Rasputin e pious reflections 1912. “Pious reflections

Below is a scan and the text of the third brochure of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New "Pious Reflections" (a copy of the National Library of Russia), published in St. Petersburg in 1912.

Due to the fact that the history of the publication of the text of this particular brochure is not entirely successful and can confuse researchers and admirers of Grigory Efimovich, therefore, I believe, the publication of a scan of the book itself is necessary.

The fact is that the publishers of the legacy of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin always preferred instead of a brochure to publish the text of the Empress's Notebook, where Alexandra Feodorovna kept for herself the statements of Their Friend. And indeed, there are more of the statements of G. E. Rasputin themselves, and sometimes they are given in a more expanded version than in the book. But they do not always coincide with the order that was in the brochure. Including the publishers of the last corpus of works by Gr. Rasputin's "Chains of Love" (St. Petersburg, "Tsarskoye Delo", 2017) published for these reasons the text of the Notebook, and not the brochure.

S. F. Fomin undertook to fill this gap and publish the text of the brochure itself in the collection “... And two wings will be given to the wife” (Moscow, “Palomnik”, 2002, pp. 474-485). However, as it turned out, it was not published there in full. Most likely due to an accidental technical error in typing or copying, but Grigory Efimovich's statements were not printed on pp. 12 and 13 brochures. Also missing is one statement from p. 10: "And why is the angelic sound represented?" For the first time, we meet the full text of the brochure in the book by A. N. Bokhanov “The Truth about Grigory Rasputin" (Moscow, Russian Publishing Center, 2011, pp. 504-523), though there are slight differences from the original edition - some statements, which were divided in the brochure, Bokhanov combined into one.

Presumably it is known who edited the book - it was Olga Vladimirovna Lokhtina. As she herself says during interrogation at the Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government (according to E. S. Radzinsky): “Father Grigory wrote down his spiritual thoughts in a notebook ... I rewrote what I wrote down ... and the brochure“ Pious Reflections ”was published in 1911 ... Neither the content of the notes , I didn’t rework the thoughts expressed in them. My work was reduced to correcting cases, but the thoughts of Father Grigory cannot be corrected ... "

On the front cover of the brochure is printed: “Printing house of M. P. Frolova. Gallery, 6. The same printing house printed the previous book by Grigory Rasputin “Great Days of Celebration in Kyiv! Visiting the Supreme Family! Angelic hello! » (1911) To date, very interesting details about the owner of this printing house have been found out. Here is an excerpt from the book "Chains of Love", published on the centenary of the murder of the Tsar's Friend (pp. 8-9):

“We printed a brochure in the St. Petersburg printing house of M. P. Frolova. It is noteworthy that this printing house was located in the wing of the house that belonged to St. Isaac's Cathedral, at the intersection of house 6 on Galernaya Street and house 5 on Konnogvardeysky Boulevard, where priests lived mainly. In addition, Frolova was a member of the Publishing Council at the Holy Synod. This is probably why there was a lot of spiritual literature among the books she published. For example, Maria Petrovna Frolova (in the second marriage of Frolova-Tyulev) published such works as “The Holy Teachers of Faith and Piety” in 12 volumes by Archpriest Vasily Preobrazhensky (1899-1908 edition), “History of the Orthodox Christian Church” by Archpriest Peter Smirnov ( 1914), “Spiritual flowers on the grave of dear father Father John of Kronstadt” (1909), “In the struggle for a perishing soul” (collection of articles dedicated to the memory of the “apostle of sobriety” Father Alexander Rozhdestvensky, 1906) and others ...

Apparently, the owner of the printing house herself was a pious woman. In the Holy Trinity Lintula Convent (now it is a courtyard of the Constantino-Eleninsky Convent), created under the patronage of Father John of Kronstadt, she, along with her second husband, Ivan Maksimovich Tyulev, is commemorated as a philanthropist. In memory of her deceased children, Vladimir and Sofia, the couple donated funds for the construction of a shelter for Russian and Finnish orphans at the Lintulsky Monastery. It was a two-story building at the entrance to the monastery, where more than 30 children were treated and taught to read and write. At the shelter, at the expense of the Tyulevs, a house church was also erected in honor of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and the martyr Sophia. On September 18, 1911, it was consecrated by Archbishop Sergius (Stragorodsky), the future Patriarch.

No information has reached us about the personal acquaintance of G. E. Rasputin with M. P. Tyuleva (Frolova). But, of course, it cannot be ruled out.

Grigory Evfimevich N O V Y Y.

Pious thoughts.

1. God's blessing and His words upon us.
2. Spiritual unity.
3. My difficult minute is the days of my grief.
4. My life - on a further path in Christ - paradise.
5. Wonderful deeds - alms.

Printing house of M. P. Frolova. Gallery, 6.

God's blessing and His words upon us.

Why do we see an Orthodox cemetery, and boredom sets in? Because life is earthly vanity; they did not struggle with desire, they served the body and were busy with idle comforts, both in malice and in slander.
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And why do cancer of the righteous feel good? Because - their life - suffering; how Christ suffered and after His suffering was Easter.
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So a righteous person endures slander and various persecutions with strength and hope in the Lord; and we feel and rejoice in his strength, the righteous, and the joy in us is indescribable.
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And how instructive to watch a spiritual brother or sister die; therefore his life is an example to us, and his death is a consolation.
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It's a great thing to talk about the hour of death!
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And suddenly we see our brother newly deceased. Where we sat, let's look at the place where there was a conversation about the temple and the Holy Mysteries and a lot about God's deeds - and unexpressed joy will be imprinted in the heart, and you will involuntarily remember your brother: - unceasing prayer, - they went everywhere and always talked about the saint.
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What a joy it is to have brothers and talk about spiritual things and live with one mind. And you see a brother - he is leaving for eternal life and will pray there, and we are here about him.
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What a joy! We see the proskomedia being performed, and prayers merge, as if to know the great secret.
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Pray for the deceased and he, in a dream, that is, the Angel who records all the affairs, will tell you what proskomidia and remembrance of a brother or relative and parents are.
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There were many cases that they talked about their place: about hell and about paradise. When you pray and see your friend, he comes and makes you pray for his sins.
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Sometimes he does not say, but orders to pray, - God will sort out sins.
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Good deeds Guardian Angel writes down; these same angels will notify in the form of a brother.
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We will talk about the terrible judgment, apply for proskomedia and pray for the departed.
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Oh, woe for perjury and for invoking the name of the Lord without need - in vain; for perjury, for breaking vows.
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It is a great thing to be at the last hour of the sick person - you will see the death of the sick person and involuntarily remember the worldly fuss and you will receive two rewards: you will visit the sick person and at this time the earthly seems to be a deception - just a demon's net.
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And fear will appear and you see friends remain; You will say to yourself: where and where is everything earthly?
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And let us remember even youth and youth, because death asks neither old age, nor youth, nor courage, nor speed of feet, nor nobility, nor priests and bishops, nor all the tribes of the earth; and there is no rebuff, and gold coins for nothing, and the ransom has no price.
* * *
Tearful grief that there is no merit, and luxury has become priceless, and cymbals without protection.

Spiritual unity.

Spiritual unity - why the voice of the Lord? But because the spiritual ones have one spirit.
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They endure sorrow for consolation, but why? But because they, the spiritual, when they talk, have no earthly things.
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Do they always have the Word of God in their hearts?
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And there is peace and wisdom, and their enemies are without price, therefore the spirit of the holy lives in them.
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And they have maternal hearts: a mother will never show her children an embittered heart, but will show affection.
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And the spiritual have no hidden, and therefore they have unity.
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God will not allow lies; God loves unanimity. And in their eyes, in their eyes, the earthly nature is all for paradise, and everything is holy, because they are filled with grace.
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Without grace - nature - for luxury; also a consolation, but an earthly consolation - the consolation of various gardeners, and everyone wants to breed beautiful lilies.
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To whom is paradise, while others, with lilies, will name music and forget earthly sorrows.
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And it was then that the Lord said: Your laughter will turn into weeping and your luxury into sorrow.
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But the spiritual ones, that is, those who go to the temple and spend the rest of the time in singing and conversing with the Gospel - their mind is the beauty of God, and they are filled with the glory of the living God; the more the gospel is not taken to argue in their own way.
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And the spiritual love to work; remember the words of the Apostle Paul: whoever does not work, let him not eat.
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And labor is not vanity and not the work of the enemy - God guides them, and this is because they begin labor blessed; at the beginning of their labors, they read “O Heavenly King” to themselves, at the end of the labors, “It is worthy to eat.”
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And they are filled with brotherly love, in the midst of them God is a Helper.
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Why do they have so many? Because alms are given: the hand that gives will never fail.
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Why are they funny? Therefore, the Angel comforts them and God makes them wiser; they always have a book of life, wisdom.
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Why do they have wisdom? But because they do not speak idly; and behold, their mind is in God; God is in them.
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Why don't they talk idle? Because they are afraid of God. You will give God an answer for every idle word.
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Those who speak idly have absent-mindedness, and their minds are scattered.
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And they can’t stand in the temple, and they spend God’s service.
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And God's people have a temple - for fear and service for consolation.
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What is consolation? A conversation with a saint and a martyr, how they suffered for Christ.
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And why is it so easy for them to talk and see the suffering of the Saints? But because they are busy all the time about the saint, that is, the whole week in meditation on God and His saints; that is why the temple is for the Ark, and the service is for joy, and church singing seems like an angelic sound.
* * *
And why is the angelic sound represented? But because spiritual people do not value themselves; the holier, the more sinful they become; the more they pray, the more sinful they seem to themselves, because everything, everything you see - from all the little things there is fear in the soul, and everyone has little prayer - and they receive involuntary salvation.
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They do not humiliate themselves and forgot to praise themselves, therefore, in prayer - out of habit.
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Why don't they judge? But because they are busy with prayer - they have no time.
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And why are they good everywhere? Because they are in meditation with God.
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Therefore, peace lives in them, and not peace, vanity of vanities - man is not blessed.
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Although he prays, and loves God, and an ascetic, and the restless - he has a trait of disobedience and condemnation, - the head of sin, - the charm of his kind.
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And the man of God is heaven everywhere for him.
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And the matter of obedience, - earthly obedience, - heavenly chamber - for him - the head of paradise.

September 22.
My difficult moment is the days of my grief.

There is no more sorrow when you do not know your own.
* * *
It hurts a lot! Exactly - the demon is very experienced, has lived for centuries and always takes away from a person what he loves.
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Many cannot stand it, they kill themselves: these people have not made friends with God. Friendship with God is heavy persecution and the loss of what you love.
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But sorrow is friendship with God; paradise - for truth and persecution - they have the beauty of paradise.
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I can’t, but I will see the Holy Fathers and martyrs. How much they had to endure - read their lives! God! Give me strength!
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After all, the enemy tempts me in every possible way. They will send evil people, and an evil tongue is worse than a demon, it is not afraid of either the temple of God and everything holy is nothing.
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“Lord, how my enemies have multiplied! Many rise up against me” (Ps. III, 2).
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“Many say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in God” (Ps. III, 3).
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In my heart I will say: “I will not be afraid of those people who have taken up arms against me from all sides” (Ps. III, 7).
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I strongly love your word, Lord!
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Don't despair! Repentance is joy to God and the Angels - you will be an heir with God.
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And I hope for the mercy of God: it is great!
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And all those close to me were afraid of evil and left me as a laughing stock!
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I will say in my soul, Lord, my protector, I will not be afraid of anyone!
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Obedience and humility - to Your mercy, always ready with reasoning.
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“Arise, Lord, save me, my God! For You strike in the cheeks of all my enemies; you break the teeth of the wicked” (Ps. III, 8).
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Everyone writes a nasty side according to the teaching of the demon and out of envy - on the day of God's judgment! I did not resist them, but tried to do good.
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What are they accused of - innocent. See you at the judgment of God! There the speaker will not be justified, and all the tribes of the earth.
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Dexterously and slander - a person does not justify himself, but prepares for the day of God's judgment and thereby wants to see God.
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My friends, let's pray together, and the Lord will comfort us!
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And our temple is the Ark. The Holy Mysteries are an immeasurable joy.
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Therefore imitate God, as beloved children.
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Let's look at the face of the writers, how many lies! And let us not be afraid of evil, as the Holy Church teaches us.
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And let's have a true conversation, and let God teach us and comfort us in the conversation; we have seen His glory more than once, we have fed on it.
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The truth is always, and on the martyrs, and on the righteous, that is, they will carry on their backs and receive a crown.
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The speaker is right with people, but with God he is not visible, because he receives praise here from this world.
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I will say quietly about the rivals of the Lord. Majestically Saving the King and doing mercy to His Anointed David and his offspring forever!
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With all their might, they tear out the bliss of paradise from the heart and instill disbelief in everything holy.
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My sorrows for souls. The enemy succeeded, planted his fear, so that they were afraid of various slanders of the enemy.
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For a long time, the demon told me that I would kick you out.
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I said to those who love me: he did not receive any benefit.
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I will not give him rest at home with sorrows and memories of my dear ones.
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Memories are more valuable and gaining paradise.
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“Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and trusting in the Lord, I will not be shaken” (Ps. XXV, 1).
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In persecution Your way. You showed us Your cross for joy.
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Lord, Your cross is heavy, and momentary life is a bright paradise - there is no end!
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Ah, the impious demon restored all of Russia, as if against a robber.
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The demon and all are preparing eternal bliss; - that always the demon is left with nothing.
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God! keep yours!
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“If you fulfill the royal law according to the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well; but if you act with partiality, then you commit a sin and turn out to be criminals before the law. (The Epistle of James II, 9).
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They trampled a lot and killed the saint in us with their misunderstanding; - we did not slander - we trust in the will of God.
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Friends, God! My brothers! Let's remember Tabor Day! Let it be imprinted in our hearts that we will be here forever!
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Who can appreciate that we are together? Who can rejoice so much when an invisible force is with us! - No one bought it, but on merit and consoled us. And what merits - God knows - the tongue cannot say!
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Memories! - stay in that place and evaluate in your soul; - for all of you it is very important.
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God! Give me strength not to trample on many pearls and not become participants who shouted: “Hosanna in the highest” and spread clothes and nodded in every possible way.
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My friends, where are you? Where are you?
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Oh, our God! Heavy are the memories of the repulse of consolation! At the last moment, many were afraid. What is it to them?
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The spiritual heart will understand how it was for the Lord to endure. And those out of envy - the easier; they have not taken a sip of spiritual sweetness and do not know it; - because the globe is dearer to them than the heavenly one.
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And whoever tasted, let it open; I don't know the person

understand spiritually: woe to him!
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He knew, but did not taste, that is, did not rejoice - it is also easier for him; but he knew and tasted and said “hosanna” and rejoiced, then I don’t know a person ...
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And our hearts merged into spiritual love, and we became as one, and our eyes, understanding one another, will not stop praising God.
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And memories - it will be in us instead of consolation, and the kingdom of heaven is in us; this evil people will not take away.

My life - on a further path in Christ - paradise.

ABOUT! How cheerful, but the cross is heavy.
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A joyful day in persecution, but not everyone can accommodate.
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Sorrow is heavy without habit.
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Understand your sins, and the cross will rejoice.
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God is far away without a cross!
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And do not look for the cross yourself, but God will give. You carry as much as you can. God knows what you need, just be careful.
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Caution must be asked of God; but without God, caution is cunning.
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God! Keep peace in me! In the world and wisdom.

And all listeners will see the true light and forget the earthly leash; and there will be a temple for them - the Ark, the Holy Mysteries - the renewal of the soul and indescribable joy.
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Gold is known, and diamonds, although valuable, are not understood by everyone. Similarly, the spiritual life is not for everyone.
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And joy - as much as you rejoice, so you will cry. As far as they accept, they will drive so much.

King David wrote the truth: “Blessed is the man who does not go to the council of the wicked” (Ps. I, 1), because those who are busy are idle, and the demon does not like like-minded people.
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The demon is very experienced, lived a lot and taught to evil; - and envy is his taste.
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Yes, do not anger the demon, then he will ride on you, because the people here are unprepared, busy with festivities.
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Talk very carefully, otherwise this conversation of yours will be on your back as a comforter for scattering pearls before swine.
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Hey, the devil is everywhere! how experienced he is; only victory is humility and the sign of the cross.
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And humility is given by sorrows and various persecutions.
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Whoever was not saved was not born; and if you were born, then live in edification to yourself and people.
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And you don’t have to force yourself very much, but ask God for strength to go to war for every day.
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Do not despair in the struggle: not in strength, but in weakness, grace is made.
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As in the Gospel of John (XVI, 2). “I have said this to you so that you will not be offended: they will drive you out of the synagogues; even the time is coming when everyone who kills you will think that he is serving God.” Whom are we waiting for? You have to be ready for everything.
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Kingdom of God for persecution.
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Permission - to the fulfillment of the glory of God.
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Negligence from a demon is the science of spiritual life. When you break, you'll be careful next time.
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Do not look at the threats of the demon - at evil tongues: pray and do good deeds; this is a reproach to the enemy and victory over evil tongues.
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The evil tongue does not love the good, the demon trembles. An evil tongue is worse than a demon: it is afraid of the sign of the cross and trembles with humility, but an evil tongue is quiet and slanders. Evil - did not make friends with God.
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My soul, rejoice in the persecution and do not sleep in evil at night, do not sleep in the daytime in vanity.
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Paradise is built for the exiles of truth.
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Do not make excuses - if you want to be friends with God, praise in the soul of sorrow. God! Give me strength, I will be your co-worker.
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“Look what kind of love the Father has given us, so that we can be called and be children of God. The world does not know us because it did not know Him.”
* * *
Sorrow is a bitter cold. After sorrows - bright May. Forgot about the frost! Truth in the soul - May calls. The aroma is the warmth of God for the fact that the enemies shivered.
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Yes, God is near, but it is hard in sorrows!
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More than all tests - trampling on the Holy.
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“Try to present yourself to God as a worthy worker, irreproachable, faithfully teaching the word of truth” (2nd Epistle to Timothy of Apostle Paul II, 15).
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Sorrow than to forget? In works, more in nature and in the Holy Mysteries. More than one, or in spirit with a brother, or fishing, or physical prayer in the sweat of one's brow. If you do all this and do not help, and if you die of sorrow, then you will receive a martyr, because everyone will receive crowns differently.
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Our enemies are preparing crowns. Woe that they do not see themselves and forget the mercy of God.
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Their sins are forgotten, and others in front of our eyes.
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Sorrow - Knight: Experience going to war for every day!
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The more you live, the more you will meet the demonic army. Try to win. The main thing is the experience with peace in the soul.
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Then be very careful! God will give sorrow - you will endure - victory - heaven.
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Then you will fall into temptation, do not give importance, because he tempted you for good deeds - do more.
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And the demon will show that there is no sinner than you: the demon is lying - God's mercy is above all. Do good, then the demon will be afraid.
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Then he will be tempted by laziness and great nobility and more hypocrisy; on fasting and on fornication, on avarice and charms, and on silence, and on deeds, more on pride.
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Pride is so thin! She shows herself differently.
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Here the demon catches the monks: you, luminaries, you need self-control, and not poverty of spirit; let it be with the simpletons, but you be more restrained, otherwise the aristocracy will not fall in love.
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That's how the devil catches everyone profitably.
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Sorrow will knock out all the etiquette - the demon was left with nothing.
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Save yourself not for self-interest with all your might - sorrows will be saved.
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Sorrow - the palace of God! And all the nobles of God do not live without sorrows. They lead to true love.
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Let's believe in the afterlife - we'll find out - hell, paradise.
* * *
I am experiencing severe slander. It's terrible what they write. God! Give patience and stop the mouth of the enemies! Or give heavenly help, that is, prepare the eternal joy of Your blessedness. A difficult hour on earth is a sweet moment in heaven. Comfort, O God, yours! Give me your example. Point out, O God, what is heavenly and earthly. We will see and rejoice in all the evil tongues that they have led to the knowledge of the higher knowledge of spiritual life, and we will see the beauty of the living God! See you, see you in the eternal bliss of paradise and here we will enjoy wisdom!
Wonderful deeds - alms.

Almsgiving, however, relieves adversity.
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And whoever gives, he himself experienced a lot on himself - that the giving hand will not be impoverished, and he received a lot.
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Marvelous manifestations of miracles for alms! You see: the poor man rides on your horse with joy in his face and with a shining light:
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What is more precious - joy and peace - to help your neighbor.
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But the demon does not leave his temptation and makes all sorts of obsessions and says: you yourself will go into the world, don’t give it, otherwise it will present you as a drunkard or lazy, negligent, etc., but most of all he says: you yourself will become impoverished.
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And the words of the Gospel out of mind, which says: give to those from whom there is nothing to take - this is pleasing to God - everyone knows. And you feel refreshed. What a devil! And the gospel closes.
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One has to fight very hard, because evil is paid for good, and evil reigns.
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Good is always good and will remain, and a person will only show himself that he is not worthy of good.
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But he wants to be a prayer book for alms and remember a good deed as a good one, but the enemy of the human race does not give him rest and presents everything good not as labor, but as some kind of gift, so as not to pray for alms and will show the good for the most vile.
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Almsgiving is a great thing, and there is a lot of struggle with it; and here the envy of the insidious says: now to the right, then to the left, give, - you will be praised and protected and helped in misfortunes.
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Do not look at insidious thoughts, but give indiscriminately. God Himself will teach someone to give and will send a man of God who will pray, and God will hear his prayer.
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When you feel to give, - give, do not hide the gold platter.
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But if you don’t want to, give yourself involuntarily and teach yourself not to give from large capitals, but even from meager alms, from half a cent.
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And you give alms, ask God not to be a Pharisee, that God does not ask for sounds from alms.
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Listen to the Gospel, but see how long you have been living according to the Gospel.
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And it happens that he saw a cross or a metal or a rank praised for alms.
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Then he gave away his property: he did not receive a cross and was not given a rank.
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And then they bring blasphemy against God; for the loss of the estate, they encroach on life.
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God does not need such charity.
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Ask God to teach the Lord to remember the kingdom of God and the suffering of Job for the loss of his property; and Job will pray for you; he must be asked.
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Thousands of examples of those who ask for saints - they teach to give alms. They themselves, the saints, fought with themselves and asked - who is John the Merciful or others. God hears their prayers and you will begin to serve with joy and trembling.
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Whoever gives, he will understand all the needs of a person, because he enters into the affairs of poverty; and whoever does not understand poverty is far from someone else's grief.
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No words will convince him, and the Gospel is alien to him, therefore he is far from someone else's misfortune, why is this so? But because his parents made fun of the poor.
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Is there a Kingdom of God for such people? There is for the loss of the estate.
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In the Kiev Pechersk Lavra - Saint Aretha, he had secret wealth and was so stingy that he never gave to the poor. One night thieves ransacked his estate; and so he began to slander the brothers for his loss; he fell seriously ill and at his death said: “Lord, do not want the death of a sinner, Lord, save and have mercy!”
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The Lord heard and saved him even from a sinful illness; and the demons vanished, and he became healthy; and became an example for all the brethren.
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In short, according to human thought it is impossible, but with God everything is possible.
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Ah, God has many mercy - there is no end. And we experience all this on ourselves - miracles - we do not give an account of them.
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Almsgiving is also important in an unimportant matter: if you give, and here God obviously helps, and the matter will work out: you go or go, and God will see your good hand helping and your path will be good.
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Yes, extreme annoyance and anxiety when you go with a loved one and talk about your comforts - and a poor man meets and bothers you with his outstretched hand, and we will soon say: do not bother us that you are wandering around; let's not talk to him about his complicated affairs.
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And for this God makes loss and various bankruptcies.
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And on the day of trouble, the Lord will not cover and will not have mercy and will not protect from adversity.
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The kingdom of God is not given for nothing, and crosses of various kinds, and almsgiving is above all good deeds.


The famous Grigory Rasputin, whom many imagine as the personification of cunning, hysterics, devilry, blackmail and debauchery, also had the gift of prophecy. Grigory foresaw the death of the royal family long before the terrible execution in the basement of the Ipatiev mansion in Yekaterinburg.

Here is what he writes: “Every time I hug the king and mother, and the girls, and the prince, I shudder with horror, as if I were hugging the dead .... And then I pray for these people, because in Russia they need more than anyone else. And I pray for the Romanov family, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them. He spoke of the revolution in Russia as follows: “Every revolution wants to break the chains of slavery, but when these chains are broken, others are ready. Nothing has changed since cave times and will never change…”

Rasputin predicted the coming of a new power in Russia and mountains of corpses, “among them are the great princes and counts, the water in the Neva is stained with their blood”, and after 25 years and “three moons” he predicted the events of 1937 - the period of Stalinist repressions. He foresaw the circumstances of his own death and spoke of it in no uncertain terms. If simple "robbers from Russian peasants" kill him, then Tsar Nicholas may not fear for his fate, and his descendants will reign "a hundred years or more." In the second case, the murder will be committed by the nobles - "relatives of the king" and then the future of Russia and the royal family will be terrible. The nobles will flee the country, and "the king's relatives" will not survive in two years and "the brothers will rise up against the brothers and will kill each other." As you know, the second version of events was realized, and everything happened, as the "old man" predicted.

Prophecy of a tectonic cataclysm. Grigory Rasputin predicted the terrible future events that earthlings would have to endure: “Earthquakes at this time will become more frequent, lands and waters will open up, and their wounds will swallow people and belongings. You will see daily violence on your doorstep as man becomes a beast again and how all beasts will attack or be attacked. This person will not distinguish good from evil”; “The seas, like thieves, will enter cities, houses, and the lands will become salty. And salt will enter into the waters, and there will be no water that is not salty. Salty lands will bear no more fruit, and if they do, it will be bitter fruit. Therefore, you will see fertile lands turned into salt marshes. And other lands will be dried up by the growing heat. Man will find himself under the salty rain, and will roam the salty land, between drought and flood."

Grigory warned about another disaster - a "terrible storm" that will occur on August 23, 2013: "... the fire will consume all life on earth, and after that life on the planet will die and grave silence will come." According to the predictions of the "old man", at that time Jesus Christ will return to earth to warn mankind about the approaching catastrophe and console people, and then ascend to heaven again.

“When times draw near to the abyss, the love of man for man will turn into a dry plant. In the desert of those times, only two plants will grow - the plants of profit and the plant of self-love. But the flowers of these plants can be mistaken for the flowers of love. All mankind in this accursed time will be swallowed up by indifference…”. The great death will be the death of the family, dishonored and crucified.”
Rasputin's prophecy about an epidemic of an unknown disease, possibly bird flu: “When Sodom and Gomorrah return to earth, and when women wear men's clothes, and men wear women's, you will see Death riding a white plague. And the ancient plague will appear before the white plague like a drop before the ocean. Mountains of corpses will be piled up in the squares, and millions of people will be carried away by a faceless death.

Cities with millions of inhabitants will not find enough hands to bury the dead, and many villages will be crossed out with one cross.

No medicine can stop the white plague, for it will be the threshold of purification.

The seer mentioned a certain “black plague”: “More and more often you will begin to see the madness of your members. Where nature has created order, man will sow disorder. And many will suffer from this disorder. And many will die from the black plague. And when the plague no longer kills, the kites will tear the flesh. Every man has a great medicine in himself, but man-animal prefers to be treated with poisons.

Grigory Rasputin warned mankind about the danger of radioactive contamination of the area as a result of the destruction of nuclear power plant reactors during a tectonic cataclysm. One example is Japanese nuclear power plants. He wrote about this formidable danger in this way: “Towers will be built all over the world ... they will be castles of death. Some of these castles will collapse, and rotten blood will flow out of these wounds (radioactive emissions from reactors - Note S.V.), which will infect the earth and sky. Because clots of infected blood, like predators, will fall on our heads. And many clots will fall to the ground, and the land where they fall will become desolate for seven generations.”

The air that enters our lungs to bring life will one day bring Death. And the day will come when there will be no mountains, no hills, no seas, no lakes that would not be shrouded in the ominous breath of Death. And all people will inhale Death; and all men will die of the poisons with which the air will be filled.

The poisons will embrace the Earth like a passionate lover. And in a deadly embrace, the heavens will acquire the breath of death, and the waters in the fountains will be bitter, and many of these waters will be more poisonous than rotten snake blood. People will die from water and air, but they will say that they died from the heart and kidneys.

“And bitter waters will infect the time… for bitter waters will bring forth bitter times. People will leave the cities." The water will be salty on the entire planet, the seer predicts. “The seas will attack the cities. Salt marshes and hot deserts will appear in place of arable lands...
The plants will get sick and die one by one. The forests will become huge cemeteries, and people, stunned and poisoned by poisonous rains, will wander aimlessly among the dry trees.
At this time there will be less food, as everything will become poison. The barns will be full, and streams of cool water will flow, and the trees will bear fruit; but whoever eats this grain and whoever drinks the water will die, and whoever eats the fruit will die. Only the fruits harvested by the previous generation will not contain death.

In these times, grief will unite with a person, and from their union despair will be born, such despair as has never been on earth. And at these times even the seasons will change, and the rose will bloom in December, and in June there will be snow.”

Rasputin even predicted the emergence of genetics and cloning experiments - “human alchemy”: “Monsters will be born that will not be people or animals. And many people who will not have a mark (umbilical cord) on the body will have a mark in the soul. And then the time will come when you will find in the cradle the monster of monsters - a man without a soul. The mother's womb will be sold like beef. There will be kite butterflies, bees, snakes, flying frogs, lord mice, and human beasts.

Grigory Rasputin in his prophecies also mentions the danger of uncontrolled genetic experiments carried out by some scientists: “Irresponsible human alchemy will eventually turn ants into huge monsters that will destroy houses and entire countries, fire and water will be powerless against them. Eventually, you will see flying frogs, and butterflies will become kites, and bees will crawl on the ground like snakes. And the serpents will take possession of many cities...

Mice and snakes will rule over the earth. Mice will hunt mice; and lost and stunned people will have to leave entire cities and villages under the onslaught of hordes of huge mice that will destroy everything and infect the earth.
Plants, beasts and people were created to be separate. But the day will come when there will be no more boundaries. And then the person will become half-man, half-plant. And the beast will become a beast, a plant, and a man. In these boundless fields a monster called a kobaka will graze ... ".

Currently, as a result of irresponsible experiments on crossing bees from Europe, Africa and South America, a hybrid of "killer bees" has been bred, which are extremely aggressive and already multiply uncontrollably. Probably, (in the future) they will still remind of themselves. Rasputin's prediction: “Tame insects will suffer death because a person will poison them. And the locust invasion will seem like a spring rain compared to this hurricane, which will spread from the land of flowers to the land of leaves, and from there to the whole world, sowing disease, famine and horror.

Three Days of Darkness: A prophecy about the catastrophe that will occur during the approach of a propeller-class neutron star (Typhon). Other prophecies about the three days of darkness in the blog: http://isi-2025.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-post_4475.html
“For three days the sun will disappear from heaven, and for thirty days a fog of smoke and pain will cover the earth with a gray veil. Man will, like a mad dog, rush across this sea of ​​suffering, his life will become agony and his only hope will be death ... In these times, grief will unite with man and from their union despair will be born, such despair as has never been on earth. And at these times even the seasons will change, and the rose will bloom in December, and in June there will be snow.”
The predictions of Grigory Rasputin mention numerous cataclysms that will occur before the End of the World: “Tears of the Sun will fall to the ground like fiery sparks, burning people and plants .... The great serpent will shed much blood. Part of the earth will smoke, and a third of the seeds will burn. Part of the land will be barren, and the seeds will perish. But the third part will give such abundant harvests as have not yet been seen on earth.

Few people and few things will be preserved, but what remains will be subjected to a new purification before entering the earthly paradise ... ".
“A spark will flash, which will bring a new word and a new law. And the new law will teach man a new life, for it will be impossible to enter a new house with old habits. And when the sun sets, it will be revealed that the new law is the ancient law, and man was created according to this law…”

“The seven fruits will be the fruits of happiness. The first fruit is peace of mind ... then there will be fruits of joy of life, mental balance, bodily health, unity with nature, sincere humility and simplicity of life. All people will be able to eat these fruits, but whoever does not feel the need to eat them will be thrown off and will not find a place on the cart of sincere happiness. At this time, a person will live not by bread, but by the spirit. And human riches will no longer be on earth, but in heaven.” People will understand that there is only one god, only his name sounds different in different languages.
“Under the sign of Taurus will be Western Europe. And under the sign of the Eagle will be Holy Russia. In the concept of his narrative, the mission of Russia is to stay awake, protect and protect.

Prophecy about the Third World War.

There is a mention of three world wars and Grigory Rasputin. The image of snakes can be interpreted as destructive wars. “People are heading towards disaster. The most inept will drive the wagon in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places .... Humanity will be crushed by the march of madmen and scoundrels. Wisdom is bound in chains. The ignorant and powerful will dictate laws to the wise and even the humble. And then most of the people will believe in those in power, but will lose faith in God…. God's punishment will not be quick, but terrible. Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving ashes and smoke behind them, they have one house - and this is a sword, and they have one law - violence, but, having dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die from the sword. The first two snakes have already crawled through long-suffering Europe. These are the First and Second World Wars, there is one more snake left - the Third and the most terrible: “The time of peace will come, but the world will be written in blood. And when two fires go out, the third fire will burn the ashes. Few people and few things survive. But what remains will have to be subjected to a new purification before entering the earthly paradise.

Another prediction of Rasputin about a future war: “The world expects three“ lightning ”that will sequentially burn the earth between sacred rivers (possibly Iraq), a palm garden (Egypt) and lilies (France). A bloodthirsty prince will come from the west, who will enslave a person with wealth, and another prince will come from the east, who will enslave a person with poverty.

The prophet also predicted the aggression of Muslim countries against Christians: “Mohammed will move his house, following the path of his fathers (conquests of the Arab Caliphate and the Ottoman Empire - Approx. S.V.). And there will be wars like summer thunderstorms, felling trees and ruining villages.

And it will be until it is revealed that the word of God is one, even though it is spoken in different languages. And then the table will be one, as one, there will be bread.

Before his last trip to the village of Pokrovskoye, Grigory Rasputin, in an interview with the writer Teffi (1916), also mentioned the Third World War: “Now is such a time, war, grief, it is not known what is happening in Russia. Scattering is good, the current people in it have become painfully bad. Grace is gone. There is no faith. The time is coming, the Orthodox power is leaving. It will get worse, God forbid. Soon a person will not be good, the current will be reputed to be Orthodox. Many people will be killed, you will walk knee-deep in blood. There will be no one to bury, so they will dump it in a hole and bury it. Then there will be war (World War II, 1939-1945 - author's note).

But this is not the end. Then breakdowns and construction will begin (perestroika in 1991 and the collapse of the USSR).
The bad life will pass. A Russian person will live in the flesh. The evil spirit will take over. Her time will come. She will screw people over. In the end, the unclean will take on a human face.
Then the Mother of God will come to Russia, to establish faith. The Mother of God will come - she will equalize everything, not in their own way, in her own way. She will restore faith, but for a short time. That person will be stronger. With him there will be war, so there will be war. Now you are well-fed and handsome in the city of Petrov, sitting and scolding the war, barking at me, and then there will be no city, no city. Then, whoever survives, they will remember Rasputin when you run from the cities to the village. Run to the man. All the power of Russia is in the man. My time is ahead, dear."

Prophecy about the king Savior.

Grigory Rasputin has an interesting prediction about the return of a certain “archangel-king” to Russia after devastating cataclysms on Earth: “The time of wind, the time of fire and the time of water will pass, then the archangel will return. But everything will change. Life will flourish in Siberia, and many palaces of St. Petersburg will be decorated with lemon trees.
The voice of the Most Holy Mother of God will reach the moon and beyond. But it will not enter into the depths of the heart of every Russian.
The king will be blown away. And return with the wind. And the same wind will bring a king who will not be a king, but will have more power than a king. The new king will ride on a white horse through the citrus groves, and many old people will stop him to remind him that where there used to be only snow, today olives have sprung up.
And in the lands where olives used to grow, there will be only snow. For everything is mixed up at this time. Mountains will be where the seas used to be, and seas where there were mountains.”
Rasputin also mentions the appearance of certain "predators" in the sky and the Savior of mankind, who will confront the Antichrist: When the bear (Russia - Approx. S.V.) loses the last drop of blood, he (Antichrist) will be buried. And five gravediggers will dig a grave, on which is inscribed, there will be a name of shame. Then you will see the king on a white horse, and he will be the father of justice, for his name will be the Righteous. This will be the beginning of repentance. And this will be the year when the five predators will pierce the sky.”

Prophecy about Russia and other countries.

Grigory Rasputin, who predicted the revolution in Russia, the death of the royal family, civil war and many other future events, in his book "Pious Reflections" published in St. Petersburg in 1912, cites very accurate prophecies that surprisingly coincide with the predictions of Nostradamus. About the collapse of the USSR (“Vyug”) and the USA (“Grayug”), the “old man” allegorically wrote: “Two bloodthirsty princes will take over the Earth: Blizzard will come from the east and enslave a person with poverty, Grayug will come from the west and enslave a person with wealth. The princes will challenge each other's earth and sky (cold war - Approx. S.V.). And the great battlefield will be in the land of the four demons. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter the house of the Blizzard and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end (the collapse of the USSR).
But the day will come when the empire of Grayug will also collapse, for both laws were wrong and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the earth, on which a new plant of the third light will grow.
Grigory Rasputin repeatedly mentioned in his prophecies about the future fate of Russia and St. Petersburg: “Darkness will fall on Petersburg. When his name is changed, then the empire will end (the collapse of the Russian Empire, the revolution of 1917 and the renaming of the city in 1924 to Leningrad - Note by S.V.). And when his name is changed again (since 1991 - St. Petersburg), the wrath of God will break out over Europe. Petersburg will return when the sun stops crying, and the Kazan Mother of God is no more. Petersburg will be the capital of the new Russia, and a treasure will be extracted from its womb, which will spread throughout all the lands of the Most Holy Mother of God.

Rasputin has an allegorical prediction about the future fate of Israel, Greece, possibly France and Russia: “The four sisters are dressed in silk, but after three generations they will be dressed in rags. Peter's daughter (Apostle Peter the first Bishop of Rome was born in Galilee - Northern Palestine, Israel - Approx. S.V.) stones will be torn out, and sheep will graze on the stones and each stone will be split, burned and scattered, and only glory will remain dust. The daughter of Luke (Luke is the author of the 3rd Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. According to Eusebius of Caesarea, was born in Antioch, that is, a Greek) her eyes will be gouged out and her nails torn out, and she will follow the same path as the daughter of Peter. The daughter of Henry (perhaps the elder meant one of the kings who ruled under this name mainly in France, England and Germany) will have all the blood drained from the veins, and all her beauty will turn into a ball of fire. The roots will be different, but new crowns will grow from the roots. But their brilliance will be different. And the sisters will no longer dress in silk, but in rags. But they will still be queens. But when the daughter of Catherine (Catherine the Great - the Russian Empress) pays tribute to the great seed of time, raise your head to the North Star, for life will come from this star, and with it - time and happiness.

Prophecy about the distant future.

According to Rasputin's predictions, the Christian temple will be placed in a kind of Ark, which will "forget the earthly leash", i.e. will leave the limits of the Earth: “And all hearers will see the true light and forget the earthly leash; and there will be a temple for them - the Ark, and the Holy Mysteries - the renewal of the soul and indescribable joy. “In the valley of the color of the sun a tree will grow with leaves of gold and branches of silver. And the tree will bear seven fruits, which will be the fruits of happiness. The first fruit is peace of mind, and it will grow at the very top of the tree. Then there will be fruits of the joy of life, mental balance, bodily health, unity with nature, sincere humility and simplicity of life. All people will be able to eat from these fruits, but whoever does not feel the need to eat them will be thrown off and will not find a place on the cart of sincere happiness. At that time, man will live not by bread, but by the spirit. And the riches of men will no longer be on earth, but in heaven. And man will be created from the sky and water, and when he returns to his home, the water will be swallowed up by the earth, and the sky will return to the sky. For nothing will be given to the worms."

“The time will come when the sun will begin to cry, and its tears will fall to the ground like fiery sparks, burning plants and people (dumping part of the shell of the Sun’s atmosphere - Approx. S.V.). The deserts will advance like mad horses without a rider, and the pastures will turn into sand, and the rivers will become the rotten navel of the earth. The tender grass of the meadows and the leaves of the trees will disappear, for two deserts will rule: the desert of sand and the desert of night. And under the burning sun and ice cold, life will go out. from the book of Simonov V.A. "Big Encyclopedia of the Apocalypse" Publishing house "EKSMO", 2011

Every land in those days will be under the sign of one of the evangelists. The great island will be ruled by a lion, but the lion will lose its claws.

The Righteous Land and the heart of Europe will be under the sign of man. Western Europe will be under the sign of the calf. And under the sign of the eagle will be Holy Russia, for its task will be to stay awake and protect.

When a continual trembling passes over the earth, do not take your eyes off the east, for new prophets will come from there. They will prepare the way for the Lord, who will also come in splendor from the east.

Sayings from the book of Grigory Efimovich Novy (Rasputin) "pious reflections", published in St. Petersburg in 1912

20) spiritual unity is the voice of God, for the spiritual have one soul;

27) it helps to survive suffering and move on to consolation, because when spiritual people speak, there is nothing hidden;

25) and the spiritual have no hidden things, and therefore they have unity;

42) what is consolation? A conversation with a saint and a martyr, how they suffered for Christ;

72) and a temple to us - the Ark. Holy mysteries joy immeasurable;

80) my sorrows for souls. The enemy succeeded, planted his fear, so that they were afraid of various slanders of the enemy;

102) and our hearts merged into spiritual love, and we became as one, and our eyes, understanding one another, will not stop praising God;

107) understand your sins, and the cross will be full;

108) God is far away without a cross!

109) and do not seek the cross yourself, but God will provide. You carry as much as you can. God knows what you need, just be careful;

111) God! Keep peace in me! In the world and wisdom.

And all listeners will see the true light and forget the earthly leash; and there will be a temple for them - the Ark, and the Holy Mysteries - the renewal of the soul and indescribable joy;

117) talk very carefully, otherwise this conversation of yours will be on the back of a comforter for scattering pearls in front of swine;

132) look what kind of love the Father has given us, so that we can be called and be children of God. The world does not know us because it did not know Him;

138) Our enemies are preparing crowns. Woe that they do not see themselves and forget the mercy of God.

From the book “Life for the Tsar. the truth about Grigory Rasputin” by Oleg Platonov…

Once attacked by predators, they wanted to rob, I told them: “This is not mine, but all of God, you take it from me, I am your helper, I gladly give it back.” Something special said in their hearts, they thought and said: “Where are you from and what is the matter with you?” - "I am a man - a brother sent to you and devoted to God."

Heavy memories of tormentors-foreigners, but at the present time greater torment - brother against brother and how they do not know their own. Therefore, the pain is more severe. Takes offense.

Therefore, I am sure that the crowns will be closer to the face of God from these tormentors at the present time.

Here is the word of God against us: brother against brother and son against father - the end is near...

Oh, what a deceit, trouble they will tell her, and they will look, and they will see ... Conscience speaks to us without a tongue about its shortcoming, everyone needs to look at it, here we will not hide any sin and we will not bury it in the ground.

The crowd is always looking for a miracle. Meanwhile, she does not notice at all the greatest of miracles, hourly happening before our eyes, the birth of man.

There are many different peoples, and all are smart in their spirit, but there is little faith in everyone and in all nations, and there is no love. It is very necessary to be affectionate with them, they do not understand, but they look at your love as a curiosity. And at this time, when we point to the sky, they look with love, and a change is made in their faces, and now they are talking about the prophets. There are a lot of smart people, but there is no faith in them, it is very necessary to talk with them, but not about faith, but about love, save them, God! It is not necessary to criticize and point out how high one's faith is, but one must first place them, and then sow one's faith carefully and meekly, but this takes years. It is necessary to show an example of love and have bright love, then there will be Christians, as in the early years, and the Christian mission will serve not for money, but out of kindness. They understand very well when you speak, and surprisingly the words are reflected on them now, they sit in a circle and look at you. It is imperative to know their language and the nature of their nations, and in short, to have love for God, as for a friend, otherwise even if we fast, and do not know how to talk with God, then we will not work on people! Just as a bell without silver sounds bad, so an inexperienced one will always only spoil it.


The sea comforts without any effort. When you get up in the morning, and the waves speak, and splash, and delight. And the sun shines on the sea, as if quietly rising, and at the same time the human soul forgets all of humanity and looks at the brilliance of the sun; and a person's joy ignites, and in the soul one feels the book of life and the wisdom of life - an indescribable beauty! The sea awakens from the sleep of vanities, a lot of thinking, on its own, without any effort.

In times of instability, more and more people are becoming interested in the predictions of psychics and clairvoyants. Perhaps one of the most important prophecies about Russia was compiled by the elder Grigory Rasputin.

The figure of Rasputin in the history of Russia still remains a mystery, and rumors and legends still circulate about his influence on the royal family. Rasputin's predictions about Russia were published in Pious Reflections in 1912. And if at that time most of his prophecies were perceived as fiction, now almost all of his words can truly be called prophetic.

What predictions of Rasputin came true

It should be noted that many of the prophecies of Grigory Rasputin came true. So, what did the elder say during his lifetime and what followed his words?

The execution of the royal family. The fact that the entire royal family would be killed, Rasputin knew long before the tragedy. Here is what he wrote in his diary: “Every time I hug the tsar and mother, and the girls, and the prince, I shudder with horror, as if I were hugging the dead ... And then I pray for these people, because in Russia they are the most need. And I pray for the Romanov family, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them.

About the revolution of 1917: “Darkness will fall on Petersburg. When his name is changed, then the empire will end."

About his own death and about the future of Russia after his death. Rasputin said that if ordinary people, peasants, killed him, then Tsar Nicholas would not have to fear for his fate, and the Romanovs would rule for another hundred years and more. If the nobles kill him, then the future of Russia and the royal family will be terrifying. “The nobles will flee the country, and the king’s relatives will not survive in two years, and the brothers will rise up against the brothers and will kill each other,” the elder wrote.

Accidents at nuclear power plants. “Towers will be built all over the world, they will be castles of death. Some of these castles will fall, and rotten blood will flow out of these wounds, which will infect the earth and sky. Because clots of infected blood, like predators, will fall on our heads. Many clots will fall to the ground, and the land where they fall will become deserted for seven generations, ”this is what Grigory Rasputin said about the future of Russia.

Natural disasters. The elder also spoke about natural disasters, which every year we observe more and more. “Earthquakes at this time will become more frequent, the lands and waters will open, and their wounds will swallow people and belongings ... The seas will enter the cities, and the lands will become salty. And there will be no water that is not salty. A person will be under salty rain, and will wander on salty land, between drought and flood ... The rose will bloom in December, and in June there will be snow.

Cloning. Grigory Rasputin also knew that experiments with cloning would be carried out in the future: "Irresponsible human alchemy, in the end, will turn ants into huge monsters that will destroy houses and entire countries, and fire and water will be powerless against them."

Rasputin's prediction about the future of Russia

The following predictions are difficult to decipher, as Rasputin used symbols and images in his prophecies. Probably, this is his prediction about the future of Russia, which has not yet come true or is just beginning to come true: “People are heading towards disaster. The most inept ones will drive the wagon in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places... Mankind will be crushed by the march of madmen and scoundrels. Wisdom is bound in chains. The ignorant and powerful will dictate laws to the wise and even the humble... Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving ashes and smoke behind them. The world is waiting for three "lightning" that will sequentially burn the land between the sacred rivers, the palm garden and lilies. A bloodthirsty prince will come from the west, who will enslave a person with wealth, and another prince will come from the east, who will enslave a person with poverty.

About other predictions of psychics and astrologers. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.01.2015 09:08

Russians abroad are often considered the most unsmiling people. At the same time, Russian people are recognized as the most ...

sky. For nothing more will be given to the worms.

The great Sowers will return at this time to scatter seeds. But part of the earth will smoke, and a third of the seeds will burn. Part of the land will be barren, and the seeds will perish. But the third part will give such abundant harvests as have never been seen before on earth.

Every land in those days will be under the sign of one of the evangelists. The great island will be ruled by a lion, but the lion will lose its claws.

The Righteous Land and the heart of Europe will be under the sign of man. Western Europe will be under the sign of the calf. And under the sign of the eagle will be Holy Russia, for its task will be to stay awake and protect.

When a continual trembling passes over the earth, do not take your eyes off the east, for new prophets will come from there. They will prepare the way for the Lord, who will also come in splendor from the east.

Sayings from

Grigory Efimovich new

(Rasputin) "pious reflections",


Saint Petersburg

20) spiritual unity is the voice of God, for the spiritual have one soul;

27) it helps to survive suffering and move on to consolation, because when spiritual people speak, there is nothing hidden;

25) and the spiritual have no hidden things, and therefore they have unity;

42) what is consolation? A conversation with a saint and a martyr, how they suffered for Christ;

72) and a temple to us - the Ark. Holy mysteries joy immeasurable;

80) my sorrows for souls. The enemy succeeded, planted his fear, so that they were afraid of various slanders of the enemy;

102) and our hearts merged into spiritual love, and we became as one, and our eyes, understanding one another, will not stop praising God;

107) understand your sins, and the cross will be full;

108) God is far away without a cross!

109) and do not seek the cross yourself, but God will provide. You carry as much as you can. God knows what you need, just be careful;

111) God! Keep peace in me! In the world and wisdom.

And all listeners will see the true light and forget the earthly leash; and there will be a temple for them - the Ark, and the Holy Mysteries - the renewal of the soul and indescribable joy;

117) talk very carefully, otherwise this conversation of yours will be on the back of a comforter for scattering pearls in front of swine;

132) look what kind of love the Father has given us, so that we can be called and be children of God. The world does not know us because it did not know Him;

138) Our enemies are preparing crowns. Woe that they do not see themselves and forget the mercy of God.

The truth about Grigory Rasputin

Oleg Platonov...

Once attacked by predators, they wanted to rob, I told them: “This is not mine, but all of God, you take it from me, I am your helper, I gladly give it back.” Something special said in their hearts, they thought and said: “Where are you from and what is the matter with you?” - "I am a man - a brother sent to you and devoted to God."

Heavy memories of tormentors-foreigners, but at the present time greater torment - brother against brother and how they do not know their own. Therefore, the pain is more severe. Takes offense.

Therefore, I am sure that the crowns will be closer to the face of God from these tormentors at the present time.

Here is the word of God against us: brother against brother and son against father - the end is near...

Oh, what a deceit, trouble they will tell her, and they will look, and they will see ... Conscience speaks to us without a tongue about its shortcoming, everyone needs to look at it, here we will not hide any sin and we will not bury it in the ground.

The crowd is always looking for a miracle. Meanwhile, she does not notice at all the greatest of miracles, hourly happening before our eyes, the birth of man.

There are many different peoples, and all are smart in their spirit, but there is little faith in everyone and in all nations, and there is no love. It is very necessary to be affectionate with them, they do not understand, but they look at your love as a curiosity. And at this time, when we point to the sky, they look with love, and a change is made in their faces, and now they are talking about the prophets. There are a lot of smart people, but there is no faith in them, it is very necessary to talk with them, but not about faith, but about love, save them, God! It is not necessary to criticize and point out how high one's faith is, but one must first place them, and then sow one's faith carefully and meekly, but this takes years. It is necessary to show an example of love and have bright love, then there will be Christians, as in the early years, and the Christian mission will serve not for money, but out of kindness. They understand very well when you speak, and surprisingly the words are reflected on them now, they sit in a circle and look at you. It is imperative to know their language and the nature of their nations, and in short, to have love for God, as for a friend, otherwise even if we fast, and do not know how to talk with God, then we will not work on people! Just as a bell without silver sounds bad, so an inexperienced one will always only spoil it.


The sea comforts without any effort. When you get up in the morning, and the waves speak, and splash, and delight. And the sun shines on the sea, as if quietly rising, and at the same time the human soul forgets all of humanity and looks at the brilliance of the sun; and a person's joy ignites, and in the soul one feels the book of life and the wisdom of life - an indescribable beauty! The sea awakens from the sleep of vanities, a lot of thinking, on its own, without any effort.

The sea is spacious, and the mind is even more spacious.

There is no end to human wisdom, incomprehensible to all philosophers.

Another great beauty is when the sun falls over the sea and sets, and its rays shine. Who can appreciate the luminous rays, they warm and caress the soul and comfort healing. The sun goes behind the mountains by the minute, the soul of a person will grieve a little about his marvelous luminous rays ... It is getting dark.

Oh, what silence is becoming ... There is not even the sound of a bird, and from thinking a person begins to walk around the deck and involuntarily recalls childhood and all the fuss, and compares that silence with the vain world, and quietly talks to himself, and wants to ward off boredom with someone caught up with him from his enemies...

The waves beat on the sea - it became anxious in the soul. A person will lose the image of consciousness, walks in a fog ...

God, give peace of mind!

Conscience is a wave, but no matter what the waves are on the sea, they will subside, and conscience will only go out from a good deed.

About the end of the world

Those [that is, those who suffered for the Faith in the Holy Land] were tormented by foreigners, and now themselves, especially fathers of fathers, monks of monks, and here is the word of God against us: brother against brother and son against father - the end is approaching.

About earthly

Breaking away from the earthly, you receive the grace of heaven.

It is necessary to pray to God to give patience, and the loss of earthly things is a great feat. For the loss of earthly things, the reward is greater than if you give it yourself.

About goodness and hypocrisy

Never be afraid to do good, and you will always be honored for good - this is the demon that arranges you to be a Pharisee, and not become like and not be like Nicodemus - that's the whole role of the demon. But do it, do it, and you will receive your crown and peace.

About religions

And why now go to different religions? Because there is no spirit in the temple, and there are many letters - the temple is empty.

And at the present time, when Father John (of Kronstadt) served, there was a spirit of poverty in the church, and thousands went to him for spiritual food.

About love

If you love, then you won’t kill anyone - all the commandments are submissive to love, there is great wisdom in it than in Solomon, and such a height that only one love exists, and the rest are all like fractions, and through it access to heaven.