How does the subconscious mind work and what can it give to any person? The subconscious - what is it? How to use the subconscious? Secrets of the human brain.

Let me tell you about what an amazing, gigantic, incredible machine our brain is, which completely and completely controls our body and our life.

The author is one of those people who are fascinated by how the brain in general and the subconscious mind in particular work. The human subconscious is a miracle of miracles in our vast universe. We very much hope that we can convey to you a piece of this charm and drag you into the network of knowledge of the incredible wizard that is inside our head.

The purpose of our story is to open for you the mechanism of the fantastic influence of the subconscious on our lives. By learning how this mechanism works, you can use this knowledge to make the changes you dream of improving your life.

You think you made a random choice, but in fact your subconscious mind made a meaningful decision.
The Mentalist


Look in the mirror. Do you see your head? It is here that an incredibly powerful machine is located - your brain. You touch your head with your hands and combs, wash it with shampoos, but do you realize that this is the main control panel of your life?

But let's go directly to the subconscious. We all use the word “subconscious” very often, but do we understand what we are talking about? And to understand this in our time is already a necessity. Because when you understand this, you will immediately get a magic wand, a flying carpet, a frog princess, a self-assembled tablecloth, Aladdin's lamp and other attributes of a wizard.

Why do you need all this? To control your life! We begin!

Who coined the word "subconscious"?

What for? What does it mean? Where is it located? What role does it play? How does the subconscious mind affect us? Now we will tell you everything!

The term "subconscious" was coined by the French psychologist Pierre Janet over a century ago. Let's decipher the word itself. It is immediately clear that it comes from the word "consciousness". It's just that Pierre Janet added the prefix "under" to it. With the construction of the word, everything is simple. But what is its meaning? Let's deal with consciousness first. The word "consciousness" comes from the verb "to know". As you can see, this information did not help us much. Let's continue to be persistent.

You can use synonyms. In many cases, synonyms help to understand the meaning of a word. As you know, synonyms are words that are the same in meaning, but different in sound and spelling. Of course, you do not have to look for them, we have already issued them. Synonyms for the word "consciousness" are: mind, reason, reason, understanding.

It turns out that the “subconscious” is that which is “under” the mind, “under” the mind, “under” the mind and “under” the mind. Yes, more confused. Okay, let's try to find the meaning of the word in explanatory dictionaries. Well, of course, and we have already done that. You just have to believe that there were a lot of formulations. But there was one simple one that we liked the most: consciousness is the ability to think and reason. Simple, easy, understandable. But did it become clearer to you what the subconscious is from this set of words? Don't be shy, be direct.

Yes, something is not very clear, so we will carefully understand further ...

So let's continue. Consciousness and subconsciousness are processes! Yes! This is a huge number of biochemical reactions and electrical impulses that occur with the help of brain cells. And these cells are called neurons. Scientists counted 100 billion of these cells! Is it a lot or a little? Unfortunately, we do not feel the scale of such numbers. Agree that such numbers are empty words for us. And let's try to present it by comparison with something more understandable to us.

Scientists say that if you stretch all the neurons and all the thin wires that connect them in one line, then the length of such a wire will be 1 million kilometers. But since this number does not really mean anything to you and me, we thought about it and decided to make it more visual. To do this, we performed a couple of calculations. And that's what happened. If you fly a Boeing at a normal speed of 945 km per hour for a distance of 1 million kilometers, you will have to spend 1058 hours in the air, which is 44 days! At the same time, please note, no landings!

Here is such a long chain of neurons with processes laid in our head. This complex mechanism works without stopping for a second, producing a huge number of biochemical reactions and electrical impulses in the brain cells.

The electrical impulses and biochemical processes themselves are absolutely invisible to us, we don’t even feel them, but as an effect of these reactions and electrical impulses, we have very real thoughts, words, decisions, actions, emotions. Nature hardly thought of dividing our brain into consciousness and subconsciousness, creating it in a long evolutionary way. For nature, our brain is a single system. Yes, and for our body too. But scientists still divided the processes conditionally into consciousness and subconsciousness.

Why? Because numerous observations of human behavior and psyche led to the conclusion that all processes can be conditionally divided into two groups. So, in the first category were those mental processes that we can control. These are "conscious processes". Accordingly, the second group includes all mental processes that are not controlled by us. And they were called "subconscious processes."


In the flow of information, it is easy to get away from the essence of any issue. Therefore, we recall what the main goal of our study is. And the main goal is to get a clear understanding of what the subconscious is.

What for?

  • Firstly, to dispel the mysterious and mysterious fog, which, whatever one may say, hovers over the word "subconscious".
  • Secondly, in order to better understand what this mysterious word means, which is referred to by smart books, the famous film "The Secret" and all personal development teachers.
  • Thirdly, learn how to use the power of the subconscious to realize your goals and desires in order to become the master of your thinking, and, therefore, the master of your life.
So, we continue to move forward for knowledge about the subconscious. In our opinion, it is easier to understand what the subconscious is if we take it and compare it with consciousness. So let's first consider what processes consciousness performs.

Take the simple task of making a to-do list for the next day. Let's see what processes are going on. What do you usually do for this? You probably do something like this sequence of actions: you remember what you need to do, then write down a to-do list, then you put things in some order using your principle of priorities.

During planning, our brain works completely under our control, and we manage the entire process in such a task. Do you agree? This is an example of a conscious process. Consciousness is your assistant in making plans.

Recall that at the beginning of the article we defined that consciousness is the ability to think and reason. As you can see, throughout the planning process, you have to think and reason. And this means that consciousness works when performing this task. At the same time, you consciously perform each action.

Conscious action is the result of a real thought process that we ourselves start and stop ourselves. In the conscious process, it's as if you're pushing invisible buttons. We pressed the "play" button, and the process began. We pressed the "stop" button - the process stopped. What does this mean? That you are in control of this process.

For example, you are learning English. What are you doing? Memorize words, translate texts, listen to English speech - all these actions you perform in your brain consciously. Or, let's say you're creating a project at home. For this task, you use many functions of consciousness: imagination, logical thinking, design thinking, mathematical calculations.

Consciousness also helps you create your goals. And then helps to make plans for the implementation of these goals. Consciousness invents your dreams and helps you form mental images of your desires.

When you read the news on the Internet, communicate on social networks, smell, distinguish colors, watch TV, solve a mathematical problem, plan a vacation date, make a decision, observe the set of objects around you every minute, reason logically, design, construct, draw, play sports, cook delicious food, choose the right information, think, express your opinion, try to understand something, study, then you do it with the help of processes that occur in the mind.

Consciousness helps us to see, feel, decide, read, write, set goals, make plans, think logically, make decisions, achieve goals.

Now, please, take a closer look, there will be an important thought. When we perform these actions, we are really aware of what we are doing. Therefore, a distinctive feature of consciousness lies in the fact that all the processes occurring in our consciousness, we feel, realize, understand.

For example, when we think about something, we are able to direct our thoughts in a specific logical way. If at the same time we decide to change the logical chain of reasoning, then we just take it and change it. We can change our train of thought at any moment. Do you agree?

How do you do it? You do it consciously because you really feel the flow of your thoughts. If you decide what movie to watch, what book to read, what color to dress, where to go on vacation, then in all these situations you really feel the process of reflection.

Where there is consciousness, there are processes that you are really aware of. Moreover, you control them. If you want to eat, eat. If you want to sleep, sleep. If you want to read, read. If you want to decide, you decide. If you want to travel, travel. If you want to dance, dance. Etc.

Your mind is active all the time you are awake. But as soon as you fall asleep, it turns off. Consciousness rests with you. We can control the mind. This means that we can start and stop conscious processes ourselves.

The work of consciousness is an open stream of thoughts, words, decisions, mental images that we really feel and feel. We can even write down our reasoning. When we understand what we are doing, our consciousness works. Mindfulness and meaningfulness are the two main words to describe consciousness. Consciousness works when we are awake and turns off during sleep.

And one more important detail: consciousness was found only in humans. Only man plans, builds, adds, multiplies, divides, reads, writes, invents, etc. Although it would be quite surprising to meet a dog who plans his day next to the owner.

The evolution of nature on our planet has created a fantastic design in the form of a human brain. With the help of the brain, we built airplanes, and now we fly around the world in a matter of hours. They built huge cities, created computers, the Internet, GPS, mobile phones with computer functions, e-books, sms, social networks, email, bank cards ... The list is endless. What a huge number of conscious processes were involved in order to create all this!

So, consciousness is open processes, because we really feel the flow of our thoughts and reasoning. We can control the mind. Consciousness is momentary processes occurring here and now.


A distinctive feature of the subconscious, on the contrary, is the secrecy of all processes. We use the word hidden to mean that we don't feel how the subconscious works. In the previous part of the article, we found out that during the work of consciousness, we feel a real flow of reasoning and thoughts. And what do we feel when the subconscious works?

The processes in the subconscious occur without our conscious control, in addition to our will, on the machine. It is this complete secrecy and invisibility of processes in the subconscious that creates a natural halo of mystery around him. However, the secrecy of all unconscious processes does not prevent the subconscious from exerting a powerful influence on our lives. How powerful is this impact? The answer lies in the numbers. Get ready to hear this, because the numbers are quite unexpected.

So, consciousness has only 4% of the influence on our lives, and the subconscious mind - the remaining 96%. What do these numbers actually mean? We will try to understand this below.

We discussed in the previous subsection that a person can stop a conscious process, such as a logical thinking process, and direct thoughts in a different direction. But this trick will not work with unconscious processes, because they turn on automatically, without our will, without our control.

Special attention here requires the word "automatically". It means that the management of subconscious processes occurs without the direct participation of a person. There is some kind of secret automation that starts unconscious processes. But this automation is not controlled by a person in any way. Below we will talk about what triggers these processes. And while we continue.

So, we do not manage unconscious processes. We don't even feel when and how they turn on and off. No one sees or feels them, but everyone talks about them. Judge for yourself, recent studies claim that subconscious processes create 96% of everything that happens in our lives.

This figure indicates that the subconscious mind controls us by 96%. And only by 4% do we manage life on our own, that is, consciously. It turns out that we control the consciousness, and the subconscious mind controls us in a hidden way. Subconscious processes are invisible, inaudible and imperceptible, but they create 96% of everything that happens in our destiny. Sounds ridiculous.

Let's take a typical 24-hour day, of which we are awake for 16 hours. Let's calculate how much is 96% of 16 hours. We take a calculator and get 15 hours 36 minutes. It turns out that in conscious influence we spend only 24 minutes a day! The rest of the time we are in the power of the subconscious. It's incredible! How can this be? At the same time, there is another misfortune, and it lies in the fact that the powerful power of the subconscious can work in two directions: in our favor and not in ours. How can we make this fantastic force work for our benefit? Here we are just looking for an answer to this question.

But first we need to prepare ourselves for the perception of all further information, so we will try to understand a number of things more deeply about the subconscious. We have a question: what word would be logical to name the processes that occur without the participation of consciousness? Correct Answer: Unconscious! Because "unconscious" = "unconscious".

Another question: what is the most logical word to apply to processes that occur unconsciously? Correct Answer: unconscious.

So, all processes that occur without the participation of our consciousness, it is logical to call "unconscious" or "unconscious". That's why scientists named them that way. In general, subconscious, unconscious, and unconscious are terms that can be used interchangeably.

The unconscious refers to everything that is beyond the control of the conscious mind. In other words, it is a huge store of information, a storage device with an unlimited amount of memory.

Move on. Among the unconscious processes are those which we call "memory." Because memory in the brain is not a library, it is also electrical impulses and biochemical reactions in brain cells. First of all, all programs for managing our physical body are recorded in the memory of the subconscious.

For example, we are not aware of how blood moves through our body; how all the processes that maintain our normal body temperature take place; how the heart pumps blood; how our lungs breathe; how every cell in our kidneys and liver works. We do not control the processes of hearing, sight and smell. All this happens automatically, without our conscious participation.

The subconscious mind is an almighty giant that controls this entire vast world - our body, in which millions of chemical reactions occur every fraction of a second. All these processes are controlled by programs that are stored in the subconscious. These programs are imperceptible and invisible to us. They work automatically. The subconscious controls invisibly not only the entire biology in our body, it also invisibly controls the entire psychology.

In the subconscious, programs are sewn up that make us choose certain lovers, deputies, manner of communication, books, films, color of clothes, etc. This list of programs is endless. It includes absolutely all our inclinations and habits. The subconscious mind stores all the programs about us as we are individually. Everyone has their own set of programs.

In general, all the programs that make up the image of our personality are stored in the subconscious. These programs determine our appearance, all our habits, communication style with others, attitude towards ourselves and others, tastes in clothes, food, thoughts, behavior in different situations, the nature of emotions, the level of self-esteem, our reactions and feelings in a variety of situations.

What are the programs, so we appear before the world. Therefore, do not try to change other people with persuasion and advice. Yes, and myself too. This is the most useless thing. Everything is programmed. Changes in a person's personality can only occur when other programs are installed in his subconscious.

A simple example: one likes to do exercises, and the other does not. This means that one has a positive exercise program, while the other either does not have it at all, or has a negative attitude towards this activity. What to do to make the second love charging? Install an appropriate positive program.

No matter how strange it may sound, but the discovery of such hidden programming was due to plastic surgery. In what way? A remarkable American plastic surgeon named Maxwell Moltz discovered a strange circumstance many years ago. It shocked him to the core so that he gave up plastic surgery and began studying the brain.

He found that even after patients underwent significant facial plastic surgery, many of them saw no change when they looked at themselves in the mirror. Moltz was puzzled. He wondered how this could be? The man changed almost beyond recognition, but he himself did not see any significant change in the mirror.

So the discovery was made that we see the image of our personality through programs in the subconscious about ourselves. Therefore, even if you change the appearance of a person, but do not change the program about himself, then he continues to see himself as he was. We are all programmed.

This is the same as taking, for example, a phone. It looks like just a plastic case. If we change one plastic case for another, and leave the internal software the same, then we will get the same phone. Functionally, nothing will change, only the appearance of the case will change. But if we replace the software, and at the same time leave the case the same, then we will get a completely different phone. So the software is everything. If you change your software, you can change everything in your life.

Yes, we completely forgot to clarify the meaning of the word "program". We're fixing it. We found a very interesting description of the meaning of this word in Wikipedia. The term comes from the Greek words "pro" (meaning "before") and "gram" (meaning "record"). If combined together, it turns out that the program means “pre-recording”, that is, “pre-recording”. This in itself is interesting.

So, A program is a preliminary description of upcoming events or activities.. Brilliant explanation! This is exactly what we need to understand more deeply the meaning of programming in the subconscious. But a number of questions immediately arise: where do programs come from? Can they be changed? Can you reprogram yourself? Fortunately, you can. We will talk about this below.

Earlier we said that consciousness is turned off during sleep. So, unlike consciousness, the subconscious mind does not rest at all. It works throughout life without days off, just like the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and all other organs do. They all work around the clock non-stop. You do not sleep - the subconscious works, you sleep - it continues to work.

Again, a natural question arises: well, while awake, you can still understand why it works, but during sleep, why doesn’t it rest? Because the subconscious controls all systems in the body, including synchronous work between all organs and all biochemical processes in all cells of the body, and there are, by the way, 100 trillion. The subconscious is not up to sleep! Because biological processes go on continuously.

To impress you more on how much work the subconscious mind does in our physical body, let's try to imagine what a hundred trillion cells are. Let's take a million boxes and put a million cells in each of them, and then put these boxes in the warehouse. So, in the warehouse we have a million boxes, each of which has a million cells. So, to get 100 trillion cells, you need to take a hundred of these warehouses!

And every cell must be managed and not one should be forgotten. Thanks to our subconscious that it does it on its own! What a blessing that you and I don't even have to think about it!


Our world is filled with what we do not feel and do not see. Here is a simple example: many times you have sent SMS from your phone, but, of course, you have never seen how the message “flies away” from the phone. You have received text messages many times, but you have never seen how they "fly" into your mobile phone. Are they invisible? Real magic!

Your phone doesn't even have a wire. So what flies away from it? And what arrives on another mobile phone? This is an invisible electromagnetic wave that passes fantastically quickly through walls, closed windows and doors of apartments, offices, cars, trains, supermarkets. This is a wave that can reach both America and Australia in 2.5 seconds. We do not see or feel it, but, fortunately, the device in the phone somehow recognizes the wave.

And another simple example: when we talk with a person who is nearby, we do not see or feel the sound wave that our voice creates. But our ears perfectly perceive this wave, so we hear each other.

Let's continue our journey into the world of the subconscious. Among other things, the subconscious mind is also a huge repository of information about our lives. In the literal sense of the word, every second everything that happens to us is stored in the subconscious. The subconscious is the story of our life, which is always with us. It's like having a built-in video camera that records a movie of our lives. But this camera is very advanced, because it captures not only the picture, but also smells, emotions, taste.

Of all the information stored in our subconscious, there is one very important part that is of great interest to you and me. This part of the information is recorded in the subconscious in the early period of our life, that is, in childhood. What happened to us in childhood? We lived with our parents or in the environment that replaced our parents. These people have been with us for a very long time. And how could it be otherwise!

The lives of people around us were happening before our eyes. We heard what and how they spoke. We witnessed various events that took place in our childhood. It was our environment that gave us a vision of the picture of the world, that is, a worldview. Each person sees a different picture of the world, because he sees it through the programs he has formed.

If you lived surrounded by people who were kind to you and were happy themselves, then there is a good chance that to this day the picture of the world that you see is the same. But if someone lived surrounded by people who grumbled, showed constant discontent, discussed the negative aspects of events all the time, then it is unlikely that an adult child, leaving such an environment, will see the world in bright colors of happiness and joy.

Scientists say that it was during childhood that we acquired the most important programs that are still stored in the subconscious and secretly control us throughout our lives. Programs are stored in the subconscious, but in reality their influence manifests itself in the form of inclinations, habits, ways of thinking, behavior patterns, principles, rules that we comply with, beliefs, manner of speech, diction, gestures, etc.

How did we manage to pick up these programs in childhood? We had three ways to do this: genetics, repetition and imitation. If you are already out of childhood, then these three methods have successfully formed the main set of those hidden programs that control you by 96%.

Now let's take a look at all three ways in order:

1. Genetics

With this, everything is clear. Part of the habits, inclinations, way of thinking, patterns of behavior we received with hereditary material from our parents. And they got it from their parents. Etc. That is why there is a repetition of any character traits and habits from one of the ancestors. But this is only part of the programs.

2. Repetition

This amazing way of programming plays a fantastic role in our lives. Because most of the programs that we received in childhood were formed by simple and unpretentious repetition of the same thing.

How did it happen? Our parents and other relatives very often repeated certain words in our presence or even especially for us. These phrases formed neural circuits in our brain. So repetitive information turned into programs for us. Go out on a sunny day to the playground. On such a day, usually a lot of mothers walk with children. You will hear many programs that the mother repeats to the child on a walk every day.

Why is repetition so important to us? Because the subconscious mind has a very interesting reaction to repeated information. If you press and press the "repeat" button, the information will sound again and again. During repetitions, a chain of neurons is formed in the brain. It becomes thicker and thicker from repetition to repetition - this is how the program is formed. This is a scientific fact. Our brains are simply designed that way.

Any repeatedly repeated information builds neural circuits in the brain and becomes a program for us. This feature was formed in the process of evolution of living nature. On this feature, human learning is built on anything. Any learning is associated with the repetition of information and experience.

We want to surprise you: this feature is not only in humans. It can be observed everywhere in wildlife. Look at your pets. For example, the upbringing of cats and dogs is also built on the principle of repeated repetition of commands, which over time are built into the pet's brain and then carried out by themselves.

And we repeat again (we don’t even hide that we do it on purpose): all the phrases and words that your parents repeated to you in childhood are stored in your subconscious. It is these phrases and words that have turned into programs that now control you and your life. But the matter is not limited to repetitive words. Repeated situations play the same role. They also create programs.

We want to tell you one example of programming, when repetitive situations create programs. This story is not even about a person, but about dogs. A very interesting story was told to us by a friend. One early morning he was jogging on the outskirts of the city. All of a sudden the dogs started running after him. They barked at him and tried to catch up and bite. As he ran, more and more animals gathered. The friend didn't know what to do. He said he was very scared. The dogs pursued him, and the pack grew larger. Everything indicated that the animals were ready for any aggression.

And he just randomly started running chaotically, intuitively rushing from side to side, not knowing what to do. And so by chance he ran off the sidewalk onto the road, on which there was not a single car. And a miracle happened: the dogs ran along the road, but not one of them ran out onto it. So he realized that they were afraid of the road.

Imagine: there were absolutely no cars on the road, but none of the dogs dared to run out there. So the acquaintance ran along the road to the crossroads, and there he crossed the road, and the animals generally fell behind him.

You probably understand why this happened. Many dogs in the process of life experience, starting from puppyhood, have formed a program that the road is a dangerous place, so you should not run out on it.

Dogs have an emotional brain, meaning these animals experience emotions, including the emotion of fear. So the repeatedly repeated experience of fear, which the dog had at an early age, when he ran out onto the road, and cars drove along it, formed a neural circuit. The chain is activated automatically when the dog approaches the road.

I have such incredible thoughts roaming in my head that even my subconscious blushes.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski. Loneliness on the Web

3. Imitation

This is a normal developmental stage for a human child. Imitation is a behavior that a child observes and then replicates. And there is nothing offensive in the word "imitation" in this situation. In wildlife, imitation is considered a progressive phenomenon because it allows the transfer of information from one living organism to another without the need for genetic inheritance.

Imitation is typical only for developed living beings. For example, dolphins have this ability. In particular, with the help of it they learn to hunt. Macaques also have the ability to imitate. It has been noticed that Japanese monkeys began to wash potatoes after seeing how a person does it.

The brains of less developed creatures, such as reptiles, do not have the special neurons that are necessary to perform the function of imitation. Therefore, you can wash the potatoes in front of the turtle as much as you like, it still won't do it. We are able to imitate movements, actions, skills, behavior, gestures, facial expressions, voice, sounds, speech, etc. Many succeed in this, and not only in childhood.

We have the ability to imitate thanks to certain neurons, which are called "mirror neurons". Why mirrored? Because to imitate is to do something according to some pattern, that is, the ability to look at someone and repeat the movements as if you were a reflection in the mirror.

The mirror neuron system allows a person to observe and then recreate the actions of others. Human babies are able to imitate facial expressions as early as 36 hours after birth. They are able to imitate a smile, a frown, a wide open mouth and eyes.

Imitation plays an important role in how a baby perceives the world. The child learns to understand the world around him through imitation. As one grows, one learns more and more, imitates more and more. Parents need to be careful and careful about what they do in front of their children.

Fate is not something predetermined, but the conscious choice to which our subconscious is pushing.

Imitation forms programs

If a child grows up in an atmosphere of love and joy, then just such an atmosphere becomes a normal picture of the world for his adult life. He will strive for such an atmosphere, he will create it himself. If a child observes slander, then this will also become a normal picture of the world for the child. It is in such an atmosphere that he will strive in adulthood, he will form it himself.

Pay attention to whether useful, positive or negative information surrounds you. This information can be conversations with friends and girlfriends, advertising, repetitive images, the same pop-up thoughts. Remember, maybe a friend tells you every day about her unsuccessful relationships or illnesses. This is where dual programming comes in. A friend programs herself and grabs you.

Perhaps you like to watch films about unrequited love. Keep in mind that this also programs you. Most likely, this programming takes a toll on your relationships in real life, and the relationship leaves much to be desired.

Analyze what you constantly say to your children and other people who are dear to you. If you say: "You are my real genius," then this is good programming. But if you say: “You never succeed,” then urgently correct yourself. Put yourself and people good programs!


… the brain can directly influence and influence the material reality.

By cruel irony, a person begins to change the reality in which he exists, precisely on the day, hour and minute when he ceases to continuously respond to it.

The greater the number of repetitions, the greater the power and ability to express thought acquires.

The first step to starting a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to follow the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly.

You say that you strive for financial prosperity, but you always complain about the lack of money and the high cost. You fixate on what you don't have, you are scared by the bills coming in, you are anxious and painfully think about how to cope with the situation. You strive for financial prosperity, but your consciousness is tuned to the absence of money and worries, and you will never achieve this prosperity.

A successful person always has a mind tuned for success.

The surrounding reality can change only after you develop a new type of consciousness, but not before. The new consciousness must go ahead.

You are a gardener and you can either grow your garden or leave it empty. But know: you will have to reap the fruits of either your work or your own inaction!

You imagine what could and will happen to you, and live as if it is happening in reality.

1. Decide what you want to achieve: pass an exam, get promoted, meet someone, make a lot of money, win at squash.
2. Relax. Take a break from business for a few minutes and take a breath, resting your body and soul.
3. For five to ten minutes, mentally imagine the desired reality.

1. Always visualize your goals as if they are happening to you right now. Make it a reality in your mind. Create detailed images. Get into the role and mentally play it.
2. Mentally imagine your goal at least once a day, without missing a day. Repetition is the mother of learning.

Any thought that arises in your brain and takes root there will have an impact on your life.


Live with a sense of confidence that you have already achieved what you want. Don't aim for everything to be good. Just fix it in your mind as a fait accompli. Replace the setting: "Everything should go well" with "Everything went well." Everything is behind you, you did it, so enjoy the victory from what you have achieved. Congratulate yourself.

Constantly root in yourself the feeling that you have what you want, regardless of the nature of what you want. This is yours. Live with it. Feel it. Rejoice and tremble. Consider it completely yours. Own it in your inner world.

TWO CONDITIONS FOR THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION OF THE THOUGHT BOOKING METHOD1. Always use this technique with the thought that you have what you want, or have achieved what you aspire to. 2. Do this regularly, literally every day, for at least five minutes. It is far better to do this for five minutes every day than for an hour once a week.

By affirming, you influence the thoughts that arise in your brain. The human brain can only hold one thought at a time, so the point of the statement is to “fill” your brain with thoughts that reinforce your goal for the moment.

Beware of using statements that are unconsciously directed against yourself.
"I'll never get it."
"I will never do it."
"It's impossible".
"I will fail."
"I can't communicate with people."
"I know I will make a mistake."
"I always lose."

All you have to do is repeat your affirmations! I would advise starting in the morning, because the morning hours set the tone for the rest of the day.

We too quickly leave the feeling of satisfaction from what has been achieved; we soon forget that we got what we wanted. All attention is focused on new goals and desires, and the feeling of joy from past achievements disappears.

Recognize, acknowledge, and re-recognize your worth.

A certain attitude and type of behavior will promote the development of intuition, so they are worth cultivating.

By accepting the fact of the existence of intuition and being convinced of its power, you will create the prerequisites for its work.

If you learn to think of intuition as a natural and useful part of everyday life, it will definitely show itself.

But thoughts such as “I will never solve this problem” or “I will never find the answer to this question” signal intuitions that there is nothing to worry about.

Your "today" is rooted in the past.

That is what you must master: to force the brain to generate thoughts as it wants and to discard thoughts that you do not need.

If we believe that money is not easy to earn, it is only because money is not really easy to earn. A person considers himself worthless - the way it really is. If it seems to us that life does not bode well, it really does not bode well.


In almost every problem area of ​​life, you are both the problem and the solution.

Life is full of recurring disappointments, heartaches, defeats, and problems, and if you're not careful, this weight will just drag you down. It is necessary to strengthen self-esteem in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Learn to look at your stresses and challenges as opportunities and opportunities rather than duties or obstacles.

The mind of a lucky person believes that every aspect of your life contains a huge amount of possibilities, just huge!


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A real story from the life of a man who worked with his subconscious. Ivan lived a calm and measured life. It seemed to him that he would not be able to achieve the desired heights, to the extent of his shyness and indecision. His plans rarely ended in success, as anxiety and fear of the unknown spoiled the whole mood.

By the age of 30, he had not been able to fulfill a single serious plan. Surrendering at the last moment is a way out that Ivan used for many years, until he decided to change himself and his perception of the surrounding reality.

He began the process of implementing his plans by studying the literature on the topic of self-development. The real discovery for the young man was the work of John Kehoe. He read book after book, and over time began to practice the presented techniques for working with the subconscious.

A month later, Ivan was able to build a scheme of actions that perfectly suited his personality. They have chosen the best methods for studying their inner world. And after a couple of weeks, communication with the subconscious began to bring results.

Ivan changed his place of work, but remained devoted to his specialty (banking). The authorities immediately noticed his fighting spirit and activity. The promotion was just around the corner, as he was assigned to lead a serious project.

But career changes didn't end there. The young man was able to meet a woman with whom he began a romantic relationship. He began to think about starting a family. Ivan does not want to stop there, as he seeks to know all the facets of his subconscious.

The subconscious mind has unlimited power and influence. If a person does not know how to deal with his inner self, he can incur endless problems. Most of the actions performed, ideas conceived and emotional experiences are directly connected with the subconscious.

It often seems that some unknown force makes you think in a certain direction, controlling all subsequent actions. Such actions are explained by the fact that specific attitudes and programs are formed in the subconscious. They are laid down by the person himself, based on various views, fears, experiences and strong emotions.

An important role in the development of the subconscious world is assigned to the process of education. Parents have a close relationship with their children. Adults convey to them their own understanding and moral views, which are assimilated in the subconscious of a person for life.

Society plays an equally important role. The media are effortlessly able to program people's subconscious. Not always such an influence has a positive effect on a person's life.

Various techniques of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) are used to create special installations. This psychotherapeutic direction is based on the technique of modeling all types of human behavior (verbal, non-verbal).

It is important to note that many creative individuals are people who have learned to direct their internal energy in the right direction, while creating positive attitudes that have a positive effect on the life of a member of society.

“To be creative means to be able to see or imagine various opportunities for solving life's problems. Creativity gives you the right to choose.” (Ernie Zelinsky)

The initial steps of working with the subconscious are based on a detailed analysis of one's own inner world. The deeper you can dig, the more opportunities you can find.

Techniques for working with the subconscious

Working with the subconscious requires an individual approach to the matter, since the peculiarities of the character and perception of the reality of each person individually are taken into account. To facilitate the process of self-knowledge, specialists have developed special techniques.

  • reprogramming

It is based on a change in subjective experience and the substitution of familiar patterns. The main task is to form new models of behavior that contribute to the discovery of new opportunities. The process of reprogramming helps to get rid of the negative, because all installations are positive or neutral. A prime example would be meditation or affirmation.

  • Deprogramming

This method abandons the standard avoidance of stereotyped views. Its goals are aimed at the effective solution of existing problems. A person must face their fears and learn to overcome them. Initially, you need to find the cause of the deviation, then analyze it and find a rational way out of the situation. Among such techniques can be noted Dianetic auditing or the BSFF technique.

  • Programming

Programming is characterized by working with a person in a trance state. The technique strives to ensure that consciousness can fully penetrate the sphere of the subconscious, as well as rationally control it and provide a quality result. Hypnosis or self-hypnosis is the best choice.

12 rules for working with the subconscious

The human subconscious makes it possible to discover secrets that were previously unknown to people. Having learned to work with him, a person will find new talents in himself, become smarter and more receptive to the world around him. To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  1. Down with negative emotions! Anger, resentment, irritability, dissatisfaction and other negative feelings contradict logical decisions, which are indispensable in working with the subconscious.
  2. Make your thinking work in the right direction. Every day you should get rid of the negative thoughts accumulated during the day. Ideally, you need to learn to control your thoughts and periodically correct them.
  3. Get rid of stereotypes. Do not take all the advice of other people into service. One person's life experience is not always suitable for another. Self-development requires spiritual transformation, and not submission to established concepts.
  4. Don't rush. Controlling the subconscious is not an easy task. It takes time and careful work on yourself. Instant reaction is a rare occurrence in the initial stages.
  5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is a source of vitality and energy, which is necessary to accomplish great things. Fatigue, which accumulates during the day, inhibits the functionality of the body.
  6. Take breaks to rest. You can't get stuck at work for too long. It is recommended to periodically arrange minutes of relaxation for yourself (the optimal number of times is 3-4 per day). 10-20 minutes will be enough to put your thoughts in order. The ideal companions of this process are pleasant music (sounds of nature, classical compositions, songs of favorite bands) and a cozy atmosphere.
  7. Do things that make your heart happy. The subconscious will be grateful for pleasant emotions. The more the body gets pleasure from what has been done, the easier it will be to connect the external world with the internal.
  8. Treat your subconscious as a business partner who provides his services in return for certain actions. Don't forget to pay yourself. As payment, there may be a banal word of praise or a small gift. Please yourself = satisfy your subconscious.
  9. Please yourself in advance, not at the last moment. Good mood is a great motivator. It is not necessary to encourage yourself only after the work has been done, it is better to do this before the planned business.
  10. Say "no" to other people's desires! The priority should be on the things that you crave, not someone else. To make it easier to navigate your thoughts, you can select a small notebook to write down all your desires and thoughts for the future. When you want to complete a task, make sure that it does not contradict the list you have made.
  11. Practice trance (a process during which the state of consciousness changes). Complete relaxation is recommended not only during physical or mental stress, but also on vacation. The brain is always working! This must be remembered. Regular trances will help you better focus on the sensations and emotions that a person is experiencing at one time or another.
  12. Assess your life. You can use a 10-point or 100-point scale. With full satisfaction with your life, without hesitation, put the maximum. If the scores do not suit you, they seem too low, think about which area of ​​your life is working in the wrong direction and try to correct the situation.

List of books that will help you learn to control the subconscious

There are many literary sources that can help a person find an approach to his subconscious. Each of the authors provides the reader with effective methods that can be used in the process of self-development.

  • "The subconscious can do anything" John Kehoe

The book will become a guide to your inner world. The author tells about how consciousness is able to change external reality, reveals the secrets of the successful life of celebrities of the twentieth century. Kehoe makes a list of tips that you can try in practice.

  • "The Power of Your Subconscious" by Joseph Murphy

The work provides a number of thoughts that disturb modern people. Why do some manage to reach the desired heights, while others fail to get out of the gray everyday life? How to learn to manage your life? Is it possible to move into the future with confidence? The author tries to find answers to these questions.

  • "Secret" Rhonda Byrne

Rhonda is of the opinion that the mind has limitless possibilities, but not everyone knows how to use them. If you pay due attention to this issue, you can learn to control all thoughts, directing them in the right direction. There is a film adaptation of the book, which will help to delve deeper into the topic.

  • "Reality Transurfing" Vadim Zeland

The author gives clear recommendations regarding the process of self-development. All the examples he talks about in his book are part of his own life experience. Zeland gives enough facts about the capabilities of a person who was able to conquer his subconscious.

  • “The book is a dream. Everyday Magic Jill Edwards

In her work, Jill says that getting out of the dull everyday into a bright, colorful world is much easier than it might initially seem. Everything is feasible if you pay attention to those areas of life that need change. Consciousness and subconsciousness must be in harmony.


Learning to work with the subconscious without leaving the comfort zone is almost impossible. To achieve the desired result, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. To date, there are various methods that take into account the individual characteristics of each person. Everyone can manage the inner "I". It is worth trying to choose for yourself the best way to implement your ideas.

Many of the people do not deny the existence of the subconscious system and its use in the process of life. Some even attribute the roughness of their character to the game of the subconscious. But the actual state of affairs suggests that if a person finds willpower in himself, learns to control his inner world, then he will inevitably succeed in life. Every person needs to learn how to control subconscious processes, because it is then that the mind will control life, and not emotions and feelings. All decisions will be made harmoniously. So, in order to understand how to control the subconscious, it is necessary to understand the fundamental facts.

What is the subconscious?

The subconscious is not a fictional concept. This is a very real component of the human body, which is considered even in medicine. It helps a person to navigate in certain life situations. Some people confuse the subconscious with intuition. Throughout his life, a person accumulates in his subconscious a lot of information, which is acquired through the experience of life years. Certain thoughts produce habits or induce a person to some actions, sometimes actions that are unusual for him.

Habits acquired in this way are called psychological skills. They are laid down to a person by parents, acquaintances, and their own experience. Thanks to this, a personality is subsequently formed with its own unique view of the world around it. It is this fact that explains the diversity of opinions and characters of people.

The subconscious does not regenerate new ideas or anything like that. The thing is that a person creates his subconscious information himself. Thoughts, feelings, subconsciousness - in this order information passes. Thus, everything that is reproduced in the thoughts of a person becomes part of the inner world. People are programming themselves. This quality can be used for yourself with incredible benefits, but otherwise you can get the opposite negative effect. The accumulation of this information is also influenced by the external environment, so a person must select his social circle in a quality manner so that later he does not become part of a not entirely favorable company of people. Subconscious mindsets are not easy to change. Although there are certain techniques that help to completely eliminate negative programs.

The initial task of the subconscious is to systematize and filter out unnecessary information. The choice, so to speak, of rational grain. This happens in the process of converting thoughts into visual images. The subconscious mind helps a person achieve their programmed goals, which will help to get success and complete certain desired tasks. The power of the subconscious mind is quite a powerful thing that can make a person more resistant to difficulties, thereby making the passage of life easier.

But, despite a number of such positive and important properties for a person, not everyone can dispose of such skills rationally. This suggests that with his thoughts a person can program his subconscious for negative phenomena, which can subsequently lead to a disastrous result. That is why it is important to monitor not only your actions, but also your thoughts. Psychologists recommend thinking positively.

If a person constantly thinks that, for example, he cannot start a family. After some time, thoughts move to the programming stage and the person completely loses the desire to have his own family. And already in the course of even a serious relationship, he avoids the family, psychologically pushing his partner away.
This is how simple actions a person is able to harm himself and destroy his life radically.

Functions of the subconscious

For many, it will be a discovery that the work of the human body is determined by the functions of the subconscious. For a more visual representation, the human body can be compared with some kind of large production, which employs a huge number of people. Thus, the subconscious is the numerous working class that performs the necessary processes for the normal functioning of the enterprise. Consciousness and subconsciousness are in close cooperation. The role of consciousness is to set global goals, that is, it is the director of the enterprise.

In addition, you can find other ways to compare. For example, the human body in its properties can be similar to a kind of computer. Human consciousness acts as a kind of programmer who is able to install certain programs and other components for the normal operation of the machine. But the subconscious ensures the operation of these programs, their reliability and the precise execution of the necessary tasks. Only when consciousness and subconsciousness form a harmonious tandem, a person can be happy.

The functions of the subconscious mind are quite simple to understand. They are primarily aimed at systematizing and storing the necessary information in the human brain. If you develop its capabilities, then you can come to the conclusion that it is simply unrealistic to limit them, a person can remember everything that he needs. It is known that by the age of 21, an individual is able to accumulate in his head an incredible amount of information, which is several hundred times greater than the volume of the great Encyclopædia Britannica. But the problem is that many do not know how to use such a gift of nature and how to apply this or that knowledge at the right time. Working with the subconscious can bring a person to a different level of life.

Scientists have conducted studies in which they found that a person in a state of hypnosis in great detail can display any events in his life. But older people can even tell what happened 50 years ago, and the details will not be omitted. Such an experiment once again proves that the human brain is limitless and has amazing possibilities. All the secrets of the subconscious are not fully disclosed, but some points have already been studied.

The existence of this is quite easy to explain. The brain contains a huge amount of information due to the processes occurring at the subconscious level. In addition, a large number of variable actions are constantly taking place in the brain, for example, rewriting information, building logical chains. Unfortunately, man has not yet reached the point of directing such phenomena. It is quite simple to explain this, because the process of assimilation of information and its systematization has not yet been fully studied. All the secrets of the subconscious are not yet revealed at the moment.

The process of subconscious transformations is very complex. One of the most important functions is the homeostatic process. For example, here you can include the temperature of the human body. It is the subconscious that supports it at the level of 36.6. The subconscious mind controls the process of breathing and heartbeat. Thanks to this, a person is maintained in a normal and stable state. The nervous system works offline, which supports chemical metabolism and many other processes. Thanks to such a well-functioning work, the body feels comfortable and continues its vital activity.

The balance of the body is also maintained by other functions, this also happens in the sphere of thinking. Your subconscious mind is able to remember the most comfortable conditions you have ever experienced. Based on these conditions, our body seeks to return to that comfort zone again. If a person tries to go beyond its limits, the body begins to react not quite correctly, discomfort is felt both on a physical and emotional level. This only says that the human subconscious has turned on its old functions and is trying to return a state of complete comfort.

Any new sensations for a person, both physically and emotionally, can cause inconvenience, a feeling of embarrassment and fear. Such feelings can manifest themselves, for example, when looking for a new job, passing the first exams, meeting new strangers, trying to establish a connection with the opposite sex. This is what the whole palette says that a person needs to leave the comfort zone, but the subconscious, unfortunately, does not allow this to be done, because of this, nervousness and a feeling of discomfort arise. To avoid such phenomena, people should learn how to control the subconscious.

Human development depends on the activity of the subconscious

The comfort zone can become a kind of trap. This is especially true for creative and creative people. After all, a flight of thought is required here. Sometimes it's good to experience physical stress. Calmness and measured fluidity of life is truly a hell of a creative person. The comfort zone must be left for those people who decide to become leaders. A person acquires new experience, new skills, which will later help him. But over time, all this again enters the comfort zone.

For example, if you decide to move up the corporate ladder or are forced to make an expensive purchase, you will feel discomfort and inconvenience for some time. In general, this process leads to the fact that a person builds a new comfort zone for himself already on the basis of those rules that are necessary to achieve a certain goal. If a person cannot overcome these feelings, then it will be almost impossible to build a new comfort zone, but if he copes with this test, then, in the end, he will receive new knowledge, experience, as well as a new comfort zone that expands his capabilities. .

If someone has set himself too high a goal, then he needs to be prepared for a long road. He will need to learn to let go of stereotypes and remove labels. And this process takes time. This is work with the subconscious.

The main rule is that a person must formulate a goal for himself. Moreover, this goal should be similar to the law, which he will constantly scroll through in his thoughts. It is thanks to this that this goal will be recorded, so to speak, on the subcortex. A person will gradually begin to believe in this, and soon events will begin to come true. The power of the subconscious will itself push to the right actions that are necessary to achieve a specific goal. A person will become sensitive to the information that needs to be received in the process of achieving the goal, and then he will really embody a big goal in his ordinary life.

How the subconscious works

As mentioned earlier, the subconscious mind is truly an amazing tool. It can influence all areas of life. But how does it happen? If you understand this issue, you can understand how to change the subconscious.
A person constantly builds some of his inner beliefs and principles. Thus, its development or degradation occurs. Consciousness independently attracts interesting factors of a person's life, makes him get acquainted with those people who correspond to his principles and beliefs, and much more. The amazing fact is that whether a person believes in it or not, the subconscious will still exist. It does not depend on the desire of people or on their social status. This law is permanent. All troubles in life will occur only thanks to beliefs, because the subconscious mind can do anything - make a person happy or lead to problems. For example, if he is convinced that he is doomed to poverty, then that is exactly what it will be. You need to start with the world will help change and the outer shell. It doesn't make any sense to start with the latter. There will be no changes. Situations will be repeated until the internal deep causes are eliminated. Therefore, it is very important to know how to control the subconscious mind. It must first be programmed correctly. In order for life to be harmonious in all areas, it is necessary to study the world around you. That is, thoughts must be literate and combined with real events. With this arrangement of affairs, a person will be able to achieve well-being by changing not only the world around him, but also by changing something in himself. It will give you the opportunity to get what you want, improve yourself in some way and help other people.

Subconscious Concentration

Not every person knows how to control the subconscious, although many have heard about it more than once. Not everyone understands its nature and uses. Its power is limitless, and scientists have long proved this. If a person has learned to control his own subconscious, then he has received additional vital energy that will help him later. By learning to control his own subconscious, he can direct his life in the direction that he needs.

There is a wonderful book "Techniques for controlling the subconscious" (Joseph Murphy). The author reveals in it the secrets of such a thing as "mental treatment". This term has several interpretations. First, by changing his subconscious, a person can change his essence. The author says that all the problems of people lie in unfulfilled desires. A person is deeply worried because he did not achieve a result, his plans did not come true. In this case, you should not count on a life in harmony. Secondly, mental treatment also means the improvement of a person in the physical plane.

Subconscious Control Methods

The subconscious can do everything, a person only needs to set it up correctly. Many want to get some specific recommendations on how to do this. There aren't many of them. The following are some of the subconscious mind control methods:

  1. Before going to bed, it is necessary to give the subconscious a task - to solve the problem that worries. The thought-form, accepted as truth, travels from the brain to the solar plexus and eventually materializes.
  2. Do not limit your subconscious mind to traditional methods. You need to think big.
  3. Do not react deeply to painful sensations in the body. You have to trust fate.
  4. Before going to bed, visualize the fulfillment of your desire several times. Thoughts, feelings, subconscious - all these are links of one chain.

Abilities of the subconscious system

The subconscious mind is often compared to a computer that can be programmed with certain kinds of programs. This is how inner conviction and regeneration of thought takes place. As for the formation of human habits, their regeneration occurs due to the repeated repetition of certain formulations.
Having formed certain psychological habits, a person begins to gradually move towards the goal. In such a process, he acquires certain beliefs, new views, exactly what he needs to perceive the environment in a new role. The subconscious system regenerates certain tasks through visual and mental images. It is these aspects that are necessary in order for a person to receive such a mindset for success.

Tasks of the subconscious

A rather difficult function fell on the unconscious part of the human mind - this is the systematization and interpretation of certain data that are laid down in the process of thinking and visualization. The subconscious is obliged to help a person get exactly those desired thoughts and images that he imagined. But, besides this, it also helps a person to control the work of all internal organs and systems of life, this process is also incredibly important.

Possible difficulties

The problems that a person may encounter is a lack of knowledge for the correct formation of their own thoughts. People can fix in their subconscious absolutely not what they want. This is because the unconscious reaction cannot determine whether the thoughts are good or not. Therefore, he perceives everything as truth. In this situation, you must be very careful not to put destructive thoughts into your own unconscious reflexes.

How to deal with problems?

In order to overcome the destructive effect of thought, it is first necessary to understand why a person programs himself for failure. If he can cross this border, he will receive really invaluable knowledge, which will open a lot of doors for him. First of all, you need to accustom yourself to think positively in any situation, to find positive aspects even in the most hopeless situations, so as not to send negative energy flows into your own unconscious system.

Georgy Sidorov offers effective ways to change the paradigm. “Controlling the Subconscious and Exiting the Matrix” is one of the best seminars that provides techniques for working with your inner world. Many other authors in their works also reveal the realized practices of controlling the subconscious. Valery Sinelnikov's book "Secrets of the Subconscious" will help you to believe in yourself, resist difficulties, get rid of guilt, learn to forgive, eliminate depression and become a truly happy person.

It is no secret even for a schoolchild that in a person’s head there is a brain with two hemispheres, gray and white matter, with the cerebellum, various departments and appendages, with its own structure and functions. The psyche also "lives" there, where there is consciousness and subconsciousness, and even deeper - the unconscious.

Oh... the head, this is the most important part of the body - it contains the brain with the psyche with consciousness and subconsciousness. There is control of my body, my thoughts, emotions and behavior.

It is in my head that I feel and feel the joy of being and the bitterness of my suffering. And when I get into a psychological impasse - psychological - it means in my head, that is, I got lost not somewhere in the forest, in the stone jungle, but I got lost in my own head: in my fantasies, illusions and ideas; in their thoughts, possibilities and desires; in my feelings and emotions… — I don’t know what to do…

Some psychologists (or parapsychologists) believe that there is also a fourth part - superconsciousness- where intuition, inspiration, creativity and creativity come from, as well as something esoteric - clairvoyance, telepathy, extrasensory perception, etc. - in the picture of an iceberg, this would probably be Heaven

Human Consciousness - Logical Analysis

With its help, I realize and understand what is happening or what I am doing right here and now, I comprehend what specifically I focus my attention on.

For example, I type this text on the keyboard and consciously focus my attention on building a sentence (phrase) in order to convey the essence. But since human consciousness is very narrow (RAM works like in a computer), although I look at the entire laptop, and even more at the monitor, but “here and now”, at one moment in time I am aware only of the text on the monitor.

I press the buttons unconsciously (this memorized information - where to press - comes from the subconscious). If I turn my attention to the keyboard and look for the right buttons, then from my consciousness the information about the construction of the sentence will go into the preconscious (as if in a swap file) and I can forget what I wanted to write.

But, switching back to the text, information about it from short-term memory (from preconsciousness) will enter my consciousness, and I can continue without straining.

However, if this sentence of the text is not important for me to keep it in long-term memory (in the depths of the subconscious or even deeper - in the unconscious), and my phone suddenly rings and I am distracted by a long conversation, then information will leave consciousness and preconsciousness, t .to. this period of time will be focused on other activities.

Check how your mind works right now- first try to switch attention in turn from one object, phenomenon or thought, emotion, action to another, and then try to realize all this at the same time.

And you will see how narrow it is, and that our life, thinking, emotions and behavior are largely (80-90%) controlled by the subconscious and the unconscious.

The human subconscious mind - psychological analysis

This is a repository of a lot of information from childhood. The subconscious mind is both the accumulator and the source of our knowledge and skills, our feelings and emotions, unfinished situations, unworked negatives, our thinking and behavior strategies in certain similar situations.

Check right now how your subconscious mind works

How to control the subconscious

To be able to manage oneself (thoughts, emotions, behavior) and one's life (fate, success, happiness) means to be able to manage one's subconscious.

To do this, you need to know yourself, your inner "I", your depths of the psyche, with various unconscious attitudes, prescriptions, convictions and beliefs, stereotypes and bias laid there from the outside.

To cope with this task, you can do SELF-ANALYSIS (not to be confused with self-digging), for example, based on transactional