Theme of the lesson: "E. Baratynsky

GBOU secondary school No. 314 of the Frunzensky district
Teacher Yakovleva I.A.

Reading lesson in 4th grade

Subject: A.N. Pleshcheev. Children and bird

- to introduce students to the work of A.N. Pleshcheeva, to achieve an understanding of the meaning
- develop the ability to express their feelings in relation to what they read, to see
the mood of a lyrical work;
- to develop the skills of expressive reading, the creative abilities of children;
- help to remember the definition and find figurative language means in the text
epithets, personifications;
- to develop skills of verbal drawing.
- correction of speech, visual and auditory attention;
- development and enrichment of vocabulary;
- develop memory, speech, imagination and imaginative thinking;
- to develop the creative imagination of students;
- cultivate artistic taste, instill a love of poetry;
- foster respect for nature.

Equipment: a portrait of the poet, a modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, books, textbook, application Autumn, tape recording P.I. Tchaikovsky Seasons, handouts.



We have guests.

Let's say hello to them.

1. Creating the emotional mood of the lesson.
- State your names. (Children say their names aloud)

I will ask the one whose name contains the syllable KI, I, VA, TYA, VE, YES, I to sit down.

Well done!

What can you say about today's weather?

- Despite the autumn weather, our mood should always be good, then the day will be successful.

Smile to each other and give your smiles to our guests.

- In the lesson we will monitor our speech.
- Let's repeat the rules of speech (written on the stand).

1. Pronounce all sounds clearly.
2. Speak expressively, slowly.
3. Do not break words.
4. Before starting to speak, take a breath and speak evenly exhaling.

3. Setting individual goals for the lesson:
Nikita, Veronica, follow the pronunciation of sounds
Igor, Ilya, watch your breathing.


Today we will work on improving the reading technique, get acquainted with the work of the poet, read his poems and analyze them.

What season do we see?

Name the autumn months.

What month is it?

Which one of you loves autumn and why?

What mood does autumn bring to you?

What folk signs about autumn do you know?
1. Autumn is the time for fruit ripening and harvesting.

2. In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color and fall. This phenomenon is called leaf fall.

3. The grass turns yellow, the flowers wither.

4. Migratory birds (swallows, swans, ducks, geese, starlings, rooks, etc.) gather in flocks and fly south.

5. Animals prepare for winter in autumn: they make stocks (squirrels, chipmunks), look for
a place for hibernation (bears, hedgehogs), shedding coats
(hares, wolves, foxes).

6. The days are getting shorter, it often rains.
- Look carefully at the photos.

- What colors prevail on them?

What mood do they create?

Label the landscapes in these photographs.

Is it possible to make captions for photographs by choosing phrases from folk signs?


First, let's do gymnastics for the eyes.
- Draw a cloud on the classroom ceiling with your eyes and trace the path of the snowflake to the ground.

Let's do a speech exercise. Buzzing reading.

Read the poem by Vladislav Bahrevsky slowly, and then as a tongue twister.

The lapwing has miracles:
Whose forests? Whose fox?
Whose are you?
Whose are you?
with foxes
Happy spring
With forests?
With lapwings
With miracles?

(After self-preparation, students read individually, if desired).



Riddle in proverbs.

Read the proverbs and guess what or who they are talking about.

Each of her flaunts with her pen.
Wherever she flies, she knows her nest.

Restore the proverbs and explain their meaning.

Guys, we continue to work in the Poetry Notebook section.

- Today at the lesson we will again go to the wonderful world of poetry, where you will definitely discover a new, interesting page for yourself.

The task that you complete will help you find out the name of the poet whose work we will get acquainted with today.

Take strips of paper and cross out only the same syllables.

What last name did you read?
- Pleshcheev.

Well done boys! Today we will get acquainted with creativity
Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev (showing a portrait).

Boring picture!
Clouds without end.
The rain is pouring down.
Puddles on the porch.

We least of all think about who wrote these lines and whether they belong to anyone at all - they have become our property, we already think in them. Happy is the fate of the poet whose poems pass from generation to generation! His name is immortal.
- Who is he who gave us unfading lines imbued with love for Russia, for its people, for native Russian nature and faith in the bright future of his Fatherland?

Danya will tell us the biography of the poet.
Prepared student talks about life and work
A.N. Pleshcheev.

Well done!
- I'll add a little to Dani's words.
- Pleshcheev began writing poetry and publishing as a student. In the middle of the 19th century published his first book of poetry.

It contained a poem Forward.
Forward without fear and doubt
On a valiant feat, friends!
Dawn of holy redemption
I have already seen in the sky.
Be brave! Let's give each other hands
And let's move forward together
And let under the banner of science
Our Union is growing and growing.

This poem was regarded by Pleshcheev's contemporaries as a call for a revolutionary struggle against serfdom.
- The poet was arrested for participating in a secret political circle and imprisoned in
Peter and Paul Fortress. He was threatened with hard labor. However, the court ruled to deprive all the rights of the state and exile to Siberia.
For more than 9 years Pleshcheev served in Uralsk. Only 10 years later, the poet received permission to live in the capital and was taken under strict police supervision.
- Returning to Moscow, the poet devotes himself entirely to literary work. He writes poems, poems, novels. He was known as a translator and critic.

Guys, what poems by A.N. Pleshcheev have we already read before?
The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring breeze through the window
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.
Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows.
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.
Autumn has come
The grass is green
The sun is shining.
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.

What are these verses about? (About the beauty of Russian nature, about love for it).

You see a book (exhibition). Here are the poems of the author.
You can watch them after class.

Let's turn our eyes, look for it


Think and answer the questions written on the board.

1. What impression did this poem make on you?

Students read the questions and answer them.

Guys, what is unusual about this work?
- Written in the form of a dialogue.

Name the interlocutors.
- Children and a bird.

- Before you read the poem yourself, find out the meaning of incomprehensible words.

Children learn the meaning of words with the help of a dictionary.
Get away from anyone
Severe cold, frost
spring spring
Let's rush to follow very quickly, swiftly one after another

Independent reading of the poem. (P.I. music turns on)

What did you feel while reading the poem?

Can we judge the character of the author from this poem?

At what time of the year does the conversation between children and birds take place?

In autumn.

What do the children ask for a bird?
- Do not fly away from them.

Why do they ask the bird not to fly away?
- It's a pity for the sonorous songs.
- What does she answer them?

They drive her cold, rains, no food, no insects.

What question do the children ask the bird?
- Soon, bird, will you return to us?

How did she explain to them the time of her arrival back?
- The snow will come down from the fields, the stream will murmur.

What time of year will it be?

- Spring.

Guys, so that we vividly imagine autumn, images of birds, children, what techniques did the poet use? (personification, epithets)

On the board definition of terms - PERSONALIZATION

Find in the text the words that the author chooses to convey his attitude towards the little crumb.
- Bird, song - diminutive suffixes to show that this is a tiny creature.


Determine what is important to convey to the audience when reading a poem in order to show your attitude to a small bird?

With a sad mood, with pain and sadness.

So the pace is fast. Read the first part.

The children are doing the task.

Does the mood change in the second part of the poem?
With what feeling will you read it?

The second part is excited, with a feeling of slight sadness.

The pace is slow and slow.

Read the second part.

The children are doing the task.

1. Let's put logical stresses and pauses in the poem.
(the text of the poem is printed on a separate sheet for each student)

Underline important words with a pencil.

Let's set the pauses that must be observed when reading a poem. Let's use the notation shown on the board:

The work is done with the teacher.

| small pause
/ big pause
// very long pause
! -

Read it to please the poet.

2. Expressive reading of the poem by children.

What was the mood at the beginning of the poem?
- What was it like at the end? (slightly sad because the bird promised to return).

3. Reading a poem by roles.

If there was a task - to draw a picture.

What can be depicted?

What colors will help to represent it?

How do you imagine children? Where do they live? How are you dressed?

Describe what kind of bird you are?

Describe how you imagine a conversation between children and birds? (place, time).

According to your stories, we have a small corner of the forest where this meeting could take place. There is a tree in this corner, but the bird that we talked about today is missing. We made the application of Falling Leaves. Attach your birds to the tree, which you prepared in the labor lesson.

(Children come to the stand and attach birds to their work).

Learned, discovered

Today at the lesson I: I learned, I was able

Praise yourself and your classmates for

Activation of the reading interest of students.

If you are interested in learning about the life of the poet, about his works, please get acquainted with them in the library, read them, then tell us in the next lesson.

- Guys, in our textbook for the poem by A.N. Pleshcheev there is no illustration.

Let's make this poem in the form of a homemade book.

On the second page, make an illustration for the poem. This will be your homework.

And those guys who liked the poems of A. Pleshcheev will write another poem in the book.

Thank you for the lesson.

Can it be attributed to tongue twisters? Write what you need tongue twisters for. The lapwing has miracles: Whose forests? Whose fox? Whose are you? Whose are you? With foxes, with spring, with forests? With lapwings, With miracles?


Can. Tongue twisters are needed for the development of speech. For the development of speed and correctness of speech.

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Topic: “Ivan Savvich Nikitin. In the blue sky float over the fields ... "
Goals:- introduce the work of I. S. Nikitin, develop expressive reading skills, find the main idea;

Develop memory, attention;

Cultivate an interest in reading.


  1. Organizational moment (the emphasis is everywhere) (15 min)
Speech warm-up: D: Lapwing has miracles

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you? Whose are you?

With foxes, with spring?

With forests? With lapwings?

With miracles? (V. Bahrevsky)

The meaning of the word Chibis.

Expressive reading by 1 student

Find words that differ in a letter by one letter.

Why are they different?

Pick up words with the same root for the word MIRACLES. (miracle, miraculous)

What is the rule in the word WONDERFUL. (unpronounceable consonant)

Reading on your own, like a patter.

Reading tongue twister, with intonation - 1 person each.

Choir reading.

  1. Checking d / s (10 min)
Where can miracles be found?

What section are we studying?

What did the poets write on these pages? What are they about?

What was asked?

The teacher reads the proverb, and the children determine what it is about.


Who is it? (bird)

The meaning of the proverb? Let's remember the proverb. (repeat 2 times out loud)

Who are the main characters of the work that was read at home? (children, bird)

Role reading.

Questions for those who read by roles:

  • What season? Prove it.

  • What feelings does the poet express? Prove it.

  • What season is at the end of the poem?

  • What is the main idea in the poem?

  • When will the bird return?
Children rate

Reading by heart. (who learned)

  1. Fizminutka.

  2. Lesson topic.

IVAN SAVVICH NIKITIN (October 3, 1824 - 1869)

"In the blue sky they float over the fields ..."


If there is no title of the work, how do we read it?

Let's listen to the writer's biography, answer the question: WHAT DID THE AUTHOR DESCRIBED IN HIS WORK?

Biography of the writer (student tells)

Reading a poem (on your own)

What is he comparing the field to? (with temple)

  1. Vocabulary work.

between dreams of delight

Golden edges of the clouds. Golden glow of the stars.


  1. Work on the work.
- chain reading.

What is he comparing the field to?

  1. The game "Name the name, patronymic of the author"
Fet - .... (Afonasy Afonasievich)

Baratynsky - ... (Evgeny Abramovich)

Tyutchev - ... (Fyodor Ivanovich)

Pleshcheev - ... (Alexey Nikolaevich)

  1. Summary of the lesson.

WMC L. F. Klimanova

Goals: introduce students to the Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"; improve reading skills; develop speech, attention; to teach to find the main idea in the work, as well as the words that carry the main content and meaning of the work; develop a desire to care for others.

Planned results: students should be able to distinguish between genres of oral folk art; characterize the heroes of the fairy tale; correlate the proverb and the fairy text; determine the sequence of events, draw up a plan, find words.

Equipment: cards (text for speech warm-up, crossword puzzle, proverb words).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

Reading the poem by Yu. Moritz "The Tale Goes Through the Forest ..." by heart.

III. Speech warm-up

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

V. Bakhrevsky

IV. Setting lesson goals

- We continue to study the section "Oral folk art", today we will get acquainted with a fairy tale. Read her title. Who is its author? (She is folk.)

- Look at the illustrations for the story. Who do you think its heroes are?

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

(Reading a fairy tale by a teacher and well-read students.)

What feelings did you experience while reading the story?

- What happened to the rooster? Why?

Who helped the hen save the rooster? (Mistress, cow, owner, forge.)

VI. Physical education minute

That's the apple!

That's the apple!

It is full of sweet juice.

Stretch out your hand

Pluck the apple.

The wind began to swing a branch,

And it's hard to get an apple.

I'll jump, I'll stretch out my hand

And quickly pick an apple!

That's the apple!

That's the apple!

VII. Consolidation of the studied

1. Highlighting parts of a fairy tale

How many parts can the story be divided into? (For six.)

Find and read the first part. What is the main thing in it? (The cockerel choked on a bean seed.)

2. Fairy tale crossword

(After the answers are entered, you need to guess which letters are missing in the keyword and insert them.)

1. The first person the chicken turned to for help. (Mistress.)

2. The fact that it was necessary to lubricate the cockerel. (Neck.)

3. The one who was supposed to bring fresh grass for the cow. (Master.)

4. She is motley, eats green, gives white. (Cow.)

5. Master, engaged in manual processing of metal. (Blacksmith.) 6- The item that the blacksmith gave to the owner. (Scythe.)

- Name the key word that occurs in the title of the fairy tale. (A grain.)

3. Vocabulary work

Collect the proverb. Can it be related to the content of the story? Prove it.

(Answer. For a friend, seven miles is not a detour.) A verst is 1. An old Russian measure of length, equal to 1.06 km. 2. A road pole painted in black and white stripes marking this measure (obsolete).

Hook - 1. A thick rod, a point with a curved end. 2. Detail in machines for hanging, clinging. 3. Extra distance on the way (colloquial).

VIII. Reflection

- Draw a smiley face in your notebook that reflects your attitude to the lesson material.

IX. Summing up the lesson

What fairy tale did you meet?

What does this tale teach?

Have you ever been in a situation where you helped someone?


Prepare a retelling of the tale "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk".

1. Primary perception of the poem "Spring, spring!..."

Sit right, we will now listen to the audio recording of the poem. (accompanied by presentation)

2. Secondary perception of the poem. (Reading to yourself)

Now read the poem on your own (p. 143). Mark any words you don't understand.

3. Vocabulary work. (Work in pairs.)

On your desk are leaflets with words and their meanings. You need to establish a correspondence between words and meanings.

Azure - blue, blue color.

Triumphant - victorious.

The trees are bare - bare trees.

Old - old.

Fragrant - fragrant, with a pleasant smell.

Soared - quickly took off, rose.

Invisible - invisible.

Congratulatory - welcome.

A hymn is a song of praise.

Yasen - pure, transparent.

A ridge is the crest of a wave.

Let's listen to three couples, how they coped with the task.

Now let's check ourselves on the slide.


4. Work on content.

(The poem is read by a well-read student.)

What feelings overwhelm the poet? Why? (A feeling of triumph, renewal, purity, novelty, because nature wakes up and everything changes.)

What is the main idea of ​​the piece?

The author tries with unique tenderness and trepidation to convey all the beauty, all the unusualness of this moment - this is the main idea of ​​​​the work. Here everything is alive, everything breathes and sings. Every blade of grass and leaf here come to life, rejoice at the arrival of spring: “Clouds are flying!”, “Streams are rustling! Streams are shining! To understand the moods and feelings of the poet is quite simple, you just have to read it.

5. Expressive reading of the poem.

Group work.

Each member of the group should read the poem expressively. You choose one participant who will come to the board and read the poem expressively. (One member of the group comes to the board with a textbook and reads a poem expressively.)

Let's listen to a few people and determine which expressive reading turned out better?