Hitler full name surname patronymic. What does the name Hitler mean?

Another revelation about the post-war years of the life of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is the most important secret document, according to which the Fuhrer was one of the passengers of a special plane from Austria on April 26, 1945.

The life and death of Hitler in exile, Argentina

Although official history claims that Hitler committed suicide and then ordered his corpse to be burned along with his newlywed wife Eva Braun on April 30, 1945, Abel Basti knows this page of history is a fabrication.

There were no dead Hitler and Brown, respectively, it was not they who were burned in the pit of a German bunker, the journalist assures, this is a falsification of history, write on your favorite topic a publicist.

We must recall the old story of conspiracy theorists for many years: in May 1945, near the bunker of the Reich Chancellery, SMERSH officers removed two charred bodies from the funnel, which, according to the results of examinations of that time, were recognized as the remains of Hitler and Brown.

From that very moment, and up to the present day, this story, like the death of Babylon, is overgrown with many rumors and artifacts. Conspiracy theorists claim that Brown and Hitler, like his cabal, fled, which was strongly supported by the American intelligence service in Berlin with the words "we have no evidence of Hitler's suicide." Later, the version is supported by the former director of the intelligence department, B. Smith, stating that not a single person can cite the facts of Hitler's death in Berlin.

According to the journalist's carefully conducted research, the leader of the Third Reich did not really die from poison and was not "cremated". Hitler completed his last years of life much later than the time indicated by history. Facial plastic surgery, which changed Hitler's appearance, helped the German mastermind of those events successfully hide. This old story is still of interest to people today:

Adolf Hitler died in Argentina, having lived a long life.

This statement was made by Argentine historian and journalist Abel Basti in his book Hitler in Exile.
While the book had good popularity in South America, its publication in Russia and the USA did not find a place for itself. The two countries, despite the periodicity of a surviving Hitler, still claim the Fuhrer of the Third Reich committed suicide in the final days of World War II.

Assumptions about the life of Hitler after the war, as well as some high-ranking SS persons, have been heard for a long time, suggesting that they got away from punishment by hiding in South America in advance. To prove the assumptions from the field of "conspiracy theories", fans of the idea cite a lot of facts, usually of dubious reputation, but, nevertheless, quite popular and curious.

Nil Nikandrov spoke about Hitler's life after the war on the pages "All the leaders of the Third Reich fled to Latin America." Donald McKale correlated an early source of the legend of Hitler's escape to the Southern Hemisphere with the unexpected and illogical surrender of a German submarine in early July 1945 at Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Several newspapers in Buenos Aires, despite the denial of the Argentine fleet, claimed that there were eyewitnesses who saw rubber boats and submarines in the area. On July 16, 1945, the Chicago Times published a sensational article about Hitler, who allegedly quietly slipped away from the wrath of the participants in the war to South America.

Ladislao Zsabó, a Hungarian resident, witnessed the arrival of the U-530 submarine and watched the Nazi leaders slowly disembark. He also heard how it was about the German base in Antarctica, on the basis of which he came to the conclusion that Hitler took refuge in a secret base hidden somewhere in the ice.

Later, Ladislav published a book about the head of the Third Reich (Hitler is alive), which refers to the possible place of residence of Hitler in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land of the "Queen Maud", named by the Germans in New Swabia. Neuschwabenland - the area was explored in 1938/39 by a German expedition led by Captain Ritscher, who actually gave this name (some maps, even now under the historical name of the land, have a postscript about "Schwabeland").

Now it is difficult to figure out what is more embedded here, fairy tales, or fragmentary lines from historical documents. Rumors are so densely surrounded by the idea of ​​a surviving Hitler, speculation on the topic is so high that it seems that the Fourth Reich is about to throw off the ice and enter society.

Hitler, the road of the fugitives.

When there is so much gossip, the truth is usually around. Basti searched for the truth for seven years, conducting a difficult investigation into the death of Hitler. He personally visited the German formations, whose security was ensured by the stern faces of the guards and, after reading hundreds of kilograms of old documents, revealed the secret of Hitler's life and death.

It looks like an April Fool's joke, but it really isn't. Basti's investigation plunges us into the world of secrets of the last century, revealing the innermost secrets of the conspiracy theory that rules the world.
The journalist managed to talk with living witnesses of those years, and he not only interviewed people who lived near Hitler, but even got photographs of Hitler and Eva Braun, who lived in exile in the post-war years.

Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and some of the Fuhrer's close assistants flew out of burning Berlin to Spain. Then the fugitives secretly cross the Atlantic Ocean in three submarines, and finally reach the coast of Argentina. In July / August 1945, Hitler and his retinue arrive in the province of Rio Negro, which lies near the village of Caleta and move deep into Argentina.

Presumably, Bormann, the monstrous doctor Mengele, Eichmann, and some other participants in the events of those years later used the same secret route prepared by employees of the head of the SS Himmler.
An Argentine journalist and publicist, describing the journey of A. Hitler and E. Brown through Argentina, which of course was carried out with the assistance of local Nazi sympathizers, notes the happy family life of the spouses in exile, during which, despite their difficulties, they even got children!

Hitler's death, stage play?

The war ended with the defeat of the Nazi army, complete surrender. On May 10, the Germans announced the existence of burnt bodies in the Chancellery courtyard, saying that one of the bodies belonged to Hitler, the other to Eva Braun. Although the same American intelligence report reported that it was impossible to determine who owns the remains of the burned bodies.

It really was the strangest funeral in history, taking away the authenticity of the death of the Nazi courtier from understanding: did he die or fled, putting an end to the staging of his death with fire?
June 6, the press secretary of the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally, Adolf Hitler committed suicide, the body is found, the remains are identified.

Three days later, Marshal Zhukov, at a press conference attended by the future Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vyshinsky, looking over his shoulder, said: “We did not identify Hitler’s body” ... “I can’t say anything definite about his fate. He could have flown from Berlin at the very last moment /Nil Nikandrov/.

Conspiracy Theory: Hitler's Life After the War.

Journalist Basti, in an interview with Deadline - an Argentine news program broadcast, host Santiago Romero and Abel Basti talk about Hitler's escape and life in exile:

Romero: What do you think of Hitler's escape?
Basti: “Hitler fled from Austria to Barcelona. The last leg of the escape was by submarine, from Vigo, heading straight for the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva, in a car with a chauffeur and bodyguards, drove at least three cars to Argentina.
He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of the city. This place is opposite Lake Nahuel Huapi, which has belonged to a German company since the beginning of the 20th century.

Romero: On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after he escaped from the Berlin bunker?
Basti: I received information from an elderly Jesuit priest whose family was friendly with the Nazi leader. I have witnesses who saw Hitler and his entourage at the place where they were staying in Cantabria.

In addition, a document from British intelligence shows that the Nazi submarine and convoy left Spain, and after stopping in the Canary Islands, continued on their way to the south of Argentina.
Hitler and Eva Braun were on board one of the submarines that subsequently arrived in Patagonia between July and August 1945.

There is also another important document that lets us know the FBI was hard at work searching for Hitler in Spain after World War II. All evidence points to the Galician coast, where there were boats during the Battle of the Atlantic.

When the Enigma code was cracked, it was possible to decipher the German submarine fleet messages and find out the course of Hitler's escort. There is a possibility that he fled Vigo or Ferrol, but I'm pretty sure Hitler fled Vigo, according to British MI6 documents.

Romero: What kind of life did Hitler have in Argentina?
Basti: Hitler lived with his wife and bodyguards, it was a life of fugitives, but quite comfortable. They spent the first post-war years in Patagonia and then moved to the northern provinces of Argentina. Early in the year, the Führer held meetings in various parts of Argentina with other Nazis in Paraguay, as well as with sympathizers from foreign countries.

Hitler shaved his head and shaved off his mustache, and was no longer so easily recognizable. They lived away from major urban areas, although he did have a few encounters in Buenos Aires. The Fuhrer died in the early sixties, ending his days in Argentina. At present, the journalist continues, I am trying to find out the place of his burial, studying the last days of Adolf Hitler's life.

Romero: Do you have access to documents from the former Soviet Union?
Basti: Until his death in 1953, Stalin never believed that Hitler had committed suicide by telling the Allies about it in 1945. At the same time, there are three different transcripts in which Stalin noted that the German leader had fled. While in Argentina, I interviewed people who saw and met Hitler. There are documents in the Russian archives that show that Hitler fled from fallen Berlin.

Romero: How will your new book affect the official version of Hitler's death?
Basti: Despite recent research that has proven that Hitler's remains in the Kremlin do not belong to the Fuhrer, most Russians have always dismissed the theory that he escaped. The same applies to the peoples who participated in the war.

The United States, just recently, under the auspices of national security for another 20-year period, "closed" official materials related to this story. It is possible that when the deadline is reached, it will probably be raised again.

British authorities have also revised all relevant documentation, pushing back the deadline for solving mysteries by 60 years or more. Researchers cannot access information about an important period of history, which in turn confirms the correctness of the conclusions about the fugitive top of the Third Reich. Otherwise, why hide documents?

One of the reasons why Hitler fled to Argentina, who allowed him to do this and why, the journalist, and at the time of writing the first books about Hitler, and now calls one thing, the Fuhrer was needed by America.

Yes, the Second World War was over, and the ashes of the dead had not yet dissipated, but the world was preparing for a new war, for the "cold" war against communism.
And here the Germans accepted by the Americans, whose number is estimated at up to 300 thousand, were a good help. Also, do not underestimate the serious technological knowledge of the Nazis, which America so badly needed.

Hitler Adolf Hitler Adolf

(Hitler), real name Schicklgruber (1889-1945), Fuhrer (leader) of the National Socialist Party (since 1921), head of the German fascist state (in 1933 he became Reich Chancellor, in 1934 he combined this post and the post of president). Established a regime of fascist terror in Germany. The immediate initiator of the outbreak of World War II, the treacherous attack on the USSR (June 1941). One of the main organizers of the mass extermination of prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territory. With the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin, he committed suicide. At the Nuremberg trials, he was recognized as the main Nazi war criminal.


HITLER (Hitler) Adolf (April 20, 1889, Braunau an der Inn, Austria - April 30, 1945, Berlin), Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945).
Youth. World War I
Hitler was born into the family of an Austrian customs official, who until 1876 bore the surname Schicklgruber (hence the opinion that this is Hitler's real name). At 16, Hitler graduated from a real school in Linz, which did not provide a complete secondary education. Attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Art were unsuccessful. After the death of his mother (1908), Hitler moved to Vienna, where he lived in shelters for the homeless, doing odd jobs. During this period, he managed to sell several of his watercolors, which gave him reason to call himself an artist. His views were formed under the influence of the extreme nationalist Professor Petsch of Linz and the well-known anti-Semite Mayor of Vienna K. Luger. Hitler felt hostility towards the Slavs (especially the Czechs) and hatred towards the Jews. He believed in the greatness and special mission of the German nation. On the eve of the First World War, Hitler moved to Munich, where he led a former way of life. In the first years of the war, he volunteered for the German army. He served as a private, then as a corporal, took part in military operations. He was wounded twice and was awarded the Iron Cross.
Leader of the NSDAP
Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 (cm. NOVEMBER REVOLUTION 1918 in Germany) Hitler took it as a personal tragedy. Weimar Republic (cm. WEIMAR REPUBLIC) considered a product of traitors who inflicted a "stab in the back" of the German army. At the end of 1918 he returned to Munich and joined the Reichswehr (cm. Reichswehr). On behalf of the command, he was engaged in collecting compromising material on the participants in the revolutionary events in Munich. On the recommendation of Captain E. Rem (cm. REM Ernst)(who became Hitler's closest ally) became a member of the Munich right-wing organization - the so-called. German Workers' Party. Quickly pushing aside its creators from the leadership of the party, he became the absolute leader - the Fuhrer. At the initiative of Hitler in 1919 the party adopted a new name - the German National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (in the German transcription NSDAP). In German journalism of that time, the party was ironically called "Nazi", and its supporters "Nazis". This name was assigned to the NSDAP.
Program settings of Nazism
The main ideas of Hitler that had developed by this time were reflected in the NSDAP program (25 points), the core of which was the following requirements: 1) the restoration of the power of Germany by uniting all Germans under a single state roof; 2) the assertion of the dominance of the German Empire in Europe, mainly in the east of the continent - in the Slavic lands; 3) the cleansing of the German territory from the "foreigners" that litter it, primarily Jews; 4) the elimination of the rotten parliamentary regime, its replacement by a vertical hierarchy corresponding to the German spirit, in which the will of the people is personified in a leader endowed with absolute power; 5) liberation of the people from the dictatorship of world financial capital and all-round support for small-scale and handicraft production, the creativity of freelancers. These ideas were set forth in Hitler's autobiographical book My Struggle (Hitler A. Mein Kampf. Muenchen., 1933).
"Beer coup"
By the beginning of the 1920s. The NSDAP became one of the most prominent right-wing extremist organizations in Bavaria. At the head of the assault detachments (German abbreviation SA) stood E. Rehm (cm. REM Ernst). Hitler quickly became a political figure to be reckoned with, at least within Bavaria. By the end of 1923, the crisis in Germany worsened. In Bavaria, supporters of the overthrow of the parliamentary government and the establishment of a dictatorship grouped around the head of the Bavarian administration, von Kahr, and Hitler and his party played an active role in the coup.
On November 8, 1923, Hitler, speaking at a rally in the Munich pub "Bürgerbraukeler", proclaimed the beginning of a national revolution and announced the overthrow of the government of traitors in Berlin. The highest officials of Bavaria, led by von Kahr, joined this statement. At night, the NSDAP assault detachments began to occupy the administrative buildings of Munich. However, soon von Kahr and his entourage decided to compromise with the center. When on November 9 Hitler led his supporters to the central square and led them to the Feldgerenhale, parts of the Reichswehr opened fire on them. Carrying away the dead and wounded, the Nazis and their supporters left the streets. This episode entered the history of Germany under the name "beer putsch". In February - March1924, a process took place over the leaders of the coup. Only Hitler and a few of his associates were in the dock. The court sentenced Hitler to 5 years in prison, but after 9 months he was released.
Reich Chancellor
During the absence of the leader, the party disintegrated. Hitler had to practically start all over again. He was greatly assisted by Rem, who began the restoration of the assault squads. However, the decisive role in the revival of the NSDAP was played by Gregor Strasser, the leader of right-wing extremist movements in North and Northwest Germany. Bringing them into the ranks of the NSDAP, he helped transform the party from a regional (Bavarian) into a nationwide political force.
In the meantime, Hitler was looking for support at the all-German level. He managed to win the trust of the generals, as well as establish contacts with industrial magnates. When the parliamentary elections in 1930 and 1932 brought the Nazis a serious increase in the number of deputy mandates, the ruling circles of the country began to seriously consider the NSDAP as a possible participant in government combinations. An attempt was made to remove Hitler from the leadership of the party and to stake on Strasser. However, Hitler managed to quickly isolate his associate and close friend and deprive him of any influence in the party. In the end, it was decided in the German leadership to give Hitler the main administrative and political post, surrounding him (just in case) with guardians from the traditional conservative parties. January 31, 1933 President Hindenburg (cm. Hindenburg Paul) appointed Hitler Chancellor (Prime Minister of Germany).
Already in the first months of his stay in power, Hitler demonstrated that he did not intend to reckon with restrictions, no matter who they came from. Using as a pretext the Nazi-organized arson of the parliament building (Reichstag (cm. REICHSTAG)), he began the wholesale "unification" of Germany. First the communist and then the social democratic parties were banned. A number of parties were forced to dissolve themselves. Trade unions were liquidated, whose property was transferred to the Nazi workers' front. Opponents of the new government were sent to concentration camps without trial or investigation. Mass persecution of "foreigners" began, which culminated a few years later in the operation "Endlezung" (cm. HOLOCAUST (author Yu. Graf))(final solution), aimed at the physical destruction of the entire Jewish population.
Hitler's personal (real and potential) rivals in the party (and outside it) did not escape repression either. On June 30, he took a personal part in the destruction of the leaders of the SA, who were suspected of disloyalty to the Fuhrer. The first victim of this massacre was Hitler's longtime ally Rem. Strasser, von Kahr, the former Chancellor General Schleicher and other figures were physically destroyed. Hitler acquired absolute power over Germany.
The Second World War
To strengthen the mass base of his regime, Hitler carried out a series of measures designed to win popular support. Unemployment was sharply reduced and then eliminated. Large-scale actions were launched to provide humanitarian assistance to the needy population. Encouraged mass, cultural and sports festivals, etc. However, the basis of the policy of the Nazi regime was the preparation for revenge for the lost First World War. To this end, industry was reconstructed, large-scale construction was launched, and strategic reserves were created. In the spirit of revenge, propagandistic indoctrination of the population was carried out. Hitler went on gross violations of the Treaty of Versailles (cm. Treaty of Versailles 1919) which limited the German war effort. The small Reichswehr was turned into a millionth Wehrmacht (cm. WEHRMAHT), restored tank troops and military aviation. The status of the demilitarized Rhineland was abolished. With the connivance of the leading European powers, Czechoslovakia was dismembered, the Czech Republic was absorbed, and Austria was annexed. With Stalin's approval, Hitler sent his troops into Poland. In 1939 the Second World War began. Having achieved success in military operations against France and England and having conquered almost the entire western part of the continent, in 1941 Hitler turned his troops against the Soviet Union. The defeats of the Soviet troops at the first stage of the Soviet-German war led to the occupation by the Nazi troops of the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and part of Russia. A brutal occupation regime was established in the occupied territories, which destroyed many millions of people. However, from the end of 1942, the Nazi armies began to suffer defeats. In 1944, the Soviet territory was liberated from occupation, the fighting was approaching the German borders. Hitler's troops were forced to retreat in the west as a result of the offensive of the Anglo-American divisions that had landed in Italy and on the coast of France.
In 1944, a conspiracy was organized against Hitler, the purpose of which was to physically eliminate him and conclude peace with the advancing allied forces. The Fuhrer was aware that the complete defeat of Germany was inevitably approaching. On April 30, 1945, in surrounded Berlin, Hitler, together with his cohabitant Eva Braun (with whom he had married the day before), committed suicide.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what "Hitler Adolf" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Hitler) (April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria April 30, 1945, Berlin) Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933 1945). The organizer of the Second World War, the personification of Nazism, fascism of the XXI century, totalitarianism, including ideological, ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

    Hitler Adolf- (Hitler, Adolf) (1889 1945), German, dictator. Genus. in Austria in the family of Alois Hitler and his wife Clara Pölzl. In the beginning. On the 1st World War, he volunteered for the Bavarian army, became a corporal (corporal), was twice awarded the Iron Cross for ... ... The World History

    "Hitler" redirects here; see also other meanings. Adolf Hitler German Adolf Hitler ... Wikipedia

    Hitler (Hitler) [real name Schicklgruber (Schicklgruber)] Adolf (April 20, 1889, Braunau, Austria, April 30, 1945, Berlin), leader of the German fascist (National Socialist) party, head of the German fascist state (1933 45), chief ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Greetings to regular and new readers of the site! The article "Adolf Hitler: biography, interesting facts, video" - about the main stages of the life of the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, the Fuhrer of Germany, the founder of National Socialism.

Adolf Hitler is the leader of Nazi Germany and a Nazi criminal who tried to take over all of Europe and make the Aryan race superior to others. These aspirations were rightfully recognized as crimes against humanity.

Biography of Adolf Hitler

The future leader of Germany was born in the Austrian city of Braunau am Inn on April 20, 1889. Little Adolf was the third of five children. Adolf's direct ancestors were peasants. Only his father made a career by becoming a government official.

Clara and Alois Hitler

Parents: Father - Alois Hitler, customs official. Mother - Clara, housewife, cousin of her husband. The difference in the age of the spouses was 23 years. This is the third marriage of Alois.

The family moved quite often and therefore Adolf did not particularly show himself in the sciences. He showed himself well in physical education and drawing. He willingly studied geography, history, did not like other subjects. The guy firmly decided that in life he would be an artist, and not an official, as his father wanted.

Hitler (center) with classmates, 1900

After the death of his mother, who survived her husband by four years, Adolf went to Vienna and began an independent life.

He couldn't draw people. In almost all of his paintings, people were absent. But he enjoyed painting wonderful landscapes, still lifes, buildings. He twice tried to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts, but was unsuccessful. He was not accepted.

Unrecognized artist fell into a catastrophic lack of money. Sometimes he had to spend the night under the bridge along with a collapsed dream and vagabonds. Soon the guy found a way out - he began to sell his paintings.

Dear reader, imagine how the course of the history of Germany and many countries would change if Adolf managed to enter the Academy?! As an artist, he created about 3400 paintings, sketches and drawings

Hitler's path to power

At 24, the failed artist moved to Munich. There he was inspired by the First World War and entered the Bavarian army. Germany lost this war. Hitler was extremely disappointed and blamed the country's political forces for the defeat.

It was this disappointment that prompted the young activist to join the People's Party of Workers, which he later headed.

Having led the NSDAP, Adolf began an active movement to seize power. On November 9, 1923, the Nazis, who were on their way to overthrow the government, were stopped by the police. The party leader was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He was released after 9 months!

These events did not change Adolf's intentions. The revived NSDAP became a national party. To achieve power, he enlisted the support of the highest military officials and major German industrialists.

Political career

The Nazi leader quickly moved up the career ladder. So, in 1930, he already led the assault troops. To participate in the elections for the post of Reich Chancellor, he changed his Austrian citizenship to German.

He lost in the elections. But a year later, under pressure from representatives of the NSDAP, German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler to this post.

But the "First Nazi" and this was not enough. After all, power still belonged to the Reichstag. Over the next two years, Hitler, removed from the presidency of Germany, became the head of the Nazi state.

The Fuhrer began to develop the country by restoring the production of military equipment. Violating the Treaty of Versailles, Germany absorbs Czechoslovakia, the Rhineland and Austria.

In parallel, the country is undergoing "cleansing" of the Aryan race from gypsies and Jews, based on Hitler's autobiographical work "Mein Kampf" (1926). And the "Night of the Long Knives" completely cleared Hitler's path of possible political competitors.

In 1939, Nazi Germany attacked Norway, Poland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Holland, Belgium, and took offensive actions against France. By 1941, almost all of Europe was "under the boot" of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler: short biography (video)

On June 22, 1941, Nazi troops attacked the USSR. The Second World War lasted 6 years, ended with the defeat of Germany and the liberation of all previously captured powers.

Chief Court of History

From November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946, the trial of the former leaders of Nazi Germany was held at the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg).

Hitler's personal life

Officially, Adolf Hitler never married. He had no children, but he could conquer the most unapproachable ladies with his charismatic character. In 1929, he was struck by the beauty of Eva Braun, who became his concubine. But even this love did not stop the German leader from flirting with other women.

In 2012, Hitler's son, a certain Werner Schmedt, who was born from the dictator's niece Geli Ruabal, announced his existence.

Date of death of Adolf Hitler - April 30, 1945 (age 56). When he was informed about the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin, Adolf and Eva committed suicide. The cause of death has not yet been precisely determined. Perhaps it was poison, or a headshot. Their bodies were found burned in a bunker. Hitler's height is 1.75 m, the zodiac sign is Aries.

Statesman. Founder of the totalitarian Third Reich.
Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany. War criminal of all times and peoples.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary. He was born into the family of a shoemaker. From childhood, Adolf showed the ability to draw, and in his youth he earned a living from this. His parents, Alois and Clara Hitler, were ordinary peasants, but his father managed to break into the people and become a state customs official, which allowed the family to live in decent conditions.

Adolf's childhood years were spent in constant moving, caused by the peculiarities of his father's work, and changing schools, where he did not show any special talents, but still managed to finish four classes of a real school in Steyr and received a certificate of education, in which good grades were only in drawing and physical education . During this period, his mother Klara Hitler dies of cancer, which dealt a serious blow to the psyche of the young man, but he did not break down, but, having completed the necessary documents for receiving a pension for himself and his sister Paula, he moved to Vienna and set foot on the path of adulthood.

At first he tried to enter the Art Academy, as he had an outstanding talent and craving for fine arts, but failed the entrance exams. The next few years, the biography of Adolf Hitler is filled with poverty, vagrancy, odd jobs, constant moving from place to place, rooming houses under city bridges. All this time, Adolf did not inform his relatives or friends about his location, as he was afraid of being drafted into the army, where he would have to serve along with the Jews.

At the age of 24, Hitler moved to Munich, where he met with the First World War, which made him very happy. He immediately volunteered for the Bavarian army, in whose ranks he took part in many battles. He took the defeat of Germany in the First World War very painfully and categorically blamed politicians for it. Against this background, he engaged in large-scale propaganda work, which allowed him to get into the political movement of the People's Workers' Party, which he skillfully turned into a Nazi one.

Having become the head of the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler gradually began to make his way deeper and deeper to political heights and in 1923 organized the "Beer putsch". Enlisting the support of 5,000 stormtroopers, he broke into a beer bar, where a rally of the leaders of the General Staff was held, and announced the overthrow of the traitors in the Berlin government. On November 9, 1923, the Nazi putsch headed towards the ministry to seize power, but was intercepted by police detachments, who used firearms to disperse the Nazis.

In March 1924, Adolf Hitler, as the organizer of the putsch, was convicted of treason and sentenced to 5 years in prison. But the Nazi dictator spent only 9 months in prison. In December 1924, for unknown reasons, he was released.

Immediately after his release, Hitler revived the Nazi party NSDAP and transformed it, with the help of Gregor Strasser, into a nationwide political force. During that period, he managed to establish close ties with the German generals, as well as establish contact with large industrial magnates. At the same time, Adolf Hitler wrote his work "My Struggle", in which he outlined his autobiography and the idea of ​​National Socialism.

In 1930, the political leader of the Nazis became the supreme commander of the assault troops, and in 1932 he tried to get the post of Reich Chancellor. To do this, he had to renounce his Austrian citizenship and become a German citizen, as well as enlist the support of the allies. From the first time, Hitler failed to win the elections, in which Kurt von Schleicher was ahead of him. A year later, German President Paul von Hindenburg, under Nazi pressure, dismissed the victorious von Schleicher and appointed Hitler in his place.

This appointment did not cover all the hopes of the Nazi leader, since the power over Germany continued to remain in the hands of the Reichstag, and his powers included only the leadership of the Cabinet of Ministers, which had yet to be created. In just 1.5 years, Adolf Hitler managed to remove all obstacles from his path in the form of the President of Germany and the Reichstag and become an unlimited dictator. From that moment, the oppression of Jews and Gypsies began in the country, trade unions were closed and the "Hitler era" began, which for 10 years of his reign was completely saturated with human blood.

In 1934, Hitler gained power over Germany, where a total Nazi regime immediately began, the ideology of which was the only true one. Having become the ruler of Germany, the Nazi leader immediately revealed his true face and began major foreign policy actions. Rapidly creating the Wehrmacht and restoring aviation and tank troops, as well as long-range artillery. Contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany seizes the Rhineland, and after Czechoslovakia and Austria.

Then he carried out a purge in his ranks. The dictator organized the so-called "Night of the Long Knives", when all prominent Nazis who posed a threat to Hitler's absolute power were destroyed. Assigning himself the title of supreme leader of the "Third Reich", the Fuhrer created the Gestapo police and the concentration camp system, where he imprisoned all "undesirable elements", namely Jews, gypsies, political opponents, and later Soviet prisoners of war.

The basis of Adolf Hitler's domestic policy was the ideology of racial discrimination and the superiority of indigenous Aryans over other peoples. His goal was to become the only leader of the whole world, in which the Slavs should become "elite" slaves, and the lower races, to which he ranked Jews and Gypsies, were completely destroyed.

Along with massive crimes against humanity, the ruler of Germany was developing a similar foreign policy, deciding to take over the whole world.

In April 1939, Hitler approves a plan to attack Poland, which was defeated already in September of the same year. Further, the Germans occupied Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and broke through the front of France. In the spring of 1941, Hitler captured Greece and Yugoslavia, and on June 22 attacked the USSR, then led by Joseph Stalin.

In 1943, the Red Army launched a large-scale offensive against the Germans, thanks to which World War II entered the territory of the Reich in 1945, which completely drove the Fuhrer crazy. He sent pensioners, teenagers and the disabled to fight, ordering the soldiers to stand to the death, while he himself hid in the "bunker" and watched what was happening from the side.

There are several versions why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much, whom he tried to "wipe off the face of the earth." Historians who have studied the personality of the "bloody" dictator put forward several theories, each of which could be true. The first and most plausible version is the "racial policy" of the German dictator, who considered only native Germans to be people. In this regard, he divided all nations into three parts - the Aryans, who were supposed to rule the world, the Slavs, who were assigned the role of slaves in his ideology, and the Jews, whom Hitler planned to completely destroy.

The economic motives of the Holocaust are also not ruled out, since at that time Germany was in a critical state in terms of the economy, and the Jews had profitable enterprises and banking institutions, which Hitler took away from them after exile in concentration camps.

There is also a version that Hitler destroyed the Jewish nation in order to maintain the morale of his army. He assigned Jews and Gypsies the role of victims, whom he gave to be torn to pieces so that the Nazis could enjoy human blood, which, according to the leader of the Third Reich, should set them up for victory.

Both of Adolf Hitler's parents came from the rural area of ​​Waldviertel in Austria, near the Czech border. Hitler's father, Alois, was born on June 7, 1837, to an unmarried 42-year-old Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Alois' father (Adolf Hitler's grandfather) is unknown. It was rumored that he was the son of a wealthy Jew, Frankenberger, for whom Maria Anna worked as a servant-cook. When Alois was almost five years old, a certain Johann Georg Hiedler married Maria Schicklgruber. The surname Hiedler (in ancient metrics was also written as Hüttler) sounded unusual for an Austrian and resembled a Slavic one. Five years later, Maria, Adolf Hitler's grandmother, died. Stepfather Johann Georg abandoned his stepson, and Alois was raised by his stepfather's brother, Johann Nepomuk Hidler, who had no sons. At the age of 13, Alois ran away from home and first got a job as an apprentice shoemaker in Vienna, and after 5 years - in the border guard. He quickly moved up in the ranks and soon became a senior customs inspector in the town of Braunau.

Alois Hitler, father of Adolf Hitler

In the spring of 1876, Nepomuk, who wanted to have a son, even if it was not his own, adopted Alois, giving him his last name. It is not known for what reason she was slightly changed during adoption - from Hiedler to Hitler. Six months later, Nepomuk died, and Alois inherited his farm worth 5,000 florins. Lover of love affairs, the father of Adolf Hitler then already had an illegitimate daughter. Alois first married a woman who was 14 years older than him, but she divorced him when he entered into a love affair with the cook Fanny Matzelsberger. In addition, Alois was attracted by the granddaughter of his adoptive father Nepomuk, sixteen-year-old Clara Pelzl, who was formally his cousin's niece. In 1882, Fanny gave birth to a son from Alois, named after his father, and then a daughter, Angela. Alois was married to Fanny, but she died in 1884.

Even before that, Alois entered into a love affair with the calm, gentle Clara Pelzl. In January 1885, he married her, having received special permission from Rome for this, since the new wife was formally his close relative. In the coming years, Clara gave birth to two boys and one girl, but they all died. On April 20, 1889, Clara's fourth child, Adolf, was born.

Clara Pelzl-Hitler - mother of Adolf Hitler

Three years later, Alois was promoted, and Adolf Hitler's parents moved from Austria to the German city of Passau, where the young Fuhrer forever mastered the Bavarian dialect. When Adolf was almost five years old, his parents had another child - the son of Edmund. In the spring of 1895, the Hitler family moved to Havefeld, a village fifty kilometers southwest of Linz. The Hitlers lived in a peasant house with a field of almost two hectares and were considered wealthy people. Soon, Hitler's parents sent him to an elementary school, whose teachers later recalled him as "a student with a lively mind, obedient, but playful." Even at this age, Adolf showed his oratory skills and soon became a ringleader among his peers. At the beginning of 1896, a daughter, Paula, was also born in the Hitler family.

House in Braunau, where Hitler's family lived and he was born

Alois Hitler retired from customs, leaving behind the memory of a diligent employee, but a rather arrogant man who loved to be photographed in official uniform. Because of his inclinations as a family tyrant, he came into sharp conflict with his eldest son and namesake. At the age of 14, Alois Jr. followed his father's example and ran away from home. The Hitler family moved again - to the town of Lambach, where they settled in a good apartment on the second floor of a spacious house. In 1898, young Adolf graduated from school with twelve "units" - the highest mark in German schools. In 1899, Hitler's father bought a cozy house in Leonding, a village on the outskirts of Linz.

Adolf Hitler in 1889-1890

After the flight of Alois Jr., his father began to drill Adolf. He also thought about running away from the family. Already at the age of eleven, Adolphe strove for leadership. In a photograph from that year, he sits among his classmates, towering over his comrades, with his chin up and his arms folded across his chest. Adolf showed a talent for drawing. The young Fuhrer was very fond of war games and Indians, he read books about the Franco-Prussian war.

Adolf Hitler with classmates (1900)

In 1900, Adolf Hitler's brother, Edmund, died of measles. Adolf dreamed of becoming an artist, but in 1900 his parents sent him to the Linz real school. The big city made a strong impression on the boy. He did not study particularly well, especially in natural science subjects. Among classmates, Adolf Hitler became the leader. “Two extremes of character merged in him, the combination of which is extremely rare for people - he was a calm fanatic,” one of his fellow students later recalled.

On January 3, 1903, the head of the Hitler family, Alois, died of a stroke in a pub. His widow began to receive a good pension. Family tyranny is now a thing of the past. Adolf studied worse and dreamed of becoming a great artist. His older half-sister Angela married Leo Raubal, a tax inspector from Linz. “He lacked self-discipline, he was wayward, arrogant and quick-tempered ... He reacted very painfully to advice and comments, at the same time demanding from his classmates unquestioning obedience to him as a leader,” one of his Linz students recalled about Adolf Hitler at the time. teachers. The Hitler boy was very fond of history, especially stories about the ancient Germans. The last, fifth grade, Adolf was already finishing at a real school in Steyr, forty kilometers from Linz. He passed his final exams in mathematics and German only on the second attempt (1905). Now he could continue his studies at a higher real school or technical institute, but, having an aversion to the technical sciences, he convinced his mother of the uselessness of this. At the same time, Adolf referred to a pulmonary disease, which then appeared in him.

He continued to live in Linz, read a lot, painted, went to museums and the opera house. In the autumn of 1905, Hitler became friends with August Kubitschek, who was studying to be a musician. They got very close. Kubizek bowed before his comrade, who often orated in his presence. Hitler told Kubizek about his sublimely romantic love for a certain Stefanie Jansten, a beauty of the "Nordic type", to whom he did not dare to confess his feelings. On this occasion, Hitler was even going to jump from a bridge into the Danube. He spoke to Kubizek about his plans to rebuild the whole of Vienna (planning, among other things, to erect a 100-meter steel tower there). In the spring of 1906, Adolf spent a month in Vienna, and the trip there strengthened his intention to devote his life to painting and architecture.

Hitler's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. In January 1907 she had one of her breasts removed. In September 1907, Hitler, having received his share of the inheritance, about 700 crowns, with the consent of his mother, who constantly spoiled him, went to Vienna to enter the Academy of Arts. But he failed the exam. In October 1907, the Jewish doctor Bloch, who was treating Clara Hitler, informed Adolf that she was in a very bad condition. Adolf returned home from Vienna and selflessly looked after his mother, sparing no money for her treatment. On December 21, Clara died, and her son mourned her fervently. “In all my practice,” Dr. Bloch later recalled, “I have never seen a more inconsolable person than Adolf Hitler.”