Vocational retraining professional retraining professional retraining courses. Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining

The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining is a structural subdivision of the Moscow State Educational Institution that implements additional professional education programs. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining was established with the aim of training highly qualified specialists, increasing the professional knowledge and competencies of specialists, improving business qualities, and preparing them to perform new labor functions in accordance with the demands of the region's economy.

The system of continuous education of MRSU responds flexibly to changes taking place in education and the economy of the region. Conditions have been created that provide students with the opportunity to show personal activity and interest from the formation of the need for education in advanced training and professional retraining programs to the construction of individual trajectories of professional development. A feature of this system is the support of the professional development of representatives of the pedagogical community of the Moscow region after the completion of training:

Model of the system of continuous education of MRSU

Approaches to the choice of forms and methods of professional development in the system of continuous education have changed. Today the most popular are:

Competitive advantages of the system of continuous education of MRSU are:

  • high qualification of the teaching staff, which allows not only to maintain the system of continuous education at a high level, but also to develop it through the implementation of new relevant programs
  • growth in the effectiveness and demand for further vocational education programs (increase in the number of students)
  • increase in the demand for teaching staff in the conduct of consulting activities, examination of educational programs
  • increasing the role of employers in the design and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs
  • training of students and team training on the basis of municipalities of the Moscow region

To get acquainted with the full list of advanced training and professional retraining programs:

Projects of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining:

Today, it is difficult for anyone who is looking for a training center for themselves to undergo professional retraining there, making a quick and correct choice.

Let's try to identify several parameters by which you can select centers of additional professional education (CVE). Let's figure out what training centers are, how they differ from each other.

Types of training centers

Not all users understand the types of educational organizations that teach under the programs of additional professional education (AVE).

First parameter: government center or non-government learning center. We will discuss their differences below.

Second parameter: organizational form of the training center

  • Autonomous non-profit organization (ANO)
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Individual Entrepreneur (IP)

Autonomous non-profit organizations (ANO) operate on the basis of Law No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations". Also, their activities are spelled out in article 123.24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. As stated in these documents, ANOs can be created to carry out activities in the field of education, healthcare, and culture. Such organizations can create both state and non-state training centers. Very often you can find a situation where a federal state university has an educational unit - an Autonomous non-profit organization. Here the university offers retraining and advanced training courses. ANO can also be created by non-state legal entities and individuals. Despite the name "non-profit", this form of organization allows the provision of paid educational services. All profits from the activities of these organizations are used to improve and maintain the activities themselves: salaries for teachers, technical staff, for the purchase of technical equipment, updating the educational and methodological base.

Charity organisations. ANO is very close to charitable organizations that are obliged to spend all the funds to support the activities for which the organization was created. The second difference between ANO and other forms is that all the property of such organizations cannot belong to any of the founders. That is, all property rights are assigned only to the organization itself, and the founders (the state, private individuals) have no rights to this property.

Limited Liability Company : these training centers are focused exclusively on the commercial component.

The same applies to individual entrepreneurs

Third parameter types of centers according to implemented curricula and forms of education


  • special and narrow-profile, for example, pedagogical, engineering, legal, etc.
  • wide-profile, where curricula of different directions and specialties are presented.


  • Full-time centers
  • Centers with part-time education
  • Centers with full-time and (or) part-time education using distance learning technologies (DOT).

Face-to-face learning can be distance learning

According to the legislation, full-time education is such a form of organization of the educational process, where communication is expected between the teacher and the student. This communication can be personal or indirect through special means: the Internet, Skype. Thus, distance learning is a way of organizing full-time education. When choosing an educational center, many students have rich experience of interaction with state and non-state educational institutions (EI). Citizens who once tried to study in a private center no longer return to state educational institutions. And there are several reasons.

Pros and Cons of Public Learning Centers



Issued diplomas

Retraining diploma with the name of a well-known university

In form, this diploma is the same as that of non-state institutions - the established form.

Features of study programs

Retraining programs comply with professional standards and GEF

Few study programs, not a lot of choice, you can not find the right program

Forms of study


No distance learning, need to travel to class


Untactful communication of staff, can be rude



Can't call, they don't answer emails


In different ways from 50 thousand rubles to 140 thousand.

The price must be added to the cost of travel, accommodation and meals, that is, the price rises by 30-40%


Cashless and cash

Sometimes you need to pay extra for additional classes or retake tests. Although private training centers also sin with this

Unlike state institutions, non-state educational institutions are free from disadvantages:

  • The form of the diploma is exactly the same as that of the university - the established sample. According to the Law on Education for diplomas on completion of programs of additional professional education, a diploma of the form established by the educational organization is issued. That is, both the university and the private retraining center independently establish a sample diploma.
  • A wide choice of programs. You can find the curriculum you need.
  • There is distance learning. That is, you can not come to classes, you can study from home or from work via the Internet.
  • Tactful communication, respectfulness of the staff of the center to the audience.
  • Some have a round-the-clock support phone, for example, in Moscow there is only one such Academy - this is SNTA.
  • You do not have to pay for accommodation, travel and meals, as you can study remotely.

Let's list 5 main parameters by which you can choose a place of study.

Tip one: Check if the center has an educational license?

If there is no such license, then look for another center. Why? Because diplomas issued by institutions without a license are not legitimate, they are fake.

It is necessary to check the relevance of the license on the Rosobrnadzor website. Just enter in the "registration number" field the number that is indicated in the license you are checking.

On the website of the institution in the curriculum section, there should be available curricula approved by the organization, where the number of study hours is clearly indicated. If you see that you are offered a program of less than 250 ak. hours, then immediately leave this site.

According to the law, the retraining program cannot be less than 250 hours. Anything less than this figure is already a refresher course. The number of hours must be written on the diploma itself. And if this figure is less, then the diploma of retraining is considered false.

Recall that according to departmental regulations (orders of ministries) for some professions and specialties, special requirements for the number of hours are established. In some - up to 1000 hours. Keep in mind that mastering the program for more than 1000 hours allows you to get not just a diploma of vocational retraining, but also to get a qualification.

Tip three: Check the statutory, organizational and other documents

Pay attention to the year the training center has existed. The older he is, the better. That is, there are fewer options that you will fall for scammers. Specify the address of the institution, whether this center is actually located there. The address must be found out not on the website of this center itself, but through the search services for PSRN and TIN. If you did not find confirmation of the location address, it means that these are scammers.

The most important thing is in the contract with the center itself. The address, PSRN, TIN are registered there. They must match.

You don't have to pay anything without signing the contract. Then just do not return the money if they are scammers.

Tip #4: Check the Availability of Center Staff

Call by phone, write in the chat. Talk to employees and ask uncomfortable questions. If the employee is not ready to answer, then this is a bad signal.

There are times when, after paying under the contract, communication with the center disappears. No one picks up the phone (they blocked the phone number), do not answer letters. Check if the organization has pages on social networks and from what period.

Today, there are practically no centers with round-the-clock telephones. The exception is the Modern Scientific and Technological Academy (SNTA) in Moscow, which has a round-the-clock Call - Center, where you can call for free at any time, even on holidays.

Read the contract carefully. There should be no mention of additional fees. There are cases when even in the contract itself they write one amount, and in the “Other conditions” section they write that you need to pay extra for retaking the exam. Or for the delivery of one module - you have to pay separately. It shouldn't be. The maximum that is permissible is the division of the tuition amount into 2 parts: prepayment and payment after the fact. But it is best to pay at a time, because some make the price of a retraining course dependent on the exchange rate.

The results of the audit of training centers for professional retraining programs

So let's check out the 7 retraining centers that the search engine gave us.



Curricula and timetables

Statutory documents, contract


Full accessibility


Modern Science and Technology Academy (SNTA), Moscow

No surcharges

around the clock

Meets the stated requirements, distance learning, diplomas are sent by mail and courier

Interregional Center for Additional Education, Moscow

is absent

Department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MGPU)

is absent

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK)

No surcharges

is absent

There is no 24/7 access to the center.

Department of professional retraining RANEPA

is absent

Face-to-face training in groups, which is very inconvenient. No 24/7 access.

Branch of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov

is absent

Face-to-face training in groups, which is very inconvenient. No 24/7 access.