Who and why of the heroes were called quiet. A joint leisure evening dedicated to Russian heroes for children of the preparatory group for school and parents

Thu, 11/09/2017 - 20:03 | administrator

Department of Education of the Administration of the Yemanzhelinsky Municipal District

MKU DO "DDT" Scarlet sail " Yemanzhelinsky municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region

Holiday scenario: "Russian heroes"

Teacher of additional education

Lamtyugova O.D.


  • To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the people of Ancient Russia, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian Land;
  • To instill a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, a desire to imitate them;
  • Develop speed, agility, strength, endurance;
  • Create a positive emotional mood, cheerful, cheerful mood.


To the song "Bogatyrskaya power" "A.N. Pakhmutova. girls enter the hall, and the boys stop in the center of the hall.

Child: Dear dads, grandfathers

We welcome you from the bottom of our hearts.

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day

We hasten to congratulate you all.

We wish you health

Strong for many years

And with all my heart today

Helmet to you festive ... ..

All children: Hey! (children sit down to the music)

The leader is the princess.(Says words to background music In ancient, ancient times, the first Russian defenders, glorious heroes, protected their native land from enemies. Many feats of arms on the account of the heroic! There is much to learn and envy. That is why today, after many years and centuries, on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, we decided to remember with you about military deeds, about heroic honor, about brave courage. So that good people listen, so that our fellows think and show themselves, and most importantly, so that Russian glory does not fade for centuries.

And now I suggest you take a short journey into history and turn into epic heroes!

The leader is the princess. The peace of all cities and ancient villages

Guarded the patrol of epic heroes.

Let those days have passed, but glory to you,

The heroes who did not give Russia to the enemy!

“Heroic music” sounds, Ilya Muromets enters the hall with a spear and a sword. He walks around the hall, stands in the center.

Ilya Muromets: Hello good people! A deep bow to you from us, Russian heroes and from me personally, Ilya Muromets! How we tried in our time, glorified the Russian army! And they fought with Miracle Yud, and with the Nightingale the Robber! We were not afraid of anything!

The leader is the princess. And where are Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich?

Ilya Muromets: At the outpost they remained to defend the Russian land. Yes, there are not enough of us heroes, so we decided to call other good fellows to help us. Show your heroic strength and valiant daring!

Are you ready for heroic competitions? (children answer)

And before the start of the test, I command you to take an oath!
Boys "heroes", pronounce an oath, repeating the words after the hero. (To the music)

The leader is the princess. And you, beautiful girls, take care of the young heroes, help with a kind word, and if necessary, help out!

Ilya Muromets: Here is the quiver (shows). It has arrows in it. I will award arrows to the winners of the competitions. The detachment with the most arrows, I will take into my squad. To begin with, greet each other, glorious squads.

Team greetings.

"Knights": Knights in the ranks of a single

Everyone is friendlier and braver.

And for a fair fight

We call heroes!

"Bogatyrs": Everyone wants to win

And there are no weaknesses in the team!

From the brave heroes

Glorious "Knights" - hello!

Ilya Muromets: For starters, the youngsters need to warm up.

The leader is the princess. The day before, you met with epics. Now let's check if you remember them well.
Warm-up "Quiz"

  1. What Russian heroes do you know? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Svyatogor)
  2. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from the city of Murom, the village of Karachaevo)
  3. Who gave Ilya Muromets the treasure sword? (Svyatogor)
  4. What made Dobrynya Nikitich famous? (defeated the Fire Serpent)
  5. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest, priest)
  6. What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya - kind, great)
  7. This is a defensive weapon. During the battle, the warrior covers his body with it. (Shield)
  8. The weapon is not easy to pick up, not just pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders ... (Sword)
  9. What prince did these heroes serve? (to Vladimir)
  10. Which of the heroes bore the nickname "quiet"? (Nikitich)
  11. Who did Alyosha Popovich fight? (by Tugarin the Serpent)
  12. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burushka)
  13. What is the headdress of a hero called? (Helmet)
  14. What is the name of the heavy armor woven from metal rings that protected the body of the hero? (Mail)
  15. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (Whistling)
  16. Not winged, but a bird, as it flies, it whistles. (Arrow)
  17. Which of all the heroes was a hero-plowman? (Mikula Selyaninovich).
  18. What was the name of our country before? (Rus)

An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Ilya Muromets: Now you can move on to the competition.

The leader is the princess.
Here are the obstacles on the way!
They are hard to get around!
Gotta jump hard
But don't break the barriers!
1 match. "Ride on a horse" ( to music)

Obstacles: for each team, medium-sized modules are placed - mountains; skittles-trees in the distance. It is necessary to overcome the "mountain", to jump between the "trees". Each participant is given a "horse" (a stick with a horse's head).

Ilya Muromets: What is a hero without a horse? It is necessary to pass obstacles on a horse and return back. Pass the baton to another participant.
An arrow is awarded to the winner.
2 competition. "Name the weapon"

Ilya Muromets: I want to test your mind and ingenuity. This fun is difficult, so smart girls can come to the aid of young heroes.

(Children from two teams take turns calling the weapons shown in the pictures held by Ilya Muromets and Princess). An arrow is awarded to the winner.

3 competition. "Make up a shield"(to the music)

Leading Princess: From the cut parts you need to make a shield. Team of 6 people. An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Ilya Muromets: And now I will test you for dexterity, for valiant strength.

4 competition: "Mace Fight"(to the music)

Leading Princess:Participants from two teams stand in the hoop and try to push the opponent out of the hoop with a mace made of cloth and cotton. An arrow is awarded to the winner.

5 competition "Who is stronger" (arm wrestling for dads or push-ups - who is more).

The winner gets an arrow.

Leading Princess: I think that our good fellows need a little rest. And so that they do not get bored, our red girls will amuse them with a perky dance.

Russian dance performed by girls.

Ilya Muromets: For a long time, heroes fought with evil spirits. And, come on, guys, whose hut is this? (children's answers) Hut-hut turn your back to the forest, and front to me.

Baba Yaga leaves the house to the music.

Baba Yaga. Something smells like Russian spirit! Look how many good fellows wandered into my forest! Well, tell me, where are you from and where are you going?

Leading Princess: Hello Baba Yaga! You'd better feed us, give us a drink, mend our clothes. The path is not easy for us, and then I would have asked questions.

Baba Yaga. Oh, sorry old, irises. How can I feed and drink everyone? There are so many of you, but I am alone.

Leading Princess: Baba Yaga, look how many assistants are sitting (points to the girls), they will help.

Baba Yaga. And what do you know how to do, beauties?

Leading Princess: Yes, everything that a girl is supposed to be able to do: weave, darn, cook cabbage soup. Their mothers taught them everything. Girls, show Baba Yaga what you are good for, but help her.

6 competition for girls "Collect the fish".An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Baba Yaga. And they really do everything. Thank you, beauties, helped the old woman. But I also want to test good fellows. Well - tell me, what mode of transport do I use? ( answers)

7th competition "Running in bags".An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Baba Yaga. Oh, you are my falcons, but evil is in the chest, and the chest in the dense forest hangs on a tree, on a wide oak tree. Two roads lead to this oak. One is long, but safe, and the second is short, but with obstacles and trials.

Ilya Muromets: We are not afraid of difficulties, show where the short road is, we need to hurry.

8 competition "Cross the swamp."

Baba Yaga. Here's a swamp on the way
Do not pass, do not pass. You will cross the swamp, and there you will be within easy reach of the treasured oak. Good luck and my time is up. (leaves)
Children break into 3 people and stand on the bricks. They take the second brick and move on to it, thus moving to the other end of the room. An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Leading Princess: And one more test. We want to see how friendly you are. After all, it is not in vain that they say: one man is not a warrior in the field. 9 competition. "Tug of War"(Without music)

An arrow is awarded to the winner.
Ilya Muromets: Well, I was convinced that you are not only smart, but also strong. So it's time for the next test. Defeat Koshchei. To defeat Koshchei, you must first find his death. Where is she? Correctly! In an egg. Where is the egg? (in chest) And where is the chest? (on oak)

Here is the mighty, cherished oak. And on it the chest hangs high. We just can't get it. Let's try to knock him down with balls.

"Who will bring down the chest." One participant from each team. ("Hit the target." Participants need to hit the target with a dart from a certain distance (darts game). Each participant has three attempts.) An arrow is awarded to the winner.

In the chest - 2 children's eggs for the game and 1 large - a ball, a knitting needle, a surprise, sweets and medals.

10 competition. "Carry the Egg" (to music)

(Children should carry a tennis ball in a spoon to the rack and back.) An arrow is awarded to the winner.

Leading Princess: That's where the suffering ends
And big challenges!
And with the desired victory
Knights are going home.
Praise their people honest!
And the beautiful girls
Sing great masters
They are met at the gate
And start a round dance.
Children perform Russian nar. song "Soldiers - brave kids"

Leading Princess: It's time for Ilya Muromets to sum up the results of the competition, to count the arrows received. ( We count arrows with the children).

Ilya Muromets: That's what, well done, I decided that I would take both of your detachments to my squad.

The leader is the princess.
Congratulations guys!
You deserve an award!

Hand out sweets and medals to the music for children.

Ilya Muromets: Once again, thank you, well done, for your faithful service, and you, girls, for not forgetting your heroes, helping them in difficult times! Farewell, good people, it's time for me to go. (goes to the music).

The leader is the princess.

Defenders of our beautiful country

You are dear to us and desperately needed.

Let there be prosperity on your table,

May peace be strengthened in our land!

The children prepared gifts for our dads. (Give gifts to the music)

All the very best to all!

General photo for memory.

Hall decoration: In the middle of the central wall is oak (organza crown).

Paper chains, cat toy. In front of the oak at the very top is a cardboard chest. There are candies in the chest. On one side is Baba Yaga's house.

Equipment: maces, a quiver with arrows, a sword, a shield or a spear for a hero, modules, skittles, 2 horses, pictures with armor, Shield puzzles, 2 children's tables, 2 chairs, 2 plates, 2 maces, hoops, 2 buckets with fish and fishing rods, rope, bumper bricks for crossing the swamp, 2 bags, 2 tennis balls and spoons. Chest, fishing line, chains, cat (drawn), organza fabric (oak crown). House on chicken legs. Emblems for teams. Candies and medals.

Preliminary work: learning musical material, watching cartoons about heroes, talking about V.M. Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroes”, reading books and explaining to children the concepts of why a helmet, club, maces, spear, armor, sword are needed and how it differs from others, scabbard, zbruya on a horse and other incomprehensible, and not familiar to children words and concepts ...


The wordssongs "Soldiers - brave kids"

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your grandfathers?
- Our grandfathers are glorious victories,
That's where our grandfathers are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your sisters?
- Our sisters are pikes, sabers are sharp,
That's where our sisters are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your wives?
- Our wives - guns are loaded,
That's where our wives are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where are your kids?
- Our children - bullets are our marks,
That's where our kids are!

Soldiers, brave kids,
Where is your glory?
- Our glory is the Russian state,
This is where our glory is! ..

(a joint leisure evening dedicated to Russian heroes for children of the preparatory group for school and parents)

Target :

  • Formation of respect and pride for the heritage of the Russian people, moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland and its history;
  • Creating an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, the need for collective communication, friendly competition and pleasure;
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Tasks :

  • To expand the amount of knowledge of children about heroes;
  • Continue to develop in children attention, endurance, endurance, coordination of movements, speed, dexterity, imagination, horizons;
  • To promote emotional communication between children and parents, the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance, the participation of parents in joint motor activities with children - relay races, competitions;
  • Continue to educate children in competitive qualities, feelings of mutual assistance, support;
  • To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes;
  • Provide high physical activity.


Leading (r.f.v.)

Princess Yaroslavna (mother), evaluates teams

Boys - heroes (two teams)

Girls are Russian beauties

Preliminary work:

Reading excerpts from epics about Russian heroes;

Viewing fragments from the feature film or cartoon "Ilya Muromets";

Examination of illustrations by Vasnetsov V., Glazunov I., Repin I. about heroes;

Listening to music lessons fragments of musical works by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Borodin, M. Glinka;

Creation of thematic albums on the topic "Heroes of the Russian Land" in groups;

Interpretation of proverbs and sayings about heroes (See Appendix No. 1);

Joint artistic activity "Russian heroes".

Hall decoration:

On the central wall there are images of Russian heroes, balls, on the shelves there are children's works made in groups in the process of educational activities and together with their parents at home (models, armor, weapons, applications, collages, etc.). The side walls of the hall are decorated with children's drawings.

Inventory :

  • 6 large cones;
  • 2 large balls (firm "Alma");
  • 1 large bench;
  • rope tied with ends;
  • 6 medium hoops;
  • 2 cut pictures in the form of a puzzle depicting a hero;
  • 2 modules (tablets);
  • 2 flannelgraphs;
  • darts in containers;
  • balloons N quantity;
  • 2 caterpillar belts - multifunctional equipment (Alma company);
  • 2 balls d 5-6 cm;
  • magnetic board and magnets;
  • tape recorder, disk with recording of works;
  • rope with rattles;
  • whistle.

Leisure course :

Children enter the hall to the music of A. Zatsepin, lyrics. L. Derbenyov "Drip-drip-drip" from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession."

One team walks in a small circle on the left side, the other in a large circle on the right side to meet each other. At the end of the piece of music, the children stand in a semicircle facing the audience.


Guys, you know how great and vast our Motherland is. We have rivers and mountains, fields and forests. But Russia is glorious not only for this, but it is famous for its people - brave, skillful, strong in spirit. Enemies have attacked our land many times, but Mother Russia is still alive. Always in Russia, the heroic strength was honored and glorified in legends, songs, epics. The life of our ancestors was difficult. They had to fight the enemies who attacked Russia.

Tell me, what were the names of the soldiers who defended the Fatherland in the old days?

(children's answers)


And today we welcome in our hall the heroes who will now introduce themselves to us. (Children of two teams introduce themselves: team name and motto)


And so, we have two teams: "Petersburg Bogatyrs" and "Kupchinsky Bogatyrs". How do you know about heroes?

That's right, you learned about them from epics, and now let's check how carefully you listened to them.

The moderator conducts a quiz


1. Name the heroes you know.

2. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from Murom)

3. Who gave Ilya Muromets the sword - the treasurer? (Svyatogor)

4. Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)

5. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest, priest)

6. What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya - kind, great, Nikitich - winner, brilliant)

7. What prince did these heroes serve? (to Vladimir)

8. Which of the heroes could forge weapons for himself? (Ilya Muromets)

9. Which of the heroes bore the nickname "quiet"? (Nikitich)

10. What was the name of the clothes of heroes, woven from metal rings? (mail)

11. Who did Alyosha Popovich fight with? (with Tugarin Zmey)

12. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burashka)

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Waltz" includes Princess Yaroslavna.

Princess Yaroslavna:

Hello good fellows! Hello red girls! I see many heroes among you, show me your gallant prowess and heroic strength and resourcefulness.

For your ingenuity, intelligence, speed, you will receive a point. And at the end of the competition, we will sum up and determine which team of heroes will win.

But first I want to ask you what kind of hero should be? ( game "Tell me which one" selection of adjectives for the noun "hero")

Princess Yaroslavna:

Well, heroes, attention!

We start the competition.

To start, warm up.

Children stand loose for outdoor switchgear with dumbbells .

Child reads a poem


So that we grow as heroes

You need to heat up.

Not by the day, but by the hour

Do sports.

No potion needed

And you don't need pills

Physical education will help us

Lessons are important to us.

Children perform outdoor switchgear with dumbbells to the music "Our heroic strength"

Princess Yaroslavna:

And now we will hold a competition and determine whose team is stronger and faster.

Fun 1 "The fastest and strongest"

The boys form into two teams. At the same distance in front of each team stand one cone. Children, on a signal, roll the ball in a straight line, circle around the cone, returning back, pass the baton with the ball. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Our heroes not only differ in strength, but also shine with intelligence. I suggest that you, the princess, make sure of this, and the heroes will exercise their minds. ( "Competition of ingenuity")

A contest of wits.

1. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)

2. Tara for miracles. (sieve)

3. Royal head distinction. (crown)

4. Heroic figure. (three)

5. A headdress designed for a fool. (cap)

6. Rogue number. (fourty)

7. The Unclean Dozen. (thirteen)

8. Witchcraft. (broom)

9. Snake for the father. (Gorynych)

Fun 2. "Collect the puzzle"

In front of each team there is an inventory: a rope tied with ends - a “ravine”, a bench, a rope with two rattles, a hoop with puzzle pieces, a flannelgraph on the wall. Participants perform the following task in turn: jump over a ravine, crawl under a bench, jump up to a rattle from a run, take a puzzle piece from a hoop, attach one piece to a flannelograph. Go back, jump up to the rattle, crawl under the bench, jump over the ravine and pass

relay race. The team that first collects the image of the hero wins.

Princess Yaroslavna:

And now we will rest and play the game "Yes - no"

The yes-no game»

Our Motherland is strong ……………………………..yes.

And we have one…………………………………..yes.

There are heroes in Russia…………………………… yes.

They are always praised and honored…………………………..yes.

Ilya Muromets is a hero ……………………………..yes.

He was the youngest………………………….no.

He defeated the nightingale……………………………… yes.

Shot from a machine gun………………………… no.

Alyosha Popovich is also a hero……………………..yes.

He is strong, brave, young………………….yes.

He was a vigilante in Kyiv city…………… yes

Karabas won in battle………………………..no.

Bogatyrs fought the enemy on tanks………..no.

They fought with a sword and a spear………………… yes.

Dobrynya Nikitich was weak and frail………no.

He managed to defeat the snake with his strength…………..yes.

We are proud of our heroes……………..yes.

Do we want to be the same ourselves………………… yes.

The girls are dancing the dance “There was a birch in the field” (r.n.)

Princess Yaroslavna:

Here are the obstacles on the way!

They are not easy to bypass!

Gotta jump hard

But don't break the barriers!

Fun 3 "Riders" (children with dads)

Opposite the teams are 3 cones at the same distance from each other, module. Dad gets on all fours, the child sits on his back to dad. Dad snake around the cones, module, comes back in a straight line and pass the baton. The team that completes the task first wins.


Let us remember what proverbs and sayings you know about military prowess and glory.

Proverbs and sayings dedicated to military prowess

There is safety in numbers.

One for all and all for one.

Who goes ahead, that fear does not take.

Fear has big eyes.

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Hard in teaching - easy in battle.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

A step forward is a step towards victory.

It is not enough to wait for victory, we must win.

It is always useful to study military affairs.

Stand up for the right cause.

Who is brave - he is alive, who is brave - he is alive.

Only those who are afraid are beaten.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere.

Victory is not expected, but caught up.

Victory does not wind in the air, but goes to the hands.

The hand of our hero is strong.

Savvy in war helps doubly.

They fight not by number, but by skill.

Valor, truth, truth is the companion of honor.

Die from your native land, but do not leave.

Own land is sweet in grief.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

On the other side, even the falcon is called a crow.

Princess Yaroslavna:

You have passed all the barriers

But, alas, not here - it was,

Everything suddenly swirled like a whirlwind.

Serpent Gorynych three-headed

Met on the way.

Don't look for salvation here!

Fun 4 (for dads) "Overcome the snake Gorynych"

Dads are built in two teams. Opposite the teams are three hoops of medium size at a certain distance. On the opposite wall hang balloons - the heads of the snake Gorynych. On a signal, dads get into the hoop, thread it through themselves from the bottom up, put it in place (3 times), run to the sign, where there are darts in containers that need to hit the balloon. They return in a straight line and pass the baton. The team that first hits the “heads” of the snake Gorynych wins


Princess Yaroslavna:

You hit the target accurately, and defeated the snake.


Let's play with dads. ( a game of low mobility is played)

We are heroes.

(speech game with movement)

Let's stand together one-two-three

Children walk in place

We are now rich!

The arms are bent at the elbows, showing strength.

We will present a palm to our eyes,

The right hand is brought with a visor to the eyes

Let's spread our strong legs,

Legs to the sides

Turning to the right, look around majestically.

turn right

And to the left, you also need to look from under the palms.

The left hand is brought with a visor to the eyes, turn to the left

Leaning left and right

Hands on the belt, tilt left-right

Turns out to fame!

Hands up


And now we have fun game 5 "Hold the pouring apple"(dad - child)

A father and a child from two teams hold a caterpillar tape folded four times, roll a ball 5-6 cm in diameter over it to each other, performing wave-like movements (swings) for this. Whose pair holds the ball longer, she wins.

Princess Yaroslavna: (sums up)

So our competition is over.

These were big tests.

Congrats guys, you deserve an award.

Children are awarded certificates, gifts (books "Epics")

girls reading a poem Future defenders (I. Grosheva)

Present day

Try to remember.

And keep it in your heart.

You are strong, you are brave

And the treacherous enemy

Afraid to approach you.

And there is more in life

big things

Where honor did not call you,

You boldly go

Spear ready!

Fight for your beloved

For your happiness!

Children to the music of A. Zatsepin, op. L. Derbeneva "Drip-drip-drip" from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession" together with the dads leave the hall.

Natalya Vetchinova


To form an idea of ​​the heroic past Russian people of Ancient Russia, great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land.

To revive the idea of ​​the epic, of the epic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Arouse interest in the language of epics, legends.

Cultivate a sense of pride the heroic power of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers desire to imitate them.


To instill love and a sense of pride in the Fatherland, respect for the heroic military traditions.

Develop a sense of rhythm, communication skills of children (the ability to communicate, answer questions, solve riddles).

Promote development motor qualities: agility, strength, speed, jumping ability, accuracy.

Fix the rules of relay games, monitor the precise execution of motor tasks

Cultivate moral and volitional qualities.

preliminary work:

Reading passages about epic heroes: "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber", "Dobrynya Nikitich and Serpent Gorynych", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent".

Artwork on topics: "Weapon heroes» , « Bogatyrs» , "Horses heroes» .

Watching an animated film "Ilya Muromets";

Examination of paintings by M. V. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs» , "Knight at the Crossroads".

Listening to fragments of musical works by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Borodin, M. Glinka;

Interpretation of proverbs and sayings about heroes;

Joint artistic activity « Russian bogatyrs» .


Princess Yaroslavna;

Boys team "Good fellows";

Boys team "Brave Knights";

Girls - Russian beauties;

Vasilisa the wise;

Elena the beautiful.

Children enter the hall to the music of S. Namin « Our heroic strength»


Oh, you are a goy, good fellows and young people! We have gathered today not for an honorable feast, but for a good conversation and a collaborative one. Great and mighty Russia. Today, on February 23, we celebrate a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. No wonder Russia has always been proud of its warriors - both soldiers and generals. Where did Russian warriors great power? And she got them from their ancestors - epic Russian heroes. And who are heroes? (Strongmen, warriors, defenders)

Children, what were they like? Russian bogatyrs? (Resolute, brave, courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless)

Today we welcome two squads in our hall heroes!

This is the squad "Good fellows" and squad "Brave Knights"


Loves Russian people of heroes, glorifies them, composes songs about their exploits, about how they cherish and protect their native Russia. What are these stories called? (Epics) Now I want to check how you listened to them.


1. Name heroes that you know.

2. Where is Ilya Muromets from? (from Murom)

3. Who gave Ilya Muromets the treasure sword? (Svyatogor)

4. Where was Dobrynya Nikitich born? (in Ryazan)

5. What family is Alyosha Popovich from? (priest)

6. What does the name Dobrynya Nikitich mean? (Dobrynya - kind, great, Nikitich - winner, brilliant)

7. What prince did these heroes? (to Vladimir)

8. Who from heroes could he forge his own weapons? (Ilya Muromets)

9. Who from the hero bore the nickname"quiet"? (Nikitich)

10. Who did Alyosha Popovich fight? (with Tugarin Zmey)

11. What was the name of the horse of Ilya Muromets? (Burashka)


I suggest everyone go on a journey to the competition Russian heroes.

Princess Yaroslavna enters the hall.

Princess Yaroslavna:

Hello good fellows!

Hello red girls!

Glory Russian side!

Glory Russian antiquity!

And about this old

I'll start telling

So that the children can know

About the affairs of the native land.

My fatherland! Russia!

The spirit of antiquity lives in you

And not one more element

Your people have not won!

I see two squads among you heroes, show me your gallant prowess and strength heroic and resourcefulness.


Princess Yaroslavna, we invite you to the competition. Be the judge for our members.


Thank you for your trust, but I need help. Allow me to choose for judging Vasilisa the Wise and Elena the Beautiful (choose from guests).

Good fellows, Brave knights, for your ingenuity and speed you will receive orders, at the end of the competition we will sum up and determine which squad heroes she will score more orders and she will win!


To begin with, let's remember, before we set off, what we had to choose Russian hero? (road)

Well, let's choose a path.

Governors, you have this right.

The governors approach the stone at the crossroads and read:

You go to the right - money and fame.

If you go left, you will lose your friends...

If you go straight, danger awaits you and heroic outpost!

The governors choose the road straight ahead.

A game "Collect hero on a hike» (Girls must put everything they need in a bag, the participant who completes the task correctly and fastest will win)


Girls, beauties, say a parting word!


There are bumps on the forehead

Lights under the eye

Well, if you are boys,

Then you - heroes!

1st governor:

Scratches, splinters.

We are afraid only of iodine!

Here, not shy of tears

The commander himself is pouring!

2nd governor:

Let the head be green

And in plasters leg,

But there are still strengths

To defeat the enemy!

"Farewell Dance" performed by all participants.

(music from the film "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession")

To start, warm up

And walk across the bridge.

You can't get away with it -

The abyss is waiting for you there, friends.

Warm-up in progress. The boys are on the gymnastic bench.


Stretch your legs, it's time to stretch your arms!

A logarithmic game is in progress "Hey blacksmith!"

The leader announces the competition "Strongmen"

Members of the spirit squads alternately perform push-ups on the mats (3 times each, then raise the dumbbells (3 times).

Here is the river on the way

Do not pass, do not pass -

Nightingale robber evil,

The bridge broke here over the river.

Here's an obstacle on the way

It's not that easy to get through.

We must quickly remember and say proverbs!

Children say proverbs:

There is safety in numbers.

One for all and all for one.

Whoever goes ahead - that fear does not take!

Die yourself, but save a comrade.

Hard to learn, easy to fight

Where there is courage, there is victory.

It is always useful to study military affairs.

Stand up for the right cause.

Only those who are afraid are beaten.

A skilled fighter is well done everywhere!

Victory does not wind in the air, but gets it with your hands.

Savvy in war helps doubly.

They fight not by number, but by skill.

From native earth die but don't go.

Its earth and handful sweet.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.


It's time to take a break! Halt!

Yes, only during the rest you need to gain strength.

And for this dance Russian folk is a good helper.

Children perform Russian folk dance"Lady".


Solve riddles guys.

Such a shirt is not knitted, not sewn,

It is woven from iron rings.


Weapons are not easy to raise,

Not just pick up and hold in your hands.

It was easy for them to take their heads off their shoulders,

Well, guess what? Of course….


An iron hat with a sharp end

And in front, the beak hung over the face.


To protect the chest from the blows of the enemy

You already know it for sure

On the left hand of the hero hangs

Heavy, shiny and round...

Here is a barrier, here is Koschey

You need to prove that you heroes!


I have a rope in my hands, who is the strongest of the guys!

Competition "Pull the Rope"

The host announces a contest in ingenuity.

1. The main weapon of the Nightingale - the robber (whistling)

2. Royal head distinction (crown)

3. Heroic figure(three)

4. Headgear designed for a fool (cap)

5. Rogue figure (fourty)

But alas, it wasn't there.

Everything suddenly swirled like a whirlwind!

The three-headed serpent Gorynych met on the way,

Don't expect salvation here!

relay race is underway "The most accurate".

Participants in turn must ride a horse to Zey Gorynych and cut off his head with a sword (the heads of Zmey Gorynych are balloons, return, pass the horse to the next participant.

Princess Yaroslavna:

You hit the target accurately and defeated the snake!

So our competition is over.

It was a big test!

Congrats guys, you deserve an award.

The princess summarizes the results of the competition and presents certificates to the participants.

1st girl:

Try to remember today

And keep it in your heart.

You are strong, you are brave

And the treacherous enemy will not be able to approach you!

2nd girl:

And there are big things in life

Where honor did not call you,

You boldly go, ready spear!

Fight for your beloved, for your happiness!


Well, guys, our journey has come to an end. You are all great, you did all the tasks well, you were attentive, courageous, dexterous, quick-witted. And in the end, we must remember what covenant was left to us heroes?

Protect your homeland, take care of it. Protect the weak, the poor, the elderly and children. Be strong, brave, courageous, courageous. love your own earth, their people, their country and homeland.

Princess Yaroslavna:

Oh you goy, heroes and holy Russians,

And you saddled good horses,

Yes, you stood for faith and the fatherland,

And bow to you about Russia and forever and ever.

Girls read wishes:

We liked the way you performed now

You are the boys of the highest class, we are proud of you!

Bogatyrsky we want to wish you health

The best thing in the world is to run and beat everyone in football!

May luck be with you, only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything, protect us from others.

In general, dear boys, we will open for you secret:

There is no one in the world better than you!

When we all look at your fights with our eyes wide open,

We believe that with your preparation we will always protect the country.

Let a purple-blue bruise bloom under the eye,

It is hard in learning, the battle will be much easier.

And we can live quite calmly under your protection

As long as your backs are strong, we will have nothing to grieve!


Dear participants of the competition, on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day

A parcel came to our kindergarten, it was sent by the soldiers of our Russian army, and in the parcel of this gift are gifts for future soldiers, defenders of Russia, for you!

A dance is being performed « Our heroic strength» .

The children leave the room.

Scenario of the Cognitive hour "Russian heroes in folk art"

(for primary and secondary school age).

Bogatyrs of Vasnetsov

- Hello guys!
- You have seen the painting "Bogatyrs" many times. It was painted by the artist V.M. Vasnetsov in 1898 This picture is one of the best works of Russian painting and, along with many other wonderful canvases, is very famous among the people.
It has remained for centuries to this day, the good memory of the Russian war lives on as the most courageous, fearless, honest, devoted to the Fatherland and faithful in friendship.
The heroic past of our Motherland was reflected in folklore. The best epics were composed by the people about their legendary heroic heroes - Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich.
Although sometimes in epics they fight fictional fairy-tale villains-dragons and the Nightingale the Robber, but in fact, more than once brave Russian wars had to participate in tough battles in which the fate of the country was decided.
Where do Russian wars draw their inexhaustible strength?
They say that they inherited it from distant ancestors, about whom songs and legends are composed - from epic heroes.
- Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich are the favorite heroes of Russian epics. These are mighty heroes protecting the Russian land from enemies.
- Guys, what do the prefixes mean for each name of the hero?
- Ilya Muromets. What does it mean?
(Ilya's homeland is the city of Murom, the village of Karacharovo).
- Dobrynya. Nikitich is a patronymic after the father's name.
— Alyosha Popovich is from a family of clergymen.
- And who will answer the question?
What prince did these heroes serve and in what city did he rule?
(To Prince Vladimir, in the city of Kyiv).
On the high hills stood Kyiv - hail. In the old days, it was surrounded by an earthen rampart, surrounded by deep ditches.
Behind the Kyiv suburbs and villages dense forests stretched, through which hunters roamed, hunting animals visibly and invisibly.
And behind the forests stretched steppes without end and without edge. And a lot of goryushka came from these steppes to Russia. Nomads flew from them to Russian villages - burned and robbed, took Russian people into captivity.
And so, in order to save the Russian Land from enemies, they began to set up small fortresses in the steppes - heroic outposts, so that they would protect the path to Kyiv, protect them from enemies and strangers. And the bogatyrs on mighty horses began to drive around the steppes.
Vigilantly they peered into the distance - not to see enemy fires, not to hear the clatter of other people's horses?
Days and months, years and decades, Ilya Muromets protected his native land, neither built a house for himself, nor started a family. And Dobrynya, and Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich - they are all in the steppe, but in the open field they served military service.
Guys, look closely at the picture.
In the center of the picture is Ilya.
His curls have turned white and his beard is gray, but his face is young, strong, with a sharp falcon's look. Everything in him is simple and full of power: the figure, and the horse, and the spear, which he is ready to use.
Dobrynya has a thin, intelligent face. His chain mail, sword, horse harness are decorated with ornaments, and his beautiful, hot horse itself differs from the powerful heavy horse of Ilya, and from the rustic horse Alyosha.
Alyosha is handsome, young and daring. From under the helmet golden curls are visible, from under dark eyebrows eyes look sharply. A red shirt under chain mail, yellow boots with pointed toes and high heels, a belt covered with a pattern reveal a dandy in him.
Thus, the appearance, costume, weapons and horses of the heroes are different. The artist emphasizes the difference in their characters in everything. What unites them?
The bogatyrs climbed a hill, from which wide expanses are visible, from where the enemy can be expected.
Ilya peers into the distance from under his arm.
Dobrynya grabbed his sword, pulling it out of its scabbard, ready to repel the attack of the enemies.
Dobrynya and Ilya form a single group: their heads and eyes are turned to one side, and they stand close to each other.
Alyosha seemed to be behind, it seems that he is driving up to them on his small, red, shaggy horse.
Freely and naturally, he sits in the saddle and, like others, peers into the distance. With his left hand he holds a bow at the ready, with his right he takes an arrow from a quiver.
Following the customs of folk art, the artist Vasnetsov. In some details of the picture, red is often used: the shield of Dobrynya, the harness of his horse, Alyosha's shirt, Ilya's spear. In combination with white, black and gray, red is especially rich and gives the picture an upbeat mood.
The heroes are depicted against the backdrop of a majestic and calm Russian landscape with endless expanses of hilly meadows and fields, with a silvery ribbon of a river bordered by a dark green forest. This landscape is very suitable for the characters of the heroes themselves. He is not only majestic - he is formidable. There are heavy storm clouds in the sky, they are completely hanging over the horizon. The hills are covered with dark forest.
Thus, the artist, showing the heroes, not only admires their strength and beauty, but at the same time, as it were, explains why they united on guard of the Russian land.
- Guys, what other Russian heroes do you know?
— Mikula Selyaninovich,
- Vasily Buslaev, Ekim Ivanovich,
- Grishka - boyar son, Vasily,
- Dolgopoly, Samson Samoylovich, Danube Ivanovich.

- And one of the Russian heroes had a daughter, who also grew up bold and daring.
No wonder she was able to save her own husband from the wrath of Prince Vladimir. What was her name and how could she outsmart the prince? (Vasilisa Mikulishna, daughter of Mikula Selyaninovich. Saved her husband Stavr Godinovich, dressed up in a Tatar man's dress and introduced herself as an ambassador from the Golden Horde.
Guys, which of the three heroes bore the nickname "quiet"? (Nikitich).
And what other skills, besides military ones, did Dobrynya have? (He was a good diplomat, it was not for nothing that Prince Vladimir appointed him ambassador, and he knew how to play chess and the harp).
And which of the heroes forged his own weapons? (Ilya Muromets).
But Alyosha Popovich was very strong from early childhood. From the incredible strength of Alyosha in children's games, his peers' arms and legs were torn off: "whom he will take by the handle the pen away, whom the leg will take by the leg away."
Maybe guys, you don’t know, but the hero Ilya Muromets was even ranked among the host of Russian saints, and his birthday, the first of January, remained in history. On the day when we celebrate the New Year, we also remember the birthday of Ilya Ivanovich, the great defender of the Russian Land.
But Ilya Muromets did not immediately become a hero, he sat in bed for thirty years and three years, but the passers-by cured him - they gave him water to drink.
Guys, who knows what the first test fell on the lot of Ilya Muromets? (Victory over the enemy hordes near Chernigov and over the Nightingale - a robber near the Smorodina River).
And he also had to fight with the filthy Idolish, with Kalin - the king.
And now, guys, let's look at the equipment of the Russian war?
1. What is the name of the hero's headdress? (helmet).
2. Heavy armor woven from metal rings? (chain mail).
3. a long-handled stabbing weapon, usually a one-on-one duel of warriors began with its use? (spear, pike).
4. Weapon for defense: when fighting, the warrior covers his body with it. (Shield).
5. Weapon for hitting the enemy, consisting of a handle and a heavy round impact part. (Mace).
Well, guys, today we remembered the epic heroes, from whom, according to legend, the strength of the Russian army came.
It was the fortitude, courage and courage, loyalty and love for the Motherland that helped our soldiers win victories at Stalingrad, Moscow, and Kursk and put the fascist invaders to flight during the Great Patriotic War.