Industrial training system. Job training systems



SPECIALITY Organisation management

DISCIPLINEEconomic fundamentals

technological development




student Dolueva Gennady

Groups UMSHZ-51/5-SV-1

Scientific supervisor



1. Production and technological processes.....................................4

1.2. Basics of constructiontechnological process.....................................7

2. Economic efficiency and technical and economic

indicators of technological processes...................................................12


List of used literature........................................................18


The role and importance of each country in the world economy and politics is determined by the extent to which this country owns high technologies.

A feature of the modern development of technologies is the transition to technological and economic systems of high efficiency, covering the production process from the first to the last operation and equipped with progressive technical means.

Industry creates conditions for more efficient use of the country's material and labor resources, for achieving maximum results at optimal costs. The social division of labor has led to the emergence of a number of industries, each of which is specialized in the production of individual products and even their parts.

In the process of production, all sectors of the economy interact, supplying each other with raw materials, materials, tools, provide everything necessary for the non-productive sphere and science.

The technical equipment of industry in all branches of the national economy serves as the basis for a steady increase in labor productivity and a continuous increase in the scale of production.

The development of industry, especially heavy industry, contributes to a more rational distribution of productive forces, an all-round development of all economic regions of the country, and the expedient use of natural resources.

Objective– getting a clear idea of ​​the main

technological processes for the production of products, structures and structures and the economic indicators of these processes.

1.Production and technological processes

Each enterprise unites a collective worker, at his disposal are machines, buildings and structures, as well as raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel and other means of production in the amounts necessary for the production of certain types of products. in the prescribed amount within the specified time frame. In enterprises, the production process is carried out, during which workers, with the help of tools, turn raw materials and materials into finished products that society needs. Each industrial enterprise is a single production and technical organism. The production and technical unity of an enterprise is determined by the common purpose of the manufactured products or the processes of its production. Production and technical unity is the most important feature of the enterprise.

The basis of the activity of each enterprise is the production process - the process of reproduction of material goods and production relations, the production process is the basis of actions, as a result of which raw materials and semi-finished products are converted into finished products that correspond to their purpose.

Each production process includes main and auxiliary technological processes. Technological processes that ensure the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products are called basic. Auxiliary technological processes ensure the manufacture of products used to service the main production. For example, preparation of production, energy production for own needs, production of tools, equipment, spare parts for repairing enterprise equipment.

By their nature, technological processes are synthetic, in which one type of product is made from various types of raw materials and materials; analytical, when many types of products are made from one type of raw material; direct, when the production of one type, products from one type of raw material is carried out.

The variety of production products, types of raw materials, equipment, methods of work, etc., also determines the variety of technological processes. Technological processes differ in the nature of the manufactured products, the materials used, the methods and methods of production used, organizational structure and other features. But with all this, they also have a number of features that allow you to combine various processes into groups.

It is generally accepted to divide technological processes into mechanical and physical, chemical and biological and combined.

During mechanical and physical processes, only the appearance and physical properties of the material change. Chemical and biological processes lead to deeper transformations of the material, causing a change in its original properties. Combined processes are a combination of these processes and are the most common in practice.

Depending on the type of prevailing costs, technological processes are distinguished: material-intensive, labor-intensive, energy-intensive, capital-intensive, etc.

Depending on the type of labor used, technological processes can be manual, machine-manual, automatic and hardware.

In any technological process, it is easy to single out its part, which is repeated with each unit of the same product, called the technological process cycle. The cyclic part of the process can be carried out periodically or continuously; accordingly, periodic and continuous technological processes are distinguished. Processes are called periodic, the cyclical part of which is interrupted after the inclusion of the object of labor (new) in these processes. Such technological processes are called continuous, which are not suspended after the manufacture of each unit of production, but only when the supply of processed or processed raw materials is stopped.

The main elements that determine the technological process are the expedient human activity or labor itself, objects of labor and means of labor.

Purposeful activity or labor itself is carried out by a person who expends neuromuscular energy to perform various movements, monitor and control the impact of tools on labor objects.

The object of labor is what a person’s labor is directed to. The objects of labor that are converted into finished products during processing include: raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products.

Means of labor - this is what a person affects the object of labor. The means of labor include buildings and structures, equipment, vehicles and tools. In the composition of the means of labor, the decisive role belongs to the instruments of production, that is, equipment (especially working machines).

1.1. Types of production, their technical and economic characteristics

The type of production, as the most general organizational and technical characteristic of production, is determined mainly by the degree of specialization of workplaces, the size and constancy of the range of production objects, as well as the form of movement of products through workplaces.

The degree of specialization of workplaces is characterized by the seriality coefficient, which refers to the number of different operations performed at one workplace.

The nomenclature is understood as a variety of production objects. The range of products manufactured at the workplace can be constant and variable. The permanent nomenclature includes products, the manufacture of which lasts for a relatively long time - a year or more. With a constant nomenclature, the manufacture and release of products can be continuous and periodic, repeating at certain intervals; with a variable nomenclature, the manufacture and release of products changes and may be repeated at indefinite intervals or not repeated.

There are three types of production: single, serial and mass.

Single production is characterized by a wide range of manufactured products and a small volume of their output. Single production is characterized by the following features: the use of universal equipment, universal fixtures and tools, the placement of equipment in groups by type, the longest cycle for manufacturing parts. Experimental, repair and other production shops are organized according to the principle of single production.

Serial production is characterized by a limited range of products manufactured by periodically repeating production batches (series) at a given output volume.

A production batch is a group of products of the same name and size, launched into processing simultaneously or continuously for a certain period of time.

Serial production is conditionally divided into small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production. Serialization of production is characterized by a serialization coefficient (K) of securing operations for one workplace. If from 2 to 5 operations are assigned to one workplace, i.e., the coefficient K = 2/5, then such production is considered large-scale, with K = 6/10 - medium-scale, with K> 10 - small-scale.

Serial production is characterized by the following features: the need to change machine tools from one operation to another, since several operations are assigned to one workplace, the location of equipment along a stream (in large-scale production) or on a group basis (in small-scale production), the presence of interoperational storage of products, a long cycle of manufacturing products .

Mass production is characterized by a narrow range and a large volume of products produced continuously for a long time. In mass production, one invariably repeating operation is performed at each workplace. Mass production is characterized by the following features: the location of equipment in the sequence of operations, the use of high-performance equipment, special devices and tools, the widespread use of transport devices for transferring products along the production line, mechanization and automation of technical control, short cargo flows on the processing line, the shortest duration of the production cycle.

As the degree of specialization of workplaces increases, the continuity and direct flow of movement of products through workplaces, i.e., in the transition from single to serial and from serial to mass production, the possibility of using special equipment and technological equipment, more productive technological processes, advanced methods of labor organization, as well as mechanization and automation of production processes. All this leads to an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in the cost of production.

The main factors contributing to the transition to serial and mass production are the increase in the level of specialization and cooperation in industry, the widespread introduction of standardization, normalization and unification of products, as well as the unification of technological processes.

1.2. Basics of constructiontechnological process

Organization of the technological process. The organization of the technological process is understood as a rational combination of living labor with the material elements of production (means and objects of labor) in space and time, which ensures the most efficient implementation of the production plan.

The organization of the technological process is based on the division of labor (single form) and its specialization in individual jobs. As a result of specialization, the manufacture of products and their parts takes place in justified areas of the enterprise with a consistent transfer of the object of labor from one workplace to another. Thus, the total technological process is divided into separate parts, separated in space and time, but interconnected by the purpose of production.

The division of labor necessarily presupposes its combination, since each partial work acquires a certain meaning only in combination with other partial works. Therefore, the specialization of labor receives its complement in its cooperation. Consequently, the objective necessity of organizing the technological process follows from the internal division of production into separate, but interconnected parts.

The composition of the technological process. The technological process includes a number of stages, each of which consists of production operations. An operation is a technologically and technically homogeneous part of the process completed at this stage, which is a complex of elementary works performed by a worker (or workers) when processing a specific object of labor at one workplace,

Operation - the main part of the technological process, the main element of production planning and accounting. The need to divide the process into operations is generated by technical and economic reasons. For example, it is technically impossible to process all surfaces of a workpiece at the same time on one machine. And for economic reasons, it is more profitable to divide the technological process into parts.

An operation consists of a number of steps, each of which is a completed elementary work (or a set of completed actions). Receptions are divided into separate movements. Movement is a part of the reception, characterized by a single movement of the body or limbs of the worker.

The structure of the technological process. The structure of the technological process is understood as the composition and combination of elements that determine the scheme for constructing the process, i.e., types, quantity and order of production operations. A process flow diagram can be simple or complex. It depends on the type and nature of the manufactured products, the quantity and range of requirements imposed on it, the type and quality of raw materials, the level of development of technology, the conditions for cooperation, and many other factors.

Simple processes consist of a small number of operations, their raw materials are a homogeneous mass or contain a small number of components. The products of such processes are mostly homogeneous. Their technological scheme is relatively simple. These include the processes of brick, glass, spinning production, mining enterprises, etc.

Processes of the second type are distinguished by the complexity of the construction scheme, multi-operation, a wide variety of materials used, equipment used. Complex processes have a developed form of organization and require significant space. Examples of them can be the processes of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, etc.

Development of the technological process. At the heart of any industrial production, as noted, is the production process, which includes a number of technological processes.

Before starting the manufacture of a production object (machines, devices, mechanisms, etc.), it is necessary to design a technological process.

Technological design is a complex job. All the technical and economic indicators of the process being developed depend on how carefully it is carried out. The technological process must be planned in such a way that equipment, tools, fixtures, raw materials, production areas are used to the fullest and most correctly, subject to the maximum ease and safety of work.

To draw up a technological process, it is necessary to have a number of initial data. These include:

type and nature of production facilities;

production program;

the requirements it must meet;

production capabilities of the enterprise (availability of equipment, energy capacity, etc.).

For this, drawings, diagrams, specifications, GOSTs, volume and production plan, equipment lists and passports, tool catalogs, instructions for testing, acceptance, as well as other regulatory and reference data are used.

The main technical document of production is a working drawing, which is a graphical representation of manufactured parts and products, the requirements for them in terms of shape, size, types of processing, control methods, grades of materials used, weight of workpieces and parts, and therefore, material consumption rates. In production, schemes are also widely used that allow you to learn the sequence of work.

When developing a technological process, the volume of output is also taken into account. With a large production plan, for example, in conditions of large-scale and mass production, it is beneficial to use special types of tools and fixtures, specialized equipment and automatic lines. In the conditions of a single (individual) production, they are guided by universal equipment and devices and a highly skilled workforce.

A significant influence on the formation of technology is provided by the conditions in which it should be implemented. If a technological process is being developed for an existing enterprise, then when choosing its options, one has to focus on the available equipment, take into account the capabilities of procurement and tool shops, and the energy base. In some cases, this limits the choice of processing methods. When developing technology for a newly designed enterprise, these restrictions disappear.

The developed technological process is drawn up by a number of documents, technological maps, in which all the provisions, modes and indicators of the technology used are regulated.

The most important of these documents is a technological map, which contains all the data and information on the manufacturing technology of any part or product, a complete description of the production process for operations indicating the equipment, tools, fixtures, operating modes, time standards, qualifications and categories worker.

Modern technology makes it possible to produce the same product or perform the same work in different ways. Therefore, in technological design, there are ample opportunities for choosing technological processes.

With the existing variety of methods and means of production, several options for the technological process are often developed and, when calculating the cost, they choose the most economically efficient option.

To reduce the number of compared options, it is important to use standard solutions, recommendations of normative and guiding materials and not to consider those options from the implementation of which it is not expected to obtain tangible positive results.

Process products. The end result of the technological process is the finished product, i.e. such products and materials, the process of work on which at this enterprise is completely completed, and they are completed, packaged, accepted by the technical control department and can be sent to the consumer. Items that are not finished are called work in progress.

Carrying out the technological process, a person sets himself two tasks:

1) get a product that would meet his needs;

2) spend less labor, materials, energy, etc. on its manufacture.

Each product can satisfy one or another human need only if it has a quality that determines its purpose. Without proper quality, the product becomes unnecessary for a person and the labor and natural objects expended on it are spent uselessly.

Product quality should be understood as the correspondence of its features and properties to the requirements of technical progress and reasonable demands of the national economy, arising from the conditions of practical use of products.

The quality of a product is not its permanent property. It changes with the production process and increasing requirements for finished products by consumers.

Improving production technologies allows us to continuously improve the quality of our products. The higher its level, the more efficient and productive social labor. The use of more advanced products in the national economy leads to a reduction in the cost of operation and repair, lengthens the service life and therefore, as it were, increases the volume of production of products. But improving the quality characteristics of goods often introduces significant changes in the production process, makes technology more complicated, and lengthens the cycle of work. The number of operations and equipment increases, the complexity of processing increases. All this can lead to an increase in cost, a decrease in capital productivity, and additional capital investments. Therefore, improving the quality of products should pursue strictly defined, economically justified tasks. But even if improving the quality of products requires additional costs, then the value of products usually increases in a greater proportion than the costs increase. Product quality is closely related to profitability.

2. Economic efficiency and technical and economic indicators of technological processes

Using all the achievements of technological progress, the old ones are being improved and new, more efficient technological processes are being introduced. Economic efficiency is very difficult to express by some unambiguous, generalized indicator. Technological progress usually gives a complex effect, which finds its expression in saving living labor, i.e., increasing its productivity, saving embodied labor - raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity, tools, saving capital costs, improving the use of fixed assets, improving the quality products, facilitating work and increasing its safety.

Thus, the economic efficiency of the technology used is determined by a number of indicators that are directly related to the technical improvement and economic development of production. Such technical and economic indicators represent a system of values ​​that characterize the material and production base of the enterprise, the organization of production, the use of fixed and circulating assets, and labor in the manufacture of products. These indicators reflect the degree of technical equipment of the enterprise, the loading of equipment, the rationality of the use of material and raw materials, fuel and energy resources, human labor in the production process, the economic efficiency of the technology used, etc. Using them makes it possible to analyze technological processes, determine features, progressiveness the latter, identify bottlenecks, find and use production reserves. The solution of these tasks is achieved by studying and comparing these indicators based on an analysis of the elements of the technological process in their relationship, taking into account all interacting factors.

All technical and economic indicators are divided into quantitative and qualitative. The former determine the quantitative side of the technological process (the volume of products produced, the number of pieces of equipment, the number of employees), the latter determine its qualitative side (the efficiency of the use of labor, raw materials, materials, fixed assets, financial resources).

Technical and economic indicators are natural and cost. Natural ones give one-sided characteristics (labor intensity, raw material consumption, process or operation time, etc.). Therefore, when addressing issues of economic efficiency of technology, cost indicators are also needed - cost, profit, capital productivity, etc.

In connection with the material objects of the production process, all technical and economic indicators can be combined into the following groups:

1. Technological indicators, i.e. indicators characterizing the properties of the object of labor. These include, first of all, those indicators, the value of which affects the course of the production process. So, for example, technological indicators characterizing wood pulp used in the pulp and paper industry include fiber length, moisture content, resin content, etc.; the properties of metal parts processed by cutting are determined, first of all, by the composition of the metal (alloy), its tensile strength (or hardness), and geometric dimensions. Although the total number of technological indicators is quite large, for each production process their number is quite limited.

Structural indicators, i.e., indicators characterizing the tools of labor. These include the properties of tools that affect the production process - this is the power of working machines, their passport data.

Labor indicators are indicators that characterize the industrial and production personnel of an enterprise. These indicators include the number of workers by profession, category, as well as indicators characterizing qualifications, etc.

Production indicators characterize the course of the production process and its results. These include the applied operating modes of the equipment (pressure, temperature, speed, etc.), the productivity of the equipment, site, workshop, consumption coefficients, indicators characterizing product quality, and many others.

Economic indicators affect the efficiency of the production process and characterize this efficiency. These include prices, tariffs, wage conditions, the standard coefficient of efficiency of capital investments, the cost of production, etc.

From the totality of indicators that make it possible to determine and compare the level of the technological process and its operations, it is necessary to single out the following: cost, labor intensity, labor productivity, unit costs of raw materials and materials, energy and fuel costs, intensity of use of equipment and production areas, capital productivity, value investments and their payback period. In some cases, other, private indicators are used that additionally characterize the production processes: power-to-weight ratio, mechanization and automation coefficient, power consumption, etc.

The most important and general indicator is the cost. It is formed from various costs according to their purpose.

3. Scientific and technological progress in industry and its economic efficiency

Scientific and technological progress in content represents the progressive development of the productive forces of society in all their diversity and unity, which is reflected in the improvement of the means and objects of labor, management systems and production technology, in the accumulation of knowledge, the improvement of the use of national wealth and natural resources, and the increase in efficiency. social production.

The main task of technical progress is the all-round economy of social labor and the provision of high rates of production growth. Its main directions are electrification, mechanization, automation, chemicalization, intensification, gasification.

Electrification means the maximum introduction of electrical energy as a driving force and for technological purposes (electrometallurgy, electric welding, electric heating, electrolysis, electric spark processing, etc.). The use of electrification speeds up production processes, raises productivity and the cult of labor, creates the preconditions for the introduction of mechanization and automation.

Mechanization is the replacement of manual labor by machines.

Until now, manual labor still predominates in a number of production processes. Their mechanization continues to be an important direction of technical progress.

Automation is the highest form of mechanization, in which the technological process is carried out by automatic machines operating without the direct participation of workers, whose functions are limited to observation, control and regulation. As a result of automation, labor is facilitated and its productivity increases sharply.

Chemicalization is the introduction into production of high-performance chemical processing methods and the maximum use of chemical industry products. It contributes to the introduction of hardware processes that are easily automated, helping to increase labor productivity and reduce production costs.

Intensification consists in improving the use of labor tools per unit of time through the use of increased (intensive) modes of operation (high speeds, high pressures, temperatures, special catalysts, oxygen, etc.), it dramatically speeds up production processes and increases their productivity.

Scientific and technological progress, generating new technology, new materials, technological processes, methods of management and organization of production, making changes in the structure of production, is the material basis for the constant achievement by society of saving living and embodied in the means of production labor. And this, in turn, serves as a source of expanded reproduction of the social product, growth of the national income, accumulation of the consumer fund, and a systematic rise in the material and cultural standard of living of the people.

The development of science causes qualitative changes in production technology as well. Technology is a form of influence of the means of labor on the object of labor, the method of its transformation changes mainly as a result of changes in the means of labor. But there is a feedback when the requirements of technology necessitate the creation of new means of labor. Thus, the use of chemical materials in industry leads to the replacement of mechanical processing by shaping.

The main direction of technology improvement is expressed in the transition from discontinuous, multi-operational machining processes to progressive processes based on chemical, electrical, electrophysical and biological technologies (plasma metallurgy, die forging, spindleless spinning and shuttleless weaving).

An important direction in improving technology is to ensure the most rational use of natural resources and environmental protection. Technological processes are being developed and introduced into production that ensure the reduction of waste and their maximum utilization, as well as systems for the use of water in a closed cycle. New effective methods and systems for the development of mineral deposits, progressive technological processes for their extraction, enrichment and processing are being widely introduced, which make it possible to increase the degree of extraction of minerals from the bowels, to drastically reduce losses as a result of the harmful effects of waste on the environment.


In the practice of an economist and financier, technology is the main object for investment. It is at the expense of the profit received from the timely and wisely invested in technology funds that an effective socio-economic policy is ensured and the corresponding standard of living of the population is achieved.

The study of the patterns of development of technological processes of production, the formation and development of technological systems, methods for assessing their qualitative state will allow economists of a wide profile to master the skills of analyzing the scientific and technological development of both individual industries and industries, and the national economy of a region or country as a whole.

The improvement of technological processes is the core, the core of the entire development of modern production. The improvement of production technology has been and remains one of the decisive directions of the unified technical policy, the material basis for the technical reconstruction of the national economy.

Since technology is a way of transforming the initial object of labor into a finished product, the ratio between costs and results depends on it. The limited labor and fuel and raw materials means that the technology must become more economical, help reduce costs per unit of final product. At the same time, the more limited this or that type of resources, the faster and on a large scale the improvement of technology should ensure their savings.

Industry supplies individual branches with the means of production, primarily tools, extracts minerals, processes various raw materials, and produces industrial and food products.

Industry is the basis for the reorganization of agricultural production. It processes agricultural raw materials and produces the bulk of consumer goods. Consequently, the satisfaction of the immediate needs of the people largely depends on the development of industry.

List of used literature

    Avrashkov L.Ya. Adamchuk V.V., Antonova O.V., etc. Enterprise Economics.- M., UNITI, 2001.

    William J. Stevenson Production Management. - M., CJSC "Publishing House BINOM", 2000.

    Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. Enterprise economy. Textbook.-M.: IEP, 2004.

    Kalacheva A.P. Organization of the work of the enterprise.-M.: PRIOR, 2000.- 431s.

    Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics: Proc. allowance. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Finance and statistics, 2004. - 304 p.

    Vasilyeva I. N. Economic fundamentals of technological

development. Banks and exchanges. - M.: UNITI, 1995.

    Karpenkov S. Kh. Concepts of modern natural science.

Textbook for universities - M.: Higher school, 2003.

Name of activity Essence of activity Advantages disadvantages
subject It is based on the idea of ​​consistently mastering the skills and abilities of manufacturing individual parts. Training is carried out in the process of creating finished products with increasing complexity In the learning process, the necessary details are created, the results of their work are felt Difficulties in choosing products that provide skill growth. Repetitive, lengthy, and marginally effective. Inability to teach various types of operations
operating room Consistent mastery of the methods of performing individual operations that are not interconnected within a single technological process, independence from the developed products Gives the opportunity to master operations that need to be learned in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of a constant increase in complexity Knowledge, skill and habits are formed in the form of isolated "pieces" that do not constitute a single whole. Insufficient application in practice (training is carried out for individual operations that are not always applied in production)
Operational-flow After performing individual operations, the part is passed on by the conveyor, and the student repeats the same operation with another part. To master another operation, the student moves to another place Operations are clearly assimilated during the execution of the labor process The complexity of the organization and the significant duration
Combined Training begins with the mastering of the most important techniques in the specialty, and then continues in the process of manufacturing integral products with a gradual increase in complexity in the workplace Two goals are achieved: improving the ability to perform complex work on the basis of several operations, which ensures the technological process; the task is carried out in a real work organization It is difficult to ensure a clear link between operational activities and integrated work in accordance with the limits of the PT cycle
Operational-subject Formation of individual skills and abilities in the process of manufacturing parts Gives you the opportunity to master the operations in the process of manufacturing parts The impossibility of forming the necessary degree of skill

Rice. 2.19. Algorithm for compiling a professional training program

Rice. 2.20 Hierarchy of educational content

Related Dictionary

Educational and qualification levels: qualified worker, junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master.

Types of education: general, polytechnic, vocational.

General education mastering knowledge from the basics of science and preparing students to receive professional education.

Polytechnic education one of the types of education, the tasks of which are: familiarization with various branches of production; knowledge of the essence of many technological processes; mastering certain skills and habits of servicing the simplest technological processes.

Vocational education is education aimed at mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

Profession This is the ability to perform work that requires a certain qualification from the individual. The profession requires a certain designation of the range of knowledge and skills.

in the field of education - the focus and content of training in the preparation of a specialist (determined through the object of the specialist's activity and reflects the type of activity and the scope of its use in work);

· in the sphere of labor - a feature of the orientation and specifics of work within the profession (the content of the tasks of professional activity).

Qualification it is the ability of an individual to perform duties and work at a certain level. It requires a certain educational and qualification level and is reflected through the profession.

Qualification characteristic - This is a state document that includes a list of requirements in knowledge, skills and abilities that a specialist in this profession of one or another skill level must possess.

Academic plan - This is a document approved by the Ministry of Education, which defines for each type of educational institution a list of subjects, the order of their study over the years, the number of weekly hours for their study, the structure of the academic year.

The curriculum is a document approved by the Ministry of Education, which provides a description of the content of the educational material, indicating sections, topics. estimated number of hours to study them.

Textbook it is an educational book in which the content of educational material from a certain subject is disclosed in accordance with the requirements of the current program.

Tutorial this is an educational book that contains the content of educational material that does not always meet the requirements of the current program, but goes beyond its limits; additional tasks are determined, aimed at expanding the cognitive interests of students, the development of their independent search cognitive activity.

Knowledge - it is the result of cognitive activity, verified by social practice and its display in the human mind is logically ordered.

Skill it is the ability to perform certain actions based on relevant knowledge; ability and willingness to apply knowledge in practical activities on the principles of consciousness.

Skills application of knowledge in practice, which is carried out at the level of automated actions through multiple repetitions.

Manufacturing process - it is a set of basic technological processes and transformations, as well as human labor actions.

Questions and tasks for control

1. Arrange the concepts in a logical sequence: special education, vocational training, theoretical training, vocational education, practical training.

2. Name the cross-cutting components of the content of education.

3. What are the goals of general education?

4. What are the goals of vocational education?

5. What are the goals of polytechnic education?

6. Name the functions of special education.

7. Name the functions of vocational education.

8. What is the difference between the concepts of special education and education in vocational schools?

9. What are educational levels? What educational levels exist in Ukraine and in what educational institutions are they prepared?

10. What is the educational qualification level? What educational and qualification levels exist in Ukraine and in what educational institutions are they prepared?

11. Which educational institutions in Ukraine train bachelors?

12. What educational institutions in Ukraine train specialists?

13. In which educational institutions of Ukraine are masters trained?

14. Which educational institutions in Ukraine train junior specialists?

15. What are the levels of education and what levels of education exist in Ukraine?

16. What is a profession? Give examples of the names of professions in any field of technology.

17. What is a specialty? Give examples of the names of specialties in any field of technology.

18. What is a qualification? Give examples of the names of qualifications in any field of technology.

19. Specify the means of activity of the teacher during the analytical stage.

20. Name the types of professional activity.

21. What are the goals of the analysis phase?

22. What are the ways to optimize the content of education.

23. What is a qualification characteristic and what sections does it consist of (for the VET system)?

24. What is the subject of the analytical activity of the teacher?

25. What is the means of analytical activity of the teacher?

26. What is the product of the analytical activity of the teacher?

27. What is the sequence of actions of the teacher when performing analytical activities?

28. What is "special education"? What is the difference between "special education" and "vocational education"?

29. Describe the activities of a worker in any field of technology.

30. Describe the activities of a junior specialist, bachelor in any field of technology.

31. Give a description of the activities of a specialist in any field of technology.

32. Describe the activities of the master in any field of technology.

33. Name the elements of the structure of general educational activities.

34. Name the elements of the structure of professional activity.

35. Name the activities of workers: electricians, electricians, repairmen.

36. Describe the methodology for analyzing the professional activities of a specialist.

37. Name the list of subjects of general education that form cognitive activity.

38. Name the list of subjects of general education that form mental activity.

39. Name the list of subjects of general education that form communicative activity.

40. Name the list of subjects of general education that form the orientation of the individual.

41. Name the list of subjects of general education that form the labor activity.

42. Name the list of subjects of general education that form an aesthetic orientation.

43. Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the worker studies.

44. Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the junior specialist studies.

45. Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the bachelor studies.

46. ​​Name the socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines that the specialist studies.

47. What are the professionally oriented disciplines that the electric power worker studies.

48. Name the professionally oriented disciplines that a junior specialist studies.

49. Name the professionally oriented disciplines that the bachelor studies.

50. Name the professionally oriented disciplines that a specialist studies.

51. Name the components of professional training for electric power industry and electric power industry specialist.

52. What is the production process and what are its elements?

53. What are knowledge and skills, how are they interconnected?

54. What skills do you know? Give examples.

55. What are the goals of theoretical education?

56. What are the goals of practical training?

57. How is the theoretical training program formed? What is the object of study (generalized object of activity), what is the functional structure of activity?

58. What are the generalized elements (themes of the program) of theoretical training for a worker in the electric power industry.

59. What are the generalized elements (program topics) of theoretical training for an electrical engineer.

60. What is the labor process? What are the types of labor processes and what are their characteristics?

61. What is a system of industrial training? What types of industrial training systems are known?

62. Describe the subject system of industrial training.

63. Describe the operating system of industrial training.

64. Describe the integrated system of industrial training.

65. Describe the modular system of industrial training.

Tasks for independent work

Exercise 1.

For the given 3 working professions (fitter, installer, repairman or adjuster), determine the elements of the complex structure of activity (goal, subject, subject, means, process, product). The analysis should be carried out based on the study of the available qualification characteristics of working professions, as well as the available tables in Appendix 2.19, 2.20,2.21

Table 2.19

Task 2

For a given working profession, analyze the structure of activity, determining the professional purpose and conditions of use (answer in the table).

Table 2.20

Specify the type of work processes.

Name the system of industrial training and draw up its structure.

Determine the elements of the generalized object of activity and characterize them.

Draw up a program of theoretical training

Draw up a perspective-thematic plan for professional training

Nemchenko Olga Arkadevna ,

teacher of information disciplines

GBPOU RM "Saransk College of Energy

and electronic technology. A. I. Polezhaeva


The system of industrial training refers to the initial provisions, principles, approaches that determine the order of formation of the content of industrial training, the grouping of its parts and the sequence of mastering them by students. Taking into account the adopted system of industrial training, the forms, methods and means of its implementation are determined. Thus, the system of industrial training contains the general concept of the process of industrial training.

The essence of industrial training is a comprehensive and complete study of labor techniques, operations and processes used for a given profession, included in the curriculum in order of increasing complexity.

The process of industrial training consists of three consecutive periods: the study of individual situations and the implementation of labor methods corresponding to these situations; studying the problem as a whole and performing the necessary exercises in troubleshooting, adjustment, adjustment, etc.; study of the entire technological process and independent fulfillment of tasks for its maintenance, adjustment, control. As learning expands the range of intellectual actions of students.

There can be no unified system of industrial training that is equally acceptable for the training of skilled workers in any profession, characteristic of all periods of the learning process. The main provisions of the industrial training system follow from the characteristics of the content of the work of workers in certain groups of professions, the expected conditions of training, and depend on what is taken as an independent initial part of training - a training unit, the totality of which constitutes the content of training.

The development of the industrial training system to a certain extent characterizes and illustrates the history of the development of vocational education.

Historically, the subject system arose first. According to this system, the student performed a set of typical jobs characteristic of the profession he was mastering. The main drawback of the system under consideration is that as a result of such training, students cannot use their knowledge and skills to perform new, unfamiliar work, and are forced to re-learn in the process of performing each new work.

When training on the operating system, students mastered the labor operations that make up the content of the profession they mastered. Thanks to this, the students got the idea that the process of manufacturing any product, performing any work consists mainly of a set of certain technological operations characteristic of the profession. However, the operating system also has significant drawbacks. The mastering of operations took place, as a rule, in the process of performing educational work, i.e., the work of students was not of a productive nature. As a result, interest in learning declined.

Subsequently, this led to the transformation of these systems into the so-called operational-subject system, when training is carried out first according to the operating system, and then according to the subject system.

At the end of the 20s. in the USSR, the motor-training system of industrial training developed by the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) became widespread. The basis of industrial training according to such a system is multiple training exercises aimed at teaching students to perform elements of labor movements at the beginning, then labor techniques and operations are practiced on the basis of worked out labor movements. It was assumed that due to repeated mechanical repetition, it is possible to “teach” the muscles to perform certain movements and develop the corresponding skills without the direct participation of consciousness. This approach to learning was not widely supported and was subsequently abandoned.

The advantage of the motor-training system is that it was the first to develop and apply a didactically substantiated sequence of formation of labor skills and abilities corresponding to psychophysiological laws: labor reception - labor operation - labor process. In the process of industrial training, written instruction documents for students were widely used. Many provisions of the CIT system are still applied today.

The advantages and advantages of the operational-subject and motor systems were further developed in the operational-complex system of industrial training, which is currently one of the main ones.

Mastering labor operations and consolidating them in the process of performing work of a complex nature, when a holistic technological process is being mastered, is the main task of the first period of training. At the second stage, students are trained in the course of performing work by profession in a production environment.

The main drawback of the operational complex system is the complexity of organizing the study of operations in the process of students' production work.

This shortcoming of the operational-integrated system led to the search for other systems of industrial training. Characteristic in this regard is the subject-technological system.

The initial provisions of this system: modern production requires the employee to have developed skills to monitor the progress of the technological process, regulate the operation of machines, units, instruments, and serve a group of jobs. The work of such a worker is of a universal nature and requires serious technical knowledge; in his professional activity, intellectual activity comes to the fore.

The design and technological system is very original. The leading idea of ​​this system is the combination of performing and creative activities of students. Students are placed in such conditions when the direct manufacture of the object of labor must be preceded by the development of its design and processing technology, manufacturing. Thus, in the process of labor training, students not only perform certain practical labor actions, but also solve the technical and technological problems that arise in connection with this. This is a very valuable aspect of the design and technological system; it is widely used in the practice of organizing industrial training for students in vocational schools.

Analyzing the essence of all the systems of industrial training discussed above, it is necessary to pay attention to a single analytical and synthetic approach to building the content and process of industrial training, which is characteristic of all these systems. It combines all the proposed and applied industrial training systems and is taken into account in the preparation of most industrial training programs.

Considering the issue of industrial training systems, it must be emphasized that in real conditions, industrial training in many professions is built using several different systems at its various stages.

The process of industrial training, as noted above, has specific features that determine the development of principles of training that are characteristic only for him. This system of specific principles of industrial training can be represented as follows:

    Compliance with the requirements of modern production.

    Connection between theory and practice.

    Connecting learning with the productive work of students.

    Vocational and polytechnical orientation.


Industrial practice is the final period of practical vocational training for students. It includes two stages of the educational process:

    industrial training of students in production conditions (at enterprises), where they develop the skills and abilities to perform labor operations and labor processes that are impossible or inappropriate to master in training workshops;

    specialization of students in the performance of certain types of production work.

At these stages, further development, improvement and development of the qualities that characterize the foundations of the professional skills of students take place, a qualified worker, a professional specialist who is able to successfully perform work in accordance with the requirements of the professional characteristics of the State Standard, is formed.

Education must meet the interests and needs of society, therefore, the professional training of specialists, aimed at the needs of society, is one of the main tasks of vocational education.

Today, Russian enterprises are in dire need of highly qualified specialists who are not only well-versed in theory, but also in practice.

According to many experts, the development of NGOs, open source software should be given special attention for the following reasons:

1. It is obvious that the solution of problems in the socio-economic sphere of the state is directly related to the correct use of labor resources, structuring and development of the labor force. And for this it is necessary to provide the population with the opportunity to receive high-quality professional education.

2. According to statistical data, qualified specialists who have received a secondary vocational education occupy the largest segment of society's productive forces.

3. The level of training of specialists inNGO programs, SPOlargely sets the pace of economic development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the lack of qualified workers in the foreseeable future may become the main problem for the economy of our country..

Formation of professional skills and abilities of students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Moldova “Saransk College of Energy and Electronic Engineering named after A. I. Polezhaeva” takes place in the process of industrial training and industrial practice. The multi-stage process of industrial training in a technical school allows you to gradually move from simple unskilled labor to more complex ones, learn how to work in a team and perform certain functions.

When meeting with employers, talking with students, analyzing the situation, there is a contradiction: enterprises want to immediately have a qualified, high-quality employee; students want to immediately receive real money (and qualifications are not enough). It is possible to resolve this contradiction if industrial training and industrial practice are well organized, long-term ties with graduates-employers are not lost, and employment clauses are indicated in contracts in advance.

The entire educational process of the technical school is focused on the practical activities of graduates, on the formation of various key and professional competencies, including the ability to work independently, be able to make decisions, take responsibility on their own initiative, and the ability to act in various problem situations. This is evidenced by the results of the work of the technical school: organization and holding of olympiads and competitions of various levels; active participation of teachers and students in various events; gold, silver and bronze medalists of various competitions of professional skills. In the current academic year, work in this direction is actively continuing, since the degree to which we can choose and ensure an innovative path for the country's development depends on the preparedness and target settings of students.

The socialization of graduates of the technical school is being monitored. The educational institution has information about the job and professional growth of individual graduates, feedback from employers on the quality of training of our students. The system of industrial training and practical training in a technical school makes it possible to form the basic skills and abilities of a future specialist, and, therefore, helps to solve one of the tasks: meeting the needs of society in competent workers; formation of students' civic position and diligence, development of responsibility, independence and creative activity.


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    Sautov, R.P. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION OF STUDENTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE / Sautov R.P. - https://website/proizvodstvennoe_obuchenie_uchaschihsya_v_usloviyah_proizvodstva_i_proizvodstvennaya_praktika-348150.htm

The concept of the system of industrial training

Question 3 .. The concept and characteristics of the main systems of industrial training in vocational schools.

Industrial training, the main purpose of which is the formation of students' professional knowledge, skills, abilities, presupposes the unity of its content, methods, forms and means, forming a general system of industrial training.

The system of industrial training is the main starting points that determine the procedure for dividing the content of training, the grouping of its parts and the sequence in which students master them. Thus, the system of industrial training contains the general concept of the process of industrial training.

In the pedagogy of vocational education, the concept of a private system of industrial training has also become widespread, which refers to a particular group of professions and determines the ratio, order and sequence of students studying educational material according to programs.

It should be emphasized that there can be no unified system of industrial training that is equally acceptable for the training of skilled workers in any profession. The main provisions of the system of industrial training follow from the characteristics of the content of the labor of workers in certain groups of professions, the expected conditions of training, as well as what is taken as an independent initial part of training - a training unit, the totality of which constitutes the content of training. Such units can be: operations and techniques; functions of a worker for the maintenance of machines, apparatus, installations; objects of work (objects of labor) - in order of increasing complexity or in the logic of the technological process; production situations.

Industrial training systems are changing as a result of scientific and technical progress in accordance with changes in the content and organization of work of workers. The improvement of industrial training systems, of course, is also determined by the development of professional pedagogy as branches of pedagogical science.

Historically, the first private system of industrial training was subject (clothes). It was also used in the practice of craft apprenticeship. Its essence is that the student produced consistently from beginning to end a certain number of increasingly complex products, objects, thus mastering the necessary skills.

Operating system industrial training arose and developed spontaneously in the depths of manufacturing production in connection with the division of labor. In 1868, D. Sovetkin, V. Markov and others (Moscow Higher Technical School) proved that in practical industrial training, labor processes must be divided into separate elements - methods and operations. In Europe and America, this system, in a somewhat improved form, was used under the name Russian.

Operational-subject system, proposed in the 90s of the XIX century. a prominent Russian figure in vocational education S.A. Vladimirsky, was a further improvement of the Russian system of industrial training. This system involved the study of labor operations by students in the process of manufacturing carefully selected products. Products were selected so that the easiest three or four operations were mastered during the manufacture of the first item, and more complex ones were mastered during the manufacture of subsequent ones.

Motor training system(CIT system). The Central Institute of Labor (1927-30) developed its own system of industrial training. The basis of training according to the CIT system was the use of multiple training exercises to teach trainees to perform first individual elements of movements, then movements, labor techniques and operations. For the correct formation of labor techniques and the development of automaticity in the execution of movements and techniques, the CIT developed and used simulators of an imitation type.

Operational complex system industrial training is the most developed and widely used in educational institutions of the vocational education system, which was developed in 1935-36. FZU school employees

Note that it is wrong to consider the operational-integrated system as universal, applicable to industrial training in all (or the vast majority) professions. This system arose and is mainly applicable as a private system for teaching professions of manual or machine-manual labor, and then with significant limitations.

Some methodologists tried to create improved versions of the operational-complex system (operational-subject, operational-flow, subject-technological, reception-complex-view, etc.). Let's consider some of them:

Subject-technological system ( authors M.A. Zhidelev, I.S. Figanov, A.E. Pyadochkin). The essence of industrial training according to this system is a comprehensive and complete study of labor methods, operations and processes used in the processing of products-details typical for a given profession, included in the curriculum in ascending order of complexity.

Receiving-complex-visual system(author K.N.Kathanov) develops the operational-complex principle of building the process of industrial training. In the content of the professional work of a worker, components are distinguished - types; work is divided into steps. Admission is the main educational unit of the process of industrial training.

By analyzing the content of the worker's labor, separate educational problems are singled out, which (as a rule) have an independent character. Each problem is an independent task and in turn consists of several parts-situations.

The correct choice of the system is closely related to the structure and content of the programs, as well as to the methods and technical means of industrial training. Therefore, further scientific development of the classification and content of industrial training systems is very important, taking into account the basic psychophysiological patterns of mastering students with labor processes of various types and levels of complexity. In particular, attempts to create a modular system are of considerable interest.

Based on a thorough element-by-element analysis of the labor of the main workers in the industry and the service sector, the creators of this system single out typical modules of labor activity in the form of separate labor actions (functions) and their elements, more or less common to different workers. By combining modules, it is possible to obtain blocks of labor functions, the combination of which determines the qualification characteristics of a particular worker. The correct construction of such blocks from elements - modules allows you to develop more economically, avoiding duplication, appropriate programs, choose the most appropriate forms and methods of industrial training. It should be emphasized that in real conditions, industrial training in many professions is built using several different systems at its various stages.

Typical scheme for constructing the learning process

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of successive educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions; networks of educational institutions implementing them of various organizational and legal forms, types, types, systems, governing bodies, education and institutions and enterprises subordinate to them.

Education as a process includes the goal, objectives, content, forms and methods of interaction between the learner and the learner. The results of the educational process are the level of education, which is expressed in knowledge, skills, personality traits, as well as in the development of cognitive abilities.

Systems of vocational training are the main starting points that determine the order of dividing the content of education, the grouping of its parts and the research nature of mastering the parts by students.

The main elements, educational units of systems can be:

objects of labor;

labor operations, techniques, actions, movements;

professional duties

functions of a specialist - his professional duties

production situations;

professional projects (independent creative activity);

The choice of training systems depends on:

1. From the material and technical support of the educational process, the skill level of the teacher, the student's ability levels;

2. from what is taken as an independent initial part of training - a training unit;

3. on the characteristics of the content of the work of specialists in the relevant profession.

Consider the main learning systems.

I. Subject system of education

It arose historically first in the period of handicraft production.

During his apprenticeship, the student made a set of typical items typical of the profession.

System advantages:

1. earlier the inclusion of students in productive work, from the first days the students got acquainted with the technological process of manufacturing the product;

2. the system aroused students' interest in the profession, because they saw the result of their work;

System disadvantages:

the system did not provide for the development of operations in the sequence corresponding to the complication of these operations;

there were no special exercises for practicing techniques and operations, students often mastered mistakes, and they had to relearn.

II. Operating system training.

With the emergence of manufactories, there was a division of production, the technological process began to be divided into operations. There was a need for specialists of a narrow profile.

The essence of the system lies in the fact that the students mastered a number of technological operations, built on the principle of complication. All the studied operations were part of the technological processes of manufacturing products in the field of a particular profession.

System advantages:

the system provided students with universal knowledge and skills to perform technological operations, i.e. did not tie students to a number of products;

increase in labor productivity.

improving the quality of education through the implementation of the principle of systematicity and consistency.

System disadvantages:

the learning process was considered as a simple combination of technological operations, i.e. did not tie students to a number of products;

the system did not contribute to the organization of student labor productivity (interest decreased);

often there were long breaks between the study of the operation and its implementation in the process of manufacturing the product;

difficulties in providing students with the same type of blanks;

in order to complete the technological process in a complex, a number of additional knowledge and skills (organization, planning, control, etc.) are needed that were not formed in the operating system.

III. Motor training system.

The system became widespread in the late 20s of the twentieth century. It was developed at the Central Institute of Labor "CIT System"

The essence of the system lies in the fact that at first the labor process is divided into fractional components - labor techniques, actions, movements, which were later studied by students separately in the system of exercises (training). The system was focused on obtaining students' skills in work.

System advantages:

Students developed strong automated skills when performing elements of the labor process;

in this system, for the first time, a didactically substantiated sequence of formation of labor skills and abilities, corresponding to the psychophysiological laws of labor activity, was developed and applied: labor movement - labor action - labor reception - labor operation - labor process;

System disadvantages:

The system underestimated the role of production labor, especially its educational value;

students are accustomed to the routine performance of work, which did not contribute to the development of their creative approach to the performance of labor operations;

mechanical training of individual components of the labor process, which does not contain new cognitive elements, could not arouse students' interest in work;

long breaks in work led to deautomatization of skills;

IV. Operational complex system

For professions of manual and machine-manual labor - the leading system of education. widely used today.

System advantages:

The system retained all the advantages of an operating system and subject-based learning systems, since during training, students focused on dividing the technological process of manufacturing a product into operations and performed these operations as part of gradually becoming more complex complex works.

System disadvantages:

suitable only for specialties of manual and machine-manual labor;

sometimes difficulties arise with the inclusion of students in the production of useful products, since complex work is not always the execution of a product as a whole, but only a part of it.

V. Problem-analytical system

The problem - analytical system of industrial training was developed by S.Ya. Batyshev for industrial training in the context of industrial automation and the emergence of working professions in which intellectual knowledge and skills predominate. Under this system, “on the basis of the analysis of the studied labor processes, the entire material of the program is divided into separate educational problems, which, if possible, have independent significance; the elements that make up the labor process, as well as the elements of mental activity necessary for the regulation of technological processes, are singled out. It pursues the goal of developing calculation, management, diagnostic, and communication skills among workers. It consists in dividing the content of training into educational problems and elements of the labor process and in determining the appropriate functions for regulating technological processes and equipment, mastering skills and abilities in a certain sequence, due to the actual conditions of production and the nature of the worker's participation in it. Educational problems are associated with real-life technological processes, reflect everything that is in practice. The study of each problem is carried out not in isolation, not in isolation, but in interaction with other problems: first, a general acquaintance with the technological process as a whole, then it is divided into problems, the structure of problems (situations) and the relationship between them are revealed. Students master the skills and abilities for each problem separately in a certain sequence, corresponding to the course of the technological process and the nature of participation in it of the corresponding specialty. Each educational problem is an independent task of industrial training, it includes a consistent general acquaintance with the technological process, the identification of problems, the establishment of a connection between them, the study of each problem separately, and the analysis of educational situations. The system provides for 3 periods of study, study and exercises in performing individual situations, problems in general, mastering the entire technological process, when students independently perform all tasks. In each period, the stages of solving intellectual problems (one of the main functions of the system) and independent work under the guidance of an instructor are distinguished. Students master the techniques of mental activity (planning, observation, feature extraction, differentiation, systematization and generalization of factual material, etc.), acquire control and self-control skills, which indicates their development and readiness to deal with more complex problems. However, it is difficult for students to remember the sequence of actions, to distinguish between major situations from secondary ones, and to transfer the acquired skills to new activities. The system is widely used in the preparation of workers of the machine-building profile. However, practice shows that this system cannot yet be considered fully meeting the requirements.

VI. Receiving complex system

The search continues. So, K.N. Katkhanov believes that the modern system of industrial training should be based on two most important elements of the profession - methods of work and types of work. The reception-complex-species system of industrial training was developed by K. N. Katkhanov (mid-1970s). This title reveals the most important aspect of industrial training - the need for a solid mastery of the methods of work within each of its types and the subsequent combination of methods among themselves, up to the formation of complexes. The meaning of the system is to highlight the most important elements of the profession - methods of work, types of work and to ensure a solid mastery of them within each type of activity and the subsequent combination of methods into complexes. Unlike the operational-integrated system, in this system the main element of industrial training is not an operation, but the reception of work, which allows the system to be used to train most working professions. The main method of forming skills and abilities is exercise. Students perform all elements under the guidance of a master of industrial training until they are fully mastered, and only after that they proceed to another type of work. At the final stage of training, students develop automatic skills in production activities. The features of the system include its construction on the basis of a thorough analysis of the content of the work of workers and generalization of the achieved level of professional training, disclosure of the relationship of all elements of training. It best contributes to the transfer of technological and labor processes to the educational and production activities of students. Disadvantages - difficulties in selecting individual methods for each type of work, which, in turn, include several ways to perform them, which often violates the sequence of actions of the worker, changing work methods depending on the equipment, technology and labor organization used, which causes instability in the teaching methodology .