Red alert 3 system requirements.

Name: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Release year: 2008
Genre: Strategy (Real-time)
Developer: Electronic Arts
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC
Edition type: Repack
Interface language: Russian English
Voice language: Russian, English
Tablet: Not required

Description: Bears clad in armor parachute, artillery fires at enemy troops with living soldiers, airships stylized as sharks rise into the sky. This is not a crazy dream, this is Red Alert 3! The unique strategy is making a triumphant return! The USSR and the USA again converged in an absurd war, where devastating battles are generously seasoned with healthy humor.
Not only the Union and the States now participate in the struggle for world domination, but also Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun has moved far ahead in the study of new technologies and now claims absolute power. The strongest powers back up their ambitions with impressive forces, nothing can prevent another world war. Burrowing soldiers, transforming tanks, samurai cyborgs and flying island fortresses - all this and more makes Red Alert 3 an unprecedented hit!

Description of Command & Conquer Red alert 3 Uprising: Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising is a global addition to the original game, consisting of several campaigns for individual completion. The plot of Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising tells about the events that happened after the end of World War II. The USSR is trying to revive after a crushing defeat, the Empire is trying to regain its lost pride and self-consciousness, and the victorious Alliance is forced to fight corruption in its own ranks. In addition to the 4 standard campaigns (for the Alliance, the Empire, the USSR and one additional campaign that tells about the adventures of Yuriko Omega), Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Uprising will feature a new competitive mode, where over 50 episodes (each with its own set of rules and victory conditions!) you will fight with nine of the best commanders from around the globe. The plot of the game will be revealed in the same way as in the previous parts - through high-definition videos with the participation of Hollywood stars. You will see Gemma Atkinson and Ivana Militsevich, who have already fallen in love with the audience, as well as many, many other wonderful actors.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz/Athlon 2100+
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800, ATI Radeon X1800 or better
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
Free hard disk space: 12.5 GB

Repack features:
Command & Conquer: Red alert 3:
Game version - 1.12

Command & Conquer: Red alert 3 Uprising:
Game version - 1.0
Nothing cut/recoded
Different keys are generated for playing over the network
Ability to choose a combination of text and voice acting
Built-in correction of Russian voice acting from Siberian Gremlin
RePack by R.G. mechanics

Drive into the night

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC, Large Hadron Collider) is an accelerator designed to accelerate protons and heavy ions, currently under construction at the European Council for Nuclear Research CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) research center. One of the main goals of the LHC project is the discovery of the Higgs boson - the most important of the experimentally not found particles of the Standard Model (SM) - as well as the search for phenomena of physics beyond the SM. Also, much attention is planned to be paid to the study of the properties of W and Z-bosons, nuclear interactions at superhigh energies, the processes of production and decay of heavy quarks (b and t).
Uncontrolled physical processes

Some experts and members of the public express concern that there is a non-zero probability that the experiments conducted in the collider will get out of control and develop a chain reaction, which, under certain conditions, could theoretically destroy the entire planet. The point of view of supporters of catastrophic scenarios associated with the operation of the LHC is presented on the site. Due to the presence of such sentiments regarding the LHC project, it is sometimes deciphered as the Last Hadron Collider (Last Hadron Collider).

In this regard, the theoretical possibility of the appearance of microscopic black holes in the collider, as well as the theoretical possibility of the formation of antimatter clots and magnetic monopoles, followed by a chain reaction of capturing the surrounding matter, is most often mentioned.

These theoretical possibilities were considered by a special CERN group, which prepared a corresponding report, in which all such fears are recognized as unfounded. Adrian Kent has published a scientific article criticizing the safety standards promoted by CERN because the expected damage (that is, the product of the probability of an event by the number of victims) is unacceptable. Namely, with the risks of a global catastrophe of 1 in 50 million, which is the official estimate of CERN, the mathematical expectation of the number of victims is 120 people, which is unacceptably high according to modern safety standards. .

As the main arguments in favor of the groundlessness of catastrophic scenarios, references are made to the fact that the Earth, the Moon and other planets are constantly bombarded by streams of cosmic particles with much higher energies. The successful operation of previously commissioned accelerators is also mentioned, including the Relativistic Ion Collider at Brookhaven. The possibility of the formation of microscopic black holes is not denied by CERN specialists, however, it is stated that such objects cannot appear at the energies of the LHC collider in our four-dimensional space, since this will require an energy greater by 16 orders of magnitude compared to the energy of the LHC beams. Hypothetical microscopic black holes may appear in experiments at the LHC in the predictions of theories with extra spatial dimensions. Such theories do not yet have any experimental evidence. However, even if black holes are created by particle collisions at the LHC, they are expected to be extremely unstable due to Hawking radiation and will evaporate almost instantly in the form of ordinary particles.

On March 21, 2008, Walter L. Wagner and Luis Sancho filed a lawsuit in the federal district court of Hawaii in which they, accusing CERN of trying to arrange the end of the world, demand that the launch of the collider be banned until its safety will be guaranteed.

Arguments for a catastrophic scenario

According to supporters of the catastrophic scenario, there is a fundamental difference between bombarding the Earth with cosmic particles and accelerator experiments. In the first case, ultrarelativistic (flying at a speed close to the speed of light) elementary particles arriving from space collide with elementary particles on the Earth, whose speed is low. The resulting particles are also ultrarelativistic and fly away into outer space without having time to cause any harm to the Earth. In the collider, beams of elementary particles collide, flying at ultrarelativistic speeds in opposite directions. The resulting microscopic black holes and other dangerous particles can fly out at any speed. Some of them will be so slow that they will not be able to leave the Earth.

General relativity, as developed by Einstein, does not allow microscopic black holes to form in a collider. However, they will arise if theories with additional spatial dimensions are correct. According to supporters of the catastrophic scenario, although such theories are speculative, the probability that they are true is tens of percent. The Hawking effect leading to the evaporation of black holes is also hypothetical: it has never been experimentally confirmed. Therefore, there is a fairly high probability that it does not work.

In addition, the likelihood of the formation of strapels is high.

Arguments against the catastrophic scenario

Comparison with natural speeds and energies

The collider is designed to accelerate and collide particles (hadrons, atomic nuclei). However, there are natural sources of particles whose speed and energy are much higher than in the collider. Such natural particles are found in cosmic rays. The surface of the planet Earth is partially protected from these rays, but, passing through the atmosphere, particles of cosmic rays collide with atoms and molecules of the air. As a result of these natural collisions, many stable and unstable particles are born in the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, the natural radiation background has been present on the planet for many millions of years. The same thing happens in this collider, but at lower speeds and energies, and in much smaller quantities, but under the supervision of many sensors that allow us to study the processes taking place.

microscopic black holes

If black holes can appear during the collision of elementary particles, they will also decay into elementary particles, in accordance with the principle of CPT invariance, which is one of the most fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. Further, if hypothetical stable black holes existed, they would be formed in large quantities as a result of the bombardment of the Earth by cosmic elementary particles. But most of the high-energy elementary particles arriving from outer space have an electric charge, so some black holes would be electrically charged. These charged black holes would be captured by the Earth's magnetic field and, if they were really dangerous, would have destroyed the Earth long ago. Schwimmer's mechanism, which makes black holes electrically neutral, is very similar to the Hawking effect and cannot work if the Hawking effect does not work. In addition, any black holes, charged or electrically neutral, would be captured by white dwarfs and neutron stars (which, like the Earth, are bombarded by cosmic radiation) and destroyed them. As a result, the lifetimes of white dwarfs and neutron stars would be much shorter than actually observed, in addition, destructible white dwarfs and neutron stars would emit radiation that is not actually observed. Finally, theories with extra spatial dimensions that predict the emergence of microscopic black holes do not contradict experimental data only if the number of extra dimensions is at least 3. But with such a number of extra dimensions, billions of years must pass before the black hole causes any significant harm to the Earth.


Main article: Strapelka

Particles made up of up, down, and strange quarks are abundantly produced in the laboratory, but decay in about 10-9 seconds. There is a hypothesis that sufficiently large nuclei, consisting of an approximately equal number of up, down and strange quarks, are stable, since quarks are fermions, and the Pauli principle prohibits two identical fermions from being in the same quantum state. If there are 3 different types of quarks in the nucleus, instead of 2, as in ordinary nuclei, then more quarks can be in low-energy states without violating the Pauli principle. Such hypothetical nuclei, consisting of 3 types of quarks, are called strangelets.

It is hypothetically possible that strangelets in some way unknown to us catalyze the transformation of ordinary matter into strangelets. However, even in this situation, the collider does not pose a danger, since the collision energies of particles there are orders of magnitude higher than those at which nuclei (whether ordinary or strangelets) can form. In addition, if strangelets were produced in the LHC, they would also be produced in even greater numbers in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Accelerator, since the number of collisions there is higher and the energies are lower. But that doesn't happen.

Time Machine

According to the international publication New Scientist, Professor Irina Arefyeva and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Volovich believe that this experiment could lead to the creation of a time machine. Allegedly, proton collisions can give rise to wormholes.

Eduard Boos, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences from the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University, holds opposing views, denying the occurrence of black holes at the LHC, and, consequently, temporary wormholes.

The long-awaited return of the famous strategy series about bears in earflaps and killer dolphins - Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3. The previous parts have gained great popularity abroad, thanks to the elaborate balance and sparkling humor. Red Alert 3 decided not to deviate from the traditions of the series and turned out to be just as interesting and sometimes very funny. The main events of the game are connected with the curvature of the space-time continuum, that is, with time travel.

As you probably remember, in the first part of the USSR decided to bring communism to all countries of the world. Naturally, not everyone was happy about this and the Third World War began. The subsequent parts tell the story of an already alternate universe in which the Soviet Union is losing the battle with the Aliens and decides to change the course of events with the help of a time machine.

The EA branch in Los Angeles managed to recreate the very atmosphere of madness and pseudo-reality that was present in past games in the series. However, the developers did not forget to also make several significant changes, such as improved graphics, new units, and the introduction of a cooperative mode for passing the main campaign.

At first, the plot of Red Alert 3 completely copies the events of the campaign when playing as the USSR in addition to the second part called Yuri's Revenge. It tells about the final defeat of the Soviet army at the hands of the evil Aliens, but the communists did not give up so easily. They decided to collect all their scientific developments and based on them created a time machine. Agents of the Red Army go into the past and kill Einstein, thus creating the “Butterfly Effect” (not only a specific event changes, but the whole story as a whole).

In the new universe they created, Japan has become a powerful state with high-tech weapons and Napoleonic ambitions. And when the Soviets had already practically defeated the bourgeois they hated and pinned their fleet to the Atlantic Ocean, the sharp blade of the Japanese army suddenly digs into the back of the USSR. It was not possible to stop the eastern aggression with the help of nuclear warheads, because without Einstein they could not be invented. Now the valiant Red Army has to fight on two fronts - another World War has begun.

Game Features:

  • The unique style of the previous parts has been preserved in Red Alert 3. Again, samurai with laser swords, bears in hats with earflaps, giant transforming robots and killer dolphins clash on the battlefields again.
  • Three belligerents that are completely different from each other: the USA, the USSR and Japan. Each of the countries has its own disadvantages and advantages, and therefore, when playing, they require their own tactics in numerous battles. For example, the troops of the Red Army crush the enemy by numbers, not by skill. They also have powerful attacking units like the Apocalypse tank. The United States likes to keep the defense more than attack, but only they have attack aircraft carriers on which attack bombers and fighters are located. The Japanese army turned out to be the most original of all, since almost any of its the army is able to transform into several types of equipment: submarines can become airplanes, huge robots can easily turn into helicopters, and the like.
  • Red Alert 3 has three campaigns for each of the sides, each campaign has nine exciting missions: from the usual destruction of the enemy on the map to blowing up the Statue of Liberty.
  • Dynamic battles taking place not only on land and air, but also on water. Now water spaces have turned into full-fledged territories, battles on which are no less important than on land.
  • Exciting multiplayer with many different modes. And also for the first time in the series, a cooperative passage of the main campaign was presented.

Command & Conquer 3: Red Alert is a worthy continuation of the famous series, which has an interesting story, well-developed balance and addictive gameplay.