The most beautiful phrases about life. beautiful phrases

This article contains wise quotes beautiful phrases about life, eternity and man:

  • For life or until the first guilt. — Ad vitam aut culpam.
  • Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening.
  • Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem - remember, try to keep your presence of mind in difficult circumstances.
  • Since we are going to a brighter future, it means not from a good life.
  • Vita brevis ars longa - life is short - art is durable.
  • It takes a person two years to learn to speak, and fifty to learn to be silent.
  • Vita sine litteris mors est - life without science - death.
  • Quotes about life - Live in life. Galina Shcherbakova
  • The more you live, the more you see.
  • Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it.
  • In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It matters how you get up. Sharon Stone
  • Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening.
  • Everyone says: “How hard it is to die!” As if it's easy to live! M. Twain - Quotes about life
  • The meaning of longevity: outlive your creditors.
  • If there is no pleasure in life, then there must be at least some meaning. Diogenes
  • Truthfulness is the breath of life, it is the basis of all dignity. Theodore Dreiser
  • If a person does not believe in luck, he has a poor life experience. Joseph Conrad
  • You live longer - you learn more.
  • We live and wait for bread.
  • The relationship of true lovers is like agate - a beautiful and durable stone, described in legends.
  • Young with toys, and old with pillows.
  • It lives like a crow: wherever it wanted, it flew there.
  • Don't regret your life. It will pass pretty soon. Janet Winterson. Economy of light
  • Life is not a possession to be protected, but a gift to be shared with others. William Faulkner
  • The true life of a person is one that he does not even suspect. Samuel Butler
  • Life forces a person to many voluntary actions. Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • Living is the same as playing the violin in a restaurant, which you first picked up. Samuel Butler
  • Life has exactly the value we want to give it. Bergman I.
  • Life is too short to drink bad wine. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Life is not a highway, but art and lifts a person and often takes him aside. Ilya Erenburg
  • To live is to make things, not to acquire them. Aristotle
  • Life is a deception - happy is he who is deceived in the most pleasant way. Nikolai Karamzin
  • To live badly, unwisely, intemperately means to live well, but to die slowly. Democritus of Abdera
  • Life is a journey whose goal is life, not death, as those who have a gross, earthly mind say.
  • The only difference between a good meal and life is that sweets are served at the end. Robert Stevenson
  • Life is too complicated a thing to talk about it seriously. Oscar Wilde
  • Not the one lives more, whose age is longer.
  • Lives does not grieve, circling around the world.
  • Let's wait and see, but if we don't see, we'll hear.
  • There are moments when everything works out, do not be horrified - it will pass. J. Renard.
  • As long as you are alive, you are, so to speak, a doubtful case, you have the right only to be skeptical about you. Albert Camus
  • If life is a penny, then it is worth something! Kashcheev Evgeny
  • The death of a person lasts as many years as his life, and perhaps much longer. Milorad Pavic
  • Above all, life.
  • The meaning of life is that it has its end. Franz Kafka
  • It is important to know not how you were born, but how you will die.
  • Space for the body, tightness for the soul.
  • In one thing we have no right to complain about life: it does not hold anyone. Seneca
  • You learn the value of life when you lose it.
  • To live without benefit in the world is only to burden the earth.
  • A person who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life. Charles Darwin
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - life without freedom is nothing.
  • So that you live as you are sorry.
  • Via est vita - the road is life.

Quotes, expressions and beautiful phrases about life with meaning, on various topics.

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life. 100

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, one must learn to tell it to oneself. 124

The surest way to a person's heart is a conversation with him about what he values ​​​​above all. 119

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself its cause - and your soul will feel better. 71

The world is boring for boring people. 115

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 129

If our life paths diverge from someone, then this person has completed his task in our life, and we - in his. In their place come new people to teach us something else. 160

The most difficult thing for a person is given that which is not given to him. 60 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and you can't even be sure of that. Marcel Achard 62

If once you regret that you did not say, then you will regret a hundred times that you did not keep silent. 58

I want to live better, but I have to have more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich 26

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. 3

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 73

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected 61

Let me not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life. 45

Life only has a value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 24

Life is more like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 14

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t be able to do it, so you need to spend time on something else. 56

You can’t forbid to live merrily, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh. 24

A life devoid of illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 19

Life is hard, but fortunately short (p.s. v. well-known phrase) 12

Nowadays, people are not tortured with red-hot irons. There are noble metals. 31

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 35

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel how the brain begins to stir. 40

To understand is to feel. 84

It's so simple: you have to live until you die 17

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 33

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 40

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, mortuaries is the height of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing something important to be done, and those who remained forever mourning the departed. Oleg Roy. web of lies 40

We do not know what to do with our short life, but still we want to live forever. (p.s. oh so true!) A. France 21

The only happiness in life is the constant striving forward. 61

In the tears that each of the women shed at the mercy of men, any of them can be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Window Opposite 33 (1)

Man always strives to be the owner. People need to have houses registered in their name, cars with the right of ownership, their own companies and spouses chained with a stamp in their passport. Oleg Roy. web of lies 30

Now everyone has the Internet, but there is still no happiness ... 48

Life is something that exists, which each time starts over and goes on its own, it is flowering and growth, withering and death, it is wealth and poverty, love and hate, through tears and laughter ...

Short, wise phrases affect the widest range of facets of human existence, make you think.

It doesn't matter how you were born - think about how you will die.

Short-term failure is not terrible - short-term luck is much more unpleasant. (Faraj).

Memories are like islands in a sea of ​​emptiness. (Shishkin).

The soup is not eaten as hot as it was cooked. (French proverb).

Anger is short-term insanity. (Horace).

In the morning you start to envy the unemployed.

There are more lucky ones than truly talented ones. (L. Vovenarg).

Luck is incompatible with indecision! (Bernard Werber).

We strive for a brighter future, which means that real life is not particularly beautiful.

If you don't decide today, you'll be late tomorrow.

Days fly by instantly: just woke up, already late for work.

The thoughts that come during the day are our life. (Miller).

Beautiful and wise sayings about Life and Love

  1. Envy is sadness for the well-being of another person. (Knyaznin).
  2. Cactus is a disappointed cucumber.
  3. Desire is the father of thought. (William Shakespeare).
  4. Lucky is the one who is confident in his own fortune. (Goebbel).
  5. You feel - it's yours, feel free to take risks!
  6. Hatred is nobler than indifference.
  7. Time is the most unknown parameter in the natural environment.
  8. Eternity is just a unit of time. (Stanislav Lets).
  9. In the dark, all cats are black. (F. Bacon).
  10. The longer you live, the more you will see.
  11. Trouble is like luck, it doesn't come alone. (Romain Rolland).

Short sayings about life

It is difficult for a person who has decided to agitate the tsar for the monarchy. (D. Salvador).

Usually behind the refusal is an offer to increase the price. (E. Georges).

Stupidity is invincible even by the gods. (Sh. Friedrich).

A snake won't bite a snake. (Pliny).

No matter how the rake teaches, the heart wants a miracle ...

Talk to the person about himself. He will agree to listen for days. (Benjamin).

Of course, happiness is not measured by money, but it's better to cry in a Mercedes than in the subway.

The thief of opportunity is indecision.

You can predict the future by looking at what a person spends time on.

If you sow thorns, you will not reap grapes.

The one who delays the decision has already accepted it: do not change anything.

What do they say about Happiness and Life?

  1. People seem to want the truth. Having learned the truth, they want to forget about many things. (Dm. Grinberg).
  2. Talk about troubles: “I can’t change this, I’d rather benefit.” (Schopenhauer).
  3. Change happens when you go against your habits. (P. Coelho).
  4. When a person approaches, a wounded animal behaves unpredictably. A person with an emotional wound does the same. (Gangor).
  5. Don't believe people who say bad things about others but good things about you. (L. Tolstoy).

Sayings of great people

Life is a direct consequence of human thoughts. (Buddha).

Who lived, not as they wanted, lost. (D. Schomberg).

Giving a man a fish, you satiate him only once. Having learned to fish, he will always be full. (Chinese proverb).

Without changing anything, plans will remain only dreams. (Zacchaeus).

Looking at things differently will change the future. (Yukio Mishima).

Life is a wheel: what recently was at the bottom, tomorrow will be at the top. (N. Garin).

Life is meaningless. The purpose of man is to give meaning to it. (Osho).

A person who consciously follows the path of creation, and not thoughtless consumption, fills existence with meaning. (Gudovich).

Read serious books - life will change. (F. Dostoevsky).

Human life is a box of matches. Treating him seriously is funny, not serious is dangerous. (Ryunosuke).

A life lived with mistakes is better, more useful than time spent doing nothing. (B. Shaw).

Any illness should be considered as a signal: you have something wrong with the world. If you do not hear the signals, Life will intensify the impact. (Sviyash).

Success lies in mastering the ability to control pain and pleasure. Once you achieve this, you will be in control of your life. (E. Robbins).

A banal step - to choose a goal and follow it, can change everything! (S. Reid).

Life is tragic when you see it up close. Watch from a distance - it will seem like a comedy! (Charlie Chaplin).

Life is not a zebra with black and white stripes, but a chessboard. Your move is decisive. A person has several opportunities for change during the day. Success loves the one who uses them effectively. (André Maurois).

Sayings about life in English with translation

Truths differ little among different peoples of the world - this can be seen by reading quotes in English:

Politics are come from the words poly (a lot of) & the word ticks (bloodsucking parasites).

The word "politics" comes from the words poly (a lot), ticks (bloodsuckers). Means "blood-sucking insects".

Love is conflict between reflections and dreams.

Love is a contradiction between reflexes and reflections.

Every human like an angel with one wing. We can only fly in embracing one another.

Man is a one-winged angel. We can fly by hugging each other.

Best wise quotes on! How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke. Today we are taught to hide our true feelings behind a carefree smile. Why strain your loved ones with your problems. But is it right? After all, who else can help us in difficult times, if not the dearest people. They will support you in word and deed, your loved ones will be by your side, and everything that bothered you so much will be resolved. Wise statuses are also a kind of advice about the most important things in the life of every person. Go to and choose the most interesting sayings of great people. The wisdom of mankind is collected in great books such as the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita and many others. Their thoughts and feelings, their understanding of the universe and us in it, their attitude to every living being - all this worried a person both in antiquity and in our age of technical developments. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary of those great sayings that even today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous personalities!

How often do you look at the stars? In modern megacities it is difficult to catch when day follows night, the light of thousands of lanterns and neon signs interferes. And sometimes you really want to watch the starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the happiest moments of your life, dream about the future or just count the stars. But we are always in a hurry, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago it was possible to watch the moon from the roof of the highest building in the city. And in the summer, falling into the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who care!

Most of the statuses on social networks are either funny and comic, or dedicated to the topic of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a decent status without jokes. Interesting sayings and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical discussions about the future of modern civilization. After all, it is not in vain that they say that a person cannot be fed by bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of “pranksters in love”, find worthy “food for thought”, then the wise statuses collected here will help you with this. Really significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others disappear without leaving a trace. Wise sayings of great people make us think, cut into consciousness and can help solve a particular problem. We have collected a wide variety of statuses with meaning and are ready to share them with you.

Clever thoughts come only when stupid things have already been done.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible. Albert Einstein

Good friends, good books, and a sleeping conscience are the ideal life. Mark Twain

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Upon closer examination, it generally becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the passage of time are, in fact, no changes at all: only my view of things changes. (Franz Kafka)

And although the temptation is great to go along two roads at once, you can’t play with the same deck of cards with both the devil and God ...

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate.
After all, in your life there are only a few of them

For an affirmative answer, only one word is enough - “yes”. All other words are invented to say no. Don Aminado

Ask a person: "What is happiness?" and you will find out what he misses the most.

If you want to understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and feel. Anton Chekhov

There is nothing in the world more destructive, more unbearable than inaction and waiting.

Turn your dreams into reality, work on ideas. Those who laughed at you before will begin to envy.

Records are there to be broken.

Don't waste time, invest in it.

The history of mankind is the history of a fairly small number of people who believed in themselves.

Did you push yourself to the limit? Don't you see the point in living anymore? So, you are already close ... Close to the decision to reach the bottom in order to push off from it and decide to be happy forever .. So do not be afraid of the bottom - use it ....

If you are honest and frank, then people will deceive you; still be honest and frank.

A person rarely succeeds in anything if his occupation does not give him joy. Dale Carnegie

If at least one flowering branch remains in your soul, a singing bird will always sit on it. (Eastern wisdom)

One of the laws of life says that as soon as one door closes, another one opens. But the whole trouble is that we look at the locked door and do not pay attention to the opened one. André Gide

Don't judge a person until you talk to them in person, because everything you hear is hearsay. Michael Jackson.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

Human life is divided into two halves: during the first half they strive forward to the second, and during the second back to the first.

If you don't do anything yourself, how can you be helped? You can only drive a moving car

All will be. Only when you decide to do it.

In this world, you can look for everything except love and death... They will find you when the time comes.

Inner satisfaction in spite of the surrounding world of suffering is a very valuable asset. Sridhar Maharaj

Start now to live the life that you would like to see it in the end. Marcus Aurelius

We must live every day as if it were the last moment. We do not have a rehearsal - we have a life. We don't start it from Monday - we live today.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

A year later, you will look at the world with different eyes, and even this tree that grows near your house will seem different to you.

Happiness does not need to be sought - it must be. Osho

Almost every success story that I know of started with a man lying on his back, defeated by failure. Jim Rohn

Every long journey begins with one, the first step.

Nobody is better than you. Nobody is smarter than you. They just started early. Brian Tracy

The one who runs falls. He who crawls does not fall. Pliny the Elder

It is enough just to understand that you live in the future, as soon as you find yourself there.

I choose to live rather than exist. James Alan Hetfield

When you appreciate what you have, and not live in search of ideals, then you will truly become happy ..

Only those who are worse than us think badly about us, and those who are better than us are simply not up to us. Omar Khayyam

Sometimes one call separates us from happiness… One conversation… One confession…

By admitting one's weakness, one becomes strong. Honre Balzac

He who humbles his spirit is stronger than he who conquers cities.

When an opportunity presents itself, you must seize it. And when you grabbed it, achieved success - enjoy it. Feel the joy. And let everyone around suck your hose for being goats, when they didn’t even give you a penny. And then go away. Handsomely. And leave everyone in shock.

Never despair. And if you have already fallen into despair, then continue to work in despair.

A decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind!

In Russia, you have to be either famous or rich to be treated the way anyone in Europe is treated. Konstantin Raikin

It all depends on your attitude. (Chuck Norris)

No reasoning can show a man the path he does not want to see Romain Rolland

What you believe in becomes your world. Richard Matheson

It's good where we're not. We are no longer in the past, and therefore it seems beautiful. Anton Chekhov

The rich get richer because they learn to overcome financial hardship. They see them as an opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and prosper.

Everyone has their own hell - it's not necessarily fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life! Where Dreams Lead

It doesn't matter how hard you work, the main thing is the result.

Only mother has the most affectionate hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart ...

Winners in life always think in the spirit: I can, I want, I. Losers, on the other hand, focus their scattered thoughts on what they could have, could do, or what they could not do. In other words, winners always take responsibility for themselves, and losers blame circumstances or other people for their failures. Denis Waitley.

Life is a mountain climbing slowly, descending quickly. Guy de Maupassant

People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. But it’s even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything is not right, wrong, wrong ... Bernard Shaw

Friendship and trust cannot be bought or sold.

Always, in every minute of your life, even when you are absolutely happy, have one attitude towards the people around you: - In any case, I will do what I want, with or without you.

In the world, only one can choose between loneliness and vulgarity. Arthur Schopenhauer

One has only to look at things differently, and life will flow in a different direction.

The iron said to the magnet: most of all I hate you because you attract, not having enough strength to drag you along! Friedrich Nietzsche

Know how to live even when life becomes unbearable. N. Ostrovsky

The picture you see in your mind will eventually become your life.

“The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, but the second - and who needs it?”

It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.

Control your destiny or someone else will.

see beauty in the ugly
to see rivers in the streams…
who knows how to be happy on weekdays,
he really is a lucky man! E. Asadov

The sage was asked:

How many types of friendship are there?

Four, he replied.
There are friends, like food - every day you need them.
There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad.
There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you.
But there are such friends as air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

I will become the person I want to be - if I believe that I will become one. Gandhi

Open your heart and listen to what it dreams about. Follow your dream, because only through the one who is not ashamed of himself will the glory of the Lord be manifested. Paulo Coelho

To be refuted is nothing to fear; one should be afraid of another - to be misunderstood. Immanuel Kant

Be realistic - demand the impossible! Che Guevara

Don't put off your plans if it's raining outside.
Don't give up on your dreams if people don't believe in you.
Go against nature, people. You are a person. You are strong.
And remember - there are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

Either you create the world, or the world creates you. Jack Nicholson

I love it when people just smile. You go, for example, on a bus and you see a person looking out the window or texting and smiling. It feels so good to the soul. And I want to smile too.