The final teachers' council in an interesting form in the dow.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Tyazhinsky Kindergarten No. 3 "Golden Key"

Compiled by: Karaulnova Olga Anatolyevna, head of MADOU, Tyazhinsky township

Teachers Council No. 1 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"


Purpose: to identify the level of professional preparedness of teachers, to develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, to defend one's point of view with reason.

Mastery is what can be achieved, and how can be
famous master - turner, excellent master - doctor,
this is how a teacher should and can be an excellent master.

One of the main tasks of the modern system of preschool education is to improve the quality of educational work, to create conditions for the creative self-realization of the personality of each child. Improving the quality of preschool education is directly dependent on staff. Today, the requirements for the work of preschool institutions are increasingly high. These requirements are refracted into a system of tasks facing preschool teachers, since the level and nature of the child's achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, constantly improve professionally. Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively trained, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, a teacher who owns pedagogical skills.

And now a little theory, what is pedagogy?

Pedagogical skill is the highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the work of a teacher, in the constant improvement of the art of teaching, educating and developing a person. Pedagogical creativity is considered as a state of pedagogical activity, in which there is a creation of a fundamentally new in the organization of the educational process, in solving scientific and practical problems.

Pedagogical excellence is primarily associated with the personality of the teacher, with a set of qualities that contribute to ensuring a high level of self-organization of professional activity. The set of qualities of a professional teacher, which helps him to ensure the educational process at a high creative level, is quite extensive. The most important of them are citizenship and patriotism, humanism and intelligence, high spiritual culture and responsibility, diligence and efficiency. The main qualities of a master teacher are philanthropy and the ability to communicate with people. Pedagogical excellence from a technological point of view is a system, the main components of which are a high general culture, humanistic orientation, professional knowledge and skills, creativity and pedagogical abilities, and technological competence. The most important part of pedagogical skills is also professional knowledge and skills.

And our teachers' council is aimed at improving the skills of teachers, today we have the opportunity not only to learn about the activities of colleagues, but also to systematize knowledge, to comprehend our own approaches to work. And this teachers' council will be held not in the traditional form, but in the form of a business game.

After that, teachers are divided into teams by collecting a split picture.


List the tasks of the MADOU annual plan that the team is working on.

In the process of work, for each correct answer, the team receives a chip.

1. Competition

PSYCHOLOGICAL RING. The head of MADOU asks questions to each team in turn, and the one that gave the correct answer gets a token.

  1. team: Systematic, purposeful and planned perception of objects (Observation).
  2. team: Mental cognitive process, consisting in the reflection of past experience (Memory).
  3. team: Determine the type of temperament.

These children are in a good mood. They are cheerful. They react to positive stimuli with loud laughter, to negative stimuli - with loud crying. All inner experiences manifest themselves outwardly. These children are happy to take on a new business, experiencing and showing bright positive emotions. The feelings and interests of these children are unstable. These children love noisy games, easily move from sleep to wakefulness. They are easy to discipline. To a greater extent, they are distracted by external stimuli than by internal ones. Since they are less sensitive to stimuli, they do not respond to remarks made in a low voice. The speech of these children is loud, energetic, its pace is fast. (SANGUINE CHILDREN).

Team 2: Determine the type of temperament. These children often change mood. Emotions have extreme manifestations: they do not cry, but sob, do not smile, but laugh. Children react very violently to external stimuli, they are unrestrained, impatient, quick-tempered. Children with this type of temperament prefer outdoor games, games with elements of sports, and often just run around the group or playroom. Skills are formed in them for a long time and are hardly rebuilt. These children experience difficulties in switching and concentration of attention, it is difficult to discipline them. They express a stormy protest against the prohibitions of adults. (CHOLERIC CHILDREN).

2. Competition

Each team invites one teacher who receives cards with the following tasks:

  • Complete the poem that is written on the card. For the correct answer - a chip.

1 team 2 team 1 team 2 team

Ruddy dawn Oak of rain and wind He went to the buffet He ran to the platform,

The east is covered, Not afraid at all. Buy yourself a ticket. Climb into the uncoupled wagon,

In the village across the river Who said that the oak And then rushed to the cashier He brought bundles and suitcases,

(light out) (It's scary to catch a cold) (Buy a bottle of kvass) (Pushed them under the sofas)

3. Competition

Determine in which age group the named works are studied. For each correct answer - a chip.

1 team H.K. Andersen "Thumbelina" (preparatory gr.);

V. Bianchi "The Fox and the Mouse" (1 ml gr.); "Puff" Belarusian n. with. (2 junior gr.)

2 team N. Nosov "Living Hat" (st. gr.); "Masha and the Bear" R. n. with. (1 junior gr.);

"Br. Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians" (average gr.)

  • Friendly cartoon.

Each team is invited to come up with and depict with the help of facial expressions and gestures one of the teachers of the other team (no more than 1 minute). If teachers recognize a colleague (no more than 2 minutes for discussion)- they get a chip.

4. Competition

Knowledge of methodological material.

1. Write the names of all educational areas.

  1. Team 1 - What parts should the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education consist of? (two parts: the mandatory part and the part formed by the participants of the educational process).
  2. team - On the basis of what is the Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education being developed? (Based on federal requirements).
  3. What educational area do these tasks belong to?
  4. team - development of children's play activities ("Socialization")
  5. team - sensory development ("Knowledge")
  6. team - education of cultural and hygienic skills; ("Health")
  7. team - the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community. ("Socialization")

Each correct answer is rewarded with a chip.

5. Competition

The development of expressive speech of the educator

Teams are tasked with:

  • Say the word "Well done!":

1 team 2 team

quiet loud

tenderly surprised

ironically enthusiastic

affectionately demanding

6. Competition

Solving educational psychological and pedagogical situations

Each team chooses a card with a task, discusses and expresses their point of view. Points of view can be different and all teachers have the right to express themselves.

  • One of the pupils is called by group mates not by name, but by nationality. The child constantly cries and does not want to go to kindergarten. The teacher tries to explain to the children that they are being cruel. Then preschoolers begin to tease the baby so that adults do not hear. What is the way out of this situation?
  • The teacher of the preparatory group at the parent-teacher meeting talked about how to prepare children for school, developing them physically. The grandmother of one boy actively insisted that her grandson not be taken for a walk and to the pool, as he often catches a cold. She argued this fact by the fact that teachers do not monitor how children dress, but at this age they cannot do it on their own. When asked by the teacher about how Seryozha would dress at school, the grandmother explained that she, as in kindergarten, would help him with this, for which she specially quit her job. How to organize work with Serezha's parents?

7. Competition

"Teacher Model"

And in conclusion, you are invited to schematically depict the model of the teacher, noting the qualities that he should possess.


The decision of the teachers' council

Teachers Council №2 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"

Subject: "Interaction of the family and kindergarten in the preservation and strengthening of the psychophysiological health of children"

Purpose: 1. Analysis of the process of interaction between the family and the kindergarten.

2. Determination of ways to improve the interaction between the family and the kindergarten in preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

"The only beauty I know is health" G. Heine

"Preschool childhood" is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed, personal development is carried out.

At the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents, teachers. Therefore, improper care, behavioral, social and emotional problems that arise at this age lead to severe consequences in the future.

In accordance with the Law "On Education" one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child."

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a single space for the development of the child, both in MADOU and in the family.

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of the upbringing of the younger generation have developed: family and public. It has long been argued what is more important in the formation of personality: family or social education? Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions.

Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without prejudice to the development of the child's personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

To ensure favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop the close connection and interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education was reflected in a number of legal documents, including the "Concept of preschool education", "Regulations on preschool educational institutions", the Law "On Education", etc.

So, in the law "On Education" it is written that "parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age."

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with the family is also changing. Each preschool educational institution not only educates the child, but also advises parents on the issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

The main areas of interaction with the family are:

  1. Studying the needs of parents in educational services.
  2. Education of parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Proceeding from these directions, work is carried out on interaction with families of preschool children.

To determine the prospects for the development of the institution, the content of work and forms of organization, parents are surveyed and surveyed.

Parents were given a questionnaire "Determination of the level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and its observance in the family" analyzing which we saw the following results.

A survey was also conducted for teachers on the topic "What is a healthy lifestyle" .

A competition was held "Equipment for a Health-Saving Environment" .

Warm-up "Continue the phrase: (1 minute to prepare)

1 team

  1. (physical development).

during the competition... (sport).

3. In children of primary preschool age, outdoor games are mainly


4. Children's tourism is... (walks and excursions).

2 team

  1. The process of changing the forms and functions of the human body -... (physical development).
  2. Special activity aimed at achieving the highest results in any kind of physical exercise, identified

during the competition... (sport).

3. In children of primary preschool age, outdoor games are mainly ...


4. Children's tourism is... (walks and excursions).

1 task

"Types of health and ways to implement them" .

"physical health" - this is the perfection of self-regulation in the body, maximum adaptation to the environment.

"mental health" - this is a high consciousness, developed thinking, a great internal and moral force that encourages creative activity.

There are more than 300 definitions of the concept "health" . According to the World Health Organization, HEALTH is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Physical health:

perfection of self-regulation in the body, harmony of physiological processes, maximum adaptation to the environment (pedagogical definition)

the state of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, which is based on morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions (medical definition)

Mental health:

high consciousness, developed thinking, great inner and moral strength that encourages creative activity (pedagogical definition)

this is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the status of general spiritual comfort, an adequate behavioral response (medical definition).

Social health is the health of society, as well as the environment for each individual.

2 task

"Interaction with family"

Questions for the first team:

  1. How do you understand parenting?
  2. List ways of working with parents?
  3. Home visit. When is it appropriate to visit family?
  4. Working with difficult families. What kind of family do you find difficult? Do you have such families? What kind of work should be done with difficult families?

Questions for the second team:

  1. What are the main tasks facing a preschool institution in working with parents?
  2. Questioning. What it is? List the pros and cons of surveying.
  3. Do you consider such forms of work with parents as an open day, an open lesson, a newspaper release to be effective? What does this mean for teachers and parents?
  4. When is the child's misbehavior being discussed?
  5. exercise.

"Solution of pedagogical situations"

Purpose: game modeling of the teacher's behavior in situations of conflict resolution between the teacher and parents.

1 team

  1. While getting ready for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took out a note from his coat pocket, addressed to the teacher of the group, asking the mother not to harden her child after a daytime sleep. The reason was not specified. Would you comply with a parent's request? What will be your next steps?
  2. The teacher decided to talk to the mother of a five-year-old child about the boy's pugnacity. How will you start the conversation?
  3. team
  4. The educator invited all parents to the subbotnik, placing information about it on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is dissatisfied. Saturday had to be postponed. What can explain what happened? What to do next?
  5. In the afternoon, a car with sand for children's sandboxes drove up to the kindergarten. The sand was unloaded onto the asphalt near the entrance. "In the evening, ask your parents to move the sand," the head teacher suggested to the teachers. How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will be your actions?
  6. exercise

Game exercise "Modern family - what is it like?"

Conduct a cross-section of the ideas of the teaching staff about the modern family, analyze the ideal attitudes towards the family of pupils, and real conditions.

  • Each team is given a set of magazines, base paper, glue, scissors. The task of teachers: to depict a modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations.
  • To the expert group to portray the family, ideal in their view.
  • After 10 minutes of joint work, each group of teachers talks about their idea of ​​the family.
  • (The leader of the pedagogical council sums up the results of the work done, emphasizing the valuable and unique vision in each team).


The decision of the teachers' council

Teachers Council No. 3 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"

Topic: “Scenario of the Pedagogical Council “FSES DO.

Features of the construction of the educational process "

The purpose of the teachers' council: Increasing the professional competence of MADOU teachers in the field of organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.


  1. Give a general description of the Federal State Educational Standard. To analyze the structure of the FGOS DO in comparison with the FGT.
  2. Clarify and systematize the knowledge of MADOU teachers on the organization of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Give practical advice on planning and organizing a thematic week.

Preparatory work:

  1. The study by MADOU teachers of regulatory and legal documents of the federal, regional, municipal levels that regulate the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. Consultation cycle: "Transition from FGT to GEF DO" , "Adjustment of the OOP DOW in accordance with the GEF DO" , "Construction of the educational process, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards of Education" .
  3. Create a presentation "FGOS DO. Features of the construction of the educational process "

Plan of the event:

  1. Introductory remarks by the head of the kindergarten (Karaulnova O.A.)
  2. Report on the implementation of the decision of the previous pedagogical council

3. Topical issues of the introduction of GEF DO (Senior educator Petrova I.V.)

4. Planning a thematic week. Dramatization of a fairy tale about GEF DO (creative group No. 1)

5. Independent practical tasks for MADOU teachers.

6. Results of the pedagogical council.

The course of the teachers' council

Dear colleagues! Our teachers' council is dedicated to solving one of the annual tasks of our preschool institution, namely, to increase the level of pedagogical competence of teachers through the development and implementation of GEF DO in the educational process of MADOU.

On September 1, 2013, the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" came into force, which introduced a number of significant changes in the education system of the Russian Federation, and in particular, in preschool education. It has become a new level of education.

On January 1, 2014, the GEF DO came into force. It was developed for the first time in Russian history in accordance with the requirements of federal law "On Education" in RF.

The development of the standard for preschool education was carried out by a specially created working group headed by the director of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, Alexander Grigoryevich Asmolov.

The documents underlying the development of the standard are:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation:
  • Legislative documents of the Russian Federation, including "Education Act"
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Let's look at the meaning of the word "Standard"

A standard is a sample that must meet, satisfy something in terms of its characteristics, properties, qualities, as well as a document containing relevant information. (Ozhegov's dictionary).

Federal state educational standard - a set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and (or) to the profession, specialty and direction of training, approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard is a standard for the quality of preschool education. According to Alexander Asmolov "The standard of preschool education is, first of all, the standard for supporting the diversity of childhood" . And another quote from him: “The standard of preschool education should ensure the implementation of state guarantees and will be aimed at meeting the needs of parents and children at this level of education” .

So why did it become necessary to develop the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool institutions? After all, only recently MADOU began to work on FGT.

FGT (federal government requirements) developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (adopted on July 10, 1992 N 3266-1 as amended on December 27, 2009 N 374-FZ, i.e. - based on "old" law. Now we have "new" , Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ. And GEF DO - the requirement of a new law "On Education" , in which preschool education is recognized as an independent level of general education, and this means that it must now work in accordance with the standards, since all levels of education are being standardized.

The standards are being developed to bring unity to Russian education. The standard for all levels of education has the same structure (general provisions, requirement for the structure of the educational program of distance education and its volume, requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the BEP DO, requirements for the results of mastering the OP DO)

Until 01.01.14 we worked on FGT. Having canceled FGT, the standard took the best of them, which had already been tested in the practice of distance learning, and what our teachers had already mastered. These two documents are certainly successive. Let's talk about succession. What is it?

In FGT - 10, in GEF DO - 5

The basis for dividing the content of DO remains unchanged. Recall that in FGT 4 directions of child development were taken as a basis (social - personal, cognitive - speech, physical, artistic - aesthetic) They were conditionally divided into 10 educational areas depending on the type of activity of the child, which was fundamental. The FSES DO also takes 4 areas of child development as a basis and puts them in line with educational areas. There are 5 of them. What are these areas? (physical development, speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic). The GEF includes a provision that the content of educational areas is implemented in special types of children's activities. There is also a direct continuity of FGT and GEF DO. The specific content of educational areas depends on the age and individual characteristics of children. Each age group has its own activities.

The GEF DO is based on principles.

  1. full living by the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age, enrichment (amplification) child development;
  2. building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter - the individualization of preschool education);
  3. assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) educational relations;
  4. support of children's initiative in various activities (this is an innovation)
  5. cooperation of the Organization with the family;
  6. introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;
  7. the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;
  8. age appropriateness of preschool education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and features of development);
  9. taking into account the ethno-cultural situation of children's development.

Forms of organizing children's activities

Until each teacher implements in his work these fundamental principles of the standard, these basic provisions, we will not be able to say that the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education has been introduced into the practice of our educational activities. The main thing, say the authors of the standard, is not in the content of educational areas. The main innovations of the standard are in the observance of the principles and their implementation. The question arises how to implement these principles, with the help of what technologies?

In any pre-school institution there is a BEP, which is implemented during the entire period of the child's stay in kindergarten. What form does it take? These are not only classes, because they take very little time in the daily routine. Therefore, other forms of organization of children are also needed. The main form is, of course, a game. Learning can take place during the game and it is necessary to make sure that during the game the child does not even guess that he is being taught. But besides the game, there are other forms that allow you to make the life of a child in kindergarten interesting and eventful.

Consider these forms:

  1. Workshop
  2. Project activity
  3. Reading fiction, educational literature
  4. Experimentation and research
  5. Technology "Situation"
  6. Collecting

Let's talk about some of them.

A workshop is a form of organization of productive activity. These are not just classes, joint activities, collective forms of work that have a certain social motivation prevail here. (group decoration for the holiday, making souvenirs, crafts as a gift) Here it is very important for the child to independently make a choice of activities. He can draw, sculpt, make appliqué, that's his choice. He has the right to ask for help from the teacher, and the teacher should provide it only when the child really needs it. The child works at their own pace. The main thing is that the work is completed and has a result. This is the pedagogical support. Also, the child can choose his own partner. This is the difference from traditional classes.

Technology "Situation" - this is a form of joint activity that allows the teacher to respond flexibly to cognitive interest that may spontaneously arise. Or it can be a specially created situation that activates, arouses interest in the child. Children solve the problem, and the teacher only directs them.

Collecting is a form of cognitive activity of preschoolers. It is in it that the interests of the child are manifested. It is also good that you can collect not only material objects (for example, seeds, minerals, but it can also be a collection of emotions, impressions about some events. And then you can use these impressions so that the child broadcasts the experience he has gained to others Children's impressions, children's experience, children's emotions are important, this leads to mutual enrichment of children's experience.

Experimentation and research is a form of cognitive research activity. It aims to broaden the horizons of children. We can use this form both in regime moments and in special classes.

Project activity is also a form of joint activity aimed at expanding the horizons of children, at educating the cognitive activity of a preschooler. The teacher creates conditions that allow children to independently or jointly with an adult acquire new experience, gain knowledge experimentally, in a search way.

These forms of activity are very important in the work of a teacher. They must be mastered to implement the basic principles of the standard.

Planning a thematic week "Gifts of Autumn" (independent practical work of teachers in groups).


Board decision:

  • Develop an exemplary program within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • For MADOU teachers to develop exemplary work programs for age groups - September 2014
  • Pedagogical activity, according to the conducted business game, according to the pedagogical analysis of the results of upbringing and educational activities in the conditions of the transition of MADOU to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, is recognized as satisfactory.
  • All teachers to study the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ; GEF DO.
  • Create a database for the development of the best developments of integrated events for the period of 2015-2016 academic year.

Teachers Council No. 4 (thematic)

Behavior form: "Business game"

Subject: "Pedagogical skill of the teacher"

Scenario of the final pedagogical council

"Image of a preschool institution"

Purpose: to aim the MADOU teachers at the formation of a positive image of the kindergarten through the analysis of the pedagogical activities of the MADOU, the development and search for optimal ways to implement the MADOU image policy.

1. Greeting

And so another school year has come to an end. Today we are summing up the results of our pedagogical activity. I would like to ask each of you to share your impressions about the past academic year, about your achievements, joys, and positive changes. (Teachers randomly approach each other and speak in 1-2 sentences).

2. The final teachers' council is always a little psychologically straining, both positively and negatively. I ask you to write on the stickers your expectations and fears from today's event. (The methodologist reviews the written concerns and expectations for possible adjustments to the upcoming event).

3. Today we will not just sum up the work for the year, but will try to correlate our pedagogical activity with the criteria for shaping the image of the preschool educational institution. In order to continue the work, I propose to divide into teams in accordance with the chosen emblem. (Teachers choose badges with painted emblems - teachers, parents (legal representatives), administration of the UO). I ask representatives of the parent community, the administration of the educational institution and teachers to take their places.

Before starting the work of our communities, I would like to find out what do you mean by the concept of the image of the preschool educational institution?

Teachers in groups discuss and express their opinion (eg: recognition of the kindergarten as popular among parents, approval of activities by others, etc.)

Image (from English image - "image" , "image" ) - an artificial image formed in the public or individual consciousness by means of mass communication and psychological impact. The image is created by propaganda, advertising in order to form a certain attitude towards the object in the mass consciousness. It can combine both the real properties of the object, and non-existent, attributed.

The image of an object is an opinion of a rational or emotional nature about an object. (person, object, system), which arose in the psyche of a group of people on the basis of an image formed in their psyche as a result of their perception of certain characteristics of a given object. (http: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/).

The image of MADOU is an emotionally colored image of an educational institution, often consciously formed, having purposefully set characteristics and designed to exert a psychological influence of a certain direction on specific groups of society.

One of our main tasks is to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional well-being, free creative and active personality. Kindergarten provides children with the opportunity to develop diversified, and adults - to express themselves professionally. External positive corporate image - consistency of all elements of MADOU communication, conveying the main idea, causing a favorable response, which increases the degree of trust of the environment

What do you think is included in the concept of the image of a preschool educational institution, what components does it consist of? (command statements).

  1. Staff Each member of the team has its own professional image, and at the same time, all - both managers, and teachers, and junior service personnel - are united by a common image: appearance, communication culture, intelligence, friendly smile, attractive behavior, pride in their institution and pupils.
  2. Services The unique characteristics of MADOU: high-quality upbringing and education.
  3. Social Representations of the public about the role of MADOU in the cultural and social life of the city.
  4. Visual perception Representation of the institution based on visual sensations: the symbols of the kindergarten - the anthem, coat of arms, flag, design of groups, classrooms, halls, corridors.
  5. Business activity Participation of teachers, pupils in competitions and events.

From the position of managing an educational institution, the components of the image of MADOU can be conditionally grouped into the following blocks:

  • comfort of the environment of the institution (optimism and goodwill in the team, timely psychological assistance to individual participants in the educational process);
  • quality of educational services (contribution to the development of the educational preparation of pupils, their upbringing, mental functions, creative abilities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle; a clear vision of the goals of education and upbringing, formulated in the mission of an educational institution; relations with various social institutions);
  • positive image of the head and staff of the institution (pedagogical, social and managerial competence of employees);
  • creation of a common style of the premises of an educational institution in accordance with traditions, with the peculiarities of its activities and financial capabilities; bright external paraphernalia (the presence of external symbols, rituals, etc.);
  • public perceptions of the role of MADOU in the cultural and social life of the city.

4. Now I suggest that the communities evaluate the activities of our MADOU for the past academic year according to the selected indicators.

  1. Let's start with a general question - determining the rating of an institution among parents, district administration, teachers (ex: teachers: “In our opinion, which is confirmed by questionnaires, surveys, satisfaction with MADOU services is 94%; administration of the MA: “In accordance with the appeals of citizens, positive feedback was noted, there were no negative appeals to the work of MADOU this year” ; parents: “Our kindergarten is popular among the parents of the district, the kindest and most attentive teachers work here” ) .
  2. What is positive in the work of MADOU over the past year was noted by all opponents (statements on the assessment:
  • the comfort of the environment of the institution - in the difficult time of the innovative regime, psychological and methodological support was always provided to teachers, trainings were held on communication, personal growth, team building, and conflict prevention.
  • the quality of educational services - a report by group teachers and specialists on the dynamics of children's development and the implementation of programs for the academic year, a certificate from the senior educator on the advanced training of teachers
  • the image of the head and staff of the institution - friendly staff and competent management
  • creation of a common style of the premises of an educational institution - changes in the color design of the interior, saturation of the subject-developing environment, selection of new furniture of a single color scheme with the walls of the premises.
  • public perceptions of the role of MADOU in the cultural and social life of the village - the creation of the MADOU website, public and social actions, the publication of group newspapers, the preparation of children and the participation of MADOU teachers in competitions of all-Russian, regional and municipal significance).

Thus, over the past academic year, there has been an improvement in the comfortable environment of the institution - rallying the team around achieving a common goal of introducing the MADOU FGT to the PLO and the conditions for its implementation into practice, the quality of educational services is 90-95%, creating a modern style of the MADOU premises, presenting the MADOU at municipal, regional and national levels.

3. However, on a generally positive level, shortcomings in our work were also highlighted. What prevented MADOU from achieving higher performance (certificate of the senior educator).

5. The results have been summed up, but each result is the beginning of the next stage of development. Let's dream and express our opinion on what can be done to maintain the stability of the results achieved and move to a new level of development. (Teachers speak about the need to study new regulatory and methodological materials, advanced training, changes in the BEP, changes in the conditions for the implementation of the BEP, equipping the subject-developing environment of MADOU and sites, etc.). A dream is a goal, a goal is a result, a positive result is an increase in the image of our institution. We have outlined the goals of our future activities.

What can we realistically do in the next academic year. A draft of the annual tasks and main activities of MADOU for the next academic year and maintaining a positive image of the institution are proposed for discussion. Voting and statements of teachers.


The decision of the teachers' council

Tatyana Ivanova
The final teachers' council "Analysis of the work of preschool educational institutions for the academic year"

The final teachers' council "Analysis of the work of preschool educational institutions for the 2011-2012 academic year."

Conduct form: oral journal.

Target: determine the effectiveness of solving annual tasks by the teaching staff.


1. Analysis of the work for the year -deputy. head according to VMR

2. Characteristics of the state of the educational process. - educate, spec.

2. Psychological readiness of children of the preparatory group for school. -psychologist

4. Analysis of the professional skills of teachers. –Deputy head according to VMR

5. Report of the work of the creative team on the work done for the year. – chairman

6. Forms of work with parents, their effectiveness. - educate.

7. Conclusions based on the results of the analysis with the definition of directions, tasks of the teaching staff for the new academic year. -head

slide 1. Hello dear colleagues and friends. So the school year has come to an end.

Slide 2. Today I propose to look at the magazine, and, turning over its pages, remember what interesting things happened to us this year.

Slide 3. First page. (image of a house).

Our kindergarten is a home,

How is life in that house?

Our house is an apartment building. Let's get into it. Who do you think we'll meet first? Yes, of course, the mistress of this big house is Marina Alexandrovna.

What interesting will the hostess tell us about our house?

slide 4. The manager talks about administrative and economic work.

Slide 5. In order to create an integrated system of physical, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic and social-personal development of preschoolers and correctional work, in accordance with the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, the Educational program of the MB preschool educational institution kindergarten "Kindergarten No. 238" was developed which we have implemented this year. Let's analyze the results of the work.

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of mastering by children of the main general educational program of preschool education.

slide 6. 1 junior group No. 1

Conclusion: Thus, children showed the highest level of development in the NGO "Health", "Music". In other educational areas, children showed a lower level of development.

Slide 7. 1 junior group number 2.

Conclusion: thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations “Health”, “Physical culture”, “Labor”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”. In other educational areas, children showed a lower level of development, because there are children with a low level of development.

slide 8. 2 junior group No. 4

Conclusion: Thus, children showed the highest level of development in the PA "Artistic Creativity", "Music". In other educational areas, children showed a lower level of development, because there are children with a low level of development. Low results were shown by a child with special needs.

slide 9. Middle Group #3

Conclusion: thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations “Health”, “Physical culture”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”. In the educational areas "Communication", "Reading fiction", children showed a lower level of development, because there are children with a low level of development. Low results were shown by children who were often sick, hyperactive.

slide 10. Middle Group #5

Conclusion: thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations “Health”, “Physical culture”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”. In the educational areas "Labor", "Communication", children showed a lower level of development, because there are children with a low level of development.

Slide 11. Average speech therapy group No. 6

Conclusion: thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations "Physical culture", "Safety", "Labor". In other educational areas, children showed an average level of development.

slide 12. Senior speech therapy group No. 9.

Conclusion: Thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations "Health", "Safety", "Reading fiction", "Socialization". In other educational areas, children showed an average level of development.

slide 13. Senior speech therapy group No. 10.

Conclusion: thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations “Health”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Labor”, “Socialization”. In other educational areas, children showed an average level of development.

Slide 14. Preparatory speech therapy group No. 7.

Conclusion: thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations “Health”, “Physical culture”, “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Labor”, “Music”. In other educational areas, children showed an average level of development.

slide 15. Preparatory speech therapy group No. 8.

Conclusion: Thus, children showed the highest level of development in the public organizations “Health”, “Labor”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”. In other educational areas, children showed an average level of development.

slide 16. Conclusion: thus, there is a positive trend in mastering the basic general educational program of preschool education. The highest results of mastering the program in the areas of "Health", "Safety" - 92%. The lowest results in the areas of “Communication” (Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms, “Socialization” (game activity, familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the formation of gender, family and citizenship, the formation feelings of belonging to the world community, the formation of patriotic feelings,.

There is a dynamics in the development of the areas "Health", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music" by 14%; "Physical culture", "Socialization" - by 15%; "Safety", "Cognition" - by 17%; "Labor" - by 11%. The main general educational program of preschool education MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 238" was completed by 85%.

slide 17. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of the educational field "Health"

slide 18.Conclusion: there is an increase in the number of children with the 1st health group by 2%, with the 2nd health group - by 21%; reduction in the number of children with the 3rd health group by 23%.

slide 19. Analysis of morbidity by groups. junior groups.

slide 20. middle groups.

Slide 21. senior groups.

slide 22. preparatory groups.

slide 23. Conclusion: in the 2011-2012 academic year, the incidence of intestinal infections, chickenpox, tonsillitis, bronchitis decreased, there was a slight increase in the incidence of influenza, an increase in the incidence of SARS. The number of missed days due to illness by one child decreased by 5.57.

Slide 24, 25. The decrease in the incidence rate is ensured by the creation of favorable conditions for the stay of children in preschool educational institutions, with high-quality nutrition, a high level of organization of adaptation measures, vaccination, the implementation of the established regimen, sufficient exposure of children to the fresh air, and a sufficiently high professional level of teachers and medical personnel. In the preschool educational institution, it is mandatory to include various technologies for healing and prevention in the educational process. This is:

Project "The use of kinesiology correction in preparing children for school in a combined kindergarten";

motor pauses;

corrective gymnastics;

breathing exercises;

relaxation exercises;

holding days of health, sports leisure;

involvement of parents and other social institutions on the protection and promotion of children's health;

healthy lifestyle classes.

slide 26. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of the educational field "Physical culture"

By the end of the year, diagnostics were carried out in all kindergarten groups in order to identify the level of development of physical qualities and motor skills. There is a positive trend compared to the beginning of the academic year. When comparing the starting, intermediate and final diagnostic study, the results were as follows:


starting intermediate final

high 18% 18% 50%

medium 77% 80% 50%

low 5% 2% -

The comparative diagram shows that the low level indicator decreased by 5% compared to the beginning of the academic year, the high level indicator increased by 32%. The average score for kindergarten is 2.5 points. This proves that the level of development of movements and physical qualities in children corresponds to age norms. Children have mastered the basic skills and abilities in different games, exercises, elements of technology of all basic types of movements. The knowledge, skills and abilities of children were consolidated in game classes, leisure activities, and sports holidays. The relationship with teachers and parents also contributed to the increase in the level of physical fitness. They consolidated the movements learned in the classroom on a walk, in a group and at home in the form of homework.

Slide. 27-31. The main goal of the work of the teacher-psychologist of the MDOU kindergarten "Smile" is to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of children, harmonious development in a preschool educational institution.

Slide 32-33. Analysis of correctional and developmental work for the 2010-2011 academic year.

In order to improve the professional competence of teachers in the organization of correctional and speech therapy work, the following activities were carried out:

Workshop: "Formation of figurative speech";

Consultations: "Games to familiarize children with the spatial meaning of prepositions", "Technology for the development of coherent speech based on semantic fields";

An open demonstration of a speech therapy lesson: "Ani and Vanya's journey in a dense forest!"

Presentations at KMO on the topics: “Development of the syllabic structure in preschool children”, “Games for the development of auditory attention in preschool children”.


The effectiveness of correctional work this academic year is only 30%, these are 9 children (4 children from the senior group, 5 children from the preparatory group) from those enrolled in the logopunk were released with good speech. 12 children (57%) from the preparatory group were sent to school with a speech impediment with recommendations to continue their education at the school's speech center. 27% of the children enrolled in the speech center were left to continue their studies in the 2011-2012 academic year. Based on the analysis of correctional work with preschoolers, the teacher-speech therapist needs to improve correctional and speech therapy work in the 2011-2012 academic year. To use effective methods in working with children to eliminate the general underdevelopment of speech, the development of coherent speech, the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, as well as the sound culture of speech.

The activities of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council.

In order to coordinate activities to accompany pupils with developmental disabilities, the work of the PMPK was organized. At the meetings of the council, the problems of complex adaptation of individual children are solved, the level of mental and physical health of children is analyzed, a map of the readiness of graduates to study at school is filled out, issues of working with children with speech disorders are discussed, an individual correctional and developmental route is drawn up for a child who has lags in development. During the academic year, unscheduled meetings were held to provide advisory and methodological assistance, moral and psychological support to parents raising a disabled child who does not attend kindergarten. A schedule for visiting this family has been drawn up and approved, and the relevant work has been organized.

slide 34. During the academic year, the following organizational and pedagogical activities were carried out:

Slide 35-36. Open demonstrations of work with children for teachers' councils "The role of teachers in improving the pedagogical competence of parents", "The use of kinesiological correction in a combined kindergarten", thematic control "The effectiveness of the organization of work with parents", "The state of work on the development of coherent speech among preschoolers", content work on the study of OO "Safety".

Slide 37-38. Competition "Hello, we are looking for talents."

slide 39. Entertainment "Goodbye, summer."

Slide 40-41. Exhibition-fair "Gifts of Autumn". Photo contest "Summer, ah summer".

Slide 42. Christmas carols.

Slide 45. Maslenitsa.

Slide 46-47. Within the framework of the project “I love the Russian birch”, a competition of children's works and a contest of readers “I love the Russian birch” were held.

slide 48. Chess Tournament.

Slide 49. As part of the month "Safe Roads for Children" KVN for teachers "Experts on traffic rules."

Slide 50. It has become traditional to hold regional sports competitions "Merry Starts".

Slide 51. We took part in the ecological competition "Visiting Autumn".

Slide 52. The teachers of the preschool educational institution were trained at the city seminar "The role of project activities in the education of preschoolers", at the author's special courses by T. N. Erofeeva, Yamshinina S. N., the seminar by A. O. Glebova,

Slide 53. a master class on making paper crafts was held.

Slide 54. Additional education.

Taking into account the individual abilities, interests and opportunities of children, the wishes of parents in the preschool educational institution, additional education is provided to children in the form of circle work. This academic year, 3 circles worked at MDOU: the musical circle "Domisolka",

Slide 55. Circle "Ant",

Slide 56. 1 - for theatrical activity "Buffoons".

41 children from the senior and preparatory groups were engaged in various circles.

Under the guidance of talented teachers, children actively participate in competitions, festivals of children's creativity, sports competitions and sports days. For the achievements achieved, they were awarded certificates of honor, diplomas, memorable gifts and cups of the winner.

Slide 57. There is a creative group working in the DOW. The floor is given to the chairman Simonova I.N.

Slide 58-60. Creative team report.

slide 61. During the academic year, teachers and pupils of the preschool educational institution took part in competitions of various levels:

slide 62. District: competition "Instructor-to-Start", win the project competition "I love Russian birch,

slide 63. children's musical creativity "Little Country", sports competitions "Funny Starts"

slide 64. holiday-competition "Autumn has come to visit us", "stop the fire",

slide 65. in the seminar "The role of project activities in the education of preschoolers"

slide 65. Regional and All-Russian: 2nd place in the competition "I am a teacher",

slide 66. laureates of the regional competition "Pedagogical rainbow -2011",

slide 67. mathematical competition-game "Elephant", sports "Eaglet".

slide 68. international festival of children's and youth creativity "Stars of the new century",

slide 69. 8th international competition "Stars for Animal Protection"

slide 70. Interaction with parents.

A system of cooperation with parents has been built in the preschool educational institution.

In order to improve the pedagogical and legal knowledge of parents, the following forms of work were carried out during the academic year

Slide 71. open events

Slide 72-73. open days,

slide 74. holidays, entertainment, leisure

slide 75. parent meetings, workshops, creative living rooms,

slide 76. Parent survey. 80% of parents took part in the survey.

After analyzing the questionnaires, it was revealed:

Parents believe that our institution enjoys authority among the population -57%. 51% of parents say that their children go to kindergarten with pleasure. 95% of parents are satisfied with the work of the kindergarten staff.

80% of parents believe that children receive interesting knowledge and skills of cultural behavior;

Parents receive information about kindergarten from various sources:

From the visual information of the kindergarten -55%

From other parents - 26%

From conversations with caregivers -77%

At meetings -42%

From a child 35%

From administration -16%

Slide 77. 50% of parents have the opportunity to participate in preschool events

Educators daily discuss with parents various issues related to the life of the child in kindergarten (discipline, nutrition, hygiene procedures, safety, issues related to the stay of children in preschool). Satisfaction was 70%.

are satisfied with the care, upbringing and education that children receive in a preschool institution.

We would like the kindergarten to have more frequent meetings with:


Art. nurse -3

M / s for massage-11

Speech therapists-28

Tool physical education-14

Muses. leads. -4


slide 78. 100% satisfies the care, upbringing and training that the child receives in preschool.

The work of specialists with a child satisfies 96%.

78% of parents are satisfied with the results of your child's preparation for school?

Employees of preschool educational institutions are friendly to parents and children - 98%.

slide 79. Parents are regularly informed about the achievements of the child - 85%, about the content of the training sessions that took place during the day - 26%, requests and messages of an administrative and economic nature - 25%, etc.

Parents were also invited to leave their wishes and comments about the work of the kindergarten.

slide 80. Here are some of them.

In general, the following conclusions can be drawn from the results of the analysis of the questionnaires:

slide 81. Parent satisfaction is 92%.

They are interested in issues of maintaining health, education, upbringing, preparation for school; they are ready to interact on various aspects of the educational process.

It is necessary to actively use various forms of interaction with the family, listen to the opinion of parents, allocate more time for communication at a time convenient for them.

The created system of work of a preschool institution allows to satisfy the needs and requests of parents as much as possible, as evidenced by the following results:

Active use of new technologies by teachers in their work,

Active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten (regular attendance at events)

The presence of positive feedback on the work of the DOE.

According to the parents' feedback and the results of the survey, the work of the preschool educational institution with the families of pupils is considered effective, but it is necessary to improve the psychological and pedagogical support of families, provide more advice to parents in raising children, taking into account the social demand, interests, needs and needs of parents;


Not all parents are active in the life of the preschool educational institution. Teachers experience difficulties in holding general kindergarten events, many parents, citing busyness or lack of time, try not to attend them. In order to activate and interest parents, educators need to provide parents with detailed information about life in the preschool educational institution, the content of psychological and pedagogical work with children, ongoing activities for children and parents, the provision of additional education, etc. All teachers for the 2011-2012 academic year include in work plan non-traditional forms of interaction with parents: joint games, quizzes, thematic classes, evenings, clubs, living rooms, etc.

Summing up the work for the past academic year, we can say with confidence that the tasks set for the team have been completed.

slide 82. At the same time, in the process of analyzing the organizational and pedagogical work, problems were identified, weaknesses in the activities of the preschool educational institution, on which it is necessary to work in the next academic year:

1. Work on the study and implementation of project activities as one of the innovative forms of organizing psychological and pedagogical work should be more widely introduced into the activities of teachers.

2. Children have insufficiently formed ideas about a healthy lifestyle, cultural and hygienic skills, and the basics of a culture of eating. Not all educators are serious about the organization of physical education and health work with children. Low level of knowledge and skills in the field of physical culture of children and education of healthy lifestyle habits. It is necessary to carry out purposeful work to improve the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of the educational area "Health", for the 2012-2013 academic year, include in the annual work plan activities aimed at solving the problem: the formation of pupils and their parents of responsibility in maintaining their own health, through non-traditional forms of work.

3. The plan of psychological service in the preschool educational institution has not been fully implemented. To improve the work of the psychological service in all areas. It is necessary to interest parents in obtaining pedagogical and psychological knowledge, using more active forms of work for this, to plan more joint events for parents and children for the 2012-2013 academic year.

4. Low efficiency of correctional and speech therapy work with children. Given the effectiveness of corrective work with preschoolers, a speech therapist needs to improve corrective and speech therapy work in the 2012-2013 academic year. To use effective methods in working with children to eliminate the general underdevelopment of speech, the development of coherent speech, the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, as well as the sound culture of speech.

5. Insufficient activity of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. In order to activate and interest parents, all teachers for the next academic year should include non-traditional forms of interaction with parents in the work plan: joint games, quizzes, thematic classes, evenings, clubs, living rooms, etc.

Summing up the results of our teachers' council, I propose to unite in groups and develop a decision of the teachers' council.

slide 83. Taking into account the identified problems, the tasks for the 2012-2013 academic year were determined;

1. Implementation of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution in accordance with federal state requirements.

2. To improve the content of psychological and pedagogical work in the educational field "Health", aimed at shaping the motivation of pupils and their parents in maintaining their own health, healthy lifestyle skills.

3. To increase the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy work with children, through the introduction of effective methods for eliminating the general underdevelopment of speech, the development of coherent speech, the phonetic-phonemic side of speech, as well as the sound culture of speech.

4. Continue the introduction of project activities as one of the innovative forms of organizing educational work.

5. Provide medical, psychological and pedagogical support to parents through a system of non-traditional forms of interaction.

Diversify and increase the number of intra-group activities when planning work with parents for the year.

slide 84. So we turned the last page of our magazine. I would like to wish you all the next academic year, (head).

Nomination: interesting forms of holding a teachers' council in kindergarten

Position: senior teacher

  1. Preparatory stage
  • Drafting a script for the Council of Teachers;
  • Conducting an analysis of the work of the team for the 2015-2016 academic year;
  • Preparation of paraphernalia;
  • Preparation of information materials;
  • Preparation of video presentations;
  • Preparing employee speeches
  • Exhibition design:

- "In the world of interesting manuals" - new methodological literature

- "Pedagogical piggy bank" - abstracts of classes, consultations, projects, etc.

- Photo exhibition: "Our life"

- Circle work in the preschool educational institution "Case of Interest".

  1. Organizational stage

Employees are seated in the hall. Lyrical music sounds. Teachers are studying exhibitions (informational, methodological, photographic materials, interactive) for the Council of Teachers.

III. Progress of the Council of Educators:

Music sounds.

  1. Introductory part:
  • Introductory speech of the head;
  • Implementation of the decisions of the previous Council of Teachers;
  • Announcement of the agenda of the teachers' council.
  1. Main part:

Senior teacher:

- Dear colleagues. I welcome you all to our family living room. Make yourself comfortable in front of our TV screen. In a warm atmosphere, I suggest that we all watch the TV show of the TVS television company together - a creative meeting of employees.

Do you agree? Then I turn it on.

- I am with you, Natalya Sergeevna, and now on the air "Briefly about the main thing"

  • What events took place in kindergarten this year we will learn from the program "Talk to the point"

(transmission screensaver)

- Today, the guest of the program is the head of kindergarten No. 26, who will tell us about the results of the implementation of the work plan.

(head's speech)

— We thank the guest of the program. We hope that our conversation turned out to be on the merits. And now I invite you to listen to how your employees worked this school year.

(screen saver)

- We continue. Now on the air the program "Eyes in the Details"

"The results of the educational work of the preschool educational institution"

(speech by the senior educator)

Now the word to our correspondents-educators. They are in the graduation groups of the kindergarten.

- Olga Anatolyevna, hello. You have a word.

Report of the teacher of the first junior group.

- And now I give the floor to the correspondent, who is in the preparatory group.

Report of the teacher of the preparatory group.

“Every person has their own hobbies. Preschool teachers work creatively, in an innovative mode: circles work here. Attention to the screen. The time has come for the transfer of "The Case of the Master"

(screen saver)

- The word is given to educators - masters of their craft.

Report of educators on circles

Chairman of the Council of Teachers: I propose to sum up the work of the kindergarten.

Senior teacher: Let's break for advertising.

(screen saver)

The game "Another kindergarten is good, but ours is better!"

(screensaver of the program "About the weather for the week")

Senior teacher:

Well, now about the weather. What kind of weather will be in our kindergarten for the next academic year depends on you. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process will also depend on how we now outline the prospects for work for the next academic year.

“Collecting ideas and suggestions for drafting

annual work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year"

Senior teacher:

There is very little time left before summer. And for us, one question remains relevant now - Approval of the plan for the summer recreation period

(screen saver - "Question of the week")

- Please join in small groups. Discuss the proposed draft plan, and after 3 minutes. representatives from the group are asked to voice their proposals.

Chairman of the Council of Teachers:

  1. I propose to vote for these proposals.
  2. The issue of approving the plan and schedule of work for the summer recreational period with the amendments is put to the vote.

IV. Adoption of the decision of the Council of Teachers.

Assignment for the next Council of Teachers.

Senior teacher:

- Attention to the screen. The last transmission of our program is on the air.

(screensaver of the program "You postcard")

Traditionally, at the end of the year, a final pedagogical council is held in a preschool educational organization, the purpose of which is to sum up the results of the work of the pedagogical team for the past academic year.

How to organize a teachers' council so that it would be interesting for teachers to participate in it?

The deputy head of the VMP introduces the participants of the teachers' council with the agenda.

So, the agenda of the meeting of the non-traditional final teachers' council in the preschool educational institution includes:

  • analysis of the implementation of the annual plan "Organizational and pedagogical work for the academic year";
  • analysis of the participation of teachers in methodological work;
  • evaluation of the results of the implementation of the educational program of preschool education;
  • creative reports of educators and specialists;
  • evaluation of the results of diagnostics of the activities of educators (for example, analysis of the data from the questionnaire "Rating list for evaluating methodological measures";
  • interview "Make your suggestions"), etc.

Each time the form becomes more and more creative, which makes it possible to increase the interest and activity of the preschool teaching staff. For example, one of the final meetings was an auction of pedagogical ideas, during which a presentation of the work experience of preschool teachers was presented.

New career opportunities

Try for free! For passing - a diploma of professional retraining. Training materials are presented in the format of visual notes with video lectures by experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

The teachers' council called "Open Book" was interesting. In preparation for it, a book was created containing reports of educators on the implementation of the content of educational areas designated by the federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

Responsible expert reference system "Education"

Let us dwell in more detail on one more of the preschool educational institutions - the ceremony of presenting the award for achievements in pedagogical work named after Mary Poppins.

  • summarizing the work of the teaching staff for the academic year, encouraging individual employees for achievements in their professional activities;
  • creating a favorable emotional background in the process.

The tasks of the final meeting of the teaching staff were determined:

  • increasing the level of assessment and self-assessment of the professional activities of preschool teachers;
  • formation of positive motivation of educators for successful professional activity, generalization and translation of their professional experience at the municipal, regional and federal levels;
  • increasing the level of competence of teachers in creating a single educational space in close cooperation with the families of pupils;
  • development of professional reflection and the ability to communicate with each other.

The holding of this final teachers' council at the preschool educational institution was preceded by preliminary work. She concluded:

  • in questioning teachers;
  • analysis of the participation of employees in the methodological work for the academic year; preparation of presentations and award documents in accordance with the nominations (diplomas, thanks, medals with the image of Mary Poppins);
  • issuance of an order by the head of the preschool educational institution on the establishment of bonus payments to teachers based on the results of work for the academic year (accrued from the incentive part of the payroll fund of the preschool educational institution).

The awarding of employees at the final teachers' council took place in several categories:

  • "The best methodical event",
  • "Best Open Class"
  • "Young Teacher"
  • "Best Teacher"
  • "The most active teacher"
  • "For courage and striving for something new."

The winner in each nomination was determined by a majority of votes, which were pre-calculated based on the results of a survey conducted among teachers.

The choice of these nominations was not accidental. During the survey, educators were given the opportunity to focus on the best methodological event in a given academic year, to maintain the prestige of a young teacher, to note the most active, as well as the best educator of a preschool educational institution in terms of development, training, and attitude towards children.

For the purpose of subsequent analysis, the deputy head for educational and methodological work notes the participation of teachers in various methodological activities during the academic year:

  • teachers' councils,
  • seminars,
  • classes in the pedagogical workshop,
  • pedagogical readings,
  • conferences,
  • methodological associations, etc.

Download the table of analysis of the participation of teachers of preschool educational institutions in methodological work
Download in.docx

Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher

Methodological event

Number of points

Pedagogical advice


Classes in the pedagogical workshop

Pedagogical readings


Methodical associations

At the final pedagogical council in the preschool educational institution, these data are analyzed, and taking into account the points received, the most active members of the teaching staff are encouraged.

So, for participation in the academic year in methodological events at various levels (municipal, regional, federal), all teachers received a special prize "For courage and striving for something new."

The plan for the ceremony of presenting the award for achievements in pedagogical work named after Mary Poppins assumes the following structure: the host's opening speech, the main part, including the announcement of the winners in the nominations and their awarding, and the final part.

A detailed plan for holding this final pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution is presented in Appendix 2.

Download Sample Award Ceremony for Achievement in Teaching
Download in.docx

Summing up, I would like to note that this form of holding the final pedagogical council in the preschool educational institution contributes to the development of the professional competence of teachers, the formation of their positive motivation for successful professional activity, the increase in the level of assessment and self-assessment of their work, and most importantly, it is an effective means of activating the teaching staff, which is especially important at the end of the school year.

Non-traditional meetings are distinguished, first of all, by the active involvement of all those present in the process of discussion or exchange of views. Senior and junior educators, teachers-defectologists, speech therapists and music leaders openly speak out, offer or criticize the statements of colleagues, arguing their words. An atmosphere of mutual respect promotes effective reflection.

In view of the growing popularity, the leaders of preschool educational institutions most often choose meetings in the form of business games, conferences, brainstorming sessions, round tables and discussions. When planning the final teachers' council at a preschool educational institution in an unconventional form, a scenario for the Federal State Educational Standard will be required, the preparation of which will take more time than it is customary to spend on a classic event.

Teachers Council - business game

Educational tasks are solved by teachers in a game form of an artificially simulated situation. This form of non-traditional meeting is rarely used for the final teachers' council, since it involves a teaching function. Participants receive roles according to which they learn to solve the tasks assigned to them, draw conclusions and analyze.

More appropriate at the May Teachers' Council is the form of "brainstorming or attack", during which the meeting participants are looking for answers to questions that will later form the basis of the decision. During the discussion, each member of the group freely expresses his point of view. At such a meeting, the manager has the right to test the theoretical knowledge of the legislative and methodological base of subordinates in the format of a quiz. Questions may relate to the history of the preschool educational institution, the portrait of the ideal educator, self-education, the norms of the Federal State Educational Standard, the development of speech and gaming activities of pupils.

Teachers' Council - conference

In kindergartens, such meetings are often held in the form of short meaningful reports in which teachers summarize the results of creative, educational and educational interaction with children. An important feature of such conferences is the integral encouragement and bonuses for employees who have achieved particular success.

Conferences make it possible to publish the results and materials of meetings and make them available to parents and teachers (as opposed to the minutes of teachers' councils, which are subject to storage), the implementation of rational proposals next year.

Teachers' Council - round table

The final teachers' council in the format of a round table is a kind of open discussion. The event requires careful organization so that the participants are interested in communication and are well prepared. A meeting in this format is appropriate for choosing a program and tasks for the next year. To do this, participants should familiarize themselves with the selected literature in advance so that the discussion at the round table is as constructive as possible.

Teachers' Council - oral magazine

Teachers talk about their educational and educational achievements in the form of an oral creative report using multimedia technologies. During the meeting, colleagues make an introspection of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, demonstrate achievements and reflect on it without fail.

Teachers' council - dispute or discussion

Used to discuss the curriculum or choose a vector for kindergarten development. The meeting presupposes a free exchange of views, a constructive dialogue. Participants must argue their opinion, express accurate arguments, give examples, while respecting the opinion of colleagues. The chosen problem should be considered as fully as possible. The theme of the teachers' council should be formulated in such a way as to stimulate reflection, questions and discussion.

Teachers Council - creative activity

Collective creativity is able to unite the teaching staff and create conditions for the self-realization of teachers, demonstrating their talents and capabilities. The pedagogical council in the format of creativity is based on mutual assistance and cooperation. Colleagues can create collages from photographs of pupils or reports of kindergarten activities, draw, sculpt from plasticine, sing, write poems and short stories that would best demonstrate the results of a year's work.

Final part

The text of the facilitator's (deputy head for VMR) address to the members of the pedagogical council:

Dear teachers! Today we summed up the results of the past academic year. All tasks assigned to the teaching staff at the beginning of the academic year were successfully completed. We express our sincere gratitude to you for your selfless work, love for children and care for them. We are sure that your pedagogical skills turn every day of your students' lives into a day of joy and happiness! We sincerely wish you good health, creative success, self-confidence and optimism. See you in the new academic year!

Final teachers' council for the 2015-2016 academic year

"Find the treasure!"

Dear colleagues! Our teachers' council today is called "Find the treasure!"

Throughout our meeting today, we will look for the treasure and, perhaps, at the end of the meeting we will find it if we cope with all the tasks.

Do you want to find a treasure? Are you ready to travel?

Then I suggest you stand in a circle.

Orgmoment "Candle"

A candle will help me start our meeting today.

Soul Candle: A tuning fork tunes musical instruments, while a candle tunes the human soul. This small light represents good emotions and warmth that comes from us. It will help warm the soul of everyone. As you receive and pass the candle, feel it. I will read a poem, and you, passing the candle, try to think about our profession, to find in it all the good that it gives us.

Everyone chooses for himself:

Woman, religion, road,

Serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer,

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for himself..

Everyone chooses for themselves

Shield and armor, staff and patches,

The measure of final retribution

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for himself.

I choose the best I can...

I have no complaints against anyone

Everyone chooses for himself.

Once upon a time, and for some it was recently, you and I (so different) chose the same profession: a kindergarten teacher.

Someone came to the kindergarten deliberately, someone came by the will of fate. But since we are working in a kindergarten, I want to believe that the chosen profession was given to us from above. Outsiders do not stay here for a long time, looking for another job (and this is their right!). And the most devoted to this profession people remain in the kindergarten. So what is a teacher?

I Exercise. Portrait of an ideal teacher

So what attracts you to your profession? Let's draw a portrait of the ideal educator. (Teachers' answers)

L. N. Tolstoy said that the upbringing of children is the self-improvement of the educator. How modern are his words? (answers).

Is a modern educator capable of restructuring public preschool education? (answers).

One more question : Is teaching a profession or a vocation? (answers). Portrait of an ideal teacher

According to children's teachers, it is necessary from early childhood to form in children perseverance, diligence, the ability to realize the need to make efforts to achieve results.

And most importantly - the educator must love children. If this is not the case, a good teacher will not come out of a person.

So, we talked about the importance of our profession, we were convinced that being an educator is not easy, you need to know a lot, be able to, and most importantly, do it! To work for children, for the benefit of children and giving all of ourselves to our beloved profession.

We have completed the first task. For each task, each of you will receive a mug of tea. So the first cup of tea goes to ....

II Exercise. History of preschool .

Please go to the photo album. Here is the history of our DOW. Let's see how you know her.

  1. DOE opening date? 1982

  2. What company did our kindergarten belong to from the day it was founded?

  3. The first preschool teachers?

  4. When was the first release?

  5. When is the next DOW anniversary?

We give the second mug of tea ………

III Exercise. GEF DO

Objective: To increase the professional level of competence of teachers in organizing educational activities based on the implementation of work programs.

  1. What document defines the work of preschool teachers?

  2. Every year we set ourselves the task of studying the Federal State Educational Standard.

What task according to the Federal State Educational Standard did we solve this academic year?

  1. What activities were aimed at solving this problem?

We give the third mug of tea ......

IV Exercise. Speech development of children

Task: To improve the forms of work with children to improve the quality of speech development.

    What activities to solve the annual task do you remember?

Earned the fourth mug of tea……

And now I give the floor to our speech therapist teacher A.V. Tsygankova. She will talk about the work on speech development in the compensatory group for children with speech impairment "Pinocchio".

We give the fifth mug of tea ......

V Exercise. The development of children's play activities.

Task: Optimize the conditions conducive to the development of gaming activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

What activities did you particularly remember in solving this problem?

The sixth mug of tea goes to……

VI Exercise. Children's entertainment and holidays.

The children's leisure time was very rich this year!

There were so many entertainments in the kindergarten: festive morning performances, fun activities with parents, visits to performances, children's films, puppet shows and tours of visiting artists.

1. Are you satisfied with the children's entertainment activities and your suggestions for organizing holidays and entertainment in the next school year?

We entertained and entertained children all year round, it’s not a sin to relax ourselves. Our music director I.V. Semenova has prepared something interesting for you. Her word.

The seventh cup of tea goes to I.V. Semenova.

VII Exercise. Monitoring of educational activities.

Every year, at the beginning and at the end of the school year, a comparative diagnosis of the level of development of children is carried out. I suggest you check out the results.

As you can see, the best results in the development of children are presented in the preparatory group "Firefly". Let's ask E.V. Ignatenko, the educator of this group, to talk about the system of work on the formation of educational skills and the preparation of children for school.

We give the eighth cup of tea to E.V. Ignatenko.

VIII Exercise. Self-education of teachers.

As the scientist and writer Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin said

“Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, there are no boundaries or limits to knowledge and education.”

Dear colleagues, what are the forms of work on self-education?

- open classes

- mutual review and analysis of GCD

- publication of methodological materials

- participation in professional competitions of various levels

- generalization of pedagogical experience

What forms of presentation of pedagogical experience can be used?

- receiving vocational education

-organization of master classes

- creative report on the topic of self-education

- presentation and dissemination of pedagogical experience

This year, the teacher of our preschool educational institution Valeeva Marina Vladimirovna received a professional secondary special preschool education, let's once again congratulate her and this ninth mug is yours.

And it should also be noted that this academic year, the participation of our teachers in various competitions at various levels, including international and all-Russian ones, has become unusually more active. All of you have greatly enhanced your teaching portfolio with colorful and weighty diplomas and certificates of publication.

According to the total data on the provision of Diplomas and certificates of publication, the leaders are. N.V. Glazyrina, E.V. Ignatenko and S.B. Turygin.

S.B. Turygina, this 10 mug is yours!

Well, I also get a mug, as the only teacher who created his own personal website, and on two sites: on the website of educators and on the Multurok website. And also, as the only teacher who published an entertainment script based on the works of A.S. Pushkin "On the road for fairy tales" in the collection "And I awakened good feelings with my lyre!"

We are finishing the school year, congratulations to all!

I went to the Methodists, delivered instructions!

Plans, games and walks in my control,

Seminars, teachers' councils... You colleagues are lucky!

Although everyone lived in worries, they didn’t get in, you are in trouble!

Never been bored, masters, because of all trades!

They did everything they did, they never let me down!

And I will tell you in response: “You are beautiful, no doubt!

When asked when the rest, I will answer - never!

After all, being born a teacher is brothers forever!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, peace and kindness!

May the love of our children warm your hearts!”

Marina Anatolyevna!

Give us your answer, We are hard workers, aren't we?

What are our successes, is it necessary to work more beautifully?

Word to the manager. M.A. Vorobieva:

At the end. Here you are quietly and got to the treasure. Let's open it up and see what's inside?(Awarding with diplomas and thanks)

And here's a sweet prize for you -cake!

Well, we, in turn, thank you for your skillful guidance and appreciation of our work and give you a cup of tea.

And now, dear colleagues, I suggest that you sum up our work as follows: you have already assessed your work in the 2015-2016 academic year. year.

I propose to give you an assessment of our common work. You have red, green and blue cards on the tables.

Red - we did a great job

Green color - we worked "Good", but there are still unresolved problems.

Blue color - we did not work at full capacity, and therefore there were many unresolved issues. Choose the card you want for evaluation and put it in the box.(cards are counted, work is summed up)

And now I propose to find out with what mood we are ending the school year.

Mood Reflection "Mood Flower"

Let's create our mood field. Here is grass in the clearing for you, here the sun is shining, clouds are floating across the sky, and you will place your mood flowers here.

You have mood cards on your desk. You choose the mood you associate the end of the school year with and place it in our Mood Glade.

I propose to create our “Flower meadow of mood” at the stand

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the draft tasks for the next academic year:

I ask you to approve the accepted tasks by a show of hands.

Dear colleagues!

We have something to be proud of and, there is something to strive for.

Life is a movement towards a goal. To reach the goal, you must, first of all, go forward, and not stand still, because our preschool educational institution is:

D - kind, sincere, benevolent;

O - sociable, responsible, charming;

U - smart, successful, enthusiastic teachers

Our Pedagogical Credo:

Love and respect for the personality of the child;

Breadth of soul and sharpness of mind;

The quality of education and upbringing;

Originality of ideas and thoughts.

I propose to sum up our pedagogical advice:

Board decision:

1. Recognize the work of the MBDOU team - d / s No. 18 "Cinderella" for the 2015-2016 academic year with an assessment of "………".

2. Continue work on the organization of the subject-developing environment and

methodological support of the educational process.

3. Continue to take an active part in competitions at various

levels, in urban methodical associations. Continue work on network interaction between the preschool educational institution of the city and other social institutions. (Secondary School No. 1, museum, library, art center, recreation center)

4. Approve the work plan, GCD schedule, daily routine, system

hardening and recreational activities for the summer recreational period of the 2015-2016 academic year.

5. Teachers to continue work on self-education: to determine

topic for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Please make a decision by raising your hand.

Well, cups on the table, a well-deserved cake in high esteem. Everything is ready for tea.

Dear colleagues, I propose to celebrate the end of the academic year with a tea party!