How to write words in which the number of sounds is more than letters. Sounds and letters There are more sounds in the word red than letters

In Russian, words are not always spelled the way they are heard. It often happens that the number of letters and sounds does not match.

Letter b

  • domineering [powerful] - eight b., seven stars;
  • sun [sontse] - six b., five stars;
  • festive [holiday "ich" ny] - eleven b., ten stars;
  • famous [famous" esny] - nine b., eight stars.

If there are unpronounceable consonants, then these are words where there are more letters than sounds.

It must be remembered that the spelling "unpronounceable consonants" must be checked with a strong position. In some cases, there are no such letters:

  • terrible [terrible] - seven b. and seven stars;
  • peer [ditch "esn" ik] - eight b., eight stars;
  • tasty [fkusny] - seven b., seven stars.

double consonants

There is also such a phenomenon as double and If they are present in a word, we will also have a discrepancy between the quantitative composition of sounds and letters, for example:

  • television antenna [antena] - seven points, six stars;
  • friendly team [kol "ikt" if] - nine b., eight stars;
  • old yeast [shiver] - six b., five stars;
  • artificial crystal [kr "istal] - eight b., seven stars.
  • station [station] house - eleven b., ten stars;
  • glass [st "ikl" any] - ten b., nine stars.

These words contain more letters than sounds.

Changing the quality of sounds

In words, simplification is often observed in places where consonants collide. Then, instead of several sounds, one is pronounced, which differs in quality from the original ones. For example:

  • hides from the eyes [hidden] - ten b. and nine stars;
  • great athlete [sportsman] - nine points, eight stars;
  • urban [garatskaya] resident - nine b., eight stars.

Practice #3

1. Determine which words have more letters than sounds:

  • feel disappointed;
  • participate in competitions;
  • inappropriate question;
  • peer of my parents;
  • long eyelashes;
  • private person;
  • dangerous age;
  • rainy day;
  • delicious dishes;
  • linden alley;
  • quarrel friends;
  • occupied territory;
  • file an appeal;
  • art;
  • appetizing cake.

2. Dictation.

It rained at night, but in the morning the weather was wonderful. Peers and peers marched to school. Everyone had Before reaching school a little, the guys felt a distinct aroma of roses. These were bushes that were planted by graduates back in May.


Part 1

1) desk 3) Yura

2) skates 4) bouquet

Indicate a pair of words in which the words consist of the same sounds.

1) mouse - silence

2) soap - Mila

3) meadow - bow

4) sofa - owl

Write the word with the stress on the first syllable.

1) sorrel 3) beets

2) cement 4) start

1) rock 3) gathering

2) move out 4) welding

What word is not the same root as the word cold.

1) cold

2) cold

3) refrigerator

When writing which word you need to use the rule: "Check the unstressed vowel in the root with stress."

1) s_freeze 3) x_trets

2) m_rozny 4) garden_k

What is the word that contains the letter Z?

1) _do 3) bring_

2) ru_ki 4) polo_ka

Give the word with a preposition.

1) (by) others

2) (to) go

3) (along) the coast

4) (along) the coast

Which word is missing a soft sign (s)?

1) violinist_

10. In which variant is the letter and missing in the highlighted word?

1) preparation for autumn_

2) read in books_

3) ran across the lawn_

4) sat on the sofa_

11. At the end of which adjective at the place of the pass is written e?

1) beyond the distant lake

2) in the blue sea

3) spring_m heat

4) from bitter_x tears

The sun came out and rolled across the blue sky.

1) the sun came out

2) the sun came out and rolled

3) rolled across the sky

4) across the blue sky

Part 2

13. Write down a test word for the missing spelling in the word happy.

Answer: _________________

Branches (1) broke (2) creaked (Z) cracked.


Part 3

A. In autumn, an apple fell from her.

B. An apple tree grew in the garden.

Q. The birds ate this apple, and only the seed hid in the ground.

G. And five years later, ruddy apples grew on a new apple tree.

D. In the spring, a small tree grew from a seed.





Part 1

Which word has more letters than sounds?

1) cup 3) Julia

2) five 4) seagull

2. In which word are only solid consonants pronounced?

1) singing 3) wagon

2) straight 4) wheel

Write the word with the stress on the second syllable.

1) kilometer 3) call

2) guards 4) document

Which word is missing a prefix?

1) plantain

2) gift

3) shelf

Which word is not the same root as the word fairy tale.

1) fairy tale

2) storyteller

4) fabulous

When writing which word you need to use the rule: "Check the unstressed vowel in the root with stress."

1) p_protein

3) youth

4) lazy

In what word do you not need to write the letter t at the place of the gap?

1) wet

2) forest_nitsa

3) wonderful

4) crunch_nula

In what phrase at the place of the pass should I write the ending and?

1) met at the station_

2) played on the playground_

3) dreamed of a trip_

4) drove up to the square_

Indicate the word in which the soft sign (ь) is missing.

1) luggage_ 3) drove in

2) night_noy 4) youth_

10. At the end of which adjective, the letter and is written at the place of the gap?

1) on hot sand

2) on fresh grass

3) winter forest

4) on a long trip

11. In which answer option are the main members of the sentence correctly indicated?

Resinous cones adorn the tops of fir trees.

1) resinous bumps

2) cones decorate

3) tops decorate

4) tops of firs

Part 2

Indicate words that are close in meaning (synonyms).

1) night, stars

2) underground, underwater

3) river, fish

4) heat, heat

The wading birds flew south.


Write down the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The hunters untied (1) the boat (2) put a backpack in it (3) pushed off (4) from the shore (5) and swam.


Part 3

15. In what order should the sentences indicated by letters follow in order to get a coherent text? Write 4 - 6 sentences, continuing the text.

A. Soon they hatched storks.

B. The storks built a nest on an old tree.

V. The storks rejoiced at the delicious food.

D. From early morning until late evening, their parents brought them frogs and fish from the swamp.

D. They gratefully flapped their wide wings and loudly clicked their strong beaks.

Answer: ________________



Part 1

Which word has more sounds than letters?

1) echo 3) yurt

2) stars 4) spruce

2. In which word are only soft consonants pronounced?

2) sow 4) bright

Write the word with the stress on the third syllable.

1) plant 3) prettier

2) thank you 4) store

Which word has no suffix?

1) hair 3) pockets

2) kettle 4) birch

Which word is not the same root as the word rocket.

1) rocket 3) missiles

2) rocket launcher 4) rocket launcher

Which word has the letter o in the root?

1) apartment

2) room

3) st_born

4) d_ran

In what word do you need to write the letter t in place of the gap?

1) beautiful

2) dangerous

3) interesting

4) lovely

8. In what phrases should the ending -e be written at the place of the gap in the highlighted words?

1) mistakes in notebook_

2) on the edge of villages_

3) rode a horse_

4) rode a horse

Indicate the word in which the separating hard sign (ъ) is missing.

1) in the_south 3) edible

2) comrade_ 4) sh_ut

10. At the end of which adjective, the letter e is written at the place of the gap?

1) on a prickly branch

2) under brittle ice

3) in a birch grove

4) along the high banks

11. In which variant are the main members of the sentence correctly indicated?

A noisy flock of finches flew by and hid in a birch alley.

1) a flock of finches

2) the flock has flown

3) the flock disappeared

4) the flock flew over and disappeared

12. Indicate the word opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word powerful (motor)?

1) strong 3) calm

2) weak 4) mighty

Part 2

13. Determine the case of the adjective in the sentence.

The roots of the apple tree draw nourishing juices from the ground.

Answer: _____________

Under the roots of an old oak (1) there was a small mink (2) and a hedgehog was sleeping in a mink (3).


Part 3

In what order should the sentences marked with letters follow in order to get a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.

A. Suddenly the float jumped in the water and sank.

B. The ear will be good!

B. The fins of the perch are red, and the back is dark green.

G. The fisherman pulled the fishing rod and pulled out the perch.

D. The fisherman threw a fishing rod into the river and waits.

Answer: _____________________



Part 1

Which word has four letters and three sounds?

2. Indicate a word that ends in a dull consonant.

2) waterfall

3) arrived

4) tractor

1) alphabet 3) kilometer

2) prettier 4) shop

The composition of which word differs from the composition of the word load?

1) DIY

2) trip

3) polyushko

4) gifts

Which word is missing the letter e in the root?

2) sv_stit

3) on the windowsill_

4) vy_chka

6. Indicate the word in which the letter d is missing.

1) lopa_ka

2) stick

4) blood

7. In which variant is the letter e missing in both words?

1) in books_ and in notebook_

2) at the top_ ate_

3) along the path_ to the gatehouse_

4) on a leaflet_ cherry_

Give the word with a preposition.

1) (c) run

2) (on) smear

Write the adjective in the prepositional case.

1) on the winter (road)

2) on the bottom (leg)

3) evening (twilight)

4) at the rear (wheel)

10. The word of which part of speech is missing in this sentence?

Foliage flutters in the air.

2) noun

3) adjective

4) preposition

11. In which phrase is the adjective used in a figurative sense?

1) hot coffee

2) hot soup

3) hot dispute

4) hot iron

12. Indicate the option in which the main members of the sentence are correctly indicated.

Migratory birds cleaned their feathers and set off.

1) cleaned the feathers

2) migratory birds

3) birds cleaned

4) the birds cleaned up and set off

Part 2

13. Write down a test word for the missing spelling in the word locality.


Indicate the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

In the spring (1) the bullfinch flies into the thicket of the forest (2) makes a nest (3) in the thick paws of fir trees.


Part 3

In what order should the sentences marked with letters follow in order to get a coherent text? Complete 4-6 sentences, continuing the text.

A. For a long time the fox tore the drum with its claws, gnawed with its teeth, finally tore the skin and saw emptiness.

B. And then she grew bolder and attacked the prey.

B. A hungry fox once stumbled upon an old drum.

D. He lay in the bushes and buzzed when the branches hit the stretched skin.

E. Hearing these loud sounds, the fox at first was afraid to approach.

Answer:____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Part 1

Which word has five letters and four sounds?

1) leg 3) gun

2) deer 4) willow

2. Indicate a word that ends in a voiced consonant.

2) story

3) suffix

Which word is stressed incorrectly?

1) took 3) cakes

2) carpenter 4) call

The composition of which word differs from the composition of the word lemons?

1) grass

2) chairs

3) toys

4) note

Write a word without a preposition.

1) (on) the horizon

2) (under) a tree

3) (by) covered

4) (in) the gorge

Part 3


Part 1

Which word has more letters than sounds?

1) desk 3) Yura


Which words have more letters than sounds, and vice versa: more sounds than letters?

September 14, 2016

In Russian, words are not always spelled the way they are heard. It often happens that the number of letters and sounds does not match.

Letter b

So which words have more letters than sounds? First of all, in those in which there is. This letter is written in words to indicate the softness of consonants. And such a sound in an audible word is expressed by one phoneme.

As a result, it turns out that there will be more letters in the word than sounds, for example:

  • bathhouse- six b., [ban "ka] - five stars;
  • news- five b., [in "eu" t"] - four stars;
  • the guest- five b., [state "t"] - four stars;
  • rain- five b., [dosht "] - four stars;
  • a life- five b., [zhyz "n"] - four stars;
  • horse- four b., [kon "] - three stars;
  • laziness- four b., [l "en"] - three stars;
  • mole- four b., [they say "] - three stars;
  • zero- four b., [nol "] - three stars;
  • password- six points, [password"] - five stars;
  • role- four b., [roll "] - three stars;
  • herring- six b., [s "el" d "] - four stars;
  • darkness- six b., [t "emin"] - five stars;
  • chain- four b., [tsep "] - three stars.

Separating soft and hard signs, as a rule, does not affect the difference in the number of letters and sounds. This is explained by the fact that the letters e, e, u, i after b and b denote two phonemes, one of which is [y]. So, in such words, letters and sounds will remain in equal numbers.

The soft sign affects the difference in the count of phonemes and graphic signs when placed with after hissing. However, it does not affect pronunciation and serves to denote the grammatical form of the word:

  • 3rd declension nouns: rye[rosh] (four b., three stars), daughter[daughter "] (four b., three stars), brooch[brooch] (five balls, four stars);
  • adverbs (except for exceptions: already, married, unbearable): away[other "] (five points, four stars), wide open[nast "ash"] (seven b., six stars);
  • Verbs: help[pamoch "] (six points, five stars), don't touch- [trosh "] (five points, four stars), look[view "ish] (ten b., nine stars).

In these words, as we see, there are more letters than sounds.

Practice #1

We offer several practical tasks to consolidate the material.

1. Do I need to insert ь in place of the ellipsis? Determine which words have more letters than sounds:

  • glazier ... schik;
  • fifteen;
  • bow;
  • seven ... ten;
  • nanny ... chit;
  • bridge;
  • lamplighter;
  • speech ... ka;
  • five ... hundred;
  • fan ... tick.

2. Which words have more letters than sounds?

Elk chews grass, twigs, bark. He needs to lick the salt. The forester takes a head of salt into the forest and puts it on a stump. This is where the moose comes to lick the salt.

2. Is a soft sign put after hissing ones? Determine which words have more letters than sounds:

  • roof edges ...;
  • crying is heard ...;
  • unbearable ... proceed;
  • got married...;
  • cut ... bread;
  • wilderness...;
  • the air is fresh...;
  • put down... a brick...;
  • expanses of pastures ...;
  • empty ... jumping ...;
  • strained ... vision;
  • mighty oak ...;
  • clouds of clouds ...;
  • you will go ... for water to the forest key ...;
  • obedient daughter…;
  • eat ... those kalach ...;
  • you will open... your cloak...;
  • lie down ... on the bench;
  • smear… sandwich;
  • lily of the valley ... odorous ...;
  • solve ... five problems ...;
  • open the doors wide open...

Letters E, Yo, Yu, I

In addition to the soft sign, which does not designate a sound, there are letters that serve as graphic signs of two phonemes. It depends on their position in the word. After soft consonants, they denote their palatalization (softening) and do not affect the difference in the number of letters and sounds. Another thing in other provisions:

  • at the beginning of a word: ate[yel] - two b., three stars;
  • after vowels: loan[loan] - four b., five stars.

Here are examples where there are more sounds than letters. Recall that after b and b also appears [d]. But this does not affect the difference between the sound and graphic expression of the word.

Practice #2

1. Determine which words have the same number of phonemes and their graphic designations:

  • two-tiered pavilion;
  • entered the entrance;
  • curious monkey;
  • three-storey house;
  • pre-exam excitement;
  • irreparable defect;
  • bear paws;
  • pre-anniversary chores;
  • television filming;
  • you drink broth;
  • pixie feathers;
  • strong blizzard.

2. Find words in which sounds and letters are in different quantities.

Do you think there is bird's milk? However, this is not a curiosity at all. Ordinary pigeons feed their chicks with bird's milk. It appears in pigeons in the goiter, it resembles a white gruel. It is also called goiter. In pigeons, it does not stand out for long - eighteen to twenty days.

Silent consonants

In addition to the above phonetic phenomena, sounds and letters in different quantities are contained in words with unpronounceable consonants:

  • domineering [powerful] - eight b., seven stars;
  • sun [sontse] - six b., five stars;
  • festive [holiday "ich" ny] - eleven b., ten stars;
  • famous [famous" esny] - nine b., eight stars.

If there are unpronounceable consonants, then these are words where there are more letters than sounds.

It must be remembered that the spelling "unpronounceable consonants" must be checked with a strong position. In some cases, there are no such letters:

  • terrible [terrible] - seven b. and seven stars;
  • peer [ditch "esn" ik] - eight b., eight stars;
  • tasty [fkusny] - seven b., seven stars.

double consonants

There is also such a phenomenon as double and doubled consonants. If they are present in the word, we will also have a discrepancy between the quantitative composition of sounds and letters, for example:

  • television antenna [antena] - seven points, six stars;
  • friendly team [kol "ikt" if] - nine b., eight stars;
  • old yeast [shiver] - six b., five stars;
  • artificial crystal [kr "istal] - eight b., seven stars.
  • station [station] house - eleven b., ten stars;
  • glass [st "ikl" any] - ten b., nine stars.

These words contain more letters than sounds.

Changing the quality of sounds

In words, simplification is often observed in places where consonants collide. Then, instead of several sounds, one is pronounced, which differs in quality from the original ones. For example:

  • hides from the eyes [hidden] - ten b. and nine stars;
  • great athlete [sportsman] - nine points, eight stars;
  • urban [garatskaya] resident - nine b., eight stars.

Practice #3

1. Determine which words have more letters than sounds:

  • feel disappointed;
  • participate in competitions;
  • inappropriate question;
  • peer of my parents;
  • long eyelashes;
  • private person;
  • dangerous age;
  • rainy day;
  • delicious dishes;
  • linden alley;
  • quarrel friends;
  • occupied territory;
  • file an appeal;
  • art;
  • appetizing cake.

2. Dictation.

It rained at night, but in the morning the weather was wonderful. Peers and peers marched to school. Everyone was in a happy mood. Before reaching the school a little, the children felt the distinct aroma of roses. These were bushes that were planted by graduates back in May.

The Russian language is one of the richest, most complex and interesting world languages. It contains a large number of rules and is fraught with many traps. For example, there are words in which there are more sounds than letters, and vice versa: there are more letters, but fewer sounds. Such words are sometimes difficult to transcribe. To correctly determine the content of sounds, you need to know how to do a sound-letter analysis (analysis) of a word.

What is sound-letter analysis

Analysis involves two components: sounds and letters. First, a transcription is written - this is a recording of the sound content. An exact record is made of how it is pronounced, heard. When working, it should be remembered that such “e”, “e”, “yu”, “I” in different positions of the word can mean two sounds. These vowels are called ioted. And in the words, where they are, there will be more sounds.

Iotated vowels in different positions

  • at the beginning of the word: spruce - [th ’ e l ’]
  • after other vowels: cabin - [k a y ’ y t a]
  • after dividing "b" and "b": curiosity - [k ur ' y ' o s] and flaw - [and z ' y ' and n]
  • after consonants: hatch - [l ’ u k]

And also, in the Russian alphabet there are two letters that do not have a sound, these are “b” and “b”. A soft sign after a consonant softens it. In addition, it is a morphological feature in feminine nouns of the third declension. In this case, of course, there will be less sounds.

Pronunciation of iotated vowels

There are four such vowels in the Russian alphabet which were discussed earlier in the article. In transcription, they denote two sounds, which is why the amount of sound composition predominates in the word over the letter. The letter E is pronounced like Y and E; Yo as Y and O; Yu as Y and Y; I'm like Y and A.

Mysterious letter Yo

In Soviet times, and even now, the letter Yo was not printed in many printed publications. The letter was first mentioned back in 1783, when one of the first meetings of the Academy of Russian Literature was held, in which the director of the Academy, Princess Ekaterina Dashkova, as well as some well-known writers of that time, Fonvizin and Derzhavin, took part. Ekaterina was the first to propose officially including the letter Yo in the Russian alphabet, and no one objected to her.

A new wave of popularity of the letter rose thanks to N. M. Karamzin in 1797. He was preparing another poem for printing and put Yo in “tears” instead of E. This was the first time that Yo was in print.

Even such an influential figure of the Soviet era as Stalin was involved in history. It happened like this: German maps fell into his hands, where the names of Russian settlements were marked with maximum accuracy. The village of Dyomino was exactly Dyomino, not Dyomino. The leader appreciated the pedantry and attentiveness of the enemy. As a result, on December 25, 1942, Stalin issued a decree stating that the letter Ё should stand wherever it takes place.

Some facts about the letter Yo:

  • in 2013, Yo celebrated her anniversary - she turned 230 years old;
  • in Russian, Yo is used in almost 13 thousand words;
  • sometimes the omission in the words Yo spoils the meaning: for example - “let's take a break” and “take a break”, isn't it funny?
  • Yo occupies a happy 7th place in the alphabet.

The phonetic principle of Russian spelling and graphics

The sound-letter analysis of a word proceeds from the phonetic principle. Its essence is that the words should be depicted in the letter as they are pronounced. Consistency is the key element here. It is no secret that in any language there are two forms of its use - written and oral. The language appears and spreads between people and nations in the initial stage in oral form, then, with its successful development, written elements, graphic images of sounds appear.

Graphic arts - it is the content of the descriptive elements of any kind of writing. Graphics include, in addition to letters, punctuation marks, spaces, and accents. The graphics keep the correspondence between the literal and sound meanings of words. Letters are what we read and depict in writing, and sounds are what we hear and speak. There are 6 vowels in the Russian alphabet, and 10 letters denoting them; consonants - 36, and letters - 21.

Knowledge of iotized vowels, in addition to writing and analysis, is used in the field of vocal studies. The singer must always ensure that the iotated vowel is pronounced in combination with two sounds. For example, when stretching “I”, a long vowel “a” must be pronounced, otherwise the sound will not fully open, which will lead to a bad sound of the whole word. The vocal sound of a vowel may not achieve full freedom of expression. Iotated vowels always have a special bright color, the full disclosure of which brightens up the pronunciation. But when singing, these vowels should still be used with extreme caution and due skill, while concentrating on the sound.

Tasks of the Unified State Examination A1, A 2 in Russian.

Phonetic analysis of the word. Orthoepic norms

(pronunciation of consonants, stress).

When completing tasks A1 - A2, be sure to pronounce the word, listening to your own pronunciation, and write it down in transcription. Count the letters and sounds or find the required sound(s) in the task.

EXAMPLE task: Which word has more letters than sounds?

reed [trasnik] - 8 letters, 7 sounds

light [l "ohk" y] - 6 letters, 6 sounds

judge [court "ya] - 5 letters, 5 sounds

pure [chistava] - 7 letters, 7 sounds Answer: 1.

For the correct performance of tasks on establishing stress in words, it is necessary to master the accentological minimum:

alcohol, alphabet, apostrophe, scam, pamper, bows, bartender, unrestrained, good news, favor, barrel, willow, Volgodonsk, water pipeline, gas pipeline, genesis, pear, girlish, hyphen, dispensary, production, dogma, contract, contract, contract daughter, drowsiness, confessor, blinds, enviably, bent, long, frosty, clog, rust, rings, sign, sorcery, jagged, Irishche, Iconography, spark, catalog, catharsis, rubber, cough, quarter, kollet, cedar, college, compass, prettier, kitchen, flint, hunks, hunks, salmon, masterful, briefly, meager, ordeal, obituary, oil pipeline, provision, facilitate, wholesale, inform, convict, uncork, paralysis, ploughing, rot, grow bald reward, sentence, dowry, coerce, clairvoyant, pullover, belt, beets, orphans, concentration, funds, statutes, carpenter, dancer, cakes, triptych, shoe, Ukrainian, aggravate, facsimile, phenomenon, fetish, filzster, forza, petitioner hosts, xp istianin, cement, chain, gypsy, scoop, chassis, scarves, shakhtinsky, syringes, chauffeurs, sorrel, expert.

1. Which word has more letters than sounds?

1) reed

4) clean

2. In which word are all consonants soft?

1) make sure

2) amateur

3) bitter

4) stalk

3. In which word are all consonants solid?

2) world

3) original

4) simplicity

4. Which word has fewer letters than sounds?

1) torment

2) writing

3) disappear

4) pinching

5. In what word does the number of letters and sounds match?

1) explain

2) absence

4) finder

6. In which word are all consonants soft?

1) fuselage

3) stem

4) sterlet

7. Which word has more sounds than letters?

4) drive up

8. In which word are all consonants soft?

2) degree

4) merge

9. In which word are all consonants deaf?

2) lightness

10. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?

3) statue

11. In what series of words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) cement, took, expert

2) hyphen, wholesale, convocation

3) statue, beetroot, understood

4) cakes, start, calls

12. In what series of words does the number of letters and sounds match?

1) blizzard, village

2) swimming, June

3) statue, helper

4) grammar to

13. Which number of words has more sounds than letters?

1) fighting, passionate

2) tulip, nimble

3) double, opposition

4) meaning, phenomenon

14. In the words of which series, the stress falls on the second syllable?

1) deepen, catalogue, dispensary

2) intention, clog, took

3) accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

4) grandfather, caught up, owners

15. In what word does the highlighted letter denote a hard consonant?

3) academician

16. In what word does the highlighted letter denote a soft consonant?

2) sandwich

4) anamnesis

17. In what word does the highlighted letter denote a soft consonant?

18. In the words of which row is the stress on the first syllable?

1) start, chunk, quarter,

2) beet, statue, call,

3) briefly, spark, willow,

4) wholesale, scoop, plowing

19. In the words of which row is the stress on the third syllable?

1) uncork, mold, indulge,

2) provision, obituary, petition,

3) apostrophe, dispensary, occupied,

4) blinds, nettle, exhaust

20. In what series of words in place of the letters CHN is pronounced [shn]?

1) bakery, Ilyinichna,

2) scrambled eggs, something

3) of course, boring,

4) creamy, on purpose

21. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) Alcohol

2) confessor

3) catalog

22. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

2) Petition

3) moldy

4) oil pipeline

23. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) deepen

2) force

3) exhaust

4) prettier

24. In which word is the stress not on the first syllable?

1) cough

3) rust

4) scanty

25. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

3) call

26. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

27. In which row do all words have the sound [g]?

1) to the hall, examination

2) snow, station

3) clay, boots

4) mountain, dialogue

28. In which row do all words have the sound [d "]?

1) tar, rise, wedding

2) podium, wild, sit down

3) leatherette, threshing, diagonal

4) sweet, support, clerk

29. In which row do all words have the sound [z]?

1) later, dawn, umbrella

2) nail, wrist, zenith

3) development, slide, close

4) squeal, do, comma

30. In which row in all words there is no sound [z]?

1) do, position, hare

2) cerebellum, building, buzzer

3) decree, fairy tale, come

4) wagon, envy, mind

31. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) chain

2) cheer up

3) skinned