Which planet is the hardest. The principle of the largest solar system

The solar system is one of the most complex and incredibly interesting structures to study, both by specialists in this field and simply by lovers of the space theme. It is only a small part of the whole galaxy. It is striking not only the history of the appearance of space objects, but also their dimensions. What is the name of the largest planet in the solar system - not the Sun, it exceeds the size of the Earth by 300 times, and its diameter is 11 times larger than the earth's.

What is a planet

Before talking about which planet is the largest, it is worth understanding the concept of this object. A planet is a massive celestial body orbiting around a star. The heart of the solar system is the Sun, formed about 4.57 billion years ago by the gravitational compression of a cloud of gas and dust. This bright star is the main source of light and heat, both on Earth and other planets.

How many planets are in the solar system

The system is divided into internal and external groups. The closest to the Sun are the inner planets and small, compared to the stars, asteroids. The closest location is Mercury. It is the fastest moving celestial body in the system. Mars is famous for its red surface. The temperature of Venus reaches 400 degrees, which makes it one of the hottest. And the planet with the confirmed presence of life is the Earth, which has a natural satellite - the Moon.

Large planets of the solar system

The outer zone consists of larger planets. Among its heavy giants: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter. They are located at a greater distance from the Sun than the inner group, due to which they have a colder climate and are distinguished by icy winds. The planets Uranus and Neptune are classified by astronomers as Ice Giants. All stars in the outer region have their own ring system.


Saturn has the most extensive system of rings and belts. Their main constituents are ice particles, heavy elements and dust. The planet itself is made up of hydrogen with helium, water, methane, ammonia and other elements. The wind speed on Saturn reaches 1800 kilometers per hour, which can cause eddies. The research station is engaged in the study of the planet, the task of which is to analyze the structure of the rings. Saturn has 62 moons, the most famous of which is Titan.


The coldest giant is Uranus. Its low temperature is associated with a distant location from the Sun. The surface of Uranus is mainly covered with ice and rocks, and the structure of the atmosphere includes hydrogen and helium. Clouds of solid ammonia, hydrogen and ice have also been detected. This planet differs in the axis of rotation, with a characteristic position “on its side”. It turns to the Sun either by the north or south pole, the equator and middle latitudes. This object has signs of seasonal changes in the form of increased weather activity. Uranus has 27 moons.


Neptune has a large size, and is the fourth largest planet in diameter. In its atmosphere, the strongest winds rage, which can reach 2100 kilometers per hour, and the temperature is close to 220 degrees with a minus sign. In addition, traces of methane are observed in its atmosphere, giving it a blue tint. In 1989, the Voyager 2 expedition discovered a large dark spot in the planet's southern hemisphere. Neptune has 13 moons, including Triton. It was opened in the 20th century. Other celestial bodies were discovered later.


When asked which planet has the largest mass, we can safely say - Jupiter. The largest planet in the solar system has an upper layer made up of hydrogen, methane, ammonia and water. A number of phenomena have been recorded in Jupiter's atmosphere, including storms, lightning and auroras. Whirlwinds on the planet rush at an incredible speed - up to 640 kilometers per hour. As a result of a major storm, a large red spot formed on the surface of Jupiter, which became one of the main features of the giant. And because of the huge size of the planet, its parts rotate at different speeds.

What is the largest planet

Since 1970, 8 spacecraft have been studying the largest and heaviest planet Jupiter: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Voyagers, Pioneers, Galileo and others. This giant has a heavy mass, exceeding the earth's by 300 times. The largest planet in the solar system has the largest number of satellites - 69. Among them are the large Galileans - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. They were discovered by the famous Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1610.

Statistical data

Below are the main characteristics that the largest planet in the solar system has:

  • weight: 1.8981 x 1027 kilograms;
  • volume - 1.43128 × 1015 cubic kilometers;
  • surface area - 6.1419 x 1010 square kilometers;
  • average circumference - 4.39264 x 105 kilometers;
  • density 1.326 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • conditional orbital speed - 13.07 kilometers per second;
  • inclination relative to the plane of the ecliptic - 1.03 degrees;
  • apparent magnitude - 2.94 meters;
  • surface pressure - 1 bar.

Is life possible on Jupiter?

Jupiter is a gas giant, where there is practically no water necessary for the formation of life processes. In addition, it does not have a hard surface, which allows the development of organisms other than microscopic masses. And because of the low temperature, reaching up to 175 degrees with a minus sign, organisms can freeze. The only space on the planet suitable for the development of life are the tops of the clouds, resistant to solar radiation. Free floating organisms can be designated here.


    This planet belongs to the gas giants. In the name of a celestial body, the fifth from the Sun the ancient Roman supreme god of thunder. Accompany the planet has at least sixty-seven satellites, the name of one of which - Io - is so fond of guessing in crossword puzzles.

    The largest (in the solar system) planet is JUPITER.

    Jupiter is undoubtedly the largest planet in the solar system. This planet, by the way, the fifth in a row, is located at such a great distance that the approximate flight time to it on modern aircraft will be approximately equal to twenty-four months. In size, Jupiter is thirteen times larger than our planet Earth and one thousand three hundred times its volume. An interesting fact is that Jupiter constantly rotates around its axis at a very high speed, and makes a revolution in just ten earth hours. It also never changes seasons. The atmosphere of the planet Jupiter is almost entirely composed of hydrogen, with a few other gases mixed in.

    The largest planet in the solar system- Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun.

    Jupiter is just a giant, it is 11 times larger than the Earth and only ten times smaller than the Sun itself.

    The largest planet in the solar system is made up of gas and liquid. and spins very fast.

    Jupiter's atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium. Giant whirlwinds arise in the atmosphere, which can sustainably exist for hundreds of thousands of years. One of these Jupiter vortices is the Red Spot, which has been observed by several generations of astronomers.

    The red spot is an amazing formation that is fraught with many mysteries.

    By the way, the largest planet in the solar system there are satellites that are comparable in size to the planets.

    On some of them, for example, on Europa, life may exist.

    The largest planet in the solar system is the fifth planet - Jupiter.

    Although it seems from the pictures that Jupiter is not much larger than our planet (Earth), but in fact Jupiter is several times larger than the Earth.

    On this planet, as scientists say, hurricanes always blow.

    Even some of Jupiter's moons are larger than Pluto.

    The largest and heaviest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. The equatorial radius of Jupiter is about 71.4 thousand kilometers.

    Jupiter has about 67 natural satellites, the largest of which are Callisto, Io, Europa and Ganymede were discovered by the great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei in 1610. Ganymede is the largest moon of Jupiter.

    The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. This planet is the largest in all possible parameters: the largest in mass, in volume, in area, and in many other statistical parameters. This planet has a very intense beautiful aurora. According to scientists, Jupiter is completely composed of gas and does not have a solid core.

    The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, with about 17 satellites per nm. Its area is many times larger than the area of ​​the planet Earth. This planet is the fifth farthest from the Sun after Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

    As far as I know, at present the largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, moreover, not only in size, but also in mass. In general, Jupiter belongs to the gas giants, and as of the moment it has 67 satellites.

    The largest planet in the solar system is rightfully Jupiter, which is many times larger than our Earth. Jupiter has seventeen moons around it. And from the Sun, Jupiter is in fifth place in terms of distance. and here is a graphic representation of the location of Jupiter and the rest of the planets:

    The answer to the question: which planet in the solar system is the largest, is very simple. This is Jupiter. It is the largest in the solar system, and is the fifth from the Sun. Jupiter is classified as a gas giant along with such planets as Uranus, Neptune, Saturn.

Space holds many mysteries. With the naked eye, we can see only a negligible fraction of celestial objects, large and small. In addition to the Earth, other large cosmic bodies also revolve around the Sun. Some of them are much larger than our home planet. What are the largest planets in the solar system?

Diameter: 2,326 km

Opens the list of the largest planets in the solar system. It is the second largest space object after Pluto and the farthest dwarf planet from the Sun. Eris was previously called Xena. For a time, it claimed the title of the tenth planet in the solar system, but in 2006, along with Pluto, it was classified as a dwarf planet. For a long time, Eris was thought to be larger than Pluto, but recent studies by the New Horizons spacecraft have proven that Pluto is still slightly larger than Eris.

The surface of this dwarf planet, like that of Pluto, consists of rocks, ice and methane snow.

Diameter: 2,326 km.

Diameter: 2,326 km

Until recently, he was among the nine planets of the solar system. In 2006, after a long debate, by decision of the International Astronomical Union, he was deprived of the status of an ordinary planet. Now Pluto is considered the largest dwarf planet. It is one of the largest Kuiper Belt objects. Consisting of ice and rocks, Pluto is relatively small. For comparison: its volume is three times less than the volume of the moon. The surface of this dwarf planet is an icy desert covered with many craters. Pluto has five moons: Kerberos, Styx, Hydra, Charon and Nyx.

In 2006, the automatic space station "New Horizons" was launched, the purpose of which is to study Pluto and Charon. The device safely reached the orbit of the planet and transmitted to Earth the collected data and photographs of Pluto and all its satellites.

Diameter: 2,372 km.

Diameter: 4879 km

Takes eighth place in the ranking of the largest planets in the solar system. It is interesting because it is closest to the Sun, so the Mercury year lasts only 88 Earth days. At the same time, the duration of a day on Mercury is 176 Earth days, and all because of the slow rotation of the planet around its axis.

Proximity to the Sun leads to the fact that on the side of the planet facing the sun, the temperature reaches 349.9 ° C.

The surface of Mercury is bleak - it is a lifeless desert, covered with craters of various sizes. The planet has no satellites.

Diameter: 4879 km.

Diameter: 6780 km

In 7th place in the list of the largest planets in the solar system is located. This is one of the planets most studied by people - spacecraft from Earth have visited it more than 30 times. Mars is very interesting. Here is the largest peak in the solar system - Mount Olympus, whose height reaches 27 km. Mars has seasons, just like Earth has polar caps of frozen carbon dioxide and ice. A day here lasts 24 hours and 40 minutes. Mars is one of the most suitable planets for colonization in the future.

Moons of Mars: Deimos and Phobos.

Diameter: 6780 km.

Diameter: 12103 km

Continues the list of the largest planets in the solar system. Named after the Roman goddess of love, Venus, the second planet from the Sun has several more poetic names: the Evening Star and the Morning Star. Venus is not much smaller than Earth. Although it belongs to the earth-like planets, its conditions differ from those of the earth. The atmosphere on the planet is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, and its surface is hidden by huge clouds of sulfuric acid. It is assumed that there is still active volcanic activity on Venus. The surface temperature is 460 °C.

Diameter: 12103 km.

Diameter: 12742 km

On the 5th place in the list of the largest planets in the solar system is. This is one of the most unique planets in the observable universe, on which intelligent life has appeared. Most of the planet (about 70%) is covered with water. Due to its location and a slight inclination of the axis of rotation on the planet, optimal conditions were created for the origin of life.

The Earth has one satellite - the Moon.

Diameter: 12742 km.

Diameter: 49224 km

One of the largest and farthest planets in the solar system from the Sun. This is a huge gas giant, whose mass is 17 times greater than the earth. The planet's atmosphere is made up of helium and hydrogen. At the same time, the core of Neptune is solid, formed from rocks and ice. The planet is interesting in that incredible winds constantly rage on its surface, the speed of which can reach 2100 km / h. Invisible to the naked eye, Neptune was discovered through mathematical calculations.

Neptune is the third largest planet in the solar system. The spacecraft visited it only once. It was Voyager 2, which flew close to the planet in 1989. He made it possible to obtain images of the most powerful cyclones and storms raging on the planet.

Neptune is surrounded by the largest number of satellites - it has 14 of them.

Diameter: 49224 km.

Diameter: 50724 km

The gas giant is a very interesting object of research. It was visited only once by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, which transmitted images of Uranus to Earth. In the future, a full-scale study of the planet and its satellites is planned.

Uranus has a ring system and 27 satellites ranging in size from 20 to 1500 km.

Diameter: 50724 km.

Diameter: 116464 km

The second place in the list of the largest planets in the solar system is occupied. Like Uranus with Neptune, it consists of a mixture of various gases, passing at depth into a liquid state. The mass of this gas giant is 95 times the mass of the Earth. Saturn is famous primarily for its rings and a huge number of moons. Today there are 62 of them. Titan, the largest of Saturn's moons, is larger than Mercury. Saturn is one of the most explored giant planets. It was visited by the Pioneer, Voyager and Cassini spacecraft.

Diameter: 116464 km.

Diameter: 139822 km

The gas giant, named after the supreme Roman deity, ranks first in the list of the largest planets in the solar system. Its atmosphere consists of hydrogen, ammonia and methane. The mass of the giant is 2.5 times the mass of all other planets in the solar system. Great storms and storms rage on the surface of Jupiter. One of them, the Great Red Spot, has been observed by scientists for several centuries. Jupiter has about 69 moons. The largest of them are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Diameter: 139822 km.

It can't be, but it's not. There are planets much larger and more massive. For the entire Universe, our Earth is just a grain of sand lost in it. The solar system is only one of the elements of the galaxy. The Sun is the main component of the Galaxy. Eight planets revolve around the sun. And only the ninth - Pluto - because of it and the mass was removed from the list of rotating planets. Each planet has its own parameters, density, temperature. There are those that consist of gas, there are giant, small, cold, hot, dwarf ones.

So what is the largest planet known at the moment? In the spring of 2006, an event occurred that shook the theory of celestial bodies. In the Lovell Observatory (USA, Arizona) in the constellation Hercules, a huge planet was discovered, exceeding the size of our Earth by twenty times. Of the existing open ones today, this is the largest planet in the Universe. It is hot and similar to the Sun, but it is still a planet. They named it TrES-4. Its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the largest planet in the solar system - Jupiter - by 1.7 times. It is a giant gaseous ball. TrES-4 consists mainly of hydrogen. The largest planet makes revolutions around a star, which is located at a distance of 1400. The temperature regime on its surface is more than 1260 degrees.

There are a sufficient number of giant planets, but so far no larger one than TrES-4b has been discovered. The largest planet is larger than Jupiter by more than 70%. A huge gaseous giant could be called a star, but its rotation around its star GSC02620-00648 definitely classifies it as planetary. Its density ranges from 0.2 g per cubic centimeter, which is comparable only to balsa (cork) wood. Astronomers are at a loss as to how this largest planet with such a low density has the ability to exist. The planet TrES-4 is also called TrES-4b. It owes its discovery to amateur astronomers who discovered TrES-4 thanks to a network of small automated telescopes located in the Canary Islands and in

If you watch this planet from the earth, you can clearly see that it is moving along the disk of its star. An exoplanet orbits a star in just 3.55 days. Planet TrES-4 is heavier and hotter than the Sun.

The discoverers were employees of Lowell, and later astronomers and the Hawaiian Observatory W.M. Keck confirmed this discovery. Scientists at the Lovell Observatory have an assumption that the largest planet TrES-4 is not the only one in this constellation, and that it is quite possible that there may be another planet in the constellation Hercules. Employees Lowell in 1930 discovered the world in the solar system - Pluto. However, in 2006, Pluto, compared with the giant TrES-4, began to be called a dwarf planet.

Our solar system is one of the components of the galaxy. Here the Milky Way stretches for hundreds of thousands of light years.

The central element of the solar system is the sun. Eight planets revolve around it (the ninth planet, Pluto, was excluded from this list, since its mass and gravitational forces do not allow it to be on a par with other planets). However, each planet is not like the next. Among them there are both small and truly huge, icy and red-hot, consisting of gas and dense.

The largest planet in the Universe is TrES-4. It was discovered in 2006 and is located in the constellation Hercules. A planet called TrES-4 orbits a star that is about 1,400 light-years away from planet Earth.

The planet TrES-4 itself is a ball that consists mainly of hydrogen. Its size is 20 times the size of the Earth. The researchers claim that the diameter of the discovered planet is almost 2 times (more precisely, 1.7) the diameter of Jupiter (this is the largest planet in the solar system). The temperature of TrES-4 is about 1260 degrees Celsius.

According to scientists, there is no solid surface on the planet. Therefore, you can only dive into it. It is a mystery how the density of the substance of which this celestial body is composed is so low.


The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, is located at a distance of 778 million kilometers from the Sun. This planet, the fifth in a row, is a gas giant. The composition is very similar to the sun. At least its atmosphere is predominantly hydrogen.

However, under the atmosphere, the surface of Jupiter is covered with an ocean. Only it does not consist of water, but boiling hydrogen rarefied under high pressure. Jupiter is spinning very fast, so fast that it is elongating along its equator. Therefore, unusually strong winds are formed there. The appearance of the planet because of this feature is interesting: in its atmosphere, clouds elongate and form diverse and colorful ribbons. Whirlwinds appear in the clouds - atmospheric formations. The largest are over 300 years old. Among them is the Great Red Spot, which is many times the size of the Earth.

Elder Brother of the Earth

It is worth noting that the planet's magnetic field is huge, it occupies 650 million kilometers. This is much larger than Jupiter itself. The field partially extends even beyond the orbit of the planet Saturn. Jupiter currently has 28 moons. At least that much is open. Looking at the sky from Earth, the farthest one looks smaller than the Moon. But the largest satellite is Ganymede. However, astronomers are especially interested in Europe. It has a surface in the form of ice, moreover, it is covered with stripes-cracks. Their origin still causes a lot of controversy. Some researchers believe that under the balls of ice, where the water does not freeze, there may be primitive life. Far few places in the solar system are honored with such an assumption. Scientists plan to send drilling rigs to this satellite of Jupiter in the future. This is necessary just to study the composition of water.

Jupiter and its moons through a telescope

According to the modern version, the Sun and the planets formed from the same gas and dust cloud. Here, Jupiter accounted for 2/3 of the entire mass of the planets of the solar system. And this is clearly not enough for thermonuclear reactions to take place in the center of the planet. Jupiter has its own source of heat, which is associated with the energy from the compression and decay of matter. If the heating was only from the Sun, then the upper layer would have a temperature of about 100K. And judging by the measurements - it is equal to 140K.

It is worth noting that the atmosphere of Jupiter is 11% helium, and 89% hydrogen. This ratio makes it similar to the chemical composition of the Sun. The orange color is due to the compounds of sulfur and phosphorus. For people, they are detrimental, as there is acetylene and poisonous ammonia.


It is the next largest planet in the solar system. Through a telescope, you can clearly see that Saturn is more flattened than Jupiter. There are bands on the surface parallel to the equator, but they are less distinct than those of the previous planet. Numerous and dim details are visible in the stripes. And it was from them that the scientist William Herschel was able to determine the period of rotation of the planet. It's only 10 hours and 16 minutes. Saturn's equatorial diameter is slightly smaller than Jupiter. However, in terms of mass, it is three times inferior to the largest planet. In addition, Saturn has a low average density - 0.7 grams per square centimeter. This is because the giant planets are made up of helium and hydrogen. In the bowels of Saturn, the pressure is not the same as on Jupiter. The surface temperature is close to the temperature at which methane melts.

Saturn has elongated dark bands or belts along the equator, as well as bright zones. These details are not as contrasting as those of Jupiter. And individual spots are not so frequent. Saturn has rings. The telescope shows "ears" on both sides of the disk. It has been established that the rings of the planet are the remains of a huge circumplanetary cloud that stretches for millions of kilometers. Stars are visible through the rings that revolve around the planet. The inner parts rotate faster than the outer ones.

Saturn through a telescope

Saturn has 22 moons. They have the names of ancient heroes, for example, Mimas, Enceladus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Tethys, Dione, Prometheus. The most interesting of them: Janus - he is the closest to the planet, Titan - the largest (the largest satellite in the solar system in terms of mass and size).

Movie about Saturn

All satellites of the planet, with the exception of Phoebe, turn in the forward direction. But Phoebe is moving in orbit in the opposite direction.


The seventh planet from the Sun in the solar system, therefore, is poorly lit. It is four times the diameter of the Earth. Some details on Uranus are difficult to distinguish due to the small angular dimensions. Uranus rotates around its axis, lying on its side. Uranus orbits the Sun in 84 years.

The polar day at the poles lasts 42 years, then the night of the same duration begins. The composition of the planet is a small amount of methane and hydrogen. According to indirect signs, there is helium. The density of the planet is greater than that of Jupiter and Saturn.

Traveling the planets: Uranus and Neptune

Uranus has planetary narrow rings. They consist of separate opaque and dark particles. The radius of the orbits is 40-50 thousand kilometers, the width is from 1 to 10 kilometers. The planet has 15 moons. Some of them are external, some are internal. The most distant and largest are Titania and Oberon. Their diameter is about 1.5 thousand kilometers. The surfaces are pitted with meteorite craters.
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