Statgrad vpr samples of verification work. VPR - All-Russian verification work

All-Russian test papers as a form of testing the knowledge of school students were first held in 2015 - then they were written by fourth-graders. These tests are aimed at the development of a single educational space in the country and the formation of uniform standards of education: the assessment criteria are also the same for the entire Russian Federation. Criteria are sent to each school, which are the same for the entire territory of the state, and in accordance with them, the work of schoolchildren is checked.

VPR is not an analogue of the Unified State Examination, since they were created for a completely different purpose. That is, the grade received by the student is not the final grade for the entire period of primary school and does not play a decisive role in the future fate and educational activities of the child.

On the transition of the student to the next class, the results are also do not affect. But if the student received 4 or 5, the teacher can focus on it as an indicator of knowledge and, in the case of a controversial assessment in the quarter / trimester, put the score higher.

Where is it carried out and verified?

VPR is carried out at school and checked here - unlike the Unified State Examination, the work is not taken away from the educational organization for verification. However, the results can be used to give a final grade for the subject, if such a decision is made by the school authorities. Works are checked on the same day - the school is obliged to transfer their results to a single federal collection form a maximum of one day after they are completed.

What can be used on VPR?

You are not allowed to use your phone during the exam, but you can carry one with you. The state does not provide a general standard on what writing instruments the work is written with, in contrast to the final certification works of the OGE and OGE, where only black pens can be used. But, since the all-Russian test work is carried out by the school, the decision on this issue is made by its leadership - they can say to write with a pen, or they can be allowed to use a pencil.

Nevertheless, there is still one general restriction: during the VPR it is forbidden to use dictionaries, textbooks, notebooks, reference materials. You can have drafts - entries made in them are not checked or evaluated.

How long does the VPR last and when is it carried out?

VLOOKUP are performed within one lesson - forty-five minutes. In fact, this is an ordinary test, the same as those that are always regularly held in schools. The only difference from traditional tests is that the tasks and the criteria for their verification are all-Russian. They can be held both in spring and autumn. If the child was sick and missed writing the work, then it is not necessary to write the work at another time.

Who makes up the WRP?

Variants of work are compiled by qualified specialists and reflect those aspects of the curriculum that are of the greatest importance for general education.

VLOOKUP is an Excel function that allows you to search in a specific column based on data in another column. The VLOOKUP function in Excel is also used to transfer data from one table to another. There are three conditions:

  1. The tables must be in the same Excel workbook.
  2. You can search only among static data (not formulas).
  3. The search term must be in the first column of the data being used.

VLOOKUP formula in Excel

The VLOOKUP syntax in Russified Excel looks like this:

VLOOKUP (search criterion; data range; result column number; search condition)

The arguments in parentheses are required to find the final result.

Search Criteria

The address of an Excel sheet cell that contains the data to be searched in the table.

Data range

All addresses to be searched. The first column should be the one in which the search criterion is located.

Column number for total

The number of the column where the value will be taken from when a match is found.

Search condition

Boolean value (true/1 or false/0) that indicates an approximate match (1) or exact match (0).

VLOOKUP in Excel: Function Examples

The principle of the function is simple. The first argument contains the search criteria. As soon as a match is found in the table (second argument), then information is taken from the desired column (third argument) of the found row and substituted into the cell with the formula.
A simple application of VLOOKUP is to look up values ​​in an Excel spreadsheet. It matters in large amounts of data.

Find the number of actually released products by the name of the month.
The result will be displayed to the right of the table. In the cell with the address H3, we will enter the desired value. In the example, the name of the month will be indicated here.
In cell H4, enter the function itself. This can be done manually, or you can use the wizard. To call, place the pointer on cell H4 and click the Fx icon next to the formula bar.

The Excel Function Wizard window opens. It is necessary to find VPR in it. Select "Full alphabetical list" from the drop-down list and start typing VLOOKUP. Highlight the found function and click OK.

The VLOOKUP window for the Excel spreadsheet appears.

To specify the first argument (criteria), place the cursor in the first line and click on cell H3. Her address will appear on the line. To select a range, place the cursor on the second line and start selecting with the mouse. The window will collapse to a line. This is done so that the window does not prevent you from seeing the entire range and does not prevent you from performing actions.

As soon as you finish the selection and release the left mouse button, the window will return to its normal state, and the address of the range will appear in the second line. It is calculated from the top left cell to the bottom right. Their addresses are separated by the ":" operator - all addresses between the first and last are taken.

Move the cursor to the third line and count from which column the data will be taken when a match is found. In our example, this is 3.

Leave the last line blank. By default, the value will be 1, let's see what value our function will output. Click OK.

The result is discouraging. "N/A" means invalid data for the function. We didn't provide a value in cell H3 and the function is looking for an empty value.

Enter the name of the month and the value will change.

Only it is not true, because the real actual number of products released in January is 2000.
This is the effect of the "Search Condition" argument. Let's change it to 0. To do this, put the pointer on the cell with the formula and press Fx again. In the window that opens, enter "0" in the last line.

Click OK. As you can see, the result has changed.

To check the second condition from the beginning of our article (the function does not search among formulas), we change the conditions for the function. Let's increase the range and try to display the value from the column with calculated values. Enter the values ​​as in the screenshot.

Click OK. As you can see, the search result turned out to be 0, although the value in the table is 85%.

VLOOKUP in Excel "understands" only fixed values.

Comparing data between two Excel tables

VLOOKUP in Excel can be used to compare the data of two tables. For example, let's say we have two worksheets with output data from two shops. We can match the actual release for both. Recall that to switch between sheets, their labels at the bottom of the window serve.

On two sheets we have the same tables with different data.

As you can see, their release plan is the same, but the actual one is different. Switching and comparing row by row, even for small amounts of data, is very inconvenient. On the third sheet, we will create a table with three columns.

In cell B2, enter the VLOOKUP function. As the first argument, we will specify the cell with the month on the current sheet, and select the range from the “Workshop1” sheet. To prevent the range from shifting when copying, press F4 after selecting the range. This will make the link absolute.

Expand the formula to the entire column.

Similarly, enter the formula in the next column, only select the range on the "Workshop2" sheet.

After copying, you will receive a summary report from two sheets.

Substituting data from one Excel spreadsheet to another

This action is performed in the same way. For our example, you can not create a separate table, but simply enter a function in a column of any of the tables. Let's use the first example. Set the pointer to the last column.

And in cell G3 put the VLOOKUP function. We again take the range from the adjacent sheet.

As a result, the column of the second table will be copied to the first one.

That's all the information about the inconspicuous but useful VLOOKUP function in Excel for dummies. We hope it will help you in solving problems.

Have a great day!

Working with a summary table involves pulling values ​​from other tables into it. If there are a lot of tables, manual transfer will take a huge amount of time, and if the data is constantly updated, then this will already be Sisyphean work. Luckily, there is a VLOOKUP function that offers the ability to automatically sample data. Let's look at specific examples of how this function works.

The name of the VLOOKUP function stands for "Vertical View Function". In English, its name sounds - VLOOKUP. This function searches for data in the left column of the range being studied, and then returns the resulting value to the specified cell. Simply put, VLOOKUP allows you to rearrange values ​​from a cell in one table to another table. Let's find out how to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel.


Let's take a look at how the VLOOKUP function works on a specific example.

We have two tables. The first of them is a table of purchases, which contains the names of food products. The next column after the name contains the value of the quantity of goods that you want to purchase. Next comes the price. And in the last column - the total cost of purchasing a specific item of goods, which is calculated according to the formula already entered in the cell for multiplying the quantity by the price. But we just have to tighten the price using the VLOOKUP function from the adjacent table, which is a price list.

As you can see, the price of potatoes has moved up to the table from the price list. In order not to do such a complicated procedure with other trade names, we simply stand in the lower right corner of the filled cell so that a cross appears. We draw this cross to the very bottom of the table.

Thus, we pulled all the necessary data from one table to another using the VLOOKUP function.

As you can see, the VLOOKUP function is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Understanding its application is not very difficult, but mastering this tool will save you a lot of time when working with tables.

Excel Editor is a very powerful spreadsheet program. Sometimes it happens that you have to work with a large amount of data. In such cases, various information retrieval tools are used. The VLOOKUP function in Excel is one of the most popular for this purpose. Let's consider it more carefully.

Most users are unaware that VLOOKUP stands for Vertical View. In English, the function is called "VLOOKUP", which means "Vertical LOOK UP"

How to use the function

In order to understand how this tool works, you need to follow the following steps.

  1. Create a table by which you can do some kind of information search.
  1. Let's add some fields that we will use to demonstrate the formulas.
  1. In the field "Required surname" we will enter one of the ones in the table to choose from.
  2. Then we move to the next cell and call the "Insert function" window.
  3. Select the category "Full alphabetical list".
  4. We find the function we need "VLOOKUP". To continue, click on the "OK" button.
  1. We will then be asked to provide "Function Arguments":
    • In the field "Search expression" we indicate a link to the cell in which we wrote the surname we need.
    • In order to fill in the "Table" field, it is enough just to select all our data with the mouse. The link will be inserted automatically.
    • In the column "Column number" we indicate the number 2, since in our case the name is in the second column.
    • The last field can take the values ​​"0" or "1" ("FALSE" and "TRUE"). If you specify "0", then the editor will search for an exact match according to the specified criteria. If "1" - then the search will not take into account full matches.
  2. To save, click on the "OK" button.
  1. As a result of this, we received the name "Tomar". That is, everything is correct.

Now you need to use the same formula for the rest of the fields. Simply copying a cell with Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V will not work, because we use relative references and the column number will change each time.

In order for everything to work correctly, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the cell with the first function.
  2. Go to the formula input line.
  3. Copy the text with Ctrl +C .
  1. Make the next field active.
  2. Go back to the formula input line.
  3. Press the hot keys Ctrl + V .

Only in this way the editor will not change the references in the function arguments.

  1. Then we change the column number to the desired one. In our case, this is 3. Press the Enter key.
  1. Thanks to this, we see that the data from the Year of Birth column was determined correctly.
  1. After that, we repeat the same steps for the last field, but with the adjustment of the number of the desired column.

The principle of this function is that Excel looks for a fragment in the area you specify and then can return any value from this line. You are only required to specify the ordinal number of the column in the specified range.

That is, the numbering does not start from the beginning of the sheet, but from the beginning of the specified area of ​​cells.

How to use the VLOOKUP function to compare data

We will demonstrate this possibility using two tables. Imagine that we have updated data on employees on the second sheet. Our task is to find out what exactly has changed. To do this, you will need to do the following.

  1. Let's add a second sheet with exactly the same table (copied using the hot keys Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V ).
  2. We will promote interns to "Junior employee". This information will be the starting point for comparison.
  1. Let's add one more column to our old table.
  1. Go to the first cell of the new column and enter the following formula there.

It means:

  • $B$3:$B$11 – all values ​​of the first column are used for the search (absolute references are used);
  • Sheet2! - these values ​​​​should be searched on a sheet with the specified name;
  • $B$3:$E$11 – table to search in (range of cells);
  • 4 – column number in the specified data area;
  • FALSE - look for exact matches.
  1. The new information will be displayed in the place where we specified the formula.
  2. The result will be the following.
  1. Now duplicate this formula in the rest of the cells. To do this, drag the mouse over the lower right corner of the original cell.
  1. As a result, we will see that the formula we wrote works correctly, since all new positions were copied as expected.

Now we can easily determine which employee's records have changed.

The only disadvantage of this function is that VLOOKUP cannot work with multiple conditions.

In such cases, you have to use various additional columns in which information from several columns is combined. And it looks ugly and not very convenient.

VLOOKUP function and drop-down lists

Consider examples of using these two tools at the same time. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the cell in which the last name is selected.
  2. Open the Data tab.
  3. Click on the specified tool and select "Data Validation".

When you need to find row-by-row data in a table or range, use the VLOOKUP function, one of the link and search functions. For example, you can find the price of a car part by its part number.

Advice: Check out these videos for more information on VLOOKUP!

The simplest VLOOKUP function means the following:

VLOOKUP(value to look up; range to look for value; column number in range with return value; exact or approximate match - specified as 0/FALSE or 1/TRUE).

Advice: The secret function of VLOOKUP is to order the data so that the lookup value (fruit) appears to the left of the return value (value) you want to find.

Use the VLOOKUP function to look up a value in a table.


VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table, column_number, [lookup])

For example:



Argument name



The value to lookup. The value you are looking for must be in the first column of the range of cells specified in table .

For example, if array table spans cells B2:D7, lookup_value must be in column B. See the figure below. Lookup_value can be a value or a cell reference.


Cell range to search lookup_value and return value using the VLOOKUP function.

The first column in the cell range must contain lookup_value (for example, last name, as shown in the figure below). The cell range must also contain the return value (for example, a name, as shown in the image below) to be found.


Column number (starting at 1 for leftmost column tables ) containing the return value.


Boolean value specifying which match the function should find VLOOKUP, - approximate or exact.

    Option TRUE assumes that the first column in the table is sorted alphabetically or numerically, and then searches for the nearest value. This is the default method unless otherwise specified.

    Option FALSE searches for the exact value in the first column.

Beginning of work

To build the syntax of the VLOOKUP function, you need the following information:

    The value you need to find, i.e. the value you are looking for.

    The range in which the value to look up lies. Remember that for the VLOOKUP function to work correctly, the value you are looking for must always be in the first column of the range. For example, if the value you are looking for is in cell C2, the range must start with C.

    The column number in the range containing the return value. For example, if you specify B2:D11 as the range, consider B as the first column, C as the second, and so on.

    Optionally, you can specify the word TRUE if you want an approximate match, or the word FALSE if you want an exact match on the return value. If you don't specify anything, the default is always TRUE, which is an approximate match.

Now combine all of the above arguments like this:

VLOOKUP(lookup value; range with lookup value; column number in the range with return value; optionally set to TRUE for an approximate match or FALSE for an exact match).


Here are some examples of the VLOOKUP function:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Common problems


Possible reason

Wrong return value

If the argument interval_view is TRUE or not specified, the first column must be sorted alphabetically or numerically. If the first column is not sorted, the return value may be unexpected. Sort the first column, or use FALSE for an exact match.

#N/A in cell

    If the argument interval_view is TRUE and the value of the argument lookup_value less than the smallest value in the first column tables , the #N/A error value will be returned.

    If the argument interval_view is FALSE, the #N/A error value means that the exact number could not be found.

For more information about fixing #N/A errors in VLOOKUP, see Fixing #N/A errors in VLOOKUP .

If the value " Column_number " is greater than the number of columns in table , you will get #REF! Otherwise, TE102825393 will give the error "#VALUE!".

#VALUE! in a cell

If a info_table less than 1, you get #VALUE! Otherwise, TE102825393 will give the error "#VALUE!".

Learn more about troubleshooting #VALUE! in the VLOOKUP function, see Fix #VALUE! in the VLOOKUP function.

#NAME? in a cell

Error value #NAME? most often appears if quotation marks are missing in the formula. When searching for an employee's name, make sure that the name in the formula is enclosed in quotation marks. For example, in the function =VLOOKUP("Ivanov",B2:E7;2;FALSE), the name must be specified in the format "Ivanov" and nothing else.



Using absolute references allows you to fill in a formula so that it always displays the same range of exact lookups.

Do not save numeric or date values ​​as text.

When searching for numeric or date values, make sure the data in the first column of the argument table are not text values. Otherwise, the VLOOKUP function may return an incorrect or unexpected value.

Sort the first column

If for the argument interval_view set to TRUE, before using the VLOOKUP function, sort the first column tables .

Use wildcards

If a interval_lookup false matters, and Lookup_value - text, you can use wildcards - question mark (_km_) and asterisk (*) - in Lookup_value . The question mark matches one character. An asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to search for a real question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the symbol.

For example, using the function =VLOOKUP("Fontan?",B2:E7,2,FALSE) you can search for all occurrences of the name Ivanov in various case forms.

Make sure the data does not contain erroneous characters.

When searching for text values ​​in the first column, make sure that the data in the first column does not contain leading or trailing spaces, invalid straight (" or ") or curly quotation marks (‘ or “), or non-printing characters. In these cases, the VLOOKUP function may return an unexpected value.

For accurate results, try using the functions