How to relieve nervous, emotional, muscular tension? How to relieve tension pain? How to relieve stress at work: the easiest and most effective ways to calm down and pull yourself together.

Good afternoon. Finally I upload this article ways to relieve stress at work. I'll tell you how himself relieve nervous tension; I will show you how you can work with stress (not fight it, but work), and how through this work to get rid of stress in general. Reach a new level of reality (stop being dumb fromexcitement and suffocate with fear). Here you will find 6 BEST techniques and subtle exercises, helping to instantly relax (but not to fall asleep and not to become limp in relaxation, but to remain in a working calm state).

These stress relief techniques work even in the most urgent and disturbing moments of work, when everyone around is in a panic ... but you (instead of tension and pressure) feel vivacity and energy rise - you do not perceive circumstances as a threat, you feel what is happening as an interesting game and willingly throw your strength into solving “game” tasks (and it doesn’t matter that your bonus or the question of dismissal is at stake).

So let's get started understand where stress comes from (at work and at home) and what to do if it constantly takes you hostage. How to cope with stress, and learn how to instantly get rid of nervous tension (throw it off like snake skin) and remain yourself - real, smart and quick-witted.

There is no insurance against STRESS...

Nowadays it is fashionable to be a professional. Either you are a professional in your field - or you will not achieve anything in life. You live in constant competition - with everyone around you.

You try your best to be the BEST . The best employee, the best wife, the best mother.

At work, you are ready to take on a task and carry a load of responsibility. At home, you are determined to meet the expectations of the household and win the contest "Hostess of the Year" that you invented.

And what is the result?

In the end - first you you don't allow yourself relax... then can't remember, HOW IT'S DONE.

Stress and tension at work, nervous stress at home - all this becomes a familiar background of life. And you feel like this is the norm - in the modern world it is impossible to do otherwise.

Funny but that's why in the modern world, hospitals and pharmacies are visited more often than theaters and exhibitions.

Let's look at what nervous stress is. To understand how to relieve stress, you need to find out where he clung to us.


(stress generation mechanism)

The body reacts to WHAT WE THINK.

If you don't believe... Here's some simple proof...

We think that we have been offended - and the body gives out tears, trembling lips, and a feeling of unpleasant tightness in the stomach.

We think we're in danger - and the adrenaline rush makes our hearts race and our muscles tighten in preparation for a fight.

We think that we are safe - and the body relaxes, the face is smoothed.

Our body works - at the behest of our EMOTIONS (whether you like it or not, but it is).

· If a the same annoying thought will be constantly present - the body will repeat the same reaction.

· the same muscle group will be tense... will get used to this constant "tone" and FORGET the way she once relaxed.

A constant negative mindset gives CLAMP.

And if you don't work on removing the clamp... then things can get bad...


· Clamped muscles - lead to HEALTH DISTURBANCE

Our body is a complex organ system. Everything in this system is interconnected. Voltage in one zone - can cause dysfunction of the organs of this zone ...

The inflow / outflow of blood and lymph through the clamped area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle is disturbed - the organ receives less nutrients ... does not give away its waste products (toxins) ... gradually its tissues are deformed ... its function is impaired. And one day we hear the diagnosis of “impaired kidney function” ... or some other organ.

· Tension is reflected in the muscle tone of the FACE.

A woman with a tense face is not very attractive. Even if the muscle clamp is in the back or neck area, the feeling of discomfort is still reflected on the face. The muscles of the face get tired and stiff from artificial smiles, and the effort that you spend on a working "mask of calmness" on your face. We can buy creams and face masks - but tight muscles do not give the skin oxygen and nutrition - and nothing helps to remove the wooden mask of tension and cope with stress.

· Body tension - clamps the blood circulation of the brain.

It often happens…. that you are already tired, but the task is not yet solved. The changing minutes on the dial urge you on. And you say to yourself, “I have to pull myself together. I have to get myself together…”

But really trying to concentrate only increases the tension... interferes with the natural course of the circulatory and lymphatic systems ... the brain receives less oxygen - and cannot fully work on solving the problem.

We need to re-teach the body to relax. Specifically repeat the exercises - until they become simple and easy (a sure sign that we have learned muscle relaxation and we can relieve stress and stiffness in the muscles)


(6 stress relief methods)

· There are exercises that help you relax and relieve stress at work

· There is relaxation exercises, which can be done ONLY AT HOME (because they require privacy - these are difficult yoga poses for muscle relaxation)

· There are exercises that can be done on the street, combining muscle relaxation with an ordinary walk or going to work ... or ways that help to relax while waiting for transport at a bus stop, in line at the market.

In this article, we have collected exercises and stress relief methods- which are convenient to implement IN ANY ENVIRONMENT.

Stress Relief Method #1

"Long breath"

How it works.

Physiologist A.I. Roitbak, as a result of research on the effect of breathing on the body, received the following observations ...

Nerve impulses - based on the respiratory center affect the cerebral cortex- in such a way that ... inhalation increases the tone of the brain, and exhalation lowers it.

Therefore, the TYPE OF BREATHING can, in one way or another, affect the tone level of the Central Nervous System (CNS) - reducing or increasing nervous tension ... reducing or increasing blood pressure, and pulse rate.

· A long slow breath and a short sharp exhalation increase the tone of the brain and muscles.

· Short inhalation and slow prolonged exhalation - reduce the excitation of the nervous system, and reduce the overall muscle tone.

Agree, it becomes clear - why does a person make maximum physical efforts (for example, in sports) precisely at the stage of holding their breath during INHALE ... But a person dives into an ice hole precisely on a long EXHALE (when the nervous system is at its greatest rest and is not afraid of shock).

To achieve relaxation - you need a second type of breathing - which lowers the tone of the brain and central nervous system, reduces blood pressure, lowers the overall muscle tone.

How to do.

We just take a small short breath - we hold our breath for a split second - and then we take a long, very slow exhalation ... in a small stream and at a slow speed we release air from ourselves (and stress goes away with the outgoing air)

It is advisable not to think about something extraneous in the process. To do this, you just need to focus on what to note every time - how much warm air comes out (compared to the cool one that we just breathed in). This tracking of the temperature change between the inhaled and exhaled air - distracts us from other thoughts - and helps our body get rid of tension, relax... returns it to the state muscle relaxation and relieves stress.

Stress Relief Method #2

"Variable tension and relaxation"

How it works.

As we said in the same article, constant stress(the same straining thought) - constantly keeps the same muscle group in good shape. Muscle gets used being tense and forgetting "its normal relaxation mechanism". That is, she no longer remembers what "relax" means.

The purpose of this method is to teach the muscle to relax again - to make it remember how to do it.

How to do this relaxation exercise

AC PHASE . We start with a separate part of the body - for example, an arm ... We strain all the muscles of the arm at once - first the fingers, then the entire hand, then the arm to the elbow and shoulder. We hold this tension for 10 seconds - and reset it for 10 seconds of rest. And immediately again we repeat 10 seconds of tension and then 10 seconds of rest. There should be 3 such phases.

PHASE OF COMPLETE REST . And then we take 3-5 minutes of complete rest - we lie down and enjoy heavy hands - we feel how sluggish and filled with pulsating peace. And we breathe calmly and slowly - and a relaxing type of breathing is perfect for this phase - with a slow exhalation, which we talked about above.

Repeat the same procedure with other muscles of the body: facial muscles (lips, forehead), neck muscles, chest muscles, abdominals, gluteal muscles, leg muscles.

This is a stress relief exercise. helps to fall asleep... in one such phase of complete rest, you will simply fall into sleep. Even if before that you had no sleep in either eye.

At work, it can be done during a lunch break, a smoke break, or going to the toilet or right at the workplace (if there is no overseer over you).

Stress Relief Method #3

"Face Smoothing"

How it works.

In the modern world, we are all used to “taking a punch” with our faces. That is, to maintain a mask of calmness and equanimity in the most stressful situations. This is considered good manners, and we continue to “keep face” not only at work, but also in the subway, at a party, and even at home.

Gradually, the blockade of the muscles of the face becomes a familiar mask. Which we only shoot - lying in the bath, in hot relaxing water. It is at this moment that we must begin our relaxation exercise.

The technique of stress relief through facial smoothing has 2 phases -

· preparatory (at home in a relaxed atmosphere encode movement)

· effective (at the time of stress we apply coded movement)


At home - lying on the couch or in the bathroom. We begin to remove the tense mask from ourselves. Stroking movements of the hands on the face - smoothing the muscles of the cheekbones ... kneading the cheeks and chin, rubbing the temples, gently smoothing the bones of the edges of the eye sockets with fingertips. With these movements, we seem to RETURN OUR FACE TO ITS PLACE. We remove - we erase from it the mask of anxiety, tension, sad thoughts and fear of possible troubles in the future. I combine all these movements when removing makeup and applying cream.

When your face will fall into place, smile, feel the smoothness of every muscle of the face, take a breath, drawing happiness and peace into your nose ... enjoy this new reality of a real face and ...

HERE IS IMPORTANT- touch the tips of your fingers to your face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour cheekbones and gently and lightly swipe along the cheekbones (from the center to the sides) as if you are smoothing your favorite face (mothers often do this to children, and lovers to each other - and you do it yourself). And repeat THIS MOVEMENT SEVERAL TIMES... lightly along the cheekbones to the sides... and feel how your face stretches after your fingers... moves apart, smoothes out. This movement will become a MAGIC CODE, which we can connect to our body at any time and return ourselves to a blissful state.

ACTIVE PHASE (in a stressful environment)

Further… when having an unpleasant conversation at work… in a psychologically uncomfortable environment… just when you walk down the street with a face that shows the traces of a busy day… you need to do THESE SIMPLE MOVEMENTS…

Touch the cheekbones with your fingertips - smoothing them to the right and left ... to the chin - outlining a clear oval of the face with your palm ... to the forehead - straightening gloomy wrinkles ...

And while doing all this - REMEMBER and clearly FEEL everything that you felt while lying in the bathroom - again find yourself inside that ATMOSPHERE when no one sees you, no one critically examines, does not evaluate your strength and endurance ...

This exercise can be done right on the street ... masking the movements with what you pretending to straighten your hair, scarf, or brush off invisible dust particles. At the moments of touching the face, it is better to close your eyes for a second.

Combined with calm breathing, this method muscle relaxation does a real miracle with your face. It becomes relaxed and beautiful, the expression of the eyes softens, the eyes themselves are moistened and begin to shine, the complexion ceases to be that gray-yellow-green that happens after a hard day at work - and you catch the satisfied looks of men of all ages.

I remember the morning I did this exercise for the first time))) , I was walking down the street and caught myself on the fact that my face was wrinkled from heavy thoughts (and I’m in a beautiful dress, and my face like an old woman’s is not good) ... and decided to smooth my face with this code movement.

I ran my fingers over my cheekbones in the same way that I usually apply cream to my face ... and again I felt wild and free like in the bath, my face smoothed out and (I swore it) shone.

And suddenly some bum floating towards a meeting in the rays of the rising sun starts to say something to me, I listen carefully (ready to fight back if necessary) and suddenly in his burry speech I make out a piece of the phrase "You rarely see such a contented face on the street ...". This is where I start laughing...

I still use this technique and, damn it, I like it)))

Stress Relief Method #4


How it works.

The brain is a system of zones ... each zone is active in a certain type of activity. When one zone is active, the others are inactive. That's why we can't do a hundred things at the same time (read and sing a song for example).

For example - when we embroider A cross in the brain is active in the area that is responsible for painstaking and attentive work and small movements of the fingers ... when we swim, the active zone is responsible for the coordination of the body and the correctness of sweeping movements ... when we eat- the active zone responsible for taste recognition ... etc. Each new activity - switches activity from one zone to another (like a TV remote changes channels)

Muscle clamp is a constant state of combat activity of any one area of ​​the brain. Poor-Zone, which itself can not switch. And so she needs help relax.

The funny thing isthat sometimes we ourselves do not even notice that we remain hostages of this one active zone . For example- you work as a manicurist - your type of activity is to sit in one place and touch the fingers of the client. And so you go to the long-awaited seaside resort - where, it seems to you, you are finally relaxing on the beach by the sea ... but in fact you are sitting on the beach and touching the sand and pebbles with your hand ... just like you touched the manicured fingers of clients. You are not resting - your working area of ​​the brain is still active. And you will not begin to rest like that UNTIL YOU SWITCH IT.

How to do it.

It's simple here - you have to do the opposite of what you normally do. Better yet, switch the activity of the zone with some STRONG IRRIT. It could be jumping into the water off a small cliff... a banana ride that scares you so much... a canter on a horse... or a holiday romance (this is probably why they are so popular - everyone just subconsciously wants to switch).

You will say - oh my god, a trip on a banana will drive me into even more stress. That's right, then you don't have to - you are a coward ... other things light you up ... switch yourself to another. The main thing is the opposite of what you did at work. Chatting on the phone with clients? - means shut up on a yoga course. Silently reduce debit and credit to a state of stress? - so chat with your girlfriends, go to talk shows, sign up for public speaking courses, dance school, etc.

The sooner you switch the active work zone, the sooner your body, your brain will begin to rest, and along with this, a group of stretched muscles will begin its process of relaxation and stress relief.

Stress Relief Method #5


How it works.

Often stress and muscle tension is not caused by mental tension, but by another factor - namely unhealthy pace of activity. There are professions that force a person to act quickly (due to excessive requirements and standards set by the employer). It's not necessarily some kind of production where the conveyor line moves too fast. Sometimes even work in the service sector requires you to limit speeds (so as not to delay customers in queues).

The constant need to speed up, not to give yourself slack and not to slow down - leads to constant stress pressure. And the same working speed we (unbeknownst to ourselves) carry over to the rest of our lives. It seems to us that if we do not solve our household chores in the same rhythm, do not rest in the same rhythm on the weekend, we will miss something important. We do not let ourselves wallow, we do everything just as quickly and clearly (and we are even proud of our “professional deformation”).

What to do.

To switch tense muscles to the stage of relaxation, it is necessary to CHANGE THE RHYTHM of ACTIVITY.

That is, it is necessary to select at least one hour a day - for a SLOW LIFE. It does not involve any special exercise. No - you just keep doing what you planned to do - but all your movements should be slow, breathing deep - even eye movements should be lazy, like a well-fed cat.

You can - slowly, very slowly go to the store. Consciously and slowly looking around. Do not rush forward to the goal, as usual ... fly to the store with a shopping list in mind. No, you need to write the list on a piece of paper, put it in your pocket and completely unload your head from all the tasks and nervous tension of shopping “oh, just don’t forget to buy eggs”

And by letting go of the freeway inside you, you can finally listen to the sensations of the PROCESS... Here your feet are walking on the asphalt, now they have stepped on the grass ... now the sun shines through the chestnut leaves with a pleasant green light ... now the breeze blew right in your face and you closed your eyes for a second, feeling its fresh touch ... now the child nearby laughed ... All this is you you see, you feel - because at the moment you LIVE VERY SLOWLY.

And at this moment - all those brain centers, all those muscle groups that were in good shape - relax. This new DIFFERENT rhythm helps them relax and de-stress.

Stress Relief Method #6

"Artist's View"

How it works.

Diagram of how this method of stress relief works in an anxious environment similar to the one on which the deceleration method is based. Only this method is suitable for those situations - when you are forced to stay where you are and remain calm despite the tense atmosphere.

It could be a stressful meeting with an angry boss… or a tough negotiation with business partners… a rush of unfriendly neighbors, or any other environment that doesn’t allow you to get up and leave right now, change activities, do relaxation exercises, or something else.

How to pull yourself together and instead of emotional tension, instead of thickening muscle blockades ... feel inner peace, muscle relaxation and clarity of consciousness.

What to do.

You need to LOOK - BLIND - BREATHE . That is, you begin to look at everything, everything that is around you - slowly look at every detail. Look relaxed - and therefore blink… it is the blinking that gives our eyes a relaxed softness and helps to relax the whole face. And you need to breathe breathe calmly. You can even link blinking with breathing - 2 blinks per breath and 2 blinks per breath.

It is not in vain that I give such advice (linking blinking and breathing) - The fact is that When I first studied the look of the artist, I had a hard time blinking and breathing at the same time, because when I focused on breathing, I forgot to blink, and when I tried not to forget to blink, I caught myself holding my breath.

Therefore, such a look needs to be rehearsed BEFORE STRESS - in advance. Like when you are standing in line at the checkout, you still have nothing to do - rehearse the artist's eye, consider the cashier, objects around you.

The most difficult (even stressful) to consider a person. Because it's TERRIBLE. It is scary to suddenly catch his oncoming gaze (like, he will see that I am staring at him). But the fact is that staring - and looking with the eyes of an artist - ARE DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES. The first is unpleasant, and the second does not cause discomfort either for you or for the object of your examination.

At the same time, it is useful to look at any object in detail - to study its every line - as if you want to remember this object and then draw it on a blank sheet of paper. With such a calm, studying look, artists look at the world. That is why this method is called so.

This relaxation exercise relieve your emotional stressbut will not extinguish mental activity. While the opponent blows off steam, you just look at him carefully - he sees that you are listening to him, listen to his speeches. But you are relaxed at this time.

No, you have not sailed somewhere in your thoughts. You hear what they are saying to you and just wait for a pause in order to answer - and while the person is pouring out emotions, you are examining his clothes, with a friendly look, with understanding head nods, breathing and blinking.

With this stress relief exercise, you will continue to understand everything that is said to you, hear opponents, respond to them- but at the same time, clarity, calmness and inner relaxation will help you - keep you in working balance.



Relaxed doesn't mean WEAK

Every day we brush our teeth, every time we wash our hands before eating, we keep order in the house - this is a familiar part of our life.

Why not start another GOOD HABITS - a habit that helps you relax your body and live in a comfortable state of peace of mind and muscle relaxation.


· Get yourself into a state emotional balance.

· Keep your psychic energy in order.

· Exercise your body and exercise your ability to relax (relieve stress) IN ANY ENVIRONMENT, anywhere - feel comfortable, calm, confident.

Remember, maybe you know such people. Relaxed in every situation. Always balanced and wise. Remember how calm we feel in the presence of such people - what a feeling of peace and strength comes from them.

TEACH YOURSELF to relax. Train yourself relaxation techniques - do exercises, make it a habit of your life (like we made it a habit to brush and paste twice a day).

And feel how your life becomes different. How you yourself become a new person, with new qualities and new opportunities.

You can object to me.

They say ... Modern life - constantly challenges us. And in order not to lose, you must constantly keep yourself in combat readiness. And stress is inevitable...

All this is nonsense. Yes, yes, yes (like Winnie the Pooh)

There is no need to be afraid of losing combat readiness ... Because ... (read the text in the box)

Learn. Right now . Breathe and blink... and rinse your hands and warm up your facial wooden muscles... and then slowly, slowly go for a walk)))

Now that you know what helps relieve stress. what methods really work, and how to do these techniques correctly - you can work on a new version of yourself at home. And at home to create a new calm person within yourself. After all the world is the same for everyone- but someone allows himself to be calm in this world, and someone constantly controls himself and does not allow himself to relax.

Let yourself go allow yourself shortcomings, weaknesses, and just work... develop new skills to respond to the pressure and acceleration of other people. Do not take on other people's models of behavior in stress - do not accumulate nervous tension, it has not yet played into the hands of anyone - and will not help you.

Good luck with stress relief.

People spend up to 60% of their time at work. Therefore, everyone knows that the choice of profession is one of the factors of human happiness. It turns out that at work it is quite possible to contract stress, like some kind of disease. PhD Heidi Hanna believes that stress is even more dangerous than the flu. In her book, she talks about several ways to prevent stress.

1. Find a place to rest.

Not everyone likes offices with open spaces. It is believed that modern offices take a lot of energy. "The best moments when important ideas come up are while listening to music or doing yoga, drawing," says Hannah. This is the time when the brain rests. So, create an enclosed space to focus and calm down.

2. Control mirroring.

It has been proven that people unconsciously reflect the biomechanical rhythms of others. This means that people around who are not in a good mood can transmit this state. If unnecessary excitement begins, then it is better to figure out whether this is your own excitement or it is transmitted. It may be better to limit your exposure to such people.

3. Free your head from unnecessary thoughts.

Not every person manages to remember this factor as a filter of thinking. Often, everyone starts chewing in their brains an endless chewing gum of thoughts about what sad happened recently. This leads to wear and tear and plunges into despondency and only exacerbates stress.

Solution - think tomorrow, and today remember all the good things and switch to it. No wonder people say - the morning is wiser than the evening. In the morning everything is perceived from a different angle. The scale of the tragedy will be reduced significantly, you look at everything as if through a magnifying glass.

4. Practice meditation.

There is no need to achieve colossal success in this activity, although it is quite possible, but after that it becomes easier to survive the stress, and what was seen during a time of great tension takes on the form of a trifle. You stop responding to city noise, traffic jams, quarrels at work and other global problems that seemed before. You begin to perceive critical situations more simply and notice how other people create a tragedy out of everything empty.

Even one small session of meditation provides relaxation, give the opportunity to focus on peace and not let bad thoughts into your head. This is quite difficult, but you need to try, try to switch attention to the image.

5. Do a charge or deload workout.

Doing physical activity releases hormones of happiness. Thus, the body receives directly positive energy, the mood rises. This is a much more effective solution than a couple of beers in the evening. Because alcohol only dulls the tension and relaxes the body, which makes it difficult to cope with stress. Sport strengthens not only the body, but also the spiritual state.

6. Listen to music.

I like it, the main thing is that I like it. It doesn't matter what genre - quiet, sad, energetic. Even calm music can cheer you up, provided you enjoy it. No matter how strange it may sound. If there is tension, then it is better to choose more monotonous and soothing music, the main thing is to create a feeling of “dissolution”, try to discard all thoughts and completely immerse yourself in the world of sounds.

It is vital for a person to be able to quickly and effectively relieve nervous tension and restore peace of mind.

Harm of prolonged negative emotions was proven back in the 11th century by Avicenna, the great Tajik scientist and physician. He conducted an original and convincing experiment:

two lambs from the same litter were placed in the same conditions, but a wolf was tied near one. The lamb, which saw the predator, refused to eat, became weak and soon died. The other, on the contrary, developed and grew normally.

The human is more plastic than that of the lambs, and is able to adapt to various stressful situations, but its possibilities are not unlimited.

Any strong emotion generates an organism and must be short-term so that our psyche and the whole organism have the opportunity to recover.

How to quickly relieve nervous tension

According to doctors, any physical activity is the best and most effective method of eliminating nervous tension.

Walking tour

Change the environment, if you have such an opportunity, go outside and walk, alternating between the pace of movement (either slowing down, then adding a step) and the width of the steps (change small steps to larger ones). Soon you will notice that irritability and nervousness go away:

the function of the endocrine system normalized, the work of the brain areas responsible for mood was activated, the biochemical processes triggered by stress switched to providing physical activity.

The effect is achieved faster if during the movement you switch your attention from the problem to something else - to the contemplation of nature, to pleasant memories or dreams.

Physical culture pause

  • Sit on a chair, grasping the seat, pull it up with force and maintain this position, counting to 7.
  • Put your hands joined in the lock behind your head. Press them on the cervical region, and with your whole body resist this pressure.
  • Sit on the edge of a chair, lower your arms freely, raise your head up. Count to 10. Then inhale, and as you exhale, bow to your knees. Inhale, as you inhale straighten up slowly.

If you experience emotional fatigue at the end of the working day, then physical activity is essential for you. Sign up for a gym, go in for fitness, make walking a habit.

let off steam

If emotions are running high and you can retire, give vent to feelings, do not hold them back in any way! There are many ways to do this, choose the one that suits you: scream at the top of your voice, beat a pillow or other object, break it, throw something, etc.

By the way, German scientists have proven that women who scream during a family quarrel and break dishes reduce the risk of premature death from a heart attack or stroke many times over.

Breathing exercises

Put your hands on your waist. Inhale deeply through your nose, counting to 8 and puffing out your belly. Then exhale through your mouth, counting up to 16, while pressing your tongue to the sky, as if saying “Sssss”, this makes the exhalation even. Repeat at least 3 times. It is advisable to do this exercise for 15 minutes.

Exhalation through tension relieves all spasms, relaxes all muscles, not only nervous tension is eliminated, but also fatigue.

Abdominal exercises

Retract-protrude, strain-relax, make a wave, etc.

Keep your hands busy

Sort through small things, print on a computer, hold an anti-stress toy in your hands or. The fingertips are equipped with many nerve endings, the stimulation of which we relieve tension.

extreme food

If your health permits, eat a piece of red hot pepper. According to Dr. Furman, an American scientist, this causes a rush of endorphins, hormones of joy.


Ask someone close to you. Hugs will help you feed on positive energy and restore peace of mind.


An effective and very useful method that does not have side effects. Pleasure hormones released in the process have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve spasms and muscle tension, which always accompany a long nervous tension.

Making faces

Have you noticed how small children love to make faces and mimic people? So they intuitively get rid of excessive nervous tension.

It will not hurt you to build faces in front of the mirror, this will help get rid of the emotional burden and, perhaps, cheer you up.


With a decrease in efficiency and mental tension, we instinctively. In this way, the body helps us cope with the situation by launching an ancient reflex for this.

When yawning, the tone of the whole organism increases, blood flow improves, metabolism accelerates, carbon dioxide is removed faster. These processes normalize brain activity and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Yawning can and should be induced artificially in moments of tension.

tea relaxation

Tea is an excellent natural tranquilizer, having a calming effect on the body, it relieves tension and anxiety. These properties are explained by the presence in the tea leaf of unique elements (catechins, flavonoids, vitamins E and C, carotene), which strengthen and support the nervous system. Green tea is especially helpful for calming down.

Mix 1:1 black and green tea, add lime blossom, currant leaves or berries, horsetail or St. John's wort (or any other herbs you know about the healing properties). Pour 2 tablespoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. After straining, add a spoonful of honey. This tea is very relaxing.

Soothing baths

Excellent and quickly relieve nervous tension, are a good prevention of nervous disorders and help with sleep disorders:

  • Mix sage, mint and birch leaves (2 tablespoons each) and pour boiling water (2 liters). Infuse for 4-6 hours in heat (possible in a thermos), strain and pour the infusion into the bathroom.
  • Pour 5 tablespoons of common yarrow with boiling water (2 liters). Insist in the previous way.
  • Yarrow herb, chamomile, sage (2 tablespoons each) mix and prepare the infusion as described above.

Such baths have a vasodilating, antispasmodic, and relaxing effect.

Acupressure (acupressure)

Stimulates the production of natural soothing hormones serotonin and endorphins, acting on biologically active points:

  • massage in the center of the chin (on its inner part) the anti-stress point in a circular motion: clockwise - 9 times and the same amount against it.
  • Knead, squeeze and slightly stretch the middle fingers for 2-3 minutes.

We smile and laugh

If you can smile even when bad mood, then nervous tension does not threaten you. Of course, there are situations when it is difficult to do this, but it is still very necessary to squeeze a smile out of yourself. Your body will be genuinely surprised by the “wrong” reaction. He will be surprised and agree that everything is not so bad, but it will be even better.

The fact is that there is a direct relationship between the blood supply to the brain and the activity of the muscles of the face.

While smiling and even more so laughter the flow of blood and oxygen increases, the brain works better, which has a beneficial effect on the mental state.

It is for this reason that a smile and laughter relieve fatigue, help to switch to another state, disinhibiting the protective reaction of the body.

Many scientists consider laughter - excellent natural, its effectiveness is comparable to meditation.

Constantly look for, read humorous stories and visit fun sites, watch comedies and communicate with positive people who can “infect” you with a good mood.

Create as many good events in your life as possible, which means emotions and thoughts.

Create your reality! Be positive and healthy!

For many people, the words "work" and "stress" are synonymous. For most, the thought of avoiding stress at work seems impossible. Don't worry, once you're in the mood for work, creating a calming environment, and doing some simple relaxation techniques, you'll be able to de-stress in the workplace in no time.


Environment Improvement

    Let your eyes rest. You can fill your workspace with scents, but don't overdo it. Put on your desktop photos of people and places you love, a favorite piece of art, or a postcard that will make you smile. Add to that a flower or a bouquet of flowers on a table and your workspace becomes visually appealing. Every 15 minutes, take your eyes off the monitor and look at your favorite items.

    Add a documentary video relaxation in the form of a Japanese zen garden to your workspace. A zen garden will help you feel peaceful and relieve stress. Spend 10 minutes an hour admiring your garden or listening to the soothing sounds of a stream flowing through the sand. Taking care of a Japanese garden will allow you to calm down and take control of the situation. Also, a zen garden will allow your eyes to rest from the computer.

    Organize your workspace. You won't experience as much stress at work if your desk is tidy. Make sure you don't have everything on your desktop. It should contain only the necessary things: a pencil holder, a notepad, a phone, as well as items you have chosen to make the workplace look visually appealing. Put everything neatly on the shelves and throw away pens that no longer write. The sense of self-control in work and life in general depends on the organization of your workspace.

    • Take at least five to ten minutes a day to clean your desk. This rule ensures that arranged order is maintained.
  1. Create an ergonomic workspace. If your workplace is organized, your body will not experience much stress. The same applies to the mind. If your hands hurt from typing, you can purchase an ergonomic keyboard or vertical mouse to relieve pressure on your wrists and fingers. Frequently used items should be close to you to avoid stress and not get lost in the search.

    • Adjust your desk chair so that you are looking directly at the monitor. You don't have to strain your neck to peer at the screen or turn around.
  2. Consider purchasing an alternative desk chair. If you don't have a wheelchair, you can purchase one to keep your body in an active position while you work at your computer. If you turn around in your chair, you can have some fun, and the work will become less monotonous. Research hasn't proven that a gym ball helps improve posture, but sitting on a ball can help keep you entertained and free to move.

    • If you find it painful to sit on a chair for a long time, you can consider the option of an adjustable table. You will improve your posture and be able to feel calm in the workplace.
  3. Enjoy the soothing scent. You can enjoy the scent of sage (if your work schedule allows it) and let the natural scents bring peace to your work environment. If you place a vessel of aromatic mixtures on your work table, you can bring something of your own to the surrounding atmosphere and relax your body and mind.

    Let in more light. Make sure your workspace is filled with soft, calm light. You need to be able to see well and stay alert, but strong lighting (especially fluorescent) can irritate and disturb you. A table lamp with soft lighting and a frosted shade can reproduce the soothing flicker of a real candle.

    • If your office has a window, try to sit as close to it as possible. It is better to sit with your back to the window so that natural light falls on the desktop.

    Set your mind at ease

    1. Imagine your favorite vacation spot. If everything is too difficult at work, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and remember your favorite vacation spot. Try to remember the smells, sounds and taste sensations that created the special atmosphere of this place. When emotions begin to overwhelm you, mentally return to this place. If your desktop captures a moment of relaxation, it will be easier for you to remember everything.

      • If your budget allows you to return to your favorite vacation spot from time to time, your life at work and after the work day will become calmer.
    2. Make friends with your colleagues. Maybe you're stressed at work because you've been hiding in your shell with no one to talk to during the day. You don't have to make your co-workers best friends. You can meet them during your lunch break or over a cup of coffee. You will understand that you are in the same pot with these people, and they will be able to understand your experiences.

      • Friendliness and a smile will help you not only make friends, but also soothe your soul.
      • If you get to know your colleagues better, you will be able to laugh with them from time to time, and laughter is known to relieve stress.
      • If you make friends with one of your colleagues, you can open up to him about being stressed. You won't feel so lonely if you open up your feelings.
    3. Build perspectives for the future. When you're overwhelmed with emotions because you didn't do a job, were tired, or didn't get what you wanted to do, sit back, take a deep breath, and tell yourself about your plans for the future. Sometimes it seems that work takes all the time, but in the end, work is not a matter of life and death. Of course, there are professions that involve a risk to life.

      • Remind yourself that there are other things that bring happiness and peace into your life. It could be your family members, friends, hobbies, or pets.
      • Although the phrase "It's not the end of the world" is used too often, you need to convince yourself that you do not respond well to stressful situations at work and are able to prioritize.
    4. Meditate. Meditate at your desk or on the floor for 20 minutes and you will be able to relax and take control of your emotions. To meditate, you need to find a comfortable seat in a comfortable corner. Put your hands on your knees, straighten up and focus on relaxing a specific part of your body.

      • Close your eyes and listen to all the sounds and sensations as you inhale and exhale.
      • Also, you can meditate right before work to make the day less stressful.
    5. Write down thoughts. Even if you're on your computer, you can pause to write down your thoughts. Write down the list of tasks for the day or information received by phone. Write down the words, even if they don't apply to your work. You can take your mind off the computer and rebuild in a positive way.

      Read a book. The results of the study proved that reading for six minutes a day helps organize thoughts and reduce the effects of stress. Of course, you won't be able to read an entire novel at work, but taking a break like this and reading 10 pages will put your mind at ease and you'll be able to complete your daily chores.

      • Together with your colleagues, you can start a reading club. Work will bring you pleasure, and you will increase the motivation to read.
    6. Control your workload. To calm down, you need to make sure that you are not overloaded with work tasks. You can try to manage your schedule by outsourcing some tasks to your colleagues to complete. Ask them for help with projects. You can even reduce the amount of work you've taken on.

      • Most likely, you are stressed because during the first few hours of work you are not so productive, and you have to rush everything and cut deadlines. To avoid this situation, make a work schedule. It will help you complete your assignments on time.
    7. Make work more fun. If you want to enjoy the process of work, you will be able to come to work with pleasure, have an easy day at work, and come back the next day with a light heart. Even if you think it's impossible to make your work interesting, you can treat your colleagues, treat yourself to a delicious lunch once a week, or reward yourself with reading an excellent romance novel or a delicious cake for completing a specific task.

      • Even if your thoughts about work are positive, these tips will bring even more variety, and you will no longer perceive work as a source of stress.
    8. Have lunch. Even if you think that lunch is a waste of time that distracts you from doing the necessary tasks, lunch will make you happier and relieve stress. You will be more focused and productive in the workplace. In addition, a lunch break will help you take your mind off a difficult task and tune in to the continuation of the working day.

      • Even if you dine alone, don't dine at your desk. You won't feel like you're on your lunch break. Even if you went to the nearest cafe to eat a salad, you will calm down.
    9. Listen to soothing music. Create a playlist to help you calm down. It doesn't matter if it's your favorite Enya CD or music by Mozart or Beethoven. Listen to music on headphones or at your desk so you don't disturb anyone. You will calm down and stop worrying about the upcoming trials.

Coping with stress is easier when you know what provokes it, organize your time well, and do not overexert yourself. Naturally, work is the place where the stress is the most. For most people, work is just the main source of stressful situations that already go beyond professional activity, as such, and spread to other areas of life, including human health. However, stress can be dealt with, and dealt with quite successfully.

The effects of stress

In principle, we all know and understand that stress is bad. However, this is a completely natural state of the body, which is even good in itself when present in small quantities. Stress fills the body with energy and motivates to overcome difficulties and problems. Problems begin when we get "stuck" in a stressful state or are constantly exposed to it. Severe and prolonged stress leads to depression, anxiety, heart problems, musculoskeletal disorders, immune system disorders and cancer.

How we respond to a stressful situation is determined by our genes, character traits and life experiences. Therefore, the same situations affect different people differently. What offends someone may not “hook” you. One way or another, the first step in overcoming stress is to identify its causes.

Some of these reasons are quite obvious: the threat of being fired, for example. There are also less noticeable ones: daily annoyances, small inconveniences, such as a long trip to work in public transport, misunderstandings with employees, etc. These things contribute to the overall "bank" of stress that you accumulate. After a while, these little things that are constantly present in life can cause more serious damage than a single, strong shake.

Work on the "provocateurs" of stress

To deal with the factors that cause stressful tension, keep a “stress diary”: in the first week, write down situations, events and people that made you react negatively to them (physically, mentally or emotionally). Give each situation a brief description: Where were you? Who took part? How did you react? What was your reaction (disappointment, anger, annoyance, etc.)?

Review your stress diary after a week. Choose one situation to work with, try to understand it, find ways to solve it, choose the best one and try to put it into practice the next time a similar situation arises.

Time Management Skills

Gaining or improving skills time management can also play a significant role in reducing stress in your life. Inefficient management of time (not just workers) leads to physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. A person feels that he is overloaded with work, that he does not have time for anything, that he does not have enough rest, that there is no time for personal life. All this, of course, leads to severe and prolonged stress.

Here are some tips to help you manage your time more efficiently:

  • Set realistic goals, cultivate realistic expectations and acceptable deadlines. It's also important to monitor your progress so you know if you're on time and how well you're progressing.
  • Create a priority list. Organize all your tasks in terms of their importance, and always do the things that matter most first.
  • Save time. This primarily means not wasting it when you are working. Develop the ability to focus, and always allocate the necessary time for especially important projects.

Perspective vision

Being able to see into the future where your work is headed also allows you to overcome stress, because you understand that you are not just “stupidly plowing”, but there is a certain goal that you will achieve. At the same time, of course, it is important not to forget about such things as proper rest, care for nutrition and health, cooperation for the achievement of a common goal, which implies the establishment of connections and relationships.