Caracas, Venezuela - photo of Caracas, attractions, map, weather, reviews of tourists. Souvenirs

The capital of Venezuela is located in a beautiful mountain valley in the Caribbean Andes at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level.

The distance to the coast is only 15 kilometers.

Caracas is considered a fairly densely populated city, because it is home to almost a sixth of the country's population.

The capital of Venezuela was founded by Diego de Lozada, an ethnic Spaniard, in 1567. Then it was called Santiago de Leon de Caracas, but later the difficult name was changed to a much simpler one - Caracas.

The city was built on the site of a burned Indian settlement; it suffered many times from pirate attacks. It was in Caracas in 1811 that the National Congress was convened, which proclaimed the independence of the country, and 20 years later the capital moved here.

Venezuela, which is also called "little Venice", is considered the sixth largest state in the territory. Its main attractions are the world's highest waterfall and the longest river.

The capital of Venezuela is located among a range of mountains rising under the sky, in the valley of "singing birds". Caracas is truly mysterious: it perfectly combines the new and the old. Huge skyscrapers and ultra-modern buildings look great against the backdrop of ancient streets and squares. Despite the fact that it is growing very fast, and its territory is already heavily built up, however, there are many green parks and plantings.

In 1900, the capital of Venezuela was badly damaged as a result of a powerful earthquake that claimed numerous lives and caused enormous losses. But after the outskirts of Caracas were discovered for the city, a period of prosperity began. High-rise modern buildings, high-speed roads, residential complexes and centers were built on oil revenues.

But despite such rapid growth, the capital of Venezuela carefully guards its historical sites, such as Bolivar Square, in the center of which there is a monument to the liberator, a 17th-century cathedral, and the Palace of Natal.

In general, many places in the city are associated with the name of Bolivar: a museum, a palace where he spent his childhood, an avenue is named after him, two skyscrapers connected to each other.

The capital of Venezuela is rightfully proud of its Botanical Garden, which contains the rarest collection of cacti, and between the sea and the city there is a huge nature reserve - a favorite place for citizens.

Of no less interest is the city hippodrome, which is located on an area of ​​more than five hundred hectares.

There is also a university, a music academy, many theaters and museums in Caracas.

To date, tours in Venezuela - a fairly rare phenomenon. We Russians know little about this country, but almost everyone has heard of Hugo Chavez, the late but very charismatic president who brought his country out of a protracted war. And so today, tourists can already see with their own eyes the unique nature of Venezuela, which is the most majestic natural miraculous creation on the continent.

Beach lovers will appreciate the luxurious beaches of this Caribbean coast, and those who prefer active pastime can enjoy rafting, safari and jeeping in many of the country's protected parks.

The Botanical Garden, located in Caracas, is perhaps the most beautiful and richest in all of South America. Here you can see wide squares and boulevards, decorative palm trees, trees and cacti, lawns and flower beds.

The Botanical Garden was established in 1944 by Professor Tobias Lsser. It is located on 70 hectares, ten of which are divided into clear zones, and the rest grows tropical rainforest. Several dozen species of ferns and orchids grow almost at arm's length. And what did not fit in the alleys was transferred to a covered room, thus creating something like a huge herbarium.

There are approximately 2,500 plant species that belong to 200 botanical families. Half of them can be found in Venezuela, the rest were brought from Asia, Latin America and Africa. The local tropical rainforest is home to a rich fauna. It should also be noted that in the territory of the garden there are valuable medicinal plants used in everyday life and in pharmacology.

Modern Art Museum

The Museum of Modern Art in Caracas was created on August 30, 1973 by Simon Bolivar in the new Central Park, not far from the residential complex. He began public activity on February 20, 1974, with only two sculptures and a small collection donated by the local government. It included works by established masters such as Adami, Pavlos, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Richard Smith, Marisol Escobar and Emilio Tadini.

Since 2005, the collection has become part of the Museum's National Endowment. It consists of 13 exhibition halls. Temporary exhibitions are located from halls 1 to 8, multimedia displays with information about the presented sample are installed near the exhibits. The exhibition dedicated to video art is located in the 9th hall. The works of the great masters are constantly located in the 10th room, here you can see paintings by Vollard and Picasso.

Also under the tutelage of Simon Bolivar work: the House of Culture - Alameda, the Small Gallery (Guarenas), the Museum of Art and the Art Choir. This is one of the most important Latin American figures supporting contemporary art and presenting the masterpieces of world famous authors.

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Museum of Fine Arts

Cultural and historical sights of Caracas are usually concentrated in the old part of the city - El Centro. The Museum of Fine Arts, which is located in one of the most beautiful squares of Caracas in the historic center of the capital of Venezuela, was no exception.

The building of the Museum of Fine Arts was built in 1955-1956 by architect O. Niemeyer.

The exposition of the museum is very remarkable: there are paintings and ceramics from all over the world, many of these works are unique. A significant part of the exposition is occupied by the sculpture garden, represented by the works of European and Venezuelan masters. The Egyptian collection is represented by bas-reliefs, funerary figurines, etc.

The Interactive Children's Museum of Caracas opened in 1982. Its creators wanted to tell their young visitors about science, technology, culture and art in an accessible and entertaining way. There are halls dedicated to plants and animals, ecology, history, and languages ​​of the world. In 1987, the museum presented an exhibition about space.

The museum is designed for children from six to 14 years old.

On weekdays it is open from 9.00 to 17.00, and on weekends from 10.00 to 17.00. The price of the entrance ticket is 28 bolivars.

east park

East Park (Parque del Este) is located in the east of Caracas. This is the largest and most famous park in this city.

On the territory of the East Park with an area of ​​185 acres (about 74 hectares) there are 9 artificial ponds with ducks, storks and flamingos, a terrarium, a garden of bushes. Also in the East Park is a small zoo with jaguars, monkeys, caimans and various exotic birds.

If you are used to outdoor activities, then in East Park you will find entertainment to your liking. Here you can play football, dance, visit the pond with kayaks and pedal boats, or just have a picnic. However, this is not all: on the territory of the East Park there is a full-size model of the ship on which Bolivar sailed. On the territory of the ship there is a small museum, which you can visit absolutely free of charge.

Museum of Natural Sciences

The building of the museum, made in the neoclassical style, is decorated with bas-reliefs and sculptures by the famous artist Francesco Narvaez. The semi-circular façade is framed by marble-coated granite columns. Almost one hundred and seventy thousand exhibits are located on two floors of the museum, from which ten collections are formed in different areas of history, ethnography, and biology.

Every visitor to the museum is sure to find something interesting for themselves. Archeology lovers will be attracted by artifacts that tell about the life of the ancient peoples who inhabited the territory of South America: military weapons, jewelry and household items.

Those who are interested in the life of the seas-oceans will not be indifferent to the ichthyological section, where you can see river and ocean fish, a large collection of sea shells. Children adore the zoological halls with numerous stuffed animals, including a giraffe, made with great authenticity. The skulls of a mammoth and a whale, striking in their size, are also exhibited here.

In addition to the main exhibition, you can visit a variety of thematic exhibitions regularly held in the museum.

University campus in Caracas

The campus in Caracas is a huge student complex of the country's main university - the Central University of Venezuela. The campus was founded in the 40s of the XX century. Outstanding architects of the time were invited to work on the campus, and construction lasted 25 years.

The grandiose complex was built in Art Nouveau style, it is one of the best examples of modern style in Latin America. The buildings of the complex deserve special attention, which can be called true architectural masterpieces of the modern style: the Clouds auditorium, the Covered Square, the building of the Faculty of Engineering, the building of the Faculty of Architecture, a sports complex with a stadium. Since 2000, the complex has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Miraflores Palace

The Miraflores Palace is a National Historic Monument built in the 19th century. And concurrently is the official residence of the President of Venezuela.

Luxurious castles, paintings, rich decoration - all this has been hidden from public view since the creation of the palace. For ordinary people, entry here was forbidden.

Recently, most of the presidential halls have been given over to the Museum of the History of the Bolivarian Revolution, and now everyone can see the secret halls where meetings and meetings of Hugo Chavez were constantly held, as well as the famous golden sun, the government gift of Peru.

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Santiago de Leon de Caracas, abbreviated Caracas(Spanish Caracas) - the capital, located at an altitude of 900-1000 m above sea level, in the Caribbean Valley in the north of the country (the northernmost capital among the countries of South America), 14 km from the coast. Together with the suburbs, the city forms the Federal Capital District, with a territory of more than 1900 km².

The main industries present in Caracas are metallurgical, engineering, chemical, textile, textile, leather and food industries. Recent years have been marked by the active development of horticulture, animal husbandry, trade, transport and tourism.

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History pages

In the late Paleolithic era, these places were inhabited by the ancestors of the current Indians, who were replaced by tribes and Caribs. Being engaged in hunting, fishing and farming, they have reached a fairly high level of development.

After the discovery of these places in 1498, then by the Spanish navigator in 1499, the Spaniards began to actively develop these territories. Francisco Fajardo, a Spanish conquistador, in search of suitable areas for plantations, saw a wonderful green valley in the mountains. Struck by its beauty, he founded a new settlement here, naming it San Francisco in his honor. The settlement was soon burned down by the Indians of the Toromaima tribe. The Spanish detachment, which arrived under the command of Captain Diego de Losada, quickly destroyed the recalcitrant Indians. And on July 25, 1567, a new city was founded, named by the conquistador Santiago de Leon de Caracas: Santiago is the patron saint of Spain, Leon is the then governor of the province of Venezuela (Ponce de Leon), Caracas is the name of an Indian tribe conquered by the Spaniards.

This is how Caracas used to be

Initially, the city was fatally unlucky. First, in the XVI-XVII centuries. he was often attacked by pirates. The second disaster was epidemics of typhus and yellow fever. Although the climate of the city was healthy, in the isolated conditions of the valley, any infection spread with lightning speed, mercilessly mowing people down.

Earthquakes became the third misfortune of Caracas: the location of the city turned out to be in a seismically active zone. A powerful earthquake in 1641 practically razed the city to the ground, most of the townspeople died, but Caracas was reborn again.

And as a result of the struggle of the people for independence under the leadership, in 1829 Spain was forced to recognize the sovereignty of Venezuela, and Caracas became the capital of an independent South American state.


Protected by the Andean spurs from hot tropical winds, the city is famous for its very comfortable climate, almost constant throughout the year. It is not for nothing that Caracas is called the city of “eternal spring”, because flowers bloom all year round in the capital of Venezuela.

The city has a humid subequatorial climate. The average annual t is +24°C, while the average January (the coldest month) is about +22°C, and the average July t (the warmest month) is +25°C. The rainy season lasts from May to November, in the remaining months, which are characterized by the predominance of anticyclones, the weather is warm and dry.

Population, language, religion

Caracas is a densely populated city. Its population exceeds 1.8 million people, and together with the suburbs, there are actually more than 4.5 million inhabitants.

The composition of the population of the capital is approximately as follows: with a clear predominance of Spanish-Indian mestizos (about 68%), about 20% are descendants of immigrants from European countries (Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Germans), many immigrants from, about 10% - Africans, Indians - about 2%.

The official language is Spanish, and the Indians speak about 40 dialects. In a country with a free religion, missions of different faiths operate here, but the vast majority of the believers of Caracas are adherents of the Roman Catholic Church.

Sights & Activities in Caracas

Caracas is a giant amphitheater spread out on the mountain slopes. The business district of Caracas differs little from European or North American, but even here low colonial-type houses have been preserved, with traditional patios, windows and elegant balconies with wrought iron twisted lattices. In the old part of the city, the streets are narrow and one-way. The transport problem was partially resolved by the construction of the subway.

Various historical periods have left their mark on urban architecture. Today, modern skyscrapers are harmoniously combined with buildings of the colonial era.

Most of the city's attractions, cultural and architectural, are concentrated in the old part of the city, called El Centro. Historic center of Caracas bolivar square(Plaza Bolívar) with an equestrian statue of the liberator.

The cult of Simon Bolivar is felt everywhere. The main attraction of the city is National Pantheon of Venezuela(Spanish: Panteón Nacional de Venezuela), where the hero of the liberation war is buried. Next to the pantheon is Palace of Casa Natal de Simon Bolívar(Casa Natal de Bolivar) - the house in which Bolivar was born and raised. The city also has the Bolivar Museum (Spanish: Museo Bolivariano), which houses his personal archive. A wide avenue of Bolivar (la Avenida Bolívar) stretches through the entire old city, turning into Liberator Avenue (Avenida Libertador). Centro Bolivar rises on the avenue: two interconnected 32-storey twin towers (103 m high), erected in the 1950s.

One of the most important sights of the city is Cathedral(Caracas Cathedral), located on the eastern side of the central square, which has the status of the main Venezuelan center of Christianity. It houses the residence of the Archbishop of Venezuela. The architectural design of the cathedral surprises with its austere magnificence. The interior decoration strikes with restrained elegance, wall frescoes - with extraordinary beauty.

The parents and wife of Simon Bolivar are buried in the cathedral cemetery. In a small family chapel, located near the cathedral, there is a sculptural group - the praying Bolivar family in full force.

A little south of the Cathedral, in a historic colonial building, where the convent used to be, is located Museum of Sacred Art(Museo Sacro de Caracas), which presents an extensive collection of religious art. On the south side of Bolivar Square is the building of the Municipality of the 17th century, the first floor of which is occupied by the Santana Museum (el museo de Santana), where a collection of miniature copies tells about the history of Caracas. Perched next to the Municipality building Chapel of the Holy Rose(la Capilla de Santa Rosa), where in 1811 the independence of the Bolivarian Republic was proclaimed. Also in the district of the central square are National Congress building(1873) and Casa Amarilla (La Casa Amarilla, XVII century), once a prison, and today the country's Foreign Ministry has settled here.

Caracas is the most important cultural center of the state: the Academy of Music (founded in 1783), the central University of Venezuela, the State Academy of Language, the Academy of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, the largest National Library are located here.

The cultural center of Caracas, called Parque Central, is located east of the main square, it is visible from afar from two skyscrapers built in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. These are the highest buildings in South America, their height is 225 meters. Stunning views of the city and its surroundings can be admired from the observation deck located on the 52nd floor of the western tower. Directly opposite the towers is Los Cabos Park (parque Los Cabos), on the territory of which there are the Museum of Natural History, the National Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art, the Children's Museum and the country's main theater named after Teresa Carreño.

There are a lot of large buildings in the city, but the citizens are especially proud of the most grandiose Rinconada Hippodrome in South America (Hipódromo La Rinconada, 1959), covering an area of ​​500 hectares.

There are many parks in the vicinity of Caracas: Avila National Park(Avila National Park), connected to the city of Teleferico (el Teleférico, 1958) - the highest and longest cable car in the world, raising tourists to the summit of El Avila(2125 m); Macarao National Park; Guatopo National Park(Guatopo National Park) and others.

Caracas is the capital and largest city of Venezuela. It is located in the northern part of the country, making up the Federal Capital District with the adjacent territories.

Caracas was founded Diego de Losada in 1567 on the site of the burned village of the Caracas Indian tribe. Throughout the 17th century, the coast of Venezuela was subjected to invasions of pirates, but the city was safely hidden in the rocks of the bay. This location was one of the key reasons for choosing Caracas as the capital of the state.

In the 20th century, when oil reserves were discovered in the country, Caracas became a major economic center of Latin America. In addition, Caracas is also the cultural center of the country. Some buildings of the city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Despite the fact that today Caracas is a dynamically developing city, it, like any metropolis, has some problems, for example, a high level of crime and traffic jams.

The city is suitable for both active and quiet family holidays.

Federal Capital District


5 905 463 people

Population density

1431 people/km 2

Venezuelan bolivar (VEB)


Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

Caracas is located in the tropical climate zone. The temperature here is also affected by altitude. The average annual temperature is +23 °С, while the average temperature of January (the coldest month) is +21 °С, and the average temperature of May (the warmest month) is +25 °С. Fog can be observed in the city in December and January. The rainy season lasts from May to November.

Due to the absence of sudden temperature changes, you can go to Caracas at any time of the year, but it is better to do this from late autumn to early summer.


The city is located in a beautiful valley Caribbean Andes at an altitude of about 1 km above sea level. In its vicinity, the vegetation of alpine meadows and temperate forests prevails, and not far from the famous National Park on the emerald slope of the Andes, on the one hand, and on the other, the popular Caribbean coast with the cleanest beaches.

The capital is located in a zone of high seismic activity, due to which the city was almost destroyed in 1812 and 1900.


Most of the attractions are concentrated in the old part of Caracas, near the square Bolivar. The center of the square is decorated with a monument to the national hero.

On the east side is the Cathedral. Simon Bolivar's parents are buried here. There is a museum next to the cathedral. Sacro de Caracas.

On the south side of the square is the building of the Municipality, and the chapel adjoins it. St. Roses.

In the vicinity of the square there are a large number of churches, as well as a house-museum Bolivar and the National Pantheon, where the hero is buried.

cultural center of the city Park Central, located east of the square Bolivar. Here are the Museum of Fine Arts, the National Gallery, the theater Theresa-Carenno. Two skyscrapers were erected in this area in the 1970s and 1980s. Their height is 225 meters, they are the tallest buildings in South America. On the 52nd floor of one of them there is an observation deck with stunning views of the city and surroundings.

A large number of parks are concentrated around Caracas, such as the National Park Avila, National Park macarao, National Park Guatotopo other.


The basis of the local cuisine is meat dishes. Their range is quite wide. For example, you can try "parrilla-criolla"(marinated beef, grilled on charcoal ), "mondogo"(vegetable soup with tripe) "erbido"(soup with vegetables, beef, poultry or fish), "sanchoco"(thick soup with poultry meat and vegetables).

All these dishes are served both in expensive restaurants and in simple eateries. In addition to meat, seafood dishes are common (mussels, oysters, sea bass, trout). For dessert, fruit with cream, pastries, sweets, and freshly squeezed juices, cocoa or coffee are offered. Of the alcoholic beverages, local beer and rum are most common.


The city has a large number of luxury 4-5 star hotels ( CARACAS PALACE HOTEL 5*, Pestana Caracas Hotel & Suites 5*, JW Marriott Hotel Caracas 5*, EDUARD SUITES & RESORT 4*, ANACONDA 4*...), as well as small private hotels-posadas and apartments, so a tourist with any wallet can stay here.

The level of service, of course, also varies widely: from exclusive furnishings and chic service to not too clean rooms and the need to cook your own food.

Entertainment and recreation

The center of the entertainment life of the city is the district Sabana Grande. In this area there are a large number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops. Sabana Grande is also considered the center of nightlife. In addition, a large number of nightlife establishments are located in areas Las Mercedes, El Rosal, La Costellana.

In the biggest mall in Caracas Central commercial Ciudad Tamanaco there are a large number of boutiques, bistros and cinemas.

The local population loves sports, especially football. The city has two football stadiums - the Olympic Stadium and Brigio Iriarde. There is a baseball stadium on the territory of the National University. Gambling enthusiasts will enjoy the hippodrome Rinconada.

The cultural life of the city is impossible to imagine without music and dance, as well as the theater. There is the Academy of Music, founded in 1783, the National Theater and Chamber Ballet Ballet International de Caracas.

Outdoor enthusiasts can visit the park Del Este, which has a zoo and a planetarium, a park Los Cabos and the Botanical Gardens, located on the grounds of the Central University of Venezuela.


Many shops in the country are open from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 18:00. The lunch break is usually taken from 14:00 to 15:00. The work of large shopping centers has been extended until 21:00, sometimes until 22:00.

Value added tax is included in the price of the goods and is equal to 16%.

The souvenir shops of Caracas are full of goods made by local Indians by hand. Particular attention should be paid to leather products.


The public transport in Caracas is the bus and metro. Buses are inconvenient in that their routes are long and confusing, which can confuse a tourist who has come here for the first time. The bus fare is 2 Bolivars. More than 50% of this mode of transport is in extremely poor condition due to the fact that the fare does not cover the cost of repairs.

The metro is considered the only convenient way to get around the city. Four subway lines cover almost all areas. The peculiarity of traveling in the metro is that the ticket must be presented at the entrance and at the exit, otherwise it will be impossible to exit the metro through the turnstile.

Recently, Caracas has increased the fare at night to 2.4 bolivars and on holidays to 2.2 bolivars.

You can also rent a car in Caracas and it will be much more profitable, since gasoline is very cheap here.


At Caracas Airport, you can easily purchase a SIM card from one of the local mobile operators. There are also a large number of pay phones in the city, and you can buy a payment card even at a newsstand. The cost of a minute of connection depends on where the call is made. So, local calls will cost from $0.2, and a call abroad will cost $1 or more.

In Caracas, there are Internet cafes on almost every street, but they work mostly until 19:00-20:00.


There is quite a turbulent criminal situation. Caracas can be divided into two areas - real slums and elite areas with villas and luxurious residential complexes. If you find yourself in the first of them, and even well-dressed and with photo or video equipment, then there is a high probability that you will come out of there bruised and robbed.

But in elite areas there is practically nothing to be afraid of. Even better, if you are accompanied by a local guide who knows all the intricacies of city life. But even in this case, it is better not to flaunt jewelry, equipment, cash. It is also extremely risky to make night walks around the city.

Business climate

Venezuela is currently experiencing rapid economic growth. The country provides ample opportunities to start your own business.

It should be noted that not all activities require a special license. To deal with all the legal intricacies of registering a business, you can use the services of lawyers who specialize in working with foreign citizens.

The property

Compared to other countries and regions of the Caribbean, real estate in Venezuela can be purchased at a very low price. Thus, the cost of a two-room apartment with an area of ​​70-80 m 2 in the capital will be about $100,000-120,000. A six-bedroom house here will cost $550,000.

As for taxes related to real estate, here they are under the jurisdiction of the municipal authorities, so there is no single rate.

Upon arrival in Caracas, it is best to exchange money at the airport, but this can also be done in cafes and restaurants, where dollars and even euros are accepted and exchanged for local currency.

Tipping in restaurants and cafes is usually 5-10% and is already included in the bill, but it would not be superfluous to leave a couple of bolivars for the waiter "for a tip".

US-type sockets are used in the country, so the hotel may need a special adapter.

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Caracas is located on the territory, in the most beautiful mountain valley of the Caribbean Andes, at an altitude of about 1000 meters above sea level. This large city is the capital of the country, as well as its economic, industrial and cultural center. Every year, it attracts thousands of tourists who want to get acquainted with its long history, feel the unique atmosphere of the northern region of South America and make an unforgettable journey through the picturesque surroundings.


Caracas is more than 10 km away from the Caribbean coast, but the influence of the sea is felt even here, in the middle of the majestic Andes. The warm climate, abundance of sunlight and green vegetation add freshness and color to the city, and the multinational composition of the population and colonial Spanish architecture, combined with modern new buildings, make the metropolis extremely colorful and interesting in terms of getting to know it. The capital of Venezuela has a large number of theater and concert halls, museums, educational and cultural institutions, monuments, churches and other attractions. The infrastructure is quite well developed here, including transport links, various hotels of any category, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and shopping and entertainment establishments.

Like many South American cities, Caracas is characterized by problems associated with low ecology, increased crime, too much difference in the standard of living of citizens, traffic jams and other difficulties. In addition, the city is located in a zone of increased seismic activity, as a result of which there is a high probability of an earthquake, which has happened more than once over the long years of its existence. The main inhabitants of the capital are Spanish-Indian mestizos, as well as emigrants from Colombia, from the Asian and African continents. A small proportion of the population are Europeans and Indians. In religious terms, most of the townspeople identify themselves as Roman Catholic.

general information

The territory of Caracas and the adjacent territories of the metropolitan area covers an area of ​​1900 square meters. km, with a population of more than 3 million people. Local time is 7.5 hours behind Moscow time. There is no daylight saving time in the country. Time zone UTC-4:30. Telephone code (+58) 212. Official website

A brief excursion into history

According to historical data, Caracas was founded by the Spanish conquistador Diego de Losada in 1567, on the site of the Indian village of the same name, destroyed by European conquerors during the seizure of the territory. In the Middle Ages, the city was constantly attacked by pirates, which is why it was always in anticipation of hostilities. In 1777, it became the capital of the captaincy general of Venezuela, but soon an uprising took place, which caused the removal of the Spanish captain general from power and the creation of the Supreme Government Junta. Then, the revolutionary situation spread to other Spanish colonies in Venezuela and as a result, in 1811, the country declared its independence. After 4 years, the Spaniards regained their lost lands, but in 1818 they were again forced to leave them. Then, Venezuela was recognized as a republic and temporarily became part of Gran Colombia, leaving it in 1830. From that moment on, Caracas finally approved the status of the capital of the Venezuelan Republic. The following years passed under the sign of reforms and significant transformations. By the end of the 20th century, the city had greatly changed its former appearance, while maintaining the status of the largest economic and industrial center of the state.


A humid subequatorial climate prevails on the territory of the capital region, with an average annual air temperature of +28 degrees. The greatest amount of precipitation falls here from June to October. The rest of the year is sunny and mostly dry, so the most preferred period to travel here is from November to May.

How to get there

Caracas International Airport provides air links with various countries of the world, and also serves domestic flights. In addition, there are suburban rail and bus routes.


Within the city limits, the most common mode of transportation is the extensive metro network and buses. During the rainy season, there are occasional traffic difficulties on the roads due to heavy downpours. When using taxi services, you should be especially vigilant, as local drivers often deceive tourists and it is advisable to find out the cost before boarding. In general, the prices for public transport here are quite low.

Attractions and entertainment

The main attractions of Caracas are concentrated in the old part of the city - El Centro. On Plaza Bolívar, the city's history museum and the exquisite Catedral de Caracas deserve special attention. Nearby is a colonial-era house, Casa Natal de Simon Bolívar, also known as the El Libertador House Museum. Other points of interest include the Pantheon Nacional, the church of Iglesia de San Francisco and the splendid El Capitolio Nacional complex. Art lovers should visit the Museum of Modern Art with unique works by the greatest masters of the past. Of great interest are the Museum of Colonial Art and the Museum of Transport. No cultural program is complete without a visit to Los Caobos Park, with its museums, the Terreso Carrena Theater and the National Gallery. Just outside the city limits is the Avila National Park, which can be reached either along scenic hiking trails or by cable car. For lovers of active pastime at night, numerous bars and nightclubs are open in the capital.


The restaurants, cafes and eateries of Caracas offer a wide selection of dishes, including all kinds of seafood, vegetables, deli meats and other goodies.


A great way to combine a meal with a walk and shopping is to visit Sabana Grande Street, where traffic is prohibited and all kinds of shops, souvenir shops and culinary establishments are presented in abundance. In addition, here you can fully appreciate the flavor of the Venezuelan capital in all its splendor.

Caracas is a colorful and spectacular metropolis, where all facets of modern life open up to the eye. Luxurious skyscrapers and dilapidated slums, an abundance of cultural attractions and the grandeur of the Caribbean Andes, combined with a characteristic South American entourage, form the face of this city, allowing you to get a lot of vivid impressions from your stay in these places.