Why Tyutchev can be called a poet for himself. Why F

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Pure art is a work about love, about nature, about art. Basically a lyric. And the main themes of Tyutchev and Fet were such themes of poetry. Fet's natural phenomena are described in more detail, appear more specific than those of his predecessors. In verse, Fet describes not only traditional birds that have received the usual symbolic coloring, like an eagle, nightingale, swan, lark, but also such as harrier, owl, blackie, sandpiper, lapwing, swift, etc., and each bird is shown in its originality. Fet is the one who sees in the subject what no one will see without his help.
Tyutchev is a discoverer of new figurative worlds in poetry. The scale of Tyutchev's poetic associations is amazing. The existence of a split human soul is most clearly expressed in his love lyrics.
signs pure art:
Poems do not have a plot: lyrical miniatures do not convey thoughts and feelings, but the poet's volatile mood.
Art should not be connected with life. The poet must not interfere in the affairs of the poor world. This is poetry for the elite.
This is how their poems were, therefore F Tyutchev and A. Fet are poets of pure art.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is the greatest poet of the 19th century. He wrote many poems on various topics. The poet paid special attention to the theme of nocturnal nature. He was even called "the night soul of Russian poetry". The question is brewing: "why?" Let's try to figure it out.

To answer the question posed, one should turn to the poems of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. So, in the work “how good you are, about the night sea”, the emphasis is placed on the beauty of the water element precisely at night: “in the moonlight, as if alive ...” The lyrical hero admires the sea in the “desertion of the night” and dreams of merging with it, drowning there your soul.

In the poem "the holy night has set into the sky" there is no description of the delights of the night.

Here it is opposed to light. The man, who may have been unremarkable during the day, "is now standing like a homeless orphan." He is immersed in himself, in his thoughts. In this work, a distinctive feature of the night was shown. Only in the dark, according to the author, one can think deeply about some things.

The idea of ​​the previous poem is continued by the work " insomnia". While in the darkness of the night "hours the monotonous battle" counts the last minutes of the older generation, during the day the "younger tribe" blooms in the sun. So, we can trace a pronounced antithesis in this poem. Day is life and night is death.

As a result, after analyzing the works of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, we came to the conclusion that the dark time of the day is represented in his lyrics in all its might. It has a kind of power over the world of nature and the world of man. The poet all his life strove for the unknown, the unknown. He was looking for answers to eternal questions about the secrets of the universe, so he turned to the image of the night. After all, it is she who is capable of prompting a person to think and give the key to any solution. There is something magical in it, which often attracts creative people like Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

Updated: 2017-10-07

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Tyutchev, was quite natural. Fedor Ivanovich, however, became one of the first in poetry who began to comprehend the problems of life in a new way in his work.

In Russian culture in the 1820s there was an increased interest in philosophy. At this time, it began to spread to wide circles of society, going beyond the narrow circles. Although this interest was largely explained by the circumstances of the history of Russia, our country at the same time turned out to be quite in line with the cultural processes of Europe that were taking place at that time.

The birth of philosophical poetry in Russian literature

Late 18th - early 19th centuries - the heyday of the German classical philosophy, which had a great influence on the fate of European civilization. In Russia, in the 1820s, poetry began to take shape, which later received the name philosophical. She is characterized not only by an interest in universal, existential problems, which has always been important for literature and which marked, for example, Pushkin's late lyrics. There was a desire to embody scientific philosophical ideas, and sometimes specific philosophical systems, with the help of the word.

Why is Tyutchev considered a poet-philosopher?

It is not so difficult to answer this question. In Russian culture, Tyutchev gained a reputation as a poet-philosopher, because he, perhaps better than anyone else, managed to express in his work the lyrical experience of certain philosophical ideas. At the end of 1820-1830, Tyutchev wrote many famous poems dedicated to these experiences. Philosophical lyrics (poems, a list of which is presented below) were written mainly at this time. These are works such as:

  • "Vision".
  • "Summer evening".
  • "Insomnia".
  • "Cicero".
  • "Mal'aria".
  • "Silentium!" other.

And later, starting in the 1840s, he wrote most of his most successful love poems. However, a strict thematic classification of his lyrics is hardly possible, since all traditional, "eternal" themes, primarily nature and love, acquire a philosophical meaning from this poet.

Fyodor Ivanovich's attitude to Schelling's philosophy

It is documented and well known that Tyutchev was sympathetic to him. He spoke with him personally in Germany (the photo of this German philosopher is presented above). Its essence was that the material world of nature and the inner world of man are similar to each other, we are all closely connected with the universe. Schelling considered nature as a living organism, a creative unconscious-spiritual principle, a system of "potentials" (ascending steps), characterized by polarity, as well as the dynamic unity of opposites. At its core, this teaching was poetic and comforting, asserting that our world is knowable. In this knowledge, moreover, priority was given to art, which acted as a form of comprehending the world with the help of intuition.

Images of day and night

Tyutchev's philosophical lyrics contain cross-cutting images and motifs that are symbolic in nature and constantly return the reader to understanding the problems of being. For example, images of Day and Night are very important. Like any real symbols, they can only be interpreted approximately. - these are poems in which the confrontation between light and dark cannot be understood as a struggle between good and evil. Rather, it is about the comprehensible, logical, rational, controlled by human reason and will (the beginning of the day in man and in life) - and the incomprehensible, mysterious, which connects people with the cosmic beginning and is completely beyond our will.

"Ancient Chaos"

The night world is terrible and at the same time attractive for the lyrical hero of Tyutchev, since a person is afraid to completely dissolve in it, to disappear. This, in particular, is mentioned in the poem "What are you howling about, night wind ...". In it, the "ancient Chaos" is located not only outside of man, but also in himself. In the world of Fyodor Ivanovich, we "deadly love": Chaos in the sphere of feeling becomes "violent blindness of passions", and man has no power over them.

Assimilation of the human soul of the Universe

The philosophical themes of Tyutchev's lyrics are not limited to those described above. So, for example, in the work "Silentium!" the poet likens the human soul to the universe, to the world. Each of us has its own stars and its own sky. Fedor Ivanovich, in describing the spiritual universe, uses images and colors characteristic of his philosophical "external" world. These are such philosophical motifs in Tyutchev's lyrics as the opposition of night and day, light and darkness, the starry sky and the most favorite moments of transition - evening, morning, sunrise. However, in the poem "Silentium!" these images are not so visibly present in the text. They only shine through somewhere in its depths. A long chain of associations that grow out of the context of Tyutchev's entire lyrics (both modern to this poem and later) stretches for a single word, sparingly selected. Such works as "Insomnia", "Vision", "Summer Evening", "A cheerful day was still noisy ..." and others have already been written. And these images will still respond, these images will respond in the poem "Last Love", in which , as in "Silentium!", the human soul will be likened to the universe, the world.

Nature and man, of course, are always compared in poetry, including folklore (a technique known as At the same time, nature is usually humanized. However, Tyutchev's philosophical lyrics are an exception, it is often the other way around.

Philosophy and lyrics as ways to comprehend being

Philosophical concepts in lyrics lose their terminological certainty. In the most general form, we have described the meaning of Fyodor Ivanovich's symbols of Night and Day, but it can be significantly refined if we consider individual poems by Tyutchev. His philosophical lyrics are so ambiguous that the definition of these symbols can even change. It depends on the context. If, in the proper sense of the word, philosophy is precisely a system that strives for terminological certainty of the most important concepts and consistency of reasoning, then Tyutchev's poems are philosophical lyrics in which there are works that have mutually exclusive meaning.

The mutually exclusive meaning of Tyutchev's poems

For example, in the poem "Not what you think, nature" says that nature has a soul, love, freedom, its own language. And in the work "Nature is a Sphinx" Tyutchev thinks that, perhaps, she has no riddle, and the more likely she destroys a person with her art.

Philosophy is the ultimate generalization of life and mental experience, while lyrics capture only an instantaneous emotional experience, including the experience of a philosophical idea. Apparently, Tyutchev was always occupied with the problems of being, but his resolution of them could be different at different moments of the poet's life. It was precisely because lyricism is an individual experience that it turned out possible for him to rework Schelling's system in his own way (which, on the whole, was optimistic), to give it tragic tones.

So, we have revealed in general terms the topic of interest to us (of course, this is only a general plan). The philosophical lyrics of Tyutchev are worthy of getting to know her better and discovering new interesting details and artistic images.