How to quickly learn tickets in Russian. How to remember traffic rules tickets before the exam: useful tips and tricks

We are all different, so our strategies for preparing for the exam will be different. Start from your individual characteristics. If you are auditory, read textbooks and notes aloud, if you are kinesthetic, write according to your notes and plan your answer.

Another effective method is the mind map. This is a great way to structure information, refresh knowledge and quickly get to the heart of the subject even after a long time. We talked about how to make mental maps and how to work with them in more detail.

What questions to learn first? If during the semester you have a good understanding of the subject, proceed to the questions about which you have at least some idea.

If each new block cannot be understood without the previous one, then there is only one option: learn everything strictly in order.

It also makes sense to start with difficult questions, allocating enough time to study them. It's best to deal with them before you get tired and lose focus. Save the easy questions for later.

And be consistent. Stick to the chosen strategy, even if you start to panic with the approach of the exam.

Seek understanding, not memorization

Delve into the ticket, and do not try to memorize it. Memorization is a deliberately losing strategy, which also takes more time. Find logical connections in questions, invent associations.

Of course, in each subject there is information that you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. But even they are easier to remember if you understand the logic.

Do not tell the material in your own words, speculate so that the answer is more detailed.

Method "3-4-5"

A good method when you need to prepare for an exam in a short period of time. It will only take three days, but there is a lot of work to be done. Every day you need to work through all the material, but at a different level, constantly deepening.

On the first day, you read your entire abstract or training manual so that knowledge on the subject, roughly speaking, gets involved. We conditionally believe that you can already pass the exam for a triple.

On the second day, you deal with the same questions, but already from the textbook, in order to learn more details and subtleties. If you prepare diligently, you can already count on the four.

On the last day, you bring your answers to the ideal: repeat, fill in the gaps, remember. After the third day, you are ready to pass the exam with excellent marks.

Two days to study, one to review

The system is very simple: all the material must be divided into two identical parts and learned in two days. The third day is entirely devoted to repetition.

Set a time limit

You can delve into each topic indefinitely, so do not try to remember all the subtleties. From a large chapter in the textbook, highlight the main thoughts: structured material of a small volume is easier to perceive.

In we divided all the tickets between classmates and each prepared a short summary of his part. If your group does not develop mutual assistance, you can ask for materials and cheat sheets from senior students.

Don't get stuck

If you feel like you're sitting on one question for too long, skip it. The best motivator when preparing is a timer. Decide how much time you can spend on one ticket, such as 30 minutes, and when the time expires, move on to the next one. Set aside a few hours before the exam to deal with missed questions.

Make a ticket response plan

Any, even the most extensive question can be described in a few words. Moreover, each thesis should evoke associations.

Such a plan can be quickly reviewed before the exam to tune in to the working mood. There is a well-known method of three sentences: write out for each question a problem, a main idea and a conclusion.

Study depends on the subject

Not only you have individual characteristics, but also the subject under study. For example, the exact sciences - physics - require practice. For the humanities, it is important to be able to process large amounts of information, remember dates, names, definitions.

But, I repeat, the study of any subject must be approached actively: to delve into the issue and strive for understanding.

The format of the exam is also important. If you are preparing for an oral exam, say your future answers out loud. My favorite tactic is to retell the material to someone at home or, when they are not enthusiastic, to myself in front of a mirror. Even better, if someone will not only listen to you, but also ask questions when something is not clear.

If you are preparing for testing, it is worth solving a dozen typical tests, writing out your mistakes, repeating problematic topics and solving everything again.

If the exam is written, you need to think over the structure of the answer in advance.

Prepare for two or three

Write down the most difficult, in your opinion, topics - the collective mind will help you deal with them faster. It is better to cooperate with classmates who are determined to study, otherwise the preparation for the exam can turn into an ordinary pleasant meeting with friendly conversations.

No, this does not mean that joking and relaxing is forbidden. Just remember the main purpose of the meeting.

Viktor Kiryanov/
  1. Take breaks. This will help you relax and sort out new information.
  2. Turn off your phone, stay away from social media, stay away from the TV. If you can't resist the temptation, read up on dealing with distractions.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Do not forget about food: it will give extra strength to your body. However, you shouldn't overeat. Usually, after an overly heavy lunch, he begins to sleep, and he doesn’t want to study at all.
  5. Avoid negativity from other people. The atmosphere during classes should be as favorable as possible.
  6. Don't rely too much on cheat sheets and cheating. And if you don’t know how to write off well (you must agree, you also need to be able to do this), you shouldn’t even start.
  7. Arrange a place for classes: bright, comfortable, with all the necessary materials at hand. The bed is not the best option: there is a high probability of falling asleep on a boring topic.
  8. Make bulleted lists: they are easier to remember.
  9. Sports will help to relax and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during prolonged sitting. In addition, while running, cycling, or similar physical activity, you can slowly reflect on complex issues.
  10. If you feel that you are not in the mood to study, start with the topic that seems most interesting to you. This will help you get on track.
  11. Walk in the evening. During preparation, the nerves are usually on edge, so you need to relax a little.
  12. Make a clear preparation plan.

Almost everyone faced the question of how to quickly learn tickets. This is natural, seeing a huge list of questions and the thickness of textbooks on an examination subject, a person is lost. Fear of large amounts of information that you need to know can often drive into a stupor not only children, but also adults. Although many have heard that they are not limited, not everyone succeeds in using these opportunities for their own benefit. Because of this, most people are not even aware of their abilities. Here are some interesting facts and common beliefs associated with them.

  • A large passage is much easier to learn than a small one.
  • Exam fever is most characteristic of those who are well versed in the subject.
  • More time should be devoted not to repeated reading, but to repetition from memory. This is how the understanding of the material on which his knowledge depends grows.
  • Of the two questions on the ticket, the one with more information will be remembered faster.
  • For most people, the main question is how to systematize the acquired knowledge, and not how to quickly learn the topic.
  • During sleep, a person cannot remember anything, but also cannot forget anything.
  • To memorize a ticket is much more difficult than to understand the topic and understand it.

There are several ways to quickly learn tickets that everyone can use.

Three color rule

This rule is suitable for those who constantly study the material, perform practical tasks and solve examples, but are not sure of their level of knowledge.

  1. So, pencils or pens of three colors are taken: red, green and black.
  2. Those questions are marked in red, the answers to which are known.
  3. We put a green check mark where the topics are familiar, but not entirely clear.
  4. Black color - for absolutely unfamiliar terms and topics.
  5. After that we start studying. First, we deal with the materials marked with a black pen. Then we move on to questions with a green check mark. And at the end we repeat the topics with a red mark.
  6. Thus, there are no tickets left with unanswered questions. In parallel, knowledge appears throughout the subject, which is important for answering additional questions during an exam or test.

The rule of three colors is indispensable in preparing for driving tests.

« SOS! Only one day left before the exam!

What to do if there is no time left? How to quickly learn tickets when there is a minimum amount of time left before the exam? In this, you can use the method of "construction of brickwork." But, even following this method, it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to thoroughly study the topic in 1 day. Therefore, it is better to concentrate on the main principles of the subject being studied, without paying attention to the details. First of all, the main terms, theorems, axioms and definitions are selected from the material. These foundations will become bricks in the masonry, and everything secondary will be cement. To "build brickwork" should proceed in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to view all the material for a general orientation.
  2. Then the main ideas of each text and the relationship between them are identified.
  3. The remaining time is spent on repeating the identified material data on the subject.

Moreover, attention is focused on understanding, and not on how to quickly learn tickets. After all, knowing the basic terms, it is much easier to answer the question. For such memorization, work with tables, diagrams and diagrams is also useful. Often, the analysis of a graphic drawing allows you to more fully understand the topic than a complex text with theoretical reasoning - "cement".

All of these methods are more suitable for the assimilation of material in natural science. In order to become a connoisseur of a foreign language, and even more so to get a high mark on the exam, it will take much more time. And no matter how attractive advice on how to quickly learn a language, such assurances should be treated with caution.

Anyone who has ever taken an exam is familiar with the pre-exam excitement. Most often, it covers students who have been delayed in studying the material and have begun to prepare, when there is little time left before the hour H. But if you approach the process correctly, you can quickly learn tickets for the exam.

How to prepare for the ticket exam

The final result directly depends on the correct planning of the preparation process. Therefore, in order to pass the ticket exam, you should:

You will have to limit communication with friends for a couple of weeks of the session and refuse to go to nightclubs - real friends will understand everything correctly, entertainment will not go anywhere, but there will be a lot of time for quality preparation, and a little later - a good reason to celebrate success.

What is the best way to study tickets for the exam

So, a comfortable environment for studying exam questions has been created, now it is the turn to develop our own methodology for memorizing information, taking into account four recommendations:
  • having learned the question, cross it out of the general list: the gradual reduction of the list has a positive psychological effect;
  • never memorize the material - this will not give a positive result, when studying tickets, try to understand the essence of the issue - the information will be deposited in memory by itself;
  • learn questions not in order, but alternating complex with simple ones, which will allow the brain to rest. If a new question cannot be understood without comprehending at least one previous one, then everything should be taught in order.
  • take notes - this will help you quickly and better learn material of any nature, since the connection of visual and muscle memory contributes to better memorization.

Memorization techniques

To learn all the tickets for the exam, you need not so much to memorize them, but to use techniques designed specifically for better memorization.
  1. Start from your individual abilities: auditory learners remember information better after reading aloud, and kinesthetic learners after writing cheat sheets.
  2. When you need to learn tickets for an exam in a short time, you can study all the necessary amount of material every day, but at a different level of deepening into the topic, that is, gradually moving from the level of an amateur to the status of an expert. On the first day, just read the abstract or the cathedral manual (three is already in your pocket), on the second - go through the same material from the textbook (pass for four), on the third - fill in all the gaps, make out the most difficult moments (you can swing perfectly).
  3. Don't try to remember all the details. From the chapter of the textbook, highlight the main idea, definitions and formulas: structured information of a small amount is easier to remember.
  4. Write down the answers in the form of abstracts that cause associations. Select three main sentences that formulate the problem, main idea and conclusions.

Exam preparation methods depend on the specifics of the subject: in the exact sciences, additional practice is indispensable, and the humanities require the ability to memorize large amounts of information, which will be developed by special techniques and the correct organization of study.

Be realistic about your strengths and the amount of information you need to learn. If there is one day or several hours left, do not grab everything at once, repeat the most difficult questions, or, conversely, read the entire material, systematize the main points. It is really possible to quickly learn exam tickets, the main thing is to approach the problem in the right way.

The situation when three days before the exam you need to learn a large amount of material is familiar to many. We will tell you how to develop memory and assimilate the necessary information within a short period of time. It doesn’t matter if you have to take the exam, GIA or traffic rules.

Proper organization of the process

From how well you plan the process of preparing for the exam, its result directly depends. Therefore, approach this issue systematically:

  • if during the semester you rarely attended lectures and did not consider it necessary to make up for what was missed, then two or three days to master the material will not be enough. Start preparing for the exam at least a week in advance, then you will have a chance to remember most of what you read;
  • Set up a ticketing schedule and stick to it. Divide the number of exam questions equally by the number of days left until the test, and learn the daily norm without putting off until tomorrow. Otherwise, on the last day before the exam, you will have a hard time. Agree, there is a difference - to learn 25 or 50 questions a day, because the memory of an ordinary person has its limits;
  • set aside time intervals for preparation from 7.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. During these hours, our brain is highly active, and it is able to easily absorb and quickly memorize material. Take a 10 minute break every 40 minutes. Walk around the apartment, warm up, go out into the yard - disperse the blood that has stagnated while sitting and feed the brain with the oxygen it needs so much;
  • do not be distracted by watching TV, or computer games, or telephone conversations. Do not even think about checking social networks to find out how your friends are doing - postpone communication until the evening when the daily ticket rate is over;
  • take breaks for breakfast and lunch. Remember: the brain needs food, otherwise its efficiency will decrease significantly, and memory will deteriorate. Although they say that glucose stimulates the brain, do not go to extremes by eating an incredible amount of candy. Better eat a bar of dark chocolate - it has much more benefits;

  • do not stay up at the computer until late at night. Remember: in the morning the head must be fresh, otherwise all attempts to assimilate the material will go to waste.

You may have to limit communication with friends and stop going to nightclubs for the duration of the session. In our opinion, this is a small price to pay for a good grade in the test book. And you can catch up by hanging out with friends at parties after the exam.

Techniques for quick assimilation of material

Alas, not all of us are endowed with the ability to quickly memorize large amounts of material, and therefore, we think, everyone is interested in how to develop memory. Mnemonics can help with this - a technique that facilitates memorization. Here are a few tips that may come in handy while preparing for the exam.

  1. Do not cram the material, but try to understand, then it will be easier to reproduce what you read. Mechanical memory is ineffective.
  2. Divide large texts into parts and learn gradually. The assimilation of small passages is much easier, because it does not overload the untrained memory.
  3. If you need to memorize several materials, start with a larger one. The same applies to exam questions: while you are not tired yet, learn more complex ones, and leave simple ones “for a snack”.
  4. Learned should be repeated. After reading the topic, make a mental plan for the answer and briefly retell what you have learned. The rule "Repetition is the mother of learning" has not been canceled, only the teaching must be conscious - see point 1.
  5. Retell what you read to your family. When we voice and explain to someone what we previously said mentally, knowledge is systematized and deposited in memory, so it will not be difficult to extract them to the surface during the exam.
  6. Write cheat sheets. Not so much to use them, but to better remember. It has been proven that information that has been read and written down is remembered much better.
  7. Starting to prepare just a day before the test, you greatly reduce your chances of getting a good grade. However, there is still a chance of a successful outcome. Read the material "diagonally" - visual memory will catch the main thing, and during the exam you will be able to fish out the necessary thesis from the back streets of the brain and reveal the topic.

Good luck!

Take it, tell your friends!

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“When driving in the direction of the arrow, included in the additional section at the same time as the yellow or red traffic light ...”, - fie! A novice motorist throws aside the traffic rules textbook and realizes that he is not destined to drive. But the devil is not so terrible as he is described in the Rules. Learning the answers to 800 questions is achievable, and there are some very effective ways to master the material, even if the deadlines are tighter than new shoes.


The easiest way to prepare for the "theory" in the traffic police is to "click" tests daily on special sites or in mobile applications. First, it's convenient. You can return to the study of the Rules at any free moment, having only at hand. Secondly, you will understand how the questions are arranged and what to expect from a real exam. Third, learn to associate correct answers with certain illustrations.

However, this method has one huge drawback. You will receive the “passed” mark by memorizing the material on the tests. But as soon as you leave the unit, all knowledge, which by and large did not exist, will turn into a pumpkin. Answering any question without having a picture and three answer options at hand will become very problematic. Problematic and dangerous - both for the novice driver and for others.


In order not to put yourself or others at risk, read and remember the Rules of the Road. No, you don't need to cram traffic police wording - it's enough to have a general understanding of what the text is about. Think about every word, draw pictures in your imagination, simulate situations, study the material directly by topic. By the way, you can “decrypt” traffic rules, as well as pass tests, in the same mobile phones.

This method is clearly not for those who are used to looking for easy ways. Of course, preparing for the “books” exam is much more difficult, but the final result will be appropriate. You will be able not only to successfully withstand the "opening", but also after a while to put in place an insolent inspector who will try to charge you with any violation. No wonder they say that knowledge is power. And in the automotive world, knowledge is also protection.


For those who want something to remain in their heads after the exam, we advise you to turn to abbreviations, associations and playful songs. For example, it is difficult for many to remember how to behave with certain gestures. And to help beginners, experienced drivers came up with a funny rhyme: “If the stick is in your mouth, make a right turn. If the stick looks to the left, drive like a queen.” What happened to the stick next can be found in Google.

Agree, remembering rhymed lines is much easier than a dry text from traffic rules. And since we are talking about associations and abbreviations, we will give future drivers one more piece of advice. When you find yourself driving a car - during an exam or your own near the house - do not forget about the USSR rule. The first "C" is light, that is, check if the lights are on. The second is the clutch, the third is the speed, “stick” the first gear. Well, "R" is a hand brake.


If neither tasks, nor texts, nor rhymes "come in", think - maybe it's easier for you to perceive information by ear? Progress does not stand still, and even the Rules of the Road are now available in audiobook format. Finding them in is not difficult even for those who are not close to the World Wide Web. Download the file to your smartphone and listen to traffic rules in the subway. You will not be distracted - you will soon transfer from public transport to your own car.

Among the minuses, one can single out the impossibility of visual perception, and there are a lot of questions “tied up” in illustrations in exam tests. In addition, for audiobooks in most cases you need. Although the media file will extract much less hard-earned money from the buyer's wallet than, say, a printed collection of tasks or a book with the Rules of the Road.


To consolidate the mastered material, apply it more often in practice. It is clear that while you are just learning to drive a car, the maximum that you see on the roads is the bumper of the car in front. And all your thoughts are only about how not to