An example of calculating relative values. R – rank of the given city nr – population of the city of rank r N1 –

millionaire cities of Russia
according to their rank and size

At the beginning of the twentieth century. German researcher Felix Auerbach, analyzing empirical data on the ratio of population of different cities, came to the conclusion that the population of any city depends on its rank, that is, its place in a number of cities of the country, economic region, administrative unit. Auerbach's research was not widely known in the community of geographers. However, after a short time, a similar pattern was identified by the sociologist George Zipf (in another transcription - Zipf). This pattern is called "Zipf's rule" or the "rank-size" rule. This rule can be defined like this: the population of each city tends to be equal to the population of the largest city in the system, divided by the ordinal number of this city in a ranked series, or pass the formula:

r - rank of the given city,
N r - population of the city of rank r,
N 1 - the population of the largest city.

Thus, if the population of the largest city (city of rank 1) of a hypothetical country is 1 million people, then the estimated population of the 2nd city is 500 thousand people, the 3rd city is 333 thousand people, the 4th city is 250 thousand people, on the 5th - 200 thousand people. etc.
It should be noted that Zipf's rule was put forward for ideal urban systems, that is, those located in a homogeneous geographical space - on an endless plain, with the same population density, the same transport links for all. In reality, no city system in the world conforms to the rule, but if it is close to a mathematically calculated hypothetical model, then it is considered more formed and balanced. Above is a graph of the distribution of the largest cities in Russia according to the ratio of their rank and size. Note that only two of the first 13 cities rank fairly close to Zipf's model. These are St. Petersburg (rank 2, indeed, 2 times less than Moscow: 5 million compared to 10 million) and Rostov-on-Don (rank 10, the population is close to 1 million people). Cities of ranks 3-9 (from Novosibirsk to Chelyabinsk) have significantly “sagged”, they have a smaller population than Zipf should. Moreover, they are not going to grow in order to balance the system: in the period that has passed since the 1989 census, all of them, except for Kazan, have lost population. During the years of the existence of the USSR, when Kyiv, Minsk, Baku, Tashkent, now abroad, were among the millionaires, this failure was less noticeable. Cities of ranks 11-13 and beyond, on the contrary, are larger than they should be according to the ideal scheme.

The table shows data on the population in the city N by age groups and the number of visits to the polyclinic by age groups. Reception was conducted by 50 doctors. Calculate indicators:





Population and number of visits to the polyclinic of people of different age groups in the city n (in absolute numbers)

Age in years


Number of hits

Intensive coefficient

Extensive coefficient


    Intensity indicators

Applicability rate 60,000 *1,000

total population = ––––––––––––––––– = 1 200‰

(per 1,000 population) 50,000

Applicability rate 3,000 * 1,000

aged = ––––––––––––– = 600‰

15-19 years old 5,000

(and so on by age groups)

    Extensiveness indicators

Share of hits 3,000

persons aged 15-19 = ––––––––– *100 = 5%

among all hits 60,000

etc. across all age groups

    ratio indicator

Number of doctors 50 * 10,000

per 10,000 = –––––––––––– = 10

population 50,000

    Visibility indicator

It is calculated as a percentage (in relation to the intensive indicator of negotiability at the age of 15-19, taken as 100).

600 – 100% 600 – 100%

1200 – x% 2100 – x%


The final stage: we put the extensive and intensive indicators in the table.

Tasks for independent work

Task 1.

Bed fund of the surgical service of the Irkutsk region in 2012.

Bed Profile

Abs. number of beds

Extensive indicator

Rate (per 10,000)

Surgical for adults

Surgical for children






Traumatological children's




Calculate the extensive and ratio exponent. The population of the region is 2,780,341, the number of children is 645,810.

Task 2.

The population of the Irkutsk region in 2012 is 2,780,341 people; including: men - 1,333,808, women - 1,446,533;

working age - 1,633,060;

number of doctors - 8,009;

the number of beds is 24,649.

Calculate the extensive rate and the ratio rate (per 10,000 population).

Task 3.

In district B of the N-th region in 2012, the population was 100,000 people, 1,700 people were born, 600 people died. Among the dead children under the age of: up to 1 year - 45 people, including children who died before 1 month. – 24 people

In the maternity hospitals of the district: 1700 people were born alive, 30 people were stillborn, 20 people died within 1 week.

Among the children who died under the age of 1 year (45), there were 20 people who died from pneumonia, 5 people died from gastrointestinal diseases, 15 people died from diseases of the newborn, 5 people died from other causes.

Calculate the indicators of extensiveness and intensity.

Task 4.

Number of deaths from myocardial infarction in city N:

Age in years


Number of deaths from myocardial infarction

70 and older

The number of hospital beds for cardiac patients in the city of N is 1,050. Calculate the indicators: extensive, intensive, ratios.

Task 5.

The population in city N in 2012 is 60,000 people.

Number of hospital beds for infectious patients in the city of N - 45

Registered cases of infectious diseases - 433 cases.

of which: Infectious hepatitis - 110

Acute dysentery - 65

Brucellosis - 14

Pseudotuberculosis - 18

Salmonellosis - 84

Infectious hepatitis incidence rates in city N for previous years:

2010 - 173.8 2011 - 172.5

Calculate indicators: extensive, intensive, ratios, visibility (for 2011–2012).

Task 6.

The population in city N in 2012 is 100,000 people.

Number of visits to outpatient clinics - 800,000

Number of doctors in N - 300

Number of hospital beds - 1,300

Of these, oncological - 21, gynecological - 128

The number of doctors per 10,000 population in city N in previous years: 1960 - 10.1; 1970 - 12.0; 1980 - 14.0; 1990 - 22.7; 2000 - 29.3.

Calculate indicators: extensive, intensive, ratios, visibility (for 1960–2012).

Task 7.

The population of district 1 in 2012 is 100,000 people.

Bed capacity of the united city hospital serving residents of the district 1 - 150 beds

Of these: therapeutic - 70, surgical - 80.

Registered cases of treatment for the disease for honey. assistance by residents of the district to the polyclinic of the united hospital -121,900.

Admission rates in region 1 for previous years: 2009 - 1,320‰; 2010 - 1,400‰; 2011 - 1 220‰.

Calculate indicators: extensive, intensive, ratios, visibility (for 2009–2012).

Task 8.

Among those surveyed, high blood pressure in various climatic regions was found in:

Calculate the indicators: extensive - the proportion of those identified from each district in relation to the total number of identified, intensive - the level (per 100,000) of the incidence of hypertension by district.

R is the rank of the given city nr is the population of the city of rank r N1 is the population of the largest city. Zipf's "rank-size" rule: if the territory is an integral economic region, the population of the n-th largest city is 1/n of the population of the largest city in the territory. Nr=N1/r, where.

Slide 8 from the presentation "Population in cities". The size of the archive with the presentation is 2730 KB.

Geography Grade 11

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