From all legs only. The Paradoxical Theory of Change: Stay where you are to move

And to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast! ©

There is a suspicion that many countries that belonged to the category of DEVELOPING quietly moved into the category of DEGRADING or at risk. Degradation is a process opposite to development and progress, moreover, in absolutely simple economic metrics. (not a scientific article ... - reflection).

How did it happen?

Approximately 50-60 years ago, all countries of the world were moving towards progress. Some are faster, some are slower, and globalization has contributed to this. Business had to expand markets, so when the markets of developed countries were exhausted, competition forced them to try to sell in developing countries. The world is divided into developed and developing, implying that they have not yet reached the level of developed, but are moving in this direction. Then, competition also forced them to reduce costs and move production to the same developing countries, which 1) accelerated their development and competencies, and 2) increased the effective demand of the population .... As a result, progress and all that. Well, the capture of raw materials, oil, and so on in the same vein.

And then, over the past 10 years, strange things began to happen:

1. Developed countries have realized that the middle class is impoverished, the gap is growing. That it is better to have high prices and a solvent population than low prices, a poor middle class and a dead proletariat. It turned out that in the medium term, the withdrawal of production from the country is a time bomb. Why do we need cheap Chinese goods, smart Chinese engineers and workers, and at the same time, the dull American population on welfare, because they are unable to find work in the closed factories of Detroit?
2. The second revolution of robots showed that, it turns out, it is possible to have production facilities at home, but at the same time save on wages even more than using Chinese workers. But that's not all.
3. The development of algorithms, software, the development of the Internet of things, a completely different level of production and process management have shown that it is possible to reduce not only workers, but many professions that are engaged in servicing processes without a creative component - accountants, lawyers, traders, drivers, dispatchers, and also a list of more than 500 professions that are at risk for 10 years.
4. It suddenly became clear that it is more profitable to bring already trained or even low-skilled labor migrants into the country than to move production to developing countries. Everything is very simple - a labor migrant has such a specific immigration status that if something goes wrong, he went to hell, and legions of substitutions will breathe down his neck behind him. And you can pay such people less, and give less social benefits and save. And it turns out that such migrants make up a significant part of the labor force in many industries - from high-tech to agriculture, which in the United States, for example, is almost exclusively on illegal immigrants from Mexico. Illegals are very profitable for the economy - the costs are minimal, and they close the need for all unskilled positions - agricultural workers, retail, logistics, salespeople, nurses and many others.
5. Global finance, the Internet, logistics and communications, transport, demand for labor resources in developed countries SUDDENLY created a situation that moving to a developed country, going through naturalization and all the difficulties turned out to be MORE PROMISING than trying to wait for improvements in their national economies. Well, 5-7 years and a person becomes a citizen, gaining access to all social. package, education, not to mention automatic status for children. And then the parents also move, which is what we are seeing here in the United States in the example of the Chinese, Indians and everyone else.
6. There are several other important technological factors that there is simply no time to write about.

Why am I?

To the fact that about 10-15 years ago, suddenly, many countries that BEFORE belonged to the category of DEVELOPING imperceptibly moved into the category of DEGRADING or at risk. Why is that? Because it turned out that ALL factors of their development were EXTERNAL and were the consequences of globalization, but as soon as these factors and their MOTIVators ceased to play a significant role, then DEVELOPMENT stopped. Those. life goes on, everything works. ONE question remains - what can these countries offer the rest of the world?

1. Technology and development? Not!
2. Smart and skilled people? No, because they are not there, and those who are - have left or will leave in the near future.
3. Resources? Yes, if there is and if the demand for them does not fall, like for oil.
4. Products and goods? If comparable in quality, and in the absence of technology, this is only agricultural products at dumping prices, which does not provide a resource for development.

Those. there is a possibility that 80-85% of countries DO NOT HAVE PREREQUISITES to get out of the Malthusian trap. At the same time, it is possible that 30-70 countries that are used to living off oil and resources have suddenly moved into the risk zone. And sometimes the list of these countries includes those that at first glance look powerful and prosperous.

And here we come to the main question - what should such countries do? What to invest in already meager funds, so as not to fall into a catastrophe of degradation? Which direction has the maximum investment potential? This is when you can invest less money, get the result faster and more? And take into account current trends? What is it?
Mineral exploration?
Deployment of production of something?
Education and R&D?
Specific services (such as uranium repositories)?

My point of view - that all the same - is the education of the population and the creation of a powerful innovation infrastructure, i.e. transformation of the country into a competitive R&D and educational cluster. I believe it is:
1. Cheaper (relatively)...
2. Faster...
3. Definitely more promising ....

India, China, Israel, Singapore have already shown that it is possible to move successfully along this path.

The horizon is about 15 years ... Yes, I remind you, this strategy is minimally designed to prevent a hard landing. I think that Africa and Asia, Oceania, Latin America, and then the Near and Middle East have the maximum potential here .... This is due to the climate and, accordingly, extremely low costs for creating infrastructure ....

Oh, I forgot to mention, I assume that within 10 years, 90% of the educational and R&D infrastructure will move into the format of virtual coworking spaces and offices. Those. we will get the benefits of collaborative communications as in live communication with full telepresence, but with minimal need for travel.

Yes, and when, in the same 10 years, 3D printers become technologically advanced and comparable in cost and performance to mass production, this will greatly change the production landscape. But consumables can be produced locally. The object of logistics will be specifications, according to which printers and automatic assemblers create various objects.

  1. - How do you understand?
    - It is not necessary to understand me. Be sure to love and feed on time.
  2. I saw cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat ...
  3. It has fallen, it has fallen...
  4. You can always take more than nothing.
  5. You're beautiful. Only a smile is missing.
  6. She always gave herself good advice, although she rarely followed it.
  7. If everything in the world is meaningless, - said Alice, - what prevents you from inventing some sense?
  8. - Serious attitude to anything in this world is a fatal mistake.
    - Is life serious?
    Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...
  9. - How are you doing?
    - No way
    - How not?
    - Not at all!
  10. - Where should I go from here?
    - Where do you want to go?
    “I don’t care, as long as I get somewhere.”
    “Then it doesn’t matter where you go. You are bound to get somewhere.
  11. It doesn't matter what you ask if you still don't get an answer, right?
  12. It would be interesting to see what will be left of me when I am gone.
  13. Execution first! Then the verdict!
  14. Meet someone sensible for a change!
  15. Well, how can you take a book without pictures seriously?!
  16. Long live the unnamed!
  17. Do not be sad. Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful scheme, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.
  18. Who needs a head without shoulders?
  19. If that were the case, it would be nothing. If, of course, that were the case. But since it is not so, so it is not like that. Such is the logic of things.
  20. The plan, to be sure, was excellent: simple and clear, it is better not to come up with. He had only one drawback: it was completely unknown how to bring it into execution.
  21. - What do you want?
    - I want to kill time.
    - Time does not like being killed.
  22. What are those sounds over there? Alice asked, nodding at a very secluded thicket of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
    - And these are miracles, - the Cheshire Cat explained indifferently.
    - And.. And what are they doing there? the girl asked, blushing inevitably.
    - As expected, - the Cat yawned. - They happen...
  23. While you're thinking about what to say, curtsy! This saves time.
  24. Don't grunt. Express your thoughts in a different way!
  25. Try as she might, she could not find a shadow of meaning here, although all the words were perfectly clear to her.
  26. - How can I get into the house? Alice repeated louder.
    - Is it worth going there? said the Frog. - That's the question.
  27. Why are some people so fond of looking for morality everywhere?
  28. I just don't know who I am now. No, of course, I know approximately who I was in the morning when I got up, but since then I have always been like this, sometimes like that - in a word, some kind of not like that.
  29. I have seen such nonsense, in comparison with which this nonsense is an explanatory dictionary.
  30. I have a hopeless situation, but at least I can kick!
  31. You will never reach the most beautiful.
  32. Think about the meaning, and the words will come by themselves.
  33. - Meet! Alice, it's pudding! Pudding, it's Alice! Take it away!...
    Well, they just introduced you, and you are already at him with a knife!

Quotes from the book "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

  1. The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday - but never jam today.
    The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.
  2. You need to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you need to run at least twice as fast!
  3. You know, losing your head is a very serious loss!
  4. When you walk, keep your head straight, put your socks apart and always remember who you are.
  5. Queens do not enter into transactions.
  6. Tomorrow is never today. Is it possible to wake up in the morning and say: “Well, now, finally, tomorrow”?
  7. - You can not believe in the impossible!
    “It’s just that you don’t have much experience,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I spent half an hour every day on this!” Other days I had time to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast!
  8. - Why do you always say: "Do not bury"? Alice finally asked with annoyance. - What am I burying? And where?
    - You buried your mind! Where, I don't know!

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"(eng. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, often shortened "Alice in Wonderland" listen)) is a fairy tale written by the English mathematician, poet and writer Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll and published in 1865.
It tells about a girl named Alice, who falls through a rabbit hole into an imaginary world inhabited by strange creatures.
The story is popular with both children and adults. The book is considered one of the best examples of literature in the absurd genre; it uses numerous mathematical, linguistic and philosophical jokes and allusions.
"Alice in the Wonderland" is a plot continuation of the work.

1. You need to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you need to run at least twice as fast!

2. Everything has its own morality, you just need to be able to find it!

3. - You can not believe in the impossible!
“It’s just that you don’t have much experience,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I spent half an hour every day on this!” Other days I had time to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast!

4. You know, one of the most serious losses in a battle is the loss of a head.

5. Tomorrow is never today! Is it possible to wake up in the morning and say: "Well, now, finally, tomorrow"?

6. Few people find a way out, some do not see it, even if they find it, and many do not even look for it.

7. - Serious attitude to anything in this world is a fatal mistake.
- Is life serious?
Oh yes, life is serious! But not very...

8. I saw such nonsense, in comparison with which this nonsense is an explanatory dictionary!

9. The best way to explain is to do it yourself.

10. If every person did his own thing, the Earth would spin faster.

11. - And where can I find someone normal?
- Nowhere, - answered the Cat, - there are no normal ones. After all, everyone is so different and dissimilar. And this, in my opinion, is normal.

12. Just think that because of some thing you can be so reduced that you turn into nothing.

13. No matter how hard she tried, she could not find a shadow of meaning here, although all the words were completely clear to her.

14. If your head is empty, alas, the greatest sense of humor will not save you.

15. - What do you want?
- I want to kill time.
- Time does not like being killed.

16. She always gave herself good advice, although she rarely followed them.

17. - Do not be sad, - said Alice. - Sooner or later everything will become clear, everything will fall into place and line up in a single beautiful scheme, like lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.

18. - And what are those sounds over there? Alice asked, nodding at a very secluded thicket of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
- And these are miracles, - the Cheshire Cat explained indifferently.
- And.. And what are they doing there? the girl asked, blushing inevitably.
- As expected, - the Cat yawned. - They happen...

19. If it were so, it would still be nothing. If, of course, that were the case. But since it is not so, so it is not like that. Such is the logic of things.

20. Everything that is said three times becomes the truth.

21. Never consider yourself different from what others do not consider you, and then others will not consider you different from what you would like to appear to them.

22. Ten nights are ten times warmer than one. And ten times colder.

23. - Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
- Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
- I don't care ... - said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

24. The plan, to be sure, was excellent: simple and clear, it's better not to think of it. He had only one drawback: it was completely unknown how to bring it into execution.

25. If everything in the world is meaningless, - said Alice, - what prevents you from inventing some sense?

(c) Lewis Carroll

“You have to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you have to run at least twice as fast!” (L. Carroll).

Quote from a children's book with great meaning! It is explained simply: time passes quickly, everything around changes and develops with great speed. To be on top, you need to keep up with the times, but move forward, ahead of time!

Almost all adults do the usual things of life and get tired. Work-everyday-communication take a lot of time, and a feeling of complete "calculation" is created. Even those who don't work can be busy and tired! For example, housewives. They do things, perform certain tasks, but there are usually few movements towards self-development.
This is because any person will find something to do with himself. But apart from the usual things, we need to move forward if you want to develop!

To do this, you need to distribute your time so that you are not just “afloat”, but go forward on the right route!

Therefore, it is worth including optimization, goal setting and delegation in life in order to choose activities that will lead to what you want. You need to define desires, plan things, and, if possible, delegate (transfer) part of your affairs to those who can handle them and relieve you.

It’s also worth giving up on activities that take up your time but don’t contribute to your success (watching TV, monitoring social media, useless conversations, and so on).

If at the moment you are not working (housewife, student) and not engaged in self-development, then you need to move forward. Time passes, therefore, without forgetting about your role in the family or studies, it is worth developing, setting goals and achieving them.

If you work for someone else, then you are developing someone else's business. Even if you improve your skills, at the moment you are making a contribution to someone else's business. Therefore, it is worth considering how to work on your self-development.

Everything around you is someone else's business. Ivan Novinsky.

If you are self-employed, developing your business, then it is worth analyzing what methods you use to develop. You need to choose progressive tools for business development, otherwise you will continue to advance in the middle segment, compared to those who keep up with the times. Choosing something new, you will be among the leaders, those who go to the goal, tracking new opportunities. To do this, you need to watch how more advanced businessmen develop their business.

Often asked questions about the difference in achieving goals in male and female business. Both men and women need to achieve the goal, but the ways to achieve it are different. Men more sharply and assertively "take the top", women more smoothly and gradually. But high goals should be set for both! As a rule, women choose niches in business that are more suitable for female energy and softer ways of development.

Good luck and creative achievements!