Excessive self-criticism. Self-criticism - is it good or bad, how to get rid of it

Hello, friends! In this article I want to discuss such a thing as self-criticism, its importance in a person's life, as well as its impact on the future. We will look at what positive aspects it brings to human life, as well as how it can destroy many aspects of the psyche, relationships and development opportunities.

What is self-criticism?

Self-criticism is a personal quality that allows you to evaluate your own actions and motives from an objective and unbiased side. This is the trait due to which a person himself can find shortcomings in his own work and character traits, in behavior and relationships with people.

Self-criticism necessarily includes a feeling dignity, without arrogance and narcissism. Being in these two positions at the same time, a person is able not to get angry at the whole outside world and make timely attempts to change. Other comments are accepted with gratitude. A person is able to listen to the advice of others, even if they are given from an edifying position.

For comparison: someone who is inaccessible to criticism of their actions and personality will perceive comments with anger, trying to attack in response or defend themselves. In many ways, the ability for a critical attitude is explained by the level of self-acceptance and the ability to put up with the imperfection of the world. It is not an innate and stable characteristic, but rather a consequence of education.

If desired, each person is able to adjust the level of criticality of the inner look. This can happen after significant events, changes, or as a result of directed work with a psychotherapist.

How to relate to this concept and what to do with your own level of criticism - everyone decides for himself. To make the right decision, I recommend that you carefully study the positive and negative aspects of the influence of self-criticism on a person’s life.

Positive aspects of self-criticism

For a mature person, critical remarks are the norm. They bring only positive changes, even if the initial feelings are unpleasant. It's absolutely normal to be upset by the realization that somewhere the level of knowledge does not match or the work was done poorly. But it is the understanding and analysis of one's actions that make it possible to improve oneself.

Criticism of oneself should work for personal development and elimination of shortcomings, help develop the ability to see one's weaknesses in time and form a different position.

Ideally, criticism directed at oneself helps to realistically assess the situation. Those. quality, which is initially positioned as an assessment of one's condition, eventually leads to the ability to evaluate others.

A person who is able to adequately understand his condition can objectively evaluate others, which helps to build high-quality connections. And the one who considers himself the most intelligent and beautiful (in the absence of self-criticism) or unworthy and ugly (with its excessive development), as a result, cannot adequately assess the situation in the real world either.

Thus, a healthy critical and even slightly ironic attitude towards oneself ensures good socialization. It helps to see the paths of necessary development.

Healthy self-criticism should lead to:

  • an increase in the level of personal responsibility (for the future and decision-making in current situations);
  • taking on certain restrictions and austerities related to the elimination of harmful habits and actions (refers to situations when a person performs unnecessary actions);
  • implementation of a new activity, the purpose of which is further development (concerns situations when the necessary actions are not performed).

In all cases, actions are required that change the person himself and his reality, attitude to the world. If a person only talks about his own unworthiness and depravity, without making any attempts to turn the situation in his favor, then such a state is called self-blame or self-flagellation.

The purpose of such empty talk can be reduced to a call for sympathy from others. Such a desire to get help or plunge into sad experiences.

If changes do not occur, self-criticism ceases to be a useful quality for the individual and begins to manifest itself from the negative side.

How can self-criticism interfere with life and fulfillment?

It is good if a person can not only see his own shortcomings, but also direct them in a positive direction of change. But remember yourself when your reproaches did not turn into changes.

Examples of destructive self-criticism:

  • Constantly scolding yourself for lack of willpower and excess weight, continuing to eat cakes in kilograms.
  • To break in the proof of their professional insolvency, while refusing to take refresher courses.
  • Reproach yourself for the lack of interest in yourself among others, while being rude and doing bad things towards people.

Such examples show how excessive self-criticism without a vector of effective activity can be introduced into our lives. At the same time, the consequences of such behavior can be quite serious for the individual and the psyche as a whole.

Among the common violations due to an increased level of criticality, there may be:

  • decrease in self-esteem;
  • development ;
  • increased internal anxiety;
  • problems in building social ties;
  • lack of professional and creative realization;
  • general degradation of the personality (in the most severe and prolonged cases).

Being exclusively a habit of building the course of one's own thoughts, self-criticism can move a person away from the realization of his goals. Anyone who constantly scolds himself and considers himself a loser is unlikely to try his hand at a new project. Those who think they are ugly rarely approach to get acquainted, thereby taking away a lot of opportunities from their lives.

In addition, it is worth remembering that people treat us the way we allow it. This means that the more a person tells about his shortcomings, the more they will be seen in him. For comparison, look at those who constantly talk about their luck, professionalism and other virtues - objectively they can be the same as those of the one who criticizes himself, but in the eyes of others, one will be a loser and the other a winner. A strong tendency to exaggerate shortcomings eventually makes them real.


As you can see from the above, the lack of self-criticism, as well as its excessive manifestation, can lead to disastrous results. The benefit and degree is determined by each person independently in relation to the situation and inner self-perception. The main thing is to focus on the possibility of transforming the ability to notice shortcomings into the ability to correct them.

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The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich.

Self-criticism (Self-criticism) as a quality of personality - the ability soberly assess their actions and admit mistakes; the tendency to identify shortcomings in their work, in their behavior.

A man came to one master and asked: - What should I do to become wise? The teacher replied: - Come out and stay there. And it was raining outside. And the man was surprised: - How can this help me? But who knows, everything can be ... He went out of the house and stood there, and the rain poured and poured. The man was completely wet, the water penetrated under his clothes. Ten minutes later he returned and said: - I stood there, now what? The master asked him: - What happened? While you were standing there, was there any revelation given to you? The man replied: - Opening? I just thought I looked like a fool! Master said: - This is a great discovery! This is the beginning of wisdom! Now you can start. You are on the right track. If you know that you are a fool, then the change has already begun.

“The smartest of all, in my opinion, is the one who calls himself a fool at least once a month - an ability now unheard of! - wrote F.M. Dostoevsky.

Personal development is largely built on self-criticism. In order to personally grow, improve, you need to be strict, self-critical to yourself. Criticism towards others should be suppressed, self-criticism towards oneself should be encouraged, without turning into self-flagellation and self-blame. The result of self-criticism should be some kind of vow, asceticism, self-study, and not fruitless self-digging and self-humiliation.

There is no point in negative self-criticism. Self-criticism for the sake of self-criticism is an act unworthy of reason. From it there is only harm, expressed in a blow to self-esteem and the formation of numerous complexes. Self-criticism is good if, with its help, we have diagnosed the manifestation of vicious personality traits in ourselves and begin to actively engage in self-education - the cultivation of virtues in ourselves, which, having become stronger, neutralize the identified vices. That is, the task of self-criticism: to locate the voice of vicious personality traits and cover them with developing virtues.

The advantage of self-criticism is that it allows you to look at yourself soberly, without prejudice. After that, a person can not tendentiously look at the world around him. One-sided criticism is always flawed because of its superficiality and saturation with pride. It gives a distorted, illusory vision of the world, generates selfishness and vanity. Francois de La Rochefoucauld wrote: "We scold ourselves only to be praised."

Having developed self-criticism in oneself, a person begins to live according to his conscience, which means he sees more purity and beauty in the world. By criticizing oneself within reasonable limits, a person begins to respect others more. The presence of self-criticism is considered a condition of the mental health of the individual. An objective and realistic assessment of one's own strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses is part of a healthy self-acceptance.

Psychologists believe that self-criticism is “the ability to take a detached look and evaluate yourself and your actions; see your own mistakes and correct them if possible. Self-criticism is an attitude towards one's thoughts, words and deeds without prejudice in one's own rightness. Self-criticism is a sober assessment of oneself and one's actions in various circumstances, it is a combination of the mind that allows you to see your mistakes and the courage that allows you to admit them. Self-criticism is the absence of self-admiration in the presence of self-respect. Self-criticism is an active desire for one's own personal growth.

Self-criticism is a sign that a person is under the influence of the energy of goodness. People who are under the influence of the energy of passion and ignorance, as a rule, believe that only they are good, and the rest are a bunch of vices. They scold the world, their environment, look for flaws in others, show dissatisfaction with everyone and everything. A person in goodness sees shortcomings in himself. This is active self-criticism. Correcting yourself, taking into account your mistakes is much easier than changing other people. In other words, a person in goodness engages in active, effective self-criticism, because he sees his own shortcomings and cultivates his own virtues. Being under the influence of the energy of passion, he criticizes those who are not with him. An ignorant person criticizes everyone indiscriminately. For him, the only God is himself.

Reasonable self-criticism is an honest recognition of your shortcomings. Self-criticism should in no way coexist with an inferiority complex and a destructive sense of guilt. Complexity is the result of stupid self-criticism. Professor Melanie Fennell writes: “Insecure people label themselves (“stupid”, “not competent enough”, “unattractive”, “bad mother”) because of any difficulty or failure. Such an attitude towards oneself provokes a complete disregard for positive qualities. As a result, a person sees himself only from one side. Hence the excessive self-criticism.

Self-criticism in friendship with the mind is a sign of a spiritually developed personality. When a person humbly tunes in not to his self-justifications and self-deception, but to the energy of his spiritual mentor, he finds an explanation for his behavior, moreover, the way he should be, and not the way he wants. Realizing his indecency, he begins to repent. That is, self-criticism is realized correctly if a person has the right attitude - without resentment, pride and stupidity. Self-criticism is effective as long as a person believes in himself. Without faith in oneself, it turns into self-crushing, self-destruction.

Self-criticism is the ability of people who are developed, mature and holistic. A person who is not able to admit that he is wrong somewhere is a disabled person of self-criticism. That is, he is not capable of introspection, self-examination, self-criticism. A mature person calmly, benevolently looks at the world, does not encroach on anyone, does not try to put pressure on anyone, change, teach.

A truly self-critical person understands that he is not perfect, that, like everyone else, he has flaws in manifested or unmanifested form, therefore, accepting himself, he allows himself to be imperfect, while doing everything possible to level his vices fed and carefully cultivated virtues.

Self-criticism should not cripple a person. If, by criticizing oneself, a person experiences stress, tramples on his self-esteem and crawls into depression, it means that he is not engaged in self-criticism, but self-liquidation, it means that he has been attacked by idealizations and various redundancies, extremes and excesses. Proper self-criticism pushes a person to move on in terms of personal growth. It is impossible, having looked into yourself self-critically, to feel disrespect for yourself. The poet Igor Huberman wrote in this regard:

Handsome, smart, slightly stooped,
Filled with worldview.
Yesterday I looked into myself
And he left in disgust.

A young writer once told Mark Twain that he was losing confidence in his writing talent. Have you ever had similar feelings? - asked the writer. “Yes,” Twain replied. - Once, when I had been writing for fifteen years, I suddenly realized that I was absolutely mediocre. - And how did you do it? Stopped writing? - Yes, how could I? By that time I was already famous.

Petr Kovalev 2014

2 comments 08/05/17

Excessive self-criticism is associated with low self-esteem and perfectionism. In the case of low self-esteem, it is not always possible to distinguish what is primary here: excessive self-criticism, which led to a decrease in self-esteem, or low self-esteem is accompanied by excessive demands on oneself. Most likely, there is a vicious circle here: self-criticism-self-esteem-self-criticism again, and so on until the complete loss of self-confidence.

Often we do not even notice it, despite the fact that the damage to ourselves is enormous. So, by what signs can we guess that we are unfairly and undeservedly criticizing ourselves? In this article, I will answer this question based on my professional observations.

The habit of blaming only yourself for any troubles

You are a very, just a "hyper-responsible" person, and therefore hurry to take full responsibility for any troubles, including bad weather, that occur around you, even when it is not your fault at all. This is the most common type of self-critical person I encounter in my work.

Instead of analyzing mistakes, evaluate yourself

Even if there was a trouble, instead of thinking about what wrong actions you took in order to avoid mistakes next time, you begin to criticize yourself as a person, while not embarrassed in your assessments. Your own opinion of you is reduced, self-confidence is lost, which automatically increases the likelihood of mistakes in the future.

Always try to avoid risk when making decisions

It's the fear of failure. Not only is failure unpleasant in itself, but you will accompany it with such a pile of self-criticism! How difficult it will be later to restore the broken conceit from fragments! It’s easier not to take risks, everything is fine, and self-esteem is in order, only how much such a strategy limits your options!

Avoid expressing your opinion openly

It always seems to you that other people are better informed than you, they have higher qualifications and they have every right to express their opinion. You do not find your own opinion to be either authoritative, or qualified, or worthy of attention; you, without a doubt, are a person prone to self-criticism.

You are not satisfied with the results - this also indicates excessive self-criticism

Whatever you do, you always discover shortcomings later, which gives you the inner right to do nothing - if you don’t know how to do it well, you shouldn’t take it on. But even in case of success, you focus more on the shortcomings.

You have extremely high demands and demands on yourself

You sincerely believe that it is impossible to be happy if you are not very rich, not very smart, beautiful and super creative - so that there is not even a reason for self-criticism. These standards cannot be translated into reality, so faith in one's abilities is undermined - here is another example of a self-critical approach.

You have increased anxiety

You always keep negative scenarios in your head, what will happen if something goes wrong, especially the expectations of personal failure or even insults that you think you foresee. Such anxiety can also be an example of excessive self-criticism.

Never ask for help

Asking someone for help is a serious test for you, then in your eyes you will look weak or inept, although there is nothing reprehensible in this - you just need help, but as a self-critical person, you immediately give yourself a bad mark.

Avoid insisting on your wants and needs

Self-critical people are often afraid of rejection. Yes, there is always a chance of rejection when you state your requirements, this is life and this is normal. However, an overly self-critical person is so convinced of the expected rejection that he accepts it already in advance and does not even try to insist on something.

As a child, you were chronically criticized by your parents or mentors

As a child, did you experience completely negative criticism from one or both parents at once? Then, perhaps, you just continue the internal dialogue in the same negative accusatory way. It doesn’t even occur to you that there is something wrong or unfair in this - because it has always been so.

Again and again you continue to analyze your mistakes

How often do you go over the mistakes you've made? You spend a huge amount of time and effort trying to analyze them, again fail mentally, and punish yourself with self-criticism.

You are not inclined to forgive anyone

Forgiving yourself and others requires easing criticism and self-criticism. Once you're stuck in it, it's not so easy to let go of resentment or frustration. Even so, you are more willing to forgive others than your own failures.

Do not give yourself compliments and cannot accept them from others

You do not see a reason to say - but I was good in this situation! In the case when you are praised, there is no feeling that the praise is well-deserved. On the contrary, you are clearly prone to self-abasement. These are signs of chronic self-criticism.

See everything in black and white

For you, there are only extreme values, you are prone to extreme judgments, everything is either good or bad. By setting absolute ideals, you ignore intermediate results and deprive yourself of the satisfaction of small, but achievements.

In life, your successes chronically lag behind your capabilities.

A classic sign of excessive self-criticism. After years of relentless work, effort, and suffering, you may be disappointed by how much less than you expected. Self-flagellation is in the way of your success in life, this strategy needs to be radically reconsidered.

The nature of self-criticism

Unfortunately, for self-critical people, this is such a cozy and habitable psychological environment - starting from childhood, when there was a continuous stream of criticism from parents and teachers. Such emotional coloring becomes habitual and is perceived as normal. Even worse, gradually self-criticism becomes automatic. To stop this destructive flow, a long and conscious study of all the mechanisms of self-criticism and getting rid of it is needed.

Self-criticism is an ability inherent in a mentally mature and developed personality, which consists in a reflective perception of one's own life and personality, an independent search for mistakes made, both in the behavioral and mental spheres. Self-criticism is a sign of mental health when it is expressed within reasonable limits and is relevant to ongoing events, but its excessive manifestations, on the contrary, indicate the presence of mental disorders and are symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Self-criticism is not a synonym for self-abasement and other options that are destructive for and based on feelings of guilt and. Self-criticism represents a more or less objective point of view on oneself, where both advantages and disadvantages are present and equally evaluated, which can be compared with a view from the outside.

Judgments of self-criticism are based on the inner convictions of a person, determined by his values ​​and goals, and only such a correlation of oneself with one's own preferences is relevant to the concept of self-criticism. Any comparisons and comments about one's own inconsistency with someone else's value system speak of a dependent position of the individual, inadequate self-esteem. Inadequate self-esteem (inflated) is indicated by the lack of self-criticism, which can be justified by a low level of personal development or disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere (in the manic stage, self-inadequacy, as well as the lack of self-criticism, are characteristic).

In a different context and way of using this ability, amazing positive results and disastrous consequences for the psyche are possible, because, like any quality that is especially inherent in a highly developed personality, self-criticism is only a tool (and the outcome depends on the person) and litmus control (adequacy and degree of development).

Is self-criticism good or bad?

Faced with this concept and its neutral initial coloring, it is difficult to unambiguously determine whether self-criticism is considered a negative manifestation or, on the contrary, is a trait worth working on. Life confronts those who constantly criticize themselves, at the slightest mistake, they begin to complain and blame themselves for everything, humiliating their qualities and devaluing their personality - such people evoke sympathy only the first time, and then the desire to remove this person from their social circle grows incredibly. At the same time, the one who notices his own mistake, admits it, perhaps even scolding himself in this place, but strives for correction, knowing and noticing his positive, strengths, commands respect, such people want to imitate, they conquer with inner courage and strength in recognizing one's own non-ideality.

The benefits of a self-critical attitude are expressed in the possibility of increasing one's own effectiveness (rejecting ineffective strategies), additional (to correct shortcomings and filling in gaps), the ability to carefully analyze the task (taking into account positive and negative aspects, being able to foresee risks). As for the spheres of interaction, self-critical people are more pleasant in communication, due to an adequate assessment of themselves, and, accordingly, a respectful attitude towards others. The ability to objectively evaluate oneself helps to build longer-term relationships, makes it possible to hear the point of view of another and make compromises in case of a conflict of opinions. The very understanding that everyone is far from unwritten standards gives rise to a calm acceptance of the shortcomings of others, which in turn allows people nearby to breathe freely and be themselves without trying to conform to the norms.

Self-criticism is a mechanism that allows you to notice your shortcomings and, accordingly, makes it possible to correct them. Even if we are not talking about the presence of serious problems, then self-esteem and assessment of one’s abilities close to reality allows one to notice actual ways and areas and improvements not only in one’s own personality, physical embodiment, but also in the quality of life and the contribution made to the surrounding reality.

At the same time, psychological science does not encourage self-criticism as a separate quality, since such behavior brings discord into inner harmony. Ideally, a person accepts himself, rejoices in the successes achieved, and notices mistakes, draws conclusions and corrects as far as possible. Those. it is in the variant of an objective observation of one’s own negative qualities that self-criticism will be useful, but with diligent attention to shortcomings or with prolonged censure of oneself, we are already talking.

The disadvantages of self-criticism begin to appear when its level increases, despite the fact that self-criticism is a sign of a harmonious and developed personality, brought to the maximum, it turns into self-flagellation, self-blame, which have a destructive and degrading effect on the personality. Among the consequences of excessive self-criticism: a decrease in self-esteem (and the subsequent destruction of the personality), insecurity, apathy, loss of significant social contacts (in large doses, self-criticism repels others), inability to choose and make a decision, the development of a pathological sense of guilt and toxic shame.

You can correct the first manifestations yourself by changing your behavior and focusing on achievements. You can ask friends for help and surround yourself with positive and creative people - the mood spreads like a virus, and the habit of praising yourself is picked up from others, as easily as special words and phrases. But if the situation is brought to the point of absurdity and the person’s personality is already in the process of destruction, then qualified psychotherapeutic assistance is needed to restore an adequate level of self-esteem, eliminate the consequences of guilt and shame toxins, and develop new models of independent functioning.

Criticism and self-criticism

Despite the fact that the words criticism and self-criticism are obviously perceived negatively by many, there is nothing similar in these concepts. Any criticism is aimed at analyzing and evaluating human activity, and has as its goals the identification of errors, contradictions, the assessment of authenticity and reliability. Criticism itself and its manifestations can take the form of fair (when there are real and fair mistakes, inconsistencies or unreliability) and unfair (when it is accusatory, does not correspond to reality, is associated more with emotions than with actual shortcomings) criticism.

Critical thinking is aimed at analyzing (a situation, a process, a person, an action), without the intervention of personal preferences, mood tendencies and the desire to see a certain result. Speaking about the critical perception of the world, it means the ability to have an adequate look, without rose-colored glasses and the desire to see what you want. This is an ability developed over the years and life experience, which makes it possible to abstract and look at the situation from the outside, noticing both positive and negative sides. If, evaluating your work, someone expresses only a negative opinion, devaluing success, then this is either unfair criticism, the purpose of which is to damage your self-esteem, or a biased assessment of the situation.

Everyone was subjected to critical statements, and both types of this concept. You can perceive critical comments as insults, reacting or resenting, going into protest or confrontation, or you can cooperate and benefit from the comments, thanking the person for pointing out flaws that were not noticed on their own and striving for correction.

Self-criticism, on the other hand, works according to the same laws as criticism, with the only difference being that a person criticizes himself, which in some way makes it difficult to have an objective relationship. Self-criticism is a feature of a highly developed personality, on the simple basis that a person who is not guided by the rules of society, who considers his actions and reasoning to be the only true one, lacks at least any ability for objective reasoning and impartiality.

The qualities of criticism and self-criticism are equally significant, both at the level of the individual and the whole society. In a particular case, they help to improve, adapt in society, achieve more, and in the universal human these mechanisms of analysis and search for imperfections contribute to the development and successful existence of the species. The ability to revise the previous models of building one's life, in particular, the models of public institutions, provide opportunities for change, an impetus for new ideas about the world. These are perpetual motion machines (external and internal) that promote development and self-presentation.

But just as excessive self-criticism eats away the personality from the inside, criticism received from outside world able to destroy all aspirations and self-understandings even faster, being a serious mechanism of influence that makes a person doubt his own strengths, abilities, desires (especially cruel and constant criticism, drove people crazy and).

Self-criticism is a habit of a person to focus on their shortcomings, while people, most often, do not notice the existing advantages.

Self-criticism is the habit of a person to focus on their shortcomings. At the same time, people, most often, do not notice the existing advantages. They are sure that they do not deserve great benefits and do not have significant achievements in life, although such a purely individual opinion is not always true. Developed self-criticism deprives them of the opportunity to look at the situation from the outside and find meaningful prospects for themselves. A person who is excessively immersed in his own experiences may not notice what is happening around him for a long time. All thoughts and feelings of the individual are concentrated only on the negative aspects of their own person. Is there any way to get rid of these unpleasant feelings? How to get rid of self-criticism and what is it?

Manifestations of self-criticism

Self-criticism is fairly easy to recognize. Usually people themselves notice the habit of looking at everything from a negative side. At the same time, their own mistakes and shortcomings are seen as much more catastrophic than they really are. Manifestations of self-criticism are easily evident.

Finding flaws

The habit of always and in everything to evaluate one's actions can provoke the formation of sustainable behavior in search of flaws in oneself. Being engaged in self-criticism, the individual is internally convinced that he does not deserve anything good in life. All his individual aspirations and dreams literally disappear. He just stops thinking about them, making any attempts to achieve the desired result. Any action seems insignificant and insignificant. Often people turn down opportunities before they even try anything. After all, if you constantly look for flaws in yourself, then you can be able to find them. Self-criticism greatly interferes with a happy self-consciousness. You can lock yourself in a cage of fears and doubts for a long time, and meanwhile life will pass you by.

Analysis of past actions

Self-criticism makes you constantly return your thoughts to long-past events. A person begins to comprehend and relive them under the influx of a large number of emotions. It may even seem to him that the old problems that he tried to avoid in the past have returned. Analysis of past actions is good only when we are able to learn some positive lessons. Otherwise, such self-criticism can easily break from the inside. From this, unfortunately, no one is immune.

Lack of self-esteem

A clear sign of developed self-criticism in a person is self-doubt. Such an individual notices only shortcomings in himself, while not striving to work on himself. Self-doubt often does not allow you to learn something new, start to notice your own merits. When we constantly engage in self-criticism, the whole world is seen in a black, frightening color. The person does not see any prospects in himself and does not understand how to correct the depressing situation.


People with developed self-criticism are extremely distrustful. Before they begin to trust a new acquaintance, months and even years of continuous communication can pass. However, in reality, it often turns out that they have few friends, since there is no ability to open their souls to people. The individual often does not understand that, with the help of intense self-criticism, he fences himself off from people. Suspicion does not make it possible to be happy.

How to get rid of self-criticism

Self-criticism, if it interferes with life, must be fought. If this is not done, then there is a great risk of getting stuck in personal experiences for a long time and not being able to get out of there. Let us consider in more detail the most effective methods of working on your consciousness.

Taking responsibility

Before you start making any attempts to eliminate self-criticism, you must take full responsibility for what is happening. Often we ourselves choose what action to take in a given situation, but for some reason we blame others for unsatisfactory consequences. If a person takes full responsibility for what happens, he will soon find that he can be fully responsible for his actions to the mind and heart. Such a phenomenon as self-criticism will be defeated.

Feeling analysis

When a person seeks to answer himself the question of what he feels at a given moment, his reflective ability increases. He will no longer allow himself to be deceived by his own disturbing thoughts, he will not question his strengths. Self-criticism needs to be corrected. The ability to analyze feelings can be useful in any situation where you need to control yourself. If a person can calm his feelings and freely name emotions, then he eventually gains some inner freedom that no one can really take away. Feeling analysis is an incredibly useful thing in the fight against self-criticism. The main thing is to have a desire to act, not looking back at the opinions of others.

"Piggy bank" of success

Fixing your own victories helps to cope with expressed self-criticism. You can get yourself a separate notebook or notebook, where you can enter individual successfully completed cases. So a person will be able to switch attention from shortcomings to their own merits. Such a "piggy bank" of successes should be available to everyone who wants to become happier, to begin to notice their own merits. This method must be adopted, working with self-criticism. It will help raise your self-esteem to the required level. As a result, self-confidence will begin to grow, which means that the habit of constantly scolding yourself for any reason will eventually disappear on its own. When we begin to store our own achievements, we inevitably come closer to understanding our individual value. Self-criticism simply cannot develop further in such conditions.

Favourite buisness

When a person is engaged in what he is really interested in, his self-confidence grows. He inevitably begins to reveal his strengths and demonstrate them to others. An inner feeling of freedom from circumstances and depressing thoughts does not appear immediately, but after some time. Favorite business helps to restore peace of mind, gives inspiration and a desire to act, despite significant obstacles. Having got rid of unnecessary self-criticism, people sometimes discover such amazing perspectives in themselves, the existence of which they simply did not suspect before. Some begin to engage in creativity, others are actively building their own business, others are happy to raise children.

Thus, in order to free yourself from self-criticism, you must definitely know how to work on yourself and your own character. The ability to look at the world positively will help not only restore peace of mind, but also gain additional opportunities that you had only dreamed about before.

If you can't solve the problem yourself, you can seek advice from the center of psychology of Irakli Pozharisky. Working with a specialist will help you deal with a difficult situation.

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Depression, according to psychiatric statistics, is the most common disease of this direction. According to statistics, this or that type of depression, and their […]

A crisis An inferiority complex is a set of behavioral reactions that affect the self-awareness of the individual, make her feel incapable of anything. […]

depression Asthenic depression is one of the most common depressions, the name of which is translated as “mental exhaustion”. This disease appears in […]
