How to set goals short precise tips. Three levels of knowledge, skills

In order to feel that life is filled with meaning, it is necessary to have clear goals. Until they are set and then achieved, it makes no sense to talk about luck. From plans for the future, daily existence is formed, which makes the fate of a person happy. Until he learns to set feasible goals for himself, and then achieve their fulfillment, he cannot be called successful. Vague life guidelines do not allow you to achieve important aspirations. In this regard, people lose confidence in themselves, cannot decide on their priorities and rush from side to side. They feel that they are not able to achieve anything and become discouraged.

Resources to achieve the goal

Goal setting requires the following:

  • definition;
  • lack of insurmountable difficulties;
  • at least minimal accessibility;
  • availability of opportunities for implementation;
  • clear time frames;
  • specificity, etc.

For example, if the goal is to become healthy and in good physical shape, you should clearly define what diseases you want to get rid of.

It is very important to bring out the realism. If a full woman wants to become thin despite the fact that in her family all the fair sex was obese, then the desire has no prerequisites for implementation while maintaining good health and beautiful appearance.

If a brunette intends to be a blonde, then you need to think about why she needs such changes and whether she is ready to put up with the fact that her hair will be hopelessly damaged in order to attract the attention of a person who in six months will become indifferent to her.

If the goal is to improve the functioning of the body, then you need to meet a specific time frame, for example, three months. If after a period no improvement is detected, then you should consult a doctor or change specific tasks.

It is also necessary to consider the availability of funds, the availability of certain procedures, or the actual need to achieve the goal.

Personal components

In the list of personal qualities, the following behavioral models should be brought to the fore.

  1. Honestly and frankly answer yourself the question of why it is required to achieve such a goal. If the result is an improvement in the quality of life or gaining health, then it is necessary to proceed with its implementation without delay. If a person seeks to prove something to others or gain a higher status, then it is hardly necessary to spend time on these things.
  2. Assess the resources that the individual has. The ideal option would be if nothing is initially required to achieve the goal, it is already available. It is more difficult if it is desirable to acquire something or save money. Another hindrance will be the complete or temporary unreality of obtaining the initial funds. In this case, it is necessary to reorient the final goal, focusing on obtaining the desired minimum.
  3. The ability to focus on achieving goals. First, it is desirable to clearly imagine the results of the implementation of plans, and then weigh whether they are really needed.

How to set goals to reach them

You should daily and continuously try to move at least in small steps towards the goal. Every free minute is required to devote to the fulfillment of the plan.

No need to try to achieve everything at once and without much effort. It is required to distribute forces and allocate a time period. After that, it is worth setting the motivation correctly. Necessary:

  1. Write down your goal.
  2. Break it down into steps.
  3. Specify the required steps.
  4. Evaluate what is available.
  5. Sketch a rough plan to move towards the goal.
  6. Specify the amount required for this.
  7. Estimate time frames.
  8. Find out what is missing to achieve.
  9. Think of ways to get the missing.

For example, the desire is to visit Italy. Then it is worthwhile to clearly define in what capacity the trip is planned: a seaside vacation, a city cruise or a visit to friends.

Then you need to understand what steps you need to take and how feasible they are. The available financial resources and the possibility of obtaining leave should be assessed. It is required to realize what is missing and whether such things can be compensated. If the issue is resolved positively, then it is desirable to set intermediate goals and rethink ways to achieve them. If everything is recognized as real, then it is necessary to set an approximate date for visiting the country.

In the case of filling in all the points, it turned out that the goal is too cumbersome and difficult to implement, then it is necessary to postpone the plan or focus on achieving intermediate results. It is also possible to change it. For example, instead of visiting Italy, plan a trip to Turkey or Georgia.

Sequential steps

After the intermediate task is completed, each item should be completed and well thought out.

If there are a lot of them, you need to deal with the list and bring some tasks together. Then it is desirable to arrange them in accordance with. Sometimes they are broken down by ease of achievement. What cannot be done under any circumstances must be thrown out of the list or replaced with more realistic plans.

Then it is necessary to mark those of them that are feasible right now and immediately do what was planned, without delaying even for a minute.

If a person has no idea how to start, you need to look on the Internet for ways to achieve the goal or consult with knowledgeable people. Only those items that have been highlighted as the most important or accessible should be taken without delay. You can not immediately take on the most difficult tasks. Most likely, it will not be possible to fulfill them, but the person will lose.

If something does not work out, you need to re-read the list again, note the difficulties that have arisen and complete the list of desired resources. It is also necessary to imagine alternative plans or something to fill in the gaps. Goals must be achievable.

Motivational components

In the future, it is necessary to determine those points that will achieve the required.

Must have:

  • a wish;
  • the ability to find the right sources;
  • the ability not to retreat in the face of difficulties;
  • flexibility;
  • openness;
  • the desire to achieve a lot;
  • realism;
  • diligence, etc.

In order not to deprive yourself of motivation, you should highlight those components that can be completed in the next hundred days.

It is required to determine the importance of the task, to think about what awaits a person if the plan fails, to identify all the risks and to reflect on why the goal is so important to achieve. It is necessary to clearly imagine how realistic it is to achieve results. If they are very doubtful, then it is necessary to weigh whether they should be taken on.

If it is decided that they are required, then it is worth considering ways to fall back in case of failure and the development of alternative ways to implement the plan. They should be extremely specific, not far-reaching plans, but a task that must be completed today or in the coming days.

Evaluation of results

There is no need to demand too much from yourself or from life. In this case, every failure will be perceived very painfully.

You should prepare in advance for whole line factors will not be easy or unforeseen circumstances will arise. On the other hand, do not lose heart at every difficulty. The fact that they appear only means that it is desirable to take up the compiled list again and correct it.

Review of the first completed items

You don't have to set yourself the highest goal. The fulfillment of the plan is a matter of chance or luck. It is better to set small goals for yourself, but clearly achieve their implementation.

  1. It is necessary to allocate enough mental and physical strength to achieve results. If for them you have to risk your well-being, finances or health, then it is advisable to think about the correctness of the chosen path. Pay attention to unexpected obstacles along the way. If there are any parallel tasks, they need to be taken into account.
  2. It must be constantly remembered that there are only one hundred days left and the countdown has already begun. At the same time, do not panic if you cannot meet the allotted time. It is advisable to understand what exactly has been achieved and adjust the goals again, taking into account the lengthening of the time frame. In the event that nothing definite has been achieved during the specified period, it is necessary to consider the option of canceling or reorienting the goal.
  3. You need to improve your skills and constantly be in good shape. It should not be that there was a good chance, and the person does not have the desire to move forward.
  4. All tasks must be strictly completed. Nothing should be left for later or considered unimportant. You should prepare for the fact that you will have to do a lot by sacrificing your free time.
  5. If, in the process of striving for a goal, a person finds that he has become bored or uninteresting, then it is worth taking your list of priorities again and reflecting on the desirability of achieving your plan and ultimate success. If they have lost importance, then you need to consider the potential abandonment of it.

List correction

Even if there are no obstacles on the way to what you have planned, you should take a list compiled in connection with the intended goal, reread it and mark what was done. Sometimes it turns out that a person is already halfway to its fulfillment or, conversely, overestimates his success unnecessarily.

Do not fall into extreme optimism or pessimism. Everything should be thought out very clearly and specifically.

You need to be honest with yourself about how you feel. If excitement or stubbornness, you need to understand whether they are required in this case. If the mood is defeatist or doubt arises, then it is also worth realizing where they came from. It is advisable to constantly listen to your intuition.

The realism of the goal

After summing up the first results, it is necessary to think about whether the task set was a goal, an unrealizable aspiration, or remained only an unrealizable dream. It is necessary to analyze each of the concepts and reflect on how they fit the plan.

A large amount of energy is subconsciously allocated to the goal, much less to the desire, and the dream is sometimes completely divorced from life. Therefore, it will most likely remain unrealistic.

Only if the desire is conscious and has a clear goal in front of it, it has a chance to come true.

Moreover, if a person does not imagine what he wants to achieve with his plans and what will be the advantages of achieving them, he will not make too much effort. He will stagnate until he is sure that nothing is changing, and then retreat from the goal. Therefore, it is better to weigh its realism in advance before wasting physical and mental strength.

Achieving the goal: a step by step guide

In order for the plan to have every chance of being implemented, it is necessary to limit it to a clear framework. Records should be reread and corrected daily.

Fixing intent

You need to keep a diary, where steps and the usefulness of progress along the intended path will be recorded. You should also check in it how much they bring a person closer to the final result.

It is required to indicate the degree of movement towards the goal as a percentage. All failures, unforeseen circumstances and difficulties encountered must be recorded.

When an intermediate result is achieved, it is also worth noting what exactly contributed to it.

It is advisable to praise yourself, reward yourself with a lot of effort and consolidate the effect.

You also need to communicate your success to others in order to increase your self-esteem. It is this circumstance that most often makes people stop moving along the intended path.

It should be understood in advance that a very large number of personalities will meet on it, who will try to knock the ground out from under their feet. It is not worth ignoring them completely, but it is also unacceptable to tune in to the negative. It is advisable to note their opinion and try to get rid of your real, not imaginary shortcomings.

In no case should you think that a person is unworthy of his desires. If he wants to, then they are important to him. We just need to find a realistic approach. There is nothing that would be unworthy, if it is legal and achievable. Even the greatest people started small and also heard doubts about achieving their goals at the beginning of the journey. Of course, there is no point in persisting in a project that is obviously hopeless. But there is also nothing to give up on what was planned. You just need to correlate it with reality and find common ground.

Clarification of the direction of movement

You should define your goal as precisely as possible.

Therefore, it is required to write it down in the form in which we would like to see it realized.

For example:

  1. I am well.
  2. I work in Moscow.
  3. My salary is 100 thousand rubles a month.
  4. I live in a big apartment.
  5. I have a car.
  6. My children go to the best school.

You are allowed to have multiple targets at once. They are able to flow from one another or be parallel.

Fixing the time frame

Then a clear deadline for their achievement is determined. It should not be limited to too long a time. When clear results are obtained, it can be extended. In their absence, the goal should be deleted from the priorities.

For example, for the task: “I work in Moscow”, it is worth taking six months. A person must understand that he does not have many years to delay with intentions.

In addition, a desire can turn out to be extremely difficult to implement due to the presence of difficulties that he did not suspect from the very beginning. Therefore, if after six months he has not come close to the planned one or even lost something of what has already been achieved, the plans must be abandoned or made more realistic, for example, “I am looking for a job in Moscow.” Again, you need to allocate a deadline for a new goal, and a fairly short one at that.

Specification of goals

It is very important not to get distracted by vague ideas. You can’t formulate them like this: “I am a respected person.” The task should look like: "I work in a bank" or "My children go to a prestigious school."

Again, you should consider what exactly you would like to achieve and what benefits the realized goal will bring. If there are none, except for amused pride, then it is not worth making efforts in this direction.

“I work in a bank” also needs to be broken down into several steps. For example, you can put conditions in parallel: "I serve as a bank manager", "I receive seventy thousand rubles a month" and "I have mastered the necessary computer programs."

Be sure to include deadlines for each task. If it was not possible to meet them, then it is required to understand what prevented this and whether it will become an insurmountable obstacle in the future. If such a circumstance arose, then the goal should be reconsidered. For example, not "I work as a manager", but "I work as a cashier in a bank." Not “I receive seventy thousand rubles”, but “I receive fifty thousand rubles”. Change "I have mastered computer programs" to "I am fluent in English".

Drawing up a detailed plan

In order not to get stuck halfway, it is advisable to think over a set of steps to achieve the goal. They should be small and quite achievable.

With the plans “I work in Moscow”, they must be broken down into stages:

  • I visit the city to study the situation.
  • I allocate the necessary amount for travel to interviews.
  • I am looking for free time to travel to Moscow.
  • I'm looking for vacancies in the region.
  • I determine what I need to get a job offer.
  • I am looking for contacts with friends who have moved to the capital.

For each task, deadlines and performance criteria are determined. If in three months it was not possible to find acquaintances, then the task should be expanded (search for mutual friends or try to communicate with the inhabitants of the city) or abandon it in favor of independent study of the issue.

Usually, in cases where the goal is feasible, then it is not too difficult to come to a result. The occurrence of an increased number of difficulties indicates the unrealistic nature of the chosen path.

Adjustment of goals

Constantly, even at intermediate stages, it is required to weigh the desirability and benefits of achieving the goal.

If a person seeks to unite with a family or get a job that simply does not exist in his region, then the goal is well worth the effort expended and can be achieved.

The goal of becoming successful or finding balance must be immediately discarded as leading to no definite result. Only specific tasks need to be set.

If the end result is an increase in well-being, then you should think a lot. Most often, a person simply does not take into account the increased expenses with an increase in income.

As already mentioned, the desire to stand out or prove something must be immediately weeded out. If moving to Moscow is aimed at increasing self-esteem or the goal of becoming no worse than a friend, then you do not need to spend your life on achieving this intention. Even in the case of its successful implementation, it often turns out that the situation has become even worse than it was before.

Checking yourself

In order to assess the degree of progress towards the goal, the final result should also be broken down into minimal components. For example, "I work in Moscow" should be divided into:

  1. I have a place to live in the capital.
  2. My work is no worse than what I did at home.
  3. I am formalized in the workplace, etc.

Naturally, the goal cannot be considered achieved if a person has found temporary employment or lives in inhuman conditions. If in order to get a vacancy in Moscow it was necessary to change the position of the head of the department to a courier position, this result does not become a step up.

On the other hand, if the goal was to unite with the family, then such achievements would be fully justified as a temporary measure and in the presence of clear benefits from their new position.

If the plans were to stand out among classmates, then those who are happily settled in their city find themselves in an advantageous position compared to those who work in Moscow as a cleaner or janitor. In this case, you need to adjust the goal again, changing it from the desire to be better to quite specific things.

At the same time, one should ask oneself why such an intention is needed and how long it will be important. If moving is desirable in order to fulfill the dream of parents, then there is no need to persevere too much on this path. In the end, it turns out that they did not dream about this at all, and the person himself will spend completely senseless efforts to achieve a goal that was not set by him.

Interference analysis

While establishing plans worthy of attention, it is also worth considering what is hindering progress on the path. Impatience, criticality and doubt must be discarded immediately.

You need to think about each of your actions and what makes it difficult to move towards the goal. Such things are understated, painful experiences in the past, uncertainty about the future, or temporary setbacks.

When giving up bad habits and cravings for helplessness, you should always think about the benefits of achieving the goal and concentrate on them.

It is imperative to understand that there have always been and will be unforeseen circumstances, mistakes and illusions. It is worth very clearly separating them from failure or, conversely, success.

With successful progress towards the goal, it is advisable to keep in mind the changing economic conditions, one's own health or elementary luck.

No need to strive too hard for an unshakable result. It must be weighed and refined or modified.

In order to minimize the impact of unforeseen factors, you should constantly study the issue, check the stability of the situation and communicate with people. Everything that enriches knowledge must be mastered thoroughly.

If there is no one to wait for help, then it is required to study ways to independently achieve the goal, and if unable to abandon it or postpone it until the desired resources are obtained. In this case, the goal also changes according to the new circumstances.

If you do not learn how to correctly set goals, identify ways to achieve them and consistently move in this direction, then it will hardly be possible to achieve anything at all. Do not confuse your dreams and goals. Even a very strong desire to become a millionaire has no chance of being realized in the absence of the necessary data. Nevertheless, the goal of ensuring a decent existence for yourself and your family is well worth some effort.

Assessment of your capabilities

It is also very important to count on yourself first of all. If the execution of the plan depends entirely on other people, then the slightest change in intentions on their part immediately nullifies all the efforts made.

On the other hand, the intentions of others are uncontrollable, so building your life around them is very dangerous.

A goal will become meaningful only when a person acts in accordance with his own needs, aspirations and abilities. Relying on the support of other people is worth it only in very limited and amenable to adjustment limits.

The expended forces must also bring satisfaction to the individual himself, and not to anyone else. A clear understanding that he is acting in his own interests, and not in order to prove something, help another or please his parents will allow him to clearly achieve what he wants.

There is no need to think that the ultimate goal is something unshakable. It can change, expand or, conversely, narrow. It may well follow a parallel path or be reborn into a completely different aspiration. Such changes do not mean a retreat from their intentions, but only reveal a clear understanding of the path along which to move forward.

Daily tasks cannot be accomplished without setting a goal. Even the most simple and everyday actions are initially planned by a person. How to set goals correctly? What helps to turn the idea into reality? The information below will help answer your questions.

What is needed to set a goal?

An aimless existence is not to the liking of anyone. Almost every person has his own goal, an incentive to life. How to set goals correctly and For this you need to apply maximum patience and effort. The correct setting of life priorities, as well as the recommendations presented below, will help you create for yourself an attitude to achieve the goal.

Thoughts are material

What we constantly imagine, sooner or later will come true. Positive thoughts attract good luck, while negative thoughts make us passive and unhappy. How to set goals and achieve them? Think positively and believe in your own success. Without believing in yourself, setting goals is meaningless.

Think about your goals, mentally imagine the moment when they will be achieved. The more often you do this, the faster your plan will be realized.

Visualization: watch and do

Laziness is the main enemy

Do not let yourself rest in those moments when you need to act. There was a free minute - once again work out the options for implementing the task.

How to put Fight against laziness and apathy. Movement is life, whether it be physical or mental. Lazy and apathetic people do not reach heights and, as statistics show, are less successful than active individuals. Do not let laziness penetrate your thoughts, organize your day in such a way that even during a break or a break at work you are busy with something.

What should be the time frame for achieving the goals

In order to set goals correctly, it is necessary to set clear time limits for their implementation. Specific dates will help you become more collected and responsible in achieving the desired result.

You can not set goals for a long period of time, since you cannot guarantee that nothing will prevent you from achieving them. That is, if you make the installation that after 10 years you will save up for an apartment, then the goal is at risk of remaining unfulfilled.

How to set goals correctly: examples

Correctly set tasks and goals are quickly realized. For example, if a person has given himself the intention to buy a car of a certain brand in six months, then he will buy it. It's not just about setting a task, it's about the desire to quickly implement the plan. People who are passionate about achieving a goal find it easier to get what they want out of life.

A great example of good goal setting is how athletes prepare for competition. They give themselves the idea that they will be physically prepared for the sports Olympics. Here, not only the goal itself is used, but also the mood of the athletes, their determination.

Another example of the correct setting: "I want to lose 10 kilograms in 5 months." The exact opposite of this goal setting is a setting of this kind: "I want to lose weight." In the first option, the goal is clear and has a certain time frame, a tangible end result. It forces a person to work productively in order to implement his plans on time. The second option is an example of how not to set a goal. Blurred time limits and fuzzy end result will not help to realize what you want.

A few steps towards setting and achieving goals

How to set goals correctly? Before proceeding directly to the formulation of a specific task, it is necessary to choose for yourself a few (no more than 5) of the most important goals. Throw away everything unnecessary and uninteresting to you in this moment. Once you have a goal in mind, there are a few simple steps that can help you set the right mindset for yourself and make it happen.

Step 1. Conversation with your own "I"

Settle down as you like, and relax, immerse yourself in a light pleasant slumber. Now ask yourself the question: “What do I most want to achieve?” Filter out unnecessary information, exclude fleeting desires and abstract dreams. Highlight what brings you positive emotions.

Step 2. Fixing the task on a piece of paper

How to set goals correctly? Fix them on paper. Describe your goals in detail, highlight important points. Reread the written information several times a day - this will help to fix the task in the subconscious.

Step 3. Breaking down global goals into small and quickly achievable tasks

How to set and achieve them correctly? Take into account the actions required to implement them. Opposite each of the written goals, fix microtasks, the execution of which will bring you closer to the implementation of your plan.

Do you want to earn 10,000 rubles by the end of next month? Decide what you need to do in order to find additional income or change your occupation.

Do you want to get rid of extra 15 kilograms in 7 months? Develop an individual training and diet plan. Do not use other people's developments, since only those classes that are designed specifically for you are suitable for achieving your goal.

Step 4. Removing obstacles

Ask yourself the question: “What is stopping me from getting what I want?” Write down the answers on a piece of paper and analyze them. And now proceed directly to the action.

Take care of yourself every day and stop the appearance of laziness, avoid wasting time communicating with unnecessary people. Mobilize your forces to achieve your goal and try not to be distracted by irritants.

Step 5. List the means to achieve the goals

The implementation of any goals requires certain costs: financial, energy, time. Next to each goal, make a list of tools that will help you get what you want faster. It can be money, free time, energy to solve everyday problems.

Remember that on the way to achieving your goal, you will have to sacrifice something. Feel free to reduce daytime rest, replacing it with the study of issues that interest you. Try not to regret the time spent, convince yourself that all this is done for your benefit.

Step 6. Planning the day

What helps you set the right goals? You need to plan your day wisely. A well-defined daily routine helps to become more collected, planning allows you to spend your personal time more rationally.

To achieve your goal, you need to make a daily schedule. Within 24 hours, you should have time both to work on the task and to solve current problems. Do not forget to take into account the time spent on rest.

Step 7. Learn to be cheerful

Do not pay attention to small failures and troubles encountered on the way to achieving the goal. Set yourself up for the positive, look for the positive in everything, here the saying “everything that is done, everything is for the better” will play a big role for you.

Remember that the goal will be realized only if it carries a positive charge.

Step 8 Praise

As soon as you solve one of the microtasks, be sure to praise yourself. Encouragement even for small accomplishments helps faster and with less energy. Praise yourself for not being too lazy to work above the norm today.

Tell yourself that nothing is impossible for you, and soon you will see that this is true. Encouraging one's own actions increases a person's confidence and purposefulness. Only in everything you need to know the measure - do not overpraise yourself, otherwise the encouragement will begin to work exactly the opposite.

Can you make adjustments to your goals?

Absolutely yes. If the end result is planned for a long period of time (for example, from 2 to 5 years), then making small adjustments is appropriate here. This is due to the fact that the world is changing, and there is nothing permanent in it. Therefore, one should not set a goal that cannot be adjusted for a long period.

For example, if you want to buy an apartment in 7 years and decide to save all these years for such a large purchase, but do not take into account that force majeure may occur during this period, then the end result will not please you. Why? Yes, everything is simple: at some point you will need a large amount of money, and you will use your savings.

To avoid this, make small adjustments to your goal. For example, write that you need to create another, additional financial "airbag" in the form of an open bank account.

What to do if the achievement of the goal is disappointing?

In the process of implementing the task, some people are faced with the fact that the work done does not suit them, and the goal is no longer of interest to them. What to do in this situation?

Do not give up and think that the work done was useless. Note for yourself that you have gained tremendous experience and yet achieved what you once wanted. If you are completely disappointed in the goal, then start implementing a new one. Our whole life consists entirely of an endless series of beginnings and accomplishments, so try to always bring everything to the end. This will instill a sense of purpose in you.

Remember one important rule - never stop in the middle. Despite obstacles, condemnation from people, go to your intended goal and believe in yourself. Support yourself in all endeavors.

We will not be taught to set the right goals at school, parents will not be able to explain the process of competently setting a task for the future. You can understand how to achieve what you want only through your own trial and error, self-diagnosis and work on yourself.

It is impossible to achieve complete success without defining a goal. What does "set a goal" mean? This means to understand and formulate for yourself the state in which you want to come as a result of certain actions. Moreover, this wording should be extremely clear and clear, so that once you are in the desired position, you know for sure that the goal has been achieved.

In addition to a clear formulation, the result of setting a goal should be a description of its quantitative and qualitative properties and features that would make it possible to accurately and unambiguously establish whether the goal has been achieved or not. In other words, to the question: - "How will I understand that the goal has been achieved?" – there was a clear answer.

When setting a goal, you need to understand that the responsibility for achieving it rests with the one who made the decision to move towards it. When making mistakes and causing harm on the way to the goal, the damage to the guilty person will have to be compensated by personal resources. This requirement is a law for every system. Its violation is punishable by the expropriation of resources or the destruction of the system. The supra-system acts as a controlling and punishing body.

Proper goal setting allows you to determine the end point of the path. But its necessity is caused not only by this. The task of setting a goal also includes motivation and motivation for faster and more economical (at the lowest cost) reaching the destination.

Summary of the above. Setting a goal increases the degree of its attractiveness, promotes awareness of its importance, creates an incentive to start the implementation of the plan as soon as possible and obtain the desired result.

How to set goals for better results

When setting a goal, you need to describe the desired result. But this alone may not be enough to create a strong motivation and desire to reach the final destination. It is necessary that there are also additional motivating conditions. What exactly?

Materialization of the goal

The desired state must be materialized, that is, recorded on some medium, made visible. It can be plain text on paper that describes the condition, image, audio or video recording.

A graphic image, unlike text, makes the target more vivid and memorable. It can be a drawing, diagram, or diagram representing the essence of the target. There can be several drawings, collected in one place they will represent a kind of "wish map". In a word, you can use any means and opportunities that will make the image of the goal more memorable.

An additional plus of materialization is that with it the subconscious is activated and begins to work. The result may be the birth of some original ideas that allow you to modify and improve the display of the image of the target, which in the end will make it even more tempting.

Positive Goal Format

Formulating and displaying the goal, you need to strive to ensure that it has a positive character. At the same time, one should try not to use negative characteristics at all, even if they are mentioned in the sense of getting rid of them. The format "aspiration" should be used. to... ", not "deliverance from... ". To make it clear what we are talking about, let's take an example. Instead of a phrase "I will get rid of poverty, failure and disease" nessesary to use "I will become rich, successful and healthy".

If the goal cannot be formulated without a negative format, you just need to ask yourself the question: “What do I want to have instead?”. The answer to it will automatically have a positive character.

Why is it so important to formulate the goal positively? Because a positive shape, representing a happy future, increases comfort and motivation. While a form with negative aspects, on the contrary, can create discomfort and demotivation.

Valuable and attractive result

It is desirable to formulate the goal as a “result” and not an “action”. This will allow it to be expressed in the form of a “value” that is acquired after the goal is achieved. That is, you become the owner of happiness, comfort, health, love, freedom, harmony, and so on. If, however, the goal is formulated as an action, then it will be presented in the form of work that needs to be done. Agree, the hard work ahead is not the best incentive to start acting. But when happiness, wealth and success are expected ahead, it is much easier to get down to business. “I will get a strong, beautiful and healthy body” sounds more pleasant than “I will run and lift weights.”

Hierarchy of goals

It is quite obvious that each goal will have a certain structure, hierarchy. That is, it can be subdivided into sub-goals, which represent separate stages on the way to achieving the main task - over-goals. The actions that need to be performed to achieve the latter are also hierarchical and structured.

It is also obvious that there is a limit to each hierarchy. There is a super-goal, a lifelong dream, the achievement of which means that a person has reached that highest state that corresponds to his meaning of life. Having reached the over-goal, a person enters a state of complete satisfaction and harmony, his life mission is completed, he created his legacy and improved the world. When formulating a goal for yourself, you need to answer the question of whether it ensures the fulfillment of your purpose and self-realization.

Forming a hierarchy of personal goals, you need to understand that the achievement of each sub-goal should provide some new resource. It will be needed in order to reach the next goal. And so each sub-goal will provide the necessary resources. And the actions performed when moving towards the goal will be a transformation of the resources received when achieving the sub-goals.

The creative activity of a purposeful person is the organization, transformation and integration of simple systems into more complex, balanced and harmonious ones. However, the construction of such systems is very difficult. The larger and more complex the goal, the more uncertainty, excitement, fear and discomfort a person experiences. He is forced to fight with himself, to overcome great internal resistance, which hinders the achievement of the goal. Breaking complex and difficult goals into simpler ones that seem less scary and difficult and therefore do not cause fear and discomfort helps to cope with doubts and fear. Breaking a difficult goal down into simple ones and moving towards it in stages is a way to make a difficult goal more appealing.

So, the correct setting of the goal involves determining what sub-goals it consists of, what actions are needed to achieve it, what resources will be required, where they will come from, and how they should be transformed. For each goal, you need to determine its super-goals and the resources that will be required to achieve it. The presence of such a clear hierarchical structure increases motivation and contributes to the achievement of the task.

But the very first point is the realization of the main goal of your life. It serves as the starting point from which the construction of an action plan begins. In practice, it might look like this. The goal "to have a beautiful and comfortable home" is divided into sub-goals: "to have a plot of land" - "to have a building project" - "to have an agreement with a construction organization" and so on. The over-goal can be “to have a comfortable lifestyle”.

Green Goal

When setting a goal, you need to try to foresee absolutely all the consequences of achieving it. It is quite obvious that the solution of any task and the implementation of actions to achieve it will necessarily affect the entire environment in some way. On people who are around (family, partners, colleagues, friends, just acquaintances).

To begin the analysis of the consequences of achieving the goal, you need to start with your state. A change in one's position in one respect will certainly affect others. You need to make sure that achieving the goal will really improve your life in the desired respect, and will not worsen it in others, will not create any negative consequences and emotions. For example, going to the gym to improve physical health will result in less free time. Therefore, you need to consider whether this will create any serious problems for other activities.

If it turns out that the activities to achieve the goal will indeed negatively affect other areas, it is necessary to determine the extent of the damage, to see if it can be reduced. You need to compare the negative and positive points to make sure that the positive compensates for and exceeds the negative.

It will be very useful to draw up in some form (text or graphic) a balance that would reflect the possible impact of the results of achieving the goal on other areas.

If the damage to other areas is too great, it may be necessary to adjust the goal to minimize the harm. As a result, one hundred percent fulfillment of the main task may not work out, but it will be possible to avoid large negative consequences in other areas. That is, you have to sacrifice a little, so as not to lose a lot. An example of this is the same case with the gym. If his daily visit will lead to the inability to do other things, then you need to reduce the number of visits to 3 times a week, increasing the intensity of training or resigning yourself to a more moderate progress in physical fitness.

Then you need to evaluate the consequences of achieving the goal for the people around you. Will their physical condition worsen, will they experience negative emotions. If so, is it possible to minimize them, and how to do it. The easiest way to establish the consequences of your behavior on any particular person is simply to ask him: "How would you feel if I did this." Their answer will give information that cannot be obtained by any speculative reasoning. There is no need to address this question to absolutely everyone around. It is enough to ask the closest and most important.

Deadlines for achieving goals

Parkinson's Law says: “Work fills all the time allotted for it”. From this follows the following conclusion - the work will last exactly as much time as you release on it. If you plan to move towards the goal for a very long time, then you will not achieve what you want soon.

To increase the efficiency of your work, you need to immediately set a certain reasonable time for it. It cannot be excluded that you will not meet the deadlines. Then you have to correct them. But at the same time, it is necessary to determine why the allotted time was not enough, find the cause and fix the problem. Without this, it is impossible to guarantee that the timing adjustment will be needed more than once, and as a result the goal will be achieved much later than planned.

So that the fear of not meeting the deadlines does not make you nervous and does not interfere with work, does not become a demotivating brake, you can leave for yourself the opportunity not to complete all the planned tasks on time. But at the same time, set yourself an increased reward, if this can be done. This approach will create a positive incentive and speed up the work.

By setting a short deadline, you can impose on yourself a compressed work plan, in which the main, most important and useful things will still be completed on time. This will be in accordance with the Pareto principle: "20% of the cases bring 80% of the result".

At the end of the planned period, it is necessary to evaluate the results obtained. In the event that their quality is not satisfactory, adjust the deadline and further action plan. If the result is good, then reward yourself for it.

Resources to achieve the goal

When setting a goal, it is imperative to determine the resources that will be required to achieve it. They can be different in their kind - technology, skill, experience, capital, connections, and so on.

If something you need is not available, you need to decide where and how you can get it - make or create it yourself, rent or loan it, exchange it for something, and so on. All needs that are necessary to achieve the goal must be satisfied. Without this, the goal cannot be achieved.

Resources is one of the main elements necessary to achieve the goal. Uncertainty about them, not knowing if they can be obtained, makes motivation low. Therefore, you need to be sure that the resources are available, or at least that they will certainly be received later.


Motivation can be significantly increased if, in addition to achieving the goal itself (which is a reward in itself), additional bonuses are promised. It will be very useful, because the larger the reward, the higher the motivation. Therefore, it is useful to determine in advance how you can reward yourself additionally. It can be buying a new thing, going to a restaurant or theater, going abroad, and so on.

Moreover, the size of the reward should be proportional to the usefulness and complexity of the goal. A grand goal requires great motivation, and therefore a significant reward corresponding to it. Her anticipation will combine with all other incentives and give a powerful positive impulse at the start to the goal.

Summary of the above. All of the above conditions do not need to be met in full. If the goal is not difficult, then some of them can be omitted. But the more important the goal, the more thorough and thoughtful should be the preparation for the start of the movement. It is necessary to establish the best way to achieve the goal. With maximum motivation and results, with minimum costs and collateral damage.

Goal setting methods

There are several standard ways to set a goal. Their use helps to simplify the task.

Smart/Smarter method

When setting a goal, the following set of criteria should be used.

  • — Concreteness(specific). The description of the goal should contain specific results obtained when it is achieved. For example, with the goal of “Creating a trading network”, you need to specify the number of stores, the staff of specialists, the amount of fixed and working capital, and so on;
  • — Measurability(measured). It is necessary to specify quantitative parameters that make it possible to state that the goal has been achieved. For example, there are 5 stores with 100 employees and an annual profit of 200 million;
  • - Reachability(Attainable). The resources needed to achieve the goal must be identified - finance, tasks, furniture, equipment, employees, and so on. If there are no problems with their presence, the goal can be considered achievable. If there are not enough resources, you will need to set intermediate goals to obtain them.
  • - Relevance(Relevant). It is required to determine whether the achievement of the goal will actually get what you need. Or maybe the necessary is achieved by setting another goal. For example, instead of building an object, you can buy or rent it;
  • - Time constraints(Time bound). Deadlines and milestones need to be defined. Open the first store in half a year, the rest in 2 years, and so on;
  • — Environmental friendliness(Ecological). Determine how the goal being achieved relates to other goals and the environment. Does it violate the interests of other people and existing laws. If there is damage, it is better to change the goal or even abandon it. For example, if being in a trading business prevents you from spending enough time with your family, you can hire a manager;
  • - Reality(Real). You need to determine the possibility and your readiness to achieve the goal. If they are not there, you need to analyze what is required for them to appear, or even abandon the goal.

It is not necessary to describe all of the above criteria. This is determined by the importance and complexity of the goal. It is possible to postpone the description of some criteria until the time when the task is more specific. Otherwise, you can stay too long at the goal setting stage and waste a lot of time.

HAC-image of the target

The goal is created most vividly and accurately with the help of human representational systems. In this case, one speaks of Visual-auditory-kinesthetic image goal result. VAK-image is created by a whole set of feelings and sensations and is represented by:

  • - visually- in the form of bright pictures;
  • - auditory- in the form of sounds (speech, music, etc.) that will arise when the goal is achieved;
  • - kinesthetically- what will be the result to the touch (its texture, temperature, etc.);
  • — digitally- what thoughts and feelings will cause;
  • - olfactory- what smell will it have;
  • - gustatorno- how it will taste.

It is desirable to arrange this information in the form of a picture or an audio or video recording. If necessary, it will be possible to quickly restore this image to consciousness, revive and strengthen motivation and desire to achieve the goal.

VAK-image can be created in two formats - perception from two points of view.

  • - From the outside (dissociated), that is, how it will be perceived by others.
  • - From within (associated)- through personal emotions, thoughts and sensations, that is, with the help of kinesthetic and digital perception that arises in a person who sets a goal for himself.

VAK-image makes it possible to present the result of the goal from all possible sides and angles, to describe it exhaustively, with all aspects and layers. This creates positive emotions, increases motivation and gives additional energy in moving towards the goal.

Consequences of Goal Setting

It must be understood that the fact of setting a goal does not mean that it fully corresponds to what is required. This is just a project that is being done on the basis of the experience and knowledge that is available at the moment. Reality often differs from imagination. In addition, on the way to achieving the goal, the person himself changes, gains experience and knowledge. This may change his idea of ​​the goal, as a result, it will need to be adjusted or even abandoned for the sake of other goals that have appeared. There must be a certain flexibility in moving towards the goal, it is necessary to take into account the changing situation and change your actions depending on it.

Proper goal setting means creating an image of the ideal result. This makes the goal understandable, bright and attractive, minimizes uncertainty, anxieties, fears and risks. The main result of accurate goal setting is an increase in motivation and an increase in the chances of success.

Start big, go big, and never look back. We must always go beyond. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

This article is a continuation of the article “How to set goals correctly and achieve them. Why you need to be able to set goals ”, where we examined the main reasons why people do not achieve their goals and what it means to set goals correctly.

In order to independently and CORRECTLY set goals for yourself and, accordingly, achieve them, I will reveal to you 10 rules (or you can call it secrets, chips) for achieving the goal.
Even if you use at least some of them, you will significantly change the difference between "you BEFORE" and "you AFTER".

Proper goal setting includes 10 rules:

1. Break down your life into its component areas

Career, business, family, communication, self-development and others that you have.

Determine which of these areas are the most significant and valuable.

Here is a great opportunity to see what your personal life is filled with ...

2. Identify the areas of life that make the most sense to you

If you find it difficult to determine from the first time which area provides the greatest significance - think about what you will always find time for, no matter how busy and tired you are.

For example, even if you returned tired from work, you will always find time and energy to talk with your child or put him on your lap (if the child's age, of course, allows).

3. Create yourself two time charts:

The first is what you have enough time for, what you spend it on.

The second is what you would like to devote more time to, what less. Such a diagram of the ideal use of your time.

Compare these two charts.

You will get an answer for yourself what is taking your time now and what you should change in your life in order to get closer to the second diagram.

4. Dream! Yes, yes, dream!

Think about what you are striving for, what you want to achieve, what will make your life truly filled and happy?

I usually have such dreams during internal dialogues with myself: a bunch of options for what I want to be or what to be able to move through my head, and as a result, the brightest image is chosen.

5. Many of your desires can become your life goals.

How is a desire different from a goal?

Desire is just a dream, an idea, a thought.

And the goal has its own criteria and guidelines by which you can determine how much you have already done and how much you still have left.

Take yourself mentally into the future.

What needs to change in your life and how?

Set yourself benchmarks for the goals you will move towards.

6. Your goals must be specific.

You must clearly understand what you want, so your goals should be formed as specifically as possible.

“Becoming a businessman” is an example of a non-specific goal. Absolutely nothing is clear:

  • In what area (what do you want to do)
  • Whereby
  • What does it mean for you to be a businessman: for some it is to open a company with a multimillion-dollar income, and for someone it is enough to cover their life minimum with the help of “bought and sold” ...

Maximum specifics:

  • When?
  • With whom?
  • How?

7. Define your quantitative criteria for achieving goals

A question to check the correctness of the definition of criteria: “How will I understand that the goal has been achieved? »

  • Don't get strong, do 100 pushups.
  • Not to become rich, but to earn 978564.00 money.
  • Not to lose weight, but to lose -20 kg of weight.

8. Set a time frame for your goal when it needs to be achieved

This will encourage you to achieve it as soon as possible and put you in a clear time frame.

Set a time range for your goal

Do you know the state when you rewrite some goal from year to year? Do you know why? Because you didn't set a time frame for it!

  • Earn 978564.00 money by the end of this year.
  • Do 100 pushups in 1 minute.
  • Lose -20 kg of weight in 4 months.

9. Set yourself realistic goals

Real goals are those goals that you can accept in your mind that do not make you feel that you and your goal are completely different parts of the world.
For example, the goal of flying into space for an ordinary man in the street, who saw space only on TV, is not realistic.
But for a professional pilot who has dreamed of space since childhood, this goal is much more realistic.
Although ... Now for "many millions of dollars" you can fly into space and without preparation right from the couch. This greatly increases the reality of this dream for ordinary citizens. It remains only to find many millions)))

Each of us dreams that his most cherished desires will always come true. But first of all, for this, the dream should become the main task, and not a flight of fancy. To achieve a good result, the first thing you need to understand is how to transform a desire into a feasible idea.

To do this, consider the main differences between desire and a real idea:

  1. Desire is characterized by a certain general awareness of what a person wants to receive. The goal has a specific form of an object, object or event.
  2. Desire is expressed in fuzzy outlines of how it can be realized. Clear, thoughtful steps are taken to reach the goals.
  3. Desire does not always answer the question why I need it. The goal is always motivated by the result that awaits you.

The correct formulation of the problem increases the chances of obtaining the expected result. Therefore, goal setting should take into account the following rules:

  1. Precise wording. By expressing your wishes accurately and clearly, it immediately becomes obvious what and how to do to achieve the desired result.
  2. Conceived plans should become concrete "objects" that can be seen and perceived by touch. To do this, your wishes must be written down on paper or depicted in pictures.
  3. Ideas should be real, not fantastic.
  4. We need to dream big. After the implementation of small ideas, it is necessary to set more global tasks.
  5. Temporary restrictions. When setting a goal, it is necessary to indicate exactly by what point in time in life it must be fulfilled. Abstract concepts reduce the chances of a positive outcome.
  6. Replacing dreams with actions. To achieve your goals, you need to take real action. Talk less and do more.

When setting global goals and objectives, it is important to have a planning strategy. One type of such strategy is the goal matrix, which is structured in four categories: acquisition, retention, avoidance, and elimination. With its help, the necessary goals are visualized, as well as an analysis of which tasks still need to be performed, which ones to avoid, which ones to keep, and which ones to completely eliminate.

Of course, the achievement of goals depends on the environment in which we find ourselves and on the people with whom we communicate. But the main key to success is still the individual knowledge, skills and abilities of each person, which will allow you to achieve your goals at the highest possible level.

Books on how to set goals

Often we do not know where to start setting a goal, how to implement it and how to proceed so that the steps we take are productive and have a positive outcome. Various trainings, marathons and, of course, book publications will help in solving this problem.

Marathon to achieve goals - an event that is held by people with special education. Its essence lies in the fact that a person defines ideas for himself and undertakes to bring them to life according to the developed scheme for the agreed time of the marathon (for example, 100 days). At the same time, a constant report is kept on the implementation of the planned tasks and the effectiveness of their solution.

Training is a system of working with a coach on setting and planning a goal, choosing a method to achieve it, and analyzing specific actions.

Books are the most accessible source of information on the methodology of proper goal setting. Consider the most popular publications in this area:

  1. The Purposeful Life by Canfield J. It describes the key skills that help make goal setting a habit.
  2. The book "Focus" by Stephen Coley and Steve Jones tells how to learn how to plan competently and correctly prioritize, as well as how to focus your attention on them in a timely manner.
  3. The book "Achieving Goals" by M. Atkinson and T. Choyce talks about how to learn to reveal your inner potential by defining values ​​in life.
  4. Jay Elliot published a book called "Steve Jobs. Lessons in Leadership, which describes what helped Jobs to succeed at such an early age and become one of the richest people in the world.
  5. Seth Godin "Try it, it will work." The book tells you where to start when implementing your ideas. The publication provides specific instructions and recipes for success.

To become successful in business and be able to plan a family budget, you need to know the basics of proper financial goal setting. A financial goal is a result to be achieved, which must be measured by something. Therefore, your ideas must be formulated in financial or material terms. An example of an incorrect statement of intention is "I want to be rich and successful." This is an abstract concept, which, in principle, is not measured by anything.

The following rules will help you achieve your ultimate goal:

  1. One main task instead of several secondary ones. It is better to set one task for yourself, complete it, and then move on to another. Otherwise, a lot of effort will be spent without result.
  2. Determine deadlines. It takes more time to realize a big, global goal than smaller ones.
  3. Long-term goals should be broken down into stages. It helps to study progress and renew motivation. Stages are an algorithm for performing certain actions in a certain time period.
  4. Adjustment of assigned tasks instead of their complete cancellation when circumstances change.
  5. Keeping a permanent record of the actions taken and the results obtained.
  6. Developing financial habits. To do this, an action plan is drawn up, which must be followed.

You need to implement your ideas and plans gradually, starting with the smallest. Determine what is your priority at the moment and start implementing it. Even completing a small task is already considered a success. This means that you can move on and move on to the implementation of more global ideas.