High-resolution photographs of the earth's surface from space. The most curious and mysterious photographs of space

Interactive map of Russia this is satellite photo high resolution, assembled from a variety of space pictures into one image.

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This map is powered by Google Earth technology.
In 2005, one or two months after the introduction of Google Maps, Google introduced an interesting program called Google Earth, which is shown as a virtual globe, with which you can see objects in a three-dimensional model, photographed from space with high quality. The Russian version is the version called "Google Earth".
For a visual image, a three-dimensional model of the entire globe is used, and the height above sea level is taken into account. To display this three-dimensional model, two interfaces are mainly used, such as OpenGL or DirectX. The user using the so-called "virtual camera" can freely move around the virtual globe, looking into the places of interest to him.
There are two types of this program - free and paid version of Google Earth. The free version uses one geodatabase, which consists of many imagery and additional special layers. The free version of Google Earth has a number of features, such as measuring the distance of the path, saving and printing images, the ability to open Google Maps in the browser, search for suitable places and routes, and a detailed overview of places. Remarkably, major cities have a more detailed view with hotels, gas stations, street names, house numbers, shops, and more.
It is possible to create your own special labels, design paths and polygons, overlay your own images on top of images taken from space satellites. These special tags are stored in files and can be shared with other people who also use the program.
To determine the date of shooting, just hover your mouse over the area you are interested in and Google Earth will show the day and month of shooting.

The globe in our imagination seems to be a gigantic system that functions according to its own rules. Everything in our world is relative. If we consider the Earth as a planet of the solar system, it will not be so large in size relative to others.

Our planet is very beautiful, from which side you look at it. Terrestrial landscapes delight the eye, fauna and flora delight. Pictures taken on orbiting satellites or the ISS open up even more opportunities for us to see the enchanting beauty of the Earth, which should be protected and protected.

Photo of the Earth from space in high quality

The photographs of the globe that are published in this section of our website are genuine and taken by astronauts of the International Space Station. Very few people get a chance to observe our planet from space. Therefore, we thank the European Space Agency, NASA and the astronauts for the footage they provide to the public. Previously, you could only see something like this in Hollywood films, but there these photos were not always real.

Pictures of the Earth from space are of interest not only to the military, meteorologists, and geodesists. Everyone wants to look at the giant ball from afar, to find approximately their own location on it. Looking at such photos in high quality, you are amazed at the beauty and fragility of our planet. How great is the diversity of landscapes and climatic conditions... In the pictures you can see the coastline of the continents, see large atmospheric eddies, glaciers in Antarctica and the Arctic, deserts and mountains, cities and megacities.

Incredibly beautiful photos of the night Earth are obtained. The darkened side of the planet sparkles with many lights. From them we can draw conclusions about the size of individual cities and the geography of human settlement.

Real photos of the Earth from space

Flying on an airplane and looking out the window, you can see the sky, clouds, earthly landscapes. People who jump from an airplane with a parachute are pursuing not only the feeling of adrenaline, but also the desire to see the earth's surface from a bird's eye view. Earth from space looks very different. The portal site selects for visitors only real high-quality photos that change our imagination about the Universe. The feelings we get while watching them cannot be compared with anything earthly. The view of the planet from the mysterious Cosmos cannot be expressed in words. Only people who have conquered outer space, our astronauts, can describe it. We are proud that it was our compatriot, Yuri Gagarin, who became the first space traveler. Thanks to the achievements of science, which allowed a person to overcome the force of gravity, now everyone can see what is impossible to see from the Earth.

Thinking about the meaning of life, the arrangement of the world that awaits us in a decade, it is impossible to find an answer to these questions. In photos taken from spaceships, the Earth appears to be round and small. Actually it is not. It's just that the distance from which the photograph is taken is gigantic.

The most interesting thing, of course, would be to watch not a video or a photo, but to see this wonderful planet called Earth from Space yourself. Perhaps that time is not far off. Some of us will overcome the force of gravity, see the beauty of the planet from afar and take more than one beautiful photo. He will be incredibly proud and happy to receive a ticket to space!

Earth is a planet of amazing beauty, conquering with its incredible beauty of landscapes. But if you look into the depths of space, using powerful telescopes, you understand: there is something to admire in space too. And photographs taken by NASA satellites, therefore confirmation.

1. Galaxy Sunflower

The Sunflower Galaxy is one of the most beautiful cosmic structures known to man in the universe. Its sweeping spiral arms are made up of new blue-white giant stars.

2. Carina Nebula

Although many consider this image to be photoshopped, it is actually a real shot of the Carina Nebula. Giant accumulations of gas and dust spread over more than 300 light years. This region of active star formation is located at a distance of 6,500 - 10,000 light years from Earth.

3. Clouds in the atmosphere of Jupiter

This infrared image of Jupiter shows the clouds in the planet's atmosphere colored differently depending on their height. Since a large amount of methane in the atmosphere limits the penetration of sunlight, the yellow areas are the clouds at the highest level, the red ones are at the middle level, and the blue ones are the lowest clouds.

What's really amazing about this image is that it shows the shadows of all three of Jupiter's largest moons - Io, Ganymede and Callisto. An event like this happens about once every ten years.

4. Galaxy I Zwicky 18

The image of the galaxy I Zwicky 18 looks more like a scene from Doctor Who, which gives a special cosmic beauty to this image. The dwarf irregular galaxy puzzles scientists because some of its star formation processes are typical of galaxy formation in the earliest days of the universe. Despite this, the galaxy is relatively young: its age is only about a billion years.

5. Saturn

The dimmest planet that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye, Saturn is generally considered the favorite planet for all aspiring astronomers. Its remarkable ring structure is the most famous in our universe. The image was taken in infrared to show the subtle hues of Saturn's gaseous atmosphere.

6 Nebula NGC 604

More than 200 very hot stars make up the NGC 604 nebula. The Hubble Space Telescope was able to capture the nebula's impressive fluorescence caused by ionized hydrogen.

7 Crab Nebula

Compiled from 24 individual images, this photograph of the Crab Nebula shows a supernova remnant in the constellation Taurus.

8. Star V838 Mon

The red ball in the center of this image is the star V838 Mon, surrounded by many dust clouds. This incredible photo was taken after the star's outburst caused a so-called "light echo" that pushed dust further away from the star and into space.

9. Westerlund 2 clusters

The image of the Westerlund 2 cluster was taken in infrared and visible light. It was published in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope in Earth's orbit.

10. Hourglass

One of the creepy images (in fact, the only one of its kind) that NASA has taken is of the Hourglass Nebula. It was named so because of an unusually shaped gas cloud, which was formed under the influence of a stellar wind. It all looks like a terrible eye that looks from the depths of space at the Earth.

11. Witch's broom

All the colors of the rainbow can be found in this image of part of the Veil Nebula, which is 2,100 light-years from Earth. Due to its elongated and thin shape, this nebula is often referred to as the Witch's Broom.

12. Constellation of Orion

In the constellation of Orion, you can see a real giant lightsaber. It is, in fact, a jet of gas under enormous pressure, which creates a shock wave upon contact with the surrounding dust.

13. Explosion of a supermassive star

This image shows the explosion of a supermassive star that looks more like a birthday cake than a supernova. Two loops of star remnants extend unevenly, while a ring in the center surrounds the dying star. Scientists are still looking for a neutron star or black hole at the center of a former giant star.

14. Whirlpool Galaxy

Although the Whirlpool Galaxy looks great, it hides a dark secret (literally) - the galaxy is full of predatory black holes. On the left, the Whirlpool is shown in visible light (i.e., its stars), and on the right, in infrared light (its dust cloud structures).

15. Orion Nebula

In this image, the Orion Nebula looks like the open mouth of a Phoenix bird. The picture was taken in infrared, ultraviolet and visible light to create an incredibly colorful and detailed image. The bright spot in place of the bird's heart is four giant stars, about 100,000 times brighter than the Sun.

16. Ring Nebula

As a result of the explosion of a star similar to our Sun, the Ring Nebula was formed - beautiful hot layers of gas and the remnants of the atmosphere. All that's left of the star is a small white dot in the center of the picture.

17. Milky Way

If someone needs to describe what hell looks like, they can use this infrared image of the core of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Hot, ionized gas swirls at its center in a giant whirlpool, and massive stars are born in various places.

18. Nebula Cat's eye

The stunning Cat's Eye Nebula is made up of eleven rings of gas that predated the formation of the nebula itself. The irregular internal structure is believed to be the result of a fast-moving stellar wind that has "teared" the bubble shell at both ends.

19. Omega Centauri

Over 100,000 stars clustered together in the globular cluster Omega Centauri. The yellow dots are middle-aged stars, like our Sun. The orange dots are older stars, and the large red dots are stars in the red giant phase. After these stars shed their outer layer of hydrogen gas, they turn bright blue.

20. Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula

One of NASA's most popular photographs of all time is the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula. These giant formations of gas and dust were captured in the visible light range. The pillars change over time as they are "weathered" by stellar winds from nearby stars.

21. Stephen's Quintet

Five galaxies, known as "Stefan's Quintet" are constantly "fighting" with each other. Although the blue galaxy in the upper left corner is much closer to Earth than the others, the other four are constantly "stretching" each other apart, distorting their shapes and tearing their arms.

22. Nebula Butterfly

Informally known as the Butterfly Nebula, NGC 6302 is actually the remains of a dying star. Its ultraviolet radiation causes the gases ejected by the star to glow brightly. Butterfly wings span more than two light years, that is, half the distance from the Sun to the nearest star.

23. Quasar SDSS J1106

Quasars are the result of supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. The quasar SDSS J1106 is the most energetic quasar ever found. About 1,000 light-years from Earth, SDSS J1106 emits about 2 trillion suns, or 100 times the entire Milky Way.

24. Nebula "War and Peace"

The nebula NGC 6357 is one of the most dramatic pieces in the sky and it's no surprise that it has been unofficially dubbed "War and Peace". Its dense network of gas forms a bubble around the bright Pismis 24 star cluster, then uses its ultraviolet radiation to heat up the gas and push it out into the universe.

25. Carina Nebula

One of the most breathtaking images of space is the Carina Nebula. The interstellar cloud, consisting of dust and ionized gases, is one of the largest nebulae visible in the earth's sky. The nebula consists of countless star clusters and even the brightest star in the Milky Way galaxy.

We invite you to see the best photos from space over the past year.

1. Sunset for the shuttle.

Although astronauts and cosmonauts often encounter striking views of the Earth's limb, this rare image is unique in that it also captures the silhouette of the Space Shuttle Endeavor. The photo was taken by a crew member of the International Space Station as the shuttle landed on February 9th. The orange layer shown in the image is the Earth's troposphere, which contains clouds and shapes the planet's weather. This orange layer gives way to a whitish stratosphere, followed by the mosesphere.

2. Whirlwind of the birth of a star

This image taken on October 19 by the Hubble Space Telescope shows the spiral galaxy NGC 3982, located about 68 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major. The colors in the photograph have been altered to emphasize hydrogen-rich star birth regions (pink) and young stars (blue). Old stars are concentrated in the white-yellow core of the galaxy.

3. Hot and Fuzzy Sun

Astrophotographer Alan Friedman set up a webcam and telescope in front of a high-end filter to capture this amazing view of the Sun from his backyard in Buffalo, New York. Using a special hydrogen alpha filter, Friedman was able to look at the red part of the light spectrum and film the reaction of hydrogen in the Sun's atmosphere. On October 20, the photo was retouched to give the Sun the orange tint of a Halloween pumpkin.

4. View of the Sun

This image, taken at the California Solar Observatory called Ursa Major, is the clearest view of a sunspot ever captured in visible light, scientists say. The photo was taken on August 24 to celebrate the incredible success in studying sunspots. Scientists call such spots "the gaze of the Sun." This is another reason not to look at a bright star - at the same moment it can stare at you.

5. Martian trees

This photo was taken by a high resolution camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Orbiter on January 14, 2010. Palm trees appear to be growing on the Red Planet. But scientists say these dark trunks are just dirt brought to the surface by landslides when icy carbon dioxide melts to reveal sand dunes around Mars' north pole.

Unusual images of Mars show the illusion that trees grow on the planet. Clouds of dust naturally erupting near the north pole of the planet create structures that surprisingly resemble trees in shape. "But don't let yourself be fooled - it's just an optical illusion," NASA scientists say.

6. Our house from space

The silhouette of the Earth's horizon is clearly visible in this image against the contrasting darkness of space. The photo was taken on February 9 from the Space Shuttle Endeavor during the approach to the station for docking.

7. Casting a big shadow

A satellite photo shows the long shadow cast by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The picture was taken from a height of 400 miles by the GeoI-1 satellite. The Burj Khalifa building is known as the tallest building in the world. Its height is 2,717 feet (828 m).

8. Hovering in outer space

Astronaut Nicholas Patrick works on the International Space Station's new observation deck, known as the Dome. The picture was taken on February 17 during an astronaut's space walk. Orbital Observation Post Dome is equipped with seven windows, which provides excellent opportunities to see the Earth from space.

9. Night of two moons

The bright surface of Saturn's icy moon Dione is clearly visible against the hazy and ghostly Titan. This photo was taken on April 10 by the Cassini orbiter and released on June 21.

10. Beautiful background

This image clearly shows the underside of the Space Shuttle Discovery. The photo was taken on April 17 from the International Space Station, some time after the shuttle separated from the station. The visible silhouette on Earth is the southern part of Isle de Providence, about 150 miles off the coast of Nicaragua. The island belongs to Colombia.

12. Happy 20th Anniversary, Hubble
In this image from the Hubble Space Telescope, released on April 22, the lens was captured by the chaotic activity of a high column of gas and dust stretching for three light-years. Currently, this glow is absorbed by the bright light of nearby stars. Turbulent space activity is located in the site of active star generation in the Carina Nebula, located at a distance of 7500 years from Earth in the southern part of the Carina constellation. The photo was published in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Hubble launch.

The Hubble team is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the launch of the orbiting observatory with a new image from the space telescope, which shows a column of dust and gas in the Carina Nebula.

12. In the face of disaster

The small aircraft, pictured at the top left of the image, flies over an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico following an explosion on the Horizon transoceanic deepwater drilling platform. This photo was taken from space on April 26 by DigitalGlobe's QuickBird satellite.

13. Swan song in space

The Space Shuttle Atlantis docked with the International Space Station in orbit on May 17. Atlantis undertook a 12-day mission to deliver new Russian-made hardware and replacement batteries. The resignation of the shuttle crew due to retirement is scheduled for 2011.

14. Northern lights in space

This striking dawn phenomenon was captured by the International Space Station during a geomagnetic storm, most likely caused by mass ejections in the Sun's corona on May 24th. The space station was flying over the southern Indian Ocean at that moment.

History: Spectacular aurora phenomena at the Earth's south pole were captured by the International Space Station astronauts' cameras during the last solar storm.

15. Celestial walkers

Skywatcher Michael Jaeger of Stixendorf, Austria, took this picture of Comet McNaught on June 6th while the body was clearly visible in the morning sky.

Story: Comet surprises.
A newly discovered comet is surprising skywatchers by becoming brighter than originally thought and is now visible even to the naked eye.

16. Eyeball of the volcano

Partly cloudy over Papua New Guinea's Manam volcano on June 16, as well as a thin gray-blue volcanic plume over the crater, became the subject of discussion at the summit. The bright white clouds may have been the result of water vapor erupting from a volcano, or they may not have had anything to do with volcanic activity. This image was taken by a camera aboard NASA's Earth-observing satellite known as EO-1.

17 Spill Spread

The Aqua satellite, owned by NASA, took a picture of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on June 26. Cameras on earth-watching satellites captured sunlight reflecting back into space from the surface of the oil slicks.

18. Asteroid close-up

This view of the largest asteroid ever visited by spacecraft was compiled from three different images taken by the European Space Agency's Rosetta probe on July 10 as it flew past Lutetia. The colors are taken from much more distant shots and overlaid by Ted Strick, professor of philosophy at Roana State College. Like most surfaces in the solar system, Lutetia has been weathered for a long time and has a reddish color.

19. Black sun

July 11th. A total solar eclipse appears as a black spot through a haze of clouds in the sky over Easter Island. The totality of the eclipse was visible only over the South Pacific Ocean, as well as on the coasts of Chile and Argentina.

20. Galactic Gem

The Hubble Long-Exposure Space Telescope allows you to view the majestic spiral galaxy deep within the Hair Cluster of galaxies, which extends 320 million light-years from the northern constellation Coma Berenices. The picture was taken on August 10th. Known as NGC 4911, the galaxy contains abundant lanes of dust and gas near its very center. They stand out clearly against the backdrop of glowing clusters of newborn stars and iridescent pink clouds of hydrogen, the existence of which is evidence of ongoing star formation.

21. Ghostly Mystery

This image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows a ghost-like nebula known as IRAS 05437 +2502. The nebula is a small region of nova formation filled with dark dust, which was first seen in infrared images taken by the IRAS satellite in 1983. The new images show a lot of new details, but they still don't shed any light on the reasons for the glow of bright, sharp arcs.

22. Shadows of the rings

An image released Aug. 27 by Cassini's orbiting photography team shows the subtle shadows of Saturn's rings projected onto clouds above the planet's surface. The photo was taken as Saturn was approaching its equinox in August 2009.

23. Dance of the galaxies

NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 are two similarly sized spiral galaxies engaged in a dramatic dance. There is still no complete certainty that the interaction will end with a collision and final merger of two galaxies, although they have already managed to influence each other. The pair, known as Arp 271, will dance around for tens of millions of years. This image, published August 30, was taken by the New Technology Telescope at the European Southern Observatory La Silla in Chile.

24. Spiral in space

An image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, released to the public on September 7th, shows an unusual spiral nebula around the star LL Pegasus, located 3,000 light-years from Earth. According to astronomers, the spiral shape was the result of an eruption of substances from one of the stars of the bi-solar system.

25. X-shaped spot

This image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and released Oct. 13, shows what appears to be a bizarre X-shaped comet leaving a trail of glowing material. According to scientists, the cross may indicate the place where the body collided with the asteroid. An object 400 feet wide is believed to be a fragment of some larger body that collided at about 11,000 miles per hour with a stone about 10-15 feet in cross section. The force of impact was equal in strength to the explosion of a small atomic bomb. UCLA astronomer David Jewitt believes the collision happened in February or March.

26. Options for landing.

SpaceShip 2, owned by Virgin Galactic, docked with USS White Knight 2 for landing at the US Spaceport runway near Las Cruces during a special ceremony on October 22. It is planned that in the next couple of years, SpaceShip-2 will begin to take on board paying passengers for excursions in near open space.

History: Spaceport takes a step towards opening commercial space flights. British tycoon Richard Brenon has dreamed of going to space since he was a teenager. Now he will be able to fulfill his desire as soon as Virgin Galactic begins to accept tourists for suborbital flights at a specially designed spaceport in New Mexico.

27 Station on the Moon?

In this photo, the International Space Station appears to have landed on the Moon, but in reality, the station is just flying over the Moon as it follows its orbit around the Earth. The picture was taken on October 21 in Hungary in the city of Guergufalu, 75 km from Budapest.

28. Night lights.

The island of Sicily and the "boot" of Italy sparkle in this orbital image taken at the International Space Station Dome Observatory on October 28th. The main window of the Dome, located on the roof, has a round shape with a diameter of 80 cm. It is the largest window in space. Six additional windows placed on the sides provide a view in all directions.

29. Space peanut.

NASA's Deep Space probe sent this photo of the dual-nuclear comet Hartley on November 7th. The picture was taken when the probe flew at a distance of 700 km from the peanut-shaped object. The girth of the "neck" or the narrowest point of the core is 2.4 km. Also visible in the picture are jets escaping from the nuclei.

30. Space sea creature

In this image from NASA's wide-field infrared explorer known as Wise, what appears to be a colorful creature is clearly visible in a sea of ​​stars. A photo posted Nov. 17 shows infrared radiation that has been retouched so we can see it with our own eyes. The jellyfish-like object is actually a pair of very closely spaced dying stars (white) surrounded by its own ejecta (green), and we can also see two unusual dust rings (orange) discovered by Wise.

31. The flaming dragon goes into space

This photo shows the launch of a Space X Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The launch was made to test the Dragon capsule, also owned by the named company, which was specifically designed to supply the International Space Station when NASA withdraws its shuttle and its crew. The dragon, shaped like a round lollipop, successfully landed by parachute in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after completing two orbits.

32. Space ornament

Delicate spheres of gas, photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, float unperturbed through space. The bubble is a gas that has taken this shape as a result of the action of the blast wave generated by the appearance of a supernova. Dubbed SNR 0509-67.5 (or SNR 0509 for short), the bubble is the visible remnant of a massive star explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small galaxy extending about 160,000 light-years from Earth.

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You and I are very lucky as astronauts on the International Space Station continue to surprise us with new photos of our beautiful planet.

The chance to observe the Earth from space falls to very few lucky ones. So, we are grateful to the astronauts, NASA and the European Space Agency from the bottom of our hearts, and in case any of them are reading this - we once again say our sincere “thank you” to you! After all, before we could observe such views only in films created at Hollywood film studios. But these photos are real.

1. Maldives.

“We will open the sunny side of life to you” - this is the slogan of tourists lured by tour operators to the Maldives. Well, from the window of the International Space Station, they really look amazing. Well, order a cocktail with fruit slices and an umbrella in a glass, and go to the hammock to just relax while watching the amazing sunset?

2. Pacific Ocean, Hawaii.

Aloha! We are approaching the Hawaiian Islands. The big island is visible very clearly. Kilauea is known as "the world's only road volcano". Now he produces 250-650 thousand yards of lava per day. This amount is enough to fill a two-lane highway 32 km long.

3. Southern Lights, New Zealand.

Don't you think that the southern lights in this photo resemble a laser show - amazing and bewitching?

4. Night view of the east coast of Spain.

In front of you is the east coast of Spain at night, the Balearic Sea looks like a dark spot. At the top left is the island of Mallorca. Looking at Barcelona at night, you remember that for someone one of the cherished desires is to go to this city for the Barcelona match against Real Madrid.

5. Volcano Mannam, Papua New Guinea.

Mannam, also known as the "Great Volcano", is only 10 km in diameter. Mannam is a stratovolcano formed from changing layers of ash, lava and rock from previous eruptions. It is one of Papua New Guinea's most active active volcanoes, with frequent eruptions causing deaths, including 13 deaths in December 1996 and four more in March 2007. In general, this photo resembles a great scenery for some movie like Jurassic Park or King Kong.

6. International Space Station.

The ISS is located over the east coast of Argentina over the Gulf of San Matias. Looking at these photos, you can feel dizzy. Just imagine that you are up there, on board the International Space Station, looking at our planet upside down... - how is your vestibular apparatus?

7. Beaver Lake in Arkansas, USA.

Beaver Lake is a man-made body of water in the Ozark Mountains, located in northwest Arkansas, where the White River was born. Sometimes artificial reservoirs wipe forest fires off the face of the earth, but humanity continues to change the planet with amazing persistence.

8. East coast of the USA and the last ray of light on the horizon.

The US East Coast, New York and Long Island are at the bottom left. Would you like to see this panorama with your own eyes? What was the matter? Only $20 million...

9. Earth and stars.

So this is what the Milky Way looks like when the light of night cities does not overshadow it. I would like to quote Dr. McCoy from the world-famous Star Trek: “There is a mathematical probability in this galaxy that there are three million planets similar in type to the Earth. And there are three million million galaxies in the universe like this one. And they probably have at least one version of ourselves.”

10. Night clouds over Long Beach, California.

This is truly an amazing place - Long Beach. A place where you can meet the "Queen Mary" and the "Aquarium of the Pacific". But it is best to go on a trip by sea, where you can watch friendly gray whales. During migration, they swim up to the very shore.

11. Great Britain and Ireland at night.

These regions gave the world the authors of "Romeo and Juliet" (William Shakespeare), "Pride and Prejudice" (Jane Austen), "Dracula" (Bram Stoker) and "Harry Potter" (J. K. Rowling). The British Isles, where a royal wedding is now eagerly awaited, is simply amazing.

12. Launch of an automatic interorbital transport vehicle.
Arianespace and ESA launched an interorbital vehicle to the International Space Station. I wonder how far they were from each other?

13. Solar panels of the International Space Station.
The ISS solar panels are simply amazing. As the sun dips below the horizon, the last sunlight colors the solar panels in amazing hues.

14. French Riviera at night.
The Cote d'Azur is not only super-expensive and super-popular, but also super-beauty, which is only emphasized by the reflection of the moon in the Mediterranean Sea. Perhaps this is the only place that can compare with southern California.

15. Bright lights of night Barcelona.

16. Supermoon.
On March 19, the inhabitants of planet Earth could observe a supermoon - a phenomenon during which the full moon approached our planet as close as possible. The moon, photographed from the International Space Station, is simply beautiful, and in this photo it looks even a little scary.

17. Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Cape Cod, simply referred to locally as the Cape, is an island and headland in eastern Massachusetts. The sun is reflected in the water surface of the Atlantic Ocean, turning it into living gold, shading the amazing cape.

18. Moscow at night
Moscow, a city of 11 million people, is not only the capital of Russia, but also the center of European culture. The Russians are a passionate, proud, sexy and intelligent people, but at the same time refined, intelligent, and with a wonderful sense of humor. And in this photograph, we see the very heart of this superpower. And the heart is just incredibly beautiful.

20. Sicily, Italy
Sicily is considered the birthplace of the mafia thanks to the Godfather film series. But in fact, it is a beautiful and absolutely magical island, full of passionate people who love music and food, and live with desperate courage in the shadow of the ancient volcano Etna. In this picture it is difficult to make out what exactly is reflected from the Mediterranean Sea - sunlight or moonlight. Either way, the photo is amazing.

21. Lake Kadisiya on the Euphrates River, owes its birth to the Hadith Dam. From space, it looks like a Chinese dragon ready to attack. There are many amazing places in Iraq, which, unfortunately, cannot be reached due to the ongoing military conflict that has been going on for many years. Perhaps someday we will be able to visit there and other historical places.

22. Atoll, shaped like a heart, east of the Solomon Islands.
This atoll is especially loved by astronauts on the International Space Station. This picture they sent to Earth on Valentine's Day. An atoll is a coral island that partially or completely encloses a lagoon. If you look closely, you can understand that in fact this atoll is the top of an old volcano.

23. San Quentin Glacier, Chile.
The San Quentin Glacier is the largest glacier in Chile. Like many glaciers around the world, in the twentieth century, San Quentin began to gradually decrease in size and lose mass. What caused this: natural natural factors or the consequences of human actions? It's hard to say, it's easier to enjoy the beauty of the amazing glacier.

24. Crete, Greece and Turkey
A beautiful clear photo of Hellas (Greece), Turkey and the island of Crete. Crete has a rich mythology associated mainly with the Greek gods, but also with the Minoan civilization. Crete in Greek mythology is considered the birthplace of the god Zeus. Also here is the famous labyrinth of Knossos.

25. River Nile
The Nile is the longest river in the world (6650 km), located in North Africa. At the bottom of the picture you can see the place where the Blue Nile merges with the White Nile.

26. Buenos Aires, Argentina, La Plata
La Plata is an estuary, a flooded mouth of a river, formed at the confluence of the Uruguay and Parana rivers on the border of Argentina and Uruguay. The photo resembles a picture with a silvery vein coming from a large heart on the left.

30. Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina.
Lake Argentino is located in the Santa Cruz province of Patagonia. It is the largest lake in Argentina with an area of ​​1466 square kilometers. But, if you look closely, you can see, as it were, the outlines of the body. It seems as if someone fell from the sky and left a dent.

31. Santiago, Cape Verde.
Cape Verde is located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean, 570 km from the coast of West Africa, an archipelago of 10 islands. It has the word "green" in its name, but despite this, the area here is a little dry. Santiago is the largest island in the archipelago and seems a bit flat in the southeast. The transcontinental slave trade made the city of Cidade Velha, located here, the second richest city in the Portuguese kingdom.