Why do you need to know biology? My favorite school subject is biology (School essays)

Composition "My favorite subject is biology"

What can each student at school pay special attention to? Of course, to this or that lesson, which in the future may become a favorite for him.

However, for everyone this lesson is defined in different ways: someone likes a teacher who teaches a subject, someone likes that they do not assign homework for this lesson, someone will need it to enter an institute. And for some guys, this lesson arouses that interest, that inspiration, in which he finds all the strength of his mind and the desire to study this subject as far as possible. However, favorite subjects may change depending on which grade you are in.

Now I want to tell you about how biology became my favorite subject. My passion for biology began after I entered the 6th grade. I came to the first lesson, and there we were greeted by a strict-looking teacher, Nadezhda Mikhailovna. But after she gave her opening speech, I realized that she was not what she seemed. Nadezhda Mikhailovna managed to interest me in her subject from the very beginning. I am inspired by her attitude to the lesson, her ability to explain the topic, it is interesting to conduct a survey. Forty minutes fly by like a flash for me, and I look forward to the next lesson. I try to prepare for each lesson to the maximum: I read additional literature, find interesting facts on the topic. Biology attracts me with its significance and scale. After all, from it we learn about the appearance of all life on earth. The section of botany reveals to us the secrets of the plant kingdom. Most people do not attach much importance to plants. However, they play a huge role in the formation of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. Plants are indispensable in the formation of minerals. Only by studying biology, one can understand how important representatives of the flora are. After all, these are the same living beings as people, but they cannot tell us anything, ask for help.

In the animal world, it is possible to trace the evolutionary branch in the development of living beings, to compare the behavior and habits of animals at various levels of life organization. There is still a huge number of sections, such as cytology (the study of the cell), biological chemistry, microbiology, genetics, ecology ...

But most of all I like to study the human structure. It is interesting to me because it allows me to understand how this or that organ of my body actually works, what it consists of. After all, most people do not find anything interesting in the contraction of the heart, they take it for granted. But in fact, with the contraction of the heart, there are many secondary processes that can be traced and understood by studying human anatomy.

My aspirations to know this subject much deeper have not become weaker, but on the contrary, I want to know everything. Thanks to our teacher, I decided on my profession. I want to become a doctor, and it would be unknown what views I would have on this subject if it were not for Nadezhda Mikhailovna. Here's how a favorite subject can change your whole life.

I really love our biology classroom, which is not like other classrooms at school. A lot of guys love to go there, because it's very interesting there. The office is located on the third floor. In front of him - as if a small fairy-tale forest. Birds and squirrels are sitting on the trees. I go further and find myself in the office itself. In rows, as in other offices, there are tables, chairs, on the wall - a large board. But how unusual and pleasant to see next to them a lot of flowers, plants and aquariums with fish! Flowers are everywhere: on the windowsills, on the shelves, on the floor, on the cabinets. Aquariums seem like underwater castles, around which algae are quietly swaying.

The office is nicely decorated. Portraits of scientists hang on the walls, under the glass there are herbariums made by the children's hands, many tables. There is also a laboratory in our office. It contains models, microscopes, visual aids. It's not very spacious, but clean and comfortable. At the table you can look at magazines and newspapers. It is very interesting to take a closer look at alcoholized animals, touch stuffed birds, look at collections, herbariums, talk about it with a biology teacher. She is so fun to teach in her office! You don’t want to leave it, there is a desire to study better and learn more about animals, birds, insects and plants.

Biology seems to be a secondary subject to many, but it is not. The basics of biology are important for every person. Biology lessons bring up a positive and careful attitude to wildlife, to one's own health and the health of other people. These lessons significantly expand the horizons, as well as intellectual and creative abilities. In addition, children learn to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life, to care for animals. By studying biology, children learn to understand how the world works, its laws and relationships.

Biology in our life

Probably, every person has ever heard in his life: “He has mother’s eyes”, “You have father’s chin”, “She has grandmother’s eyebrows”, “You are the spitting image of great-grandfather!”. But this does not mean at all that someone took away the eyes from the mother, the chin from the father, the eyebrows from the grandmother, and then created a new person from these parts. This means that a person has inherited some characteristic features from his parents, grandparents and other ancestors. Science deals with inheritance genetics.

It has long been obvious to mankind that many people are similar to their ancestors, certain plant varieties have advantages over other varieties, and some animal species have characteristics that are characteristic only of them. Some varieties of apples are sweeter, others last longer. Some breeds of horses run faster, others are larger and carry heavy loads well. However, it is a rather young science, and the term itself appeared only in 1905. In the 19th century, Gregor Mendel, as a result of long research, deduced the laws of inheritance of traits when crossing individuals. The study of the structure of the cell was of great importance for many sciences, including genetics. Thus, August Weismann established that the storage and transmission of hereditary traits in a cell is carried out through the cell nucleus.

Interesting to study biology

Now any student can feel like a pioneer and look at the structure of the cells of organisms - for this you need only a simple microscope. And if you don’t have it at home, then you probably have it at school. In biology lessons, you can examine the peel of an onion or another plant under a microscope, compare features cell structure in different species.

In biology lessons, each student can also feel like a novice geneticist, sorting out problems about the inheritance of traits. It will be interesting to solve such a problem about yourself, calculating why exactly you have such an eye or hair color. In addition, it is quite curious to study the structure of the human body and its skeleton, which is the basis of the musculoskeletal system. Most schools have a model of the human skeleton, which you can carefully examine and feel all the bones. There are more than two hundred of these bones in the human body, and each of them has its own function. They protect the internal organs, serve as a support, form the bone frame of the body.

Movement in principle is very important for a person, it strengthens and maintains his health. No wonder they say that life is movement. plays an important role in this.

What does biology give us?

In biology lessons, children study various topics that allow them to get to know the world around them and themselves better, to understand how living beings interact with each other and how human internal organs work. In laboratory classes, students can study the topics of the lessons in more depth, working with special materials.

The portal site is a good help in learning. Here you can always study the most difficult topics, as well as any missed material.

Tell about seven professions related to this subject. Of course, it’s not worth identifying a lesson with the specifics of work, but it’s not bad to look at professions where you can apply knowledge on the subject.


He studies the general properties and features of the development of wildlife. Specializes in one or more areas (zoology, botany, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, etc.) or works at the intersection of sciences (biochemistry, biophysics, bioecology). The biologist collects information about the object of study, for example, observes the population. He also conducts experiments, analyzes and summarizes the information received, applies it in practice to solve some problems. This specialist is inquisitive, observant, responsible and patient. The field of activity of a biologist is quite wide: from planting plants, selling medicines to working in a patent office (studying special texts). In the latter case, English may be required.

You can learn to be a biologist at (bachelor's and master's degrees).


Not indifferent to environmental problems, if you want to save nature from the destructive actions of man - the profession is what you need. However, there are more prosaic everyday life in such work than heroic rescue operations. Environmentalists monitor compliance with environmental standards, draw up reports on the use of natural resources, waste disposal. They calculate the damage from the caused or potential harm to the environment. In addition to knowledge of biology and chemistry, you will need the ability to maintain documentation, convince management of the need to improve production so that it does not worsen the state of the environment. Ecologists have to interact more with society, eradicate its shortcomings, and only then contact nature. You can get a profession as an ecologist at, (in absentia).



Who feeds the country with agricultural products? Knows where, when, how to plant plants and harvest? That's right, agronomist! It combines the qualities of a researcher, a diligent owner and a competent manager. He must be aware of the latest methods of cultivation, fertilizing the land and growing crops, pest control. The agronomist draws up a production plan and monitors its implementation. This specialist controls everything from preparing the soil for sowing to harvesting and storing the crop. Rural lifestyle to your liking? Then this job might be right for you. Programs

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Biology is not the easiest subject, but studying it should not turn into a punishment. In biology, one concept comes from another, so it's important to understand the basics before moving on. Learn vocabulary related to biology and carefully analyze the study material to better understand the subject and prepare for a test or exam.


Part 1

Study the material

    Try to be positive about biology. Of course, this is a difficult subject, but it is very interesting, especially if you think that you have already learned through biology. The right positive attitude is important for an exciting study of biology. Of course, the object will not become easier from this, but you will no longer feel such a load.

    • Think about how your body functions. How do muscles work in sync so you can move? How does the brain communicate with these muscles so that you can take a step? It is very difficult, but everything in our body is interconnected - it is this connection that allows us to stay healthy.
    • Biology teaches us to understand these processes and how they work. If you think about it, then learning this subject will be much more interesting.
  1. Break difficult words into several parts. Many biological terms will seem difficult for you to remember. However, most of the terms and concepts come from the Latin language, they have a prefix and a suffix. Knowing the prefixes (prefixes) and suffixes that are included in this term, you can correctly read this word and understand its meaning.

    To learn terminology faster, make flashcards. Flashcards are one of the best ways to remember and understand many of the words you will encounter in biology. You can carry the cards with you and learn these words anywhere. For example, you can do it in the car on the way to school. In addition, the process of creating flashcards is a useful way to learn new words. The way of learning new words with the help of flashcards is very effective.

    • At the beginning of each new topic, find words whose meaning you do not know and write them down on cards.
    • Throughout the topic, repeat and learn these words, and by the time of the exam or test, you will know them all!
  2. Draw and draw. A diagram of a biological process helps to understand and remember it much more effectively than just a text. If you really understand the essence of the process, you can draw a diagram of it and sign the main elements. Also pay attention to the diagrams and pictures in the textbook. As you read the title and explanation of the diagram, try to understand how it relates to the process you are studying.

    • Many topics in biology begin with the study and repetition of the structure of the cell and its organelles. Try to draw a cell and label its main organelles.
    • The same goes for different cell cycles, such as ATP synthesis (the Krebs cycle). Draw this process several times a week to learn it before the exam.
  3. Read the topic again before class. Biology is not a subject that can be understood in a few minutes before class. Read the new material before you discuss it in class to better understand its content and get an idea of ​​what it is about. You will understand and remember much more if you come to the lesson with ready-made questions about a new topic.

    • Find out what topics are covered in the curriculum so you can read them before class.
    • Write a summary and notes about new material and come to class with pre-prepared questions.
  4. The study of biology is based on the concept from the general to the particular. To understand biology, you need to have a general understanding of its various aspects, and only after that you can delve into the details. That is, before trying to understand individual mechanisms and processes, you need to master the topic in general.

    • For example, you need to know that DNA is the template for protein synthesis, and only then should you try to understand the mechanism by which a DNA sequence is read and converted into a protein.
    • Write a summary, organizing topics and concepts from the general to the specific.

Part 2

Prepare for tests and exams
  1. Answer the questions at the end of each chapter. Biology textbooks have some really helpful questions that allow you to reinforce concepts from a topic you just read. Try to answer the questions and check if your answers are correct. Pay attention to those questions that you find it difficult to find an answer to. Reread your summary or chapter that discusses these issues.

    • If you still could not answer some questions, be sure to ask the teacher for help.
  2. Review your notes at the end of each lesson. You can’t leave the lesson and immediately forget everything that you just learned. If you read your notes on the same day or the next day, you will be much better able to remember and understand what was discussed in class. As you review your abstract, consider whether you understand everything.

    • If you get distracted by something, read the material on this topic again in the textbook. If you still don't understand, ask the teacher to explain to you in class.
  3. Set aside time to study biology. Because biology is difficult to understand, try to set aside time to study it. If you study a little every day, it will become a habit. Later, you will be grateful to yourself for your efforts, because you do not have to learn everything at once for the exam, because you will gradually learn everything during the semester.

My favorite school subject is biology. In these classes, I sit and it seems to me that I am not breathing. I'm afraid to miss some important word of the teacher. Every time I look forward to the next lesson. I don’t understand those who are not interested in this subject, because biology is a science about life, about us, about all living organisms. It explores the stages of development of living beings, living beings themselves, their interaction with the outside world.

Biology is an ancient science, like life itself. After all, in order to understand how to live, one had to understand oneself, find one's place in this world, understand how to interact with the world around oneself and preserve oneself as a species. So the development of science came not only from curiosity, but also due to necessity.

Therefore, I carefully prepare for each lesson, re-read a lot of literature and even signed up for additional classes. Not because I need to catch up with the course or I have poor academic performance, but because it is very interesting.

I confess that I liked biology already in the eighth grade, when we began to study human anatomy. Probably, this was due to the fact that it was taught to us by a teacher who himself passionately loved this subject. And his lessons flew by like an instant.

In the lessons of this teacher, I realized that the section of botany, which we studied in elementary grades, is also interesting. After all, botany is the science of plants, and plants play a huge role in the formation of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. The value of knowledge about plants cannot be exaggerated, just like knowledge about zoology.

The subject of biology helped me decide on the choice of profession. I want to be a doctor, I want to know more. I want my knowledge to become necessary for people - it's so wonderful. Being a doctor is an honorable mission that not everyone can do. The doctor is respected because he is the last resort in case of trouble, which will do everything in its power to help.

Biology is very important in my life. I believe that every person, if he wants something, will do everything possible to realize it. I set goals in my life and will do my best to achieve them.