How to enable the grammatical correction feature.

To enable spell checking in Microsoft Office, open the Word software product using the desktop shortcut or the menu item "Start" - "All Programs" - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Word. Click the File tab (Microsoft Office 2013) or click the Office button (Microsoft Office versions 2010 and 2007). Go to the "Options" section and click on the "Spelling" item. Select the "Exceptions" menu and click the "Current File Name" field. After that, uncheck the lines "Hide spelling errors" and "Hide grammatical errors".

If you want to enable automatic spell checking for all documents that you open Microsoft Office, in the "Exceptions" section, check the "All new documents" option. Uncheck the corresponding "Hide" checkboxes and save the changes made by clicking on the "OK" button.

In PowerPoint, you can turn on automatic spell checking from the similar menu "Options" - "Spelling". Uncheck "Hide spelling errors" and save your changes.

Working mechanism

If an error occurs in the text, Word will underline it with a red, blue, or green line. The red line is used to fix spelling errors. Punctuation errors are indicated with a blue line, and grammatical errors are highlighted with a green wavy line. To view possible spellings and corrections, right-click on a word or phrase.

If you accept the proposed Word option, select it by clicking on the appropriate menu item. Word will automatically correct the error and remove the underline. If you think that there is no error in this place in the text and the word is spelled correctly, you can ignore the underline or click on the "Skip All" context menu, which is also available by pressing the right mouse button.


You can also activate the AutoCorrect feature, which is available in Office suite programs. This option allows you to automatically correct misspelled words according to a list manually created by the user. There you can add words that cause you problems in spelling.

To enable auto-correct, go to the "Options" - "Spelling" - "AutoCorrect Options" section. Check the "Replace as you type" checkbox. In the "Replace" field, indicate the words or phrases that cause you difficulty in writing. Write the misspelled word in the left column, and write the correct spelling in the right column. After adding enough words and phrases, click OK and save your changes.

Each of us would not want to look illiterate in the eyes of others. But it happens that in a hurry we can put the wrong character or letter, because of which the word will be misspelled. In order not to send a message with an error, after which you will be ashamed, it is convenient to use the spell check function, thanks to which the misspelled word will be underlined with a red line. This is immediately noticeable, and therefore you can quickly correct a word that is not spelled correctly, even before sending it.

Connecting the "Spell Check" function Vkontakte

To connect this function, you do not need to install additional applications, as it is standard.

So, you need to follow a few simple steps. To get started, go to any dialog, and right-click on the line in which the text of the message fits. It does not require you to write anything. A menu will appear in which you need to select the "Spell Check" section and activate this function with the left mouse button. After that, all misspelled words will be underlined with a red line. In addition, this feature is also available in other languages.

Turn on the spell checker

When you enable this feature, you need to refresh the page for it to work. This can be done using the F5 key.

When a misspelled word is underlined with a red line, you can right-click on it and select the correct word you wanted to write from the options provided.

In the mobile version of Vkontakte, this function depends on the keyboard application on the device itself. There, error correction methods may differ depending on the device model, as well as on the “keyboard set” program itself.

Every modern browser (internet program) has a built-in online spell checker. This means that if you make a mistake when printing text, the program will detect it and help you correct it.

Not all users know about this feature, since many have it initially disabled.

Correcting Printing Errors

In the event that spell checking is already enabled and configured in your Internet program, then each word that is printed incorrectly will be underlined with a red squiggle.

This applies wherever you can print a message: in social networks, in the mail, on forums and in other places.

How it works. For example, I am typing a comment on some article on the Internet and I make a mistake. Typically, a few seconds after typing (if I keep typing), the browser detects it and underlines the entire word with a red squiggle.

How to fix the error. If the word is marked with such a line, hover over it and right-click. At the top of the list that appears, there are usually correctly spelled words. If one of them fits, click on it. The "problematic" word will automatically be replaced by the one you have chosen.

How to enable spell checking

To turn on the check, you need to type a word with a deliberately made mistake here (for example, shorty) and press the Space key:

If it is underlined with a red squiggly line, it means that the check is enabled. Try to fix the error as I showed earlier.

And if the word is not marked, right-click in the text input field - where the word was typed. In the list, hover over the item for spelling. Usually an additional menu appears from which you need to select a language. Specify the desired one - and the check is turned on.

Error checking features

In addition to words where a mistake is actually made, the program also marks those that it simply does not know. Therefore, surnames, specific terms, colloquial speech will also be underlined.

On a note . You can check and correct errors not only when printing Russian words, but also some others (English, German, French, etc.). To do this, enable checking for the corresponding language.

Such a check works only for spelling, without punctuation. That is, missing punctuation marks will not be shown.

But, despite all the "features", this function is still very useful. Even if a person is impeccably literate, he is still not immune from ridiculous typos. And in business correspondence it is better not to allow this.

All sites and forums have forms to fill in the text. In order to write a text, a question, a comment or a business letter correctly and without errors, you need to be the most literate person and have the highest mark in the language, or enable spell checking in your browser by setting the desired language.

Enable spell checking in the browser

When you write a message on a social network or a letter in Gmail, you may notice how a misspelled word is underlined with a red line (smooth or wavy). This means that the spell check in the browser is enabled. However, it works differently in different browsers: in some, it simply highlights errors, while in others it also offers options for choosing a replacement for the word. In addition, it should be noted that the correct words can be underlined in the browser if any one language is set by default.

Therefore, if you write in the browser in Russian or Ukrainian, then when you turn on the spell check, you also need to set the desired language.

Let's consider the inclusion of spell checking using the example of the Opera browser (it is identical in Google Chrome).

IMPORTANT! Spell checking in browsers is enabled by default. Only one dictionary is used in it - English or Russian. We will give an example with adding one language, and you will follow the same steps, just select a different language pack (or as many as you need).

We open the site, for example, . Select any article and open the form for writing comments. Right-click on an empty space and select "Spell Check", and then - "Language Settings".

A new browser tab will open. A list of languages ​​will be presented. If the desired language is not available, then click on the "Add" button.

Select a dictionary to upload and click "Add".

Now that the language is added to the list, select it and check "Use this language for spell checking" and also "Enable spell checking".

We press the "Finish" button and write the text in the browser without errors.

It's important to note that this simple spell checking setup is possible in other browsers as well. Therefore, after spending just a couple of minutes, you will not only get rid of mistakes, but over time you will learn not to make them at all. At the same time, such a check will provide you with the option of choosing the correct word, eliminating manual editing, which saves time.