Educational activities with children at home with hourly pay. Individual developmental activities with children We read, count and develop speech

Smarties and Smarties (1-4 years old)

A comprehensive educational activity for kids is a single storyline in the form of a whole story or fairy tale.

In the form of a game, children get acquainted with the world around them and perform tasks aimed at comprehensive development. This includes the development of intelligence, thinking, attention, memory, the formation of mathematical concepts. Creative tasks stimulate perception and imagination, and the development of fine motor skills and finger gymnastics will prepare hands for writing and for further successful entry into the school educational process.

Cost of classes

Talker (1-3 years)

We study the structure of the word, develop speech breathing, replenish the vocabulary with the help of vivid and illustrative examples.

Teachers use different types of special exercises, frequent change of activities and visibility - all this, coupled with the emotionality of the process, gives quick results.

Cost of classes

Children's fitness (from 1 year old)

The author's set of exercises in a playful way is aimed at the formation of the correct posture, the development of coordination, plasticity and flexibility, and prevents flat feet. Classes help throw out energy and strengthen the body as a whole.

Funny notes (1-4 years old)

Music lessons not only develop voice and hearing, sense of rhythm, musical abilities, but also contribute to the production of diction, clear and intelligible speech. An experienced teacher will teach the basic skills and make it as easy and interesting as possible for the baby.

Samodelkin (1-4 years)

At creative classes on early development, kids do crafts - they mold from plasticine, make applications from paper, cereals, cotton wool and many other materials. Such lessons not only develop fine motor skills, but also contribute to the formation of creative and abstract thinking, the child fantasizes, expresses emotions and communicates with peers.

Individual developmental classes with children

An individual approach to education allows you to take into account the personal characteristics of the child to the fullest extent and realize his individual capabilities, reveal his creative potential. Individual developmental activities with children should focus on overcoming existing problems and preventing possible difficulties. Such classes are conducted according to a separately compiled and selected program, which usually includes elements of games and exercises aimed at the physical and creative development of the child, improving his communication skills and emotional sphere.

Planning individual lessons is possible only after the diagnosis of the child's personal characteristics, which is carried out by child psychologist. Such a diagnosis is based on the characteristics of the child's development from the standpoint of clinical diagnosis and a thorough psychological and pedagogical examination.

In what cases are individual lessons in kindergarten necessary?

The individual form of upbringing and development of the child cannot be the main one, since individual lessons are uneconomical in time. For example, a teacher should spend about 15-20 minutes on one individual lesson, groups in kindergartens consist of an average of 20 people, therefore, a teacher will spend more than 6 hours a day on individual training, and this is practically unrealistic. In addition to all of the above, children work more productively in a team during frontal or group classes.

But in some cases, individual developmental activities with children become a necessity. First of all, this applies to children with disabilities in physical, psychological or mental development (for example, often ill children, restless, excitable, impulsive, inhibited, etc.). Individual lessons with such children allow you to correct knowledge and skills, help them manage their own mental processes. Children with bright abilities for any activity (singing, drawing, mathematics), as well as children with dominant cognitive interests, need individual developmental lessons.

Benefits of private lessons

The main advantage of the individual form of lessons is the ability to select methods of education in accordance with the level of development of a particular child. The duration and pace of private lessons are more flexible than face-to-face lessons.

Individual and group developmental classes are distinguished by the psychology of education and the position of the teacher. If in the process of group lessons the educator plays the role of a mentor, then during individual lessons he becomes a partner at the same time, which allows the child to show more initiative.

The main structural elements of individual developmental classes

As a rule, an individual development program for preschoolers is implemented in stages. At the first stage, the development of emotional communication with elements of subject-play activity takes place. The next stage is to develop the child's initial experience in any area. At the third stage, children get acquainted with the standards (color, shape, size) and learn to apply them on various objects and toys. All stages of individual work should be closely interconnected, the transition between them should be gradual.

The structure of individual lessons consists of three conditional blocks:

  1. 1. Development of mental activity (thinking, memory, attention, perception). Particular attention should be paid to visual-subject, acoustic and skin-kinetic perceptions ("Extra Toy" and "Paired Pictures").
  2. 2. Development of space-time representations. Here, attention should be focused on the use of prepositions and adverbs that denote a spatial and temporal relationship.
  3. 3. Development of motor skills. There are many games and exercises for the development of fingers and hands (lacing toys, "Remove the excess" and others).

Many parents want to engage in the development of children from an early age, but not everyone knows how this can be organized. Numerous early development clubs are not satisfied with the high price or inconvenient time of classes. If you have a pedagogical or related education, or have experience in developing your children, you can organize classes with children at your home.

First you need to decide on the location of the classes. Perhaps it will be a corner or a separate room with educational games and manuals.

Define your target audience by age:

  • 6 to 12 months
  • 1 to 2 years
  • 3 to 4 years
  • preparation for school.

Make a lesson plan that will cover all areas of the child's comprehensive early development: social, physical, emotional, intellectual.

Your classes can be purposefully devoted to the following areas:

  • development of perception, sensory development
  • speech, the formation of correct articulation, the perception of sounds, the development of speech,
  • attention development,
  • creative thinking,
  • shaping the imagination
  • memory improvement,
  • fine motor skills,
  • social communication skills
  • emotional area,
  • Creative skills,
  • physical activity,
  • modeling from plasticine, from salt dough,
  • drawing with paints, crayons, pastels,
  • application.

Separately, you can conduct speech therapy individual classes, classes with a psychologist, behavior correction, and the formation of communication skills.

Lessons can be paid hourly or monthly. Start with small amounts, fundamentally less than the cost of classes in children's clubs in your area. When classes gain popularity and the number of applicants exceeds your capabilities, it is worth increasing the cost.

Examples of educational games for the little ones

New discoveries

Say something through the cardboard tube, changing intonations and voice. The child will love to follow the process, listen to you and try to repeat the sounds.

Take several cubes of one color and one of another. Put a bell in a single cube. Will the child be able to find the cube that rings, guided by color?

In any small box, make holes the size of a finger. Inside, stick different materials to the touch - fabric, suede, sandpaper. Help your child feel everything from the inside. Tell him which surface is soft and which is rough.

Put a ticking clock under your pillow, in a wardrobe, or somewhere else nearby. By sound, the child must look for an object. It develops hearing and attention.

With wooden spoons, invite the child to knock on the surrounding surfaces - the floor, the table, the jar of cereals. Comparing different sounds, the baby develops his worldview.

A small car can be rolled on the floor with your hand, or you can push it and see how far it will go. Soon the baby himself will push and roll the car, making it move on its own.

Clap your palms on any hard surface. The child will repeat your movements with pleasure, receiving different sounds.

Movement coordination

Pebbles, sticks, leaves collected on the street can be sorted into different boxes, put in a pile on the floor, laid out on the bottom of a large box to improve the child's activity and stimulate the sense of touch.

Cut the stickers into thin strips and attach the sticky side to the table. Have your child pull the strips one at a time from the table. You can make them multi-colored or different sizes to stimulate the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

To develop coordination, invite your child to arrange the cubes on an uneven, unstable surface, for example, on an inflatable toy. This stimulates the development of coordination and accuracy of movements.

Lay out the toys in the back of the chair, forcing the child to reach for them, developing spatial thinking.

Give your child two toys, one in each hand. Then stretch another one. Will he find a way to hold everything together? And four? How long will his imagination last?


The concept of size and more or less can be visualized using plastic cups of various diameters, showing how they can be stacked into each other or made up a pyramid.

Tie a string to the toy and invite your child to carry or drag it by the string. Develops spatial orientation and the concept of a sequence of events.

For lovers of domestic animals, the next part-time job is

Early Childhood Centers are private institutions designed to help toddlers adjust more quickly to the world they are just beginning to explore. At entertaining classes held in a playful way, children learn colloquial speech, develop intelligence and creative talents, motor activity.

Children's center First Light Club

Many young parents bring crumbs to children's clubs. And this is by no means a tribute to fashion. Numerous studies have shown that children who develop actively from an early age become more successful. In the future, it is easier for them to master school disciplines, they have a good memory.

What is the difference between child development centers and kindergartens

In children's centers, children spend not the whole day, but several hours. Classes can be held in the morning or in the evening 2-3 times a week or on weekends, be represented by single master classes or comprehensive development courses. Club leaders, as a rule, develop several educational programs and visiting schedules, which allows parents to choose the most suitable schedule and bring children to the center at a convenient time for them.

Montessori Center Guryonok

The doors of children's clubs are open even for the smallest, for children of six months of age who still do not know how to walk and talk. Special programs have been developed for babies. Considering new objects, rearranging the cubes, playing, children improve sensory perception, develop hand motor skills. Classes with infants take place in the presence of one of the parents. Toddlers from the age of one and a half years can be left to study on their own and not worry about anything: in the institutions in question, specialists who understand psychology and love children work. They pay due attention to each kid, take into account his characteristics and desires, make sure that the guys get the maximum benefit from the classes and at the same time do not get bored.

How to choose a kids club

There are many early development clubs in Moscow. They can differ not only in equipment, teaching staff, but also in focus. For example, some centers specialize in early development according to the Montessori method, others in creative development, others in psychological and speech therapy support, and others in physical education. Many centers offer beginners a free trial lesson. This is a great opportunity to understand and evaluate how suitable a child development center is for you and your child. Consider 6 of the best developing centers in Moscow.

Children's development centers in Moscow "Sema"

The network of children's developing centers "Sema" has a vast geography: Ukraine, Egypt, Cyprus, over 300 branches in various parts of the Russian Federation, 15 centers in various parts of Moscow. The children's club in question has gained immense popularity due to the use of unique methods aimed at comprehensive development. The specialists of the center have created a number of basic and additional programs designed for a particular age category (from 9 months to 7 years).

Syoma Children's Center

Directions of the early development center

For children aged 1-3 years, a huge selection of basic and additional courses is offered. Classes are aimed at developing different types of sensitivity, emotional sphere and speech, motor activity:

  • The course of development of independence, hygienic and household skills.
  • Painting.
  • Modeling.
  • Creation of crafts in mixed media. Activities with parents.
  • Fairy tale world.
  • Sand games. Activities with parents.
  • General physical preparation.
  • Choreography.
  • Music.
  • Course of social adaptation.
  • Comprehensive early development courses. Activities with parents.
  • Montessori group.
  • Umka (age 2-3): development of speech, introduction to mathematics, acquaintance with the outside world.

Courses for children from 3 to 5 years old:

  • English language.
  • Reading.
  • My world is communication skills, behavior, acquaintance with the social world.
  • Physical development.
  • Creation of cartoons.
  • Music.
  • Choreography.
  • Sand games.
  • Theater Workshop.
  • Neurocorrection course.
  • Modeling.
  • Assembling constructors.
  • The development of logical thinking and ideas about the world around us through experiments.

In addition to the above, especially for older preschoolers (age 5-7 years) developed the following courses:

  • Chess.
  • Preparation for school.
  • The course of development of psychological functions.
  • Design.

Additional services

  • Carrying out children's holidays in the style of "Sema" with the participation of the clown Semyon Baton.
  • School for young parents.

Children's development centers in Moscow "Point of Growth"

"Point of Growth" is a network of children's centers whose mission is to educate intelligence and creative skills in children, starting from infancy. The use of certified equipment, effective teaching methods, manuals and didactic materials - all centers have created the most suitable environment for harmonious development. Professional teachers who love and respect children work here.

Main directions

The centers have formed several groups in accordance with the age stages of the child's development:

1) "Peas" - for children from 0.5 to 3 years. Classes are held in the presence of one of the parents. Kids in an easy and fun way develop speech, motor skills, memory and attention, cognitive activity and complex thinking.

2) "Rostki" - for children from 4 to 6 years old. While attending classes, the children master a special program consisting of 9 thematic blocks. Competently drawn up work schemes are aimed at developing speech and communication skills, logical thinking, and social adaptation skills. Children master various types of arts and crafts, study music and choreography, learn about the world around them, learn to count and write, the basics of grammar.

3) "Successes" - for children of senior preschool age. In this group, children are prepared for school.

Additional programs

  • Academy of Professions. Classes are conducted according to the author's program aimed at revealing talents through interest in the profession. During the training, the child can try himself in the role of an entrepreneur, journalist, designer, doctor and human rights activist, rescuer and astronaut, understand what he likes best, in which direction to develop in the future.
  • Design and robotics.
  • Reading and speech development.
  • Drawing, modeling, making handicrafts from natural materials, soap making.
  • Creative workshop.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics.

Additional services

1) Holding a birthday.

2) Summer camp.

3) Mini-garden and kindergarten.

Children's development center "Logos"

"Logos" is a children's club that specializes in working with children with speech disorders. Groups in "Logos" are small, up to 6 kids. They are formed taking into account the age and needs of children. This approach makes it possible to choose activities and games that will be of interest to all children attending the same group.

Development center "Logos"

Main directions

Logos specialists have compiled 3 basic programs:

1) For children aged 9-18 months.

Games and exercises that develop:

  • speech,
  • memory,
  • Attention,
  • physical activity,
  • sensory Perception,
  • Creative skills.

2) Age from 1.5 to 2 years. To the exercises described above, tasks are added aimed at the formation of a mathematical representation.

3) Age 2–3 years. Development of reading skills, cognitive processes and intellectual activity.

Additional kids club programs

  • Lessons with a speech therapist. Certified specialists will teach children to pronounce sounds correctly, to speak clearly and beautifully.
  • Group developmental classes and trainings with a psychologist. Playing role-playing games, performing tasks for the development of imagination, children gain communication skills, become self-confident, are not afraid to express themselves, forget about fears and anxiety.
  • Music lessons for young and middle-aged children.

Additional services

  • Studio "People of Art". Painting and drawing lessons for teenagers and adults from professional artists, a huge number of creative workshops (origami, ceramic and glass painting, Japanese clay modeling), author's interior design courses.
  • Mini-garden (morning or afternoon visit).
  • Preparation for school.
  • Learning English, French, Spanish.
  • Individual consultations of a psychologist.
  • Parent School - seminars on various aspects of raising a child.

Center for Creative Development "Amalfi"

Children's club "Amalfi" has gathered under its roof the best artists, musicologists, choreographers, art historians, musicians and other talented and experienced teachers. The merits of many of them are known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Well-known ballet, theater and film artists, screenwriters, masters of sports conduct exciting classes for adults and children.

Amalfi Development Center

Main directions

Amalfi specialists have developed a number of basic developmental courses for children of different ages. The lessons are based on methods of visualization and interactivity, game methods of presenting information. All this arouses interest in children, helps to easily perceive information. So, talking about historical events, teachers use visual aids: objects of ancient life, historical reconstructions, ethnographic materials. Live music is played during developing music classes.


  • Group of historical reconstruction for children from 7 years old. Here they will teach you how to use medieval weapons and instill combat skills.
  • English and Italian courses.
  • Children's choreography.
  • Ballet.
  • Hip-hop.
  • Rhythm.
  • Sports and ballroom dancing.
  • School of painting and vocal.
  • Piano lessons.
  • Acting school.
  • Oratory course.
  • Creative master classes.

Additional services

1) Professional holding of holidays with the participation of incendiary animators, many exciting contests and fun games.

2) Summer city camp.

3) Schools of dancing, painting, vocals, twine, acting and oratory for adults, art therapy for pregnant women.

Network of children's developing centers "Constellation"

Constellation is a network of the best Montessori clubs in Russia, according to AMI. As the name implies, a free, creative and harmoniously developed personality is brought up here, using one of the most popular and time-tested methods of Maria Montessori.

Children's center Constellation

"Constellation" fully complies with AMI standards: cozy rooms, properly equipped Montessori zones, high-quality and new Montessori materials, qualified teachers who have undergone appropriate training. According to Montessori's prescriptions, several groups operate in the kids' club, taking into account the two-year age range:

  • from 8 months to 2 years,
  • from 2 to 4 years old,
  • from 4 to 6 years old.

Children aged 8 months to 3 years old can attend the Stars, Comets and Comets Plus groups. Here, classes take place with one of the parents, and the didactic material is aimed at developing memory and imagination, thinking, fine motor skills, and vocabulary. Toddlers learn to distinguish colors, geometric shapes. Duration of visits - from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the selected group. For children of younger preschool age, groups of a full or weekend day, a mini-garden are provided.


  • English language;
  • Fitness;
  • Rhythm and dancing;
  • Music and creativity;
  • Various master classes;
  • Services of a speech therapist and psychologist.

Additional services

  • Preparation for school.

Developing centers "Little Prince" are represented by two branches: "Belarusian" and "Beskudnikovo". Here, teachers in matters of education and training adhere to the principles of an individual approach. Every little person has their own unique abilities and talents. It is important to see them in a timely manner and develop what the center's employees are successfully doing.

Early Development Center "Little Prince"

Children are taught by world and Russian champions, masters of sports, actors, laureates of international competitions, members of artists' unions. The author's methods echo the best achievements in the field of pedagogy.

Sections and circles

  • English theater;
  • Theater and art workshop;
  • Modeling;
  • Learning English language;
  • Rhythm;
  • Entertaining chemistry and physics;
  • Karate;
  • Children's fitness and yoga;
  • Chess;
  • Ballroom and club dancing;
  • Creation of cartoons;
  • German;

Additional services

  • Preparation for school and for exams in creative universities;
  • Holding birthdays;
  • mini garden;
  • Services of a child psychologist and speech therapist.