Educational diary. Educational platform for government agencies

There are more than one hundred social networks in Runet alone. "" is in some way a unique closed project, which is very different from other social networks. And, as its name implies, it is intended exclusively for schools.

The social network is closed, a person "from the street" will not get there. An account is issued immediately for the whole school (more precisely, an activation code), and students and teachers of this school can register on the network using this code, create and fill out their personal pages, and also engage in various useful activities.

In the school social network, everything is done in a completely adult way: registration as a personal data operator, development in accordance with the “ideology of the Priority National Project“ Education ”, professional design and a federal telephone number with an index of 8-800.

The main meaning of this site is the organization and ordering of school work. Suppose an activation code is issued to teachers, students and management. Everyone has access to the items necessary for his type of account: a teacher can set homework assignments, post a lesson schedule, grade marks for work done in reality and virtuality, make notes in students' virtual diaries, etc. Students can communicate with each other on the forum and do homework, watch various media information in the class, and also use auxiliary materials and services - for example, "Library" or "Translator" (it is automatic from Google, but still multilingual).

To describe all the points of the "Diary" is an extremely thankless task, since there are an extremely large number of them. The positive side of this fact can be called the fact that everything is extremely clearly structured (unlike Infokart), and also equipped with a good system of interactive help (although not without a flaw - more on this below), thanks to which this gigantic structure can be dealt with approximately in an hour.

Indeed, despite the abundance of paragraphs and subsections, there is no feeling of redundancy of information and confusion. All necessary sections are logically connected with each other. For teachers, there is even a "corner" called "Teacher's Room", which is like a "smoking room" only for teachers and management. School staff can upload photos and even audio recordings to let others listen and see, and chat with each other.

And all this abundance is available for free. Schools do not pay either one-time or subscription fees for access. In general, can be called a quite successful government project with a human face.

With persistent attempts to find various shortcomings of the service, they were finally found: firstly, this is the “Library” section, which, in theory, should offer the required school repertoire not only in the form of a list of works, but also the texts themselves in electronic form. Both are present, but reading books is completely impossible: text formatting is almost completely absent, the only thing that is there is the division into red lines. It would be appropriate to lay out more "readable" texts in different formats, and not just "for show" - it is especially difficult to read plays.

The second noticed shortcoming is training videos with voice accompaniment (the word "educational" in this case means training how to work with the site). There are no complaints about the video part of these videos, but the tedious, monotonous and absolutely unemotional voice of the narrator brings boredom, memories of the most uninteresting days of life and undercooked cutlets in the school cafeteria. I would like to wish the creators of the site to eliminate these two rather unpleasant shortcomings.

And the moment about the presence or absence of moderation in the comments and on the forums remained unclear. The reason for reflection was an obscene comment left by one of the students to Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit". He had a positive connotation, but still ...

We present a real find for teachers, students and parents - an educational platform called A digital system with a strict order of registration diary ru my page helps teachers automate the learning process and gives parents a chance to become closer to their child.

Did you know that every second school in Russia has already joined the online project. The number of its users is constantly growing. Currently, over 800,000 teachers, 7,000,000 students and 3,000,000 parents are registered on the service. Are you already with us?

The service Diary ru my page is oriented to four groups of users - teachers, students, parents and government agencies.
Let's describe in a similar way how the platform is useful for each of them.

The platform for teachers - benefits

After registering in the system, teachers can set up a school's public page. In particular:

The platform for students - benefits

Only those users who are ready to confirm their account can use the diary ru my page. You need to connect the platform by choosing your role in the system. Search for an educational institution and register on the service according to the instructions provided.

A diary ru for parents - pluses

Educational platform for government agencies

1. Integration interaction between government agencies and teachers.
2. Operational collection of the necessary statistics.
3. Data analysis and monitoring for all educational institutions.
4. Informing schools and gymnasiums online.