How are the cardinal directions. Online compass to determine the cardinal points: open in the apartment for free on your phone computer (Kibpa Kaaba Google program Russian without downloading)

And west and east - by the rotation of the planet around its axis.

On modern maps, the north side is always on top, in this case south is on the bottom, west is on the left, and east is on the right.

Since ancient times, man has determined the approximate southern direction by the position of the sun at the zenith, the eastern direction by the place of sunrise, and the western direction by the place of sunset.

The principle of four sides was an important milestone in man's knowledge of the world around him.

Ancient maps, unlike modern ones, were oriented to the south.

When orienting a person in space, the principle of four sides is also used: “in front”, “behind”, “left”, “right”. In this case, the directions are not fixed and are already chosen relative to the person himself.

The principle of quadrupleness is reflected in folklore, customs, religious rites of many peoples, including Slavic ones:

  • "go to all four sides";
  • Tripolye four-part altars were precisely oriented with their four crosses to the cardinal points, even if this direction diverged from the orientation of the walls of the house, etc.

Colors symbolizing the cardinal points

The traditional painting of the southern window of the magnetic needle of the compass in red, and the northern one in black is an echo of ancient times. In the Assyrian calendar, the north was called the Black Country, the south - Red, the east - Green, and the west - White. Accordingly, the city gates in ancient China were painted.


To designate the cardinal points, 4 Latin letters are often used: N, S, E, W, which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal points in English - North (north), South (south), East (east), West (west).

see also

cardinal directions

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See what "Parts of the World" is in other dictionaries:

    In Chinese and Toltec astronomy, the world is divided into four directions, with the fifth direction being the center. Cardinal points play an important role in funeral ceremonies and customs. The Sumerians and Semites have gods corresponding to ... ... Symbol Dictionary

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    Magazine "Storony Sveta" Storony Sveta is a literary and artistic magazine. It has been published in New York since 2005 by the SOYUZ I creative association, which includes writers, artists and musicians living both in Russia and abroad. Initially, as ... ... Wikipedia

    Journal of the Side of the World Side of the World is a literary and artistic magazine. Published in New York since 2005 in Russian. An English version has also been released since 2010. The magazine began as an electronic ... Wikipedia

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    sides of the horizon- Four main points of the horizon: north, south, east and west (sometimes the corresponding quarters of the horizon are also called: north, south, east and west). Syn.: countries of the world; main points… Geography Dictionary

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    "East" redirects here. See also other meanings. East on the wind rose. East is one of the cardinal points (where the sun rises). If you look to the north, then the east will be on the right. On modern maps, the east is usually located ... ... Wikipedia

    West (originally this word meant "sunset", since the Sun at sunset is always located approximately in the west, except for the subpolar and polar latitudes) is one of the four cardinal points. The earth rotates from west to east. On the map of the Earth, the western ... ... Wikipedia


  • Sides of the world. Novels and short stories, Varlamov Alexey Nikolaevich. About the book The collection "Parts of the World" includes novels and short stories from different years. The author writes about the strength and fragility of the human soul, about the passions and struggles of the heart, about youth, tenderness and love. Why do we...

, West East).

Directions north and south are determined by the poles of the Earth, and east and west (associated with the rotation of the planet around its axis) - by the visible sunrise and sunset of heavenly bodies. Since ancient times, man has determined the approximate southern direction - by the position of the sun at its zenith, the eastern - by the place of its rising, and the western - by the place of sunset; the northern direction (in the Northern Hemisphere) was determined by the Polar Star. On modern geographical maps, the north side is usually at the top: in this case, the south is at the bottom, the west is on the left, and the east is on the right. On ancient, and sometimes even modern maps, they could have  at the top south or east. On star maps, east and west are reversed [ ] : the card is "seen" as located not under, a above observer.

When orienting a person in space, the principle of four sides is also used: “in front”, “behind”, “left”, “right”. In this case, the directions are not fixed and are already chosen relative to the person himself.

The principle of quadrupleness is reflected in folklore, customs, religious rites of many peoples, including Slavic ones:

  • "go to all four sides";
  • Tripolye four-part altars were precisely oriented with their four crosses to the cardinal points, even if this direction diverged from the orientation of the walls of the house, etc.

In addition to dividing the circle into four directions - north, south, west, east - as the orientation tasks developed, additional partitions were introduced with intermediate directions: northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast; There are eight directions in total. Later, the following intermediate divisions were introduced: north-northwest, west-northwest, etc., bringing the number of directions to 16. After another division into intermediate directions, this process ended with the introduction of 32 points.

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    ✪ "Zavriki". Episode 05 "Points of Light" HD | Educational cartoons for children

    ✪ Geography 3. Cardinal points - Shishkin school

    ✪ Sides of the horizon. How to determine the cardinal directions. Part 1


Colors symbolizing the cardinal points

The traditional color of the south pole of the magnet and the magnetic needle of the compass is red, and the north is blue. Red is traditionally associated with warmth and blue with cold. In the Assyrian calendar, the north was called the Black Country, the south - Red, the east - Green, and the west - White. Accordingly, the city gates in ancient China were painted.


To designate cardinal points, 4 Latin letters are often used: N, S, E, W, (which corresponds to the first letters of the names of cardinal points in English - North, South, East, West), or C, Yu, B, Z (which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal directions in Russian - North, South, East, West.

In addition, in the history of Russian maritime navigation for a long time, the German names for the cardinal points - Nord, Suid, Ost, West (Nord, Zuid, Ost, West) were most often used and are still used to this day.

This is most likely due to the fact that in the era of Peter the Great - the beginning of the 18th century, when the navy of the Russian Empire was being born, many terms in the Russian language came, as you know, from the Dutch language, and there the cardinal points have the following names, in many respects consonant with their kindred German: N -noord (north), O - oost (ost), Z - zuid (south), W - west (west)

Designations on the drawing

Commands for setting symbols (as well as some others) are located on the Symbols toolbar (Fig. 2.50). This panel is called, like the others, by clicking on the compact panel button of the same name.

Rice. 2.50. Legend panel

The following buttons are used to create design elements.

Roughness - allows you to place roughness signs on graphic objects (or on their extension) (Fig. 2.51). You can use the mark designation structure according to GOST 2.309-73 or a later edition corresponding to change No. 3 of 2003 in GOST 2.309-73. You can select the symbol structure on the New Documents tab of the Options dialog box in the Graphics Document? Roughness. To set a roughness symbol, it is enough to indicate the curve on which it will be placed, select the type of the symbol, and, if necessary, fill in the inscriptions.

Rice. 2.51. Examples of roughness designation in KOMPAS

Base - designed to create a designation of the base on the drawing. The button is disabled if the document is empty. The system automatically tracks the bases available in the drawing, based on which it independently selects a letter for designation.

Leader line - allows you to create an arbitrary number of leader lines in the drawing (Fig. 2.52, a).

Branding sign - allows you to create a leader line to indicate branding (Fig. 2.52, b).

Marking sign - makes it possible to place a leader line with a marking designation on the drawing (Fig. 2.52, in).

Change sign - allows you to designate changes (Fig. 2.52, G).

Position designation is a command that cannot be dispensed with when creating an assembly drawing. It allows you to place position symbols on the drawing, while the system automatically monitors the numbering. The display of positional callouts can be configured on the Parameters tab of the properties panel (Fig. 2.53). You can change the type of arrow (dot, arrow, or no arrow), the direction of the shelf and text relative to the base point, and select the type of shape (Fig. 2.54). The Shelf flag is used to control the display of the leader position line.

Rice. 2.52. Leader line options: arbitrary ( a), branding mark ( b), marking ( in), change notation ( G)


Leader Line, Branding Symbol, Marking Symbol and Modification Symbol buttons on the Symbols panel are combined into one group.

Rice. 2.53. Positional leader line display options

Rice. 2.54. Position designation display forms: plain text ( a), plaintext ( b), a circle ( in), hexagon ( G), a circle with a separator ( d)

Shape tolerance - allows you to insert a shape tolerance and surface location into the drawing.

Section line - allows you to create a simple or stepped section line in the drawing. The letter designation of the section is set by the system. However, she does not use letters that are already used to designate bases or other cuts.

Gaze arrow - allows you to build an arrow that indicates the direction of the look.

External element – ​​creates a designation of an external element on the image (a circle with a leader line). Please note that this command only creates a callout symbol! The image itself, which fell within the limits covered by this designation, you must draw yourself (with the exception of images of associative views).


After the completion of execution of the commands Cut line, View arrow or Detail view, the command for creating a new view in the drawing and, accordingly, its designation is launched. This is a regular text object, which includes the letter designation of the view, the sign "expanded" or "rotated", the scale and angle of rotation of the view, the sheet number and the designation of the zone. The peculiarity of the species designation is that it is associated with the species it points to. Once the local coordinate system has been placed, once the section line, section, arrowhead view, or detail view is complete, you can begin creating the image of that view.

Most of the commands discussed are used in the example at the end of the chapter.

You may have noticed that I have not described all the commands on the Symbol toolbar. The reason is that there are several non-symbol commands on this panel.

Text input – is used to create text inscriptions on a drawing or a fragment. When formatting text, you can choose any font, set line and character spacing, set text alignment, insert various characters, special characters into the text, use fractions, superscripts/subscripts, etc. All of the above parameters are configured on the property panel.

Table Input - allows you to place a table on the drawing. After specifying the anchor point of the table in the document (upper left corner of the placed table), a window for creating a new table will appear (Fig. 2.55). It allows you to set the number of rows and columns, as well as their sizes. To change the width of the columns, you can simply drag the borders of the table cells with the mouse.

Rice. 2.55. Create Table Dialog Box

Two-Point Centerline - Draws an centerline using two specified points. The peculiarity of this command is that it automatically generates protrusions (their value can be adjusted on the properties panel) to the left and right of the specified points. Thus, the axial one “lays down” well on the object, and it does not need to be further stretched.

AutoAxis - also creates an centerline. Its advantage over the 2-Point Centerline button is that it recognizes the type of object specified by the user, depending on which it suggests the best way to draw the centerline. For example, when specifying a circle, the command will create symmetry axes of this circle without any additional settings. If you select two parallel segments in succession, the centerline will be placed in the middle between them, and so on.

Center designation – designed to designate the center of circles, arcs, ellipses, rectangles, etc. By default, the center designation is formed as two intersecting axes. You can also specify the center with a single axis or point.

Wavy line - allows you to automatically create a wavy cliff line at two specified extreme points.

Line with kinks - makes up one group with the previous button and allows you to build a break line with kinks in the drawing.

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// by Sergey Sirotkin

Article and cardinal points

Everything is simple here: are we going north (south, west, east), or are we already there - the definite article is used the:

in the north - in the north
in the west - in the west
in the east - in the east
in the south - in the south

to the north - to the north
to the west - to the west
to the east - to the east
to the south - to the south

For example:
This road was one of the main arteries which conveyed the traffic of the City to the north and west .
Or here's another example, with a different pretext:
New storm front is coming in from the northeast.

If the cardinal direction is used in a phrase and is not the main word, then the article may be present or absent, depending on the general rules or the sixth sense.
The fading grandeur of the decaying battlements and the sweeping North African architecture only slightly mitigate the brutal feel of the place.
That apartment in South Hollywood, that's my Wake Island.

The direction to the north (and other parts of the world) is more definite than, on the contrary, "from there". Therefore, with a suggestion from the article may not be used.
from north, south, east, and west every man who had a shade of red in his hair had tramped into the city to answer the advertisement.
If it is just about the cardinal direction, and not about a specific direction, then the article is usually not used.
North, south, west, east. Where to go?

And one more phrase that is used without the article: north / west / east / south of - north/west/east/south of...
See Be Grateful for an example of usage.


Comments (2)

    I have a question about issue 15. Sentence "That apartment in South Hollywood, that's my Wake Island". As far as I remember, Wake Island was a small air force base that was attacked by the Japanese around the time of Pearl Harbor. It was defended quite successfully by some time. So. Does that mean "my apartment is my outpost"? Or does Wake Island mean something else? Something like a playground? Something like a haunt? What does this expression really mean?

    Wake Island (the one that is real) is considered a remote place where it is difficult to get to and where there are no prying eyes. In addition, there is simply nothing to do there, as those who have been there testify. Therefore, sometimes this phrase is used as a synonym for "secret lair".

    But there is another meaning, which is connected with the very battle for Wake Island, which you, Vladimir, mentioned. Many people died there, because the island could not be given away due to strategic considerations. Therefore, this phrase is sometimes used to refer to the situation "to die, but not to retreat." So it was in the original text, where the example is taken from: "And when I took his money, I started a war. This is my World War Two. That apartment in South Hollywood, that's my Wake Island." I should probably choose better examples...

Summer is approaching, which means outdoor recreation, walks and hikes in the forest. But while enjoying nature, we often forget about danger. To avoid possible troubles, it is necessary to be able to navigate in natural conditions and find the right path.

And the best assistant in this is the familiar compass. There are, of course, GPS navigators, but their operation time is limited by battery charge, and the device itself can break from the slightest blow.

An ordinary compass is a fairly reliable device that can be bought at any sports store for a price of 100 rubles. Knowing how to use it, you can always determine in which direction you are moving and do not get lost even in an unfamiliar place.

Detailed instructions for using the compass

compass arrows

1. Since the compass needle is sensitive to metal, never use compasses embedded in metal objects (knives, etc.). Even a needle brought to the compass makes it spin. Therefore, make sure that there is nothing metallic next to the compass. Keep in mind that power lines (power lines) and railway tracks also affect the magnetic needle, so you need to move away from them by about 40 meters.

2.​ When using, the compass should be placed on a flat surface (such as the palm of your hand) and not moved. The exception is special compasses that can be used even on the run.

3. On the perimeter of the device you can see a limb - a circular scale with numbers that indicate an angle from 0 to 360 degrees.

4. Now we can find the cardinal points. A colored compass needle indicates where North is. Most often it is a red arrow, it can also be in the form of an arrow. If one arrow is blue and the other is red, then blue points to North and red to South.

North on the compass is indicated by the letter N (from the English North) or C (from the Russian North). The south is marked with the letter S (from the English South) or Yu (from the Russian South). West is W or Z, East is E or B.

If you stand facing North, then the South will be behind, West on the left, East on the right.

Sometimes this knowledge is already enough not to make one of the main mistakes of those who get lost - to go in the opposite direction from the exit.

If you entered the forest by turning off a long straight road, it is enough to remember in which direction you entered and, when returning, keep to the opposite direction.

For example, you entered the forest, moving to the North. So, to return, you need to go to the South - and you will definitely go out on your own road.

But usually we have to go not exactly to the North or, let's say, exactly to the West, but in completely different directions. And here the concept of "Azimuth" is very useful to us.

What is Azimuth

From where you are standing, mentally draw a line pointing north. Then, from the same point, draw a line along which you go forward. The angle between these lines is the Azimuth.

1.​ To determine the Azimuth you are on, turn the compass so that its north arrow points to the designation of the North (that is, to the zero mark on the scale or the letter N or C).

From the center of the compass, mentally draw a line along which you are moving. This line, together with the north arrow, forms an angle. This angle is the Azimuth. It is necessary to count its value from the north arrow (from the zero mark) in the direction of the clockwise movement.

You can simply look at the compass scale for the number that your imaginary line has crossed. It shows the Azimuth value.

2.​ If you need to follow a certain Azimuth, then position the compass so that its north arrow points to the designation of the North (zero mark on the scale or the letter N).

Then measure the desired angle (Azimuth) on the scale, counting clockwise from the zero mark (letter N), or simply find the desired number on the scale. Next, draw a mental line from the center of the compass to this number on the scale and go in that direction.

3.​ The bearing you are going forward is the straight bearing. To return back, you need to go in the opposite direction, that is, along the reverse Azimuth, which is calculated as follows:

if the direct Azimuth is less than 180º, then
if the direct azimuth is more than 180º, then
Where OA is the back Azimuth, PA is the forward Azimuth.

For example, you were walking forward in Azimuth 240º. This is the direct Azimuth. To return back, you need to go on the reverse Azimuth, which is 240º -180º \u003d 60º.

4. However, constantly doing such calculations is quite inconvenient. There is an easier way to find the back azimuth.

To do this, when returning back, you need to follow the same Azimuth along which you went forward, only now consider the southern arrow as the northern one.

That is, if you went forward along Azimuth 270º, then you also return back along Azimuth 270º, only at the same time you treat the southern arrow as if it were northern.

Example. You entered the forest moving in Azimuth 270º.

  • To exit the forest, set the compass so that its south (and not north!) arrow points to the designation of the North (that is, to the zero mark on the scale or the letter N).
  • Now mentally measure from the zero mark on the scale an angle of 270 º (clockwise) or simply find the number 270 on the scale.
  • Then mentally draw a line from the center of the compass to that number (270 degrees). This is the direction in which you need to return back.

5. Reception, when we remember only the Azimuth of the entrance, and for the exit we go along the reverse Azimuth, it works if there is a fairly long direct landmark somewhere nearby (road, river, power lines, etc.). In this case, you only need to know the entry Azimuth. Then you can wander in any direction without remembering them, since then, moving along the reverse Azimuth, you will definitely reach your landmark, only with some shift.

Therefore, it is very useful before a trip to nature to at least glance at the map and remember such landmarks that you can later go to.

6.​ If there are no long straight landmarks nearby, then when moving, it is necessary to record the distance traveled in each direction. That is, memorize or record each Azimuth and the distance that you have traveled along it. To return to the starting point, you will need to follow the same path, only in reverse order.

For example, you walked first 50 meters in Azimuth 80º, then 100 meters in Azimuth 300 º . To return to your starting point, you will need to walk 100 meters in Back Azimuth 120º (300º -180º=120º) and then 50 meters in Back Azimuth 100º (180º -80º =100º). Or just turn the compass so that its south arrow points to the designation of the North (that is, to the zero mark or the letter N), measure an angle of 300o from the zero mark and walk 100 meters in this direction. Then measure from the zero mark an angle of 80º and walk 50 meters in this direction.

Distance can be measured by counting steps

True, when picking berries and mushrooms, it is rather difficult to measure and calculate the distance traveled after each turn. In such cases, you can remember (or rather write in a notebook) how many steps and in what direction you went from one clearing to another.

Having reached the place you like, you need to put some noticeable object on the ground (for example, a bright package), mark next to it the direction in which you were going (for example, with a stick), and pick berries / mushrooms, keeping this object in sight. If you want to move on, we return to this subject, measure and record the new Azimuth of movement and move on, measuring the distance.

7. It is very useful to practice working with Azimuths at home. Walk from room to room, recording the Azimuth and the distance traveled (in steps). Then try to go all the way back, focusing only on your records and determining the back Azimuth.
Then you will easily understand the meaning of Forward Azimuth, Back Azimuth and see how it works.

Calculation of azimuth from magnetic declination

There are several other important points.

1. All maps assume that North is directly up. This is the geographical North, the place where the meridians converge.
But due to the peculiarities of the Earth's magnetic field, the magnetic needle is directed not to the geographical, but to the magnetic North. It is slightly off-geographic. The magnitude of this deviation is called the magnetic declination.

If the arrow is deflected from the geographical North to the east (that is, to the right), then the declination is eastern (positive), if the arrow is deflected to the west (that is, to the left), then the declination is western (negative).

Each region has its own magnetic declination. In the Moscow area it is positive (east) and equals about +11º, in the St. Petersburg area it is about +10º, and in Irkutsk it is negative (west) and is about -3º. There are special maps and websites on the Internet where you can find out the magnetic declination in your area.

2. Azimuth calculated based on the geographical north (on the map) is the true Azimuth. Azimuth calculated from magnetic north (by compass) is the magnetic Azimuth.

When you use a compass along with a map, take this into account and adjust your movement accordingly.

For example, you plan to follow your chart in True Azimuth 30º. The magnetic declination in your area is positive +10º. So, guided by the compass, you will need to go along the magnetic Azimuth of 20º (30º -10º \u003d 20º).

Thus, with a little practice and learning how to use a compass, you can hike as far as you want, and you will feel confident in any terrain, as you can always find your way back.