The theme of the motherland in the poetry of F. I

All his life, F.I. Tyutchev believed in the special destiny of Russia, in her great destiny. The fate of the poet himself was such that he spent his best years abroad. Tyutchev served for a long time in Munich, in the Russian diplomatic mission. Living in Germany, Fedor Ivanovich visited many European countries - Greece, Italy, France. However, his thought was always directed towards Russia, he was "Russian in heart and soul."

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,

Do not measure with a common yardstick:

She has a special become -

One can only believe in Russia.

The poet carried this faith throughout his life. “The true defender of Russia is history; for three centuries, she has tirelessly resolved in favor of Russia all the tests to which she subjects her mysterious fate, ”wrote Tyutchev in the article“ Russia and Germany ”.

Russia for the poet is “the land of his native long-suffering”, “sad places”, with a leaden sky and huge snowy plains. In the lyrics of Tyutchev, we meet many beautiful modest Russian landscapes. Here are “pale birches”, “light motherwort”, “gray-haired moss”. Everything is so pale, dull, deadly. It seems that tired nature is sleeping, "plunging into an iron dream." The native landscape gives rise to sadness in the soul of the poet:

Under a smoky canopy
Huge snow clouds
The distance turns blue - with its gloomy forest,
Shrouded in autumn mist...
Everything is bare and empty.
In the monotony of dumb ...
Spots just show through
Stagnant waters covered with the first ice.
("On the way back")

In his soul, memories of the lands where "rainbow mountains" and "azure lakes" are still alive. However, Russia for Tyutchev is not only sad places frozen in fatal silence. But it is also the Motherland, from which fate separated him as a young man and where he nevertheless returned many years later, a mature man, to fulfill his true destiny. Europe did not become native for the poet. West and East have always been opposed in Tyutchev's mind. The poet's paintings of modest Russian nature and "poor villages" are spiritual and beautiful, despite their unpretentiousness and discreet appearance. But this beauty is inaccessible to Western understanding:

They don't understand and they don't notice

The proud gaze of a foreigner,

What shines through and secretly shines

In your humble nakedness.
("These poor villages")

This land of the poet is a land blessed by the Lord. And it was in Russian patriarchy, in Orthodox traditions, in the very warehouse of the Russian soul that Tyutchev saw the guarantee of the salvation of Russia. The unconditional faith of the poet in the special path of Russia, in its special mission, sounds in the poem “No, my dwarf! unparalleled coward! .. ". The poem is addressed to the State Chancellor Karl Vasilyevich Nesselrode, who promoted anti-Russian sentiments in Russia. Russia, according to the poet, despite any trends of fashionable and progressive ideas, will not renounce its great destiny:

What is promised by fate

She was already in the cradle

What was bequeathed to her for centuries

And by the faith of all its kings...

Crown and scepter of Byzantium

You will not be able to deprive us!

The world fate of Russia -

Not! you can't force it.
(“No, my dwarf! an unparalleled coward ...”)

Russia, according to Tyutchev, has its own special path, far from Western revolutionary ideas, riots, uprisings and coups. The poet believed that the revolution is by nature alien to Russia. “Russia is first and foremost a Christian empire. The Russian people are Christian not only because of the Orthodoxy of their convictions, but also because of something more sincere than convictions. He is a Christian by virtue of that ability for self-denial and self-sacrifice, which constitutes, as it were, the basis of his moral nature. The revolution is, first of all, the enemy of Christianity,” Tyutchev wrote in the article “Russia and the Revolution.”

The poet perceived the revolutionary movement as an unrestrained natural element, imbued with a demonic, satanic principle. Russia, in Tyutchev's view, is a country of unshakable moral principles, a country of patriarchy and stability of the social order. Love for one's neighbor, kindness, justice, Christianity and mercy, courage and fortitude - these are the qualities that have long been inherent in the Russian people, which helped him to withstand all historical storms, during times of unrest and enemy invasions. This is the key to the greatness and vitality of Russia.

Waves of violent surf,

Continuous shaft marine

With a roar, a whistle, a squeal, a howl

Beats in the coastal cliff, -

But calm and haughty,

I'm not overwhelmed by the foolishness of the waves,

motionless, unchanging,

The universe is modern,

You stand, our giant!

So Tyutchev wrote in the poem "The Sea and the Cliff". The stormy sea waves here personify the Western revolutionary movement, while the rock is the inviolability of autocratic Russia.

It seems that the poet was mistaken in his prophecy, and at the same time, he predicted the future of Russia with extraordinary accuracy and truth. Having gone through riots, wars and revolutions, Russia still did not betray itself, returning to its origins and eternal values ​​- to Christianity and mercy, kindness.

All his life, F.I. Tyutchev believed in the special destiny of Russia, in her great destiny. The fate of the poet himself was such that he spent his best years abroad. Tyutchev served for a long time in Munich, in the Russian diplomatic mission. Living in Germany, Fedor Ivanovich visited many European countries - Greece, Italy, France. However, his thought was always directed towards Russia, he was "Russian in heart and soul."

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,

Do not measure with a common yardstick:

She has a special become -

One can only believe in Russia.

The poet carried this faith throughout his life. “The true defender of Russia is history; for three centuries, she has tirelessly resolved in favor of Russia all the tests to which she subjects her mysterious fate, ”wrote Tyutchev in the article“ Russia and Germany ”.

Russia for the poet is “the land of his native long-suffering”, “sad places”, with a leaden sky and huge snowy plains. In the lyrics of Tyutchev, we meet many beautiful modest Russian landscapes. Here are “pale birches”, “light motherwort”, “gray-haired moss”. Everything is so pale, dull, deadly. It seems that tired nature is sleeping, "plunging into an iron dream." The native landscape gives rise to sadness in the soul of the poet:

Under a smoky canopy
Huge snow clouds
The distance turns blue - with its gloomy forest,
Shrouded in autumn mist...
Everything is bare and empty.
In the monotony of dumb ...
Spots just show through
Stagnant waters covered with the first ice.
("On the way back")

In his soul, memories of the lands where "rainbow mountains" and "azure lakes" are still alive. However, Russia for Tyutchev is not only sad places frozen in fatal silence. But it is also the Motherland, from which fate separated him as a young man and where he nevertheless returned many years later, a mature man, to fulfill his true destiny. Europe did not become native for the poet. West and East have always been opposed in Tyutchev's mind. The poet's paintings of modest Russian nature and "poor villages" are spiritual and beautiful, despite their unpretentiousness and discreet appearance. But this beauty is inaccessible to Western understanding:

They don't understand and they don't notice

The proud gaze of a foreigner,

What shines through and secretly shines

In your humble nakedness.
("These poor villages")

This land of the poet is a land blessed by the Lord. And it was in Russian patriarchy, in Orthodox traditions, in the very warehouse of the Russian soul that Tyutchev saw the guarantee of the salvation of Russia. The unconditional faith of the poet in the special path of Russia, in its special mission, sounds in the poem “No, my dwarf! unparalleled coward! .. ". The poem is addressed to the State Chancellor Karl Vasilyevich Nesselrode, who promoted anti-Russian sentiments in Russia. Russia, according to the poet, despite any trends of fashionable and progressive ideas, will not renounce its great destiny:

What is promised by fate

She was already in the cradle

What was bequeathed to her for centuries

And by the faith of all its kings...

Crown and scepter of Byzantium

You will not be able to deprive us!

The world fate of Russia -

Not! you can't force it.
(“No, my dwarf! an unparalleled coward ...”)

Russia, according to Tyutchev, has its own special path, far from Western revolutionary ideas, riots, uprisings and coups. The poet believed that the revolution is by nature alien to Russia. “Russia is first and foremost a Christian empire. The Russian people are Christian not only because of the Orthodoxy of their convictions, but also because of something more sincere than convictions. He is a Christian by virtue of that ability for self-denial and self-sacrifice, which constitutes, as it were, the basis of his moral nature. The revolution is, first of all, the enemy of Christianity,” Tyutchev wrote in the article “Russia and the Revolution.”

The poet perceived the revolutionary movement as an unrestrained natural element, imbued with a demonic, satanic principle. Russia, in Tyutchev's view, is a country of unshakable moral principles, a country of patriarchy and stability of the social order. Love for one's neighbor, kindness, justice, Christianity and mercy, courage and fortitude - these are the qualities that have long been inherent in the Russian people, which helped him to withstand all historical storms, during times of unrest and enemy invasions. This is the key to the greatness and vitality of Russia.

Waves of violent surf,

Continuous shaft marine

With a roar, a whistle, a squeal, a howl

Beats in the coastal cliff, -

But calm and haughty,

I'm not overwhelmed by the foolishness of the waves,

motionless, unchanging,

The universe is modern,

You stand, our giant!

So Tyutchev wrote in the poem "The Sea and the Cliff". The stormy sea waves here personify the Western revolutionary movement, while the rock is the inviolability of autocratic Russia.

It seems that the poet was mistaken in his prophecy, and at the same time, he predicted the future of Russia with extraordinary accuracy and truth. Having gone through riots, wars and revolutions, Russia still did not betray itself, returning to its origins and eternal values ​​- to Christianity and mercy, kindness.

Project work on literature on the topic: "Comparison of nature in the works of Tyutchev and Fet"

Prepared by a student of 10 "B" class

Novokharitonovsk school №10

Popikhina Anastasia.

Head: Kozulitsyna Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Goals and objectives of the project:

  • Highlight the existing features of the poetics of Tyutchev and Fet.
  • Determine the originality of the poetics of the authors.
  • Develop the ability to analyze.
  • Cultivate the aesthetic taste of the reader.


The nineteenth century has generously endowed us with spiritual treasures. Among the remarkable poets and authors of this “golden age”, a worthy place belongs to A.A. Fet and F.I. Tyutchev.

Over the years of a long literary life, Tyutchev became the largest representative of Russian philosophical lyrics. Everything he experienced and rethought was embodied in his poems.

Fet's remarkable artistic talent was the essence of his essence, the soul of his soul. Already from childhood, he was "greedy for poetry", experienced incomparable pleasure, reading Pushkin.

A little biography...

Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich (1803-1873).

Born and spent his childhood on his father's estate in the Oryol province. At the age of 15 he entered Moscow University, at the age of 17 he graduated from it and went to serve abroad. In 1836, Pushkin got a notebook with poems by an unknown poet, signed "F.T." Pushkin liked the poems very much and he published them in Sovremennik. Later, Nekrasovsky's contemporary published a selection of Tyutchev's poems and his name immediately became famous.

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich (1820-1892) .

Born in the village of Novoselki, Mtsensk district, Oryol province. 14 years after his birth, an unpleasant event occurred: an error was discovered in the birth record, which deprived him of his noble title. In 1837, Fet graduated from the private boarding school of Krimmer in the city of Verro (Estonia). The first poems were written by him in his youth. Fet's poetry is published for the first time in the collection "Lyrical Pantheon", after which they were published regularly. All his life, Fet tried to regain his title, and he succeeded only in 1873.


  • Signs of the poetics of Tyutchev and Fet.
  • The originality of the poetics of Afanasy Afanasyevich and Fyodor Ivanovich.
  • Poems of the Great Lyricists.
  • Conclusion

Tyutchev and Fet entered literature as poets of "pure art", expressing in their work a romantic understanding of the spiritual life of man and nature.

For further consideration of the features of the poetics of the two greatest poets, we need to introduce the concept of a lyrical hero.

Lyrical hero - this is the image of that hero in a lyrical work, whose experiences, thoughts and feelings are reflected in it.

“... The holy night ascended into the sky,

And a pleasant day, a kind day,

Like a golden veil, she twisted,

A veil thrown over the abyss.

And, like a vision, the outside world is gone...

And a man, like a homeless orphan,

It stands now and is weak and naked,

Face to face before the dark abyss…”

F.I. Tyutchev

“... The earth, like a vague dumb dream,

Passed away without knowing

And I, as the first inhabitant of paradise,

One in the face saw the night.

I rushed to the midnight abyss,

Or did the stars rush towards me?

It seemed as if in a powerful hand

Over this abyss I hung ... "

A.A. Fet

The originality of the poetics of F.I. Tyutchev

Tyutchev is a poet-philosopher. In his poems, he seeks to understand nature, including it in a system of philosophical views, turning it into a part of his inner world. Tyutchev does not have a "dead nature" - it is always full of continuous and eternal movement. The organic world of Fyodor Ivanovich is always many-sided and varied. It is presented in constant dynamics, in transitional states: from winter to spring, from day to night:

"Shadows of gray mixed,

The color faded, the sound fell asleep -

Life, movements resolved

In the unsteady dusk, in the distant rumble ... "

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a singer of the elements, that is, the stable components of nature. The peculiarity of Tyutchev's nature is that not specific persons live and act in it, but superpersonal forces and patterns. The “lightness” of autumn evenings and the “melodiousness” of sea waves, the “fiery azure” of the sky and the “prophetic slumber of the forest are pure manifestations of nature, isolated from a specific landscape and presented not only to the gaze, but also to thoughts.

"The hot ball of the sun is already

The earth rolled off its head,

And a peaceful evening fire

The sea wave swallowed.

The bright stars have risen

And gravitating over us

Heavenly vault lifted

With their wet heads.

The airy river is fuller

Flowing between heaven and earth

The chest breathes easier and more freely,

Freed from the heat.

And sweet thrill, like a jet,

Nature ran through the veins,

How hot her legs

Key waters touched.

F.I. Tyutchev "Summer Evening"

The originality of the poetics of A.A. Feta

Unlike Tyutchev, Fet does not seek to "rise" above nature, to analyze it from the standpoint of reason. He needs to capture the moment. Fet's nature is unusually humanized, it seems to dissolve in the feeling of the lyricist. The lyrical hero feels himself an organic part of it. Chaos, abyss, orphanhood are unknown to him. On the contrary, the beauty of nature infuses the soul with a sense of the fullness and joy of being.

The robins are ringing in the bushes

And from the whitened apple trees of the garden

A sweet fragrance wafts.

Flowers look with longing in love,

As pure as spring,

Dropping with fragrant dust

Fruit ruddy seeds.

Sister of flowers, friend of roses,

Look into my eyes,

Navei life-giving dreams

And sing a song in your heart.

A.A. Fet "Flowers"

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time

Clear air, crystal day,

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space everywhere -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow ...

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms

And pure and warm azure pours

On the resting field…

F.I. Tyutchev

He showered the forest on his peaks,

The garden bared its brow

September died, dahlias

The breath of the night burned.

But in a breath of frost

Alone among the dead

Only you alone, queen rose,

Fragrant and opulent.

In spite of cruel trials

And the malice of the fading day

You are the shape and breath

In the spring you blow on me.

A.A. Fet

The earth still looks sad

And the air is already breathing in spring,

And the dead stem in the field sways,

And the oil branches move.

Nature has not woken up yet

On through thinning sleep

She heard spring

And she involuntarily smiled ...

F.I. Tyutchev

The summer evening is quiet and clear;

See how the willows doze;

The west of the sky is pale red,

And the rivers shine meanders.

From peaks to peaks,

The wind is creeping up the forest heights.

Do you hear the neighing through the valleys?

That herd rushes at a trot.

A.A. Fet


So, we examined the image of nature in the works of such two Russian poets as F.I. Tyutchev and A.A. Fet. Both poets made nature one of the central themes in their work. Often, with the help of pictures of nature, these poets convey the state of the human soul. However, for Tyutchev, the attitude to nature from the position of reason is more characteristic, and for Fet, from the position of feeling. But it is indisputable that both poets are the greatest masters of landscape lyrics, and their work became decisive for many literary movements of the Russian Silver Age.

Like any Russian poet, Fyodor Tyutchev could not be only a lyric poet. All his poetry is imbued with a deep, mystical feeling for the homeland. Recognizing the existence of a living soul in nature, he saw it in a similar way in Russia. Moreover, he considered Russia to be by nature a Christian kingdom. According to him, it is called upon to renew humanity internally and externally.

For Tyutchev, Russia was not so much an object of love as of faith - "one can only believe in Russia." His personal feelings for his homeland were complex and multicolored. There was alienation in them, and on the other hand, reverence for the religious character of the people.

All of you, dear land,

In the form of a slave, the King of heaven

Went out blessing.

Tyutchev, finally, had momentary fascinations with the most ordinary chauvinism.

Tyutchev did not love Russia with the love that Lermontov called for some reason "strange." He experienced very complex feelings towards Russian nature. "Fatal North" was for him. "an ugly dream", he directly called his native places "unlovable".

So I saw you again

Places are not nice, albeit native

Oh! No, not here, not this deserted land

Was for my soul a native land.

This means that his faith in Russia was not based on a genetic feeling, but was a matter of consciously developed conviction. He gave the first highly poetic expression of this belief in the beautiful poem "To the Capture of Warsaw". In its struggle with the fraternal people, Russia was guided not by brutal instincts, but only by the need to "observe the integrity of the power" in order to

Slavs native generations

Gather under the Russian banner

And the message of enlightenment

Unanimous army.

This belief in the lofty vocation of Russia elevates the poet himself above the petty and vicious feelings of national rivalry and the brutal triumph of the victors.

Later, Tyutchev's faith in Russia was expressed in more specific prophecies. Their essence is that Russia will become a world Christian power: "And it will never pass away // As the Spirit foresaw and Daniel foretold." However, this power will not be like an animal kingdom. Its unity will not be maintained by violence.

“Unity,” proclaimed the oracle of our days, “

Perhaps soldered with iron and blood only ... "

But we will try to solder it with love, -

And then we will see that it is stronger ...

The great vocation of Russia, according to Tyutchev, instructs her to adhere to unity based on spiritual principles:

Above this dark crowd

unawakened people

Will you rise when, freedom,

Will your golden beam shine?

Corruption of souls and emptiness.

What gnaws the mind and the heart aches ...

Who will heal and protect them?

You, pure robe of Christ...

If we accept the poet’s point of view that Russia is the soul of mankind, then, as in any soul, the bright spiritual principle has against itself a dark chaotic energy that has not yet been defeated, has not yet submitted to higher forces, which is still fighting for predominance and leads to death. and death. Her life has not yet been finally determined, she is still moving, bifurcating, carried away in different directions by opposing forces. Will the light of truth be embodied in it, has it soldered the unity of all parts with love? The poet himself admits that she is not yet covered with the robe of Christ.

This means that the fate of Russia depends on the outcome of the internal moral struggle of light and dark beginnings in itself. The condition for the fulfillment of her cosmic mission is the inner good over evil. And then everything else will follow her.

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In his poems, invariably perfect stylistically, the desire to comprehend space and time is often manifested. Motherland also occupies an important place in his work. Thus, the collection of 1850 opens with the poem "I am Russian", which describes the harsh but beautiful nature of the North:

I am Russian, I love the silence of the filthy distance,

Under the canopy of snow, like a monotonous death,

Forests under hats or in gray hoarfrost

Yes, the river is sonorous under dark blue ice.

The poem "Whisper, timid breath ..." is curious. There are absolutely no verbs in it, it is written only in nominal sentences, but it paints a complete picture:

Whisper, timid breath,

trill nightingale,

Silver and Blaze

Sleepy stream.

Poems about nature, about Russia in Fet reach a special refinement, they are elegant and musical. Gracefully musical.

Rye ripens over a hot field,

And from the field to the field

Whimsical wind blows

Golden overflows.

The poet literally feels what phonetic, rhythmic devices should be used in a particular topic.

The garden is in bloom

Evening on fire

So refreshingly joyful to me!

Here I stand

Here I go.

Like a mysterious speech I'm waiting for.

Syntactic parallelisms, alternation of long lines - the form serves the content impeccably. With a few lines, he is able to create a multifaceted picture with a transition to an incomprehensible future.

The good nanny guesses

Bowing his head sadly

The candle burns quietly.

My heart is beating...

Fet's poems were often used by composers. It would be strange if it were otherwise - his poetry is permeated through and through with musical rods. As soon as the poet wants to, and the corresponding melody sounds in them: the rustle of branches and the murmur of a stream, a night lake reflecting

the moon, the fluffy willow, the flight of birds...

Do you hear the noise of the angular herd above?

With a cry they fly through the dock to the warm fields,

The yellow ones are making noise, strength is whistling in the birch forest,

You say that again we will wait for a warm spring ...

Fet believed that the purpose of the poet is "to embody the unembodied." He understood that the poet sees what is inaccessible to an ordinary person, sees in a way that an ordinary person cannot without a hint. Where the first sees grass, the poet contemplates diamonds. Only a poet is able to embody in words spring, autumn, wind, sunset, hope, faith, love. Or see the soul in the violin...

I'm waiting... nightingale echo

Rushing from the shining river

Grass under the moon in diamonds,

Fireflies are burning on the cumin...

The willow is all fluffy

Spread around;

Spring is fragrant again

She blew her wings...

In the distance, a lonely light

Trembles under the dusk of sticky trees;

Filled with cruel secrets

The soul of dying violins...

Oddly enough, but most people know romances to the words of Afanasy Fet, but do not know the author of the words. Drink: “At dawn, don’t wake her up, at dawn she sleeps so sweetly ...” - and anyone will continue: “... The morning breathes on her chest, brightly puffs on the pits of her cheeks.”

It is not at all necessary that everyone admires the image of the morning breathing on the girl’s chest. It is not at all required that everyone knows why the poet used the anaphora "at dawn". And perhaps it is not so important that, knowing Fet's poems, not everyone knows that they are Fet. "Double being" always confused the poet, but he dreamed of the opportunity to "intensify the fight of fearless hearts." And he succeeded.

Give life a breath.

Give sweetness to secret torments,

Someone else instantly feel your own.

Whisper about what the tongue goes numb to,

Strengthen the fight of fearless hearts

That's what the singer only the chosen one owns,

That is his sign and crown!