What possibilities can a person have. Human Possibilities Are Limitless - How to Get Rid of Restrictions? And what is dormant in the brain

Now imagine that such a house is our body.

If the house is not properly maintained, the walls will begin to crumble. Grain after grain of sand detaches from the wall and is carried away by the wind or draft. We sweep the floor and take the trash out of the house. It happens that we just sweep the sand under the nearby carpet or paint the wall, then for a while the sand stops crumbling.

Hidden human capabilities - a myth?

We get used to the destruction and do not notice when the process becomes irreversible. Water pipes are clogged, instead of a good pressure, a thin stream flows from the tap. The pipes are covered with rust.

The roof leaks, holes appear, rainwater enters the house, soaks the walls and floors with moisture, flows into the basement. The wiring begins to act up due to moisture, and eventually burns out completely. To find the breakdown points, you will have to break the walls, and this requires a lot of time, effort and financial investments; to save money, we run new wires over the old walls.

Then the floor begins to collapse from moisture, holes form in it. Replacing the floor is also a long and expensive pleasure. We solve the problem simply - we cover the holes in the floor with cardboard or plywood, we cover them with carpet from above. A familiar phrase - and, then, I will earn money and fix everything. But “later”, as a rule, never comes, and we get used to it.

There comes a moment when one wall collapses, the wind breaks into our home and blows sand out of the walls, floor, ceiling. Pretty soon, all the ceilings become thinner and the building begins to collapse. In some places, the beams are held together by electrical wires, water or gas pipes.

Finally, the stress on the pipes and wires has increased so much that they cannot withstand and break. Water is pouring from the pipes and gas is escaping - a short circuit and an explosion. In the place of the native house, only a funnel and mountains of garbage remained, which scatters throughout the district.

Are human possibilities unlimited?

By the age of 30, as a rule, our bodies are already in a deplorable state. It doesn’t seem to hurt yet, but the sand is starting to crumble, the water pipes are clogged, the wiring is losing its insulation and sparks from time to time.

What to do, how to restore health, how to restore a house? I have often seen how old buildings are being restored. The house is demolished, leaving one facade. In place of the old house, a new one is erected and connected to the old facade, which by that time had been cleaned and covered with new paints. Time passes and the old house is restored, but in fact it is a completely new building with an old facade.

For some reason, many of us are firmly convinced that our body can also be restored, the face will lie on a silver platter, and everything else will be built on a new one and sewn back on.

Unfortunately, the human body cannot be replaced in this way. We have learned how to make prostheses that have saved or made life easier for many. But not all organs can be prosthetized.

But there are methods that trigger the mechanisms of recovery and regeneration, mechanisms that prevent our body from falling apart. We don’t even need to invent anything, just turn on the memory of centuries, allow the body to regulate the processes itself. We just have to listen and trust. Gymnastics Accent has just absorbed the knowledge of many ancient practices.

Unique human capabilities

Now let's look at Mother Earth. We spoil it with wars, litter it with endless garbage, cut down forests, move riverbeds, dry up lakes and ponds, create new seas. We poison with napalm, we burn it with chemicals, we cut out living creatures. Nuclear power plants explode, oil tankers crash.

What is the Earth doing? She is constantly healing her wounds. We hurt her, she recovers, we kill her, she comes to life again. We uproot the weed, but the tiny piece of root left in the ground grows into a new plant. Of course, this cannot continue indefinitely, someday the Earth will run out of steam if we do not take care of our planet.

Man is a part of the Earth, our body is so versatile that we are able to develop any medicine for almost any infection ourselves. We damaged the left half of the brain, the right lobe takes over all the functions, time passes, and we don’t even remember that one lobe of the brain is missing in our head.

The muscle was torn, it immediately spliced. All our organs are also capable of self-healing, our task is only to create suitable conditions for this.

The human body is the most complex creation of nature, so let's not decide for our body what it needs and what it doesn't need. Let's just give our body the right to life.

How to love yourself - tips

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Practicing simple Accent gymnastics, we turn on systems that activate health and good mood.

Plunging deep into ourselves, we find the Power that can do everything.

The hidden possibilities of man

Now it is no secret to anyone that there are hidden human capabilities that are sharply activated during severe stress and help to survive when the situation seems hopeless. This once again confirms the fact that the human capabilities and abilities used in everyday life are very far from its natural potential.

Hidden Opportunities Under Stress

Consider vivid examples of how the capabilities of the human brain and body are activated in a stressful situation.

  1. Scientists believe that in an extreme situation, the human spine is able to withstand a load of up to 10 tons.
  2. Real abilities are activated only when the situation is hopeless. There are cases when people, hiding from the persecution of evil dogs, jumped over a two-meter fence in the blink of an eye. And after that, no matter how hard they tried, they could not repeat their feat.
  3. There is a known case when a metal bolt fell out in the cockpit and landed exactly under the pedal, which caused a general jamming of the entire control. The pilot pressed down on the pedal so desperately that he sheared the bolt and returned control to normal.
  4. One woman, who saw her child under the wheel of a car, managed to lift this "passenger car" and free the baby.
  5. There is a known case when a mother, who saw her two-year-old baby fall through the window, jumped in the blink of an eye and grabbed his hand, while keeping from falling in the palm of her hand. When the rescuers arrived, it was difficult for them to unfix the hand of the mother, who had saved the baby, stiffened in this position.

These cases show that the possibilities of the mind and body under the influence of adrenaline are truly limitless.

Is it possible to arbitrarily activate hidden features?

Those people who managed to discover such abilities at least once often try to repeat their feat later, but it turns out that this is impossible. And even if they try to consciously scare themselves, or imagine a source of stress, it does not work.

The fact is that the human brain is susceptible to external stimuli, and only when adrenaline is released into the blood, and the brain realizes the real danger of what is happening, such incredible curious cases are possible.

It is no secret that it is impossible to tickle yourself - the brain is aware of the source of irritation and ignores such signals. Approximately the same mechanism operates when a person tries to artificially force himself to experience stress.

The hidden possibilities of man

Incredible human abilities (Video)

The human body has a wide range of possibilities. It has been established that the human spine in extreme conditions is able to withstand a load of ten tons! The margin of safety that Nature has endowed a person with, he uses extremely rarely, once, twice in his entire life, and sometimes this reserve may be completely unclaimed. Margin of safety - a guarantee of human survival, biological protection, and is used only when it comes to life and death. Fear and a sense of self-preservation in extreme situations “allows” the human body to use this reserve completely, but most people use their emergency reserve extremely rarely.

But having used the entire reserve of his capabilities at least once, a person then throughout his whole life does not cease to be surprised how he managed to do this. Being in mortal danger, when the threat to life is colossal, and death seems inevitable, the human body is able to work miracles. There are many examples of this.

On the winter road there was a car accident, which resulted in human casualties. To save her injured forty-year-old son, a seventy-year-old woman put him on her back and with such a burden walked thirteen kilometers in deep snow, never stopping and never lowering her precious burden. When rescuers on a snowmobile got to the place of the accident, guided by the footsteps of a woman, they saw only her footprints all the way.

St. Petersburg - a 2-year-old child fell out of the window of the seventh floor, his mother barely had time to grab her baby with one hand; with her other hand she grabbed the brick of the eaves. At the same time, she held on not with the whole hand, but only with the index and middle fingers, but with a “dead grip”. When the woman was filmed, the rescuers had to make great efforts to unclench her fingers. After that, for several hours, they calmed and persuaded the woman to let go of her child's hand.

A rather elderly man, when an angry bull began to chase him, literally flew over a 2-meter fence, although he had never been an athlete.

The polar pilot was repairing his plane and suddenly saw a polar bear behind him, which lightly pushed the pilot on the shoulder with his paw, as if inviting him to look around. In the next moment, the pilot was standing on the wing of the aircraft, located at a height of about two meters above the ground. Later, the pilot could not explain how he did it.

A child was under the wheels of a passenger car, and his mother, in order to save the baby, raises the car, as if the car has no weight.

During the flight, a bolt fell under the pedal in the cockpit, which jammed the control. To save his life and the plane, the pilot pressed the pedal so hard that he cut off the bolt like a blade of grass.

The newspaper Nedelya published an interview with pilot I.M. Chisov, whose aircraft was shot down by a Messerschmitt in January 1942 over Vyazma during an air battle. “... the plane began to fall “belly” up. I had to leave the car. Astroluk, through which you can get out, was below my head (and I myself - upside down). Well, the height began to affect: the hoses leading to the oxygen apparatus were broken. And the latch of the manhole cover jammed!

If someone had told me earlier that the astroluk could be knocked out with a blow of the fist, I would never have believed it; but I opened it just in this way (I still don’t understand how it was possible), - said I.M. Chisov.

There was a fire in the house, and the old woman - "God's dandelion", saving her wealth acquired throughout her life, dragged a huge chest from the second floor of the burning house. After the fire was extinguished, two young, healthy guys with difficulty brought this chest to its original place.

1997 - two fairly tipsy Belarusians climbed into an enclosure with bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha; they wanted to stroke the bison. Either she did not like the alcoholic smell, or she was not in the mood for a lyrical wave, she did not accept the tenderness of her fans. Literally after a few minutes of their acquaintance, one of them was sitting on the fence, and the other, less agile, was slightly hit by a horn. Hops instantly passed, one hope was on the feet. On the other side of the 3-meter fence, he was in the blink of an eye. And because there were no witnesses to their record, the ultra-fast run and jump over the obstacle did not get into the Guinness Book of Records.

1998 - the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" talked about a case that happened to a carpenter from the taiga village of Bazhenovka, Kemerovo region. The carpenter was walking through the taiga and came across a sleeping bear. His fear was so great that he grabbed some log lying nearby and rushed with it to his home for about three kilometers. Only in the courtyard of the house did the carpenter drop the log and catch his breath. Later, when he wanted to remove this log from the yard, he could not even lift it. Until now, the carpenter cannot understand why he needed this log, because without it he could run much faster.

Hidden abilities of a person are manifested not only in a stressful situation. But also as a result of long training, for example, among athletes. Previously, athletes could not even imagine that they would submit to a height of 2 m 35 cm, that they could jump 8 m 90 cm in length, that they could lift a barbell of 500 kg in three movements: snatch, push, bench press. 1985, August - 23-year-old athlete from Kiev Rudolf Povarnitsyn overcame the bar of 240 cm in the high jump.

And just a few days later, another athlete Igor Paklin conquered a height of 241 cm. Javelin throwers overcame the 95-meter mark. 2005, June - 22-year-old Jamaican runner Asafa Powell set a new world record in the 100 meters - 9.77 seconds. Now athletes dream of jumping over 241 cm high, jumping over 9 m in length. Lifting half a ton in two movements. Throughout their lives, most mortals will never use their hidden abilities, but each of us is pleased to realize that somewhere in the depths of you lie huge forces, that you have a colossal memory that, at the moment of mortal danger, can save your life.

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The hidden possibilities of man

We see life at three or four

Percentage of his brain;

About the rest of this world

We don't know for sure...

And what is still dormant in the brain,

Carries the essence of the universe,

And the one who accepts it all

Ready to start the Spiritual path;

Who will help God by action -

Can kindle the Fire of the Heart;

In himself, he discovers the Forces,

Of which he does not suspect ...

There are cases when ordinary people discover such abilities that cannot be explained with the help of modern science and that do not fit into the usual picture of the world. For example, there are people who see with their eyes closed (the Bronnikov System), there are people who can feel, predict and foresee the future (Vanga, Casey), there are people who can communicate with each other at a distance, there are people who have telekinesis, pyrokinesis or master the technique of non-contact combat ... And sometimes such cases occur:

One grandmother, who was very ill: she could not see anything, did not hear well and practically did not walk, was sitting at her house, which caught fire late at night. The whole village fled to the fire. Imagine their surprise when they saw how this granny famously climbs over a tall fence. At the same time, Matrena held a huge chest in her hands, which then several strong men could not lift.

Where are the limits of human possibilities? And do they even exist?

Our civilization has achieved what seems to be excellent success, we have built huge cities, factories, ships, cars and planes.

And all this while using a few percent of our brain and logic. What can we do if we wake up the rest of our brain and start using our whole brain?

Now we are like four-year-olds sitting at a computer on which we run just a couple of simple games from the desktop. And we do not know that the computer has a lot of books, videos, music, useful programs and, most importantly, access to the Internet, where you can communicate with other people in all parts of the world and find any information that interests us!

Where did such a huge potential come from? And if the resources of our brain are so huge, it means that in the distant past someone already had to use them in order to develop them (as if they were not monkeys).

It is difficult to get answers to such questions, but they are. You just need to be interested in it and start looking for them. And not to act like official science - just brush aside all this, they say "this does not happen" and pretend that they do not notice the real facts.

And now in more detail about the hidden possibilities of man.

Contactless fight

In the past, the Cossacks owned such a martial art

Elite units of Russian special forces have been trained in non-contact combat for many years. The ability to direct your energy at a distance in a fight (fight) against an opponent is a great art that you need to learn to apply.

Of course, it is difficult to find people who teach this, but if you really want to, you can even learn this without teachers! I know this from my own experience. And now some things in BB are pretty good. Once I just set myself a goal - to learn this technique, at least its basics ... And it didn’t matter to me HOW I would learn this without any mentor, I was just sure that I could!

The videos on BB Starov, Alexei Zhgutov, and Vladislav Gaevsky helped me a lot. I studied them for a long time, watched them several times, And then I just started practicing this together with my girlfriend ... The first results were not obvious, barely perceptible on feelings, and then everything depended on our choice and attitude towards them. If we had doubts, we would not have learned anything ....

You can download Starov's video HERE

But this is the technique that at the very beginning we learned to do:

Boxer Interview about Contactless Fight

And then we learned more complex things. But of course, it is far from the technique of "rolling over". Nakat is the most powerful on this topic that I have seen. We tried how to make a person jump in one of the roll-up videos - it worked, but not for such a long time. In general, it is necessary to train, but right now there is no one, and there is no reason for it yet. We need to go further.

Roll forward

In general, whoever has a desire - try, train, be determined to learn and everything will work out!

Only it is very important exactly FOR WHAT is it for you? If, in order to amuse pride and show everyone how great you are, you won’t succeed - the path to nowhere is one hundred percent (there were cases when excellent masters were seized by pride and then they fell “face in the dirt”), and you will only harm to your health. This technique is for self-defense, not for attack!

tibetan lama:


Anyone can develop it!

full video:

"In the video, Roman (he studied and lives in Almaty. Roman received this technique from a Taoist master.)

4 days first stage. The healing stage is connected with work with the spirit of the stomach (you draw the thought-form like yellow smoke into the yellow ball in your stomach, then you perform the mantra and imagine how the yellow smoke comes out of the yellow ball filling the body from the inside, but not a trickle comes out of the body.

The first day is theory, the next 3 days the entire load on the throat (practice with the mantras "inviting power into the body" and "release power from the body"

The first step daily includes: 150 revolutions clockwise

4 days second stage.

Power technology. You call to the point (between the eyes) sitting facing east

after four days of power technology, start reading this mantra on your own for 40 minutes a day and perform 500 revolutions clockwise (a special technique that removes nausea and dizziness from a person for life), torsion unwinds the chakras and creates a protective power shell around you and it keeps 7-8 hours (after two to eight months, "strength" is turned on)

First, the “power” enters your body, feels like a foreign body, dense as a gel, a warm ball, is felt more often in the left hand, but can also be in the right, rarely (enters) the leg or abdominal muscle. As you entered - that's it, the process started, you start to drive this ball around your body with a thought-form, avoiding the area of ​​​​the genital organ and the area of ​​​​the heart. Every day it starts to accelerate, faster and faster moving. the first training to “give” into your hand (you need to “tear off” your hands a little from each other (the release zone from the input zone)) in order to “break through”, feel the sensations, this is the first. Then you start working on external objects (on paper, etc.).

With closed channels, you can’t work with this technique (!) Very hard, without violations, go through 6 months on special nutrition (after 6 months, food is already free)

Nutrition that opens the channels. It changes the physiology of the body (there is a certain set of products, a certain chewing, a certain dose, you need to chew before the gel, a small dose, drinking it down in an hour. Strict, strict vegetarianism, with the exception of the only eggs are allowed, there twice a week.

The initiating link is the mantra. (and the spirit of nature is used, which begins to help you)

6 months of special nutrition(!)

(“The diet opens the channels. It is designed for 6 months. My opinion is that either the first step or some kind of qigong is necessary for the diet. That is, the open channels need to be filled with something and it is better if it is live and pure qi.

The eyes must always be open.

Nutrition: refusal of fish, meat, yellow cheeses, flour, sugar. You can: fruits, vegetables, cereals

whole (not polished) soak for 8 hours. Legumes are also soaked, sour milk

natural (Kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt (currently not sweet without chemicals), yogurt, Adyghe cheese, feta cheese not salted or lightly salted. It is better to take it in village markets or do it yourself.), nuts except for peanuts are not fried, dried fruits soaked in water, herbs

garden (parsley, etc.) What is not named is impossible. Everything is raw. Drink plenty of water at least

2 liters. Everything is mixed with saliva 50/50 and chewed in small portions. No more than 400 ml of food at a time (2a plastic cups). no more than 3 times a day from 10:00 to 19:00. drink 30 before and 1 hour after meals. I missed some nuances.

In addition to water, you can green or yellow tea no more than 2 glasses a day (ml glass) And so the water is bottled, not mineral. You can use lemon juice if you are especially sick, but then you don’t need to eat anything (in case of illness, you don’t need to eat. You can, but not more than 2 tablespoons of Honey (you don’t need to make a big hill, I generally eat 2 teaspoons but with a big slide. It turns out like -would be a dining room but without a big slide) per day, outside of food, use with water.)

Other restrictions: Smoking, alcohol and other - no. Sex - yes (no restrictions)

You will call on the spirit for more than 40 minutes, then you will sausage.

Spin Technique: The secret is in the still eyeballs. The speed is arbitrary, comfortable, we rotate clockwise, see everything, but not see anything specifically, if we try to “catch” our eyes on any object in the room, consider anything. the floor will stand on end. As long as the eyes are not moving, the center of balance is stable. When you want to stop, start slowing down to a smooth stop.

After stopping, we fix our gaze on the fingertip of the hand bent in front of us until the image stops twitching - this forcibly stops the center of balance.

Takes 8 - 15 minutes.

(“and rotation around the right leg, by the way, and not the central axis. That is, you need to rotate on the heel of the right leg, rearranging the foot of the right leg without lifting the heel, and the left leg just walks around the right one. Actually, there are no more subtleties here”)

The purpose of the Spin is to spin the chakras and create a force field.

(“after you spin for 8-9 hours, more than one psychic cannot see the field. And in life, when you spin in the morning, people don’t bother all day to dissolve emotions. It used to spin in the evening, and when it became morning spinning, I noticed such an effect.")

Training in the first step - sit facing east, reciting the mantra for 20 minutes. And 150 turns. We invite energy into the stomach.

Training in the second (strength) stage - sit facing east, reading the mantra for 40 minutes. And 500 turns. We invite energy into the “third eye” until contact appears. As soon as the contact is established (a ball in the body) - that's it, you don't have to sit facing east, you can ignore the third eye (this is the zone of contact with the spirits).

Contact energy management: we move it (ball) through the body with the power of the thought-form, after the energy enters, if it is not released, it stays in the body for about 40 minutes (feeding you).

Calling power into the body - “Glim. »

(when pronouncing the mantra GLIMMMM, the last letter creates a vibration, generally speaking, the point is not where the vibration should be felt, but in its tonality and frequency. the greatest vibration) is different for everyone. Someone has a larger belly and someone has a chest, and the density fluctuates. The transmission is just to adjust the tone, frequency, duration of sounds in the mantra and the duration of the mantra itself. and where it vibrates individually. Over time, my stomach began to vibrate too, and someone's stomach also started right away. This is not the main thing. This is just a consequence.

Why is it impossible to reproduce the mantra exactly on the video, it must be transmitted. I honestly don't know. But even when you sit next to Roman, I managed to sing correctly only on the 3rd day. And on the video, the sound is bad, you definitely won’t catch the mantra correctly there, the sound floats, and all the videos that I saw in all of them Roman pronounces the mantra not according to the training, but in a masterful way. The child first crawls, then gets up, then learns to walk, and then the current to run and jump. So here Roman already sings it briefly and three times in one breath. Therefore, it is difficult to disassemble the individual components.

And not knowing how to crawl right away to run, well, maybe it will work out, it all depends on the person. You can try anything.

And then the practitioner still has to transmit. the state is still being transferred. this is my opinion. And I really don't know how.

Roman did not forbid passing the mantra if you did not know how to "burn", but he said that this was a waste of time. You can “glitch” for 10 years, but there will be no result. So just to avoid disappointment and wasted time, it’s better to have a dedication from the master, of course.)

The release of strength from the body - “Them. »

The mantra that Roman voices to his patients when he gives recommendations on nutrition and

rotation, It sounds like - “HUUUUU. "" (taken from www.slavyanin.info)

Now this person is already completely on a raw food diet.

Bronnikov's technique. Vision without the help of the eyes: static, dynamic image, ambient

Bronnikov teaches people to see with their inner vision. Even the completely blind can start to see again!

Video course on the Bronnikov method can be downloaded here

Those who want can develop vision in themselves, they just need to allow themselves to do so. And slowly walk towards it.

One of Bronnikov's students:

The method of V. M. Bronnikov "Information Human Development" is aimed at acquiring the following abilities:

The ability to restore vitality, not to get tired, to withstand stress.

Increased reaction rate.

The inclusion of bodily functions that did not work before.

Self-liberation from pathologies.

Expanded memory capabilities.

New types of memory - photographic, "biocomputer".

The ability to conduct an "energy-informational" examination and correction of the vital activity of one's body and to help others in this.

The development of "energy structures" of the body.

Activation of blood circulation and the work of the autonomic nervous system.

A “biocomputer” way of seeing, allegedly allowing you to “see” the surrounding space based on a new property of the brain (without the direct participation of the eyes), to see all the “spaces”.

The ability to operate in the mind with large streams of information.

Objective knowledge of future events.

Some use the method to treat blindness and deafness (while claiming that patients acquire alternative vision and hearing), paralysis, and also in the hope of reducing insulin dependence and slowing the growth of complications in patients with diabetes.

Hello visitors to our site. If you are here, then you have realized something and your consciousness has awakened!

Here you can find:

  • Information about vegetarianism, raw food and pranic nutrition;
  • Information about Slavic culture;
  • Facts about the hidden possibilities of a person;
  • ways to achieve financial freedom and to make any dream a reality.

We are grateful that you are interested in this information, are on the right track and "you are already guided by heaven and your mind is awakened from a coma"!

Hidden human capabilities: what secrets does our subconscious mind keep

A person lives and does not even think about what is his uniqueness, how he differs from other individuals. There is not the slightest desire to reveal and find out: are there hidden human capabilities or not? How is the body arranged? Although from a scientific point of view, a person, as an individual, is of no interest for study and research.

Scientists come to the same opinion that people are a complex “mechanism”, but apart from the brain they have nothing supernatural and unusual.

Rebuttals for science and theory are hundreds of cases and facts that no one is able to explain. Logic and science are powerless here and "wash their hands". The incredible possibilities of the human body exist, although they are not open to everyone and not always. A whole life can go by and nothing happens.

But in various extreme situations and unforeseen incidents, the human subconscious sends an impulse that helps and even saves lives.

What can a person do?

For example, yogis: it is unbelievable, but true - they dive deep under water, while not experiencing any discomfort without air. How they breathe, being under water for hours and even days, is not clear. It is also inexplicable how a yogi who is buried in the ground breathes. In this position, he can stay for more than one hour, he feels great after excavations.

Man cannot live without water and food. Water and food are sources of maintaining the body in good shape and vitality, dehydration and exhaustion occur, and death will be the consequence.

This statement is refuted by a yogi who does not drink or eat for about 60 years! From the point of view of the mind - this is nonsense, this is impossible. But he has been alive and well for more than one year, thereby breaking the stereotypes of everyday life with his very existence.

There are guesses that yogis can feed on the energy from space, or there are some other sources about which nothing is known. But the fact remains: they survive, stay awake, there is no scientific explanation for this.

Human abilities are limitless. And they are fully revealed in case of danger or threat to life. When life is at stake, the instinct of self-preservation kicks in, the “sixth sense” opens up. Real miracles happen, it is not possible to understand and find common sense in them.

Here is another confirmation. One winter there was a terrible accident on the road. A 40-year-old man was injured, he could not move on his own. To save him, the mother, who was next to him during the incident, put her son on her shoulders and carried him. Moreover, at that time she was already 70 years old, and she was walking along an uncleared track. So she carried her burden for 30 kilometers.

When the rescuers got to the victims on a snowmobile, they noticed that apart from the woman's footprints, there were no extraneous marks in the snow.

Also a shocking incident occurred in St. Petersburg. In one of the apartments (on the 7th floor) a child falls out of the window, at the age of 2 years. In the last fraction of a second, the mother manages to grab the baby, and she herself breaks down, along with him. He barely manages to grab onto the brick of the cornice, which is surprisingly held with just two fingers.

Arriving at the scene, rescuers and doctors could not unclench the woman's hand for a long time, she grabbed the child so tightly.

There are many similar proofs of the existence of unique human abilities. Thanks to the possession of such opportunities for people, there is nothing insurmountable. With the help of incredible abilities, you can turn the world upside down, forever end hunger in Africa, but this is still only an illusion.

Learn to find and understand, develop and control your abilities! There are still many mysteries hidden in man. Miracles happen.

Man is a paradoxical being.

We are trying to conquer the cosmos, to look into the darkest abysses of the ocean, to know the unknown, but we don’t even have a clue what is such a concept close to us as human capabilities and him.

But our abilities are almost limitless.

Man manages to build giant spaceships (albeit far from any perfection, but still capable of going into outer space); prove geometric theorems and calculate the most complex formulas with the maximum brain resources used from 1 to 2%.

This is exactly how much is accounted for by the functioning of our consciousness, while the remaining 98-99% belong to the mysterious sphere of our subconscious.

But what could suddenly happen if humanity could take advantage of this unknown region of the brain? It takes my breath away just thinking about it.

After all, life knows many real facts when a person suddenly discovered in himself hitherto hidden abilities and performed simply incredible deeds.

What are the unknowns really? human capabilities? This includes all those incredible abilities that are known to us today as phenomenal, paranormal and psychic.

Among them, hypnosis, clairvoyance, telepathy (reading other people's thoughts), intuition, telekinesis (moving objects with the power of thoughts) and "skin vision" (seeing the properties of objects with the surface of the skin) are considered the most studied.

The ability of a person to carry out deep meditation, to master all the steps of yoga, to fall into a trance can also be attributed to the capabilities of a person.

There are also short-term manifested phenomenal human capabilities, such as states of affect, when, due to the strongest internal experiences, a person suddenly acquires incredible strength or paranormal abilities, for example, he can withstand enormous physical exertion, or jump off the balcony of the fourth floor and run on.

In this state, hidden unexplored reserves are mobilized, and all internal strength is directed by the brain to solve a suddenly arisen complex problem. But this lasts only an extremely short time, most often - no more than a few minutes.

So incredible human capabilities nothing but the result of the involvement of the reserves of the subconscious.

Some people get it completely unconsciously (due to external factors), while others make a long conscious path to achieving certain superpowers.

There is also a hypothesis that the supernatural human capabilities capable of being transmitted genetically, that is, by inheritance. For example, clairvoyant abilities are often passed down through the female line.

No wonder that in the Middle Ages it was women who were targeted by the “witch hunt”.

Women in general, by their amazing nature, are very prone to the manifestation of the hidden possibilities of the psyche. So, a woman has such a feeling as intuition. Even without knowing the right answer to the question, she intuitively can find the right solution.

And there are legends about the miracles of the manifestation of the maternal instinct - in an effort to protect her child, a woman is capable of absolutely everything - from withstanding phenomenal physical exertion to murder.

In addition, long women's hair was called "cosmos" in Ancient Russia, which meant their connection with universal information and energy. Therefore, a woman was always supposed to wear a headdress.

Perhaps, over the years, a person will learn to use a much larger part of the brain, and it is even impossible to imagine, due to the limitations of the current methods of cognition, what unreal heights in the development of civilization we can achieve.

One thing is clear - we have an interesting path ahead of us. What has the future in store for us? What heights will scientific and technological progress reach? And what opportunity man and will show up along the way?

Many people endowed with superpowers say that absolutely every person has some kind of supernatural skills - they just need to be developed.

Each of us faced this in our own way, when, for example, they contributed to the development of the strongest dose of adrenaline, and helped to survive grief, overcome fatigue and not sleep at night and day, and two, and three.

The state of light affect or trance helps in a purely intuitive choice of the right, most optimal solution from a seemingly completely hopeless situation.

Therefore, knowing about this, it is in our power to engage in identifying and training such opportunities in ourselves right now.

When you give up, always remember such events in your life that did not break you, when you thought that the task was unrealistic to complete, but you still managed to solve it. You will see that it is very inspiring and energizing.

And no matter what ways the hidden human capabilities, the main thing is that they should be directed only for the good.

I thought for a long time about what to write about today, probably about something motivating! So meet the material about what the human body is capable of!

To begin with, the question: “Do you know that you yourself underestimate your capabilities?” In fact, by convincing yourself of the impossibility of achieving any goal, you are 100% likely to lose! At the same time, a person who is no different from you will achieve the same goal, and even with more modest opportunities, and all thanks to the fact that he “forgot” such a word as “impossible”! And so let's get down to the enchanting New Year's article:

What do you think is the longest distance a person can run continuously? So, the record in this area belongs to the representatives of the Tarahumara Indian tribe. And now get ready, one nineteen-year-old representative of this tribe covered 120 kilometers in 70 hours, while he also transferred a package weighing 45 kilograms! But this is not the most surprising, his fellow tribesman overcame 600 km. for 5 days, carrying a very important letter. I ask you to notice, if someone does not read very carefully - 5 days CONTINUOUS RUNNING! They are ordinary people, they have exactly the same number of legs as you, who are reading this article on the other side of the screen (meaning people who are not limited in their capabilities). Just imagine, a well-trained messenger is able to overcome at least 100 kilometers in 12 hours, and run at this pace for four or even six days!

It is worth remembering the American Stan Cottrell, who ran an incredible 276 kilometers 600 meters in a day without rest!

And the Finnish athlete Atti Nevala managed to set a record of non-stop skiing for 48 hours, while breaking 305.9 km. (This was in 1966).

Do you think our opportunities run out on the run? So no, a trained person can swim for as long as he can run! Here it is necessary to tell about the 43-year-old Argentinean Antonio Albertino, who, at his age, swam the English Channel (attention) in both directions without stopping! And it's not for you to swim in the pool, Antonio had to overcome strong currents, he swam about 150 kilometers, being in the water for 43 hours and 4 minutes!

But this is not the limit, 67-year-old resident of the United States, Walter Penisch, was able to swim the distance from Havana to Florida, which was 167 kilometers. And his compatriot obeyed as much as 221 km. well and the absolute record for the longest swim in the ocean belongs to a resident of America, Stella Taylor, who swam - 321 kilometers.

And now, especially for those who like to say that “I’m not the same age anymore,” the story of 102-year-old American Larry Lewis, who, at 102, ran 10 kilometers every morning. This grandfather, ran a distance of 91 meters (100 yards) in 17.3 seconds, and this is half a second faster than in 101 years!

Here everything is more or less simple, if a person is engaged in cold hardening on a regular basis, then the resistance of his body to cold increases to a large extent.

Canadian physiologists conducted a study on the problem of a person in cold water, for an ordinary person, lethal cooling should occur no earlier than after 60-90 minutes. The cause of death will be a kind of shock caused by cold, which begins to develop immediately after immersion in water, as well as respiratory dysfunction, which is caused by abundant irritation of cold receptors, or even cardiac arrest.

There is historical fact, when a Soviet sergeant during the Great Patriotic War swam 20 km in 9 hours in icy water, having successfully completed a combat mission.

Also, the amazing ability to survive in icy water in 1985 was demonstrated by one fisherman from England. After the shipwreck, all his comrades died 10 minutes later from hypothermia. But he managed to live for more than 5 hours, being in icy water. But that's not all, having swum to land, he walked barefoot along the frozen shore for about 3 more hours.

Science knows cases when people with a body temperature of only 28 ° C were able to talk and even walk. It has been scientifically recorded that a person retains consciousness at a body temperature of 26 ° C, and meaningful speech up to 24 ° C.

In addition to the unpleasant sensations that the cold is quite capable of causing, it also successfully contributes to longevity. So, it is no coincidence that the third place in terms of the percentage of centenarians belongs to Yakutia, where frosts sometimes reach incredible - 70 ° C. (The first two places in terms of centenarians belong to Abkhazia and Dagestan).

In the Hunza Valley (Pakistan), residents bathe in icy water in winter even at -15°C. They are really resistant to cold, they heat their stoves only for cooking.

Against the background of rational nutrition, the cold can have a rejuvenating effect, which primarily affects women. There, at the age of 40, women are considered still young, like our girls, they will retain the grace and harmony of their figure even at the age of 50-60, and at 65 they may well give birth to children!

Foreign scientists conducted special experiments to determine the highest temperature that the human body can endure in dry air. Let's take a look at the results:

An average person can withstand a temperature of + 71 ° C for 1 hour.

104°C - only 26 minutes.

There is a described case of a man staying in an oven, in which the temperature reached an incredible 170 ° C, for 14 minutes! (1828).

And in Belgium in 1958, an incredible case was recorded when a person was in a heat chamber for 5 minutes at a stunning temperature of 200 ° C.

In the United States, studies were conducted in a thermal chamber, during which it turned out that a person's body temperature can rise to 40.3 ° C, while a 10% dehydration of the body occurs.

But despite this, with infectious diseases that are accompanied by fever, some representatives of the human race are able to tolerate even higher body temperature. There is a known case when a student Sophie Sapola, suffering from brucellosis, had a body temperature exceeding 43°C.

It is worth mentioning that in the case of a human body being in hot water, the possibility of heat transfer by evaporation of sweat is excluded, therefore, the tolerance for high temperatures is much lower in the aquatic environment than in dry air. The record in this area belongs to one Turk, who, like Ivan Tsarevich, plunged headlong into a cauldron filled with water, the temperature of which was + 70 ° C. (I think it’s already clear here that you shouldn’t try to repeat his feat, also at home).

American doctors in Los Angeles recorded fasting for 119 days. They watched Elaine Jones, who weighed 143 kilograms and was obviously obese. Every day, during her hunger marathon, she drank 3 liters of water. (Not so much, this girl drinks a lot more). Also, twice a week, the woman was given a vitamin injection. Incredibly, in 17 weeks, her weight dropped to 81 kg, while she felt great.

But this is not the end, in 1973, a case was described on the verge of fantasy, when two women, having registered at a medical institution in the city of Glasgow, began fasting. At the time of the beginning, they both weighed more than 100 kilograms, and in order to normalize the weight of the first woman, she had to starve for 236 days, and the second (get ready!) 249 days! (This is an absolute world record).

American physiologist Adolph E.F. conducted studies that showed that the maximum duration of an ordinary person's stay without water depends largely on the mode of motor activity, as well as the ambient temperature.

For example, being in the shade and at rest, at an air temperature of 16-23 ° C, a person is able to do without drinking for 10 days. But at an air temperature of about 26 ° C, this period is already reduced to 9 days, at 29 - up to 7 days, 33 ° C - up to five days, 36 - up to 3 days. And finally, at an air temperature of 39 ° C, a person at rest can do without drinking for no more than two days.

In 1947, a 53-year-old man was found in the city of Frunze, who, after receiving a head injury, was without food and water for 20 days, in an abandoned, absolutely unheated room. At the moment when the man was found, his pulse was not felt, and breathing did not appear. The only sign of life was a change in the color of the nail bed when pressed on it. Surprisingly, the next day, the victim was already able to talk.

A steward of an English ship had to face a similar problem back in 1945. When his ship sank in the middle of the Atlantic, the sailor managed to escape on a boat, and he spent 4.5 months on the high seas!

I think you tried to hold your breath while inhaling or exhaling, and most likely you were convinced that at best you can do without air for two or three minutes, but on this human capabilities do not end.

American physiologist Schneider E.S. I was lucky to observe two pilots in 1930, one of whom, having previously breathed pure oxygen, was able to hold his breath while inhaling, for an incredible 14 minutes and 2 seconds! And the other for 15 minutes 13 seconds. The pilots endured the first 5-6 minutes of the period of holding their breath quite easily, but in the following minutes their pulse quickened and their blood pressure increased significantly. (If anyone is interested in numbers: before the delay, the first had a pressure of 124/88 mm Hg, after - 180/110, and the second in general - 130/90 before, and after - 194/140 mm).

The last category of our New Year's article about human capabilities Let's start with the famous Russian wrestler, athlete and one of the first Russian pilots Zaikin Ivan Mikhailovich (1880-1949). Which in 1908 toured in Paris. This incredible man tore chains on the stage, bent iron beams on his shoulders. He wore a 25 pound anchor on his shoulders, lifted a long barbell over his shoulders, after which a dozen people sat on it, whom Ivan began to rotate.

Also, for several decades in different countries, the name of the great Russian athlete Zass Alexander Ivanovich, who performed under the stage name Sampson, did not leave the circus posters in different countries. Having a weight of no more than 80 kilograms, Zass carried a horse weighing up to 400 kg on his shoulders. With his teeth he lifted a beam whose weight was 135 kg, moreover, 2 assistants sat at its ends, the total weight was 265 kg. Moreover, Samson caught a 90-kilogram cannonball, which was fired from a circus cannon, from a distance of 8 meters, and also lying bare-backed on a board studded with nails, he held a stone weighing half a ton on his chest. Breaking horseshoes and tearing chains was easy for him, he could even lift a taxi for fun and drive the car like a wheelbarrow.

The Englishman Eugene Sandow set a world record, with his weight up to 80 kg, he managed to squeeze 101.5 kg with one hand. (With one hand!). Also, within 4 minutes he could do 200 push-ups on his hands.

American scientists furiously tried to establish the possibility of a potential increase in human strength. And they opened the curtain, it turns out that the strength of the biceps muscle of the right hand when bending is quite possible to increase, the first way was to use a moderate dose of alcohol, while the strength increases by an average of 1.8 kilograms, after the introduction of adrenaline into the blood, the strength increases by 2.3 kg , and after the introduction of the amphetamine stimulant into the blood - by as much as 4.7 kg, but the most incredible results were obtained under hypnosis, when the flexor force of the biceps muscle increased by 9.1 kilograms, this is worth thinking about! No stimulant drugs were introduced, but the rate under hypnosis is the highest, accordingly, our brain does not allow us to give all our best, and if we learn to turn off this limiter, then we can do much more. Think about it...

Personally, at the time of writing, the article motivated me to test my own capabilities (no, I’m not going to jump into a cauldron with hot water), but how many times I can do push-ups within 4 minutes, it became interesting. How much can you?

Human capabilities
The most shocking facts about what the human body is capable of.

Human capabilities

11/29/2017 (Human abilities, General psychology) Surprising facts about human memory

01/18/2017 (Human performance) Britons found synesthesia in one in five

11/16/2015 (Human Opportunities) Found a way to speed up typing with the "power of thought"

06/22/2015 (Human Opportunities) In Sumy, the ‘Man-computer’ intends to break his own record

10/17/2014 (Human capabilities) Version: heroic deeds are performed unconsciously

05/26/2014 (Human Performance) A Spanish company launched an app to measure emotional intelligence

04/28/2014 (Human capabilities) Hiking develops creative thinking

04/17/2014 (Human capabilities) Scientists: talent is reflected in the brain of artists

02/13/2014 (Human abilities) TSU psychologists have patented a device for the formation of abilities in mathematics

02/13/2014 (Human capabilities) Nightmares for women and men are also different

11/28/2013 (Human Performance) Drivers who talk on the phone tend to overestimate their capabilities

09/26/2013 (Human capabilities) Scientists have discovered another state of the human body

07/31/2013 (Human Opportunity) Toronto resident hates blue letters after stroke

07/21/2013 (Human capabilities) Scientists have revealed the secret of inner speech

07/10/2013 (Human capabilities) Visualization of desires: truth or fiction?

07/07/2013 (Human capabilities) Noise in a cafe stimulates the creative process

06/06/2013 (Human capabilities) Synesthetes have a lot to learn

05/24/2013 (Human performance) High IQ makes you see little things

05/17/2013 (Human capabilities) Emotions give color to music

05/04/2013 (Human capabilities) Meditation allows the brain to control body temperature

04/11/2013 (Human capabilities) Psychologists made healthy people feel a non-existent limb

01/23/2013 (Human capabilities) Dreaming as a way to solve complex problems

01/22/2013 (Human Opportunities) An Englishman speaks Welsh after a stroke

01/15/2013 (Human capabilities) What is hidden behind our intuition?

12/27/2012 (Human abilities) Experiments show that we can anticipate events

12/26/2012 (Human abilities) Japanese scientists proved the existence of the aura

11/17/2012 (Human capabilities) Scientists have found out whether it is worth relying on intuition

04.10.2012 (Human abilities) Susceptibility to hypnosis depends on the functional structure of the brain

09/25/2012 (Human capabilities) How to develop creativity in yourself?

08/31/2012 (Human Opportunities) Trust your intuition: the first decision is the right one

07/11/2012 (Human capabilities, Research) Internet search develops the brain

07/01/2012 (Human Opportunities) Old films help to restore memory

06/12/2012 (Human capabilities) All familiar faces - deja vu effect

06/09/2012 (Human Opportunities) Meditation helps to communicate with the subconscious

05/22/2012 (Human capabilities) How to cause insight

05/12/2012 (Human capabilities) Thoughtless contemplation is good for the psyche

04/17/2012 (Human capabilities) The hypothesis of the basic six emotions is recognized as scientifically outdated

06/23/2011 (Human Performance) Timothy Leary Archive purchased for $900,000

12/10/2009 (Human Opportunities) Thought scanner will help prevent tragedies

12/08/2009 (Human Opportunities) Free women over 40 are mentally healthier

11/12/2009 (Human capabilities) Odessa psychologist robbed people with the help of hypnosis

10/12/2009 (Human Opportunities) Mental health is still in short supply

07/28/2009 (Human capabilities) Children know what dogs bark about

07/24/2009 (Human Opportunities) Parents should develop giftedness in a child from an early age - expert

07/09/2009 (Human capabilities) Polyglots learn languages ​​with different parts of the brain

07/08/2009 (Human capabilities) People are able to distinguish the smell of fear

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I love the term "limitless possibilities" so much. You just think about it. Opportunities WITHOUT Boundaries. I think for many the topic will be relevant. After all, we are so used to thinking that we ourselves cannot advance, that we are unworthy of something better, and so on. etc.

How often this negativity is instilled in us from childhood. The remarks of adults thrown in passing, who are simply tired of the working day, lay whole complexes in us. After all, it is known that by the age of 5 we form our ideas about life.

Then something is added, of course, but not much. True, it is interesting that we live in the mind and boundaries of the mind of a five-year-old child? And it was formed with us and was determined by what we received from our parents. But even the best parents cannot know everything and live within the limitations of their own consciousness.

How often we were told: "You can't do it", "You can't do it". And we squeeze ourselves into rigid limits when we say: “I can’t”, “I don’t have money for this!”, “What will they think about this?” ... And then you can list who, what might think about it.

All these limitations often prevent us from expressing ourselves using our limitless possibilities. If we understand that all limitations nest only in our heads and have nothing to do with reality, I think life will be much more interesting, happier and it will only bring us health.

I once read about putting things in order in our thoughts. And there was an example about a wardrobe. Imagine that you opened it, found a bunch of unnecessary things there. It's out of fashion, it doesn't suit you, it's the wrong size, you don't like it, etc. What can be done in this case? Of course, to take everything apart, just give something to someone, take it to the church, etc. Now we are starting to lay out all the remaining things in a new way. The closet becomes more spacious. And if you get a new thing, there is a place for it.

We need to do the same with our thoughts. Get rid of the old, make room for the new. How far we can go in this is entirely up to us.

Every time you hear about an incurable disease, know that it is not true. There is a power that can heal everything. You just need to dive into yourself and discover the medicine in yourself. There are many examples of such healing. I would like to briefly mention one of them.

I already wrote to you that my acquaintance with psychology began through the books of Louise Hay. Her story cannot leave anyone indifferent. At the age of five, her stepfather raped her, then fate threw her terrible trials one after another. Including the diagnosis of cancer. She abandoned medicine and began a new lifestyle of forgiveness, healing, proper nutrition, relaxation and cleansing. So she cured herself of cancer.

As Dr. Pachuta of the National AIDS Association said, "There has never been an epidemic in the world with 100% mortality - never!" Any disease on earth that affected many people could not cope with someone.

Immersed in gloomy thoughts, we are doomed. In order to find a way out of the situation, you need to apply a positive approach. We need to learn how to use the Power within us to heal.

Here are some examples of such unlimited human capabilities:

  • Peter Terren can handle frenzied tension. In the pose of a thinker, wrapped in foil, he remains alive and well after a 500 kilovolt electric shock.
  • Biologist Kevin Richardson can spend the night in a lion cage. For unknown reasons, the lions accept him as their own.
  • Vietnamese Thai Ngoc has not slept at all since 1973, from the very moment he had a fever.
  • Autistic from the UK Daniel Tammet speaks with difficulty, does not distinguish between left and right, does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time easily performs the most complex mathematical calculations in his mind. Daniel knows by heart 22514 digits after the decimal point in pi and understands eleven languages, including Welsh, Esperanto and Icelandic, which he learned in 7 days.
  • Jody Ostroit is able to notice details that are impossible to see with the naked eye. For example, the internal structure of a plant leaf, which can only be seen with an electron microscope.
  • The imaginary death was demonstrated in 1950 by yogi Babashri Ramdazhi Jirnari. He climbed into a chamber studded with nails, after which the chamber was filled with cement and filled with water. A day later, they took Babashri Yogi out of it, rubbed it and he came to life.

Recently I saw a video of amazing beauty on the Internet. Dance Men and women, but they are not just dancers, but people with disabilities. However, this did not prevent them from performing this sensual and beautiful dance.

By believing that anything is possible, we can open our minds to solutions to the problems we encounter in life.

We live and always have the right to choose: either we surround ourselves with walls of restrictions, or we break them, while feeling safe, allowing good and good to enter our lives.

I thought for a long time about what to write about today, probably about something motivating! So meet the material about what the human body is capable of!

To begin with, the question: “Do you know that you yourself underestimate your capabilities?” In fact, by convincing yourself of the impossibility of achieving any goal, you are 100% likely to lose! At the same time, a person who is no different from you will achieve the same goal, and even with more modest opportunities, and all thanks to the fact that he “forgot” such a word as “impossible”! And so let's get down to the enchanting New Year's article:

What do you think is the longest distance a person can run continuously? So, the record in this area belongs to the representatives of the Tarahumara Indian tribe. And now get ready, one nineteen-year-old representative of this tribe covered 120 kilometers in 70 hours, while he also transferred a package weighing 45 kilograms! But this is not the most surprising, his fellow tribesman overcame 600 km. for 5 days, carrying a very important letter. I ask you to notice, if someone does not read very carefully - 5 days CONTINUOUS RUNNING! They are ordinary people, they have exactly the same number of legs as you, who are reading this article on the other side of the screen (meaning people who are not limited in their capabilities). Just imagine, a well-trained messenger is able to overcome at least 100 kilometers in 12 hours, and run at this pace for four or even six days!

It is worth remembering the American Stan Cottrell, who ran an incredible 276 kilometers 600 meters in a day without rest!

And the Finnish athlete Atti Nevala managed to put on non-stop skiing for 48 hours, while breaking 305.9 km. (This was in 1966).

Do you think our opportunities run out on the run? So no, a trained person can swim for as long as he can run! Here it is necessary to tell about the 43-year-old Argentinean Antonio Albertino, who, at his age, swam the English Channel (attention) in both directions without stopping! And it's not for you to swim in the pool, Antonio had to overcome strong currents, he swam about 150 kilometers, being in the water for 43 hours and 4 minutes!

But this is not the limit, 67-year-old resident of the United States, Walter Penisch, was able to swim the distance from Havana to Florida, which was 167 kilometers. And his compatriot obeyed as much as 221 km. well and the absolute record for the longest swim in the ocean belongs to a resident of America, Stella Taylor, who swam - 321 kilometers.

And now, especially for those who like to say that “I’m not the same age anymore,” the story of 102-year-old American Larry Lewis, who, at 102, ran 10 kilometers every morning. This grandfather, ran a distance of 91 meters (100 yards) in 17.3 seconds, and this is half a second faster than in 101 years!

Here everything is more or less simple, if a person is engaged in cold hardening on a regular basis, then the resistance of his body to cold increases to a large extent.

Canadian physiologists conducted a study on the problem of a person in cold water, for an ordinary person, lethal cooling should occur no earlier than after 60-90 minutes. The cause of death will be a kind of shock caused by cold, which begins to develop immediately after immersion in water, as well as respiratory dysfunction, which is caused by abundant irritation of cold receptors, or even.

There is historical fact, when a Soviet sergeant during the Great Patriotic War swam 20 km in 9 hours in icy water, having successfully completed a combat mission.

Also, the amazing ability to survive in icy water in 1985 was demonstrated by one fisherman from England. After the shipwreck, all his comrades died 10 minutes later from hypothermia. But he managed to live for more than 5 hours, being in icy water. But that's not all, having swum to land, he walked barefoot along the frozen shore for about 3 more hours.

Science knows cases when people with a body temperature of only 28 ° C were able to talk and even walk. It has been scientifically recorded that a person retains consciousness at a body temperature of 26 ° C, and meaningful speech up to 24 ° C.

In addition to the unpleasant sensations that the cold is quite capable of causing, it also successfully contributes to longevity. So, it is no coincidence that the third place in terms of the percentage of centenarians belongs to Yakutia, where frosts sometimes reach incredible - 70 ° C. (The first two places in terms of centenarians belong to Abkhazia and Dagestan).

In the Hunza Valley (Pakistan), residents bathe in icy water in winter even at -15°C. They are really resistant to cold, they heat their stoves only for cooking.

Against the background of a balanced diet, cold can have a rejuvenating effect, which, first of all, affects. There, at the age of 40, women are considered still young, like our girls, they will retain the grace and harmony of their figure even at the age of 50-60, and at 65 they may well give birth to children!

  • High temperature resistance

Foreign scientists conducted special experiments to determine the highest temperature that can be endured in dry air. Let's take a look at the results:

An average person can withstand a temperature of + 71 ° C for 1 hour.
82°C - 49 minutes.
93°C - 33 minutes.
104°C - only 26 minutes.

There is a reported case of being in an oven in which the temperature reached an incredible 170°C for 14 minutes! (1828).

And in Belgium in 1958, an incredible case was recorded when a person was in a heat chamber for 5 minutes at a stunning temperature of 200 ° C.

In the United States, studies were conducted in a thermal chamber, during which it turned out that a person's body temperature can rise to 40.3 ° C, while a 10% dehydration of the body occurs.

But despite this, with infectious diseases that are accompanied by fever, some representatives of the human race are able to tolerate even higher body temperature. There is a known case when a student Sophie Sapola, suffering from brucellosis, had a body temperature exceeding 43°C.

It is worth mentioning that in the case of a human body being in hot water, the possibility of heat transfer by evaporation of sweat is excluded, therefore, the tolerance for high temperatures is much lower in the aquatic environment than in dry air. The record in this area belongs to one Turk, who, like Ivan Tsarevich, plunged headlong into a cauldron filled with water, the temperature of which was + 70 ° C. (I think it’s already clear here that you shouldn’t try to repeat his feat, also at home).

American doctors in Los Angeles recorded fasting for 119 days. They watched Elaine Jones, who weighed 143 kilograms and was obviously obese. Every day, during her hunger marathon, she drank 3 liters of water. (Not so much, ). Also, twice a week, the woman was given a vitamin injection. Incredibly, in 17 weeks, her weight dropped to 81 kg, while she felt great.

But this is not the end, in 1973, a case was described on the verge of fantasy, when two women, having registered at a medical institution in the city of Glasgow, began fasting. At the time of the beginning, they both weighed more than 100 kilograms, and in order to normalize the weight of the first woman, she had to starve for 236 days, and the second (get ready!) 249 days! (This is an absolute world record).

American physiologist Adolph E.F. conducted studies that showed that the maximum duration of an ordinary person's stay without water depends largely on, as well as the ambient temperature.

For example, being in the shade and at rest, at an air temperature of 16-23 ° C, a person is able to do without drinking for 10 days. But at an air temperature of about 26 ° C, this period is already reduced to 9 days, at 29 - up to 7 days, 33 ° C - up to five days, 36 - up to 3 days. And finally, at an air temperature of 39 ° C, a person at rest can do without drinking for no more than two days.

In 1947, a 53-year-old man was found in the city of Frunze, who, after receiving a head injury, was without food and water for 20 days, in an abandoned, absolutely unheated room. At the moment when the man was found, his pulse was not felt, and breathing did not appear. The only sign of life was a change in the color of the nail bed when pressed on it. Surprisingly, the next day, the victim was already able to talk.

A steward of an English ship had to face a similar problem back in 1945. When his ship sank in the middle of the Atlantic, the sailor managed to escape on a boat, and he spent 4.5 months on the high seas!

I think you tried to hold your breath while inhaling or exhaling, and most likely you were convinced that at best you can do without air for two or three minutes, but on this human capabilities do not end.

American physiologist Schneider E.S. I was lucky to observe two pilots in 1930, one of whom, having previously breathed pure oxygen, was able to hold his breath while inhaling, for an incredible 14 minutes and 2 seconds! And the other for 15 minutes 13 seconds. The pilots endured the first 5-6 minutes of the period of holding their breath quite easily, but in the following minutes their pulse quickened and their blood pressure increased significantly. (If anyone is interested in numbers: before the delay, the first had a pressure of 124/88 mm Hg, after - 180/110, and the second in general - 130/90 before, and after - 194/140 mm).

The last category of our New Year's article about human capabilities Let's start with the famous Russian wrestler, athlete and one of the first Russian pilots Zaikin Ivan Mikhailovich (1880-1949). Which in 1908 toured in Paris. This incredible man tore chains on the stage, bent iron beams on his shoulders. He wore a 25 pound anchor on his shoulders, lifted a long barbell over his shoulders, after which a dozen people sat on it, whom Ivan began to rotate.

Also, for several decades in different countries, the name of the great Russian athlete Zass Alexander Ivanovich, who performed under the stage name Sampson, did not leave the circus posters in different countries. Having a weight of no more than 80 kilograms, Zass carried a horse weighing up to 400 kg on his shoulders. With his teeth he lifted a beam whose weight was 135 kg, moreover, 2 assistants sat at its ends, the total weight was 265 kg. Moreover, Samson caught a 90-kilogram cannonball, which was fired from a circus cannon, from a distance of 8 meters, and also lying bare-backed on a board studded with nails, he held a stone weighing half a ton on his chest. Breaking horseshoes and tearing chains was easy for him, he could even lift a taxi for fun and drive the car like a wheelbarrow.

The Englishman Eugene Sandow set a world record, with his weight up to 80 kg, he managed to squeeze 101.5 kg with one hand. (With one hand!). Also, within 4 minutes he could do 200 push-ups on his hands.

American scientists furiously tried to establish the possibility of a potential increase in human strength. And they opened the veil, it turns out that the strength of the biceps muscle of the right hand when bending is quite possible to increase, the first way turned out to be, while the strength increases by an average of 1.8 kilograms, after the introduction of adrenaline into the blood, the strength increases by 2.3 kg, and after the introduction into the blood of the exciting amphetamine drug - by as much as 4.7 kg, but the most incredible results were obtained under hypnosis, when the flexor force of the biceps muscle increased by 9.1 kilograms, this is worth thinking about! No stimulant drugs were introduced, but the rate under hypnosis is the highest, respectively, ours does not allow us to give all our best, and if we learn to turn off this limiter, then we can do much more. Think about it...

Personally, at the time of writing, the article motivated me to test my own capabilities (no, I’m not going to jump into a cauldron with hot water), but how many times I can do push-ups within 4 minutes, it became interesting. How much can you?