Maps of the Simbirsk province. Provinces of the Russian Empire: Simbirsk province


  • 1 Geographical position
  • 2 Geology
  • 3 Minerals
  • 4 Climate
  • 5 Natural resources
  • 6 Population
    • 6.1 Number
    • 6.2 Social and national composition
    • 6.3 Religion
    • 6.4 Noble families
  • 7 History
  • 8 Economy
    • 8.1 Agriculture
    • 8.2 Industry and trade
    • 8.3 Transport and communications
    • 8.4 Banks
  • 9 Administrative unit
  • 10 Education and culture
  • 11 Health care and care
  • 12 Notable people
  • Notes


Simbirsk province- an administrative-territorial formation with a center in Simbirsk, formed from the Simbirsk governorship in 1796. In 1924 it was renamed Ulyanovsk province. It was abolished in 1928 during the economic zoning of the USSR. On January 19, 1943, the Ulyanovsk region was formed on a part of the territory of the former Simbirsk province.

1. Geographic location

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Simbirsk province occupied 49.5 thousand km². It bordered on the Kazan province in the north, on the Volga in the east, separating it from the Samara province (encompassing the left bank of the Volga only in two places: opposite Simbirsk and in Syzran), in the south - on Saratov, in the west - on Penza and Nizhny Novgorod provinces.

2. Geology

About the geology of the province, Professor A.P. Pavlov in his work "The Lower Volga Jura" said the following:

Geologically, the province was explored by Pallas, Strangveys, Shirokshin and Guryev, Murchinson, Yazykov, Pander, Professor G. D. Romanovsky, Wagner, P. V. Eremeev, Trautschold, Sintsov, Laguzen, and others. Jurassic rock outcrops were observed along the right bank of the Volga in two quite distant localities: in the counties of Simbirsk and Syzran. Between the northern Simbirsk section of the mountain and the southern Syzran one lay a vast area, partly occupied by newer (Cretaceous and Tertiary) deposits, partly by Paleozoic limestones (Carboniferous and Permian limestones of the Samara bow).

The deposits of the lower Volga reached their greatest development near the village of Gorodishche. The environs of the village of Polivny represented the southernmost limit of the distribution of the mountain in the northern part of the province. Here the Jurassic strata, gradually falling to the south, were hidden under the level of the Volga, and in the coastal outcrops they were replaced by deposits of the Lower Cretaceous system, which occupied in the vicinity of Undor and even further to the village of Bessonkova only the tops of the coastal outcrops and formed the hills of the high bank of the Volga. In the environs of Simbirsk, these Lower Cretaceous rocks, in turn, were covered by Upper Cretaceous ones (and, somewhat to the west, by Tertiary ones); these newer deposits stretched south to the vicinity of the village of Usolya, where they suddenly gave way to Carboniferous deposits, rising steeply in the form of quite significant elevations (about 300 m), and in some places in the form of completely vertical walls, at the foot of which the further distribution of Cretaceous and Tertiary layers was interrupted . This ridge of calcareous heights, eroded in many places, cut by ravines and more or less rounded, could be traced from the Zhiguli and Usolye far southwest to the village of Troekurovka, even further along the Syzran River, where the last outcrops of carboniferous limestones were indicated. Outcrops of ancient rocks, however, did not put a limit to the spread of Mesozoic formations to the south.

Downstream of the Volga, gray Jurassic clay was encountered again, containing the same fossils as in the clay of Gorodishche, and a little further, near the village of Kashpura, a powerful development of auzell sandstones, conglomerates, tarry slates and, in general, rocks developed in the vicinity of the villages of Polivna and Gorodishche was observed. . Somewhat south of Kashpur, all these rocks, as well as near Polivna, hid under the level of the Volga, giving way to Lower Cretaceous sediments. Numerous studies of the province until the beginning of the 20th century did not clarify many questions. According to Professor Pavlov's study of Gorodishche clay, there was a trace of fauna characterizing the virgas layers of the Russian Jura. He met in it representatives of the Lat. Pinna, Trigonia , Aporrhais , Buccinum , Purritella ; aucellae and sea urchins are less common. Remains of Per Figatus Buch, Per Quenstedti Rllr, Per biplex Sow (Per Pallasianus) are not uncommon even in the lowest parts of the observable belt.

Geologically speaking, the Simbirsk province in general terms represented the following: the northern part of the province, adjacent to the Kazan province, had Triassic sediments; in the eastern part, bounded by the right bank of the Volga, there were Carboniferous and Cretaceous formations, torn and cut in many places by Tertiary sediments; in the west, chalk and overcretaceous sediments of the Eocene formation were predominantly distributed, which were replaced by chalk soil to the south. In different places of the province, the bones of mammoth and other animals were discovered.

3. Minerals

In addition to clay, chalk and limestone, pyrite deposits were known on the territory of the province (Simbirsk, Alatyr and Kurmysh counties); on the territory of the Syzran district - deposits of sulfur, saltpeter, rock salt, deposits of natural asphalt, sandstone and oil shale. Iron ore deposits were known.

In the floodplains of the Volga, Sura, Sviyaga and Usy rivers there were rich deposits of peat. Mineral springs (including the Undorovsky mineral spring). Phosphoric lime in the layers of the Cretaceous formation, common in most of the province.

4. Climate

Province map. 1822.

The climate of the Simbirsk province was similar to the climate of neighboring provinces. In a small space, its climatic conditions in the north and south did not differ much from each other. Most important were the differences arising from the height above sea level, the greater or lesser degree of protection of the position, and the vegetation cover.

Due to the low altitude, protection from the north and the absence of forests, spring and summer were warmer, snow fell late and melted earlier on the banks of the Volga and Syzran, in the southern part of the Syzran district, compared with the elevated, densely forested northeastern part of the Samara bow, where summer and spring were colder, the snow fell earlier and melted much later.

The average temperature in Simbirsk was: annual - +3.3 °C, January - -13.4 °C, April - +3.5 °C, July - +20.3 °C, September - +10.9 °C . The amount of precipitation was: Yazykovo (western part of the province) - 483 mm, Simbirsk - 443 mm, Chertkovo (Sengileevsky district) - 406 mm, Syzran - 374 mm. Summer precipitation decisively prevailed, with the most rain falling in June and July. The snow cover lasted from 4-5 months. The westerly winds that dominated and brought the most rain and snow were nicknamed by the people "the rotten corner."

5. Natural resources

Simbirsk peasants in the forest (1878)

In the forests of the Simbirsk province, from coniferous trees, spruce was found only in the Alatyr and Kurmysh counties along the Sura and its tributaries, pine - in the entire province along the sands, most of all it was in the Surskaya dacha and in the southern part of the Karsun county. There were much more deciduous forests in the Simbirsk province than coniferous ones. The dominant species were oak, then birch, aspen, linden, maple. In general, mixed deciduous forests predominated.

Simbirsk province could be considered rich in forests. In the 1860s, the total number of forests was more than 1/3 of the area of ​​the entire province. In general, the forests were located fairly evenly, only some parts of the province were almost completely bare of forests, namely the entire southern part of the Syzran district, the northern Simbirsk, southeastern Buinsky and parts of the Alatyr and Kurmysh districts, which lay on the left side of the Alatyr River. Especially wooded was the western part of the Buinsky, the eastern Alatyrsky district (Surskaya dacha) and the northeastern Samara bow. In the southern half of the province and in general in the mountains, the forest was predominantly small, woody, but in the northern counties it was mostly tall, combatant, in the counties of Kurmyshsky, Alatyrsky and Buinsky there was even a ship. Over the next 40 years, the forests were cut down significantly; Proper forestry existed only in the forests of state specific and some private individuals.

There were many specific lands in the Simbirsk province, which was explained by the fact that during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, all state lands of the Simbirsk province, except for the Sursk forest dacha, were transferred to the specific department. Zemstvo in 1896 was invested with forests 1,473,617.5 hectares. Of this number, private landowners owned 506,714.6 hectares, appanage - 787,887 hectares, treasury - 139,243.5 hectares, peasant communities - 34,653 hectares, cities - 5,115.1 hectares and zemstvos - 4.4 hectares.

A lot of madder grew in the forests, which the peasant women used as a dye. In addition to various kinds of berries, wild cherry and apple trees were very common in the forests, and the so-called wild almond, or bean tree, was found in the steppes.

Of the wild animals in the province, there were wolves, foxes, white and black hares, jerboas, ferrets, arctic foxes, desmans, bears, etc. Before there were martens and ermine. The Chuvashs were mainly engaged in hunting. Of the birds, in addition to hazel grouse, partridges, which were the subject of commercial hunting, there were many different breeds of ducks, waders and other birds; in summer, steppe birds flew in - bustards and little bustards.

There were quite a lot of fish, especially in the Volga and Sura. Belugas, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sterlet, zander, catfish and various small species were found in the Volga. By the beginning of the 20th century, the so-called settlement was still being caught in huge numbers; This fish was bought mainly by the Chuvash. In the Sura, the same species of fish were found as in the Volga, excluding only the beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and settlement. The Sura sterlet was sent to the capitals, where it was valued more than the Volga. Trout was occasionally caught in some mountain rivers.

6. Population

6.1. population

According to the All-Russian census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897, 1,527,848 people (728,909 men and 798,939 women) lived on the territory of the Simbirsk province. Of these, 108,049 were urban population.

6.2. Social and national composition

According to the survey of the province for 1898, there were: hereditary nobles - 3439, personal - 2971, white clergy - 7551, monastics - 718 (104 men and 614 women), honorary citizens - 2789, merchants - 1969, bourgeois - 64 339, peasants - 1,190,749 regular troops - 2507, retired and indefinite lower ranks, their wives and daughters - 207,836, colonists - 563, foreigners - 106,476, foreign subjects - 208, persons of other classes - 1681.

The national composition of the population was very diverse: in addition to Russians (among them there were a few Little Russians, in the Syzran district), the province was inhabited by Mordvins (Erzya and Moksha), Tatars, Meshcheryaks, Chuvashs.

The Russians settled in the province when the Chuvash, Mordovians and Tatars already lived here.

Coat of arms of the province with official description, approved by Alexander II (1878)

National composition in 1897:

6.3. Religion

Cathedral mosque in Buinsky district (1876)

In 1898, there were 1,407,317 Orthodox people, Mohammedans - 144,440, schismatics and sectarians - 31,384, baptized Tatars who fell away from Orthodoxy - 4031, Roman Catholics - 1831, Protestants - 1283, Jews - 472, pagans - 441, Armenian-Gregorian - 4. Most of the schismatics were in the counties of Syzran (12 thousand) and Alatyrsky (9 thousand). In the uyezds of Karsun, Simbirsk, and Sengileevsky, the number of schismatics varied from 3,000 to 4,000 in each.

There were 8 monasteries, churches - Orthodox stone 263 and wooden 458, co-religious - 5, Roman Catholic - 2, Protestant - 2. In addition, there were 159 mosques and one synagogue.

6.4. Noble families

  • Kalovskie
  • Sazonovs
  • Linguistics

7. History

Map of the Simbirsk province in 1859

The territory of the province has been inhabited since very ancient times. The first more definitive information about it is found among Arab writers, some of whom were here personally in the 10th century, when the caliphate started relations with the Bulgars. According to these sources, the Burtases lived in the southern part of the province, and Mordovians lived along the banks of the Volga, especially to the north of the place where Simbirsk was located. In the XIII century, the Tatars appeared in the region. In the XIV century, with the strengthening of the princes of Nizhny Novgorod, they extended their power in the Mordovian land to the upper reaches of the Sura, which served as a border from the side of the Horde possessions. However, at that time, apart from the city of Kurmysh and, perhaps, a few secluded farms or outposts, the Nizhny Novgorod princes did not arrange anything here. In all likelihood, Russian colonization did not extend here further than the Alatyr River. It did not exist on the right bank of the Sura until the last quarter of the 16th century, from the end of which the settlement of Russians within the current Simbirsk province becomes more noticeable.

Even under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the city of Alatyr arose, then many settlements in the counties of Syzran and Sengileevsky. Guards were set up to protect against attack by freemen and hoards, which always held out on the Volga, but at the end of the 16th century were especially strengthened due to the assignment of peasants to landlords. In 1648, Simbirsk was founded and a defensive line was built to the south-west from an earthen rampart with a moat and a wooden fence, and in some places with notches, towers and prisons. She went further, to the Penza province; its remnants were quite significant even by the end of the 19th century. The former fortified fortresses existed at that time under the name of suburbs and villages.

In 1680 the city of Syzran was built. The oldest in terms of occupation by the Russians of the area before received a civil device; in Kurmysh and Alatyr, a voivodeship administration was established back in the 16th century, and they, with their districts, were included in the Nizhny Novgorod region. With the conquest of Kazan, the space between the Volga and the Sura was subordinate to Kazan, and when Simbirsk was founded, it became known as the Simbirsk district. During the first division of Russia into provinces in 1708, the territory became part of the Kazan province. In 1780, the Simbirsk governorship was formed. In 1850, two Zavolzhsky counties (Stavropol and Samara) became part of the Samara province.

8. Economy

8.1. Agriculture

Agriculture was the main occupation of the inhabitants of the province. In 1896, the Zemstvo was taxed with 3,036,211.5 hectares of various lands and, in addition, 1,473,617.5 hectares of forests. Out of 3,036,211.5 hectares, it belonged to: communities of peasants and single palaces - 1,819,312.9; private owners - 943,054.7; bank - 207.6, Zemstvo and others - 18.6 hectares. From 1886 to January 1, 1899, the noble bank accepted 550,155.7 hectares as a pledge, valued at 32,270,201 rubles; issued on loan 18,107,200 rubles. The peasant bank issued loans of 1,477,383 rubles. for the purchase of 28,745.9 hectares of land for 1,670 thousand rubles. According to the Simbirsk Treasury Chamber for 1898, the peasants owned 1,751,935.2 hectares of allotment land; together with the purchased land, the peasants had 1,793,929.8 hectares at their disposal. Of this amount of land, 503,809.7 hectares (28.8%) belonged to former landlord peasants, 1,070,837.9 hectares to former specific peasants. On average, 1 male soul accounted for 2.58 hectares.

Most of the land of the peasants was under arable land - 1,336,811.4 hectares (76.3%). Of this amount (with a three-field farm), 20,211.3 hectares in each field (4.5%) were allocated for public plowing, the collection from which was used to pay off food debts. The peasants had 91,506.7 hectares of meadows (5%). There were not enough meadows to feed livestock, so the peasants were forced to hire over 32,775 hectares of meadows. Inconvenient land was 155,212.6 ha (8.8%). In the Karsun district, the number of inconvenient lands reached 17.2%, in Sengileevsky - 11.2%. Former landlord peasants rented 102,414.2 hectares, specific - 82,348.3, state - 6078.7 hectares.

From cereal grains and agricultural plants, rye was sown everywhere in the winter field; in addition, peas, lentils, potatoes, flax, hemp, sunflowers, etc. Watermelons, cucumbers, cabbage, hops, melons, etc. were planted from garden and melon plants. Tobacco was grown in the cities of Ardatov and Alatyr and their districts, as well as in Kurmysh, Syzran and a few others. Tobacco and hops were of poor quality. Significant potato crops were explained by the existence of starch and potato-treacle plants (up to 60 in the province, most of all in Simbirsk district). Flax growing was most developed in the Ardatovsky and Alatyrsky districts, on the right bank of the Sura.

From fruit trees, apple trees, pears, doulas, plums and bergamots were bred. Gardening was practiced mainly along the banks of the Volga, but orchards were also found in other areas. Gardens were mainly bred along the mountainous banks of the rivers, facing the slopes to the south. Gardening and horticulture were mostly non-commercial in nature. The exception was the inhabitants of the villages closest to the city of Simbirsk, who bred potatoes, cabbage, etc. for sale. In Simbirsk and in some villages of the Ardatovsky and Simbirsk counties, garden vegetables were grown for the sale of seeds. The gardens located on the right bank of the Volga also had an industrial character. Melon growing had an industrial character in the Syzran and Sengileevsky counties. Beekeeping was more common in the wooded counties; Mordovians and Chuvashs were especially engaged in it.

The agricultural culture of the province was generally at a low level of development; only a few holdings have introduced a multi-field system. Thanks to the zemstvo, which set up storehouses of agricultural implements and seeds under the zemstvo councils, the latter were handed over to the peasants every year for several tens of thousands. The Simbirsk Society of Agriculture arranged an agricultural school of the 1st category at its farm at the expense of the provincial zemstvo and the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to data for 1898, on peasant lands under winter crops there were 555,975.4 hectares, under oats - 265,273.2, under spring wheat - 78,891.6, under other spring crops - 254,694.5 hectares. Private owners had 133,483.8 ha of winter crops, 96,606.5 ha of spring crops of oats, 10,661.7 ha of wheat, and 39,277.6 ha of other spring crops. On all lands it was sown: rye - 683 955 quarters, spring wheat - 95 474, oats - 576 819, barley - 5718, buckwheat - 36 182, peas - 28 657, millet - 22 237, spelled - 57 704, flax - 6263 , other spring crops - 34,567 and potatoes - 288,110. Rye was harvested - 1,778,700; spring wheat - 145,987; oats - 517,560; - 53 583, flax - 5442, other spring grains - 44 153 and potatoes 0 514 123 quarters. The average grain yield for the five years (from 1893 to 1897) was: rye - 586.3 kg per 1 ha, spring bread - 460.3, the average hay yield - 295.4 kg per 1 ha; At the same time, 34,141.9 tons of bread received from the allotment land for food for the peasants was not enough, and hay - 27,421.1 kg. This shortcoming was replenished partly by the rent of arable land and meadows, partly by third-party earnings. There were 125,897 peasants engaged in crafts. (8.7% of the peasant population). Their earnings were calculated at 5,995,511 rubles.

Livestock in the Simbirsk province numbered 1,531,704 heads (1897), including 288,890 horses, 325,995 cattle and 916,819 small cattle. Zemstvo gave a subsidy to the Simbirsk Society of Agriculture for the establishment of a nursery for pedigree cattle on its farm. Horse breeding has received special development in the province. All stud farms in 1898 were 52, which consisted of 176 producers and 1337 queens. The largest number of factories was in the Karsun district. The provincial zemstvo opened a stable in Simbirsk in 1898 to keep producers of the state horse breeding. The horse trade was carried out mainly at the so-called "Team Fair" in Simbirsk. In 1897, horses were brought in worth up to 544,210 rubles, sold - for 375,435 rubles. Sheep were bred on many landlord farms; there were more than 700 thousand heads (including up to 50 thousand fine-fleeced ones); wool from them went to cloth and sheepskin factories. Fine-wool sheep breeding is more developed in the counties of Syzran (up to 24 thousand heads) and Simbirsk (more than 12 thousand heads).

8.2. Industry and trade

The main branch of the handicraft industry is made up of various types of woodworking, common in all counties, especially in Karsun, Alatyr, Ardatovsky and Syzran. The main ones are the production of carts, wagons, sledges, wheels, wheel hubs, bending of arches, rims and skids, dressing of wooden utensils, shovels, baskets, logs and troughs, weaving of bast shoes, weaving matting and preparing sacks. In total, he is engaged in various woodworking crafts in the lips. up to 7 thousand people, in the amount of more than 200 thousand rubles. Of the other handicrafts deserve attention in their size: felting of warm shoes, sewing boots and mittens, sewing hats and caps, tailoring, weaving scarves, weaving ropes and weaving fishing tackle. The first two of the named trades (foot felting and sewing of boots and mittens) are widespread throughout the province, but especially in yu. Karsun, Simbirsk and Syzran; they employ up to 3 thousand people, for the amount of 130 thousand rubles, and sewing boots and mittens - up to 1500 people, for 100 thousand rubles. Tailoring employs 1600 people, for 55 thousand rubles. Rope making is done in Buinsky district. Hand weaving of scarves is common in Karsun and Alatyr districts. Total occupied handicraft. crafts 15285 people, including in the region. Karsunsky 5940, in Simbirsky and Syzran up to 2 thousand in each (1898). For the development of handicrafts, the Zemstvo organizes handicraft departments at agricultural exhibitions. A permanent exhibition of handicrafts exists at the lips. land administration. Craft workshops have been set up at some schools. Among the local crafts of a non-handicraft nature, the following are more common: forest work, fishing, tar and tar siding, as well as carting and shoemaking; in 1898, up to 26 thousand people were engaged in them, who earned over 680 thousand rubles. Laying trades - mainly agricultural work, barge work, grazing livestock, beating wool. In Karsun up to 3 thousand people engaged in carpentry and horseshoeing. Up to 6,000 engaged in burlachestvo, 3,500 beaten wool and agricultural. jobs for up to 32 thousand people, mainly from uu. Ardatovsky, Buinsky and Syzransky. The earnings of all of them - over 700 thousand rubles. In total, in 1898, the population earned up to 2 million rubles from handicraft and seasonal trades. In 1898 there were 6,080 factories, plants and small industrial establishments, with 18,709 workers and a total production of 10,639,967 rubles. The main place is occupied by the dressing of cloth, flour-grinding production and distillation. Cloth factories 18; in 1898, they produced, mainly for the supply of the military department, various kinds of cloth for 4,575,429 rubles. Distilleries 14; they used supplies 1482149 pd. (including potatoes 942098 pd.), smoked alcohol 37047727 °. 3375 flour mills (including 18 roller mills); the sum of their production is equal to 289217 rubles. Vodka worth 114,653 rubles was cleared and prepared for 5 vodka factories. The sum of production of 3 asphalt and 9 tar plants. equal to 310400 rubles; in addition, there are in the lips. 7 sawmills (153,650 rubles), 3 wax candles (141,010 rubles), 78 leather, 2 glass, 3 breweries, 9 soaps, 10 fat-baking, 216 sheepskin, 156 wool-combed, 12 fullers, 36 felters, 16 potato-treacle, 52 potato- grating, 3 stationery, 1 wool spinning, 1 wrapping paper, 460 oil mills, 33 malt houses, 7 iron foundries, 96 potash, 244 brick, 73 pot, 230 dye, 41 glue, 59 sack, 696 grits, 24 rope, 1 match, 84 tar and tar, 2 artificial mineral waters, 1 tape plant, 2 shell, 3 chalk, 1 lime, 1 chemical, 1 cheese factory. In 1898, 3,031,577 rubles of excise taxes were received, including 2,576,640 rubles from wine and alcohol, 258,900 rubles from lighting petroleum oils, and 143,986 rubles from patent fees. 1430 patents were issued for the wine trade. In 1897, 16035 documents were selected for the right to trade and trade, including certificates of 1 gil. 16, 2 gil. 883; the treasury received trade duties of 239,253 rubles. Holiday trade lips. consists mainly in the sale of grain products, then cloth, alcohol, asphalt, etc.

82 fairs, to which in 1898 goods worth 7.5 million rubles were brought, were sold for 4,100 thousand rubles. The most important fairs are: “Team” in Simbirsk (brought for 5 million rubles, sold for 3,668 thousand rubles), “Kreschenskaya” in Syzran (priv. » in Karsun (inc. 548 thousand rubles, sale 332 thousand rubles). Bazaar trade was carried out in 93 points, in some of them - 2 or 3 times a week. Approximately 5 million rubles worth of goods are brought to the bazaars and sold.

Provincial and district zemstvo dues, in addition to arrears, should have been received by 1898 985524 rubles, 800307 rubles were collected, 761389 rubles remained in arrears. City revenues in 1898 received 517,861 rubles, expenses were made for 517,670 rubles.

8.3. Transport and communications

Before the railroads, goods were mainly shipped by rivers. In 1898, goods worth 9,785,091 rubles were sent from the Volga and Sura wharfs, including rye and rye flour for 1,744,025 rubles, oats for 987,727 rubles, wheat and wheat flour for 812,717 rubles, and cloth for 677,177 rubles. and wine spirit for 243,600 rubles.

The Syzran-Vyazemskaya and Moscow-Kazanskaya railways passed through the province with branches to Syzran and Simbirsk.

Postal roads had a length of 976 km. There were 55 postal and telegraph institutions in 1899. The exchange of simple correspondence was carried out under 10 volost boards. The telephone network existed in Simbirsk. The total amount of postal and telegraph income in 1898 amounted to 206,736 rubles, net income - 106,943 rubles. Zemstvo post existed in 5 counties; she was not in the reins of Karsun, Buinsky and Syzran.

8.4. Banks

By the end of the 19th century, the province had branches of the State Bank (in Simbirsk and Syzran), branches of the Noble and Peasant Banks (in Simbirsk), branches of the Volga-Kama Bank (in Simbirsk and Syzran). City banks were located in the cities of Simbirsk, Syzran, Alatyr, Ardatov, Sengiley and Buinsk. In 1898, city banks received a net profit of 68,148 rubles. There were mutual credit societies in Simbirsk and Alatyr.

9. Administrative device

Map of the administrative division of the Simbirsk province

In 1796, the province was divided into 10 counties: Alatyrsky, Ardatovsky, Buinsky, Karsunsky, Kurmyshsky, Samara, Sengileevsky, Stavropol, Syzransky and Simbirsky. The following year, the Insar, Saransk and Sheshkeevsky counties were transferred from the abolished Penza province (returned in 1801). In 1798, three uyezds were abolished: Ardatovsky, Sengileevsky, and Sheshkeevsky (the first two were restored in 1802). In 1850, two Trans-Volga districts (Stavropol and Samara) became part of the Samara province.

From 1850 to 1920, the province included 8 counties:

county county town Square,
(1897), pers.
1 Alatyrsky Alatyr (12,209 people) 4 832,1 158 188
2 Ardatovsky Ardatov (4,855 people) 3 972,7 189 226
3 Buinsky Buinsk (4,213 people) 4 758,4 182 056
4 Karsunsky Karsun (3 805 people) 6 678,4 217 087
5 Kurmysh Kurmysh (3 166 people) 3 786,6 161 647
6 Sengileevsky Sengilei (5 734 people) 5 408,3 151 726
7 Simbirsky Simbirsk (41,684 people) 6 038,9 225 873
8 Syzransky Syzran (32,383 people) 8 015,6 242 045

There were 39 deanery districts; settlements - 1641, including 8 cities, 550 villages, 119 villages, 967 villages and 12 settlements.

According to the estimates of the provincial zemstvo for 1897, 218,863 rubles were assigned for mandatory expenses, 229,037 rubles for optional expenses, including 28,860 rubles for the maintenance of the council. Income was calculated at 437,893 rubles. The zemstvo had an emerital cash desk (by January 1, 1898, it had 112,301 rubles). By January 1, 1898, the provincial zemstvos had 1,266,705 rubles of all capital.

In 1920, the Kurmysh district went to the Chuvash Autonomous Okrug, and Buinsky - to the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After 4 years, the Sengileevsky district was abolished.

In 1928, the province and all its counties were abolished, and their territory became part of the Middle Volga region.

10. Education and culture

In 1887, there were 588 educational institutions with 27,240 students in the province.

According to data for 1898, there are 944 educational institutions in the province, including secondary schools for male children - 4, for female children - 3, urban - 5, county - 3, spiritual - 3, women's gymnasiums - 3, teacher's seminary, Chuvash teachers' school, 7 vocational schools and 914 elementary schools. There were 39,221 boys and 11,156 girls enrolled in all educational institutions, totaling 50,377 people. There were 853 schools in the villages, namely: from the Ministry of Public Education and zemstvo - 466, parochial - 207, literacy schools - 164, others - 16. There were 22,777 boys and 4,775 girls in ministerial and zemstvo schools, in church parochial - 5892 boys and 1590 girls, in literacy schools - 3264 boys and 952 girls, in the rest - 721 boys and 150 girls.

In 240 schools, under the guidance of teachers, orchards and kitchen gardens were bred and grain was sown. In 55 schools, students were engaged in beekeeping. At 14 primary schools, there were craft classes (training in tailoring, blacksmithing, metalwork and turning, weaving carpets and sarpinok).

In 1898, 38,094 rubles were received from the state treasury for the maintenance of urban trade and elementary schools, 97,150 rubles from zemstvos, 48,954 rubles from cities, 127,877 rubles from rural communities, and 41,438 rubles from other sources. 162,657 rubles were spent on parochial and literacy schools.

In the areas inhabited by Tatars, there were madrasas and mektebes, where education was conducted exclusively in the Tatar language. There were 132 such schools in 1898, with 6217 students.

For the training of teachers, there was a teacher's seminary in the village of Poretsky (100 students) and a Chuvash school (preparing teachers for foreign schools), with 126 students.

Public libraries were located in the cities of Simbirsk, Sengilei, Syzran, Karsun, Ardatov and Buinsk. There were 42 free public libraries in 1898. Public readings in 1898 were held in the cities of Simbirsk, Kurmysh and Syzran, as well as at two asphalt and tar plants.

In 1897, the provincial zemstvo spent 16,774 rubles on public education.

The archival commission (since 1894) had a museum (4620 antiquities and 3490 coins) and a library of 1196 volumes; she published seven essays on the history of the region and publishes her own journals.

There were the following public organizations in the province: the society of doctors (since 1861); an agricultural society (since 1859), which maintained an agricultural school of the 1st category in the city of Simbirsk and a farm and organized agricultural fairs; societies of fine arts, hunters, horse racing, poultry farming, fishing enthusiasts, etc. All societies were concentrated in the provincial city.

In the provincial city, the Simbirsk Provincial Gazette, the Simbirsk Diocesan Gazette and the Bulletin of the Simbirsk Zemstvo were published, in the city of Syzran - the Syzran List of Ads.

11. Health care and welfare

In 1898 there were 82 doctors and 17 veterinarians in the province. There were 13 pharmacies, of which 3 were in villages (Poretsky and Promzin of Alatyrsky and Bolshiye Berezniki of Karsunsky district); hospitals - 36, for 1241 beds, of which the provincial zemstvo - for 216 beds; it housed a paramedic school with 29 students (23 women and 6 men). In addition, 14 km from the provincial city there was a colony for the mentally ill, arranged for capital donated by Karamzin. 16 hospitals, 16 clinics, 9 emergency rooms and 91 medical and feldsher points were maintained at the expense of the county zemstvos. In 1898, the zemstvos spent 320,410 rubles on the medical part, including 85,720 rubles for the provincial ones. Cities spent 16,055 rubles on the same item.

Charitable institutions included: the house of industriousness, almshouses city, zemstvo and noble and 3 shelters in Simbirsk, almshouses in the cities of Alatyr and Buinsk, several shelters for children. In the village of Rumyantsev, Karsunsky district, the capital (400 thousand rubles) donated by N. D. Seliverstov contained a two-year vocational school for men (32 students), a women's school with a needlework class (33 students), a boarding school (35 people), an almshouse (for 11 people) and a hospital (45 beds).

12. Famous people

  • Fedotov, Vladimir Ivanovich (1924-2011) - Hero of socialist labor, worker in the nuclear industry. Born and raised in the Syzran district of the Simbirsk province, he studied in Syzran.


  1. 1 2 The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 -
  2. Indeed, a controversy arose between A.P. Pavlov and S.N. Nikitin regarding the geological structure of the province (see the articles by S.N. Nikitin: “Notes on the Jura of the environs of Syzran and Saratov”, “News of the Geological Committee” for 1887, No. 8, and A.P. Pavlova, “On the Callovian layers of the Simbirsk province and their relation to the Oxford ones”, “Proceedings of the Geological Committee”, vol. VII, 1889, No. 2).
  3. The nature of these deposits was clarified in the work of Professor A. N. Pavlov "Lower Volga Jura" (p. 22-32).
  4. The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897. Distribution of the population by native language and counties of 50 provinces of European Russia - Appendix. Handbook of statistical indicators. Demoscope Weekly.
  5. Drawing of the cathedral mosque designed by the architect Yakobson for the Buinsky district of the Simbirsk province.
  6. See A.F. Selivanov, “Materials for the history of Burtas”.


  • Selivanov A.F. Simbirsk province - // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. : 1890-1907.
  • Simbirskaya zemstvo newspaper - // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. : 1890-1907.
  • Simbirsk Provincial Gazette - // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. : 1890-1907.
  • Simbirsk diocesan statements - // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. ,

Simbirsk Governorate was an administrative-territorial unit of the Russian Empire with the center in the city of Simbirsk. It was created from the governorship of the same name in 1796. This administrative unit existed until 1924, until it was renamed the Ulyanovsk province. After 4 years, the USSR began to carry out economic zoning, as a result of which the Simbirsk province was abolished. In early 1943, most of its former territory became part of the newly formed Ulyanovsk region.

History of the lands

It is known that this area has been inhabited since ancient times. The first documented information about this was found in Arabic manuscripts dating back to the 10th century. It was at this time that the Baghdad Caliphate tried to establish diplomatic relations with the Bulgars living in these lands. According to ancient records, Burtases lived in the south of the province, and Mordovians lived on the banks of the Volga, including where Simbirsk was located.

Three centuries later, the Tatars appeared here. In the XIV century, the power of the Nizhny Novgorod princes was significantly strengthened and now extended to all Mordovian lands up to the headwaters of the Sura, along which the border with the Horde possessions passed. However, in those days there was nothing here, except for a few outposts, a few secluded farms and the city of Kurmysh. Obviously, Russian colonization had not yet spread beyond the Alatyr River.

Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, a settlement began to be built here. The city of Alatyr was the first, and a little later numerous settlements began to form around it in the Sengileevsky and Syzran districts. Special guard fortifications were arranged next to them, which served to protect the population from the attack of the freemen, who were always present on the Volga.


The Simbirsk province began to emerge in 1648, when the construction of Simbirsk was in full swing. At the same time, a defensive line was erected to the south-west of it, consisting of a rampart, a moat and a wooden fence behind which towers and prisons were visible. These fortifications passed into the remains of such structures looked quite impressive even at the end of the 19th century.

After 35 years, the city of Syzran was built. In the 16th century, voivodship departments were already established in Alatyr and Kurmysh, which belonged to the Nizhny Novgorod region. After the conquest of Kazan, the lands belonging to her between the Sura and the Volga became part of the Simbirsk district. However, during the first administrative division of the Russian Empire, which took place in 1708, these territories were ceded to the Kazan province. The device of the Simbirsk viceroy took place in 1780. In 1796 it was transformed into the Simbirsk province, and in 1924 its main city was renamed Ulyanovsk.


Uyezds of the Simbirsk province in 1850-1920. consisted of 8 administrative units, in which, according to the 1897 census, the population lived in the amount of:

● Alatyrsky - 158,188 people;
● Ardatovsky - 189,226 people;
● Buinsky - 182,056 people;
● Korsunsky - 217,087 people;
● Kurmysh - 161,647 people;
● Sengileevsky - 151,726 people;
● Simbirsk - 225,873 people;
● Syzran - 242,045 people.

Most of the population was employed in agriculture. However, many were engaged in a variety of handicrafts. In the largest cities of the Simbirsk province, people worked at numerous plants and factories that produced various products.


It is safe to say that the main occupation of the local inhabitants was the cultivation of land. Most of the peasant allotments were under arable land. And this is not surprising, since the villages of the Simbirsk province were rich in good land. In the winter field, rye was sown everywhere, but in the spring field - buckwheat, oats, millet and wheat. In addition, good harvests of sunflower, lentils, peas, potatoes, flax, etc. were harvested in these parts. Tobacco and hops were grown mainly only in Alatyr, Aldatovsky, Syzran and Kurmysh districts. Quite significant potato crops were due to the fact that there were up to 60 potato-treacle and starch plants on the territory of the province.

The Simbirsk province was also famous for its gardens. Horticulture in these places was developed mainly on the banks of the Volga, however, small fruit plantings could also be found in other regions. They mainly cultivated apple and plum trees. In these places, horticulture and horticulture were non-commercial in nature.

Industry and trade

The most important branch of handicraft production was various types of woodworking crafts. Craftsmen made carts and carts, sledges and wheels, bent arches and runners, dishes and troughs, shovels and decks, weaved bast shoes and wove mats. Aldatovsky, Korsunsky, Alatyrsky and Syzransky districts of the Simbirsk province were especially famous for this. In total, about 7 thousand people were engaged in these crafts.

In addition, other crafts were extremely developed here. These included sewing mittens and boots, caps and hats, felting shoes and weaving scarves, weaving gear for fishing and twisting ropes, as well as other activities. For even greater popularization, the Zemstvo organized special departments at agricultural exhibitions and fairs, and some schools even had their own craft workshops. Among other things, the Simbirsk province was famous for the fact that fishing and logging operations flourished here.

As for industrial production, by 1898 there were 18 cloth factories, 14 distilleries, more than 3 thousand flour mills, 5 vodka and 3 breweries, 7 sawmills, 1 cheese factory and many other enterprises. This year alone, 82 fairs were organized on the territory of the province, the largest of which were held in Simbirsk, Syzran and Korsun.

Occupies 43491 sq. verst or 4530312 acres; in the north it borders on the Kazan province, in the east on the Volga, which separates it from the Samara province (only in two places, opposite Simbirsk and in Syzran, S. province passes to the left bank of the Volga), in the south - on Saratov, in the west - on Penza and Nizhny Novgorod provinces. From the fact that the Volga makes up the border of S. lips on the B. and flows from N to S, one might conclude that surface slope S. lips. from N to S; but in general the slope of the lips. is not determined by the course of the Volga, but vice versa, S. lips. drops strongly in the opposite direction, namely from south to north, which is proved by the course of almost all other rivers, and especially the two most significant - Sura and Sviyaga. The Volga mountains serve as a wall separating two opposite slopes. The Sviyaga flows almost parallel to the Volga at a very close distance from it. The highest part of the lips. southern - namely Syzran y. The heights of this mainly go from E to W, then separate many branches from themselves, mainly to the N and NE. The main hill is only to the east. the extremity, which makes up the Samara bow, is sharply outlined by the course of the Volga and above its level it appears to be very high and steeply rocky; but the farther from the bow it goes to the 3, the more sharp outlines are smoothed out in it. In the southwest corner of the lips., at the closest distance between them, flow pp. Sura and Barish; a few sowing from them receives the beginning of the river. Syran, two peaks of Sviyaga are even higher. It is obvious that the local area, which serves as a watershed, has the shape of a tent, on the inclined sides of which the mentioned rivers and some of their tributaries merge. The side branches of the main ridge of the Syzran Mountains, going to the north, are distinguished by a significant length; the most significant of them, called the White Mountains, runs along the right bank of the Sviyaga and merges with the Volga ridge near the city of Simbirsk. The most significant heights of S. lips. so-called Otmaly, or Votmaly, in the very southeast. parts of it. They look like small chalk hills covered with undergrowth, but they also rise above the highlands. Southern and east. parts of S. lips., as well as part of Simbirsk and Karsun districts. very pitted with ravines; there are very few continuous, even areas; rivers and especially ravines have a very steep drop. To the northwest of the city of Simbirsk, from the left bank of the Sviyaga, a fairly open plain begins, occupying the entire Buinsky district, high in the middle and sloping significantly on the sides to the east to the Sviyaga and west to the Sura, as the course of many small rivers shows. However, the very outskirts of these slopes lie very high, and near the city of Simbirsk the level of the Sviyaga is almost 30 soots higher than the level of the Volga. Western part of the lips. (County Ardatovsky, half of Kurmyshsky and Alatyrsky and a small part of Karsunsky), lying on the left side of the Sura, is lower, and there are few mountains in it, small narrow ridges are found only on the right. bank of the river Alatyr. There are many open spaces. The number of all rivers and streams in the lips. very large, and they all belong to the Volga basin. R . The Volga flows to the east. lip border. throughout the 450 century. Shir. Volga within the lips. nowhere less than 500 soots. Below Simbirsk, opposite Stavropol, in the place where, blocked by the Samara bow, the river makes a sharp turn to B, lat. it in the low-water season extends to 4 ver. The lowest part of the east. The coast is located between Panskaya Sloboda and with. Kriush. The height of the mountains above the level of the Volga gradually increases the farther they go from the border of the Kazan province, and reaches its greatest limits in the ridge of the Samara bow, where some rise to 1000 feet. The mountains are named after the nearby villages and other tracts: first from the Kazan province. go "Gorodischenskie" - got their name from the remains of a settlement or an ancient fortification surrounded by an earthen rampart; adjoining them are the "Undorovskie" mountains, stretching as far as Simbirsk, the highest part of which, under the name "Venza", is raised almost 500 feet above the Volga; further mountains "Kremensky", to which "Shilovskaya Vyshka" belongs, a detached hill near the village. Shilovka, then "Sengileevsky" and "Novodevichy", and from the border of Sengileevsky district. the ridge of the Samara bow begins with Syzran. This part of the coast, famous for folk songs and legends, inhabited, as can be seen from historical records, as early as the 17th century, is distinguished by a remarkably beautiful location that attracts many travelers. At 130 in. below Simbirsk, near the mouth of the river. Usy, the Volga turns sharply to B at the foot of the rocky mountains and flows in this direction 70th century; then against the mouth of the river. Soka again just as sharply, almost at a right angle, turns to the South and, having passed the ver. 25, opposite the city of Samara, turns to the west, and from the city of Syzran again takes its main southeast direction. The entire length of the coast of this peninsula, counting from the mouth of the river. Mustache to the city of Syzran, extends to the 200th century; its smallest width is approx. 20th century between s. Perevolokoy and Zheguli. Sev. side of the Samara bow and part of the side of the east. are called "Zheguly" or "Zheguly mountains". In this area there are the most elevated and most picturesque points, between which the mountains "Karaulnaya" and "Molodets" are most famous. From the south On the sides, the mountain range of the Samara bow descends to the Volga in ledges or terraces and does not always approach the river, but retains the same rocky character; more than the northern part, it is cut by gorges and pitted with caves. There are fewer forests on it than in Zheguli, and in some places there are none at all. The highest points of this slope are located near the village. Old Kostychi and names. "Kostychev" mountains. Behind them, below Syzran, rises the treeless ridge of the Kashpirsky mountains. The coast of the Samara bow is curious with legends, mainly about Stenka Razin, partly about Yermak and other atamans of the Volga freemen. Loose clayey and calcareous rocks of the banks of the Volga, quite easily influenced by the atmosphere and water, are extremely conducive to the formation of caves and coastal cliffs. From the end of August to November 1785, the Volga coast in the city of Simbirsk was subsidence. Then very large areas of land descended in ledges, and several houses collapsed in the city. Part of the Volga bank collapsed with buildings in the 70s. XIX Art. in the city of Sengilei. Similar subsidence occurs on the Sura. So, in 1865, in the spring, part of the mountain on which stands with. Poretskoye, settled, and several houses were damaged. The Volga is navigable in the lips. throughout. There are 23 piers on the Volga, of which the more significant are: S., Syzranskaya and Novodevichyskaya. At ss. Kriushakh and Morkvashah are wharfs for wintering ships (backwaters) and mechanical workshops of two shipping companies. Steamship crossings across the Volga - in Simbirsk and near the village. Laborers (see). Along the Volga within the lips. many islands, mostly covered with forest. Essential for lips. has r. Sura. It flows over the lips. OK. 413 ver.; the upper part of its course in the Syzran region. due to the speed of the current and shallow water, it is inconvenient even for rafting. In 1898, there were 21 marinas on the Sura, of which the main ones were: Promzinskaya, Bolshe-Bereznikovskaya, Kurmyshskaya and Poretskaya. More than 1 million rubles worth of cargo was sent from all the marinas of Sura. Of the 40 tributaries of the river. Surahs are more significant: Barish, having up to 150 ver. dl., Alatyr, Kirya and Pyana. The Sviyaga River flows along yy. Sengileevsky, Simbirsky and Buinsky; it has many mills. The Usa river flows through the Sengileevsky and Syzran districts. (length 110 ver.). The Syzran River flows through the Syzran district. (150 ver.); it has many mills. Lakes and swamps are found only in river valleys, they occupy small spaces; low-lying damp places are found mainly in the western part of the province. On the geology of the lips. prof. A.P. Pavlov in his work "The Lower Volga Jura" says the following: "Northern province is covered, as is known, with deposits of all systems, starting with the Carboniferous, and the systems of Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic and the so-called variegated marl layer reach a special development here, i.e., precisely those systems, the delimitation and subdivision of which now raises so many controversial questions. Indeed, about the geological structure of the lips. a controversy arose between A. P. Pavlov and S. N. Nikitin (see the article by S. N. Nikitin: "Notes on the Jura of the environs of Syzran and Saratov", "Izv. Geol. Kom." for 1887, No. 8 , and A.P. Pavlova, “On the Callovian layers of S. Gubernia and their relation to the Oxford ones,” Izv. Geol. Kom., vol. VII, 1889, No. 2).


Geologically, the province was explored by Pallas, Strangveys, Shirokshin and Guriev, Murchinson, Yazykov, Pander, prof. G. D. Romanovsky, Wagner, P. V. Eremeev, Trautschold, Sintsov, Laguzen and others. Outcrops of Jurassic rocks according to the rights. banks of the Volga are observed in two areas quite far from each other: in yu. Simbirsk and Syzran. Between the sowing S. section of the mountain and south. Syzranskoe lies a vast area, partly occupied by newer (Cretaceous and Tertiary) deposits, partly by Paleozoic limestones (Carboniferous and Permian limestones of the Samara Luka). The deposits of the lower Volga reach their greatest development near the village of Gorodishche. The nature of these deposits was clarified in the work of prof. A. N. Pavlov "Lower Volga Jura" (p. 22 - 32). The surroundings of the village of Polivna represent the most southerly. the limit of the distribution of the mountain in sowing. parts of the lips. Here the Jurassic strata, gradually falling to the south, hide under the level of the Volga, and in coastal outcrops they are replaced by deposits of the Lower Cretaceous system, which occupied only the tops of coastal outcrops in the vicinity of Undor and even further to the village of Bessonkova and formed the hills of the high bank of the Volga. In the vicinity of S., these Lower Cretaceous rocks, in turn, are covered by Upper Cretaceous rocks (and several western and Tertiary ones); these newer deposits stretch south to the vicinity of the village. Salons, where they suddenly give way to Carboniferous deposits, rising steeply in the form of rather significant elevations (about 1 thousand feet), and in some places in the form of completely vertical walls, at the foot of which the further distribution of the Cretaceous and Tertiary layers is interrupted. This range of calcareous heights, eroded in many places, cut by ravines and more or less rounded, can be traced. from Zheguli and Usolye far to the southwest to the village of Troekurovka, even further along the river. Syzran, where the last outcrops of carboniferous limestones are indicated. Outcrops of ancient rocks, however, did not put a limit to the spread of Mesozoic formations to the south. Following down the Volga, we again meet with gray Jurassic clay, containing the same fossils as in the Gorodishchenskaya clay, and a little further, at the village. Kashpur, there is a powerful development of aucellic sandstones, conglomerates, resinous shales and in general rocks developed in the vicinity of the village of Polivna and Gorodishche; somewhat south of Kashpur, all these rocks, as well as near Polivna, hide under the level of the Volga, giving way to Lower Cretaceous sediments. Numerous lip studies. many questions have not yet been clarified. According to research by prof. Pavlov of Gorodishche clay, it contains a trace of fauna that characterizes the virgaz layers of the Russian Jurassic. He met in it representatives of the genera Pinna, Trigonia, Aporrhais, Buccinum, Purritella, aucellae and sea urchins are less common. Remains of Per Figatus Buch, Per Quenstedti Rllr, Per biplex Sow (Per Pallasianus) are not uncommon even in the lowest parts of the observable belt. In geological terms, in general terms, S. lips. represents the following: sowing. part of the province adjacent to Kazanskaya - Triassic sediments; in the east part, limited rights. on the banks of the Volga, there are formations of Carboniferous and Cretaceous, torn and cut in many places by Tertiary sediments; to the west, chalk and overcretaceous sediments of the Eocene formation are predominantly distributed, changing to the south with chalk soil. In different places of the lips. bones of mammoth and other animals were discovered. Of the mineral wealth, in addition to good clay (used for the manufacture of dishes and bricks), chalk, stone, sulfur pyrite is found in the Simbirsk, Alatyr and Kurmysh regions; native sulfur in the Syzran region, where in former times there were sulfur plants. In Syzran there are also: saltpeter, salt springs, asphalt, so-called. tar, or oil, sandstone and oil shale. In Simbirsk comes across asphalt and oil shale. In Syzran the production of asphalt and tar has developed. Salt is mined by some peasants for home use in the Syzran district, ocher - in the Alatyr, Kurmysh and Karsun districts. Iron ore comes across in different places of the bay. In the kingdoms imp. Catherine II in Buinsky u. was a cast iron. plant. Chalk is mined in large quantities (especially near the village of Shilovka, Simbirsk district, and in the dachas of the Sengilei mountains), clay and stone (limestone, etc.) in many places, millstones in the Simbirsk, Sengileevsky and Syzran districts. Large deposits of peat; in particular, they are rich in floodplains pp. Volga, Sura, Sviyaga and Mustache. Near with. Undor Simbirskogo u. salt-sulfur and ferruginous sources, which could be, according to prof. Kazan Univ. Wagner, very useful for curing many chronic diseases. In Ardatovsky, Karsunsky, Syzran district, near Syzran, with. Repevki and in the Samara Luka also meet mineral springs. In the layers of the Cretaceous formation, common in most of the province, there is phosphate lime, which is almost never used in business. The climate of the S. province is similar to the climate of neighboring provinces. In its small space, its climatic conditions in the north and south differ little from each other. Most importantly, the differences arising from the height above sea level. sea, more or less protective position and vegetation. Due to the low altitude, protection from the north and the lack of forest, spring and summer are warmer, snow falls late and melts earlier on the banks of the Volga and Syzran, in the south. parts of the Syzran region, compared with the elevated, densely forested north-east. part of the Samara bow, where summer and spring are colder, snow falls earlier and melts much later. Average temperature in Simbirsk: yearly 3.3°, January - 13.4°, April 3.5°, July 20.3°, September 10.9°. Precipitation: Yazykovo (the holy part of the province) 483, Simbirsk 443, Chertkovo (Sengileevsky district) 406, Syzran 374 mm. Summer precipitation strongly predominates, with the most rain falling in June and July. Snow cover lasts from 4 - 5 months. The prevailing and bringing the most rain and snow winds are southwest; people call SW - a rotten corner. In the forests of S. lips. of coniferous trees, spruce is found only in the Alatyr and Kurmysh districts. along the Sura and its tributaries, pine throughout the bay. along the sands, most of all in the Surskaya dacha and in the south. parts of Karsun Deciduous forests in S. lips. much more than conifers. The dominant species is oak, then birch, aspen, linden, maple. Generally mixed deciduous forests predominate. Forests of S. lips. can be considered wealthy. In the 60s. XIX table. the total number of forests was more than 1/3 of the area of ​​the entire bay. In general, the forests are located quite evenly, only some parts of the lips. almost completely bare from the forests, namely the entire south. part of the Syzran district, north. Simbirsky, southeast. Buinsky and parts of uu. Alatyrsky and Kurmyshsky, lying on the left side of the river. Alatyr. Especially the wooded app. part of Buinsky, east. Alatyrsky near (Surskaya dacha) and the north-eastern Samara bow. In the south half of the province and in general in the mountains the forest is mostly small, wood-burning, but in the yy. sowing he is for the most part tall, combatant, wow. Kurmyshsky, Alatyrsky and Buinsky even ship is found. Over the past 40 years, forests have been cut down significantly; Proper forestry exists only in the forests of state appanage and some private individuals. In the S. province, in general, there are a lot of specific lands, which is explained by the fact that during the reign of the imp. Nicholas I, all state-owned lands of S. provinces, except for the Sursk forest dacha, were transferred to the specific department. Zemstvo in 1896 was taxed with forests 1348849 dess. Of this number, 463812 belonged to private landowners, 721178 inheritance, 127454 treasury, cross. total 31719, cities 4682 and Zemstvo 4 dec. A lot of madder grows in the forests, which peasant women use as a dye. In addition to various kinds of berries, wild cherries and apple trees are very common in the forests, and in the steppes - the so-called. wild almond, or bean. From wild animals to lips. there are wolves, foxes, white and black hares, jerboas, ferrets, arctic foxes, desmans, bears, etc. Before there were martens and ermine. The Chuvash are mainly engaged in hunting. Of the birds, in addition to hazel grouses, partridges, which are the subject of commercial hunting, there are many different breeds of ducks, waders, and so on; steppe birds arrive in summer - bustards and little bustards. There are quite a lot of fish, especially in the Volga and Sura. Belugas, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sterlet, zander, catfish and various small breeds are found in the Volga. In huge quantities, the so-called. settlement; This fish is bought mainly by the Chuvash. In Sura, the same species of fish are found as in the Volga, excluding only beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and settlements. The Sura sterlet is sent to the capitals, where it is valued more than the Volga. Trout is occasionally caught in some mountain rivers. Residents in S. lips. according to the 1897 census 1549461 (749801 male and 799660 female); of which the urban population is 54142 mzhch. and 55033 women, total 109175 people. According to a lip survey. for 1898 it was: noble descendants. 3439, personal 2971, white clergy 7551, monks 718 (104 men and 614 women), hon. citizens 2789, merchants 1969, petty bourgeois 64339, cr. 1190749, regular troops 2507, retired and indefinite lower ranks, their wives and daughters 207836, colonists 563, foreigners 106476, foreign nationals 208, etc. estates 1681. Orthodox 1,407,317; schismatics and sectarians 31,384; Roman Catholics 1831; Syzran (12 thousand) and Alatyrsky (9 thousand). Wow. Karsun, Simbirsk and Sengileevsk, the number of schismatics is from 3 to 4 thousand in each. 8 monasteries, churches: 263 stone Orthodox and 458 wooden, 5 co-religious, Roman Catholic. 2, Protestant 2. Synagogue 1, mosques 159. The tribal composition of the population is very diverse: in addition to Russians (among them there are a few Little Russians, in Syzran region) - Mordvins (Erzya and Moksha), Tatars, Meshcheryaks, Chuvashs. The Russians entered the province when the Chuvash, Mordovians and Tatars already lived here. Mordva is currently 1/9 of the total population, Chuvash 1/11, Tatars and Meshcheryak 1/12. The country that now makes up S. Gubernia has been inhabited since very ancient times. The first more definitive information about it is found among Arab writers, some of whom were here personally in the 10th century, when the caliphate started relations with the Bulgars. According to these sources, in the southern part of the lips. the Burtases lived (cf. A.F. Selivanov, "Materials for the history of the Burtas"), along the banks of the Volga, especially in the north. from now. city ​​of S. - Mordva. In the XIII table. Tatars appear in the region. In the XIV century, with the strengthening of the princes of Nizhny Novgorod, they extended their power in the Mordovian land to the upper reaches of the Sura, which served as a border from the side of the Horde possessions. However, at this time, except for the city of Kurmysh and perhaps a few more secluded farms or outposts, the Nizhny Novgorod princes did not arrange anything here. In all likelihood, Russian colonization did not extend here further than the river. Alatyr; it did not exist on the right bank of the Sura until the last quarter of the 16th century, from the end of which the settlement of Russians within the boundaries of the current S. province becomes more noticeable. Even under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, Alatyr arose, then many settlements in yu. Syzran and Sengileevsky. Guards were set up to protect against attack by freemen and hoards, which always held out on the Volga, but at the end of the 16th century were especially strengthened due to the assignment of peasants to landlords. In 1648, Simbirsk was founded and a defensive line was built to the southwest from an earthen rampart with a moat and a wooden fence, and in some places with notches, towers and prisons. She went on and on, to the present. Penza province; remnants of it are still quite significant. The former fortified fortresses now exist under the name of suburbs and villages. In 1680 the city of Syzran was built. The oldest in terms of occupation by the Russians of the area before received a civil device; in Kurmysh and Alatyr, a voivodeship administration was established as early as the 16th century, and they, with their districts, were included in the Nizhny Novgorod region. With the conquest of Kazan, the space between the Volga and the Sura was subordinate to Kazan, and when Simbirsk was founded, it became known as the Simbirsk district. At the first division of Russia into provinces in 1708, the whole of the present. S. lips. became part of the Kazan province. In 1780, the Simbirsk governorship was formed. In its true form of lips. has existed since 1850, when two Trans-Volga yy. (Stavropol and Samara) became part of the Samara province. The main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture. In 1896, the Zemstvo was taxed with 2,779,141 dessiatins of various lands. and, in addition, the forest 1348849 dec. Out of 2779141 dec. belonged to: total. peasants and odnodvortsam 1665275, private. owners 863208, inheritance 223242, treasury 8813, cities 18396, peasants. ground bank 190, zemstvo, etc. 17 dec. From 1886 to 1 Jan. 1899, a noble bank accepted as a pledge 503,575 dessiatines, valued and 32,270,201 rubles; issued on loan 18107200 rubles. Krestyansk. the bank issued loans 1477383 rubles. for the purchase of 26312 dec. land for 1670 thousand rubles. According to Simb. kaz. chambers for 1898, the peasants own 1603602 dess. allotment land; Together with the redeemed land, the peasants have 1,642,041 dess. Of this amount of land belongs to the former landlords. peasants 461153 dec. (28.8%), ex. specific peasants. 980172 dec. On average, 1 man. per capita accounts for 2.36 dess. Most of the land of the peasants under arable land - 1223626 dess. (76.3%). Of this amount (with a three-field economy), 18,500 dess. in each field (4.5%) is allocated for public plowing, the collection from which is used to pay off food debts. Meadows of peasants 83759 dec. (5%). There are not enough meadows to feed livestock, so the peasants are forced to hire over 30,000 dess. meadows. Uncomfortable land 142071 dec. (8.8%). In Karsun % of inconvenient land reaches 17.2%, in Sengileevsky - 11.2%. Former premises. cross. rent 93743 dec., specific 75376, state. 5564 dec. From grain breads and agricultural. plants in the winter field are sown everywhere rye, in the spring field - to the north. parts of the lips. ch. arr. oats and buckwheat, in the south, in addition, there is a lot of millet, and in the east. parts of Syzran - and wheat; in addition, peas, lentils, potatoes, flax, hemp, sunflowers, etc. From garden and melon plants - watermelons, cucumbers, cabbage, hops, melons, etc. Tobacco is bred in the years. Ardatov and Alatyr and their districts, as well as in uu. Kurmysh, Syzran and a few others. Tobacco and hops are of low quality. Significant potato crops are explained by the existence of starch and potato-treacle factories. (up to 60 in provinces, more in Simbirsk region). Flax growing is more developed in Ardatovsky and Alatyrsky districts, on the right bank of the Sura. From fruit trees, apple trees, pears, doulas, plums and bergamots are bred. Horticulture is more practiced along the banks of the Volga, but orchards are also found in other localities. Orchards are mostly planted along the mountainous banks of the rivers, facing the slopes to the south. Horticulture and horticulture are mostly non-commercial in nature. The exception is the inhabitants of the villages closest to the city of Simbirsk, who grow potatoes, cabbage, etc. for sale. Garden vegetables are bred for the sale of seeds in the city of Simbirsk and in some villages of Ardatovsky and Simbirsk districts. The gardens located on the right are also industrial in nature. the banks of the Volga. Melon growing has an industrial character in the region. Syzran and Sengileevsky. Beekeeping is more common in wooded counties; Mordovians and Chuvashs are especially engaged in it. Agricultural culture of the lips. is generally at a low level of development; only a few holdings have introduced a multi-field system. Thanks to the zemstvos, which set up storehouses of agricultural implements and seeds under the zemstvo councils, the latter annually reach the peasants by several tens of thousands. The Simbirsk Society of Agriculture arranged for the funds of the lips. zemstvos and min. ground at his agricultural farm. 1st class school. According to data for 1898, there were 508,902 dess. under winter crops on peasant lands, 242,813 under oats, 72,212 under spring wheat, and 233,130 dess. under other spring crops. Private owners had 122,182 dess. under winter sowing, 88,427 dess. from spring crops under oats, 9,759 dess. wheat, etc. spring bread 35952 dec. On all lands it was sown: rye 683955 quarters, spring wheat 95474, oats 576819, barley 5718, buckwheat 36182, peas 28657, millet 22237, spelt 57704, flax 6263, other spring grains 34567 and potatoes 288110. 145987, oats 5 1 7560, barley 8518, buckwheat 9009, peas 25757, millet 137809, spelt 53583, flax 5442, rest. spring bread 44153 and potatoes 514123 quarter. The average crop of grain for a 5-year period (from 1893 to 1897): rye 39.1 pd., spring 30.7, average hay crop 19.7 pd. from 1 dec.; there is a shortage of bread received from the allotment land for the food of the peasants 2084300 pd., and hay - 1674007 pd. This shortcoming is replenished partly by renting arable land and meadows, partly by third-party earnings. Peasants engaged in crafts, 125897 people. (8.7% of the peasant population). Their earnings are calculated at 5,995,511 rubles. Livestock in S. lips. there were 1531704 goals. (1897), including 288890 horses, 325995 cattle and 916819 small horned heads. Zemstvo gives a subsidy to simbir. society of rural household on the device on his farm nursery breeding stock. Received special development in the lips. horse breeding. All horse factories in 1898 were 52, which consisted of 176 producers and 1337 queens. The largest number of - in Karsun lips. Zemstvo opened in 1898 in the city of Simbirsk a stable for the maintenance of manufacturers of state. horse breeding. The horse trade is carried out mainly in the so-called. "Team Fair" in Simbirsk. In 1897, horses were brought in worth up to 544,210 rubles, sold for 375,435 rubles. Sheep are bred on many landlord farms; they are considered to be more than 700 thousand goals. (including up to 50 thousand fine-wool); wool from them goes to cloth and sheepskin factories. Fine-wool sheep breeding is more developed in yu. Syzran (up to 24 thousand heads) and Simbirsk (more than 12 thousand heads). Major industry handicraft industry make up different types of woodworking, common in all counties, especially in Karsun, Alatyr, Ardatovsky and Syzran. The main ones are the production of carts, wagons, sledges, wheels, wheel hubs, bending of arches, rims and skids, dressing of wooden utensils, shovels, baskets, logs and troughs, weaving of bast shoes, weaving matting and preparing sacks. In total, he is engaged in various woodworking crafts in the lips. up to 7 thousand people, in the amount of more than 200 thousand rubles. Of the other handicrafts deserve attention in their size: felting of warm shoes, sewing boots and mittens, sewing hats and caps, tailoring, weaving scarves, weaving ropes and weaving fishing tackle. The first two of the named trades (foot felting and sewing of boots and mittens) are widespread throughout the province, but especially in yu. Karsun, Simbirsk and Syzran; they employ up to 3 thousand people, for the amount of 130 thousand rubles, and sewing boots and mittens - up to 1500 people, for 100 thousand rubles. Tailoring employs 1600 people, for 55 thousand rubles. Rope making is done in Buinsky district. Hand weaving of scarves is common in Karsun and Alatyr districts. Total occupied handicraft. crafts 15285 people, including in the region. Karsunsky 5940, in Simbirsky and Syzran up to 2 thousand in each (1898). For the development of handicrafts, the Zemstvo organizes handicraft departments at agricultural exhibitions. A permanent exhibition of handicrafts exists at the lips. land administration. Craft workshops have been set up at some schools. Among the local crafts of a non-handicraft nature, the following are more common: forest work, fishing, tar and tar siding, as well as carting and shoemaking; in 1898, up to 26 thousand people were engaged in them, who earned over 680 thousand rubles. Laying trades - mainly agricultural work, barge work, grazing livestock, beating wool. In Karsun up to 3 thousand people engaged in carpentry and horseshoeing. Up to 6,000 engaged in burlachestvo, 3,500 beaten wool and agricultural. jobs for up to 32 thousand people, mainly from uu. Ardatovsky, Buinsky and Syzransky. The earnings of all of them - over 700 thousand rubles. In total, in 1898, the population earned up to 2 million rubles from handicraft and seasonal trades. In 1898 there were 6,080 factories, factories and small industrial establishments, with 18,709 workers and a total production of 10,639,967 rubles. The main place is occupied by the dressing of cloth, flour-grinding production and distillation. Cloth factories 18; in 1898, they produced, mainly for the supply of the military department, various kinds of cloth for 4,575,429 rubles. Distilleries 14; they used supplies 1482149 pd. (including potatoes 942098 pd.), smoked alcohol 37047727 °. 3375 flour mills (including 18 roller mills); the sum of their production is equal to 289217 rubles. Vodka worth 114,653 rubles was cleared and prepared for 5 vodka factories. The sum of production of 3 asphalt and 9 tar plants. equal to 310400 rubles; in addition, there are in the lips. 7 sawmills (153,650 rubles), 3 wax candles (141,010 rubles), 78 leather, 2 glass, 3 breweries, 9 soaps, 10 fat-baking, 216 sheepskin, 156 wool-combed, 12 fullers, 36 felters, 16 potato-treacle, 52 potato- grating, 3 stationery, 1 wool spinning, 1 wrapping paper, 460 oil mills, 33 malt houses, 7 iron foundries, 96 potash, 244 brick, 7 3 pot, 230 dye, 41 gluing, 59 sack, 696 groats, 24 rope, 1 match, 84 tar and tar, 2 artificial mineral waters, 1 tape plant, 2 shell, 3 chalk, 1 lime, 1 chemical, 1 cheese factory. In 1898, 3,031,577 rubles of excise taxes were received, including 2,576,640 rubles from wine and alcohol, 258,900 rubles from lighting petroleum oils, and 143,986 rubles from patent fees. 1430 patents were issued for the wine trade. In 1897, 16035 documents were selected for the right to trade and trade, including certificates of 1 gil. 16, 2 gil. 883; the treasury received trade duties of 239,253 rubles. Holiday trade lips. It consists mainly in the sale of grain products, then cloth, alcohol, asphalt, etc. Before the construction of railways, goods were mainly shipped along rivers. In 1898, goods worth 9,785,091 rubles were shipped from the Volga and Sura wharves, including rye and rye flour for 1,744,025 rubles, oats for 987,727 rubles, wheat and wheat flour for 812,717 rubles, and cloth for 677,177 rubles. and wine spirit for 243,600 rubles. 82 fairs, to which in 1898 goods worth 7 1/2 million rubles were brought, were sold for 4,100 thousand rubles. The most important fairs are: "Team" in Simbirsk (brought for 5 million rubles, sold for 3668 thousand rubles), "Kreschenskaya" in Syzran (private for 375,000 rubles, sold for 310,000 rubles), " Troitskaya" in Karsun (private 548 thousand rubles, sale 332 thousand rubles). Bazaar trade was carried out in 93 points, in some of them - 2 or 3 times a week. Approximately 5 million rubles worth of goods are brought to the bazaars and sold. Provincial and district zemstvo dues, in addition to arrears, should have been received by 1898 985524 rubles, 800307 rubles were collected, 761389 rubles remained in arrears. City revenues in 1898 received 517,861 rubles, expenses were made for 517,670 rubles. Railways pass through the province. the Syzran-Vyazemskaya and Moscow-Kazanskaya roads with branches to Syzran and Simbirsk. Mail. the roads have a length of 915 ver. Postal and telegraph institutions in 1899 55. The exchange of simple correspondence is carried out at 10 volost boards. The telephone network exists in the city of Simbirsk. The total amount of mail.-tlgr. income in 1898 - 206,736 rubles, net income - 106,943 rubles. Zemstvo mail exists in 5 counties (it is not in Karsun, Buinsky and Syzran). S. lips. is divided into 8 counties: Simbirsk, Sengileevsky, Syzransky, Buinsky, Karsunsky, Kurmyshsky, Alatyrsky and Ardatovsky. There are 39 deanery districts. There are 1641 settlements, including 8 cities, 550 villages, 119 villages, 967 villages and 12 settlements. In 1887 in the lips. there were 588 educational institutions, with 27240 students. According to data for 1898 in the lips. 944 textbooks head., including average for children husband. sex 4, for children of wives. sex 3, city 5, county 3, spiritual 3, progymnasium for women. 3, teacher's seminary, Chuvash teacher's school, 7 vocational schools and 91 4 elementary schools. In all educational studied 39221 small. and 11156 girls, total 50377 people. There were 853 teachers in the villages, namely: min. national enlightenment and Zemsky 466, church-priest. 207, literacy schools 164, others 16. There were students in the minister. schools and zemstvo 22777 small. and 4775 girls, church parish. - 5892 boys and 1590 girls, literacy schools - 3264 boys. and 952 girls, in the rest - 721 boys. and 150 maidens. During the last 5 years, agricultural classes began to develop rapidly in rural schools. On the plots of land allotted for this purpose, students from 240 schools, under the guidance of teachers, plant orchards, vegetable gardens and sow grain. In 55 schools, students are engaged in beekeeping. At 14 primary taught. there are craft classes (training in tailoring, blacksmithing, metalwork and turning, weaving carpets and sarpinok). In 1898, for the maintenance of urban trade and elementary schools, it was received from the state. treasury 38,094 rubles, from zemstvos 97,150 rubles, cities 48,954 rubles, rural. total 127877 rubles, from other sources 41438 rubles. At the church-priest. uch. and literacy schools spent 162,657 rubles. In areas inhabited by Tatars, there are madrasahs and mektebes, where education is conducted exclusively in the Tatar language. There were 132 such schools in 1898, with 6217 students. For the preparation of teachers there is a teacher's seminary in the village. Poretsky (100 teach. ) and a Chuvash school (preparing teachers for non-Russian teachers), with 126 students. Public libraries in Simbirsk, Sengiley, Syzran, Karsun, Ardatov and Buinsk. There were 42 free public libraries in 1898. Public readings in 1898 were held in the years. Simbirsk, Kurmysh and Syzran, as well as 2 asphalt and tar plants. In 1897 lips. Zemstvo spent 16,774 rubles on public education. The Archival Commission (since 1894) has a museum (4620 antiquities and 3490 coins) and a library of 1196 volumes; she printed 7 op. on the history of the region and publishes its own journals. Tot. doctors (since 1861); total sat down economy (since 1859), containing village-hoz. school of the 1st category in the city of Simbirsk and a farm and arranging a village-farm. fair exhibitions; total fine arts, hunters, horse racing, poultry farming, fishing enthusiasts, etc. All societies are concentrated in the provinces. city. In lips. mountains published "S. Provincial Ved.", "S. Eparch. Vedas" and "Bulletin. S. Zemstvo", in Syzran - "Syzran sheet of announcements". Dep. state bank (in Simbirsk and Syzran), otd. yard. and cross. banks (in Simbirsk), otd. Volga-Kama (in Simbirsk and Syzran). City banks in Simbirsk, Syzran, Alatyr, Ardatov, Sengiley and Buinsk. In 1898, city banks received a net profit of 68,148 rubles. Tot. mutual loans in Simbirsk and Alatyr. In 1898 in the lips. there were 82 doctors, 17 veterinarians. 13 pharmacies, 3 of them in the villages (Poretsky and Promzin of Alatyrsky and Bolshaya Berezniki of Karsun district). 36 hospitals, with 1241 beds, including provincial zemstvo hospitals with 216 beds; with her paramedic school with 29 students. (23 women and 6 women). In addition, in 13 ver. from lips. city ​​colony for do

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Maps of Simbirsk province

Name Example Sat list Download
Economic note to the PGM of the Kurmysh district 1790 751.3mb
PGM Karsun district 2c 1807 66.1mb
PGM Kurmysh county 2c 1808 32.7mb
PGM Simbirsk district 2c 1808 44.5mb
PGM Sengeleevsky district 2c 1808 38.9mb
PGM Alatyrsky district 2c 1809 46.7mb
PGM Ardatovsky district 2c 1805 38.1mb
PGM Buinsky district 2c 1808 40.4mb
PGM Stavropol district 2c 1809 66.5mb
PGM Syzran district 2c 1806 54.8mb
Plan of the environs of the city of Simbmirsk 3v 1912 24.3mb
Pilot map of the river. Volga (from the Kama reach to Tsaritsin) 500s 1913
Map of the Red Army Ulyanovsk 5-N-39 3km 1949 44.3mb
Mende Map 1v 1860 892.7mb
Inundation zone map

Kuibyshev reservoir

2km 1940 14.3mb
Lists of populated places 1863 241.4mb
ACR Simbirsk province (with a map) 1900 4.7mb
Book G. Peretyatkovich. "Volga region in 17-18 centuries" 1882 0.7mb

Cap book. Nevostruev.

"On the settlements of the ancient Volga-Bulgarian and Kazan kingdoms"

1871 1.4mb

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Historical information on the province

Simbirsk province- an administrative-territorial formation with a center in Simbirsk, formed from the Simbirsk governorship in 1796. In 1924 it was renamed Ulnovskaya province. It was abolished in 1928 during the economic zoning of the USSR. On January 19, 1943, the Ulyanovsk region was formed on a part of the territory of the former Simbirsk province.


According to the All-Russian census of the Russian Empire in 1897, 1,549,461 people (749,801 men and 799,660 women) lived on the territory of the Simbirsk province. Of these, 109,175 were urban residents.

Social and national composition

According to the survey of the province for 1898, there were: hereditary nobles - 3439, personal - 2971, white clergy - 7551, monastics - 718 (104 men and 614 women), honorary citizens - 2789, merchants - 1969, bourgeois - 64 339, peasants - 1,190,749 regular troops - 2,507; retired and permanent lower ranks, their wives and daughters - 207,836; colonists - 563; foreigners - 106,476; in addition to Russians (among them there were a few Little Russians, in the Syzran district), the province was inhabited by Mordovians (Erzya and Moksha), Tatars, Meshcheryaks, Chuvashs. The Russians entered the province when the Chuvash, Mordovians and Tatars already lived here.

Administrative unit

In 1796, the province was divided into 10 counties: Alatyrsky, Ardatovsky, Buinsky, Karsunsky, Kurmyshsky, Samara, Sengileevsky, Stavropol, Syzransky and Simbirsky. The following year, the Insar, Saransk and Sheshkeevsky counties were transferred from the abolished Penza province (returned in 1801). In 1798, three uyezds were abolished: Ardatovsky, Sengileevsky, and Sheshkeevsky (the first two were restored in 1802).

After two Trans-Volga counties (Stavropol and Samara) joined the Samara province in 1850, until the collapse of the Russian Empire, the Simbirsk province consisted of 8 counties:


There were 39 deanery districts; settlements - 1641, including 8 cities, 550 villages, 119 villages, 967 villages and 12 settlements. According to the estimate of the provincial zemstvo for 1897, 218,863 rubles were assigned for mandatory expenses, 229,037 rubles for optional expenses, including 28,860 rubles for the maintenance of the council. Income was calculated at 437,893 rubles. The zemstvo had an emerital cash desk (by January 1, 1898, it had 112,301 rubles). By January 1, 1898, the provincial zemstvos had 1,266,705 rubles of all capital.

In 1920, the Kurmysh district went to the Chuvash Autonomous Okrug, and Buinsky - to the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After 4 years, the Sengileevsky district was abolished.

In 1928, the province and all its counties were abolished, and their territory became part of the Middle Volga region.

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SIMBIRSK PROVINCE(from 1924 Ulyanovsk province) existed from 1780 to 1928. According to the 5th revision of 1795, the population of the province totaled 420.5 thousand people. husband. gender: 15 thousand representatives of non-taxable and 405.5 thousand representatives of taxable estates. To the tax The population included 8.9 thousand townspeople and 396.6 thousand peasants (210.8 thousand landowners, 137.6 thousand state, 24.7 thousand palace, 23.5 thousand economic). In 1867 in S.g. there were 1192.5 thousand people. (611.4 thousand women, 581.1 thousand men), by class: 1070.8 thousand peasants; 49.8 thousand citizens (45.4 thousand burghers and guilds, 3.9 thousand merchants, 424 honorary citizens); 48 thousand military; 13.2 thousand representatives of the clergy (12.1 thousand Orthodox, 1.1 thousand Muslims, 15 - other confessions); 5.9 thousand nobles; 4.6 thousand representatives of other classes; 216 foreigners. According to the 1897 census, 1,041,200 Russians, 189,000 Mordovians, 159,800 Chuvashs, 134,000 Tatars, and 3,900 representatives of other nationalities lived in the province, totaling 1,527,900 people. Of these, 1439.1 thousand peasants, 63.5 thousand bourgeois, 9 thousand nobles, 8.7 thousand representatives of the clergy, 3.2 thousand honorary. citizens, 1.4 thousand merchants, 2.9 thousand representatives of other classes. By January 1, 1924, 1,574,200 people were registered. (747.4 thousand men, 826.8 thousand women); of which 1423.2 people. lived in the village. localities (676.1 thousand men, 747.1 thousand women), 151 thousand - in cities (71.3 thousand men, 79.7 thousand women).
The main occupation of the population of the province was agriculture, gardening and horticulture. Significant. role in the economy of the peasants and representatives of the lower city. estates played crafts: handicrafts (wood and metalworking, making household items and clothing), forestry (forest work, extraction of tar and tar), latrines (carriage, barge work, seasonal agricultural work). In the beginning. 19th century in the province there were factories: glass, 4 linen, paper, writing paper, as well as 5 potash., 6 cloth. and leather. factories. In 1863 there were 1953 different. enterprises with a production volume of 5256.9 thousand rubles. In 1913, there were 369 enterprises, each of which produced at least 1,000 rubles worth of products per year. The total amount of their production was 23,726.6 thousand rubles. In terms of profitability, flour mills (130 mills) and distilleries were in first place. enterprises. In 1924, 231 large industries were registered. an enterprise, of which only 96 actually operated; they had 129 engines, 8836 people worked on them.
In 1868, 694 Christians were active in the province. temple, 144 mosques; 612 textbooks. institutions: 1 theological seminary, 1 husband. and 1 female gymnasium, 28 different. schools, 20 private and 479 villages. schools, 1 shelter, 81 madrasahs; they had 838 teachers and 18390 students (14592 men, 3798 women); 82 fairs (in the cities of Simbirsk, Karsun, Buinsk, the village of Poretskoye, etc.), 107 bazaars.
The province arose by transforming Simbir in 1796. governorships, which were established on September 15, 1780 and included lands that were previously fully or partially included in Stavropol. y. Orenburg. lips; Alatyr, Kazan, Krasnoslobod, Kurmysh, Penzen, Saran, Sviyazh, Simbir, Samar, Syzran, Tsivil, Cheboksary, Yadrin. Kazan counties. lips; Vasilsur. and Knyaginin. district of Nizhny Novgorod. governorships. Territory of Simbir. The governorship was divided into 13 counties: Alatyr., Ardatov., Buin., Kanadeisky, Karsun., Kotyakov., Kurmysh., Samar., Simbir., Sengileev., Stavropol., Syzran., Tagaevsky. In 1796, Kanadeisky and Kotyakov were liquidated. and Tagaev. counties. In 1798 from liquidated Penzen. lips. in S.g. transferred to Insar., Saran. counties and territories abolished. Sheshkeev. at the same time, Ardatov was abolished. and Sengileev. counties. In 1801 Penzen. lips. restored, it included Insar. and Saran. counties, in S.g. restored Ardatov. and Sengileev. counties. In 1850 Stavropol., Samar. and part of Syzran. counties were transferred to Samar. lips. As a result, after 1850 in S.g. 8 counties remained: Alatyr., Ardatov., Buin., Karsun., Kurmysh., Sengileev., Simbir. and Syzran.
In 1913 in S.g. there were 8 cities, 1 settlement and 3593 villages. inhabited. item; the area of ​​the province was 43491 sq. verst. In the summer of 1920, in connection with the formation of the Tatars. The ASSR and the Chuvash Autonomous Region Buin was excluded from the province. y.; in September of the same year, 6 volosts Kurmysh. y. transferred to the CHAO. In May 1922 Kurmysh. y. transferred to Nizhny Novgorod. lips. May 9, 1924 renamed Ulyanovsk. In 1925 Alatyr. y. transferred to the Chuvash ASSR. In 1928 Ulyanov. lips. liquidated, its territory entered the Middle Volga. region
and a map (1822) in the Chuvash Encyclopedia. Author: A.A. Lapwing.
Source: Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. T. 20. No. 15060. St. Petersburg, 1830; List of populated places in the Simbirsk province. Simbirsk, 1897.
Lit .: Collection of historical and statistical materials on the Simbirsk province. Simbirsk, 1868; Sinbir collection. T. II. Simbirsk, 1870; Geographical and statistical dictionary of the Russian Empire. T. 4. St. Petersburg, 1873; Overview of the Simbirsk province for 1913. Simbirsk, 1914.

(Novoalatyrsky 08/17/1925 - 04/19/1926) (XVI century - 1927)
As part of the Simbirsk (from May 9, 1924 - Ulyanovsk) province, from July 20, 1925 - the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (act of acceptance of September 7, 1925). Abolished October 1, 1927 due to zoning.

(1780 - 1928)
As part of the Simbirsk (since May 9, 1924 - Ulyanovsk) province. It was abolished on July 16, 1928 in connection with the zoning and formation of the Mordovian district of the Middle Volga region.

(1780 - 1926)
As part of the Simbirsk province until 1920. Since June 25, 1920 (by decree of May 27, 1920) - the canton of the Tatar ASSR.

(XVI century - 1923)
As part of the Simbirsk province, since May 4, 1922 - the Nizhny Novgorod province. Abolished 27 April 1923

(since 1924 - Ulyanovsk) (XVII century - 1928)
As part of the Simbirsk (since May 9, 1924 - Ulyanovsk) province. Abolished in July-September 1928, its territory became part of the Ulyanovsk district of the Middle Volga region.

WORRITS OF THE TATARS AND CHUVASH PEASANTS in the 30s. 19th century According to the royal decree of January 25, 1835, over 41 thousand male souls. gender of the state. peasants Alatyr., Buin. and Kurmysh. Simbir counties. lips. were handed over. department. Chuvash, Tatar, Russian and muzzles. state. peasants of these counties, including lashmans, single-dvorets and plowmen. soldiers became specific peasants, which caused their protests. In 1835 unrest began in Buin., Alatyr. and Kurmysh. counties, in 1836 they acquired a mass character. In the spring, it was supposed to complete the allocation of land for the public. smells, but Tatars. and Chuvash. The peasants refused to take the land. The Tatars put up the most stubborn resistance to the authorities. and Chuvash. peasants of the villages of Bezdna, New Kakerli, Ishli, Tatar and Chuvash Suguts, Shikhirdans, Norvash-Shigali, Long Island. In May 1836 in Buin. y. Minister of Justice Adjutant General Lobanov-Rostovsky arrived with a military team. The resistance of the peasants was crushed. Military the court sentenced many peasants to hard labor and exile to a settlement in Siberia. The unrest of the peasants continued until 1839–40.
in the Chuvash Encyclopedia.

INDIVIDUAL PEASANTS- in Russia in con. 18 - 1st floor. 19th centuries serfs of the royal family. As a special category arose in 1797 from the palace peasants. In con. 18th century in Chuvashia U.K. were only in Alatyr. y. - 2717 people both sexes (Mordvaians - 2044 people, Russian - 673 people). In 1835, more than 71 thousand state peasants, husband. Paul Alatyr., Buin. and Kurmysh. Simbir counties. lips. (including 30 thousand Chuvash) were transferred to specific. All their attempts to regain the rights are suppressed armed. by force. On the eve of the abolition of the fortress. rights in 1859 U.K. in Chuvashia there were 93355 people. both sexes, or 20.7% of all peasants of the region; including Chuvash - 60487 people, Russians - 18736, Mordovians - 8022, Tatars - 3080 people. They inhabited 265 villages (177 communities) Alatyr., Buin. and Kurmysh. Simbir counties. lips. They were managed through the Department of Appanages, and locally through Alatyr. and Simbir. specific offices (estates), departments (Buin. and Kurmysh.), villages. orders...
Personal freedom U.K. received on the basis of decrees on June 20, 1858 and August 26, 1859. Economic emancipation U.K. began after the release of the Regulations on June 26, 1863 ...
in the Chuvash Encyclopedia. Author: E.P. Pogodin.
Lit .: Gritsenko N.P. Specific peasants of the Middle Volga region. Grozny, 1959; Pogodin E.P. The reform of 1863 and the land arrangement of the appanage peasants of Chuvashia // Research on the pre-revolutionary history of Chuvashia. Ch., 1991.

In 1797, in each county, in specific estates, villages and villages located in the same district were combined into orders, named after the main village. The order was administered by elected elders.

Lashmans(from German laschen - to chop off, Mann - a person) - a category of the population in the 18th - 1st floor. 19 centuries, performing the feudal. duty to develop shipbuilders. forests. In 1718, Peter I issued a decree on the involvement of serving murzas, Tatars, Chuvashs and Mordovians in the procurement, processing and removal of oak shipbuilders. logs. The term "L." stuck in the office. documents in the beginning 19th century By 1724 they were ranked among the state. peasants. In 1728 in Kazan., Voronezh. (until 1752), Nizhny Novgorod. provinces assigned to lashman. 56,113 men were registered in duty, in 1747 - 66,065, in 1782 - 99,337, in 1795 - 112,357 men. Among them, former service Chuvashs accounted for 4-5 thousand people. husband. gender. Shipbuilder. forests were mainly located on the territory of Chuvashia (ship oak forests). In 1752, instead of Voronezh. more than 12,000 serving Tatars in Leningrad were counted. yasach. Chuvash and Tatar Kazan. lips. In 1817, part of the Chuvash was assigned to logging. state. peasants, and lashman. 6277 Chuvash husbands began to bear the duty. floor Yadrin., 3624 - Cheboksary., 2041 - Tsivil., 1500 - Kozmodemyan., ca. 1000 - Tetyush., 5260 - Buin. counties. They were subordinated to the Admiralty office in Kazan. The assigned population annually allocated from 4 to 6 thousand horse and foot workers for 6 months or a whole year, to-rye prepared shipbuilders. forest, brought him to the rivers to be sent to St. Petersburg. They were paid a small salary. They were also required to pay taxes, bear recruiting duties, for the construction of St. Petersburg, fortresses in the south of the country, etc.
in the Chuvash Encyclopedia.