Test for determining emotional stability. Test: Your emotional stability

The proposed test questionnaire is suitable for both young people and mature men. Without claiming to be strict scientific reliability, it nevertheless very accurately and clearly gives an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byour self-confidence, self-esteem and the ability to "turn mountains" if necessary.

In general, it will help you get to know yourself better, your strengths, and where, in what place you can pump up your "psychological strength". And as you know, as we think, so we act, if there is inner determination and readiness, then everything is on the shoulder.

The test consists of ten questions that must be answered "yes" or "no". Testing time - 5-10 minutes.


Read each question-statement and determine which answer option is more suitable for you ("yes" or "no"). If you're not quite sure, pick the first thing that comes to mind. Don't waste too much time on each statement, read carefully and respond quickly.


1. Most of the time, I prefer to hide my true feelings from other people.

2. If I am sure of something, then I do it without needing anyone's advice.

3. Having to defend my point of view makes me tired.

4. I am honest with my loved ones, even when I know that they will not like my words too much.

5. Most of my success is the result of a game of chance or friendly help.

6. I trust my own impressions, even if they don't match the opinions of others.

7. I refuse a risky event if others begin to actively dissuade me.

8. I think that I am no worse than others.

9. I hate delving into my own feelings and thoughts.

10. I have done a lot of good for other people.

Key to the test

One point is awarded for "yes" answers in questions No. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and for "no" answers in questions No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. The points received are summed up.


8 points or more

Your psychological stability is very high.

5 - 7 points

Your psychological stability is above average, so you are able to express your own opinion, even if it differs from the generally accepted one. You believe in action, not waiting, in willpower, not consensus.

3 - 4 points

Your mental toughness is average or slightly below average. You are too critical of yourself and because of this you ignore your achievements or even forget about them, but remember your failures well. It undermines your faith in yourself. Lack of self-confidence explains why you rarely spend much time thinking about yourself - you are afraid that various troubles will pop up in your memory.

0 - 2 points

Your psychological stability is much lower than average, so you are dependent on the opinions of other people. You can’t calmly accept someone else’s success because you don’t believe in your own. You doubt the good intentions of others and think that people would gladly do something nasty to you if they had the opportunity.

How to increase your psychological stability?

Success is also largely determined by whether your own mind supports or demoralizes you. Many do not even realize what role sad, distracting or simply meaningless thoughts that appear in everyone during the day play in their lives. People often think they can't control them. In fact, one of the few things that you can and should control is the direction of your own thoughts. Remember: thoughts are useful if they lead to conclusions, to decisions. Self-critical chewing on the same thing is not only useless, but also harmful.

Can you list ten achievements in your life? If this task takes you more than a minute, then you need to urgently correct it. The more time you need to compile such a list, the less psychological strength you have in order to cope with the pressure of circumstances if necessary.

It is not necessary for your life to be filled with success in order to develop psychological strength. Moreover, periodic problems and stresses help to gain strength and ultimately increase resilience. This is a kind of hardening. Fear of failure causes people with little resistance to avoid situations in which failure is possible, but they have no chance of success. Do what you're afraid to do and think you can't - start small and build up.

The ability to find something positive even in the most difficult life situation is the main property of a person with strong psychological resistance. Western researchers have found that among people who survived serious traumatic events (tornadoes, plane crashes, mass shootings), some recovered psychological balance surprisingly quickly. It turns out that as a result of the disaster, they realized that they had received some positive experience, for example, a collision with death made them more attentive to their family.

An important element of "hardening" is the ability not to take a single failure for one's own global worthlessness. Psychologically weak people can hardly appreciate their mistakes, since any failure has a devastating effect on their self-esteem. Therefore, they never learn useful lessons.

Psychologists have found that psychologically strong people approach their miscalculations in a completely different way. They know how not to deny the existence of mistakes and do not try to forget them. It's not that easy. The natural reaction to mistakes is anger and embarrassment; It takes a lot of work to overcome them.

When people need to cope with a serious psychological trauma, it is easier for residents of small settlements than for those who live in metropolitan areas. Social support in one's own environment is an important factor in developing psychological strength. In other words, being mentally strong does not mean being arrogant or inaccessible to others. On the contrary, strength implies trust in friends and the ability to discuss personal problems.

Suppressing the feeling of one's own vulnerability, hiding one's own mistakes and problems is an attempt to avoid the stress that is inevitable when confronted with one's own weakness. Mentally strong people face stress with their visor up rather than running from it.

Look for people who are struggling with similar situations, share your fears with them, ask for advice. The best advisers in a stressful situation are people who have already experienced it. Build relationships with those who believe in tomorrow and are not afraid of challenges. Avoid people who are looking for easy ways in life - this is not an example to follow, and you will not get support from such people.

Systematic unloading of the nervous system is another way to increase your psychological stability. Constant pressure and doing something not quite loved (which, by the way, is a striking feature of the work of many people) have an extremely negative effect on the human psyche. From this, he becomes irritable, nervous, constantly tired. Only a good rest can affect this. You need to regularly make time for doing things you love, traveling out of town, relaxing reading books, in general, doing everything that you really want to do. Or you can do nothing at all - just relax and relieve stress.

Psychological stability is very well affected by the upbringing of a person in himself with a philosophical attitude to life. The mental health of a person is closely interconnected with such qualities of his personality as humor, positive thinking, the ability to laugh at himself, and self-criticism. Only if a person can look at the events taking place and at himself without undue seriousness, not considering himself the “center of the Universe” and those to whom life or someone else owes something, only then everything that happens will not seem so painful and will stop constantly hit for life.

Another effective method for the formation of psychological stability is a positive image of oneself. This means that a person must cultivate a positive attitude towards his personality, accept himself as he is, be a positive and positive character for himself. But you need to be careful not to cross the line that leads to self-pity and the perception of the world from the position of the victim, otherwise the psychological instability will only worsen.

In close proximity to a positive image of oneself is the inner integrity of a person. This question is worthy of writing a separate book, but, in short, a person must, firstly, live in harmony with himself, his principles, beliefs and worldview. Secondly, he should do what he likes: work, sports, recreation, communication - everything should be in maximum accordance with the vision of a person. Thirdly, he must strive for self-development and spiritual self-improvement, because. this has a direct constructive impact on both the personality of a person and his life.

Sources and Additional Information:

1. Suddenly, at the most interesting point of the TV show, the TV breaks down. How will you do it?

I will launch something into it, it will not be worse anyway - 3;
look for the phone number of the workshop - 1;
I'll try to fix the damage myself - 2.

2. Can you name three books that you intend to read in the near future?

yes - 2;
no - 3;
I don't know exactly 1.

3. Do you have a hobby?

Yes 1;
I just prefer to relax at home or go somewhere to have fun - 2;
I don't have time for any nonsense - 3.

4. Do you like outdoor activities?

no, I prefer to contemplate nature in pictures - 3;
I use every opportunity to get to some pleasant place, at least to the nearest park - 1;
yes, but only if it does not involve undue difficulty. “The smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain” - 2.

5. You have a free minute. What is your reaction?

I enjoy delightful doing nothing - 2;
I go where I have long dreamed of getting out, but things got in the way - 1;
I can’t find a place for myself, I feel some kind of strange discomfort because there is suddenly nothing to do - 3.

6. Day off. You can go somewhere. They promised to call you, but the call has been delayed for twenty minutes. What are you doing?

I wait and at the same time do something so that time is not wasted (for example, I clean the apartment) - 1;
angry at my disorganized friends - 3;
I sit down in front of the TV and, without waiting for a call, I can spend several hours in front - 2.

7. What is your favorite game?

checkers, chess, backgammon and similar board games - 2;
cards, slot machines, sweepstakes, lottery - 3;
none of the above strings in the soul touches - 1.

8. Is it a problem for you - how to fill your free time?

I have so many different interests that it's hard to choose what to do right now - 1;
I hate to mess around. Better still work - 2;
it doesn't concern anyone. What I want, I do - 3.

9. A stranger (in line, on public transport, etc.) has been rude to you. What is your reaction?

I will answer him (her) in the same style - 3;
I will keep silent, but inside I will “boil” - 2;
I will immediately put this incident out of my head - 1.

10. At the checkout, you were shortchanged for a small amount. What will you do?

“I will rush into battle”, defending my interests - 2;
politely demand to bring the authorities - 3;
I wave my hand and leave. After all, the cashier is also a person - 1.


From 10 to 14 points:

Your nerves are fine. You can successfully control your emotions, occasional stresses do not throw you off balance. Just in case, check yourself in a week.

From 15 to 25 points:

Your resistance to stress occurs with varying degrees of success. You try not to let yourself suffer in vain because of everyday conflicts, but still, from time to time, some kind of unfortunate accident makes you worry and conflict. Often find an excuse to relax and change activities.

From 26 to 30 points:

Life for you is a battlefield, and battles are serious. But still, front-line soldiers sometimes rest. Your body may be strong, but hardly “iron”. It would be good for you to learn to step back from life's dramas, not to take them to heart, while maintaining a sober attitude towards reality.

Different people react differently to stressful situations. Naturally, the ability to easily endure stress and not to wag the nerves of yourself and those around you over trifles is a very valuable quality. Otherwise, any trifle can turn your life into hell. But, of course, you should not go too far, becoming like a stone statue, motionless in the midst of storms. It is better to remain a living person, but at the same time not to be a “candle in the wind”. And how is it with you? Try to assess your own emotional stability.

  1. Suddenly, at the most interesting point of the TV show, the TV breaks down. How will you do it?
    • I’ll throw something into it, it won’t get any worse anyway - 3;
    • look for the phone number of the workshop - 1;
    • I will try to fix the damage on my own - 2.
  2. Can you name three books that you intend to read in the near future?
    • yes - 2;
    • no - 3;
    • I don't know exactly 1.
  3. Do you have any hobbies?
    • Yes 1;
    • I just prefer to relax at home or go somewhere to have fun - 2;
    • I don't have time for any nonsense - 3.
  4. Do you like outings in nature?
    • no, I prefer to contemplate nature in pictures - 3;
    • I use every opportunity to get to some pleasant place, at least to the nearest park - 1;
    • yes, but only if it does not involve undue difficulty. “The smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain” - 2.
  5. You have a free minute. What is your reaction?
    • I enjoy delightful doing nothing - 2;
    • I go where I have long dreamed of getting out, but things got in the way - 1;
    • I can’t find a place for myself, I feel some kind of strange discomfort because there is suddenly nothing to do - 3.
  6. Day off. You can go somewhere. They promised to call you, but the call has been delayed for twenty minutes. What are you doing?
    • I wait and at the same time do something so that time is not wasted (for example, I clean the apartment) - 1;
    • angry at my disorganized friends - 3;
    • I sit down in front of the TV and, without waiting for a call, I can spend several hours in front - 2.
  7. What is your favorite game?
    • checkers, chess, backgammon and similar board games - 2;
    • cards, slot machines, sweepstakes, lottery - 3;
    • none of the above strings in the soul touches - 1.
  8. Is it a problem for you - how to fill your free time?
    • I have so many different interests that it is difficult to choose what to do right now - 1;
    • I hate to mess around. Better to work more - 2;
    • it doesn't concern anyone. What I want, I do - 3.
  9. A stranger (in line, on public transport, etc.) has been rude to you. What is your reaction?
    • I will answer him (her) in the same style - 3;
    • I will keep silent, but inside I will “boil” - 2;
    • I will immediately put this incident out of my head - 1.
  10. At the checkout you were shortchanged for a small amount. What will you do?
    • “I will rush into battle”, defending my interests - 2;
    • I politely demand to bring the authorities - 3;
    • I wave my hand and leave. After all, the cashier is also a person - 1.

From 10 to 14 points:
Your nerves are fine. You can successfully control your emotions, occasional stresses do not throw you off balance. Just in case, check yourself in a week.

From 15 to 25 points:
Your resistance to stress occurs with varying degrees of success. You try not to let yourself suffer in vain because of everyday conflicts, but still, from time to time, some kind of unfortunate accident makes you worry and conflict. Often find an excuse to relax and change activities.

From 26 to 30 points:
Life for you is a battlefield, and battles are serious. But still, front-line soldiers sometimes rest. Your body may be strong, but hardly “iron”. It would be good for you to learn to step back from life's dramas, not to take them to heart, while maintaining a sober attitude towards reality.

I would appreciate everyone's assistance

Of the 57 questions, 24 are aimed at identifying the degree of introversion or extroversion of a person. Both of these concepts were introduced by the Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung. There are practically no "pure" extroverts and introverts, but we all occupy a position closer to one or another pole in this range. Another 24 questions reveal emotional instability or, on the contrary, stability, balance. Finally, the test includes 9 questions that allow you to assess how sincerely you answered it.

  1. extraversionintroversion characterizes the main individual orientation of a person, either inward (introvert), or on the world around and external events (extrovert). Extroverts are sociable, mobile, impulsive, emotional, risk-averse people. Introverts, on the other hand, are more withdrawn, calm, prone to introspection, not very sociable, cautious and pedantic.
  2. neuroticism emotional stability characterizes indicators of stability or instability of the nervous system. People who score high on the neuroticism scale are very sensitive to failures and problems that arise, tend to get upset over trifles, are prone to sudden mood swings, anxious and extremely sensitive to everything that happens to them. Emotionally stable people, on the contrary, are not inclined to worry about trifles, easily restrain their emotions and control their own emotional state, adapt perfectly to changed situations.

That's basically all the introductory help. Now you need a piece of paper, some kind of writing tool and a little time that you could just as well spend watching videos. But before proceeding with the test, I recommend writing on a piece of paper your guess: what type of personality do you classify yourself as, without looking, so to speak, at the swing. You, for sure, should know at least something about what traits are inherent in certain types of personality. names: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic. There is no need to look at the definitions, they are below, now just write down your guess. It is possible that you write down two options - this is not forbidden, and after passing the test you can check the answer with what you wrote down earlier.

When answering questions, it is better for convenience to put \"yes \" next to them in case of a positive answer and \"no\" in case of a negative one.
Let's get started

  1. Do you often feel cravings for new experiences, to "shake yourself up", to experience excitement?
  2. Do you often need friends who understand you, who can encourage or console you?
  3. Are you a careless person?
  4. Don't you find it very difficult for you to answer "no"?
  5. Do you think before you do something?
  6. If you promise to do something, do you always keep your promises (regardless of whether it is convenient for you or not)?
  7. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?
  8. Do you usually act and speak quickly without thinking?
  9. Do you often feel like an unhappy person for no good reason?
  10. Would you do almost anything for a dare?
  11. Do you feel shy and embarrassed when you want to start a conversation with a pretty person of the opposite sex?
  12. Do you sometimes lose your temper, get angry?
  13. Do you often act under the influence of a momentary mood?
  14. Do you often feel anxious because you have done or said something that you shouldn't have done or said?
  15. Do you usually prefer books to meeting people?
  16. Is it easy to offend you?
  17. Do you like to be in companies often?
  18. Do you have thoughts that you would like to hide from others?
  19. Is it true that sometimes you are full of energy, so that everything burns in your hands, and sometimes you are completely lethargic?
  20. Do you prefer to have smaller friends, but especially those close to you?
  21. How often do you dream?
  22. When they yell at you, do you respond in kind?
  23. Do you often feel guilty?
  24. Are all your habits good and desirable?
  25. Are you able to give free rein to your feelings and have fun in the company with might and main?
  26. Do you consider yourself an excitable and sensitive person?
  27. Do they consider you a lively and cheerful person?
  28. Do you often feel like you could have done better after doing something important?
  29. Are you more silent when you are in the company of other people?
  30. Do you gossip sometimes?
  31. Does it happen that you can not sleep due to the fact that different thoughts climb into your head?
  32. If you want to know about something, would you rather read it in a book than ask?
  33. Do you have a strong heartbeat?
  34. Do you like work that requires constant attention from you?
  35. Do you have seizures?
  36. Would you always pay for baggage on transport if you were not afraid of checking?
  37. Do you find it unpleasant to be in a society where they make fun of each other?
  38. Are you irritable?
  39. Do you like work that requires quick action?
  40. Are you worried about some unpleasant events that might happen?
  41. Do you walk slowly and leisurely?
  42. Have you ever been late for a date or work?
  43. Do you often have nightmares?
  44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you never miss an opportunity to talk with a stranger?
  45. Do you suffer from any pain?
  46. Would you feel very unhappy if you were deprived of wide contact with people for a long time?
  47. Can you call yourself a nervous person?
  48. Are there people among your acquaintances that you clearly do not like?
  49. Can you say that you are a very confident person?
  50. Are you easily offended when people point out your mistakes at work or your personal failures?
  51. Do you find it hard to really enjoy a party?
  52. Are you bothered by the feeling that you are somehow inferior to others?
  53. Is it easy for you to spice up a rather boring company?
  54. Do you sometimes talk about things you don't understand?
  55. Are you worried about your health?
  56. Do you like to play pranks on others?
  57. Do you suffer from insomnia?

Material Handling:

For each indicator, we calculate the sum of points (if the answer matches the one indicated in the "key" (below), it is assigned one point. If it does not match, nothing is assigned).

First, we check how you answered the questions that were an indicator of your sincerity:


  • Yes - 6, 24, 36.
  • No - 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

If in sincerity you typed:


  • Yes - 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.
  • No - 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51.


  • Yes - 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57.

Result interpretation:

Draw two axes intersecting in the center (as in the figure). 24 divisions on each.

  • The vertical axis is \"emotional stability scale\"
  • Horizontal axis - "extroversion scale"

Each scale from 1 to 24 intersect at point 12. Mark your performance on the axes. Find the point of intersection. The point can lie on the axis if one of the scales is equal to 12. The result you got is your predominant temperament type. On the extraversion scale, you can see the type of personality orientation: extrovert or introvert.

Let me remind you:

  • extroverts - these are individuals who, due to the organization of their nervous processes, are turned outward, requiring constant stimulation from the external environment. They are characterized by a craving for new experiences, such people need company; they are characterized by relaxed behavior, they are sociable, carefree, talkative and at the same time impulsive, sometimes even aggressive. Their feelings and emotions are not always controllable.
  • introverts turned inward. They do not need significant external stimulation, and this property forms the specifics of the behavior of such a person. He is uncommunicative, he has few friends, but he is devoted to them for a long time. An introvert avoids noisy companies, is slow, serious, plans his actions and deeds, controls emotions quite well.

\"Pure\" extroverts and introverts practically do not exist ,but we all occupy a position closer to one or another pole in this range.Plus, remember that there is no bad type of temperament !!!

Now you can see the second picture, which shows what qualities this or that type of personality is characterized by,

  • If the intersection point is in the upper right corner, you are an unstable choleric extrovert.
  • If on the right below - a stable (emotionally stable) sanguine extrovert.
  • Top left - unstable melancholic introvert.
  • Bottom left - a stable phlegmatic introvert.

And the characteristic qualities for your type are given.

Test results:

Melancholic (weakness and excitation and inhibition) - easily upset, anxious, inclined to talk about the case and not on the case, pessimistic, rather reserved, uncommunicative, quiet in behavior, painfully reacts to the statements of others concerning him, easily falls into a state of melancholy, fear, sadness. He is rather suspicious, the new environment frightens him and he is lost, he considers life in black colors.

Choleric (the predominance of the process of excitation over inhibition) - strong, unbalanced, mobile, unrestrained, sensitive, restless, rather aggressive, excitable, unstable, optimistic, trying to take the initiative in his own hands, active, fighting type, provocative, easily and quickly irritated, cyclical behavior and experiences. Making big plans. The will is impulsive, often irritated, not restrained in words and actions, quick-tempered and straightforward.

Phlegmatic (predominance of inhibition) - Passive, prudent, judicious, benevolent, peaceful, well managed, inspiring confidence, reliable and calm. High efficiency, patience, when communicating, he is always equal with other people, is tolerant of their weaknesses, does not like idle / empty chatter, it is difficult to make him laugh and anger, outwardly he seems calm even with very serious troubles and problems, he practically does not express feelings outwardly.

Sanguine (mobility of processes and excitation and inhibition) - sociable, contact, sociable, talkative, laid-back in behavior, cheerful, not prone to anxiety, strive to take a dominant position. High adaptability to environmental conditions, speaks quickly, movements are fast, can switch attention well from one object to another, manages his mood well, is optimistic, his inner state of mind is written on his face.

That's actually all
.I would be grateful if you share the results of the test and mark your result in the survey and whether it coincided with your initial assumption, and then we will all see the overall statistics of the results together.I think it also turned out to be useful to you, although maybe someone has passed it before. Yes, and in principle, thank you for taking part in testing, if, of course, they accepted, or at least read it all, since you are reading this.