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> Year of the Dog

People who born in the year of the dog, usually by nature quite calm and always on the alert, it is unusual for them to rest. They are trying to fight injustice. In relationships with other people, they are loyal and devoted, honest and noble. Sometimes dogs behave extremely selfishly and obstinately. In terms of emotions, they are very cold, reserved, and also uncommunicative, but on the other hand, they can criticize everyone indiscriminately.

Dogs always know what and how to fight. They have a certain goal, towards which they move in a direct way, without outside help, and often reach a happy ending. The dog perfectly copes with the position of leader and knows how to keep his own and other people's secrets, thanks to which everyone trusts her. When dealing with people, they are extremely cautious and prudent, as well as conscientious and friendly. There is constant internal tension in them, which is formed due to the lack of emotional breakdowns that allow you to throw out emotions.

The dog is feared by many for its cutting remarks, which always reach the goal. She is a big cynic and skeptic in life, a pessimist who does not expect anything good from life. She eventually reaches her life peak and does not try to achieve more.

By nature, dogs are loyal and impartial, due to the fact that they have a logical mind, a good sense of humor and they are very kind to everyone. Dogs are usually very responsible and faithfully fulfill any of their duties, they can be safely trusted without fear of betrayal on her part. She is quite secretive, does not like to open her soul and does not expect this from others, although no one knows how to listen so well and attentively. She justifies trust, remains faithful even in the most critical situations. She protests at the sight of any injustice, she will not reconcile herself, but will in every possible way correct the situation.

Sociable dogs love to relax in a circle of very close people, they can share their difficulties and not burden them with their problems, but dogs that are closed in themselves are usually not confident in their abilities and prefer to spend time alone, plunging into work.

Dogs often occupy leadership positions. Many of them became well-known teachers and educators, as well as politicians. Whatever work they do, it will be done honestly and efficiently. They are known for their hard work and good work ethic.

In love relationships, dogs are just as honest and smart, but along the way they may have love difficulties. In general, the life of a dog passes in some uncertainty. Nervous childhood, rather difficult growing up, older years in struggle, and in old age they regret the failed dreams of childhood, although they achieve their life goal.

Dog and Rat

The union can take place, it will have very peaceful partners. The Rat will give charm and a little sentimentality to the relationship, but the Dog will give practicality and a real idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. But they will not be able to be friends, as well as build business relations with each other. This is due to the fact that the rat is too selfish, and the dog is a hard realist.

Dog and Bull

They have a lot in common, but such an alliance is often very tedious and boring. It will be even more boring for them to be friends, and business relationships will not stick together due to the lack of common ideas.

Dog and Tiger

Such an alliance will push partners to seek adventure and fight for justice together, and the Dog will help the Tiger without being noticed. Friendship is possible, but it often ends quickly. Business relationships can only be built if they are not related to financial or commercial activities.

Dog and Rabbit

It's just a wonderful union. Both partners do not like change, they prefer a boring home life. The dog loves to take advice given by the rabbit. There will be good mutual understanding in the house, if friendship arises, then it is always long and lasting. Rabbits are always the confidant of Dogs, even if there is nothing else they can do to help. In business relations, this union will also be ideal. The rabbit will help the dog in everything.

dog and dragon

Such a union should be avoided. Often such a union develops into hatred, and the feeling of love remains only in the past. Friendship is also unlikely. The dog will not notice the empty brilliance of the Dragon, and he cannot do without it. The business relationship is doomed to failure, as the Dog sees through the Dragon, and he can only leave the stage.

Dog and snake

The union is extremely unfortunate. The snake will be too demanding of a partner, and the friendship between them will be very difficult. It is best for them to stick to secular relationships. Business relations develop only when the dog agrees to perform menial work.

Dog and Horse

This is a wonderful union, they have a lot in common, and they will complement each other. The Horse will give the Dog independence and the right to defend great things. Friendship is strong. Business relations will develop only when they work in different areas, but with a common goal.

Dog and goat

Union will not work out. They will spend a long time solving problems that, individually, would be solved in minutes. Goats are too capricious for Dogs, friendship is very short-lived. Business relationships will also not work out, the Dog will be engaged in serious business, and the Goat will only think about its own benefit.

Dog and Monkey

Such an alliance is highly questionable. They are big cynics who have no illusions. Friendship is in question, and in business relations they will not be useful. On the one hand, there will be fear, and on the other, suspicion.

Dog and Rooster

The union is possible only as an exception, if the female Rooster manages to lure the Dog home for an evening date. Friendship has no prospects, and business relations will only lead to disaster and bankruptcy.

Dog and Dog

They have quite a lot in common, but there will not be much happiness between them. They are too disinterested and they will have periodic financial difficulties that the family budget cannot withstand. Friendship is very strong. Business relationship will not come out.

Dog and Pig

The union will be very good if they do not have life claims. There will be devotion and good compatibility in the relationship. Friendship will develop deep and true, and business relationships are possible, not recommended due to the fault of the honesty of the Dog, which does not think about its own profit at all.

Zodiac sign Dog, year of birth of men and women: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.

Water Dog, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/28/1922 - 02/16/1923; from 02/25/1982 - 02/13/1983;
Wooden Dog, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/14/1934 - 02/04/1935; from 10.02.1994 - 31.01.1995;
Fire Dog, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/02/1946 - 01/22/1947; from 29.01.2006 - 18.02.2007;
Earth Dog, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/18/1958 - 02/08/1959; from 16.02.2018 - 05.02.2019;
Metal Dog, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1970 - 01/27/1971;

Metal Dog, year of birth: 1910, 1970, 2030.

Metal Dogs are inherent in straightforwardness, self-confidence. People of this sign take into account only their own opinion, they are taken for anything with determination and courage. Perseverance allows them to devote themselves to their chosen cause or goal entirely. Dogs of this type of sign tend to show sometimes too much seriousness. When things do not go the way the Dog wanted, she will immediately feel annoyed. The range of interests of a person born in such a year does not differ in breadth. Their devotion to loved ones knows no bounds.
Metal Dogs should strive for greater openness, sociability, try to be more calm.

Water Dog, year of birth: 1922, 1982, 2042.

The Water Dog is sociable, she is good at finding a common language with people and finding like-minded people and friends. At the same time, these are rather undisciplined, carefree people who do not monitor their expenses too much. People of this sign are especially generous towards their family members and friends: they never refuse them anything.
Representatives of this sign should become more serious and remember that their generosity must have some kind of framework, otherwise poverty will overtake them.

Wood Dog, year of birth: 1934, 1994, 2054.

People born in the year of the Wood Dog invariably make a very favorable impression on others and are very popular. A developed sense of humor contributes to this. They are hardworking, decent employees who like to work in a team: in comparison with their brothers, they are less independent. Dogs are not indifferent to the life of their loved ones and take an active part in it.
They are very fond of art, and therefore many Wood Dogs are collectors of antiques, paintings, stamps, coins. Representatives of this variety of the sign are pleasant and nice people with whom it is pleasant to communicate.

Fire Dog, year of birth: 1946, 2006, 2066.

Sociability, liveliness of character allows Fire Dogs to make friends surprisingly easily. At the workplace, they work diligently and honestly, actively participate in various social events. People born in these years easily accept progressive ideas, have pronounced abilities for research activities. They can succeed in those cases where many fail.
The Fire Dog should fight his own stubbornness. Getting rid of this shortcoming would help her achieve much more in life.

Earth Dog, year of birth: 1958, 2018.

People born in the year of the Dog, for the most part, have a bright, extraordinary appearance. They are insightful, talented, they know very well what they are doing, and they can conquer professional peaks. Earth Dogs are characterized by balance, restraint. Persuasiveness helps representatives of this sign to easily achieve their goals.
Kind and generous, they will certainly come to the aid of those who will need it. Among friends and colleagues, Earth Dogs are very popular.

  • From 02/10/1910 to 01/29/1911 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog;
  • From 01/28/1922 to 02/15/1923 - Year of the Water (Black) Dog;
  • From 02/14/1934 to 02/03/1935 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dog;
  • From 02/02/1946 to 01/21/1947 - the Year of the Fire (Red) Dog;
  • From 02/18/1958 to 02/07/1959 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dog;
  • From 02/06/1970 to 01/26/1971 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog;
  • From 01/25/1982 to 02/12/1983 - Year of the Water (Black) Dog;
  • From 02/10/1994 to 01/30/1995 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Dog;
  • From 01/29/2006 to 02/17/2007 - Year of the Fiery (Red) Dog;
  • From 02/16/2018 to 02/04/2019 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dog;
  • From 03.02. 2030 to 01/22/2031 is the Year of the Metallic (White) Dog.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Strengths of character

A person born in the year of the Dog is self-critical and strives for perfection. If he takes on something, he will not quit what he started halfway and will pay attention to every detail. The dog is one of the most responsible signs of the eastern horoscope, which never makes false promises and knows how to calculate its capabilities in advance so as not to let other people down. In addition, she has a heightened sense of justice, so the Dog tries to behave decently in any situation and knows how to defend its own rightness.

You can rely on this person, because he will never leave loved ones without support in difficult times, and will find a way to help them, even to the detriment of his own interests. For the sake of someone who is dear to her, the Dog is capable of any sacrifice. However, we are talking only about the closest people, and not about recently appeared friends or charming romantics. This person knows how to clearly distinguish between those who will always be there and “temporary passengers”.

Weaknesses of character

The main weakness of the Dog is a tendency to endless doubts, no matter what it is. If everything that was possible was done to achieve the goal, but this did not bring any result, this person will analyze every little thing in detail in order to find his mistake, even if there is none. The search for non-existent problems is a favorite pastime of men and women born in the year of the Dog. They are overly vigilant, but trying to foresee absolutely everything, they very often lose sight of something more important. Most often this concerns relationships with the closest environment: if the mother Dog tries, for example, to raise a child with an excellent student, it is likely that she will not pay attention to his problems in relationships with peers, etc.

A person born in the year of the Dog gives the impression of having an iron character, but in fact this is not so. The dog is one of the most insecure signs of the eastern horoscope. This person is so concerned about the impression he makes on other people that he often misses opportunities or hesitates to make an acquaintance because of this.

In love

From his personal life, the Dog expects stability - she needs a permanent partner, and not a bright, but short-term romance. It would seem that such an attitude to life in itself is a guarantee of the fidelity of this person, but in reality everything can be different. Anyone born in the year of the Dog is prone to betrayal, but not because of the search for adventure, but because of constant doubts.

Living relationships cannot be smooth all the time, and in moments of difficulty, the Dog regrets the missed opportunities for happiness with other people, or begins to consider representatives of the opposite sex from his environment as potential partners. After betrayal, as a rule, he does not torment himself with remorse, and if he falls into a love triangle, he sincerely suffers from the inability to make a decision and make a choice.

Despite the free attitude to sex, the representative of this sign is very caring and literally takes care of a loved one. During the period of falling in love, the Dog is ready to give everything she has to the one she loves, even if the reciprocity of feelings is in doubt. A distinctive feature of the characteristics of this person lies in the extraordinary generosity and sacrifice of nature. The dog will never regret that he did a good deed for someone who did not deserve it, and even more so he will not lament about material values ​​\u200b\u200band gifts.


The representative of the sign of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope is distinguished by high working capacity and the zeal to do everything with high quality. Such an employee will never do anything at speed - not a single detail will go unnoticed. The dog knows how to focus on business in any situation and it is almost impossible to distract it. This person is extremely disciplined, therefore he does not solve personal problems during working hours and does not look for an excuse to leave work early, but on the contrary, he may stay late of his own free will if the success of the business depends on it.

The Dog's diligence inspires respect from management, and envy from less hardworking and attentive employees, but behind the efforts of this person there is no intention to climb the career ladder or "sit out" someone else. The representative of this sign may refuse the proposed promotion, because he feels quite comfortable in his workplace. There is also no particular interest in raising salaries or finding a more profitable job for the Dog.

Man Dog

A man born in the year of the Dog has a high level of intelligence and is very interesting as an interlocutor. He is always open for communication, but at the same time he does not need the general public and noisy companies, preferring secluded places to communicate with his closest friends.

The Dog man has no craving for luxury - material values ​​\u200b\u200bfor him are almost in last place. All his acquisitions are practical, and as for the wardrobe and home interior, he prefers minimalism. He gets rid of everything superfluous immediately, so there are no unnecessary things in his house.

For family life, this man needs a woman without high demands, who will have a husband and children in the first place, and not a beautiful life and expensive trinkets. At the same time, the Dog man is not greedy, and if he has money, he does not save it for a rainy day, but spends it with pleasure on gifts for loved ones.

In general, the characteristic of the male Dog is positive. He takes care of his family, and even if he decides to divorce his wife, he will never leave his children to their fate. First of all, he thinks not about how to get the most out of life, but about his continuation and what remains after him.

Dog Woman

The Dog woman is a pleasant and conducive person, but she herself is in no hurry to get close to people. She has many acquaintances who trust her, but she can count her truly close people on the fingers of one hand. She treats people with sympathy and never thinks badly of those with whom she spends time.

In her youth, a Dog woman may seem overly emotional. She is tolerant of the shortcomings of other people, but if she notices someone's love for gossip or a tendency to lie, she will not only stop communicating, but will also express everything that she thinks in person. Thus, in a matter of seconds, she can end a long-term established relationship in a matter of seconds, and not regret it a bit later.

Woman Dog is very sensitive and receptive to the opinions of others. It is important for her how she looks, how she speaks and behaves, what random passers-by or those who, as a person, are not interesting to her, think about her. She is prone to introspection, and if one of her loved ones is in a bad mood, she will certainly begin to look for the cause of his behavior in herself.

In family life, she is practical and responsible. The marriage union of the Dog woman promises to be long-lasting, even if she is not completely satisfied with her husband. She can compensate for the lack of emotions by flirting on the side, but she decides to cheat if she believes that she has nothing to lose. In any case, she takes care of her husband as a kindred person, and of course, she tries with all her might to ensure a worthy future for her children.