most requested.

Sebryakovskiy Technological College implements the principles of modular education: active learning methods are used,

information technologies are widely used, the student himself accepts

solutions, and the teacher only corrects them. Particular attention in this

addresses the personality of the student;

When preparing students in the specialty: 151031 "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)"

students actively use the Compass 3d program when completing graduation and course projects.

Students perform laboratory - practical work, term papers, during which they apply the skills of working on a computer with various programs, studying them in the lessons of "Information Technology". In the laboratories of the technical school, real production situations are created in which graduates will work. Students can try their professional abilities in different areas of work, which contributes to the mastery of practical competencies and increases the competitiveness of graduates.

At present, there is an urgent need not only to give

students of knowledge in disciplines, but also to teach them to independently obtain this knowledge using modern information space. As a result, future specialists quickly and easily adapt to any

professional environment, which guarantees their demand in the labor market.

To achieve the goals of the educational process of pedagogy

should be proficient in competency building technologies and

professional culture of future specialists and be professionally


Analysis of the state of the problem and the results of the implementation of technology

formation of professional competencies in the educational

process, as well as taking into account the requirements of employers for a future specialist

showed the need to take into account a number of features that determine

organizational and psychological-pedagogical conditions of traininga specialist from the standpoint of a competency-based approach:

The growing role of the personal qualities of a professional, which in the light of

changes in the requirements of modern high-tech production to

training of a specialist are not only the basis

professional culture, but also as a means of mastering

professional environment;

Activation of the student's activity aimed at mastering

professional competencies;

Formation of experience of professional activity with the aim

integration of theoretical and practical training;

The focus of the teacher's activity on creating conditions for the full-fledged independent work of students;

Creation of an electronic educational and methodological complex and

pedagogical technology that meets the characteristics of competency-based

approach in the formation of key and professional competencies, as well as the professional culture of a graduate of the secondary vocational education system.

The introduction of a competency-based approach to the ACT system will allow

to a large extent to implement personality-oriented, activity-oriented and practice-oriented approaches in the educational process.

The allocation of competencies in the content of academic disciplines determines the guidelines in the selection of those knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of activity that are most significant for the formation of professional and key competencies of a future specialist.

Purposes of usein information technology education are:

  • formation of skills to work with information, development of communication skills;
  • preparation of the personality of the "information society";
  • the opportunity to give the student as much learning material as he can learn;
  • the formation of research skills, the ability to make optimal decisions.

After analyzing the literature on this research topic and, based on personal experience, I believe that a teacher of special disciplines should:

  • master basic knowledge in the field of informatics, have an idea about information, methods of its processing, storage, transmission; - have an idea about the device of a computer, be able to select and load software into RAM, navigate in various operating systems;
  • know the basic terminology related to the use of information technology in education,
  • be able to work with text, graphics and music editors, spreadsheets and databases and knowledge, other application software;
  • be able to analyze the capabilities of software productsin order to identify the appropriateness of their use in educational and cognitive activities.

Thus, the information competence of a student is manifested in the readiness for constant information retrieval and the ability to process search results using new information technologies in order to obtain and update the knowledge necessary in educational and cognitive activities.

If certain pedagogical conditions are observed, then at all stages

the educational process will form the necessary

professional competencies of future technical specialists.

Based on the content of third generation standards, it is possible to

formulate professional competencies that will provide

comprehensive competence of trainees in the professional field:

Ability to integrate computer technology and traditional

teaching methods when learning new material (use of test

programs in a training mode to consolidate the acquired knowledge);

Formation of students' readiness for independent implementation

practical work on the computer, using the developed by the teacher

methodical instructions and manuals or electronic textbooks, search

information on the Internet;

The use of a computer in the diagnosis of learning outcomes

(using a test program to control the acquired educational


Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate the main trends

underlying computer educational technologies:

Development of independence, sustainable performance,

responsibility, willingness to solve the task with non-traditional


The formation of such qualities as self-control, self-criticism,

self-regulation - through the use of test programs, as well as

software that allows the student before the teacher

see the result of your work and draw conclusions about the correctness

problem solving;

Generating activity as constant participation is needed

student in what is happening. He is an active participant in the process

learning, and not a passive listener of a lecture or watching videos;

Formation and development of creative thinking, allowing

develop spatial imagination and model vision, which is especially

important when teaching students of technical colleges.

Thus, almost every discipline of secondary

vocational education should use computer

technologies to increase the level of student knowledge, accelerate and improve

presentation of material, activation of training. This will increase

the effectiveness of training, where the supply of large and sufficient

material that is difficult for students to understand.


Students of an educational institution of secondary vocational education must have

understanding of what competencies they need to develop and

to form in oneself in the learning process, to have a sufficiently high level

self-determination, professional motivation, be able to carry out

self-assessment and introspection, develop professionally important qualities in oneself

personality, as well as to master the content and technologies of formation

professional culture.

One of the main components of professional competence

modern specialist is information competence,

requiring the ability to work with computers, use

modern software designed to solve

professional tasks, the ability to obtain the necessary information from

using network technologies. In addition, modern specialist

must have certain personal qualities, be capable of self-learning in order to correspond to the level of development of information

technologies. All of the above requirements for the training of a specialist must be implemented in the process of teaching information-oriented disciplines.

New information technologies are today an integral

component of the development of a higher professional school, the entire system

education in general. Mastering these technologies is essential

component of the formation of a professional, including his communicative

competencies. In this sense, they are usually considered from the position

mastering computer technology, developing skills to work with

library collections and search for the necessary information, including in the media.

New information technologies are positioned as a method,

responsible mainly for the formation of information culture.

Functioning of a modern vocational school

impossible without building an educational process adapted to

life in a post-industrial society, creating conditions for maximum

possible personal development, embedding NIT tools in the educational

activities, search for new approaches to the organization of educational

process in the conditions of informatization of all spheres of human activity.


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Ulyanovsk Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining


OGO SPO Ulyanovsk Vocational Pedagogical College

Theoretical development

then the topic: “Modular-competency-based approach

to the formation of general and professional competencies

Director of OGO SPOUPK

Deputy Director of MMR

Scientific adviser: , head.


Ulyanovsk, 2011

Introduction. 3

Chapter I. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of the formation of professional and general competencies in the system of secondary vocational education. five

1.1. Professional and general competencies in the system of training specialists of secondary vocational education. five

1.2. Modular-competency-based approach as a set of technological, methodological and organizational components of the process of training mid-level specialists. 12

2.2 Formation of professional and general competencies within professional modules. 30

Conclusion. 36

Bibliography.. 37


The changes taking place in the economic life of modern Russian society require a qualitative transformation of the nature and content of labor: an increase in the level of social and professional mobility, the competitiveness of workers in various areas of production activity.

Secondary vocational education, first of all, should be aimed at meeting the needs of the economy in human resources. Recently, the development and functioning of the vocational education system, as well as the quality of training of specialists, has been seriously criticized by employers.

The current educational situation in Russia determines the need to rethink the key methodological approaches to the practice of making and implementing decisions related to the education and training of young people for dynamically changing market conditions. In the process of training specialists, the focus on personality and competence which makes it possible to significantly facilitate the process of adaptation of young people to the professional environment, to increase their competitiveness. Today, competent specialists who are able to function effectively in the new socio-economic conditions are becoming more and more in demand. The purpose of vocational education is not only to teach a person to do something, to acquire professional qualifications, but also to enable him to cope with various life and professional situations.

In this regard, the problem of training specialists on the basis of innovative approaches, which include modular competence-based, is of particular relevance today.

The modular-competence-based approach in vocational education is focused on the formation of competencies and fundamentally differs from the subject approach to the formation of knowledge and skills that has developed in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (SE VET). In this regard, the educational institution of secondary vocational education will have to revise all areas of activity, from organizing the training of teachers to creating a new model of the educational process. This development presents some aspects of this great long-term work of teaching staff.

Chapter I. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of the formation of professional and general competencies in the system of secondary vocational education

1.1. Professional and general competencies in the system of training specialists of secondary vocational education

The list of general competencies required for formation is proposed in the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education and accumulates the above components.

General competencies invariants with respect to the types of professional activity, and solve common tasks for various professional areas related to a person’s ability to interact with other people, solve problems, cooperate, work with information, etc.

They are presented in the form of an invariant part of the requirements for the quality of graduate training, carry relational and behavioral aspects and are aimed at:

Formation of basic (polyprofessional), general cultural (key) and professional (monoprofessional) competencies;

Spiritual and moral development of the personality of a graduate of a secondary vocational educational institution;

Formation of an active life, civil and professional position;

Formation of communicative and informational culture.

Professional competence is understood as an integrated result of vocational training, expressed in the readiness of the subject to effectively use internal and external resources to perform professional activities in accordance with established requirements. The formation of professional competencies is associated with the process of “adaptation” of a person, i.e., mastering the ways of activity (development of ability) in the process of mastering various types of activity. Since it is impossible to master the activity through imitation, the student begins to manage his activity, using, integrating the various results of education (knowledge, skills, values, etc.), forming his own resource package. If internal resources are not enough to perform some professional activity, the student can mobilize resources from outside.

A set of mastered methods of activity is socially in demand, is the subject of a request from employers and other customers of education, which allows the student to be adequate to typical social and professional situations. Such requirements may be relevant for a certain period of time, and then adjusted in connection with various kinds of changes (socio-economic, etc.).

It should also be taken into account that professional competence is the ability to perform the main types of professional activities and professional tasks in a production environment. Consequently, the composition of professional competencies can include the following groups of competencies: general professional, special and specialized, based on regional, industry specifics.

Summarizing the above, we can assume that a graduate who has mastered the educational program of secondary vocational education should be characterized by:

1. General competencies (social and personal):

Relating to a person as an individual, subject of activity and personality,

Social, determining his interaction with other people;

Relating to the ability to learn;

Information related to the receipt and processing of information;

Calculation related to the ability to solve professional problems using an adequate mathematical apparatus;


managerial, organizational;



Economic, including behavior in the labor market.

These competencies should be formed as common for a wide range of professions and specialties. They provide flexible behavior in the labor market.

2. Professional competencies or professional and functional knowledge and skills, practical experience, which provide a link to a specific object, subject of labor, labor functions.

In the proposed conditional "model" of a specialist, much attention is paid to the competencies of a social and personal orientation, which serve as a foundation that allows the graduate to flexibly navigate the labor market and in the field of additional professional education .

At the same time, it is necessary to avoid situations where the graduate is prepared for everything and nothing in particular. The tasks of object and subject training are solved by a block of professional competencies, which in the Federal State Educational Standards are represented by a large group of mastered types of professional activity.

The training of specialists in secondary vocational education in the context of new generation standards is not only a new educational result, but also an approach to obtaining it. This feature, of course, leaves its mark on the organization of the process of its formation.

The Federal State Educational Standards of SVE have a tiered approach to the formation of general and professional competencies. Considering the educational outcomes matrix, each group of competencies is proposed to be classified according to the levels of formation, which depend on the planned educational result, the type of activity performed (reproductive, partially search, search), training of students and their personal characteristics. Each level is based on the concepts of cognitive activity: reproduction, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation.

The basic level of formation of professional and general competencies is the minimum indicator and the basis for further increment and enrichment of professional competence.

And as a high indicator is the creative level of formation of professional competencies.

The levels of formation of professional competencies are determined by the criteria of activity. So, the criterion of the basic level is reproductive activity according to a given algorithm, based on the understanding and reproduction of professional actions. We will consider the criterion of a productive level to be partially search activity, which involves the use of professional actions in the analysis of a professional task. For the creative level, the criterion is search work, while an assessment of the situation or a professional task and a synthesis of possible options for professional actions take place.

An activity of a reproductive nature is distinguished by the fact that during its implementation, students use detailed instructions that indicate: the purpose of the work, explanations (theory, main characteristics), means and methods for achieving the goal, the implementation procedure.

The activity, which is partially exploratory in nature, is distinguished by the fact that during its implementation, students do not use detailed instructions, they are not given the procedure for performing the necessary actions, and requires students to independently select the means and methods for performing actions in instructive and reference literature, etc.

The activity, which is of a search character, is characterized by the fact that students must solve a new problem for them, based on their theoretical knowledge.

Thus, the achievement of results at the basic, productive and creative levels should be ensured through the understanding and acceptance by the subjects of the educational process of the goals of the activity, the requirements for intermediate and final results. As a consequence of this understanding, cardinal transformations should take place in the organization, methodological support for the process of forming general and professional competencies in the system of training specialists in secondary vocational education.

1.2. Modular-competency-based approach as a set of technological, methodological and organizational components of the process of training mid-level specialists

The introduction of a modular competency-based approach in vocational education, which integrates the main ideas of competency-based and modular approaches, is considered a promising and popular direction in the modern educational policy of our country. In 2001, the transition to competence-oriented education in Russia was enshrined in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010 and the Priority Directions for the Development of the Educational System of the Russian Federation (2004). The Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for Years includes bringing the content of education, teaching technologies and methods for assessing the quality of education in line with the requirements of modern society among the main activities. One of the mechanisms for successfully solving the tasks set is the implementation of educational programs in the system of secondary vocational education, built on the basis of a modular competence approach.

It should be noted that the approach under consideration also reflects the trends in the development of the international educational space and meets the basic principles of organizing a single European space within the framework of the Bologna and Copenhagen processes.

As a result of the analysis of the use of competency-based and modular approaches in domestic and foreign theory and practice of education, their main invariant characteristics have been identified and formulated. For the competency-based model of education, firstly, it is characteristic to define the educational result through the category of "personality's readiness for adequate actions in a given situation" . The phenomenon of a person's readiness for activity includes the ability to carry out this activity and the motive, the desire for its implementation. Secondly, the meaning of organizing the educational process in competence-based education is to create such conditions under which new information will not just be formally learned, but will form part of the student's internal resource, i.e., a mechanism is designed to master the methods of activity in the process of mastering various types and types of practices. And, thirdly, the assessment of students' educational achievements is based on a predetermined quality standard with unambiguous criteria. Thus, the modular competence-based approach in education captures the restructuring of traditional systems of goal setting, planning, organization and evaluation of educational results.

The characteristic of this approach can be reduced to the following terms:

The main unit of the content of training is a module that has integrity, a certain internal structure, and is aimed at achieving specific educational goals;

The organization of the educational process requires the creation of conditions for the development of methods of activity and methods of action, while the assimilation of the content of training cannot be carried out by simply transferring information to the student, but only in the process of his own, internally motivated activity;

With this approach, the ability to respond flexibly and adapt to specific learning conditions is fixed: to design individual educational trajectories of students, to correct the learning process in a timely manner;

The use of a modular-competence-based approach in practice greatly simplifies the implementation of the principle of cooperation in the educational process, it becomes obvious the use of various active teaching methods, the redistribution of activity from the teacher to the student.

Thus, we see that the introduction of a modular-competency-based approach makes it possible to ensure the unity of the technological, methodological and organizational components of the process of training specialists in an institution of secondary vocational education.

Features of the technological component:

Ensuring the mandatory study of each component of the didactic system and its visual representation in the modular program and modules;

A clear structuring of the content of training, a consistent presentation of theoretical material, providing the educational process with an information-subject system for assessing and controlling the assimilation of knowledge (rating control), which allows you to adjust the learning process;

The possibility of various training options, adapting the educational process to the individual capabilities and needs of students.

These distinctive features are the basis of the high manufacturability of the approach, which is determined by:

Structuring the content of training;

A clear sequence of presentation of all elements of the didactic system (goals, content, methods of managing the educational process) in the form of a modular program;

Various options for structural organizational and methodological units.

Features of the methodological component:

The modular construction of educational programs allows you to quickly and flexibly respond to the frequently changing requirements of the modern labor market by “building up” the necessary units of qualification;

The unit of qualification in the modular-competence-based approach is professional and general competencies, which are formed within the framework of studying one or more professional modules;

Changing the role of the teacher in the educational process: from the "translator" of knowledge to the organizer of the process of independent "extraction" of knowledge by students.

Features of the organizational component:

The educational process, regulated by the modular curriculum, as the nature or set of behavioral models of the teacher changes and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, can be changed by changing the number, structure and sequence of mastering the modules;

The educational process can be built through the design of individual educational routes for students.

The purpose of modular-competency-based learning is to create the most favorable conditions for the development of the individual by ensuring the flexibility of the content of training, adapting the didactic and methodological systems to the individual needs of the individual and the level of his basic training through the organization of educational and cognitive activities along an individual educational trajectory.

Chapter II. Modular-competence-based approach to the formation of professional and general competencies

2.1. Formation of professional and general competencies in cycles of disciplines

To obtain high-quality professional and general competencies as components of various types of professional activities that are in demand by employers and other customers, it is necessary to consider the most significant conditions and factors for the formation of these characteristics of mid-level specialists. To do this, initially, it is necessary to consider the issue of the cycles of disciplines aimed at the formation of the components of certain competencies.

It should be noted that the entire course of study for students of secondary vocational education consists of disciplines of general, humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and general natural science cycles and general professional disciplines.

The specificity of new approaches to the design of discipline programs lies in the fact that each of the cycles should have a practical part (preferably related to the application in production or in solving life problems of theoretical knowledge and skills). In addition, the practical part should contribute to the development of business and industrial activity of students, which should subsequently develop into industrial initiative, the ability and desire to develop production, technology and practical experience.

Work programs are the main regulatory documents of an educational institution of secondary vocational education that determine the content, methods, forms and means of teaching various disciplines of the curriculum. Giving them a modular structure involves a significant modernization of various aspects of the educational process, aimed at its further improvement.

To develop the work programs of the disciplines, a unified layout scheme is proposed, consisting of four main sections:

Thematic plan and content of the discipline;

Conditions for the implementation of the program of the academic discipline, its methodological, personnel and information support;

The ultimate goals of studying the discipline and methods of monitoring their achievement.

The requirements for the ultimate goals of studying the discipline are formulated in the form of skills that students need to develop upon completion of the study of the discipline and represent a generalized activity and a listing of its components - less generalized activities or actions. In addition to listing the skills, the goals also formulate the knowledge that the student must have in order to perform these actions.

But the analysis of the structure of the program, developed on a modular-competency basis, does not answer the question of how a teacher can form one or another competence of students by means of an academic discipline. Within the framework of this paragraph, we will try to show the possibility of forming a general competence - the ability to work with sources of information that can be formed within the framework of an academic discipline. The formation of "Information Competence" in the real educational process has many functions and works to form a whole range of components and other competencies, including professional ones.

Another important note regarding the formation and assessment of information competence: any task and exercise offered to a student within the framework of a competency-based approach is regarded both as diagnosing and as formative, i.e. by offering to analyze the text to students, the teacher can identify his difficulties and formed skills, as well as assess the degree of their development. By designing and using this task system, the teacher can also implement a differentiated approach to students, since the task system includes several levels of complexity, which makes it possible to quantify the educational result.

In assessing the formation of general competencies, one can rely on a three-level model proposed by the Federal Institute for the Development of Education.

Table 1

Model for assessing the formation of general competencies

Level of formation

Formed modes of activity


The general orientation of the student in the ways of the intended activity;

Knowing where key information might be located;

Reproductive reproduction of generalized learning skills according to known algorithms;

- "recognition" of a new problem that arose in a familiar situation;

Availability and acceptance of any outside help.

(capability level)

Ability to search for missing information to solve the problem in various sources and work with it;

Ability to solve some practical tasks in familiar situations;

An attempt to transfer existing knowledge, skills, methods of activity to a new situation;

Willingness to provide all possible assistance to other participants in joint activities;

Minimal outside help.

Advanced (creative)

Ability to predict possible difficulties and problems on the way to finding a solution;

Ability to design complex processes;

Skillful transfer of existing knowledge, skills, methods of activity to a new unfamiliar situation;

Lack of outside help;

Assistance to other participants in joint activities;

The ability to reflect on one's actions.

The basis for the design of diagnostic and formative tasks for information competence are developments,. The authors emphasize that “assessment through competence-oriented test items differs significantly from the traditional assessment of educational outcomes (knowledge, skills ...), since it cannot be carried out exclusively with the help of closed-type tasks that require one correct, prescribed, finally learned answer. A competency test cannot be considered correct (valid) if it checks not an activity, but some information (albeit about this activity). Although certain aspects of competencies can and should be tested using closed questions, the need to track the new result of education as a whole forces specialists to turn to open-type test tasks, which are so named because the answer to the questions of these tasks cannot be predicted verbatim. After all, the execution of tasks of an open type requires the student to perform certain activities to search for the necessary information, resolve the problem that has arisen, or formalize the results of its solution. Such a task always requires a detailed answer.

The proposed technology is based on several grounds for classification related to the characteristics of information and methods of its processing:

1. The number of information sources that the student works with at the same time. Depending on the age and degree of formation of the relevant skills, this can be one, two, three, four or even five sources. Depending on the completeness of the use of the proposed materials, the teacher can judge the breadth of the competence under consideration. In the future, it is this series of tasks, associated with varying the number of sources, that serves as the basis for the formation of the skill of writing an abstract, reviewing the literature on a particular problem, etc.

2. The volume of the proposed material. Depending on the nature of the source of information, the volume can be calculated in different ways: the number of words, the number of sentences, paragraphs, paragraphs, pages, etc. It is this indicator that allows the teacher to quite finely differentiate information competence by quantitative characteristics.

3. Method of presenting information. For students, information can be offered in the form of a text (moreover, it can be a text from a textbook or an additional source), pre-selected by the teacher, containing only the necessary information; it can be a text containing redundant information, within which the student must find the facts that are needed; it can be a drawing, a diagram, a reproduction, a graph, a table, etc. We can especially highlight audio and video information, which should also be used by the teacher to form informational competence. To work with students, we can recommend not the text itself as a way of presenting information, but a link to it in the form of a list of references or an Internet address.

4. The complexity of the source of information. The source can be simple, that is, contain information of one type - only text, only a picture, or only a table, or it can be complex, containing audiovisual (music - picture) or verbal-graphic (text - graph / diagram) information. The complexity of the primary processing, of course, due to the complexity of the source structure, the grounds and purpose of the search, as well as the complexity of logical operations and the degree of independence of their implementation. The increase in the complexity of the question does not occur by synchronously complicating the sources of information and tasks for them. If the student works with simple sources of information, then he receives a more complex task of extracting and primary systematization of information or its processing. If the sources become much more complicated, the tasks for them can remain at the level of complexity of the previous level.

This example shows the logic behind the definition of key performance indicators. According to this professional competence, the student designs the technological process. Based on what indicators will the teacher (master, expert) be able to determine that this competence has been mastered? Of the options proposed in the second column, each indicator reflects the essence of competence, and most importantly, diagnostics. Forms and methods of control are also the most acceptable.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the assessment indicators and the selected forms, methods of control in the aggregate should make it possible to unambiguously diagnose the formation of the relevant general and professional competencies.

After the development of section 5, you can begin to form the content of the program of the professional module. The names of interdisciplinary courses (IDC) are defined in the Federal State Educational Standard. The task of pedagogical workers is that they need to fill the MDT with appropriate didactic units aimed at the formation of knowledge. In each MDT, a certain number of laboratory or practical classes are planned, in which skills are developed. Depending on the degree of functionality of the knowledge studied in the MDK, the levels of their assimilation are established.

In the Federal State Educational Standards of SVE of the new generation, 50% of the volume of the compulsory teaching load of students is allocated to extracurricular independent work. For each didactic unit, students must report on a specific result, a “product” of educational or practical activities.

In the structure of the program of the professional module, the next component is professional practice: educational, industrial.

Educational practice is aimed at:

To improve the skills of students;

Acquisition of initial practical experience;

For the development of a working profession (if this is one of the types of professional activity in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in the specialty). In this case, the student can qualify for a working profession.

Training practice is carried out, as a rule, in educational, training and production workshops, laboratories, educational farms, educational and experimental sites, training grounds, resource centers and other auxiliary facilities of an educational institution.

Training practice can also be carried out in organizations in specially equipped rooms on the basis of agreements between the organization and the educational institution.

Training practice is carried out by masters of industrial training and (or) teachers of the professional cycle.

Industrial practice consists of two types:

Practice in the specialty profile;

Undergraduate practice.

Practice in the profile of the specialty is aimed at developing the student's general and professional competencies, improving practical experience and is implemented within the framework of the OPOP SVE modules for each of the types of professional activities provided for by the Federal State Educational Standards of SVE in the specialty.

Undergraduate practice is aimed at:

To develop general and professional competencies;

To check the student's readiness for independent work;

To prepare for the implementation of the final qualifying work (thesis project or thesis) in organizations of various organizational and legal forms (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

Pre-diploma practice is carried out, as a rule, in organizations on the basis of agreements concluded between the educational institution and these organizations, the direction of activity of which corresponds to the profile of training students.

During undergraduate practice, students may be enrolled in vacant positions if the job meets the requirements of the undergraduate program.

The goals and objectives of the practice program and reporting forms are determined by the educational institution for each type of practice.

Educational practice and industrial practice (according to the profile of the specialty) are carried out by an educational institution within the framework of professional modules and can be implemented both concentrated in several periods, and dispersed, alternating with theoretical classes within the framework of professional modules. The timing of the practice is set by the educational institution in accordance with the OPOP SPO.

Pre-diploma practice is carried out continuously after mastering the programs of educational practice and practice in the specialty profile.

If the FSES SPO within one of the types of professional activity provides for the development of a working profession, then based on the results of mastering this module of the OPOP SPO, the student receives a document (certificate) on the level of qualification. Assignment of qualifications in a working profession should be carried out with the participation of employers and, if necessary, representatives of the relevant bodies of state supervision and control.

The results of the internship are submitted by the student to the educational institution and are taken into account in the final certification.

Thus, within the framework of the professional module program, a complete cycle is provided for the formation of certain professional competencies and individual general competencies, which can be decided by the attestation or expert commission of the educational institution. The structure of the professional module program meets the following principles:

Minimum sufficiency (everything necessary for the formation of those educational results that are laid down precisely within the framework of this professional module);

Unity of the formation of general and professional competencies (the organization of the educational process involves a combination of active methods and forms of activity that form the components of both general and professional competencies);

Orientation to the result (which is ensured by a combination of various types of activities, the requirement for a practical orientation of the program of the professional module: from 50% to 60%).


The authors hope that this theoretical development, in anticipation of the introduction of federal state educational standards, will expand the methodological and didactic tools of teachers working in institutions of secondary vocational education.

Readers, of course, noted that the approach to the formation of general and professional competencies presented in the development is based on a new paradigm of professional education: activity-based competence. Currently, there is an active scientific search in the field of implementation of professional educational programs based on the modular competence approach as a methodological basis for updating the content and technologies of professional education. But a peculiar mosaic of ideas, findings, provisions has not yet formed into an integral system of describing the goals, mechanisms, technologies for evaluating the results of vocational education.

The described methods and techniques of modular competence-based learning can be greatly expanded. Criteria and indicators of the formation of the components of general and professional competencies in real practice can become the basis for organizing the process of monitoring and their evaluation.

This theoretical development is one of the first steps in generalizing the leading scientific, methodological ideas, provisions, accumulating experience at the regional level of understanding approaches and evaluating the process of forming competencies as a system of knowledge, skills, practical experience and personal qualities, new educational results that determine the readiness of secondary links to successful social and professional activities.


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3., Smirnova external assessment of the level of formation of key competencies of students: Methodological guide for managers and teachers of educational institutions / Ed. . - Issue. 2 - Samara, 2006

4. Fakhretdinova, M. A Development of the qualification potential of students in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education: a manual / - Ulyanovsk: UIPCPRO, 2009. - 61 p.

5. Federal state educational standard in the specialty SPO 150415 "Welding production".

6. Formation of general and professional competencies of students in institutions of primary vocational education [Text]: Methodological guide / - Ulyanovsk: UIPCPRO, 2009. - 65 p.

7., Efimova designing educational materials on a modular-competence basis for the system of pre-university vocational education: a methodological guide /, - M .: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, Federal Institute for the Development of Education, 20p.

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Maidanchenko S.V.

GPOU "Enakievo Polytechnic Technical School", Enakievo

Annotation: in this article, the author considers the theoretical prerequisites for a competency-based approach in vocational education. The place of the competence-based approach in the system of vocational education has been determined. The relationship between the concepts of "competence" and "quality of education" is revealed.

Keywords Keywords: vocational education, competence-based approach, professional competence, general competences.

In modern society, education is one of the most significant areas of human activity. The main goal of vocational education is the preparation of a qualified specialist of the appropriate level and profile, competitive in the labor market, competent, fluent in his profession and oriented in related fields of activity, ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility.

Competence-oriented professional education is an objective phenomenon in education, brought to life by socio-economic, political, educational and pedagogical prerequisites. First of all, it is the reaction of vocational education to the changed socio-economic conditions, to the processes that appeared along with the market economy. The market imposes a number of new requirements on the modern specialist, which are insufficiently taken into account or not taken into account at all in the training programs for specialists. Their formation requires not so much new content (subject content) as other pedagogical technologies. Some authors call such requirements basic skills (V.I. Baidenko), others call them superprofessional, basic qualifications (A.M. Novikov), others call them key competencies.

The formation of a competent specialist is the goal in the implementation of the competency-based approach in professional education. Competencies in modern pedagogy of vocational education should be considered as a new type of goal-setting in educational systems, conditioned by market relations. B.D. Elkonin believes that "competence is a measure of a person's involvement in activities" . S.E. Shishov considers the category of competence "as a general ability based on knowledge, values, inclinations, which makes it possible to establish a connection between knowledge and a situation, to discover a procedure (knowledge and action) suitable for a problem" .

The competency-based approach means that the goals of education are tied more strongly to situations of applicability in the world of work. Therefore, competencies “encompass the ability, readiness of knowledge and attitudes (behavior patterns) that are necessary to perform activities. Within the competence-based approach, two basic concepts are distinguished: “competence” and “competence”. By definition, A.V. Khutorsky's competence is a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity) assigned in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

With regard to professional competence, the analysis shows the presence of several aspects. According to the first aspect, "professional competence is an integrative concept that includes three components - knowledge mobility, method variability and critical thinking." The formation of a competent specialist is the goal in the implementation of the competency-based approach in professional education. Competencies in modern pedagogy of vocational education should be considered as a new type of goal-setting in educational systems, conditioned by market relations.

An analysis of the requirements of the State Educational Standard showed that students of educational institutions of secondary vocational education must have general and professional competencies. General competencies are universal methods of activity that are common to all (most) professions and specialties, aimed at solving professional and labor problems and being a condition for the integration of a graduate into social and labor relations in the labor market.

General competencies are of a trans-professional nature and are expressed through such personality traits as independence, the ability to make responsible decisions, constantly learn and update knowledge, think flexibly and systematically, carry out communicative actions, engage in dialogue, receive and transmit information in various ways. It is the competence of the graduate that is the basis of the competitiveness of the employee. In this regard, the main trend in the development of secondary vocational education today is the implementation of a competency-based approach aimed at developing the general and professional competencies of college students.

The competence-based approach in the practice of vocational education is due to a clear discrepancy between the quality of a graduate's training provided by an educational institution and the requirements imposed on a specialist by industry and employers. This discrepancy took place almost always and was expressed in the phrase, which was often met by graduates of vocational schools who came to production: “Now forget what you were taught and listen to me!”. In the conditions of the market, the heads of enterprises and organizations began to impose strict requirements not only on the level of education, but also on the personal, business, and moral qualities of the specialists hired. Each leader needs to get a specialist who will begin to perform their duties immediately and efficiently.

Benefits of the competency-based approach:

The goals and objectives of training programs that meet the requirements of employers are formulated;

Increased curriculum flexibility;

Increased motivation to get a profession;

The efficiency and quality of professional training, the level of professional competencies are increasing;

Standard, objective and independent conditions for assessing the quality of education are being created;

The level of interaction and mutual responsibility of students, teachers and masters of industrial training is increasing;

The preparation of students for professional activities is carried out taking into account real production conditions, due to which the adaptation of young specialists in production is accelerated;

A production culture and respect for the chosen profession are being formed.

For the successful implementation of the competency-based approach in vocational education, the following conditions must be met:

1. The presence of a competency-based model of a graduate (a functional card of a specialist), which reflects his main functions and competencies.

2. Definition of a specific learning goal.

3. Determining specific ways to achieve the goal.

4. Formulation of specific learning outcomes in the form of specific competencies. Each teacher in the development of working curricula focuses primarily on the requirements of the standard.

5. The presence in the educational institution of an appropriate learning environment and teachers qualified in modular-competence training.

Thus, the implementation of a competency-based approach in the context of a close relationship between future employers, the scientific and methodological content of personnel training and student motivation for a high level of their professional activity makes it possible to improve the quality of training in secondary vocational education.


1. Baidenko V.I., Basic skills (key competencies) as an integrating factor in the educational process / V.I. Baydenko, B. Oskarsson // Vocational education and the formation of a specialist's personality. - M., 2002. - S. 22-46.

2. Davidovich V., The fate of philosophy at the turn of the millennium / V. Davidovich // Higher School Bulletin. - 2003. - No. 3 - S. 4-15.

3. Landscheer V., The concept of "minimum competence" // Prospects. Questions of education. - 1988. - No. 1.

4. Knyazeva O.G., Competence-based approach in vocational education in the context of the implementation of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education [Text] // Problems and prospects for the development of education: Proceedings of the VI Intern. scientific conf. (Perm, April 2015). - Perm: Mercury, 2015. - S. 236-237.


Ph.D., Art. teacher of KazNU named after. Al-Farabi

The credit technology of education basically involves the choice of elective courses by students on their own. As the experience of conducting classes shows, first-year students cannot sufficiently orient themselves in the flow of names of academic disciplines unknown to them. In this regard, we offer:

Elective disciplines to be included in the curriculum in the second semester. For this, it is necessary for first-year students to preliminarily conduct preparatory work, which is as follows:

firstly, to provide a list of elective subjects in all specialties (by departments);

Modular-competence-based approach in vocational education - a new a model of the organization of the educational process, in which the totality of professional competencies acts as the ultimate goal of training.


2., Medvedev - competence-based approach to new state educational standards. M., 2006

3. Glossary of modern education (terminological dictionary) // National Education, 2003, No. 3

4. Polat pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. M.: 2008.

This article discusses both the essence and significance of the modular competence-based approach in the organization of the educational process.

2 From the materials of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia November 15, 2006 Work on organizing the development of a new generation of state educational standards for higher professional education in the Russian Federation was carried out in accordance with: the Set of Measures for the Implementation of Priority Directions for the Development of the Education System of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010; Action plan for the implementation of the provisions of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher professional education of the Russian Federation for 2005 - 2010, (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 15, 2005 40).

3 From the materials of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia On November 15, 2006, the Ministry involved in the work a significant resource potential and the broad academic community to solve the tasks set within the framework of projects in the years of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education and the Analytical Departmental Program "Development of the scientific potential of higher education."

4 FEDERAL TARGET PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION FOR 2006 – 2010 The main competitive advantage of a highly developed country is associated with the possibility of developing its human potential, which is largely determined by the state of the education system. It is in this area that the source of sustainable economic growth of the country in the medium and long term is located.

5 FEDERAL TARGET PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION FOR 2006 – 2010 Improving the content and technologies of education Implementation of continuous professional education models that provide each person with the opportunity to form an individual educational trajectory for further professional and career growth. Introduction of new educational technologies and principles of organization of the educational process, ensuring the effective implementation of new models of continuous education.

7 Analysis of the structure and content of vocational education standards. 1. The absence of a clear structural and content relationship between the sections of the standards “requirements for the level of training” and “mandatory minimum content”. 2. Textual redundancy of standards (according to our estimate for the standards of the first generation - up to 80%), which is a consequence of the need to repeat the description in each standard of the same blocks of the "mandatory minimum content". 3. A serious structural shortcoming of the existing educational standards is the lack of orientation towards computer means of their maintenance and processing. 4. Lack of connection between the educational standard and specific expected learning outcomes. The standard is based on a description of the educational material by discipline, and not on a system of requirements for expected learning achievements.

8 Analysis of the structure and content of vocational education standards (continued) 5. Lack of mechanisms for continuous updating of educational programs. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", state educational standards are developed on a competitive basis (the competition is announced by the Government of the Russian Federation) "at least once every ten years." At the same time, the current improvement of the content of education, oriented towards the development of modern technology, may well be interpreted as an unacceptable deviation from the standard. 6. Lack of connection between the quality of training of specialists understood by the educational institution and the requirements of employers. 7. Lack of mechanisms for measuring the quality of training of qualified specialists. 8. Lack of continuity as an integrating factor in the system of continuous professional education, requiring the definition of the functions of each stage in the formation of personality and the formulation of the final learning outcomes.

9 Analysis of the structure and content of vocational education standards (continued) 9. The legitimacy of the "periodic-cyclic" approach to updating educational standards according to the scheme: development (1-2 years) - use (5-10 years) - processing (1 -2 years). The listed shortcomings practically call into question the ability of the current standards to perform their main functions, and in particular such as “to be the basis for an objective assessment of the activities of educational institutions”, “to ensure educational mobility of students within the educational trajectory chosen by them or due to life circumstances”, etc. Thus, it is necessary to radically update the structure and content of the existing standards of vocational education.

10 Competence-based approach as the basis for updating the content of vocational education Competence translated from Latin competentia means a range of issues in which a person is well-informed, has knowledge and experience. Today, competence is more often defined as a combination of skills independently, responsibly (effective competence) and with the ability to perform certain labor functions.

11 Competency-Based Approach as the Basis for Renovating the Content of Vocational Education (continued) The American Industrial Association formulates the requirements for an effective (competent) worker in the following way: the right choice of equipment; organization and maintenance of documentation and database; rational distribution of time and money; communication with people with different cultural backgrounds; the ability to learn new professional skills.

12 Competence-based approach as the basis for updating the content of vocational education (continued) According to rating agencies, a modern Russian employer, when recruiting new employees, pays attention primarily to: having a diploma of education (those who have more than one diploma have advantages), while the significance of which university the applicant graduated from; availability of additional training certificates; experience; motivation to work and to the position; corporate affiliation, ability to work with a team; presentation (summary), compiled in a certain form; test results; ability to solve applied (practical) problems.

13 Competence-based approach as the basis for updating the content of vocational education (continued) when delegating some elementary management functions to an employee within the company, the employer pays attention to the following characteristics of the employee: readiness for career growth; competence motivation; initiative; responsibility for one's own decisions, the ability to predict the consequences of decisions made and the ability to bear responsibility for the consequences; accuracy in working with documents; productivity (ability to manage several projects); mobility; readiness for increased loads; experience in solving problems in a group and experience in organizing a group to solve problems; ability to plan and predict; ability to work with information for oneself and the group; the ability to effectively present the results of their work; ability to rational, reasoned and reflective decisions.

14 Competence-based approach as the basis for updating the content of vocational education (continued) Motivation and responsibility are the distinguishing features of a competent behavior of an employee from an incompetent one. With regard to vocational education, E.F. Zeer states that "a person's competence is determined by his knowledge, skills and experience." The characteristic of a person as competent is a kind of social recognition.

15 Competence-based approach as the basis for updating the content of vocational education (continued) Competence-based approach is an approach that focuses on the result of education, and the result is not the amount of information learned, but the ability of a person to act in various problem situations. The type (set) of these situations depends on the type (specifics) of the educational institution.

16 Competency-Based Approach as the Basis for Renovating the Content of Vocational Education (continued) It is important to emphasize that the competency-based approach is an approach in which the results of education are recognized as significant outside the education system.

19 Categories of knowledge (American model) The first category of knowledge - knowledge-description - allows you to describe the world around you and the internal state of a person, this category is universal, however, it is relevant in a strictly defined context. The second category of knowledge - knowledge-explanation - allows you to reach the theoretical level. The third category of knowledge allows you to synthesize knowledge so that they become a single whole. Knowledge-prediction or forecast precede knowledge-intervention, which involves active intervention in the process, which should lead to a positive result. Controlling knowledge allows you to control the process of cognition.

20 The second component of competence is skills, which are divided by J. Stretch into eight groups. The first group is represented by the ability to think critically. The second group is cooperative skills, that is, the ability to exist in a team and work in a team. The third group of skills allows you to make an informed and correct choice. The fourth group of skills is to appreciate diversity (“difference”), to allow “other”. The fifth group of skills is aimed at unleashing the potential of another, seeking from team members the maximum contribution to the common cause. The sixth group of skills is the ability to think systematically. The seventh group of skills is the ability to work creatively, to see the new, to transfer the familiar to a new plane. The eighth group of skills is leadership.

21 The third component of competence-based education is values: Personal, Group (family, friends, professional groups), Public (law, morality), Self-respect values ​​(to be who you are and be proud of it), Lifelong learning values ​​(always be open to new knowledge).

22 COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH The approach to reforming learning is to develop and master such forms of learning, when “the focus of learning is shifted from the teaching activity of a teacher who plans, evaluates, asks questions, sets goals - teaches in a broad sense, to learning activities based on initiative and responsibility of the students themselves.

23 CORE (BASE) COMPETENCES The term “core competencies” first appeared in the Council of Europe project “Secondary Education in Europe” in 1992. And in 1996, at the symposium “Key competencies for Europe”, five key competencies of modern graduates were identified: 1. Political and social competencies (the ability to take responsibility, participate in joint decision-making, regulate conflicts in a non-violent way). 2. Competencies related to life in a multicultural society (acceptance of differences, respect for others, ability to interact with people of other cultures, languages, religions). 3. Competencies related to oral and written communication in more than one language. 4. Competences associated with the emergence of the information society (possession of new technologies, understanding of the possibilities of their application, critical attitude to information disseminated by the media and advertising). 5. The ability to learn throughout life as a basis for lifelong learning in the context of vocational training.

24 KEY (BASIC) COMPETENCIES The strategy for the modernization of Russian education assumes that the updated content of general education will be based on “key competencies”. The documents on the modernization of education state: “The main result of the activity of an educational institution should be not a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in itself, but a set of key competencies declared by the state in the intellectual, socio-political, communicative, informational and other spheres.” All key competencies have a number of characteristic features: 1. Key competencies are multifunctional. Competences are considered key if mastering them allows you to solve problems in everyday, professional or social life. 2. Key competencies are over-subject and interdisciplinary, they are applicable in various situations, not only in an educational institution, but also at work, in the family, in the political sphere, etc. 3. Key competencies require significant intellectual development: abstract, critical thinking, self-reflection, determining one's own position, self-esteem, critical thinking, etc. 4. Key competencies are multidimensional, that is, they include various mental processes and intellectual abilities, communication skills (analytical, critical, communicative, etc.), know-how, as well as common sense.

25 KEY (BASIC) COMPETENCES (RUSSIAN VERSION) The structure of key competencies, in our opinion, should include: competence in the field of independent, cognitive activity, based on the assimilation of methods for acquiring knowledge from various sources of information, including outside educational ones; competence in the field of civil and social activities (performing the roles of a citizen, voter, consumer); competence in the field of social and labor activity (including the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, evaluate their own professional capabilities, navigate the norms and ethics of labor relations, self-organization skills); competence in the domestic sphere (including aspects of one's own health, family life, etc.); competence in the field of cultural and leisure activities, (including the choice of ways and means of using free time, culturally and spiritually enriching the individual).

26 KEY COMPETENCES An example of key competencies presented in the form of a list made on the basis of the list of competencies, which was the result of the discussion of this problem at the seminars of the Council of Europe within the framework of the project "Secondary education in Europe". Learn: be able to benefit from experience; organize the relationship of their knowledge and streamline them; organize your own learning methods; be able to solve problems; self-study; query various databases; interrogate the environment; consult an expert; get information; be able to work with documents and classify them.

27 KEY (BASIC) COMPETENCES To think: to organize the relationship of past and present events; be critical of one or another aspect of the development of our societies; be able to resist uncertainty and complexity; take a stand in discussions and forge your own opinion; see the importance of the political and economic environment in which training and work takes place; evaluate social habits related to health, consumption, as well as the environment; be able to evaluate works of art and literature. Collaborate: be able to collaborate and work in a group; make decisions; resolve disagreements and conflicts; be able to negotiate; be able to develop and execute contracts.

28 KEY (BASIC) COMPETENCES Get down to business: get involved in the project; be responsible; join a group or team and contribute; show solidarity; be able to organize their work; be able to use computational and modeling instruments. Adapt: ​​be able to use new information and communication technologies; prove flexibility in the face of rapid change; show resilience in the face of difficulties; be able to find new solutions.

29 PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES Professional competence is defined as the readiness and ability of specialists to implement knowledge, skills, experience in real conditions of professional activity. Competences combine experience that is not limited to a set of knowledge and skills, but the integrity and specificity of the perception of the situation, readiness to work and obtain a new product. And this requires a fundamental change in the logic of the educational process and a change in its structure and content. The ratio of the goals of educational activity and obtaining the result - the preparation of a competent specialist, determines the quality of education. A person may be a professional in general in his field, but not be competent in solving some professional issues.

30 PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES We will distinguish between the following types of professional competence: special competence owning one's own professional activity at a sufficiently high level, the ability to design one's further professional development; social competence possession of joint (group, cooperative) professional activities, cooperation, as well as social responsibility for the results of their professional work; personal competence possession of methods of personal self-expression and self-development; individual competence possession of methods of self-realization and development of individuality within the profession, readiness for professional growth, the ability for individual self-preservation, resistance to professional aging, the ability to rationally organize one's work without overloading time and effort; The named types of competence mean, in fact, the maturity of a person in professional activities, in professional communication, in the formation of a professional personality, his individuality.

31 FUNCTIONS OF LEARNING AND COGNITIVE ACTIVITIES FOR THE FORMATION OF COMPETENCES 1. Preparation of students for the educational process: orientation to goals and actions; choice of learning objectives; clarification of the significance of learning objectives; formation of motivation for learning; planning of educational activities; activation of attention. 2. Performing educational activities in accordance with the goal: understanding, memorizing the material; integration and application of what has been learned. 3 Management of learning activities: monitoring the learning process; assessment of learning activities; making adjustments to the educational process and teaching methods; comprehension of the teaching process. 4. Evaluation of the results of work: a report on the learning process and its results; evaluation of the learning process and its results. 5. Support motivation for learning and concentration.

32 Concepts of modular learning technology: - preliminary design of the educational process; - the center of attention is the educational and cognitive activity of the student himself (the success of training in any case is achieved by the effectiveness of educational activities); - diagnostics of expediency and objective control of results; - the integrity of the educational process as a pedagogical system. In modular learning, goals are formed in terms of methods of activity and modes of action.

33 The advantages of modular training are: improving the quality of training due to the fact that all training is aimed at developing practical skills; competence determines the necessary personal qualities; reduction of training time (sometimes up to 40%); the individualization of training is actually carried out with the real possibility of creating individual training programs; quick adaptation of educational and methodological material to the needs of production, consumer requests, flexible response.

34 ADVANTAGES OF MODULAR LEARNING Modular construction of training provides a number of advantages and is one of the effective ways to intensify the educational process. These advantages include: 1. providing a systematic approach to the construction of the course and the definition of its content; 2.flexibility of the structure of the modular construction of the course; 3. effective control over the course of the educational process, intermediate and final learning outcomes; 4. elimination of duplication in the content of the subject being studied and the possibility of redistributing study time to expand the share of practical and laboratory work; 5. A visual representation of the structure of the course contributes to its improvement and improvement of the planning of the work of teachers;

35 ADVANTAGES OF MODULAR LEARNING (CONTINUED) 6. the possibility of better meeting the needs of students in the individualization of the learning process in terms of obtaining additional specializations and reducing the time for studying disciplines; 7. strengthening learning motivation and student interest in learning outcomes; 8. stimulation of active daily systematic work of students; 9. improving the atmosphere of examination sessions by removing a significant proportion of stressful situations and accidents; 10. providing a more objective assessment of the business qualities of students.

36 The problems of modular training can be considered the following: long terms for the development of curricula, materials with a significant investment of time and costs for replication; availability of a modern material and technical base: it is necessary to have modern equipped, equipped training places; some complexity of the organization of the educational process. Overcoming the complexities of the organization depends mainly on the abilities of the organizers of the educational process. the availability of highly qualified specialists (for secondary vocational education - the availability of pedagogical and technical education for teachers) with a low wage scale. psychological and professional insecurity of teachers in state educational institutions there is no practice of working according to individual methods protected by copyright.

37 FEATURES OF MODULAR LEARNING The introduction of modular training requires a certain organizational restructuring of the educational process. This concerns the planning of the work of teachers, the development of appropriate methodological support, the preparation of a laboratory base for frontal laboratory work, and the organization of a knowledge control system.