Memorization technique 10 words Luria interpretation. Technique "Memorizing ten words"

Psychological safety: textbook Solomin Valery Pavlovich

Technique "Memorizing ten words"

It can be used to examine children (from five years old) and adults.

Target: assessment of the state of memory, fatigue, activity of attention.

Description. The study is carried out in several stages. On each of them, a protocol is filled out with nine short one-syllable and two-syllable words. Under each reproduced word in the line that corresponds to the number of the attempt, a cross is placed. If the subject names an “extra” word, it is recorded in the corresponding column. An hour later, at the request of the researcher, the subject reproduces the memorized words without preliminary reading, which are recorded in circles in the protocol.


Surname, name _________________ age _________

Instruction for children. 1. Now we will check your memory. I will tell you the words, you will listen to them, and then repeat as much as you can, in any order. (The words are read to the subject clearly, slowly.)

2. Now I will call the same words again, you will listen to them and repeat them - both those that you have already called and those that you will remember now.

Instruction for adults. 1. Now I will read a few words. Listen carefully. When I finish reading, immediately repeat as many words as you can remember. You can repeat words in any order.

2. Now I will read the same words to you again, and you must repeat them again - both those that you have already named and those that you missed the first time. The order of the words is not important.

The experiment is then repeated without instructions. Before the next 3–5 readings, the experimenter simply says, “One more time.” After repeating the words 56 times, the experimenter says to the subject: "In an hour, you will call me the same words again."

Interpretation of results. According to the received protocol, a graph is drawn up - the “memorization curve”.

According to the shape of the curve, conclusions can be drawn about the features of memorization. So, in healthy children, with each reproduction, the number of correctly named words increases, weakened children reproduce a smaller number, and may show stuck on “extra” words. A large number of "extra" words indicates disinhibition or disorders of consciousness. When examining adults for the third repetition, a subject with a normal memory usually reproduces correctly up to 9 or 10 words.

The memory curve may indicate a weakening of attention, a pronounced fatigue. Increased fatigue is recorded if the subject (adult or child) immediately reproduced 8–9 words, and then less and less each time (the curve on the graph decreases). In addition, if the subject reproduces fewer and fewer words, this may indicate forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. The zigzag nature of the curve indicates the instability of attention. The curve, which has the shape of a "plateau", indicates the emotional lethargy of the child, his lack of interest. The number of words retained and recalled an hour later is indicative of long-term memory.

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Method "Memorizing 10 words"

One of the most commonly used methods was proposed by A.R. Luria is used to assess the state of memory, fatigue, activity of attention.

No special equipment is required. However, to a greater extent than when using other methods, silence is necessary: ​​if there is any conversation in the room, it is not advisable to conduct the experiment. Before the start of the experiment, the experimenter must write down a number of short (monosyllabic and disyllabic) words in one line. Words need to be chosen simple, diverse and not having any connection with each other. Usually each experimenter uses any one series of words.

However, multiple sets must be used so that children cannot hear them from each other. In this experiment, the great accuracy of pronunciation and the immutability of the instructions are very important.

The instruction consists of several steps.

First explanation: “Now I will read 10 words. You must listen carefully. When I finish reading, immediately repeat as much as you can remember. You can repeat in any order, the order does not matter. Understandably?"

The experimenter reads the words slowly and clearly. When the subject repeats the words, the experimenter puts crosses under these words in his protocol. The experimenter then continues the instruction (second stage).

Experiment Protocol

Number of repetitions

After an hour

Second explanation: “Now I will read the same words again, and you again must (on) repeat them - both those that you have already named (a) and those that you missed (a) the first time - all together, in any order ".

The experimenter again puts crosses under the words that the subject reproduced.

Then the experience is repeated again 2, 4 and 5 times, but without any instructions. The experimenter simply says, "One more time."

If the subject names any superfluous words, the experimenter must write them down next to the crosses, and if these words are repeated, he puts the crosses under them.

If the child tries to insert any replicas during the experiment, the experimenter stops him. No conversations are allowed during this experiment.

After repeating the words five times, the experimenter proceeds to other experiments, and at the end of the study, i.e., after about 50-60 minutes, he again asks to reproduce these words (without a reminder).

In order not to be mistaken, it is better to mark these repetitions not with crosses, but with circles.

According to this protocol, a "memorization curve" can be drawn up. To do this, the repetition numbers are plotted along the horizontal axis, and the number of correctly reproduced words is plotted along the vertical axis.

According to the shape of the curve, some conclusions can be drawn regarding the features of memorization. It has been established that in healthy school-age children the "memorization curve" is approximately the following: 5, 7, 9 or 6, 8, 9 or 5, 7, 10, etc., i.e. by the third repetition, the subject reproduces 9 or 10 words; with subsequent repetitions (at least five times in total), the number of reproduced words is 9-10. The above protocol suggests that mentally retarded children reproduce a relatively smaller number of words. In addition, this protocol noted that the subject reproduced one extra word - fire, later, when repeating, he "stuck" on this error. Such repeated "extra" words, according to the observations of individual psychologists, are found in the study of sick children suffering from current organic diseases of the brain. Especially many of these "superfluous" words are produced by children in a state of disinhibition.

The “memorization curve” may indicate both a weakening of active attention and pronounced fatigue. So, for example, sometimes a child reproduces 8 or 9 words for the second time, and during subsequent tests he remembers fewer and fewer words. In life, such a student usually suffers from forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. At the heart of such forgetfulness lies transient asthenia, exhaustion of attention. The curve in such cases does not necessarily fall sharply down, sometimes it takes on a zigzag character, indicating the instability of attention, its fluctuations.

In separate, relatively rare cases, children reproduce from time to time the same number of the same words, i.e. the curve has a "plateau" shape. Such stabilization indicates emotional lethargy, lack of interest in remembering more. A low-lying "plateau" type curve is observed in dementia with apathy (with paralytic syndromes).

Diagnostics of semantic memory

The teacher slowly reads 10 pairs of words, there is a semantic connection between the words. Then, after a short interval of time, he reads only the first word from each pair, the students must at this time recall the second word from each pair. Then we ask the children to write down all the words in pairs on a piece of paper.

Noise - water oak - acorn

Table - dinner game - shot

Bridge - river swarm - bee

Ruble - penny hour - time

Forest - bear nail - board

RESULTS EVALUATION : The number of correctly played pairs is counted. If 6 pairs out of 10 are correctly reproduced, then we can assume that semantic memory is developed quite satisfactorily.

Testing consists in identifying the speed and magnitude of auditory-speech memorization of 10 words. The technique is used to determine the number of their reproduction after a certain period of time. The result of the study is to obtain information about whether the child can work out auditory-speech material for a long time and purposefully.

What is the methodology

The study uses simple one-syllable or two-syllable, frequent, but completely different in meaning 10 words. The technique involves their use in the singular and Usually the number of repetitions can reach five, although it happens that you need to repeat the words until perfect memorization. To visualize the results after the study, a curve is built.

At the same time, the following characteristics are studied:

  • volume of auditory-speech memorization;
  • features of mnestic activity;
  • the speed of memorizing words in the amount provided;
  • playback volume over a period of time;
  • features of auditory perception.


A.R. Luria proposed a method for determining fatigue, intensity of attention, and degree of memorization. It is convenient because it does not involve the use of any special equipment. The only condition for a truly transparent result is silence. The fact is that any noise (especially if it is conversations) is distracting and reduces the ability to memorize words.

The study can be done with children from 7 years old. Healthy subjects usually memorize 9-10 words. The technique assumes that the delayed result (checking the memory after a period of time) should show 80% of the previously received verbal chain. When working with children under 7 years old, a smaller amount of initial information is used - 5-8 words.

Examples of chains for research:

  1. Cat. Horn. Table. Mushroom. Honey. Ray. Water. A circle. Bridge. Smoke.
  2. Bread. The weight. Brother. Move. Onion. Hedgehog. Mustache. Pain. Window. Tea.
  3. Whale. Umbrella. Rum. Run. Laugh. Dog. Rose. Stump. Qom. Ruff.

Start of the study

Before starting testing, the experimenter writes 10 words in one line. The technique involves the use of simple names that do not cause obvious associations with each other. Most often, each verifier uses any one word series. But if testing is carried out in a group of children, then several such chains should be prepared, since the test subjects may begin to give each other hints. It is very important in this experiment to pronounce the words clearly, as well as strictly follow the instructions.

First you need to tell the child a similar phrase: “I will read 10 words. They need to be listened to carefully. When I finish reading, you need to list the words that you remember. You can say them in any order. It's clear?". Speaking slowly and well, the experimenter reads the words. When the child repeats them, then in the protocol of the method proposed by A.R. Luria, you need to put up crosses.

This is followed by the next part of the work. You need to say: “I will read the same words as the first time. And you need to repeat those of them that you already called (a) and the rest that you then missed (a). Then the experimenter, just as for the first time, marks with crosses the words that the child named.

Then you need to do several repetitions of the same procedure. Explanations are no longer needed, since it is enough for the experimenter to say the following: "One more time."

Additional clarifications

In cases where additional words are called to the test subjects, the inspector must mark them next to the existing crosses. If repetitions occur, then each new time you need to put another mark.

It happens that during the study the child tries to tell or comment on something. In such cases, you need to explain to him that this is not necessary now. In fact, distracting conversations are prohibited by the “10 words” technique (Luria).

After a 5-time repetition, the experimenter begins to engage in other tests. But after 50-60 minutes, he returns to the memorized row and asks to tell it again. But the memory technique no longer involves reading the 10 words already used. It is these repetitions that should now be marked with circles to avoid possible errors.

Filling in the table and building a memory curve

The research protocol looks like this:

Number of repetitions

After an hour

In the future, it is used to build a memory curve. To do this, the numbers of repetitions are plotted horizontally, and the number of words named correctly is plotted vertically. The slope of the curve may vary. In children 7 years of age and older who are healthy, the first 3 repetitions are presented as one of the following options:

  1. 5, 7, 9.
  2. 6, 8, 9.
  3. 5, 7, 10.

That is, by the third repetition, the child is able to name 9-10 words. And with further reading of the series, the number of called words becomes 9-10.

Diseases of children, as evidenced by the curve

Mentally retarded children tend to name a small number of words. It happens that a child pronounces an extra word. And then it gets stuck on this mistake, repeating it again. Similar moments during testing are demonstrated by children with organic brain diseases. In addition, in a state of disinhibition, the subjects named a lot of unnecessary words.

Also, the graph of the curve may indicate severe fatigue and weak active attention. That is, when repeating, the child calls 8-9 words, and then - an ever smaller number of them. This indicates absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in life, caused by transient asthenia. The curve may not have a sharp slope, but look like a zigzag, which indicates instability and fluctuations in attention.

As evidenced by the methodology, memorizing 10 words in rare cases comes down to the fact that the subjects begin to pronounce the same incomplete row. Stabilization of this kind indicates a lack of interest in improving the result, emotional lethargy. A low-lying straight line indicates dementia and indifference in paralytic syndromes.

The number of words listed by the subject an hour after the last repetition speaks of his memory in a literal sense. Therefore, using different, but similar in complexity, word chains, this study can be repeated to see the effectiveness of the treatment, to assess the course of the disease.

This diagnostic technique (author A. R. Luria) will do for the study of children's memory starting at the age of five.

What features of mental development, the state of memory in a child can be revealed thanks to?

Correspondence or non-compliance of the state of memory with the age norm: the state of short-term memory and the amount of long-term memory.

Possible deviations in mental status: instability of attention, increased fatigue.

Identification of features that may indicate organic brain damage.

The order of the diagnostic technique "10 words"

No special equipment is needed to carry out this diagnosis. It is only necessary to prepare in advance a list of ten words and a form for fixing the results (research protocol).

Naturally, the study is conducted in silence, without distractions.

The list of words includes 10 one-syllable and two-syllable simple words that are not related in meaning. For example, chair, sky, cat, daughter, window, horse, forest, day, house, nose.