School is a new life. Psychological preparation of the child for school

Entering school is the beginning of a new stage in a child's life, his entry into the world of knowledge, new rights and obligations, complex and diverse relationships with adults and peers.

Every year, on the first of September, along with thousands of first-graders, their parents mentally sit down at their desks. Adults are holding a kind of exam - right now, beyond the school threshold, the fruits of their educational efforts will manifest themselves.

One can understand the pride of adults whose children confidently walk along the school corridors and achieve their first successes. And parents experience completely different feelings if the child begins to lag behind in school, fails to cope with new requirements, losing interest in school. Analyzing the years of preschool childhood, one can find the reasons for his readiness or unpreparedness for schooling.

The most important task facing parents is the comprehensive development of the child's personality and preparation for school. However, a significant number of children, despite the “passport” age and the “school” skills and abilities they have, experience great difficulties in learning. The main reason for their failure is that they are still “psychologically” small, that is, they are not ready for the school type of education. The very logic of life suggests that it is necessary to develop criteria and indicators of the psychological readiness of children for schooling, and not focus only on the physical or passport age of children.



Psychological preparation of the child for school

What does "child ready for school" mean?

Psychological readiness for schooling is one of the most important outcomes of a child's development in the first seven years of his life.

Going to school is truly a turning point in a child's life. Judge for yourself - the whole way of his life changes dramatically, the conditions in which he acts; he acquires a new position in society; he develops completely different relationships with adults and peers.

Let's think about it: what is the distinguishing feature of the student's situation? Apparently, first of all, in the fact that the main thing in his life - study - is an obligatory, socially significant activity. The teaching itself - both in content and organization - differs sharply from the forms of activity familiar to a preschool child. The assimilation of knowledge becomes the main goal. It appears now in its pure form, it is not masked, as before, by the game.

The knowledge that children receive at school is already worn systematized, consistent character . The main form of organizing the educational work of schoolchildren is a lesson, the time for it is calculated up to a minute. At the lesson, all children need to follow the instructions of the teacher, follow them clearly, not be distracted and not engage in extraneous matters.

All these features of the conditions of life and activity of a schoolchild make high demands on various aspects of his personality, his mental qualities, knowledge and skills.

The readiness of the child for school is determined by the totality of his general, intellectual and psychological preparation.

The main lines of psychological preparation of the child for school include:

First of all, it is a general development. By the time the child becomes a schoolboy, his general development should reach a certain level. It is primarily about the development of memory, attention and especially intelligence. And here we are interested in both the stock of knowledge and ideas that he has, and the ability to act on the inner plane, or, in other words, to perform certain actions in the mind.

Knowledge. Skills. Skills.

The readiness of the child for school in the field of mental development includes several interconnected sides. A child entering the first grade needs a certain amount of knowledge about the world around him - about objects and their properties, about phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, about people, their work and other phenomena of social life, about "what is good and what is bad ", that is, about the moral norms of behavior. But what is important is not so much the volume of this knowledge as their quality: how correct and clear they are, what is the degree of generalization of the ideas formed in preschool childhood.

The figurative thinking of an older preschooler provides quite rich opportunities for mastering generalized knowledge, and with well-organized learning, children master representations, displaying the essential patterns of phenomena related to different areas reality.

Such representations are the most important acquisition that will help the child at school to move on to the assimilation of scientific knowledge. It is quite enough if, as a result of preschool education, the child gets acquainted with those areas and aspects of phenomena that serve as the subject of study of various sciences, begins to single them out, begins to distinguish living from non-living, plants from animals, created by nature from created by human hands, harmful from useful. Systematic familiarization with each area, the assimilation of systems of scientific concepts is a matter of the future.

Special place in psychological The readiness of children for school takes the mastery of some special knowledge and skills, traditionally related to the actual school - literacy, counting, solving arithmetic problems.

Willingness to learn: memory, attention, thinking, speech...

Of decisive importance in readiness to assimilate the school curriculum is how developed the child's cognitive activity, interest in it.

Such persistent cognitive interests develop gradually, over a long period of time; they cannot arise immediately, as soon as the child enters school, if earlier their education was not given sufficient attention. Studies show that the greatest difficulties in primary school are experienced not by those children who, by the end of preschool age, have an insufficient amount of knowledge and skills, but by those who show intellectual passivity , who lack the desire and habit to think and solve problems that are not directly related to any game or life situation that interests the child . So , one first - grader could not answer the question , how much it would be if one more was added to one . He answered that "five", then "three", then "ten". But when a purely practical task was set before him: "How much money will you have if dad gave you one ruble and mom gave you one ruble?", the boy, almost without hesitation, answered: "Of course, two!"

If you systematically deal with a child, educate him mind, promptingtosearch, reflections, thenyouyou canto besure: famousthe basiscognitiveinterestsyoulaid down. Of course, AndwitharrivalchildinschoolyoutryeveryoneforcesstrengthenAndsupporthisintellectualactivity.

Especiallyhighrequirementspresentseducationinschool, tosystematicassimilationknowledge. Childmustbe able toallocatesignificantinphenomenaenvironmentalreality, be able tocomparethem, seesimilarAndexcellent; is hemustlearnreason, findcausesphenomena, doconclusions. Child, incominginschool, mustbe able tosystematicallyexamineitems, phenomena, allocatethemvariousproperties. To do this, a preschooler must learn to listen carefully to a book, an adult's story, to correctly and consistently express his thoughts, to correctly build sentences. After reading, it is important to find out what and how the child understood. This teaches the child to analyze the essence of what he read, and in addition, teaches coherent, consistent speech, reinforces new words in the dictionary. After all, the more perfect the child's speech, the more successful his schooling will be.

ImportantmeaningIt hasgoodorientationchildinspaceAndtime. Literallywithfirstdaysstayinschoolchildreceivesdirections,whichimpossibleexecutewithoutaccountingspatialsignsof things, knowledgedirectionsinspace. So, for example, teacherasksspendline " obliquelyfromlefttoptorightlowercorner" or " directlydownonrightsidecells"... RepresentationabouttimeAndfeelingtime, skilldefine, How manyhispassed, - importantconditionorganizedworkstudentinclassroom, fulfillmenttasksindefiniteterm.

Moreonesidementaldevelopment, definingreadinesschildtoschoollearning, is anmasteryskillconnected, successively, it's clearforsurroundingdescribesubject, picture, event, explainthenorotherphenomenon, rule.

Secondly, this is the education of the ability to voluntarily control oneself. A child of preschool age has a vivid perception, easily switched attention and a good memory, but he still does not know how to control them arbitrarily. He can remember for a long time and in detail some event or conversation of adults, perhaps not intended for his ears, if something attracted his attention. But it is difficult for him to concentrate for any long time on something that does not arouse his immediate interest. Meanwhile, this skill is absolutely necessary to develop by the time you enter school. As well as the ability of a broader plan - to do not only what you want, but also what you need, although, perhaps, you don’t really want to or even don’t want to at all. Therefore, a necessary element in preparing a child for school should be the development of the skill of controlling his behavior: the child must be taught to do what is required, and not what he wants. Without such a skill, all further efforts will go to waste.

And it has to start in early childhood. It is necessary that the child firmly learns what can and cannot be done at home. It is necessary that he learns to immediately follow the instructions of his elders. He must not be allowed to achieve something he wants by screaming and hysteria.

For the future student, to a certain extent, perseverance, the ability to regulate one's behavior, the ability to perform a not very attractive task for a sufficiently long time, the ability to complete the work begun to the end without leaving it halfway are important. You can train attention, concentration and perseverance in everyday affairs. Board games, constructor and Lego games, modeling, appliqué, etc., that is, those games that last quite a long time, are good for educating perseverance.

It is also important to educate the child's curiosity, voluntary attention, the need for an independent search for answers to emerging questions. After all, a preschooler who has insufficiently formed interest in knowledge will behave passively in the classroom, it will be difficult for him to direct his efforts and will to complete tasks.

Thirdly,this is what is perhaps the most difficult thing: the development of motives that encourage learning. This does not mean the natural interest that preschool children show in school. It is about cultivating a real and deep motivation that can become an incentive for their desire to acquire knowledge, despite the fact that study contains by no means only attractive moments and that difficulties in learning - large or small - are inevitably encountered by everyone.

The ability to learn.

What does the concept of "ability to learn" include?

This is, first of all, to perform serious activities, to study. This desire appears by the end of preschool age in the vast majority of children. Surveys of children, repeatedly conducted in the preparatory groups of kindergartens, showed that all children, with rare exceptions, tend to go to school and do not want to stay in kindergarten. Children justify this desire in different ways. Most refer to studying as the attractive side of the school. Here are some typical responses of children to the question why they want to go to school and not stay in kindergarten: "At school you will learn to read, you will know a lot"; “I was already in kindergarten, but I wasn’t at school. They give difficult tasks there, but I study. Dad also gives me difficult tasks, I do them all ... no, I don’t solve everything”; "You study at school, but you only play in kindergarten, you study little. My sister wants everything to go to kindergarten, she is in the fourth grade, and I go to school."

Of course, not only the opportunity to learn attracts children. For preschoolers, external attributes of school life have a great attraction: calls, changes, grades, the fact that you can sit at your desk, carry a briefcase. This is manifested in the statements of many children: "I like school, they give marks there"; "The teacher is at school, and the teacher is here." Of course, interest in such external moments is less important than the desire to learn, but it also has a positive meaning - it expresses the child's desire to change his place in society, his position among other people.

An important aspect of psychological readiness for school is a sufficient level of volitional development of the child. This level is different for different children. In seven-year-old children, we can already observe the subordination of motives (that is, the ability to consider more important not what “wants”, but what “needs”). This gives the child the opportunity to control his behavior: having come to the first grade, he is able to join in the general activity, accept the system of requirements set by the school and the teacher.

Psychological readiness for school also includes the qualities of the child's personality, helping him to enter the class team, find his place in it, and join in common activities. These are the rules of behavior learned by the child in relation to other people, the ability to establish and maintain relationships with peers and adults. Information about the motivation of your child can also be obtained by observing the role-playing game "School". School-ready children prefer to play the role of students, they write, read, solve problems and answer at the blackboard, get grades. Unprepared children and those younger in age choose the role of the teacher, and also concentrate on the moments of change, the situation of coming and going from school, and the teacher's greeting.

Personal readiness for school also plays an important role. This includes the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to communicate, as well as the ability to play the role of a student, as well as the adequacy of the child's self-esteem. To get an idea of ​​your child's self-esteem, you can offer him the "Ladder" technique. Draw a staircase with 11 steps. Then say that all people in the world are located on this ladder: from the best to the worst. At the top, on the topmost step, there is the best person, and below, on the lowest step, the worst person, in the middle, the average people. Invite the child to determine where his place is, on which step. For younger students, the 6-7 step can be considered the norm, for preschoolers - it can be higher, up to 11, but not lower than 4 - this is already a signal of trouble. In addition to all of the above, the child must undoubtedly have the skills of social life, feel confident when away from home. You need to be able to dress and undress yourself, change shoes, tie shoelaces, deal with buttons and zippers on clothes, be able to use a public toilet.

for a consultation

At preschool age, the leading activity of the child is play. Through the game, he learns the world, tries on the roles of our adult world, develops fantasy and imagination, it is fantasy that is a powerful stimulus for the development of thinking. But by the age of 7, the child begins to understand that the game, toys are all for the little ones, he already wants to penetrate the adult world, do something serious, get on the next step in his development.

A preschooler realizes that her adult life is different, understands that if her mother cooks porridge for fun, then the whole family runs the risk of remaining hungry. It is important that the child is not afraid to try something new, and this requires the correct reaction of an adult so as not to discourage the child.

When we master some new activity for us, then faith in us and the support of loved ones is very important for all of us: “I am there, I will help, it may not work out right away, but over time you will learn”, etc. And then the child can calmly accept a possible situation of failure at the beginning. And when he succeeds, the child needs to see our joy, our approval, this is an important experience for him. This is a moment of personal development - he was able, he became different, his self-esteem rises.

When a child is driven by game motivation, for example, to win in hopscotch, he will train himself in order to win. It's the same with academic motivation, but instead of winning at school, he will get grades.

In our center, it is possible to undergo a diagnosis of the child's readiness for school and get a conclusion on the results.

So what is the psychological readiness of a child for school, what kind of child can be called ready for schooling?

A child who has also formed motivational readiness - i.e. the desire to learn and learn something new, it is the game that sets motivational readiness; and arbitrary readiness - when a child can regulate his behavior, which allows him to do something not very interesting in the classroom; and intellectual readiness is the ability to perceive knowledge and generalize them; and speech development is both his vocabulary and the child's ability to distinguish sounds, i.e. phonemic hearing.

Unfortunately, with the advent of gadgets in our lives and with a lack of communication with working parents, as well as with a decrease in the time of play in a child’s life, speech simply has nowhere and no time to develop. But it is in the game and communication with other people that spontaneous speech develops.

The next important component of psychological readiness for school is self-assessment., it is also an important indicator of personality development. Self-esteem allows a person to make choices in different life situations, determines the level of his aspirations and values, and his nature of relationships with others.

Having begun to form in early childhood, when the child begins to separate himself from the people around him, it continues to change throughout his life, becoming more critical and meaningful. The most favorable period for the formation of self-esteem as a special component of self-consciousness is the primary school age, so special attention should be paid to its development during this period.

When conducting classes, the conditions of non-estimation, acceptance, safety, support are observed.

For this you need:

  • positively reinforce the child's ideas, responses, and actions;
  • use a mistake as an opportunity for a new, unexpected look at something familiar;
  • adapt as much as possible to all the statements and actions of children;
  • create a climate of mutual trust;
  • provide the child with independence in choosing and making decisions with the ability to independently control their own progress.

In the classroom, the daily experience of children is necessarily used. This allows the child to feel that what is happening to him now is important. The child is not yet able to predict his life, to focus on what will be useful in the future. He lives here and now, and all the conversations of adults about the future do not affect the baby. But what is happening to him now is the most important thing.

Preschool age is a crucial period of a person's life, when the most fundamental abilities are formed that determine the further development of a person. This age, like no other, is full of very important achievements in the socialization of children, since during this period children learn to master their own emotions, they develop a motivational sphere, children have arbitrary control of their behavior and their own actions. At the age of six years, such a position as "I and society" is firmly fixed among preschoolers.

What does a child need to know before starting school?

  • By school, it is important for a child to already have experience working with a sample and according to the rule. The fact is that the school does not form this skill, but actively uses it.
  • Understand and speak the language in which the training will be conducted.
  • Understand the meaning of age-appropriate texts, fairy tales, stories.
  • It is important to have motivation, a cognitive need, a need to start learning.

What will the classes be about?

Our program of classes with a psychologist in preparation for school for children 6-7 years old includes many activities:

  • together with the children we will read, discuss, draw, play and act out what we read
  • we will discuss what excites and interests the child
  • we will fold origami, mosaic according to the model, according to the scheme
  • we will copy the sample (repeat patterns, drawings)
  • we will guess riddles, solve puzzles, puzzles
  • we will develop orientation in space (in front-behind-left-right-closer-further-above-below): let's go on the map to look for snowdrops, icicles, birdhouses (but you never know what interesting we want to look for!)
  • we will interact with each other through group games and learn the rules
  • let's develop imagination
  • we will arrange intellectual holidays with initiation into the Knights and Beautiful Ladies of the Rostok Tournament of Skills
  • we will play logic games where you need to see a pattern, continue the sequence, select an extra item
  • we will play games with rules (you probably remember those games that we played in childhood: "Gardener", "Yes and no", "Edible-inedible", "Traffic light"). Now there are a lot of educational board games that enrich our communication and child's play activities. And this is a very natural way for a child to know the world, to learn something.

Classes in preparation for school are conducted by an experienced child psychologist Elena Vladimirovna Nagaeva. Elena Vladimirovna prepares future first-graders for studies through the development and support of the child's cognitive interest, helps to form a positive attitude.

What can we do to prepare our children for school?

  • environment rich in various interesting materials
  • Brain Gymnastics exercises
  • adult love and respect
  • creating a safe, accepting group environment
  • many years of experience in pre-school groups
  • training from the best specialists in the field of preschool education
  • interest in emerging innovations
  • exchange of knowledge and skills with the most advanced specialists in the field of child psychology and pedagogy
  • taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers
  • playful approach to learning

What will the child receive as a result of the school preparation classes at our center?

  • desire to learn!
  • increased self-esteem
  • development of speech and self-presentation skills
  • respect for oneself and others
  • new knowledge and skills, expanding horizons
  • group communication experience
  • pleasure and joy

What will a parent who brings a child to prepare for school to our center get?

  • child's desire to learn
  • child's interest in new knowledge
  • new knowledge and skills, expanding the horizons of the child
  • psychological counseling, individual recommendations on preparing for school
  • 1.5 hours of free time
  • a calmer emotional state of waiting for your child to start school

And here parents may have a question: what, then, is the preparation of preschoolers for writing?

We answer with a quote from the director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, academician, doctor of biological sciences, professor, laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education, Mariana Mikhailovna Bezrukikh:

“To a much greater extent than prescribing graphic elements, the development of skills such as visual-spatial analysis, hand-eye coordination prepares for writing. From the point of view of developing writing skills, the ability to copy a character for a child of five or six years is much more important than the ability to write cursive elements.

We will also use hieroglyphs in our classes, as well as origami, modeling, appliqué and other joys of children's life!

The cost of diagnosing a child's readiness for school

Diagnosis of a child's readiness for school takes place over two meetings.

First meeting

The first meeting includes:

  • 20 minutes of preliminary conversation with parents,
  • 60 minutes (if necessary with a break) lasts directly testing the child.

The cost of the consultation is 3500 rubles.

Between meetings, the psychologist processes the results and prepares a conclusion.

Second meeting

The second meeting takes place only with parents, during which a conclusion is issued on the readiness of the child for learning with recommendations. The duration of the meeting is 40 minutes, the cost of the consultation is 2000 rubles.

Please note that the preliminary meeting with the parents and testing of the child takes place on the same day, and the meeting with the parents based on the results of the diagnosis is scheduled for another date.

The cost of two meetings (20 min + 60 min + 40 min) is 5500 rubles.

The cost of preparing for school

Preparing a child for school takes place 2 times a week, classes are individual and in a group of 3-5 people. Classes are held in our center in Moscow.

School preparation fees:
Service Duration Price
Preparing for school one-time individual lesson (1-2 children) 2000 rub.
Preparation for school individual lesson (1-2 children) (subscription from 8 lessons) two sessions of 40 min. and a break of 10 min. (class time 1.5 hours) 1800 rub. / subscription 14 400 rub.
Preparation for school one-time group lesson (3-5 children) two sessions of 40 min. and a break of 10 min. (class time 1.5 hours) 1700 rub.
Preparation for school group lesson (3-5 children) (subscription from 8 lessons) two sessions of 40 min. and a break of 10 min. (class time 1.5 hours) 1600 rub. / subscription 12800 rub.

We are waiting for you and your children in our center!

Our psychologists

All specialists of our center have extensive experience, specialized education, and take advanced training courses. On the page of each psychologist, you can see reviews, certificates, information about work experience, features of the approach.

Oksana Nikolaevna

Psychotherapist, Gestalt psychologist

Experience 25 years

Helps to understand oneself, resolve conflicts and build relationships with others. Overcome fears and lack of interest in life.

Sign up with a psychologist

Natalya Yurievna

Family psychologist, psychoanalyst

Work experience 15 years

Provides individual and family counseling, helps in resolving conflicts, psychological difficulties and problems in relationships.

Sign up with a psychologist

Olga pavlovna

Psychotherapist, family psychologist

I.A. Galkina (candidate of psychology)

Going to school is an important event in everyone's life. With the beginning of systematic education, the child's life changes greatly, new duties appear for him, physical and neuropsychic stress increases sharply, and the amount of information he absorbs increases significantly. The transition to school age is also associated with serious changes in activities, communication, relationships with other people, self-awareness. Playing activity is gradually being replaced by educational activity, which becomes the leading one at primary school age. The school is a symbol of further development; it helps the child acquire a new status and master new social roles. If the future student is not ready to take on the responsibilities associated with fulfilling a new social role for him, has not mastered the new forms of communication and behavior adopted in the situation of schooling (even with high general intellectual development), he will experience certain difficulties at school. Thus, competent preparation of preschoolers for school is one of the main tasks of both teachers and parents.

Psychologists believe that a lot depends on how the child is psychologically prepared for school. This does not imply how well he can read and count, although it is these skills that are usually tested when enrolling in school. But already in the first months of training, it suddenly turns out that children who read smartly and count well do not show interest in the lessons, violate discipline, get into conflict situations with the teacher and classmates. It turns out, having received a certain preschool education that they have not yet "matured" to school psychologically.

So, psychological readiness for school is a systemic characteristic of the mental development of a child of senior preschool age, which includes the formation of abilities and properties that enable him to perform educational activities, as well as the adoption of the social position of the student. This is the level of psychological development of the child, necessary and sufficient for mastering the school curriculum in the conditions of learning in a peer group.

Psychological readiness for school includes: personal mental and volitional readiness.

Personal readiness and its components:

  • motivational readiness - the formation of social motives (the need for social recognition, the desire to acquire a socially significant status), as well as the formation and dominance of educational and cognitive motives (the desire to learn and learn new things);
  • the formation of self-esteem and self-concept - the child's awareness of his physical capabilities, skills, experiences, as well as the ability to adequately assess his achievements and personal qualities;
  • communicative readiness - the readiness of the child for arbitrary and productive communication with the teacher and peers, in the context of educational activities, the presence of a communicative initiative;
  • emotional maturity - the child's mastering of social norms for expressing his feelings, the absence of impulsive reactions, the formation of higher feelings - aesthetic (sense of beauty), intellectual (joy of knowledge), moral.

Intellectual readiness and its components:

  • cognitive readiness - the transition to conceptual intelligence, mastering the basic mental operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, abstraction), understanding the causality of phenomena, the presence of a certain set of knowledge, ideas and skills;
  • speech readiness - the formation of the lexical, phonemic, grammatical, syntactic, semantic aspects of speech; development of nominative, generalizing, planning and regulating functions of speech; the formation and development of various forms of speech (monologic - dialogical; external - internal);
  • development of perception, memory, attention and imagination; development of sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills.

Volitional readiness and its components:

  • readiness in the sphere of will - the ability to set goals and maintain goals, the ability to implement volitional efforts;
  • development of arbitrariness - the child's ability to build their behavior and activities in accordance with established rules, the implementation of actions according to the proposed samples, their control and correction.

The procedure for determining the psychological readiness for school

The procedure for determining psychological readiness for school may be different depending on the conditions in which the psychologist works. The most favorable conditions are examination of children in kindergarten in April-May. The child must be able to:

1) reproduce the sample;

2) work according to the rule;

3) lay out a sequence of plot pictures and compose a story based on them;

4) distinguish individual sounds in words.

The first stage of the interview includes the "House" method, carried out collectively in groups of 5 people, and individually conducted methods: an experimental conversation to identify the "internal position of the student"; "Yes and no"; "Sound hide and seek" and "Determining the dominance of a cognitive or play motive." There are other methods as well. The most popular are listed here. The results of the examination should be recorded in the child's mental development chart, which is briefly called the psychological chart.

Parents often ask on the possibility of determining the degree of readiness of the child for school at home. There are several special tasks for this.

Exercise 1. Drawing by children of a graphic sample consisting of geometric shapes and elements of capital letters. The sample should be drawn on a white sheet of paper without lines and cells. You need to redraw it on the same white sheet of paper. When drawing, children should use simple pencils. It is not allowed to use a ruler and an eraser. The pattern can be arbitrarily thought up by an adult. This task will allow you to determine whether the child copes with the work according to the model.

Task 2. Playing games with the rules for children. For example, it could be the folk game "Don't take black, white, and don't say no." In this game, children who do not follow the rules and therefore lose are immediately visible. But in the game it is easier to follow the rule than in the training task. Therefore, if a child has a problem of this kind in the game, then in school it will manifest itself all the more.

Task 3. A confused sequence of plot pictures is placed in front of the child. You can take pictures from a fairy tale known to children. There should be few pictures: from three to five. The child is offered to put the correct sequence of pictures and make up a story based on them. To cope with this task, the child must develop the necessary level of generalization.

Task 4. In a playful way, the child is offered words in which it is necessary to determine whether the desired sound is there. Each time they agree on what sound to find. There are several words for each sound. Two vowels and two consonants are offered for the search. An adult must pronounce the sounds sought in words very clearly, and vowels should be sung in a singsong voice. Children for whom this task will cause difficulties should be shown to a speech therapist.

Formation of psychological readiness for school

By the end of preschool age, there is an intensive development of those psychological qualities and properties that ensure the formation of psychological readiness for school. The leading activity of preschool age is a role-playing game, in which important psychological qualities and properties are formed and consolidated. For the first time in play, a child learns to obey a rule when, playing role-playing games with other children, he must fulfill his role according to the rules established by the children or according to the pattern seen in the lives of adults. A child who has played role-playing games without much difficulty takes on the role of a student if he likes it at school, and follows the rules prescribed by this role. A child who has not had experience in role-playing games with a clear performance of a role in his life may at first experience difficulties in accurately fulfilling all the teacher's instructions, both regarding diligence and discipline.

Learning motivation develops in a first-grader in the presence of a pronounced cognitive need and the ability to work. The cognitive need exists in the baby from birth, and the more adults satisfy the cognitive interest of the child, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, you need to answer the numerous questions of the kids, read art and educational books to them as much as possible, play educational games with them. When working with preschoolers, it is important to pay attention to how the child reacts to difficulties: he tries to complete the work he has begun or abandons him. If you see that the child does not like to do what he does not succeed, try to come to his aid in time. At the same time, an adult must definitely emotionally praise the child for completing the work he has begun. The necessary and timely assistance of an adult, as well as emotional praise, allow the child to believe in his abilities, increase his self-esteem and stimulate the desire to cope with what he does not immediately succeed. Gradually, the child will get into the habit of trying to finish the job he has begun, and if it doesn’t work out, then turn to an adult for help. But adults each time must carefully assess the situation, whether their help is really needed or whether the child is just too lazy to work on his own. Sometimes emotional encouragement and confidence that the baby will succeed can act as an aid.

Great value for preschool development and the formation of psychological readiness for school have productive activities (drawing, modeling, designing, etc.), in which the highest forms of regulation of activity develop - planning, correction, control. Excursions with the child to school also help to create a positive attitude towards learning; parents' stories about their school years; organizing family celebrations for the school success of older children; family reading fiction.

In order for the child to feel comfortable at school and not experience difficulties in adapting, it is necessary to smoothly bring him to a new stage of life in advance. Start off preparation for school it is better in such a way that the child perceives it as an exciting game and does not feel pressure. If your child does not want to go to school yet, it is important to help him gain confidence that he will be able to do his job well, that this is the responsibility of every person, and interest will come with time. Children who attend from an early age children's development centers are more accustomed to their studies, and for them, entering a new school life becomes more relaxed. Nevertheless, for any child, the most important thing is the attention of parents and their active participation in the transition to a new life stage.

Inga Malyugina
Psychological preparation of children for school

I, Malyugina Inga Viktorovna, teacher preschool group. I am glad to welcome you on my page. Today we will talk with you about readiness preparatory children groups to study in school.

The child's readiness for learning school is one of the most important outcomes mental development during preschool childhood and the key to successful education in school. From being a child prepared for school all previous preschool period of development, will depend on the success of its adaptation of entering the mode school life, his academic success, his psychological well-being.

Let's figure out with you what is the child's readiness for school.

Composite Components psychological readiness for school are:




* physical.

Personal and socio-psychological readiness for school includes the formation of a child's readiness to accept a new social position schoolboy having a range of important duties and rights, occupying other than preschoolers in the children's society.

Taking a stand student- is primarily related to school, to learning activities, to the teacher, to oneself. The ability to communicate with adults, with peers, enter into a children's society, act together with others.

Intelligent readiness for school consists in acquiring a certain outlook, a stock of specific knowledge, in understanding general patterns, underlying knowledge:

* the orientation of the child in the world around him, the stock of his knowledge acquired by him in the system,

* Desire to learn new things

* sensory development,

development of figurative representations,

*development of speech and thinking.

Emotional and volitional readiness of the child to school involves:

* the ability to subjugate motives, control one's behavior,

* the ability to organize your workplace and maintain order in it,

* a positive attitude towards the goals of the activity (study, acceptance of them,

* the desire to overcome difficulties,

* the desire to achieve the result of their activities.

Physical readiness includes:

*health status (absence of serious diseases, heredity, etc.)

* physical development (classes in sports sections, visits to circles,

*development of analyzer systems,

* development of small muscle groups (hand, fingers,

*development of basic movements (running, jumping, walking, sports games).

Everything mental processes(attention, memory, thinking, imagination) must be sufficiently developed. The child should be able to focus his attention on different work, for example, writing the elements of a letter. The development of perception and thinking allows the child to systematically observe the objects and phenomena being studied, to highlight significant features and differences in objects and phenomena, to reason and draw conclusions, and to come to a certain result.

In the modern world, there are a lot of different benefits, exercises, tasks, games for the comprehensive development of the child. Easy and fun to do with all family members who have free time and a desire to practice. When typing tasks, pay attention to the weak points of your child. Use general strengthening exercises that are useful for strengthening perception, attention, memory, hand motility. Speak difficult words clearly. Ask them to pronounce, repeat. Learn a lot of little rhymes, read to your child. Learn tongue twisters and make up stories. Ask them to retell. Play collective games, they develop arbitrariness of actions, concentration, enrich the speech reserve children, sociability, evoke positive emotions.

You can choose games or toys that will help you in preparing children for school(for example, your favorite fairy tale character, in any case, your child is growing and approaching school. And it is in your interest to make this time as soft and interesting as possible.

But please remember a few simple rules:

*classes should not be violent,

*Lessons should not exceed 35 minutes

* arrange small physical education minutes, breaks,

*Classes must be arranged in a system.

Try to wake up motivation for classes, interest the child (praise, stickers for special achievements, surprise moments, etc.)

In conclusion, I would like to say the following - no matter how your child moves to the heights of knowledge, he needs your help, love, support, faith in himself. Create a healthy, positive, positive attitude before school, in which he would strive to acquire new knowledge, skills, was not afraid of bad grades, problems with teachers, classmates, and was sure that an excellent student or a loser, he is your most beloved and dear!

Good luck, dear parents!

1. Psychological preparation of children for school.

2. Development of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche of children.

3. Development of cognitive abilities.

4. Teaching relaxation techniques.

Lesson progress:

The lesson is held in the psychologist's office with a subgroup of children (5-6 people).

Psychologist: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you! Let's shake hands and say "Hello! ".

Children say hello.

Psychologist: Please listen to what I want to tell you:

green crocodile

The green mother taught:

- Can you be a scientist

Designer or poet,

The main thing is to be green!

Please remember this!

Pot-bellied hippo

The pot-bellied mother taught:

- Can you become an acrobat,

Designer or poet,

The main thing - to be pot-bellied.

Happiness, son, in this!

And the gray mother-mouse

The mouse taught quietly:

- Can you be an engineer,

scientist or poet

The main thing is to be gray

Small and invisible!


Psychologist: Do you think our heroes are teaching their children the right way?

And where do all children get knowledge, study?

That's right, let's talk about school!

I have prepared riddles for you:

I decided to draw a house, I open my own (album)

Our wooden (pencil) can draw

Suddenly the snake will become straight, and her name is (ruler)

I will draw in the album, but for writing I need (notebook)

I drew, and then Marinka will erase an unnecessary stroke (rubber band)

Guys honestly, I’m not used to relying on myself,

To remember the task, I write it in (diary)

These are all our school supplies ... Now I invite you to the table!


Any items are laid out on the table, in our case, school supplies. Children are given 30 seconds to remember what and where lies. Then they turn away. An adult rearranges objects, either removes something completely or replaces it with another object. Children must identify what has changed.


To complete the task, each child will need a “card” - a square sheet of paper divided into 16 cells, mathematical signs are written in the cells of the upper row (+, -, =,

Psychologist: Your task, guys, is to arrange small cards with signs on a large map into cells so that there are no two identical signs in rows and columns.

The children are doing the task. If necessary, the psychologist helps the children with leading questions.

Psychologist: Guys, we have completed difficult tasks. Now is the time to move a little!

Surely all of you have played the game: The sea is worried ... I suggest you change the conditions a little ... You move around the office to the music, as soon as you hear my command you will have to portray something related to the school (For example, a student reading, a teacher, and we will try to guess what it is ... let's try!


Today my children did a lot of work, played and probably got tired. I suggest you be a little lazy. Imagine that you are lazy and bask on a soft, soft carpet. The surroundings are quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation covers your entire body. You rest easy, you are lazy. Rest your hands, rest your legs (pause - stroking the children). The arms are resting, the legs are resting… Pleasant warmth covers your entire body, you are too lazy to move, you are pleased. Your breathing is perfectly calm. Your arms, legs, your whole body is relaxed. A feeling of pleasant peace fills you from within. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, throw off laziness and at the expense of "three" open your eyes. You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood.

Psychologist: Did you guys like our lesson, what do you remember?

Children's answers.

Thanks for the lesson, I'm sure you will be the most exemplary students in school!

The role of a psychologist in preparing children for school

The role of a psychologist in preparing children for school

“Being ready for school

Be ready for school

means to be ready to learn all this” L. A. Wenger

Preparing for school for many parents and some teachers is to teach the child to write, read, count. As soon as the child masters these skills, the teachers calm down, the child is ready for school! But what is happening? Such a smart, capable child and suddenly they talk about the problems of adaptation and learning at school. Didn't like the teacher? Did the kids not accept? The answer is simple: the child was not psychologically ready to enter school.

In recent years, in domestic pedagogy and psychology, there has been an increased interest in the problem of the transition of a preschool child from kindergarten to school and the concept of readiness for schooling, which is closely related to this. Nevertheless, due attention is not paid to psychological preparation due to the lack of awareness of parents and teachers in the importance of this process.

The role of a psychologist in preparing children for school is considered from three positions:

1. Preparation of preschoolers:

Classes with a psychologist (goal: development of cognitive processes, the emotional sphere of the child)

Excursion to the school (goal: the formation of a new social position - the student)

Organization of exhibitions of children's works on the topics:

"I'm going to school"

"I'm a first grader"

(goal: formation of motivational readiness for schooling)

What distinguishes a "psychological" lesson from a "pedagogical" one?

First, it is the number of children in the group. The psychologist works with a group of 5-6 people, which makes it possible to pay maximum attention to each child.

Secondly, the value of psychological exercises lies in the fact that the psychologist pays great attention to how the exercises are performed, and not to the result.

2. Preparation of parents of future first graders:

The relevance of such training lies in the fact that it is difficult for parents to “rebuild” and accept the fact that their child is no longer a baby, but almost an “adult”. The child has become more independent!

Working with parents is built in stages:

Questioning of parents (purpose: to determine expectations, fears)

Development of information stands and booklets (for the purpose of educating parents)

Workshop for parents (on the topic: "Crisis of 7 years: from play to study")

Consultation: "Psychological preparation for school"

Conducting open classes

3. Work with teachers:

Advice on topics:

"Portrait of a future first grader"

"Psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years old"

This mode of operation will help:

Development of the intellectual sphere of children

Formation of learning motivation

Increasing teachers' knowledge of how to prepare children for school

Involving parents in the process of preparing for school.

Certification lesson of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution “Psychological preparation of children for school. I'm a first grader."

Target: Preparing older preschoolers for schooling through the formation of universal prerequisites for educational activities and the necessary skills and abilities.



* Strengthen children's skills in working with an interactive whiteboard.

* Exercise in the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word.

* Exercise in the ability to compose encrypted words from pictures.

* To form in children the skills and habits of correct physiological and speech breathing.


* Develop mental operations (the ability to classify and generalize).

* Develop cognitive processes (logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech).

* Develop hand-eye coordination.

* Develop visual-spatial orientation.

* Develop basic self-esteem skills.

* Develop fantasy and imagination.


* To educate preschoolers in a positive attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards school.

* To cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team, in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

* Increase children's interest in developmental activities in preparation for school with the help of work on an interactive whiteboard.

Direction- developing;

Group- preparatory for school;

Topic– “Psychological preparation of children for school. I am a first grader."

Form of organization- frontal, steam room.

Lesson type- complex with elements of training.

Implementation time- 30 minutes;

Amount of children – 14;

Educational and methodological support:

* Sharokhina V. L. "Psychological preparation of children for school";

* Artsishevskaya I. L. "Psychological training for future first-graders";

* Ganicheva I. V. “Body-oriented approaches to psycho-correctional and developmental work with children”;

* Tsukerman G. A., Polivanova N. K. "Introduction to school life."

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, laptop, interactive accompaniment to the lesson, bell, sets of subject pictures, sheets of A4 white paper, simple pencils.

The following technologies are used in the lesson:

* Health-saving,

* Information and communication,

Methods used in working with children:

1. Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities of preschoolers:

* The method of visual transmission of information (visual perception of information using an interactive whiteboard);

* The method of visual transmission of information (with the help of practical activities of children);

* Method of verbal transmission of information (auditory perception of information);

2. Methods of stimulation and motivation:

* Emotional;

* Social;

* Gaming;

3. Methods of control and self-control:

* Self-control and mutual control.

Organizational and motivational part (3 min)

Game "Pass in a circle" (greeting ritual)(slide 1)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: creating an emotionally positive mood in the group.

Game situation "We are first graders"

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: introduction of preschoolers to the “school world”.

The development of fantasy and imagination. Guys, today we will go to school, we will be first graders, and we will have a real lesson. We close our eyes.

“The alarm is ringing. Your mom woke you up. You put on your beautiful school uniform, take a briefcase and go to school in a good mood. So you open the school door, and the bell rings.

With the help of their imagination, the guys move in time and become first-graders. The school bell rings, class begins.

Main part (25 min.)

The game "The fourth extra" (2 min)(slide 2, 3, 4, 5)

Target: development of the ability to classify and generalize, the development of elements of logical thinking, and visual attention.

The guys one by one approach the screen, find an extra picture and remove it. At the same time, the remaining pictures are combined with one sign and called it.

Sensorimotor exercise "Lying eight" (1 min)(slide 6)

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Target: prevention of tension of the oculomotor nerve, removal of general tension.

Guys, imagine that your hands are connected to mine by invisible threads. Now, you must repeat exactly all my movements to the music.

This exercise is accompanied by calm classical music.

Exercise “Attention - draw! " (3 min.)(slide 7)

The children are sitting at the tables.

Target: development of visual-motor coordination and memory of children.

For 3 seconds, the guys carefully look at the figure shown on the screen, after the screen closes, the children draw a similar figure on their sheet. After completing the task, the children exchange working material with their neighbor and check the correctness of the task. A correctly executed figure is fixed with a plus, executed incorrectly with a minus.

Fizminutka "Floor - nose - ceiling" (1 min)(slide 8)

Children stand near their workplace.

Target: development of auditory attention of preschoolers, prevention of fatigue, stress relief.

The psychologist pronounces the words (gender, nose, floor) and shows the places corresponding to the word, the children should be extremely careful, because the psychologist will confuse them and show not what he calls.







Exercise "Classification" (3 min.)(slide 9)

Children sit in pairs at tables.

Target: development of elements of logical thinking and the ability to generalize. Strengthening the ability to work in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

Before the children a set of subject pictures. Working in pairs, they need to determine by what criteria the pictures can be decomposed into two groups. Then, the children must agree and decide who, on what basis, lays out the pictures, and lay them out.

After the children complete the task, the psychologist approaches each child and checks the task. Children should name the sign by which they laid out the pictures.

Exercise "Breathe through the nose" (1 min.)

Children stand in front of a psychologist on a carpet.

Target: the formation in children of the ability and skills of correct physiological and speech breathing without compromising health,

enrichment of the brain with oxygen, activation of thought processes in the cerebral cortex.

The guys inhale air slowly through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth (lips folded in a tube) - 3 times.

Slow breath in through the right nostril (left closed with a finger, exhale through the mouth - 3 times.

Slow breath in through the left nostril (the right one is closed with a finger, exhale through the mouth - 3 times.

Slow breath in through the nose, exhale quickly through the mouth with the pronunciation of the sound "Ha" - 3 times

Exercise "Encrypted words" (3 min.)(slide 10)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: Improving the ability to compose encrypted words from pictures, consolidating the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning of a word.

There are pictures on the screen: a fly agaric, a stork, a doll.

Children name pictures, determine the first sound in each word and pronounce them in order, so you can guess which word is encrypted on the screen using pictures.

Next, the children are shown hidden pictures, with which you can make new words. If children find it difficult to come up with a word themselves, then for this there are multi-colored squares on the screen, under which words are hidden. Children choose any square, the psychologist reads out the word, and the children one at a time encrypt the word on the screen using pictures.

Instant Build Game (2 min.)(slide 11)

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Target: development of independence, memory and attention, communication skills with each other. Strengthening the ability to work in small groups.

The guys should stand around the psychologist, as follows: a few - in front, a few - behind, on the right, and on the left. Children remember their location relative to the psychologist and relative to each other. After the psychologist spins around in place, the guys must remember their location and take the right place. The game is played multiple times.

Exercise "Find 6 differences" (3 min.)(slide 12)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: development of visual attention (its concentration, stability, development of coherent speech of preschoolers, consolidation of the ability to work with an interactive whiteboard.

There are two pictures on the screen. The guys must find 6 differences between them, each difference is marked in the pictures with a purple triangle.

Multimedia eye gymnastics "In the clearing" (1 min.)(slide 12)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: Removing tension from the oculomotor nerve, concentration of attention, development of visual-spatial orientation.

On the screen with musical accompaniment, animated objects appear, which the guys are watching closely.

Exercise “What has changed? " (3 min.)(slide 13)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: development of elements of logical thinking, consolidation of the ability to work independently with an interactive whiteboard.

The screen shows geometric shapes that differ from each other in certain features (TRIZ features). Children must determine which sign (shape, color, size) changes in the figure, and move this sign under the figure.

Reflection "My Evaluation" (2 min.)(slide 14)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: the formation of elementary self-esteem skills.

Red circle (I liked the lesson and I succeeded).

Yellow circle (I liked the lesson, but I did not succeed in all the tasks).

Blue circle (I didn’t like the lesson and didn’t succeed).

Final part (2 min.)

Game situation "We are preschoolers" (1 min.)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: taking children out of the “school world”, developing fantasy and imagination.

And now, we open our eyes and find ourselves in kindergarten again.

The game "Pass in a circle" (farewell ritual)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: strengthening the emotionally positive mood in the group.

The guys in a circle pass an invisible ball to each other and fill it with a good mood.

This ball will be with you for the rest of the day, and it will help keep you in a good mood.


State educational institution of the Arkhangelsk region

"Severodvinsk children's home"

The system of psychological classes in preparation for schooling

Severodvinsk, 2011

An important role in the development of preschoolers is played by a psychologist, one of whose tasks is to help children with learning difficulties who do not master educational material that is appropriate for their age. A psychological and pedagogical examination makes it possible to identify such children and draw up a plan for individual correctional work, in which, as a rule, all specialists of the orphanage, including the teachers of the group, are involved.

Correctional work should be built as a holistic meaningful activity of the child, and not as separate exercises for training skills and abilities.

The proposed system is aimed at developing in children of senior preschool age those mental functions that create the basis for the successful education of the child.

The basis for the construction of this system was the idea accepted in Russian psychology that the leading activity in preschool age, which creates the most favorable conditions for mental and personal development, is the game. That is why correctional work with children in accordance with this system is carried out on the basis of educational games.

At preschool age, the assimilation of new knowledge in the game is much more successful than in the classroom. A learning task posed in the form of a game has the advantage that in a game situation the child understands the very need to acquire new knowledge and methods of action.

It is necessary to take into account the level of cognitive development of the child, i.e. simple games can be made more difficult by introducing additional rules and vice versa.

At the same time, one of the indicators and conditions for a good physical and neuropsychic development of a child is the development of his hand, hand, manual skills, or, as it is commonly called, fine finger motor skills. As the physiologist I. Pavlov wrote, "hands teach the head, then the wiser head teaches the hands, and skillful hands again contribute to the development of the brain."

That is why the proposed system includes tasks for the development of fine motor skills, sensorimotor coordination. Total duration of classes:

25 -30 minutes.

The frequency of classes is 1 time per week.

Each lesson includes developmental tasks with the use of colorful visual aids aimed at the development of mental processes in children. It is necessary to have a notebook in a cage for writing assignments for each child.

The structure of the lesson includes:

  • games for the development of sensory experience;
  • games for the development of knowledge about the world;
  • games for the development of perception;
  • games for the development of attention, memory;
  • games for the development of spatial orientations;
  • games for the development of fine motor skills, etc.
  • games to consolidate knowledge from speech therapy classes
  • conversations on the formation of interest in school

The lesson should be conducted in the form of a game.

The lesson is held in a favorable emotional atmosphere, arouses interest.

Tasks should be applied, taking into account the mental capabilities of the child.

It is necessary to encourage the satisfaction that the child receives from the lesson.

It is necessary to gradually complicate the types of work, successively moving from elementary to more complex tasks.

Psychologist: The next task is "Find your class."

An application is proposed, which depicts a three-story school, with three classes on each floor. You need to find the classes:

Anya - a class on the second floor, the second in a row,

Vadim - class on the right above Anya's class,

Nastya - class to the left of Anina,

Alyosha - class to the right of Vadim's class,

Natasha - a class located in the right corner of the lower floor of the school.

That's all. The students found their classes.

Psychologist: All first graders know what should be in a portfolio. Do you know? The next task is to collect an imaginary portfolio.

Exercise "Collecting a portfolio"

Children sit in a circle. The first participant says: “I will put it in my briefcase ...” - and names some subject necessary at school. The next child repeats the name of the object that the previous child named and adds his own object, the next - the first two words and his own, the last one repeats all the named objects.

Psychologist: Well done, you coped with all the tasks! So you are ready for school.

And finally, I want to offer you to fill in the “piggy bank of the first grader”.

Exercise "First grader piggy bank"

Instruction: children are invited to “fill” two piggy banks: “student difficulties” and “student successes” (you can use any opaque jars with glued names of different colors as a piggy bank). Children list what, in their opinion, can make it difficult for them to study, life at school, upset or, conversely, bring pleasure, please, help to cope with school difficulties. Each statement is accompanied by throwing coins (paper clips, peas, etc.) into the appropriate piggy bank.

When the options run out, invite the children to “rattle” the piggy bank and determine where there is more content. If the children believe that the piggy bank of "success" is louder, lead to the fact that there are more successes in the student's life. If it is the same, then, despite the difficulties, there will be no less success.

And if there are more difficulties, add “chips” to the “success” piggy bank, mentioning what the children forgot about.

Final part.

Psychologist: Our lesson came to an end and before we say goodbye. Each name what he liked the most. And now let's say goodbye.

Farewell ritual.


Synopsis of a training session with parents

"Psychological preparation of the child for school"

Prepared by:

Gorshkova Anna Alexandrovna - pedagogue-psychologist MBOU DOD TsRTDi Yu

Purpose: optimization of parent-child relationships.

To acquaint children of six years with the features of psychological readiness for school;

Teach productive ways to interact with the child;

Develop relationships of partnership and cooperation between parents and children.

Material needed: 3 sheets of A4 size with a picture of a smiling, sad and crying emoji.

Expected results: the development of positive interaction between parents and children, the establishment of partnerships in the family of each child.

Lesson progress

Exercise "If you could compare ..."

Sitting in a circle and passing the toy, the parents take turns saying: "My child's name is ... If it could be compared with a school subject, it would be ... Because ... "

Mini-lecture "What is psychological readiness for school"

Psychological readiness for school is a kind of complex indicator that allows you to predict the success or failure of a first-grader's education.

So what are the components included in the set of "school readiness"?

This is, first of all, motivational readiness, i.e. having a desire to learn. Most parents will almost immediately answer that their children want to go to school and, therefore, they have a motivational readiness. However, this is not quite true.

The desire to go to school and the desire to learn differ significantly from each other.

The school should involve the child with its main activity - study. If the question is: "Why do you want to go to school?" they answer you: “Because I have a beautiful satchel” or “My friends are there, we will have fun” or something else like that - he is attracted to external accessories, and not to the educational activity itself.

Next comes intellectual readiness. Many parents believe that it is the main component of psychological readiness for school, and its basis is teaching children the skills of writing, reading and counting. This belief is the cause of parents' mistakes in preparing their children for school, as well as the cause of their subsequent disappointments.

In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply that the child has any specific formed knowledge and skills (for example, reading), although, of course, the child must have certain skills. Rather, it implies the development of his mental functions (perception, thinking, memory, speech, imagination), moreover, throughout preschool childhood.

And then at school, the teacher, relying on existing skills, will give the child new educational material.

Social readiness means that the child knows the rules of behavior at school, how it is necessary to communicate with peers ... If, before entering the first grade, your child did not attend kindergarten, and his communication was limited only to communication with you and grandparents, then it is unlikely whether he can painlessly join the new team.

If a child has formed social readiness, to the question: "Why do you want to go to school?" he should answer something like this: "I want to go to school, because all children should study, this is necessary and important."

And now I invite you to remember your childhood, or rather, school time.

Game "Choose a smiley"

3 emoticons are attached to the wall at some distance from each other (1st - smiling, 2nd - sad, 3rd - crying).

Parents are read questions about their schooling. Instead of answering, they must choose the appropriate emoji and stand under it.

1. Remember, with what mood did you go to first grade?

2. And in what mood did your parents see you off to the first grade?

3. Remember the feelings and facial expressions with which you most of the time sat down for lessons.

4. How did you feel when you graduated from high school?

Mini-lecture "Parent's attitude = child's attitude"

I think it will not be a secret to anyone that the psychological readiness for school largely depends on the parents and their mood. It is very important to give the child a positive attitude to learning in the first grade.

But where does it come from those parents who themselves had a hard time adapting to school, and, as a result, all the other school years. Adults, of course, may experience anxiety before such important changes in life, but in no case should it be passed on to the baby. Do not discuss the problems of school education in his presence, do not show your fears.

But there is also a downside: an overly optimistic attitude of parents gives rise to rosy ideas about school in a child. As a result, he does not expect problems at all from a new phenomenon in his life.

And faced with the first difficulties, he is disappointed in the school as such. And, oddly enough, in myself. After all, he is sure that everyone copes with the tasks set easily, and only he does not succeed: well, how can you not blame yourself for what is happening.

It would be much more correct to explain to the child the advantages and disadvantages of school and the education, knowledge and skills acquired there, but do not forget to mention that this is often a difficult task. That school still needs to get used to, that everyone faces difficulties, and it is important to overcome them together. As a result, the child will develop a positive attitude towards school, and an understanding of the upcoming difficulties.


Parents are divided into 2 groups. The first comes up with expressions that contribute to a decrease in self-esteem, as well as motivation for learning and achievement.

The second group comes up with phrases that can increase learning motivation and self-esteem.

Then one person from the group is selected, who read out the resulting expressions.


Mini-lecture "On the benefits of playing for a preschooler"

Another very important psychological feature of preschool children: their main activity is a game through which they develop and gain new knowledge. That is, all tasks should be presented to the baby in a playful way, and homework should not turn into a learning process. But while studying with a child at home, it is not even necessary to set aside some specific time for this, you can constantly develop your baby.

The game as the leading activity of a preschooler is of great importance for the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education of children. First of all, cognitive development is carried out in it, since gaming activity contributes to the expansion and deepening of ideas about the surrounding reality, the development of attention, memory, observation, thinking and speech.

And now I suggest that you break into pairs and complete the following task.

Exercise "Develop - playing"

Parents are divided into pairs. They are given notes with tasks. The first one comes up with and shows how to offer the child a task in a playful way.

The second - a child, performs a task. When everyone is done, start the discussion:

Understandable - incomprehensible, interesting - uninteresting was the "child".

It was difficult or easy to "beat" the task for an adult.

Reflection lessons

Parents share their impressions, the psychologist thanks everyone for their work.

On this topic:

Material from the site

preparation for school, preschoolers, child psychology for parents


The kit includes a methodological manual and demonstration materials necessary for a teacher-psychologist who conducts classes in a school preparation program. The manual describes the diagnostic procedure, presents detailed scenarios for classes.



The beginning of schooling is a qualitatively new stage in a child's life, and the main thing is that during the transition to this new stage, he should form a psychological, primarily motivational readiness for learning activities, a desire to learn. By the end of preschool age, the child reaches a sufficiently high level of cognitive and personal development, masters the world of things, he forms the position of a schoolboy. But being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count, it means being ready to learn all this. Readiness for school includes the following parameters:

Psychological readiness - the state of the psyche, nervous system, motivation for learning activities;

Intellectual readiness - the child has a broad outlook, developed cognitive processes;

Emotional-volitional readiness - the ability to manage emotions, build relationships with the outside world;

Physical readiness - the state of health of the child (as an additional component).

An important role in creating the foundation for successful learning activities is played by the development of cognitive processes: thinking, memory, speech and, no less important, perception, attention, performance, as well as the emotional-volitional sphere and communication skills.

The comprehensive developmental program "Year to School: from A to Z" is designed to organize the preparation of children aged 6-7 years attending preschool educational institutions for schooling. It is aimed at the development of both cognitive activity and psychological readiness.

Classes that include a variety of game studies, psychological exercises, finger games, practical logic tasks, relaxation exercises, elements of psycho-gymnastics, etc. contribute to the development of communication skills, the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the group; develop attention, memory, logic, non-standard thinking, broaden the horizons of the child, develop hand-eye coordination. Relaxation exercises relieve muscle and emotional tension, create a trusting atmosphere in the children's team. Game classes help the child to accept the role of a student, form an emotionally positive attitude towards school, and increase motivation for learning activities.

When creating a cycle of classes, materials from the programs “To School with Joy” were used, ( Schwab, 2007) , "Teaching literacy to preschool children" ( Martsinkevich, 2004) ; "Pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children before entering school" edited by T. S. Komarova and O. A. Solomennikova.

The program contains content that allows each child to provide the necessary starting opportunities for admission and further successful education at school. Conditions are created for the development of attentiveness, the ability to reason, analyze and compare, generalize and highlight the essential features of objects, improve cognitive activity, while taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. In the course of work, the intellectual activity necessary for the future first-grader is formed, the joy of knowledge is born.

Purpose of the program - prepare older preschoolers for successful schooling by developing the cognitive, communicative and emotional-volitional spheres, enriching them with the necessary knowledge that will help them feel confident and comfortable when entering school and throughout the school years.

Determining the level of readiness of children to study at school (conducting an initial and repeated psychological and pedagogical examination).

Expanding horizons.

Evaluation and development of motivation for learning activities, intellectual activity (performing abilities, volitional qualities) of the child.

Formation of personal, socio-psychological, intellectual and emotional-volitional readiness.

Development of higher mental functions (memory, thinking, attention, perception, imagination, speech based on the child's abilities); the ability to compare, generalize, find causal relationships, graphic skills, hand-eye coordination.

Development of skills of arbitrary regulation of behavior.

Development of communication skills with peers and adults, creative abilities; trust, group cooperation.

Removal of emotional and muscular tension (relaxation exercises).

When implementing the program, it is necessary to observe the basic principles of work:

Respect for the child, for the process and results of his activities, combined with reasonable demands;

An integrated approach to the development of classes;

Systematism and sequence of classes;

Variability of the content and forms of conducting classes;


The adequacy of the loads and requirements imposed on the child in the process of classes;

Gradual and systematic in the development and formation of school-significant functions, following from simple knowledge to more complex ones;

The repeatability of the material, the formation and consolidation of the acquired knowledge.

The main form of work is a frontal educational and game lesson using standard and non-standard forms, techniques and activities: psychological games, sketches, relaxation exercises, logical tasks, storytelling, conversations, drawings, graphic dictations, riddles, etc.

More details on the website

This table will help me get feedback from you.

1.4. Conversation. Output.

The situation of passing the exam is the same for all students, but everyone experiences it and behaves in it differently. What is it connected with?

Of course, in many respects with how you learned the material, with how well you know this or that subject, how confident you are in your abilities. Sometimes it happens like this - you really learned the study material well and suddenly there is a feeling during the exam that everyone has forgotten, some fragments of thoughts are rushing about in your head, your heart is beating fast and strongly, in order for this not to happen, you need to learn to overcome your fear, to study methods of mobilization and concentration, as well as relieving emotional stress. What are we going to do now.

1.5. Exercise "Angry Balls".

Purpose: to teach safe ways of expressing irritation, relieving emotional stress.

Instructions: guys, inflate the balloons and tie them.

Imagine that a balloon is a human body, and the air in it is feelings of irritation, anger, tension.

Tell me, can now (children hold tied balloons) air enter and leave it?

What happens when a feeling of irritation, tension overwhelms a person? (the balloon will explode, and the person will have an emotional breakdown or some kind of aggressive act)

But can a person who is experiencing psycho-emotional stress or irritation remain calm, think productively, do something qualitatively, do it well?

The psychologist pops his balloon.

How did you feel when the balloon exploded?

Can such a way of expressing irritation, relieving emotional stress be safe? Why?

Guys, if the balloon is a person, then an exploding balloon means some kind of aggressive act, for example, disputes, conflicts, dissatisfaction with others and with oneself.

And now inflate another balloon, but do not tie it, but hold it firmly in your hand, without releasing the air. You remember that the ball is a person, and the air inside it is feelings of irritation, anxiety, tension.

Now release some air from the balloon and squeeze it again.

Have you noticed that the balloon has shrunk?

Did the balloon explode? When did you let the air out of him?

Can this way of expressing feelings be considered safer? Why?

Is the ball still intact? Did you scare anyone?

What conclusion can you draw from this exercise? What thoughts did it give you?

Conclusion: this balloon is an indicator of a person’s neuropsychic state, and the way air escapes from it is an association with ways to regulate one’s emotional state.

1.6. Psychologist's information about anxiety, stages of stress. SLIDE.

(Anxiety - emotional breakdown - aggression - depression)

There is no such person who would never experience anxiety, tension. Worrying is natural. A person has a special biological mechanism that helps to cope with emotional overload.

Anxiety means that your body is ready to fight the difficulties that have arisen, this state is temporary and is intended by nature for extreme situations. The body cannot stay in it for a long time. BUT if a person is nervous for a long time, experiences difficulties, is in a tense state for a long time, as a result, an emotional breakdown can occur, irreparable damage to health.

Of course, the exams that await you require a lot of preparation, both physical and emotional. Exams are a serious test that makes you mobilize all your strength.

There are certain methods of volitional mobilization, as well as methods of relaxation and stress relief. Why is it necessary to be able to relax?

As you know, muscle tension causes negative emotions of anxiety of different strengths. If emotions are strong enough, they block thought processes. Therefore, it is important to be able to relieve muscle tension.

And mobilization techniques help improve cerebral circulation, increase efficiency. Therefore, it is very important to know and systematically perform exercises that help regulate your condition, and during the preparation for exams, they should be daily.

Now, I propose to discuss healthy ways to overcome stressful conditions, relieve emotional tension, which you know and could apply during the period of preparation for exams.

1.7. Work in pairs. SLIDE

Instructions: Discuss healthy ways to cope with stress during the preparation and passing of exams (i.e., methods of strong-willed mobilization and prima for relieving nervous tension).

Discussion of developments.

1 person from a pair offers 1 method, preferably without repeating and demonstrating the exercise. Doing it all together

1.8. Performing practical exercises.

On the slide you see different ways to relieve emotional stress and mobilize


In addition, the following exercises can be suggested for performance:

  1. "Chopping wood."

Instructions: Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, take a full deep breath through your nose, while filling your stomach and lungs with air, raising your arms above your head. Hold your breath for a few seconds and then sharply bend your torso, lowering your arms with force down, as if chopping wood.

At the same time, say: “Ha!” due to a sharp exhalation of air, but not due to the vocal cords. Slowly straighten up, making a smooth breath, and again raise your hands above your head and exhale sharply, leaning forward. When doing the exercise, mentally imagine that negative thoughts, everything bad and painful, leave your body along with the exhalation.

  1. "Sunflowers" or "Asterisks" (hands up, reach for the sun)
  2. Breathing exercises 4 - 4 - 4
  3. Head tilts forward, backward, to the sides. Writing your name with your head in the air. (Goal: improve cerebral circulation)
  4. Walnuts.


Psychological lesson with elements of training:

"The formula for success in preparing and passing the GIA and the Unified State Examination"

(for students and teachers).

Purpose: familiarization with the strategy and tactics of behavior during the preparation and delivery of the GIA and the Unified State Examination.

1. to teach the skills of self-regulation and self-control based on internal reserves;

2. increase self-confidence, in their abilities, resistance to stress;

3. develop the ability to self-knowledge and reflection of one's own state and behavior;

4. develop mental cognitive processes (memory, attention, imagination, speech);

5. develop feelings of empathy, attention to yourself and trust in others.

Methods of work: mini-lecture, conversation, relaxation exercises.

Forms of work: individual and frontal work.

Means: 2 balls of different colors, scales with a load, star blanks, pens, memos, MP3 music audio recordings, multimedia presentation.

Lesson progress


We have been taking exams all our adult lives. This applies not only to exams at school, university or when applying for a job. Moreover, in recent years, school exams have become quite commonplace, they are often held even in elementary grades, and end with an epic final and entrance exams. And now there are new forms of final certification of graduates, in the form of the GIA and the Unified State Examination. (Slide 1)

Exercise 1.

Continue the statement “For me, the GIA and the Unified State Examination are ...”, “For my students, the GIA and the Unified State Examination are ...” (analyzing the results, the psychologist fixes attention on the common difficulties of teachers and students - fatigue, lack of time, overload ...). (Slide 2)

Exercise 2.

The psychologist offers 2 balls of different colors, which are passed in a circle from different directions. The one who received 1 ball continues the phrase: “I like it in conducting the GIA and the Unified State Examination ...”, the one who received the 2nd ball - “It upsets me in the conduct of the State Examination and the Unified State Examination ...”. The psychologist at this time fixes the load on the scales, i.e. positive and negative answers and draws the attention of participants to the "inevitability" of negative factors in the professional activities of a teacher and the need to preserve the physical and psychological health of a professional teacher. (Slide 3)


The readiness of teachers and graduates to pass the GIA and the Unified State Examination is understood by us as a complex of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities that allow us to successfully perform certain activities. In readiness for passing the exam in the form of the GIA and the Unified State Examination, the following components can be distinguished: (Slide 4)

Information readiness (awareness about the rules of conduct in the exam, awareness about the rules for filling out forms, etc.);

Subject readiness or content (readiness for a particular subject, the ability to solve test tasks);

Psychological readiness (state of readiness - "setting", internal attunement to a certain behavior, focus on expedient actions, actualization and adaptation of a person's capabilities for successful actions in a situation of passing an exam).

Exercise Tree of Life. (Slide 5)


The leaves of this tree are the days of a person's life. Each leaf will be fresh and green, if the crown is maintained, equivalent branches will grow in return: I can, I want, I must.

These branches are supported by the trunk of a healthy lifestyle, fed by the roots that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle (these are: physical activity, giving up bad habits, proper rational nutrition, positive emotions, etc.). Let's close our eyes and imagine our tree of life... Mentally ask yourself questions: What can I do?... What do I want... What should I do?...

Let's try to plant our own tree of life today! Let's start nourishing its roots with useful recommendations that will be useful to both students and teachers.

Mini lecture "Formula of Success": (Slide 6)

All exams are stressful. They demand from a person the mobilization of all forces, and not only intellectual ones. It is hardly worth counting that it will be possible to pass this difficult test, jokingly.

The question is different: how to make sure that the costs of labor, time and nerves are used with maximum efficiency and ultimately lead to the achievement of the goal. A few tips for educators and students will help you define your own formula for success.

Physical preparation.

Of course, exams are primarily a test of the mind and knowledge. But in order to endure the exam marathon to the end, first of all, you need to be in good physical shape. This means that it is necessary to build your regime in such a way as to spend energy economically, otherwise they may not be enough to finish.

The first and necessary condition is to get enough sleep. (Slide 7) It is believed that for a good rest, a person needs at least 8 hours of sleep per day. However, this indicator is individual for each person. Undoubtedly: not only the "quantity of sleep" is important, but also its quality. Here is what experts advise: (Slide 8)

  1. In order for the preparation for the exam not to be a burden, you need to know what time of day you work best. Of course, you have heard that among people there are "owls" and "larks". Owls are most active from 7 pm to 10 pm. "Larks" - early in the morning - from 6 to 9 o'clock and in the middle of the day. By observing yourself, you can find out who you are "owl" or "lark". Try to notice what time of day you are most active. Choose the right time for self-study or exam preparation!
  2. Our sleep is divided into phases lasting about 1.5 hours. The feeling of "brokenness" often occurs when waking up in the middle of a phrase. Therefore, it is necessary that the time allotted for sleep be a multiple of 1.5 hours. In other words, it is better to sleep 7.5 hours than 8 or even 8.5. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to 6 hours of sleep (1.5 x 4), but, of course, as an exception. You won't last long in this mode.
  3. The most “quality” sleep is until midnight. It is no coincidence that “larks”, that is, people who are used to going to bed early and getting up early, in principle, need fewer hours to sleep than “owls” - those who like to stay up late and get up in the morning with great difficulty. Close to the ideal scheme can be considered as follows: lights out at 22:30, rise - 6:00. The day will seem “long” and how much you can do for it.
  4. High pillows should be avoided. The processes of blood circulation in the brain proceed better if the head lies on a low, almost flat pillow, therefore, the body restores strength faster and more efficiently. If there is very little time left for sleep, but you still need to sleep, you can try to lie down without a pillow at all.
  5. The room where the student sleeps should be cool and well ventilated. Very useful - not only during exams and other extreme situations - the habit of sleeping with an open window in any weather. If it is very cold outside, it is better to take an extra blanket. But the air in the room must be fresh.
  6. We should not forget about the evening shower, which should not be too hot or too cold. Warm water washes away not only daytime dirt - it takes away fatigue and stress, helps to relax.
  7. In no case do not eat up at night, especially do not drink strong tea or coffee. The best drink before going to bed is a weak decoction of chamomile or mint (it is sold in the form of tea bags, which can only be brewed with boiling water). You can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the decoction, unless, of course, you are allergic to it.

Exercise "Rain in the jungle." (Slide 9)

Psychologist: “Let's stand in a tight circle one after another. Imagine that you are in the jungle. The weather at first was magnificent, the sun was shining, it was very hot and stuffy.

But then a light breeze blew. Touch the back of the person in front of you and make light movements with your hands.

The wind increases (the pressure on the back increases). A hurricane has begun (strong circular motions). Then it began to rain (light taps on the partner's back). But the downpour began (moving the fingers of the palm up and down). Hail went (strong tapping movements with all fingers). It began to rain again, a light rain pounded, a hurricane swept through, a strong wind blew, then it became weak, and everything in nature calmed down. The sun came out again. Now turn around 180 degrees and continue the game.

After the end of the exercise discussion: How do you feel after such a massage? Was it pleasant or not to perform certain actions?

Continuation of the mini-lecture "Formula for Success"...

Rational nutrition. (Slide 10)

In principle, no special diet is required during the examination session. You need to eat what you are used to and what you like. However, here are a few simple tips:

1. The basis of a healthy "intellectual" diet is proteins and vitamins. Therefore, the diet should be enough dishes from meat and poultry, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. "Heavy" side dishes of potatoes, rice or pasta are best replaced with fresh salads from all kinds of vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers.

Among vegetables, the "champions" in the content of vitamin "C", which is often called "health vitamins", are just cabbage and pepper. Instead of too hot seasonings and fatty mayonnaise, you need to use vegetable oil in half with lemon juice - this is both tasty and healthy. And do not forget about fruits - the benefit is that in the "hot" examination season, which falls on the summer months, there is no shortage of fresh fruits and berries.

2. Many people like canned fruit juices, but ... unfortunately, they cannot be considered a complete food product, because they are made from powder and water. Another thing is freshly squeezed juices. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and valuable minerals.

It is necessary to use not only fruits (apples and oranges) for making juices, but also vegetables - carrots, cabbage, beets.

3. You need to eat regularly. By skipping an hour of lunch because they do not want to tear themselves away from their textbooks, students risk bringing themselves to the state of “wolf hunger”. Then it will be difficult to resist overeating, which will result in drowsiness.

It is better to eat a little, but on time.

4. Among the natural products that stimulate the brain and stimulate intellectual activity, nutritionists name:

Raw grated carrots with vegetable oil, which improves memory;

Cabbage that relieves stress;

Vitamin C (lemon, orange) - refreshes thoughts and facilitates the perception of information;

Chocolate - nourishes brain cells;

Avocado (half a fruit daily);

Shrimps (100 g per day) will help you focus

Nuts (100-200 g per day, morning and evening) have a beneficial effect on brain function and strengthen the nervous system.

5. It is better to refrain from taking medications (stimulants, antidepressants) - their effect on the body is not always predictable and is often fraught with side effects.

So, in some cases, instead of a surge of energy, they lead to drowsiness and a breakdown. An exception can be made for vitamins like "Undevit" and the drug "Glycine", which are considered harmless.

Meditative-relaxation exercise - "Temple of Silence". (Slide 11)

Psychologist: Imagine yourself walking on one of the streets of a crowded and noisy city... Feel how your feet step on the pavement... Pay attention to other passers-by, their facial expressions, figures...

Perhaps some of them look worried, others calm... or joyful... Pay attention to the sounds you hear... Pay attention to the shop windows... What do you see in them?..

There are a lot of passers-by hurrying around... Maybe you will see a familiar face in the crowd. You can come up and greet this person. Or maybe you will pass by ... Stop and think about how you feel on this noisy street? ..

Now turn the corner and walk down another street... It's a quieter street. The further you go, the fewer people you meet...

Walking a little more, you will notice a large building that differs in architecture from all the others... You see a big sign on it: "The Temple of Silence"... You understand that this temple is a place where no sounds are heard, where no sound is ever heard. not a single word was spoken.

You approach and touch the heavy carved wooden doors. You open them, enter and immediately find yourself surrounded by complete and deep silence... Stay in this temple... in silence...

Spend as much time as you need on this... When you want to leave this temple, push the doors and go outside. How do you feel now? Remember the road that leads to the "Temple of Silence".

When you want, you can return to it again.

Continuation of the lecture "Formula of Success"...

What to do if your eyes are tired? (Slide 12)

During the preparation for exams, the load on the eyes increases. If the eyes are tired, then the body is tired: it may not have enough strength to complete the examination task. You need to make sure that your eyes rest.

Do any two exercises:

1. look alternately up and down (25 seconds), left - right (15 seconds);

2. write with your eyes your first name, patronymic, last name;

3. alternately fix your eyes on a distant object (20 seconds), then on a piece of paper in front of you (20 seconds);

4. Draw a square with your eyes, a triangle - first clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Exercise "Float in the ocean". (Slide 13)

“This exercise is used when you feel some kind of tension or when you need to control yourself, and you are afraid that you will lose control over yourself (sounds of the sea).

Imagine that you are a small float in a vast ocean... You have no goal, compass, map, rudder, oars... You are moving where the wind and ocean waves take you... A big wave may cover you for a while, but you again emerge on the surface… Try to feel these pushes and dives… Feel the movement of the wave… the warmth of the sun… raindrops… the pillow of the sea under you supporting you… What other sensations do you have when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean?”.

Exercise "Full breath". (Music audio mp3)

“Take a comfortable position, straighten your back. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.

Air fills your abdomen first and then your chest and lungs. Take a full breath, then a few light, calm exhalations.

Now, calmly, without special effort, take a new breath.

Pay attention to which parts of the body are in contact with the chair, the floor. In those parts of the body where the surface supports you, try to feel this support a little more. Imagine a chair (floor, bed) being lifted to support you.

Relax those muscles with which you support yourself.

The pulse got smaller (lower!)

Exercise "Find your star." (Slide 15)

Psychologist: “Sit back and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and exhale ... (calm music sounds).

Now imagine a starry sky. Stars are big and small, bright and dim. For some, this is one or more stars, for others, an innumerable number of bright luminous points, either receding or approaching at arm's length.

Look carefully at these stars and choose the most beautiful star. Perhaps it looks like your childhood dream, or maybe it reminded you of moments of happiness, joy, good luck, inspiration?

Once again admire your star and try to reach it. Try your best! And you will definitely get your star.

Remove it from the sky and carefully place it in front of you, take a closer look at it and try to remember how it looks, what kind of light it emits. Now run your palms over your knees, down to the soles of your feet, and stretch sweetly, open your eyes.

At this time, the psychologist lays out a lot of pre-prepared multi-colored "stars" in front of the guys. “Take the star that most closely resembles yours. On one side of the star, write what you would like to achieve in the near future, and on the other side, write the name of your star. Attach it to our starry sky.

And now the stars will shine for us every training session, radiating kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, support. And at the last lesson you will take them with you, they will lead you to your cherished goal and will accompany you all in exams and further in life.

Exercise "Who will praise himself best of all, or Memo for a rainy day."

Psychologist: each of the people has bouts of blues, a “sour” mood, when it seems that you are worth nothing in this life, nothing works out for you. At such moments, all one's own achievements, victories, abilities, joyful events are somehow forgotten.

But each of us has something to be proud of. In psychological counseling, there is such a technique. The psychologist, together with the person who turned to him, draws up a memo in which the merits, achievements, abilities of this person are entered.

During bouts of bad mood, reading the memo gives courage and allows you to evaluate yourself more adequately. Let's do a similar job. If you like, you can read your notes to us later.

The completed notes will remain with you.

On the board draw a large table depicted on the forms.

FORM MEMO "My best qualities"